MISAO - 2017 “Pedagogical education teacher (teacher) of fine arts”
MISAO - 2016 “Pedagogical education teacher (teacher) of economics
MGUESI - 2012 Ph.D. (A monograph on the topic of the dissertation has been published)
MGUESI (MESI) – 2006 Specialty: “Jurisprudence”
Moscow Banking Institute (MBI) - 2007 Specialty: “Finance and Credit”
2008 Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Moscow Government under the program “Organization and holding of tenders for placing orders for state and municipal needs”, etc.
2007 “Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow under the program “Features of municipal financial management”
2003–2004 "GASIS" State Academy professional retraining and advanced training for managers and specialists under the program " Accounting and audit"
1995–97 “Moscow Financial College of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation” Specialty: “Finance” with a specialization in “Taxes and Taxation”

Scientific activities

I have more than 50 publications, incl. in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, Scopus - 2 and Web of Science - 1 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 37 publications were posted in the RSCI, 4 published and used in teaching practice teaching aids, the author's courses have been developed and taught, in addition, the arsenal includes the development of 12 teaching aids for writing coursework and test activities 37 curricula, 22 FOS, teaching materials have been issued, there is experience in participating in scientific and international and foreign conferences, 4 Monographs have been published, including 3 foreign ones, the total Hirsch is 8, the core is 4. New courses have been developed: “Management audit”; “TRIS, RIS, ARIS (theory and methodology for solving non-standard problems); “Identification of manipulations with financial statements (RAS) during the transition to (IFRS).” In 2017, she entered the TOP 300 best teachers. Plans: – passing the exam and receiving International Certificates: DipNRF, DipIfr, PM-standart.

Other achievements of the applicant

2017 – speaker in Federal program State Budgetary Institution for support of small and medium-sized businesses (legal and tax issues);
2017 – Internal grant from REU on the topic “Development of a mechanism for supporting enterprises” agriculture, including farms, in conditions of financial instability, through the use of innovative financing instruments" from the funds of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "REU im. G.V. Plekhanov";
2015-2017 Participation in the Unified Training Program for Arbitration Managers: the task is to prepare specialists for work based on standards professional activity anti-crisis managers; Conducting master classes and participation in a 2-day program for future applicants at School 1179 “Franchising as a driving force of the economy”; “Accounting as the basis of financial literacy in modern Russia”;
2015 Grant from the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation - training of regional employees according to the program: financial literacy; manipulation of financial statements; assessment of borrowers' creditworthiness legal entities;
2014 Participation in the “Kinder-MBA” business administration program under the “ Financial literacy"under the auspices of the Financial Academy and Moscow State University.
2011-2013 NPO EAOI, MGUESI participation in professional development projects under the programs:
- “Specialist in state and municipal management”;
- “Master of Public Administration”;
- “Anti-crisis management”;
- “Accounting and auditing”.

Qualification - economist

Accounting specialists are always in demand in the labor market. By choosing this specialty, you will receive good professional training in the field of financial and management accounting, financial reporting, economic analysis, taxation, you will know international standards financial reporting and auditing, master the skills of working with modern computer accounting programs. After completing your studies, you will be able to work as chief accountants, financial analysts, and engage in auditing and consulting activities at enterprises and organizations in all sectors of the economy.

The main task of accounting and applied computer science is to prepare a competent and competitive specialist. Training is conducted according to curricula developed on the basis of state educational standards for higher professional education.

The high scientific, theoretical and practical potential of the teaching staff ensures the modern quality of specialist training, which has been repeatedly confirmed by the ratings of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as by international organizations. Much attention is paid to developing students' analytical work and creative thinking skills. The institute has all the conditions for student research work, access to modern information resources, including electronic ones, is provided. During the training process, students undergo industrial and pre-diploma internships, conduct scientific research, write coursework and thesis, participate in regional, all-Russian and international scientific and student conferences. All this allows graduates to quickly and successfully adapt to the changing requirements of professional activity. Those wishing to continue their studies enter graduate school in the specialty “Accounting and Statistics”. The results of research work are monographs, interdepartmental collections, publication of articles in scientific journals, defense of dissertations for the competition scientific degree candidate and doctor of economic sciences.

Active at the institute extracurricular life. Our students participate in student creative groups, dance, sing, and participate in university sporting events.

The development of the world economy and the economy of each state separately generates demand for certain specialties. which are rapidly gaining momentum in our country, have made training in accounting, analysis and audit very popular. But today higher demands are placed on this profession. Let's take a closer look at this specialty.

Accounting, analysis and audit are the most important areas of work for any enterprise or any company. The demand for high-level specialists is huge. Therefore, professionals in this field can find employment in almost any field. But they must know accounting, analysis and auditing in accordance with the latest trends in this activity.

Higher education institutions prepare specialists with a basic set of knowledge in many areas of market and economic relations. This applies primarily to the field of accounting. Proper conduct of the enterprise’s activities, in accordance with established standards, accounting for the assets of an enterprise, obligations to other participants in market relations, capital investments and much more, is an important aspect of training.

In addition, a specialist in this field must be able to analyze the state of the financial part of the company and the results of work and predict it further development. Training students in the field of accounting, analysis and audit implies knowledge in the field of auditing, both within the enterprise and outside it.

The most important part of the work of any enterprise is They imply not only cash, but also credit relations with other organizations. This issue is considered in the process of training a specialist broadly enough to reveal all the nuances of this area.

Market relations concern everyone. Their rapid development requires knowledge in the field of management, marketing and other areas. Therefore, when training specialists in the field of accounting, analysis and audit, these new directions in economics are studied quite widely.

Graduates educational institutions at various levels in this area are engaged in accounting and analytical work. Also, the knowledge gained during the entire training allows you to work in the field of control and audit services and auditing.

This profession is in demand in the field of consulting, in organizational and managerial positions and in normative and methodological work.

In any case, the work is associated with cash, various assets, income and expenses, as well as the results of the operation of the facility.

Due to the high demands in the field of accounting, analysis and audit, a specialist must have a thorough understanding of market relations, both within a particular state and in the world. He must know the structure of the world and Russian economy, understand the processes that take place there. The most important requirement is knowledge of the accounting system and business management.

We can say that today high demands are placed on graduates of the accounting, analysis and audit course. The specialty requires skills in all areas of economics and market relations. Only in this case can you find and achieve great success in this area.

Can apply his knowledge working in any credit institution, bank, treasury and off-budget funds, in an audit company, control and audit service, accounting departments of any enterprise.

The profession is in great demand at the moment, but you need to become a good specialist in your field who has all the necessary knowledge and skills.

Professional retraining in the direction of “Accounting and Auditing” is an additional vocational education in the form of training people in a new specialty on the basis of higher or secondary vocational education.

Purpose professional retraining is to provide students with additional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a new type of professional activity in the field of accounting and auditing. This form of training was developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as convenient, inexpensive and fast way get a second education and master a new specialty. This this form training compares favorably with a second higher education, which lasts several years, is much more expensive and is rich in general subjects.

The program was developed taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Accountant”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 No. 1061n (registration No. 309).

Program features:

  • lack of general education subjects;
  • only special disciplines necessary for professional activities;
  • maximum emphasis on practice;
  • highly qualified practicing teachers;
  • evening course, allowing you to study without interrupting your work.
  • Lesson mode Evening courses (2-3 times a week on weekdays from 18:30 to 21:00)
  • start date September 24, 2019, March 24, 2020
  • Issued document Diploma of professional retraining
  • Implementing division
  • Direction of training ,
  • Class location Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 33, bldg. 4 (metro station New Cheryomushki)


Documents for admission

Original and copy of passport or document replacing it

Original and copy of a document on education and qualifications or a certificate of training for persons receiving higher education

Original and copy of the document on changing the last name, first name, patronymic (if necessary)

2 photos (3x4)

  • Economics of organizations (enterprises)(Features of the functioning of an enterprise in a market economy. Principles of commercial accounting. Economic relations of an enterprise. An enterprise in a competitive environment. Organization of the use of labor resources and capital of the organization. Production costs. Efficiency of the enterprise and other issues).
  • Legal regulation entrepreneurial activity (Features of the legal status of business entities. Organizational and legal forms of legal entities. Property basis of entrepreneurial activity. Legal means of carrying out business activities. Protection of the rights of business entities and other issues).
  • Accounting financial accounting (Fundamentals and principles of accounting. Regulatory regulation of accounting. Organization of accounting. Chart of accounts. Primary accounting. Accounting policy. Accounting for fixed assets. Accounting for inventories. Accounting intangible assets. Accounting cash. Cash and non-cash payments. The procedure for conducting cash transactions. Accounting for settlements with personnel. Accounting for calculations for vacations, temporary disability benefits. Accounting for settlements on loans and borrowings. Accounting for settlements with various debtors and creditors. Accounting financial investments. Accounting for production costs. Accounting finished products. Own capital accounting. Composition of the organization's expenses by common types activities. Composition of production costs. Accounting for financial results and other issues).
  • Management Accounting(Organization of management accounting. Use of management accounting when making management decisions. System of cost accounting and calculation of the cost of products (works, services). Planning and budgeting and other issues).
  • Accounting (financial) statements(The concept of accounting (financial) reporting. Composition accounting statements. Structure of the Balance Sheet and Report financial results. Drawing up and analysis of the forms “Balance Sheet” and “Statement of Financial Results” and other issues).
  • Taxes and taxation(The system of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation. The main elements of taxation and their characteristics. Tax obligation and its execution. Rights and obligations of taxpayers and tax authorities. Tax control. Tax offenses and liability for their commission. Tax return. The procedure for calculating the main taxes: value added tax, corporate income tax, income tax individuals, corporate property tax, insurance premiums. Special tax regimes: simplified taxation system. Organization tax accounting and other questions. Drawing up reporting forms for VAT, income tax, personal income tax, insurance premiums and corporate property tax and other issues).
  • Analysis of economic activities(Economic analysis in organization management. Methodology of economic analysis. Factors and indicators financial condition organizations. Analysis of financial results. Return on assets analysis. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of economic activities and other issues).
  • Audit (Audit in the financial control system of the Russian Federation. Regulatory regulation of auditing activities. Types of audit services. Preparatory stage audit. Interaction between the management and personnel of the economic entity being audited and the auditors during the audit. Materiality in the audit. Audit report - the final document of the audit and other issues).
  • Analysis financial statements (The concept and content of financial statement analysis. Analysis balance sheet and explanations for it. Analysis of the statement of financial results and explanations thereto. Analysis of the financial position of the enterprise. Analysis of the cash flow statement. Features of the analysis of segmental reporting. Features of the analysis of consolidated statements. Formation of a financial model of an enterprise and other issues).
  • Financial management(The essence, functions and tasks of financial management. Basic concepts of financial management. Sources of funds and methods of financing the organization. Financial resources and the price of capital. Working capital management. Management non-current assets. Evaluation of real investments. Securities and portfolio management securities. Enterprise cost management. Financial planning and forecasting. Financial risks. Methods for assessing financial assets. Specific aspects and features of financial management in business entities different forms ownership and organizational and legal forms and other issues).
  • Workshop on the program "1C: Accounting"

The invariably in-demand specialty of “accounting, analysis and audit,” which can be studied at home at Synergy University, has not lost its attractiveness for decades. And if previously students who wanted to master it were forced to attend lectures and seminars every day, today new opportunities have emerged that distance education provides to obtain a prestigious diploma.

Are you attracted by the prospects for fast and effective career growth? Do you plan to get a job in a reliable, worthy company and show your best sides, achieving recognition as a top-class specialist? Do you want to have a stable income and learn the basics of the profession during your studies? Do you want to acquire a profession that is not afraid of crises or other factors that can leave even the most experienced professional unemployed? Get an education remotely in the specialty “accounting, analysis and audit”, take advantage of all the benefits of online learning!

Online training in accounting, analysis and audit

High-tech distance higher education at Synergy University is a solution for those who are looking for a way not only to obtain a prestigious diploma, but also to achieve professionalism. The training program involves not only mastering current skills and knowledge, but also passing a number of practical classes in financial analysis, management accounting, business planning, analysis and audit. At the same time, modern educational technologies allow you to study at a time when it is convenient for you, and in the place where you prefer to be. At home, in the office or on a trip, at night or during the day, alone or in a circle of like-minded people, you yourself determine all the necessary conditions for the most effective study of the material.

Take the online test at the end of each topic you complete to check your level and get the grade you deserve. Share your success with other university students who are studying online with you. Discuss the lecture with teachers or find out answers to your questions from master classes by invited experts. And if you have any questions about training, contact our consultants for 24/7 assistance. Studying remotely means minimum inconvenience and maximum benefit!

Distance education: accounting, analysis and audit

If you are striving for diversified development, the specialty “accounting, analysis and audit”, chosen for a second higher education remotely, will allow you to expand the scope of your professional application and become a universal specialist. You can easily find a job both in a company and an enterprise, as well as in public services and departments, having received the desired position.

By choosing the specialty “accounting, analysis and auditing”, you can get an online education at Synergy University: here you will find not only a full-fledged diploma and powerful training in the profession, but also opportunities for further professional development!