Step aerobics is a set of dance steps that are designed to help you lose weight and gain an athletic body shape. The best thing about this type of fitness is that it does not require too many equipments and accessories. All you need is a stable bench or step platform, as well as a pair of quality shoes - and you're ready to practice! Step aerobics complexes for weight loss, videos of which you will see below, include wide range exercises ranging from simple ones designed for beginners to intense ones aimed at advanced athletes.

What are the contraindications for doing step aerobics?

Step aerobics for lovers of active sports

Step aerobics is a newer version and technique of aerobics, the main difference is that in step aerobics the exercises are performed in a horizontal position rhythmically. In step aerobics, it is important to pay attention to your posture and how you step. The body and shoulders should be straight. The knee should never bend more than 90 degrees(that is, you need to keep your knee at a right angle), and it’s better at least 60 degrees.

Step-aerobic is quite popular: many people prefer “stepped” classes to regular aerobics. However, if you have knee or ankle problems, step aerobics may not be the best choice for exercise due to the constant stress on your lower extremities.

Benefits of step aerobics

  • Step aerobics is effective for losing weight.
  • A set of exercises with low loads and amazing results.
  • Helps burn large number calories.
  • Accelerates the process of weight loss.
  • Tones a lot large muscles in the body.
  • Increases body flexibility over time.
  • Helps improve coordination as well as endurance.
  • This sport can be practiced at home.

Simply achieve sporting success with dance aerobics

Aerobic exercise is an important part of a well-designed workout. Many exercises have been created for endurance training cardiovascular system, Step aerobics is just one type of such training.

Step aerobics gained popularity in the 80s of the 20th century. and it is still one of the popular types of fitness due to intense workouts that allow you to quickly lose weight at home. This type of fitness is effective way not only increase stamina And burn fat, but also improve your mood.

Step aerobics is easy to learn at home. All you need is pair comfortable sneakers, step platform. You can use another elevation, but we recommend that you still pay attention to a professional platform, because... it is stable and not expensive. Using other elevated positions, such as benches, poses a risk of injury.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing step aerobics at home?

What could be better than feeling skinny?!

Burning calories is definitely a positive effect of step aerobics. A study published in the International SportMed Journal examined the effects of step aerobics on obese women who were primarily sedentary. Upon completion, researchers from the University of Aksaray (Türkiye) found that after 2 months of moderate exercise, all women in the group lost an average of 3 kg. When combined with strength training and a healthy diet, step aerobics can be in an efficient way reduction of fat deposits.

How many calories are burned

Step aerobics allows you to effectively burn calories and quickly lose weight with the right approach. If a person weighs 70 kg, then in one intense workout 60 minutes, you can burn up to 605 calories.

How often should you exercise

Adults should exercise at least 30 minutes 5 times a week, subject to exercise of moderate intensity. Or 20 minutes 3 times a week, subject to high-intensity exercise. 150 minutes per week or 60 minutes (high intensity) is the minimum load if you want to lose weight.

What beginners need to know

Remember the basic rules of step aerobics

Like all other forms of fitness, step-aerobic exercise must also be practiced with proper precautions. IN otherwise you may injure yourself.

So here's the checklist:

  • Make sure you wear quality shoes, in which your foot does not slip and your foot does not become deformed.
  • Warm up with a warm-up before starting your workout within 10 minutes, so that your muscles relax and your heart rate increases. We recommend.
  • Place the bench on a completely flat surface and start from the most basic step-aerobic level, gradually increase the intensity.
  • When you take a step, make sure that your foot is fully placed on the step platform.
  • Maintain an even posture throughout your workout. Keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed, and the abdominal muscles are tense to avoid all types of injuries.
  • Drink water regularly, especially before exercise, to prevent dehydration.

Basic step aerobics exercises for weight loss with photos

  • Before the main physical activity You should always do a warm-up to prepare the cardiovascular system, as well as ligaments, joints and muscles. Don't ignore this important element training process.
  • Should be monitored correct position body: back straight, shoulders back, gaze directed straight ahead.
  • Start with a simple step in place, with your feet about 10 centimeters apart. Hands in a natural walking position.
  • Let's devote some time to exercise 5-7 minutes.

  • A familiar element to many beginners, no platform is required.
  • It is necessary to lift one foot off the floor, and then put the other one to it, increasing the pace.
  • Then the rhythm decreases and the variation of the exercise changes.
  • Now you need to try not to lift your foot off the floor, but rather slide it.
  • The arms should also be used, alternating their position from straight to bent at the elbows.

  • Now you can make the exercise a little more complicated by simulating climbing stairs. It is very effective, so it should be among your favorites.
  • You should use a step platform or find any hill.
  • Place one foot on the platform and transfer your entire body weight to it, and then lift and place the other one next to it.
  • Remember to keep your legs and back straight.
  • Choose the maximum possible pace for you, and the result will not keep you waiting long.
  • Don't worry if there are difficulties at first and just be patient.

  • The exercise is of medium intensity, and it would be good to use it to dilute two more active ones in order to avoid severe overwork.
  • Stepping your right foot forward, place left leg to the right toe.
  • After you touch it, begin moving your left leg to the starting position, and then your right.
  • The heel should not sag or become deformed, and the body should remain straight.
  • The leading legs should be alternated, allowing about 3-5 minutes for each.

Psychological aspect. Exercise brings not only physical benefits, but also psychological ones. Researchers from the University of New Orleans Department of Outreach and Outreach healthy image life conducted a study published in the September issue of the Journal sports medicine and physical fitness" for September 1997, in which men and women took part. According to the results of the study, constant step aerobic exercise led to a decrease in depression, fatigue and anger.

  • Start by stepping onto the platform with your right foot, then step onto your left. Your feet will need to be shoulder-width apart.
  • Step off the step from the opposite side and turn 180 degrees. Repeat what you did again.
  • You can step off the platform by jumping, but make sure it's safe.
  • Repeat 10 times.

  • Step onto the platform with your right foot, place your weight on it, and then touch it with your left foot.
  • Next, bring your left leg back, and then your right.
  • You should perform 5 exercises on each leading leg.

  • Stand directly in front of the step platform, feet together, arms bent at the elbows.
  • With your right foot, step onto the platform in the upper right corner.
  • Transfer your body weight to right leg, and place the left one in the lower left corner.
  • Now return to the starting position by doing the exercise in reverse order.
  • Along its trajectory, the movement will outline the letter V.
  • Repeat this for 5 minutes.

Video lessons of step aerobics that can be performed at home for weight loss

Step aerobics is more than just stepping up or down. With a well-chosen step aerobics video program for beginners, you can manage your weight, tone your muscles and even burn up to 10 calories per minute.

Regular exercise will provide cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Inclusion of the upper and lower limbs simultaneously develops coordination and dexterity. Constant exercise will increase leg strength. Plus, you can increase the intensity of your workouts even more by adding weights.

Fat burning leg workout - 12 minutes

This short, explosive workout is an effective combination of cardio and plyometrics (jumping training). Includes a large number of jumps, squats, side lunges aimed at training the buttocks and thighs. If you're a runner, this workout is a great cross-training workout to add more energy to your legs and increase your running speed.

Quick Calorie Burn for Beginners - 20 Minutes

Step-by-step training is intense and strictly time-bound.. At the same time, it is flexible enough to tailor the exercise to suit you if you are a beginner. You can use additional weights in your hands or perform the exercise without using your hands.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – 30 minutes

Full interval training in which you use both cardio and strength training with weights. The class begins with 8 minutes of cardio before moving on to the strength phase. Be sure to warm up and cool down well for this workout.

Cardio and strength training – 40 minutes

This 40 minute workout includes a combination of cardiovascular strength exercises for the upper and lower body. The procedure consists of two different complexes of 10 minutes each, which are repeated twice. That is, only 4 approaches of 10 minutes. Each approach is followed by a short break.

Extreme step

A set of quick aerobic step workouts that you can do at home, combining rhythm and vigorous aerobic exercise. The video shows step aerobics exercises for weight loss at one-minute intervals, which are constantly changing and include jumping, squatting and lunging jumps. Some exercises will require additional weight.

Greetings to readers of the blog about sports and a healthy lifestyle. Today I propose to talk about how step aerobics at home will help you improve your physical fitness, get rid of excess weight and lose weight. Currently, fitness clubs offer a large selection of group classes, which are more often chosen by women than men: yoga, strength training, aerobic, dance programs. It all depends on what result you need.

Each fitness club comes up with exclusive names for its classes to differentiate itself from its competitors, combining foreign terms with familiar names, such as “strength tracking” or “body balance.”

All group lessons can be divided into classes. Strength classes (Body sculpting, Body pump exercises) help you lose weight and shape your figure. Aerobic classes (aerobics, step aerobics, dance exercises) are a fairly intense program that includes exercises that increase the tone of the body muscles, develop plasticity and flexibility.

Class “Reasonable Body” (yoga, Pilates) - development of balance, strengthening of all muscle groups.

Who is the step suitable for?

Step aerobics is good for beginners. In this case, in the fitness club’s class schedule, you need to look for the name “Step aerobics for beginners.”

Step translated from English is step. In this type of fitness, a special step platform is used, and all exercises are based on movements-steps - onto and from the platform.

What you need for classes

The main thing is the step platform. The width is usually 50 centimeters, and the height can be adjusted using special stands. For beginners, it is better not to use stands, as they create additional load, and it is much more difficult to climb onto a high platform. Professionals can increase the height of the step platform to 25–30 centimeters.

As for clothing for step aerobics, it should first of all be comfortable. This can be either a tracksuit or separately selected sports trousers, shorts or breeches with a T-shirt or T-shirt. It is better to choose special sportswear, as it is made of material that is breathable and allows the skin to breathe, which is ideal for training.

As for shoes, the best choice is sneakers with thick soles, since reliable support of the foot is very important for step aerobics.

Advantages and disadvantages of step aerobics

The advantages include:

  • Interesting movements with choreographic elements to rhythmic music.
  • Perfect for beginner athletes.
  • Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on many body systems: respiratory, nervous, muscular, cardiovascular.
  • Almost all muscle groups work.
  • Flexibility, attention, memory develop, coordination of movements improves.
  • The effect of the exercises can be seen after two to three weeks.


  • Not suitable for people with diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, spinal injuries.
  • It is problematic to practice at home, since you definitely need a step platform.

Step aerobics for weight loss

Like any sport, any workout, step aerobics can help you lose weight. overweight. To do this you need to follow some rules. The main thing is correct, of course, proper nutrition. It is imperative to exclude fatty, high-calorie, excessively salty foods, smoked foods, and flour products from your diet. Don't forget about drinking regime– you need to drink at least two liters clean water per day.

Remember about regularity: you need to exercise at least twice a week. This way the body will get used to constant stress and...

It is also very important not to stop during the lesson, even if some movements and elements fail. You need to completely focus on yourself and not pay attention to others. I will conclude here. See you soon.

Step aerobics is a set of aerobic exercises for weight loss. It got its name from the English word “step”, since it is the main movement in all step aerobics exercises. For classes, special platforms called “steps” or “steppers” are used. This nice view aerobics for beginners, you can do it at home, which is certainly a plus.

Aerobics at home for beginners.

Features of step aerobics

Step aerobics is distinguished from other types of aerobics by the following features:

  • Using a special platform during training. If it is impossible to purchase such a platform for some reason, it can be replaced with a low bench measuring 150 by 40. The main thing is that it was stable. Than, therefore, the height is gradually increased.
  • The load on the heart and joints in step aerobics is significant below than when running, while burning the same number of calories in approximately the same time, which contributes to effective weight loss.
  • Step aerobics, like other types of aerobics, is performed to music. Many people note that this significantly improves their mood, and the blues go away along with the kilograms.
  • You can do this type of aerobics at home. This would also be a great option for beginners.
  • Step aerobics not only fights fat, but also lowers cholesterol, improves coordination and endurance.

How to do step aerobics

So, for losing weight at home, step aerobics is an excellent option. What are the basic principles of classes?

  • Trainers recommend exercising twice a week, ranging from ten minutes at a time to an hour-long load.
  • Climbing onto the platform is performed by working the leg muscles, the entire surface of the foot is placed on an elevation, the back is straight.
  • Should you drink before or during training? 1-2 glasses of water.
  • Before training, do a warm-up, and after that, a cool-down consisting of stretching.
  • It is necessary to monitor your well-being, since step aerobics puts a greater strain on the heart, although it is less than when an unprepared person runs. You can’t stop suddenly, you need to slowly slow down until you come to a complete stop.
  • Don’t forget about a balanced diet – it is as essential to losing weight as physical activity.
  • Step aerobics classes have contraindications, in particular, heart disease, joint disease, varicose veins, liver and kidney disease.

These principles are not very complicated, but they are effective. At the same time, they are good for your figure.

How to do step aerobics exercises

In step aerobics exercises, the basic element is the step.

  • Step onto the platform. One leg rises onto the platform, the other is placed. Afterwards, the legs are lowered one by one, and the exercise is repeated on the other leg.
  • Steps to the edge of the platform. First, one leg is placed from the center to the edge of the platform, then it returns to its original position and the other leg is placed to the opposite edge.
  • One leg is on the platform, the other is bent at the knee and rises. After this, the legs change with each other.
  • Step with a turn to the side. Step onto the platform with one foot and place the other one. The second leg is the supporting leg, the first describes an arc and is placed on the floor. A second one is attached to it.
  • Lunges. Stand on the platform, take your leg back and bend forward as much as possible.

Step aerobics for weight loss at home.


To achieve maximum effect, you need to follow the basic principles of training.

The result will be noticeable in a month and a half. Statistics show that it takes about a month of training to lose one kilogram.

But these are only calories expended during training, without taking into account rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general. The result is individual for everyone and depends on various factors.

Many women, working out at home and in a fitness club, ask themselves: is step aerobics effective for losing weight? Time passes, you’ve been working out for several months now, but your weight doesn’t even think about changing.

Let's figure out whether you can lose weight by exercising or how many calories these activities burn and how to quickly get the desired result.

How do we lose weight? Is step aerobics suitable for weight loss?

Step aerobics for weight loss is an ideal choice, provided that the workout lasts more than half an hour and you watch your diet.

In order to answer this question, you must first understand the mechanism of weight loss itself. A person loses weight at the moment when the amount of energy he expends exceeds the amount he receives. This is simple mathematics and the statement is quite obvious.

You spend a lot of energy in class, and we can conclude that any type of aerobics for weight loss is simply ideal. Step aerobics is no exception. But if everything were so simple, thousands of women would not be tormented by the question of why they attend training regularly, but the weight does not come off.

Our body receives energy from food and distributes it for its own needs. What remains “extra” is put aside in reserve. Energy resources for different needs are formed by the body in different forms.

There is a certain reserve of energy that the body always keeps, as they say, “in quick access.” What if you urgently need to climb the stairs to the tenth floor or run a hundred meters.

This energy reserve, which helps quickly mobilize your strength, is stored in the form of carbohydrates (glucose, glycogen) in your muscles. This reserve is enough for 20-30 minutes of intensive work.

When you have spent this resource, but by force of will you force yourself to continue training - nothing can be done, the body has to extract energy from more valuable resources - fats. Accordingly, you begin to lose weight after half an hour of intense step aerobics.

I will not focus on the fact that step aerobics training for weight loss needs to be continued for more than half an hour, since the standard training time in a fitness club is 45-60 minutes. Of course, if you study at home, make sure that you have enough time to fully study.

So, you left the hall, came home and sat down to eat. The body has replenished the spent reserves of carbohydrates. You continue to eat - the reserve of carbohydrates is full, excess energy is stored by the body in the form of adipose tissue. Everything you spent today was immediately restored.

This is where we came across the second reason that is preventing you from losing weight by doing step aerobics. Of course, step aerobics is effective for weight loss, but without an appropriate diet it is unlikely to achieve results. The situation seems kind of hopeless, doesn't it? And how can you understand how many calories you spend during training and how you can build your diet. More on this later.

How many calories does step aerobics burn?

Energy costs are traditionally expressed in kilocalories. Calorie consumption when doing step aerobics depends on your weight (the heavier the body, the more energy is spent on moving it), as well as on the intensity of the activity, age and some other factors.

Well, on average, how many calories does step aerobics burn, you ask? The answer is below.

    • Low-intensity step aerobics. You take steps and do exercises, but at the same time you can talk calmly (breathing does not stop). In this case, step aerobics burns hardly more calories than vigorous walking. That's about 250 calories per hour. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight with aerobics, or you will succeed, but very, very slowly. It’s better to pull yourself together and try to give your best during class.
    • Medium-intensity step aerobics. You try to repeat everything after the trainer, take energetic steps, sometimes jumps, you can say a couple of sentences, but this is already difficult - your breathing becomes difficult. With such exercises, step aerobics for weight loss is much more effective. In an hour you will spend about 350-400 calories.
    • High intensity step aerobics. You fly around the step with great speed, make jumps, add movements with your arms. Congratulations, at this intensity of training you will burn about 500 calories. However, if you exercise actively and regularly, the question “does aerobics help you lose weight?” most likely not in front of you.

Now, knowing how many calories are burned during aerobics and adding your usual daily energy expenditure, calculated in accordance with your lifestyle, age and weight, you can plan your diet and deal with the second factor preventing you from losing weight - excess calorie nutrition.

But be careful. In order for weight to begin to go away, it is enough that the caloric content of daily food taken is 20% less than required, but no more.

In conclusion, I will say that the effectiveness of step aerobics for weight loss is associated not only with energy consumption. Step aerobics classes have a positive effect on metabolism, which is also an important factor in helping you become slim.

for beginners part 1

Step aerobics for beginners: your first step to better shape

Step aerobics is a fitness area based on a set of aerobic exercises performed using a special step (step platform). This direction was developed in 1989 by Gina Miller: having injured her knee, she turned to various techniques joint restoration, but the greatest effect was shown by simple exercises in the form of steps on a milk crate. Subsequently, Miller used these exercises as the basis of a whole complex, which became known as step aerobics.

As a rule, step aerobics classes consist of complexes in the form of various combinations of steps, performed to music at a fairly high tempo. Each lesson lasts from 30 to 50 minutes at a fairly high pace without stopping for rest - transitions to simple steps and the simplest exercises are used for a break. This training regimen leads to effective calorie burning, strengthening joints and overall improvement in health, which became the basis for the high popularity of the new trend.

What are the benefits of step aerobics?

This is a cardio workout combined with gentle variable loads on the joints, which gives a lot of positive effects for the body:

Weight loss by burning calories - over 300 kcal per hour workout;
Correction of the figure by tightening the buttocks, abdomen and other areas;
Targeted treatment of problem areas of the figure, especially the lower body;
Prevention of joint diseases;
Increased endurance and general improvement in the condition of the cardiovascular system, lungs, etc.;
Improved mood.

It is important to note that step aerobics for weight loss is safer compared to some other areas of fitness, since it does not involve impact loads with a change in sign and direction (inherent in running and jumping). It is the reduced load on the joints of the legs and the entire body as a whole that has made step aerobics lessons accessible to a very wide range of people.

In general, step aerobics, steps and various complexes are a highly effective fitness trend that allows you to stay fit and healthy safely and without excessive stress.

Who can do step aerobics?

Step aerobics has a very low “level of entry” - exercises in this area can be mastered even by people who have never been seriously involved in fitness. This is why step aerobics for beginners has remained in demand for three decades. An important advantage of this direction is the ability to study at home - for this it is enough to have a special platform and online video lessons as a visual aid.

However, step aerobics exercises are contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and problems with leg joints. You should also abandon this direction if varicose veins veins, during pregnancy and a period of at least three months after childbirth.

Step aerobics on the site with Konstantin Baev

An online fitness club is launching a series of step aerobics classes for beginners with an incredibly positive trainer Konstantin Baev. More than a dozen unforgettable video lessons await you (the first introductory, introductory and the rest for regular classes), filled with steps, various complexes and exercises that will help you keep fit, strengthen your joints and improve your health. general condition. In his step aerobics classes, Konstantin uses both standard steps and complexes, and combinations of steps with exercises for the upper body (including breathing control). All this will help you achieve the desired result.

Step aerobics at TimeStady with Konstantin Baev is an important step to excellent shape and good mood!

Aerobics on the steppe refers to cardio training, and as we know, cardio helps to train the cardio-respiratory system and burn fat very well. 7.4 Kcal per 1 kg of weight is burned in 1 hour of such a step aerobics workout for beginners at home.

If you have not yet purchased a step platform, be sure to do so soon, as we have scheduled shooting days and will regularly add video lessons to our website. Kostya explains everything in detail and is attentive to learning the ligaments throughout the video lesson. We will start with the very basics - the basic steps in step aerobics. Even if you have never stepped on a step platform, you can easily master these lessons.




Step aerobics at home. Part 1

Lesson 0 - BASE

Available for viewing

Duration: 44 min

Welcome to the very first introductory video lesson on step aerobics!

Lesson 01 - BASE (free)

Available for viewing

Duration: 43 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

Welcome to the second basic introductory video lesson on step aerobics!

In this lesson, you and Konstantin Baev will learn the basic elements - simple steps or marches (Basicstep), steps with touching the platform and touching the floor, V-step, KneeUp (knee lift), "Mambo", step with shin lift, steps with leg abduction aside and others.

A basic lesson will help you get acquainted with the basics of this area of ​​fitness, and even those who have never been involved in this area will get involved!

Please note: a step platform is required from the first lesson, so make sure you purchase it in advance.

Lesson 1 (free)

Available for viewing

Duration: 40 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

In the first online lesson “Step aerobics for beginners” you will again repeat the basic steps you learned earlier, and also try to put them into simple combinations and perform them at the right pace.

Also during the lesson you will learn how to warm up using a step platform, and most importantly, perform exercises with adding arms and simultaneous control of breathing. Get ready: the pace of classes is picking up!

Lesson 2 (free)

Available for viewing

Duration: 50 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

In the second online video lesson on step aerobics, you and coach Konstantin Baev will walk around again, reinforce the basic steps (their implementation should be brought to automaticity) and perform a small and fairly simple combination.

You will see that step aerobics for beginners is not only steps, but also their combinations and combinations with exercises on top part bodies that can be performed in a large space around the step platform.

Lesson 3 ()

Available by subscription

Duration: 47 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

The third step aerobics lesson is a set of exercises and complexes that you can use for your regular workouts.

Here, significant emphasis is placed on cardio exercise, several new combinations of increased complexity are considered, and previously learned exercises are also practiced.

If some movements turn out to be difficult to perform, then simply repeat this lesson several times, and then move on to the next one.

Everything will definitely work out! Don't try to ignore this point, as it gets more difficult later.

And in the first lessons we study the entire base “From simple to complex.”

Lesson 4 ()

Available by subscription

Duration: 47 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

Well!? Another video lesson on step aerobics for regular exercise!

We give almost 50 minutes of good mood.

You will learn several new combinations that include both familiar exercises and new exercises with a step platform, but without the usual steps.

Look at step aerobics in a new way, get the most out of cardio for your health!

Lesson 5

Available by subscription

Duration: 34 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

A short video lesson on step aerobics, in which coach Konstantin Baev will introduce you to a new combination for active exercise.

This combination is shorter than usual, but it has a higher level of complexity (due to several complex connections and a high tempo), which allows you to achieve an effective result in a short time.

Use this lesson for your regular exercise in those situations when you are limited in time, but do not want to slow down - this will help you not to stop on the way to your goal!

Lesson 6

Available by subscription

Duration: 48 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

We present to you a large lesson for regular practice, during which you will learn several new combinations of increased complexity and duration.

As in previous lessons, in this online step aerobics lesson, trainer Konstantin Baev explains and shows in detail the intricacies of performing the exercises, and helps to achieve the desired result effectively and without mistakes.

Be prepared for difficult steps and combinations))

Even our support was confused at some points) We complicate the blocks, increase the load - this is the basis of your health!

Lesson 7

Available by subscription

Duration: 55 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

The seventh online video lesson on step aerobics discusses combinations for regular exercise that you can use in your training program.

Combinations that combine step platform steps, upper body exercises, and breathing exercises are covered here.

Each combination consists of several parts with increasing loads, which ensures high efficiency from their implementation. Exercise with pleasure and benefit for your body!

Lesson 8

Available by subscription

Duration: 51 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

This online video tutorial on step aerobics will introduce you to new combinations and some of the features of this interesting fitness trend.

You will learn that complexes can be “symmetrical” and “asymmetrical”, and learn how to perform “asymmetrical” exercises with benefits for the whole body.

Please note: the effectiveness of the lesson is directly proportional to the mastery of all the basic steps and terminology of step aerobics.

Without knowing the basics of this area, you will not be able to perform the exercises efficiently and will lag behind the trainer - this is the path to a bad mood and a deterioration in your results.

Therefore, if you have not yet completed the first video lessons on step aerobics at home, then turn to them first.

Lesson 9 for experienced ones. Difficult level!

Available by subscription

Duration: 51 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

Video lesson for those with experience. Difficult level!

We recorded this lesson so that you, beginners, can see what results can be achieved, and you and I will definitely reach this level in Step aerobics together with Konstantin.

Well, for experienced practitioners - let's get ready! Turn it on and let's go!!!

Lesson 10

Available by subscription

Duration: 49 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

A new activity means new steps, new connections and new emotions.

In this online lesson on step aerobics, you will continue to study the features of this fitness area, learn to do it with pleasure, fun, without pressure and embarrassment.

This is already the tenth step aerobics lesson on our portal, and we want to hear your opinion about the whole course - do you like it, does it help you achieve the desired results and do you plan to continue doing it?

We are waiting for your feedback and suggestions in the comments!

Lesson 11

Available by subscription

Duration: 57 min
Additional equipment: step platform, water bottle and towel.

We present to your attention another video lesson on step aerobics in the online fitness room “”.

In this class, you will learn several new movements, learn how to maintain a constant pace and rhythm of steps for an hour, and actively exercise for the benefit of your body.

By the way, this lesson, like the several previous ones, is suitable for regular classes - you can turn it on at any time and have fun.

The twelfth video lesson on step aerobics is an excellent opportunity to learn an interesting combination that will help diversify and increase the intensity of your regular exercises.

The combination discussed in the lesson consists of several parts, which include familiar steps in various combinations - regular and double, tap-ups, mambo, cross-steps, knees, marches and “highways”, various turns.

The combination also uses interesting amplitude movements involving the hands. You'll have to step on all four sides of the platform, so make sure you have enough space!

Please note: in order not to lose pace when fatigue appears, continue to walk in place or take light step-up steps - this will help maintain the desired mood and confidently complete the sequence to the end.
The thirteenth online lesson on step aerobics is a continuation of regular classes in an interesting area of ​​fitness that will charge you with strength, health and good mood.

During the lesson you will learn a new sequence using familiar and practiced steps. But you will be surprised how ordinary steps can be transformed in combination with each other and form interesting complexes!

The combination discussed in the video lesson is quite dynamic and tight, so try not to lose pace, constantly walk and not stop for a minute.

Special attention is paid to warming up on a step platform without steps; the warm-up includes various bends, muscle stretching exercises and everything that is necessary for safe fitness training at home.

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