Real death is banished from life modern man, is taboo, and, therefore, due to the initial balance/duality of all life, cosmic processes (inhalation-exhalation, day-night, summer-winter...), - penetrates into our lives in the image of ersatz death, a simulacrum (Baudrillard J, 2000 ). Hence its abundance in modern cinema and fiction - the quantity of ersatz death makes up for the quality of forbidden real death. Due to the “schizophrenia” of modern man, the original balance of the three spheres of his existence is disrupted - “mind” - “feelings” - “bodily sensations and impulses” (Boadella D., 1987, Uspensky P., 1994) with a powerful emphasis/dominance of the “mind” (mind, consciousness, control). (...)

As the dominance of the “mind” continues and rapidly develops in modern man, with a parallel “freezing” of feelings and blocking of bodily impulses, Shakespeare’s “I call death!” sounds more and more relevant. Death acts in its specific function and positive role as an activator of strong (even through fear!) feelings of modern man, a re-integrator of his three spheres.

Thanatotherapy models (does not imitate!) real death through its symbolic representation. Such types of death symbols in thanatotherapy are: total relaxation, sleep, any ending/completion, orgasm, madness, object/material characteristics of the body.

Total relaxation is like death

Only in the first minutes of death the human body relaxes as much as possible, super-control of consciousness leaves the body, and the latter becomes an object/subject. For this reason, many relaxation techniques are considered ideal, i.e. the most relaxed object is used to use the image of the body of a deceased person (compare, “dead person pose” from yoga). The dead body occupies a number of positions important for total relaxation: arms and legs open completely, fall away lower jaw, eyes open slightly.

Sleep is like death

In mythology, the god of sleep is Hypnos, brother of the god of death Thanatos. Likewise, the mechanisms of dreams and thanatotherapy are similar: at the moment of relaxation in a dream, healing unconscious structures are activated, energy is activated, which does not lead to its usual suppression and retention or, conversely, reaction, but allows it to be accepted as fully as possible (“grounded”). This helps to unblock and harmonize it.

Any ending, ending like death

In archaic and a number of modern cultures, any age transition (growing up of boys and girls, changes in hormonal cycles), ups and downs in the status of adults are usually initiated through the model of death, which softens these transitions and eliminates the time gap (Talalazh Ya., Talalazh S., 1998)

Orgasm as a “little death”

Orgasm is traditionally viewed in the East as a “little death.” At the moment of orgasm, a person experiences a colossal power of feeling, and this is a kind of energy explosion (the same as at the moment of formation of the zygote during conception and the same as at the moment of death - during the separation of soul and body). This is only possible due to the loss of control of consciousness, accompanied by the fear of losing one’s own Self/Ego. Only in this case a person is able to let go of powerful bodily impulses (...)

Madness as a type of death

This type of death results from the transition mentally healthy person into a mentally ill person (we say “abnormal”), which represents the death of a past personality (essence, Self, Ego, etc.). This is directly related to the loss of control on the part of consciousness and manifested fear(...)

Objectivity and materiality of the body and its parts

(...) If we lie relaxed on the floor and someone begins to work with individual parts of our body, our entire body and its individual parts are presented with a special situation of interaction, a special context is set, described as subject (the one who works) - object (our body as a whole and its individual parts). But we become an object/subject only after death! Hence the tension that arises in the body and its individual parts. We simply direct our control there! Hence the activity of our body parts at the moment when they begin to work with them. We are incapable of being passive. Passivity is a characteristic of a dead body! (...)
Using models of the types of death listed above, thanatotherapy achieves the main thing: this lack of recognition of real death for a person (client, patient) is the key to the safety of his contact with this reality.

In thanatotherapy, as a means of establishing (or restoring lost) contact with the processes of death and dying, the above-mentioned modeling of death, and its rare type, the so-called, is taken. proper death. This model is based on a model of total relaxation. The body of a person dying a proper death is characterized by a number of specific parameters. His feelings are calm, he is sometimes even joyful. His body relaxes as much as possible; breathing becomes shallow and slow; hands open, turn around and lay palms up; the feet of the feet open and the legs themselves fall apart; the lower jaw falls down; eyes open slightly (...)

Fundamentally important characteristic What distinguishes the body of a client undergoing thanatotherapy from all other means of relaxation is that the limbs and body of a person become cold (...) Relaxation is a “yin” component, characterized exclusively by cold. Hence the difficulty of getting into the center of total relaxation (Yin component) using other technologies: it is impossible to go through the so-called. “cold zone” (fear of death) and it is impossible to feel like an object (object). Thanatotherapy, which is a special technology (a sum of principles, techniques, exercises), allows you to do this.

Thanatotherapy: practical results

Thanatotherapy has a powerful effect, affecting and correcting almost everything psychological problems man speaking effective means relaxation (total relaxation). The use of thanatotherapy by trained specialists makes it possible to provide assistance not only with psychosomatic disorders, but also to obtain significant results in the treatment of many other diseases: spinal osteochondrosis, depression, asthenia, drug addiction, schizophrenia, when working with pain, in preparation for childbirth, and in the treatment of infertility, with working with fears (in particular, fear of death)

You can learn more deeply about the theory and practice of Thanatotherapy in Moscow on March 25-26 at a seminar by the author of the method, Vladimir Baskakov. Details and registration.

Excerpts from the article “Thanatos Therapy” by the famous Vladimir Baskakov - psychologist, author of the thanatotherapy method, coordinator of the International (Russia, Germany, UK) program “Body Culture”, Director of the Institute of Thanatotherapy.


Word thanatotherapy is derived from two roots (Greek “thanatos” - death and “therapia” - care, care, treatment) and can be translated as “death therapy”. The system received this name in connection with the body-oriented method of work, combining the states of maximum immobility and total relaxation characteristic of a dying person.

Purpose of thanatotherapy

The main goal of thanatotherapy is to provide specific assistance in restoring a person’s lost contact with the processes of death and dying. Thanatotherapy operates with a wide range of ideas about various types of death, which include total relaxation, sleep, orgasm, completion/stopping of the process, madness, object characteristics of the body, etc. Thanatotherapy technique offers special techniques for restoring contact with the above types of death and normalizing the corresponding psychophysical human processes.

Thanatotherapy method

Thanatotherapy and body-tuning

The thanatotherapy method is based on natural processes of self-regulation human body. The conditions for their manifestation arise due to the nature of the techniques and special approach in working with the patient (the so-called “body-tuning” - harmonization of unbalanced internal reality, “tuning” the body). Such work with the body leads to the removal of mental stress, maximum immobility and total relaxation of the body (thorough grounding), which creates conditions for a safe meeting and contact with the causes of fear of death. These same conditions contribute to the gradual transformation and integration of the patient’s painful experiences and ideas.

Simulation of “proper death”

As a means of establishing and restoring lost contact with the processes of death and dying, thanatotherapy uses modeling of the so-called. proper death. The basis of this model is total relaxation. The body of a person dying a proper death is characterized by a number of specific parameters. His feelings are calm and he may even experience joy. His body relaxes as much as possible, his breathing becomes shallow and slow, his arms open, turn around and lay palms up, his feet open, and his legs themselves fall apart; the lower jaw relaxes, the eyes open slightly. (Here it is worth noting some similarities with the Shavasana asana (corpse pose) - a pose in classical yoga designed for relaxation, complete rest of the body and normalization of the flow of prana. This pose is recommended in yoga to eliminate anxiety, tension and fatigue. Shavasana allows you to achieve complete rest of the body and mind, since while taking this pose, attention is paid to deep breathing and concentration on it, while tactile sensations are minimized: the body lies free, the jaw and tongue are relaxed, the lips are closed, the eyes are closed, the palms are turned up, the heels are brought together together, breathing is done through movements of the lower abdomen and diaphragm, and the mind is directed only to observing the inhalation and exhalation.)

By following a special thanatotherapeutic regimen during a session, the body achieves energy balance and produces exactly the right amount of energy (the process revitalization), how much it itself absorbs (the process absorption). The body acts as a kind of guarantor of safety and regulator of the balance of processes of activation and absorption of energy. Thus, during the therapy process, the natural mechanisms of the patient’s body are used, and the work of the thanatotherapist is reduced to launching them.

Problematic anatomy

At the basis of all human diseases, thanatotherapy considers four basic problems localized in their corresponding parts of the body (problem anatomy):

  • control/supercontrol by consciousness (head)
  • feelings/contacts (hands, rib cage)
  • strong feelings/sexual relations (groin area)
  • supports (legs)

Corporality in thanatotherapy is considered in the context of opposition/interaction between social and biological bodies. In addition, physicality is expressed in five levels physical bodies: individual and a number of group ones (family, organization, state, civilization). The concept of body tuning in thanatotherapy involves working with four basic problems through the principle of the so-called. body optics. Through subtle bodily work, the therapist changes the orientation of the “mirrors” inside the body, as a result of which it becomes completely grounded, and the control of consciousness retreats and lets go of feelings. Feelings (energy of feelings) trigger the mechanism of absorption (absorption) of energy, and absorption promotes further grounding. The patient’s usual patterns, blocks and defenses become unnecessary and lose their meaning and significance.

Thanatotherapy and burying in the ground

It is worth emphasizing that thanatotherapy and its method have nothing to do with trainings and practices that involve voluntary temporary burying of their participants in the ground.


Thanatotherapy allows you to provide assistance in wide range situations:

  • in working with the dying;
  • when providing assistance to the family of a dying person;
  • for any fears, and above all - fear of death and fear of the difficulties of life;
  • for sleep disorders;
  • to achieve maximum relaxation;
  • when providing assistance to victims in emergency situations;
  • during pregnancy (establishing more complete contact with the biological body and new life in this body - the child);
  • V complex treatment infertility and miscarriage;
  • in case of difficulties in sexual relations;
  • in the complex treatment of sexual disorders;
  • with some mental illness and psychopathy;
  • as a rehabilitation of crisis conditions;
  • V rehabilitation period for any internal diseases and after operations on internal organs and musculoskeletal system;
  • with cerebral palsy, especially the intense form;
  • for a more complete understanding and feeling of oneself;
  • in personal growth groups to experience transpersonal experiences.


  • Arkhangelsk psychiatrists treat with death. “Kurgan and Kurgan people” (Kurgan), No. 60, 06/03/2003, p.5.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Thanatotherapy: theoretical foundations and practical application. M., Institute of General Humanitarian Studies, 2007. ISBN 5-88230-196-3, 978-5-88230-196-4
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Tanatotherapy. Psychotechnical approach. // Sat. Thanatos figures. Philosophical almanac. Fifth special release. St. Petersburg, 1995
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Russian body (towards the formulation of the problem of body-oriented analysis of national character). Psychological consultation. No. 1. 1998. Pp. 13-20.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Body-oriented psychotherapy and psychotechnics: generalization and comparative analysis existing approaches // Sat. Human corporeality: interdisciplinary studies. M., 1991. Pp. 54-61.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Minimal impact in terms of strength and amplitude. Body-oriented psychotherapy. Reader. St. Petersburg, 2000, pp. 264-276.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Thanatotherapy: the art of life and death / Free body / Reader on body-oriented psychotherapy and psychotechnics. - M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2001 - p. 108-125.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Thanatotherapy post-traumatic stress/ Current problems of psychophysiological correction functional state military personnel / Materials of the all-army scientific-practical conference(October 25-26, 2001) - St. Petersburg: FARMIndex LLC, 2001, pp. 372-373.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Thanatotherapy / Encyclopedia of traditional traditional medicine: Directions. Techniques. Practices / Comp. I. M. Mineev. - M.: LLC “AST Publishing House”: “Complicity”, 2002, pp. 537-539.
  • Baskakov V. Yu. Thanatotherapy: theoretical foundations and practical application. M., Institute of Thanatotherapy, 2002. - 90 p.
  • Gazarova E. Madness is like death. Clinical aspects of thanatotherapy: obsessive-phobic disorders. Materials of the IV International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference “The Other Side of Life”, Kharkov, Ukraine, April 22-25, 2004, pp. 11-15.
  • Gazarova E. “Thanatotherapy: deep exhalation.” Popular Psychology, No. 8, 2005, p.72.
  • Gazarova E. E. Thanatotherapy. Materials of the participants of the “2nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Practicing Psychologists”, Moscow, February 9-12, 2006. Ed. Sukmanyuk A. N. - Moscow: 2006, pp. 60-63.
  • Gorobets P. Yu. Models of bodily psychotherapy. NLP Bulletin, issue 2, 2000.- M., KSP+ Publishing House, 2000, p.363.
  • Zamaraeva E. V. Thanatotherapy and transformation of relationships. In: III Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference “Man and Woman. Love, partnership, family,” M., 2003, pp. 300-304.
  • Zamaraeva E. Why learn to die? Materials of the IV International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference “The Other Side of Life”, Kharkov, Ukraine, April 22-25, 2004, pp. 5-11.
  • Insarova N. “THE TALE OF DEATH.” Popular Psychology, No. 8, 2005, pp. 78-79.
  • Karitsky I. N. Theory and practice in psychology. Materials of the participants of the “2nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Practitioner Psychologists”, Moscow, February 9-12, 2006. Edited by A. N. Sukmanyuk - Moscow: 2006, P. 14.
  • Kozlov V.V. Psychotechnologies of altered states of consciousness. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005. p. 379, 479-480.
  • Malkina-Pykh I. G. Psychosomatics: A Handbook of Practical Psychologist. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004, p. 574-578.
  • Malkina-Pykh I. G. Body therapy. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005. - pp. 498-505 (chapter “Tanatotherapy”).
  • Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. Ed. B. D. Karvasarsky. - St. Petersburg, “Peter”, 2002. - (mentioned “Thanatotherapy” in the section “Body-oriented psychotherapy”), p. 886.
  • Sandomirsky M. E. Psychosomatics and bodily psychotherapy: Practical guide- M.: Independent company “Class”, 2005, p. 129, 172, 395, 562.
  • Teacher of death. Dying in Russia should be easy and relaxed. Newspaper “Moskovskaya Pravda”, No. 90 (25388), April 28, 2006, p.4.
  • Body Magic. Energy and Character. The Journal of Biosynthesis. Vol.25 No. 1, April 1994, p.15-17.
  • RABOP Russia Annual International Conference for Body Psychotherapy and Thanatotherapy “Body: between Life and Death”. EABP Newsletter, Spring 2006, page 21.
  • Thanatotherapie nach Wladimir Baskakow. "Korper Geist Seele". Hamburg 4,2004, s.45.
  • La formazione in thanatoterapia e molto diffusa soprattutto all Est. Uni seminario per imparare a morire. Corriere di Siena, Domenica 28, Ottobre 2001.


  • from the publication “Clinical Psychology. Dictionary" from the Yandex.Dictionaries project.
  • E. E. Gazarova. Thanatotherapy: body - life - death // Abstracts of the speech at the PPL conference on October 4, 2008 (GNU FDL license)
  • ANO "Institute of Thanatotherapy"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Thanatotherapy” is in other dictionaries:

    thanatotherapy- parapsychic. honey. death cure (used in the treatment of depression) ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary I. Mostitsky

    Death (death) is an irreversible cessation, cessation of the vital activity of the body. For unicellular living forms, the end of the period of existence of an individual organism can be either death or mitotic cell division. In medicine... ...Wikipedia

Initially, the purpose of thanatotherapy was to help dying people and their relatives. For seriously ill patients, exercises help get rid of the fear of death, accept the course of life as it is, and die peacefully. For relatives, thanatotherapy is a way to cope with loss and understand that death is not as terrible as it seems.

But during the experiments it was revealed that during thanatotherapy the body relaxes so much that biological processes are launched that promote recovery. For those who were not terminally ill, but who had diseases associated with musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract etc., after thanatotherapy an improvement in well-being and a retreat of the disease were noted.

Thanatotherapy also helps people cope with emotional tension, anger, stress, fears and grievances.

How does thanatotherapy work?

A person should be in a state of deep relaxation, including mental relaxation. This state is close to the state of death. To conduct thanatotherapy, the patient takes the shavasana pose from yoga: he lies on his back, his arms lie palms up, not pressing against the body, his legs are spaced shoulder-width apart.

For some time, a person should tense the muscles of the whole body as much as possible and breathe deeply. Afterwards he must achieve their complete relaxation. It is recommended to gradually relax, starting with the limbs. Then start with the muscles of the torso and finish with the muscles of the head.

When the body becomes relaxed, it is necessary to bring the mind into a state of complete peace, the patient must lose control over his consciousness. There are several methods to get rid of the flow of thoughts and help you stop thinking. One of the simplest and most effective is considered to be alienated observation of one’s consciousness. After some time, the flow of thoughts will stop.

When relaxation is achieved, the thanatotherapy specialist performs a series of manipulations. He simultaneously makes several touches on the patient’s body, this is done either with the entire surface of the palm or fist, or with just the fingers. For example, a thanatotherapist may take a patient's foot or arm and twist it. All these actions are performed with minimal force, no bodily harm should be left.

The essence of these manipulations is to influence the emotional sphere of a person through his body. When thanatotherapy is completed, the person must remain motionless for some time. Then move your fingertips and toes slightly. Only then turn over on your side and take a sitting position.

“Thanatotherapy?! Cure by death?? Is that exactly what it’s called?!” When I first heard this name from a friend of mine, she and I laughed together: does anyone really go to such trainings? They are probably “not at all.”

Since then, I managed to go to study at the Faculty of Psychology, attend a bunch of trainings, and it turned out that I was “completely” too. In a word, I voluntarily went to experience on my own skin what this very “thanatotherapy” is.

Reference: “Thanatotherapy is the author’s method within the framework of a body-oriented approach to psychotherapy, including techniques for restoring a person’s contact with various types death and dying, developed by Vladimir Baskakov, president of the Association of Body-Oriented Psychotherapists of Russia (ATOP). Psychotherapy and the thanatotherapy method in particular have nothing in common with various practices of burying, strangulation, intimidation and other pseudoscientific methods of organizing leisure time.” Alexander Buslaev, training leader.

“And those who showed up and didn’t come will die in terrible agony...”

The presenter jokes gloomily from the threshold (Alexander Buslaev is one of three people in Novosibirsk who conducts such trainings). Yeah, jokes. But we, we came! The participants cringe and giggle nervously.

- Death is a natural state,- Alexander continues, - those who try to control this process at irreversible stages die in agony. He says this in such a casual tone, like talking about cold coffee, that it makes you even more uneasy.

Meanwhile, the participants spread their blankets on the floor and sat in a circle right on them. The training is physical, as the organizer warned us in advance. This means that we will spend most of our time lying on the floor.

A.B.: Group work takes place in a cozy classroom with a small number of participants, oriental incense and relaxation music may be used. The entire process of working with the body takes place lying on the floor on comfortable blankets brought with them by the participants, thereby fulfilling the basic principle of body-oriented approaches - “grounding”.

“What does death have to do with your life?...”

The presenter’s question stuns me; is it really possible to answer it right away? “Well... I guess I’m afraid of her.”, - I mumble. What am I even doing here?! Talking about death while sitting on the floor surrounded by strangers somehow it doesn’t feel right, I want to switch my thoughts to something else. Where's my phone?!

But it’s not so easy to switch off - I’m at a thanatotherapy session. The presenter talks about how old people in villages often feel the approach of death in advance, warn all their relatives, slowly prepare and calmly leave. He then explains what the ritual of kissing the dead actually means (are you sure you want to know?!), and then for some reason goes on to detail the Tibetan funeral ritual of feeding the dead to birds of prey.

He probably says this to “stir up” us. And it works! The whole group begins to move: some of the participants share their experience of losing loved ones, others (for example, me) sit silently with bulging eyes and listen to sad and scary stories. The air begins to smell distinctly of death - you can’t tell whether the presenter deliberately lit some incense “for the mood,” or whether his imagination was running wild. But in general, thanatotherapy is not just talk. And we get down to business.

And here we are: a thanatotherapy session is a series of light bodily influences that imitate... terminal stages dying of the body and complete relaxation of the body in the finale. In other words, this is a simulation of the experience of “natural death”.

Well, just like that, right?

“During the training, most likely, none of you will die...”

Alexander encourages, adding: although such a death would be very pleasant.

Another news: everyone will participate in each session - these special touches will be carried out for each “body” by the entire group. Before the “assemblies” (the so-called thanatotherapy sessions) we rehearse each of the participants, we need to remember the touch technique.

Everyone takes turns lying on their backs, arms and legs outstretched, and closing their eyes (star pose). It sounds simple, but in reality you want to immediately open your eyes, jump up, or at least cross your legs and arms.

- This is the real pose of a dead man, - the presenter adds fuel to the fire, - In a dying person, all the muscles relax and the arms and legs fall apart. It is then that they are crossed and tied to give the body a pose known to us.

  1. Overcontrol, when manifestations of spontaneity become impossible.
  2. Problem of contacts (impossibility of organizing productive social relationships).
  3. Problem with sexuality.
  4. Lack of confidence in yourself and the world around you.

The thanatotherapy method is used to solve basic personal problems, as well as in working with dying people and families of dying people, psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders, sleep disorders. Thanatotherapy is focused on updating the natural biological mechanisms of self-regulation of the human body, therefore it is recommended during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses.

In the end I manage to achieve the “star pose”. Now it's time for exercise. Their names are poetic and not at all associated with death: “Theater of Touch”, “Body Homeopathy”, “Body Magic”. Either the participants take turns or simultaneously touch different parts of the body of the person lying down (the areas of the lips, chest and groin are strictly prohibited!), then they very (very, very, very!) slowly begin to rotate their hands, feet and head, then they smoothly pull their arms -legs in different directions, then raise their arms and legs and turn them in different directions...

"Who's first?.."

The rehearsal is over, it’s time to start “assembling”. The bravest (and also very modest, beautiful and kind) participant quickly takes a step forward. I don't like to wait long. Well, that’s it, now there’s nowhere to run, you can’t get away! In confused feelings, I spread my rug in the middle of the hall and plop down on it in that same star pose. Either she was going to the scaffold, or taking a nap after lunch - can you tell?

I close my eyes and try to turn off my head. Let's go! The peculiarity of the assembly and the difference from the “rehearsal” is that the participants do all the exercises together and at once. One pulls your leg, another slowly rotates your hand, the third puts his hand on your chest, and the fourth turns his head.

Very quickly, this sensory vinaigrette begins to lose the sense of reality. Is this my hand? Where is the leg, I definitely had a leg! And why does my head spin around its axis, as if on hinges? Who's touching me all the time?! For some reason I feel very sad and offended, I quietly swallow my tears, and the session continues.

From the still tangible touches of the participants, the arms and legs curl into cords and float through the air on their own. And the body completely disappears somewhere and begins to feel like something separate. Everything becomes bright, different images appear. Yes, I ended up in a cartoon!

I'm floating on air! Some kind of melody is heard, multi-colored warm whirlwinds swirl to the beat of it, and feathers dance. It's me who's fluffy! This is me bathing in the sunshine, flying over the green waves of grass...

- Zhenya!, - someone touches me on the shoulder. I don't want to go back . I am the grass that sways in the wind, a blade of grass that dances in the sunlight. What's it like waking up there?!

- Zhenya!

No, no. I'm grass. Flower. Bylinka! Well, what do you want from me?! Tears begin to roll down my cheeks - I’m roaring again! But I stubbornly don’t open my eyes. Get away from the blade of grass!

- Evgenia? Evgeniya, COME BACK!

Well, okay, okay. Hi all! The thanatotherapy session is over. I did it!

The most amazing thing is that I liked it

I don’t even remember when I’ve ever managed to feel so relaxed and calm. No anxiety, no excitement. That same super-control, which, like an annoying manager, constantly interferes with my life, trying to control almost my breathing, has quieted down.

Have I undergone initiation, have I become more tolerant of death? I have no idea. But progress is obvious: before the training, I couldn’t really say the word “thanatotherapy”, I was stumbling. And now - please - a whole article!

A.B.: Each client represents unique personality conditioned by its unique experience and, bringing this experience into the psychotherapeutic space, presents its individual request. Based on this request, the psychotherapist creates conditions for possible changes, as a result of a therapeutic relationship or using various psychotherapeutic techniques. At the same time, my experience as a practicing psychologist shows that each client always takes from psychotherapy, regardless of the approach, exactly as much as he needs and right now.