Toothbrushes vary in their level of hardness. The softest ones are designated as “very soft”. They are the ones that should be chosen by patients with periodontal disease.

How to properly brush your teeth with periodontal disease?

To prevent periodontal disease and in the presence of disease, brushing your teeth should be done at least twice a day: morning and evening. The cleaning process should last at least 3 minutes. The mistake many people make is that they move toothbrush horizontally along the dentition. This should not be done under any circumstances, since such movements do not remove plaque, but drive it deeper into the tooth crevices.

In order to effectively remove plaque, you need to make vertical movements with the bristles of the brush, from the root of the tooth to its apex.

To clean the gaps between teeth, you need to use dental floss.

To prevent dental disease, dentists also recommend brushing after every meal. In case of periodontal disease, when there is increased bleeding of the gums, you can replace cleaning with rinsing with special solutions. They can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Gum massage for periodontal disease

You can do gum massage yourself. It is advisable to first visit a dentist who will show you how to perform this procedure correctly. Daily gum massage is useful not only for periodontal disease, but also for healthy patients, in order to prevent gum disease.

Effects achieved during gum massage:

  • improving blood circulation in the gums

  • improved nutrition of gums, periodontium, alveolar processes and teeth

  • reflex effect: in the mucous membrane of the gums there are nerve endings, when pressed, the condition improves internal organs and systems (by analogy with acupuncture points on the soles of the feet).

Gum massage technique for periodontal disease

Finger massage is carried out with the index and thumb, which wrap around the gum on both sides.

Apply light pressure and the following types of movements:

The fingers are moved so that all areas of the gum are massaged. Gum massage should be done at least once a day, preferably before bed, when all hygiene procedures have been completed.

During the massage, you can use toothpastes containing biologically active substances, folk remedies(for example, honey with salt).

Massaging has beneficial effect not only for periodontal disease, but also for other gum diseases. It is useful for preventive purposes even in absolutely healthy people.

Conservative treatment of periodontal disease

Boosting immunity

According to statistics, periodontal disease most often develops in people with reduced immunity. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes, biologically active food additives: they strengthen the body in general and help increase immune strength

  • immunostimulants– medications that increase immune strength should be prescribed strictly according to indications by an immunologist

Antibiotics for periodontal disease

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed if periodontal disease is accompanied by acute inflammatory process. Before appointment antibacterial drugs Bacteriological examination may be carried out. It will help identify the causative agents of the disease and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Injections of drugs into the gums

Medicines that are injected into the gums for periodontal disease:

  • quinineurethane, salicylic sodium, ethanol, concentrated glucose solution– drugs that cause scarring and reduction in size of the gums when it is hypertrophy(proliferation)

  • antibiotics – used for periodontal disease complicated by an inflammatory process of infectious origin

  • biogenic stimulants (the most common is aloe extract) – substances that stimulate growth and regeneration processes

  • lidase – enzyme that breaks down scar tissue

  • ribonucleases– enzymes that promote tissue repair and growth blood vessels

  • methyluracil- a substance that has anabolic effect (stimulates growth and recovery processes).

Oxygen therapy and physiotherapy for periodontal disease




Tissues are exposed to a weak electromagnetic field, under the influence of which the permeability of cell membranes increases for medicinal substances.
The essence of the procedure: two electrodes are applied - the cathode and the anode - which are moistened in solutions of medicinal substances. Under the influence of an electromagnetic field, the medicine enters the periodontium.
Drugs used during electrophoresis:

  • calcium

  • enzyme trypsin

  • tannin - tannin

  • vitamins

The main effect of electrophoresis: anti-inflammatory.

During the procedure, electrodes are placed on the skin and also in the oral cavity (special gingival electrodes are used).

Infrared laser therapy

Effects of laser radiation on periodontium:

  • stimulation of metabolism in tissues

  • strengthening repair and regeneration

  • stimulation of the proliferation of fibroblasts - cells that play a central role in the restoration of affected periodontal tissues
Laser irradiation is performed percutaneously or directly in the oral cavity, using special dental attachments.

Ozocerite therapy

Ozokerite is a substance whose properties are very similar to paraffin and can retain heat for a long time.
Ozokerite, heated to a temperature of 45 - 50 ⁰C, is placed on the skin in the affected area for 20 - 40 minutes. The total number of procedures is 10 – 14.
Effects of ozokerite therapy:

  • improving blood and lymph flow

  • increased tone of blood vessels

  • improvement of nutrition of periodontal tissues

  • strengthening regenerative processes


Darsonvalization is an effect on the mucous membrane of the gums using pulsed high-frequency currents. In dentistry, devices with special attachments are used.
Effects of darsonvalization in periodontal disease:

  • dilation of small vessels, improvement of blood circulation

  • stimulation metabolic processes in periodontal tissues

  • increased tone of venous vessels

Vacuum therapy

The gums are massaged using a special tip that creates a vacuum (negative pressure up to 730 mm Hg). Under the influence of a vacuum, blood circulation improves in the mucous membrane of the gums and in the periodontium: reserve blood vessels open, and the active formation of new ones begins. As a result, reparative processes are intensified.


The procedure is a hydromassage of the gums using medicinal solutions.
Effects of hydrotherapy:

  • mechanical impact: the pressure exerted by the water jet during hydromassage stimulates blood circulation and nerve endings located in the periodontium

  • medicinal effect: periodontal tissues are saturated with useful substances contained in solutions used for massage

Oxygen therapy

Inhalation of 100% oxygen from a special cylinder under atmospheric pressure. The procedure is carried out for 30 minutes, alternating breathing with pure oxygen and ordinary air is carried out.

Effects of oxygen therapy:

  • blood oxygen saturation

  • periodontal oxygen saturation

  • destruction of anaerobic (existing in oxygen-free conditions) pathogenic microorganisms

  • enhancing the respiration of periodontal tissues, stimulating restoration processes
Contraindication to oxygen therapy for periodontal disease: the presence of closed ulcers in the oral cavity.

Oxygen barotherapy

Almost the same as oxygen therapy, but the oxygen is delivered under high blood pressure. For this purpose the patient is placed in pressure chamber for 30 minutes. Number of sessions – 12 – 15.

Oxygen barotherapy provides a more pronounced effect compared to conventional oxygen therapy.

Attention! It must be remembered that the use of any physiotherapy procedures is carried out strictly as prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to negative consequences!

© serdiukov / Fotolia

The term “periodontal disease” is popularly used to refer to a fairly wide group of diseases characterized by dystrophic lesions of the periodontium - periodontal tissue.

As a result the teeth seem to move out of the bone, acquiring pathological mobility. The disease is currently quite widespread among people.


For a long time the disease goes unnoticed. But once it has developed, periodontal disease begins to rapidly progress, causing a significant deterioration in the patient’s quality of life: the patient experiences difficulty and pain while chewing food.

Among the first signs of periodontal disease, signaling the onset of the pathological process, the following can be identified:

  • an aggravated reaction in response to the action of thermal and chemical irritants that occurs when they come into contact with the surfaces of the necks of teeth;
  • unpleasant specific odor from the mouth;
  • bleeding gums (this symptom is especially pronounced when brushing your teeth);
  • sensations of pulsation, burning and itching in the gums;
  • There may be a change in the color of the gums - it becomes pale.

Later, other, more pronounced symptoms develop:

  • retraction is a process that occurs due to a decrease in the level of the gums and is characterized by exposure of part of the root and neck of the tooth, which is externally manifested through an increase in the length of the teeth;
  • the occurrence of pathologies of a destructive nature to dental tissues that are not caused by caries: enamel erosion, the formation of abrasions, etc.;
  • swelling of the gums is possible;
  • the characteristic fan-shaped discrepancy of the teeth is a consequence of damage to the ligamentous apparatus;
  • loosening and loss of teeth.

What is periodontal disease? We will learn from the following video:

Why does it occur

The determining cause of pathology is considered to be insufficient blood supply to the gums, which is why they occur. dystrophic changes, fraught in severe cases with tooth loss.

There are a number of factors that can provoke the occurrence and development of periodontal disease:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • certain chronic ailments and pathologies of various organs and systems of the body: HIV, diabetes mellitus, oncology, gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular system And thyroid gland etc.;
  • hormonal fluctuations, usually occurring due to the onset of menopause, pregnancy or puberty and manifested by an exacerbation of the sensitivity of the gums, as well as an increase in their susceptibility to various kinds of destructive processes;
  • violation of key rules of oral hygiene;
  • use of certain medications;
  • avitaminosis;
  • regular violation of healthy eating rules;
  • smoking.

Diet features

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Treatment of periodontal disease is impossible without following a special diet. It is necessary to adhere to a special diet for at least six months - only in this case can you count on a stable positive result.

First of all, we are talking about fresh vegetables and fruits- they are at the same time a kind of simulator for the patient, helping to strengthen the gums, and provide the body with necessary vitamins and microelements.

It is very important for a person suffering from periodontal disease to regularly include in their diet. milk and dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream. All of the above are rich sources of calcium, which is known to help strengthen teeth and gums.

Finally, you will have to give up some foods completely on your road to recovery. These are sweets and food that stick to the teeth. Chips, candies and cookies linger in the mouth and activate the formation of plaque, which, in turn, provokes the development of periodontal disease.

The patient should eat fresh vegetable salads daily, rich folic acid greens, fruits and berries, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), fish, milk and dairy products. As for drinking, it is better to avoid carbonated drinks, strong black tea and coffee altogether in favor of natural juices and green tea.


Periodontal disease causes a lot of trouble for the patient, significantly reduces his quality of life, and is also very long and difficult to treat. Like any disease, periodontal disease is easier and more rational to prevent, especially since it does not require special efforts.

Most preventive measures are simple to the basic; they very quickly become part of a normal lifestyle:

  • proper oral care;
  • timely detection and treatment of chronic diseases;
  • proper nutrition and periodic intake of vitamin-mineral complexes for preventive purposes;
  • annual visit to the dentist even in the absence of complaints.

Ways to fight the disease

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To achieve positive result Treatment of periodontal disease must be comprehensive. In particular, do not forget about treatment at home.

Proper regular oral care

Brushing your teeth should be done at least twice a day. Today there are special toothpastes on sale against periodontal disease, which, of course, by themselves are not able to overcome the disease, but may well reduce the intensity of its manifestations - neutralize bad breath, reduce bleeding gums, etc.

During the procedure it is advisable use rinses and special threads designed to clean the interdental space.

It is also important to remember about the back of the tongue, where a lot of bacteria usually collect: it also needs thorough cleaning. It is recommended to use at least two glasses of warm water to rinse your mouth after completing the process.


For periodontal disease, significant relief comes from rinsing the mouth with tinctures of propolis or calendula, which can be found in almost any pharmacy.


Perceptible healing effect achieved by massaging the gums using essential oils mint, coriander, lemon, eucalyptus and orange.

It is necessary to apply a drop of the product to the pads of the index and thumb, having first, of course, thoroughly cleaned the mouth and washed your hands. Then, using circular massaging movements, you need to move in the direction from the edges of the gums to the center.

And it is very important to follow a special diet - this was discussed in more detail above.

What does traditional medicine offer?

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On the road to recovery, in addition to the medications prescribed by your doctor, it is worth trying traditional medicine, which sometimes even surpass pharmaceutical products in effectiveness.

“Natural” natural medicines can have a restorative effect on gum and tooth tissue.

Among the most popular traditional medicines are the following:

  • rinsing,
  • compresses,
  • gymnastics,
  • use of bee products.


Before you begin this procedure, you must thoroughly brush your teeth. It makes sense to repeat it at least 2-3 times a day.

Tincture on oak bark

The ingredients of the medicine are oak bark and linden flowers, which must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water (about a glass of liquid per teaspoon of product), cooled, filtered through cheesecloth - and the natural preparation is ready for use.

Regular rinsing of the mouth with the resulting tincture effectively relieves inflammation, astringents and fights bacteria.

St. John's wort tincture

Preparing the product is very simple, just follow these steps:

  • Pour boiling water over 5 tablespoons of herbs;
  • leave this mixture for 4 hours;
  • strain the product through cheesecloth.

Essential oils and tannins contained in the tincture reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Tincture on walnut leaves

You need to take 2 teaspoons of nut leaves and pour a glass of boiling water over them. After this, the product should be left for about an hour, then strained through cheesecloth. The resulting tincture contains substances that fight bacteria and heal wounds.

Rinsing the mouth with it at least 5 times a day allows you to quickly overcome the unpleasant manifestations of periodontal disease.


Compresses made on the basis medicinal herbs, have a very beneficial effect on the gums:

  • improve their blood supply;
  • fight bleeding;
  • stop inflammation.

From plantain

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It is useful to apply plantain leaves crushed into pulp three times a day to the gums for about a quarter of an hour. This simple and accessible remedy has a powerful healing effect.

According to numerous reviews, this method of treating periodontal disease at home is quite effective.

From aloe

The product is a fresh aloe leaf, pre-washed and cut lengthwise, which must be applied to sore gums while you sleep at night. Treatment usually requires about 10 such sessions.

From beets

The washed and peeled beets are grated on a very fine grater. After this, the resulting pulp is mixed in equal parts with olive (or sunflower) oil - and an effective remedy against periodontal disease is ready. It is enough to apply it to the gums a couple of times a day for a quarter of an hour - and the unpleasant manifestations of the disease will soon disappear.


To perform gymnastics you will need a green pine twig. Conventionally, the complex can be divided into 3 parts:

  • For the first three weeks, you just need to bite the natural “trainer” every day in a top-down direction.
  • After this, the following exercise is added: the twig is tightly squeezed by the front teeth, while the patient tries to move the jaw alternately in all 4 directions (right-left, forward-back).
  • After two months of performing the complex, an exercise is introduced, the starting position of which is to squeeze one end of a branch with your teeth and the other with your hand, and try to tear a piece from the “simulator” in this position.

Help of propolis and honey

These invaluable beekeeping products can be used for lotions, rinses, and simply for rubbing into the gums.

Propolis and honey have a pronounced healing effect, they effectively improve blood circulation, fight inflammation and nourish the gums.

Periodontal disease – serious illness, which not only worsens the patient’s quality of life, but can also lead to complications such as various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, sepsis, tooth loss, etc. That is why it is so important to diagnose this pathology in time and begin to eliminate it.

Treatment of periodontal disease should be carried out comprehensively using both pharmaceutical drugs, and traditional medicine. Of course, the entire process takes place only under the supervision of a specialist.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video in which you will find three more recipes for treating periodontal disease at home:

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From this article you will learn:

  • What is the difference between periodontal disease and periodontitis?
  • causes and symptoms of its development,
  • how to treat periodontal disease at home and at the dentist.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Periodontal disease is a disease of the gums, which is based on the process of sclerosis of blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients, and as a result, slow degeneration of all periodontal tissues occurs (i.e. bone tissue around the tooth, periodontal fibers that attach the tooth to the bone, and soft gum tissue).

Typically, patients incorrectly use the term “periodontal disease” to refer to any existing gum disease. In fact, periodontal disease is a fairly rare disease, and the majority of patients who complain about problems in the gums are not diagnosed with periodontal disease, but real one.

Periodontal disease: photos of teeth and gums

You can very easily check whether you have periodontitis or periodontal disease - the symptoms of the latter are a gradual decrease in the height of the gums and exposure of the roots of the teeth, which occurs due to the gradual process of sclerosis and dystrophy - usually in the absence of any inflammation in the gums. In turn, the presence of bleeding and soreness of the gums when brushing, swelling and redness of the gums indicates the presence of inflammation in the gums, i.e. about Periodontitis.

Periodontal disease: causes and treatment

As we said above, the causes of periodontal disease are the gradual sclerosis of blood vessels (capillaries), which leads to a narrowing of their lumen and thickening of the walls. As a result of these processes, the amount of oxygen and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of periodontal tissues decreases, which leads to irreversible degeneration of absolutely all tissues around the teeth.

The process of neurotissue dystrophy begins with the processes of sclerosis of the bone tissue around the teeth. At later stages the process is already exciting soft fabrics gums, periosteum, as well as periodontal fibers, due to which the tooth is attached to the bone tissue. If you look at the tissue level, then all these processes occur by replacing connective tissue with simple fibrous fibers, which leads to dense fibrous fusion of the gums with the periosteum, and the periosteum with the bone.

At the same time, due to the increase in fibrous tissue in the periodontal fibers, a tight fusion of the tooth with the bone occurs, which causes a decrease or disappearance of the slight physiological mobility of the teeth (which is present in all healthy teeth and is necessary for the distribution of chewing pressure). Hardening of bone tissue leads to its gradual atrophy, which is visually manifested by a decrease in the height of the gums and exposure of the roots of the teeth. When bone tissue atrophy reaches 1/2–2/3 of the length of the tooth roots, an inflammatory component associated with the traumatic chewing load on the teeth usually joins.

Diagnostic radiography

If during periodontitis, inflammatory loss of bone tissue occurs with the formation of periodontal pockets, then with periodontal disease (unless, of course, there is traumatic premature biting on some teeth), a uniform horizontal loss of bone tissue occurs in the area of ​​​​all teeth. At the same time, in the image, the bone tissue always has foci of sclerosis (fine-celled structures with intense clearing).

The diagnosis of periodontal disease is made on the basis of a visual examination and diagnostic. If there is a loss of bone tissue up to 1/3 of the length of the ends of the teeth, a light form periodontal disease. When the bone height is reduced to 1/2 the length of the tooth roots - average degree severity, and with more than 2/3 – severe form. Tooth mobility usually occurs only in moderate to severe forms of the disease, which greatly complicates the treatment of periodontal disease and may require dental splinting.

Thus, periodontal disease is characterized by –

    radiological signs osteosclerosis,

    uniform reduction in the height of interdental septa (in the absence of periodontal pockets),

    narrowing of the periodontal gap in the area of ​​all teeth,

    sclerosis of dental cavities,

    absence of pathological abrasion of tooth crowns,

    in moderate-severe forms, there may additionally be sclerosis of the mental foramina and mandibular canals (which is expressed in the narrowing of their lumen), as well as dystrophic changes in the temporomandibular joints.

Making a final diagnosis

From time to time situations arise when it is difficult to make a diagnosis. Those. X-ray of the patient looks like periodontal disease, but there is inflammation in the oral cavity at the gingival margin. Such situations arise in patients with periodontal disease against the background of deteriorating oral hygiene. In this case, against the background of the accumulation of soft plaque and tartar on the teeth, symptoms develop, i.e. swelling and bleeding of the gingival margin appears.

At the same time, ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from plaque and stone, plus teaching the patient proper hygiene, quickly returns the situation in the oral cavity to a state typical of classic periodontal disease. At the same time, important radiological criteria that allow us to speak even in these cases about periodontal disease, and not about periodontitis, are the absence of periodontal pockets in the image, as well as the presence of foci of bone tissue sclerosis.

Periodontal disease: treatment at home and at the dentist

If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, the symptoms and treatment will be interrelated, etc. This disease is based on the phenomena of vascular sclerosis and bone tissue degeneration - the main methods of treatment will be physiotherapy and drug therapy, aimed primarily at stimulating blood circulation in the gums. In addition, selective grinding of the contacts between the lower and upper teeth is carried out, and at the first symptoms of mobility, teeth are splinted with crowns or fiberglass.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home is limited only to the use of finger massage of the gums, the use of special gels for the gums and toothpastes, as well as the ingestion of various vitamins, antioxidants and some other drugs (we will discuss them below). All other treatment will involve professional dental care in a physiotherapy office.

1. Finger massage of gums –

Finger massage of the gums for periodontal disease is carried out every day, in the morning after brushing your teeth. The direction of movement of the fingers should coincide with the direction of lymph flow in this area, i.e. you should make circular massaging movements, which should gradually move from the front teeth - towards the chewing teeth. The procedure time is 3-5 minutes for each jaw. In addition to this massage, you can periodically (several times a year) conduct physiotherapy courses.

The massage can be done without everything, or using one of the special gels that additionally stimulate blood circulation in the gums. For example, it can be in the form of a gel containing propolis (a bee product). This gel can also be used without massage, simply applying it to the gum margin after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. However, it should be noted that you will not be able to cure periodontal disease at home only with finger massage and gum gel.

An important point is that gum massage cannot be performed against the background of gum inflammation (with swelling, redness or severe cyanosis of the gums, as well as in the presence of deep periodontal pockets and subgingival dental plaque). IN otherwise it is possible to intensify the inflammatory response and develop purulent abscesses in the projection of periodontal pockets.

2. Physiotherapy for periodontal disease –

There is a large list of physiotherapeutic methods for treating gum periodontal disease - these are electrophoresis, phonophoresis, vacuum massage, vibration vacuum massage, magnetic therapy, diadynamic currents, laser therapy. The problem is that not even every dental clinic has its own physiotherapy department, and residents of large cities are luckier here (especially where there are university dental clinics at medical universities).

For example, in Moscow there is a large department of physiotherapy for periodontal diseases at the state clinic TsNIIS (Central Research Institute of Dentistry). You can get a referral for physical therapy from your dentist. Next, we will talk in detail about some of the main physiotherapeutic techniques that are used for periodontal disease...

  • Heparin electrophoresis and phonophoresis
    Heparin has a significant therapeutic effect for periodontal disease, because it has the ability to reduce tissue hypoxia, normalizing the oxygen balance of tissues, microcirculation and transport of substances between blood and tissues. Heparin electrophoresis is carried out according to the usual method: make gauze pads from a sterile bandage under each electrode, soak each pad - first with 1.0 ml of distilled water, then from a syringe - 1 ml of heparin solution. The concentration of heparin in 1.0 ml of solution should be 5000 units.

    Electrodes with gauze pads are placed on the gingival margin alveolar process jaws, while the electrodes are carefully isolated from saliva with cotton swabs. Heparin is always administered from the cathode only. The duration of the procedure is from 12 to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures (in a row, daily). In addition, heparin can be successfully introduced into periodontal tissue not only by electrophoresis, but also using the phonophoresis technique on the Ultrasound T-5 apparatus. The duration of the phonophoresis procedure is about 7-10 minutes.

  • Vacuum massage –
    This method is tens and hundreds of times more effective than regular gum massage, which you can do at home. Vacuum massage is carried out using a special Kulazhenko vacuum apparatus or similar devices in a physiotherapy room. This massage leads to the destruction of part of the capillaries, which is accompanied by the release of histamine, which tends to stimulate blood circulation.

    Even more effective is the creation of vacuum hematomas along the transitional fold during vacuum massage of the gums. For this, the pressure is set to 1 atmosphere, and the nozzle of the device must be held in one place for 30 to 60 seconds - until a hematoma of 4-5 mm in size is formed. During one visit, you can do no more than 5-6 such hematomas (a full course - 8-12 procedures, with breaks between procedures - 3-5 days). This method further stimulates metabolic processes and blood supply to the gums.

  • Laser Application
    The use of a helium-neon laser for periodontal disease is aimed at enhancing tissue trophism, metabolic processes, and blood circulation. The course of treatment is usually 12-15 sessions, and is carried out several times a year. A single laser exposure should not exceed 20 minutes.

3. Drug therapy for periodontal disease –

There are several groups of drugs that can be effective in increasing blood circulation and reducing hypoxia in periodontal tissues. These may be antioxidants, anabolic steroids, the use of certain vascular drugs that stimulate peripheral circulation.

1) Application of antioxidants
clinical trials showed that sclerosis of blood vessels in periodontal tissues leads to a significant decrease in oxygen delivery to the gums and the development of hypoxia, which triggers the process of sclerosis of bone tissue. Therefore, a number of drugs to stimulate oxygenation can be very useful. These drugs include substances with antioxidant properties. First of all, this can be vitamin E, as well as vitamins A, C, P and group B.

2) Application anabolic steroids
the use of this group of drugs is justified primarily in men, because drugs have an androgenic effect. In women, this may cause a deepening of the voice, disturbance menstrual cycle, which disappears only with drug withdrawal. In addition, the prescription of this group of drugs should always be preceded by a consultation with a therapist and endocrinologist regarding the absence of contraindications. The drug "Retabolil" is prescribed at a dose of 25-30 mg IM, only once every 3 weeks (the full course of treatment is about 5-7 injections).

3) Application of Trental
the possibilities of increasing blood circulation in periodontal tissues are limited by the limits of the ability of blood vessels to expand, and with significant sclerotic changes in blood vessels in periodontal tissues, physiotherapeutic effects on the gums alone are no longer enough. In this regard, in case of moderate to severe periodontal disease, it also makes sense to prescribe drugs for the treatment of blood microcirculation disorders.

5. Splinting of mobile teeth –

How to use dental floss and brush correctly -

Also can be used for oral hygiene and gum massage in patients with periodontal disease. Such a device allows not only to rinse hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity (for example, rinsing spaces under dental bridges), but also to massage the gums due to the action of a pulsating water jet. Instead of ordinary water, special medicinal solutions can be used in the irrigator. We hope that our article: Periodontal disease treatment at home was useful to you!


1. Add. professional,
2. Based on personal experience working as a periodontist,
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
4. American Academy of Periodontology (USA),
5. “Non-surgical periodontal treatment” (Roncati M.).

Periodontal disease has been an incurable disease for a long time. But currently several quite effective ways fight against this disease. Symptoms of the disease can be relieved almost completely by implementing an integrated approach to treatment, including therapy medicines and the use of physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition, these listed methods can be supplemented with treatment with folk remedies. Through persistent efforts, excellent results can be achieved.

Features of the disease

With periodontal disease, the metabolism in the tissues that surround the tooth is disrupted, which causes inflammation. Because of this, gums begin to turn pale and bleed while eating or brushing teeth, and in severe cases, the tissues may become covered with purulent ulcers.

After a while the teeth begin loosen and the roots become exposed. If you do not start treating periodontal disease in a timely manner, you can completely lose all your teeth, which will gradually fall out on their own.

Why this pathology develops is not fully understood. It is generally accepted that it is associated with diseases of internal systems and organs, such as atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and osteopenia.

Quite often periodontal disease appears during pregnancy and such a condition should cause concern, as it can lead to premature birth or cause low birth weight in a newborn.

Signs of illness

Periodontal disease is usually asymptomatic, without pain, so patients are in no hurry to see a doctor. At a more pronounced stage, complications arise, accompanied by inflammation of the gums, which are called periodontitis. Periodontal disease and periodontitis are closely related to each other.

Both diseases are very destructive to both teeth and gums. Expressed clinical picture pretty weak. The development of the disease occurs very slowly, without showing itself for a long time. Patients begin to feel discomfort or itching in the gums, but most often they complain to the dentist about increased sensitivity teeth.

Periodontal disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pale gums without any signs of inflammation;
  • the neck and root of the tooth are exposed, but the gums do not bleed;
  • dental tissues have such lesions as tooth abrasion, wedge-shaped defect, enamel erosion.


As the disease begins to develop, food can get stuck between the teeth, the neck of the tooth is exposed and its sensitivity increases. In the future, early loss of the dental bed of all teeth is possible. The disease may not progress for decades, but it does destruction of tooth sockets caused by inflammation.

On initial stage Periodontal disease has the following symptoms:

  • Itching in the gums.
  • Noticeable tooth mobility.
  • Change in taste.
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Treatment methods for periodontal disease

What to do if the doctor diagnoses periodontal disease, how to save teeth? There are proven medications and folk remedies that help in the treatment of this insidious disease. Usually good effect brings drug therapy.

Dentist prescribes certain medications, focusing on how severely the teeth are affected. Before this, the patient undergoes a special test to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to the antibiotic that will be used for treatment.

Drug therapy includes the use of antibiotics and special anti-periodontal agents, the therapeutic effect of which is achieved thanks to the propolis included in their composition.

Medicines based on propolis They relieve pain and inflammation well, strengthen gums, and have a powerful antiseptic effect. But unfortunately, they only help early stage diseases, and in more severe cases, antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Antibiotics in the treatment of periodontal disease

How can you save teeth with periodontal disease and what needs to be done for this? In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, and usually broad-spectrum drugs are used to treat such a disease, for example, “ Metronidazole or Doxycycline" These products effectively act on bacteria that contribute to the development of periodontal disease.

For greater effectiveness, the dentist prescribes Chlorhexidine. Since with this disease the patient’s immunity is greatly weakened, the doctor may prescribe restorative and immunomodulatory medications.

By the way, antibiotics used to treat periodontal disease are produced in various forms. These could be:

  1. Capsules.
  2. Pills.
  3. Gels for local treatment in the oral cavity.
  4. Rinse solutions.

The greatest effect comes from capsules and tablets, which have a comprehensive effect on the entire body and help achieve the best results.

Taking "Lincomycin"

Lincomycin, a drug, is increasingly being used to treat periodontal disease. the widest spectrum actions. It is also prescribed for inflammatory and infectious diseases bones, joints, skin etc.

It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and has proven itself excellent in the treatment of periodontal disease. Taking the drug usually lasts two weeks, and in particularly severe cases it can last longer.

You should not take it without a doctor’s prescription, since illiterate use can not only cause dysbacteriosis, but also contribute to severe damage to the kidneys or liver. It is the dentist who can appoint safe dose which will be effective.

Therapeutic toothpastes and anti-inflammatory gels

What other drugs can help with periodontal disease? There are special gels on sale that are applied to the gums. These include “Holisal”, “Kamistad”, “Metrogil Denta”, “Asepta”. Thanks to this form, the drug adheres well to the wet surface of the gums and penetrates into the tissue to the maximum.

Gels have a pronounced antiseptic effect, help relieve swelling, and also eliminate pain and inflammation of the gums. For periodontal disease, it is recommended to use special therapeutic and prophylactic pastes for cleaning teeth. The most effective are considered Lacalut, Parodontax, "Forest Balsam"».

These pastes consist of active antiseptics and extracts medicinal herbs, excellent for relieving inflammation. Of course, even the most effective toothpastes cannot be used for complete treatment, so they should be used in combination with medications.

Mumiyo for the treatment of periodontal disease

It is recommended to use mumiyo for the treatment of periodontal disease only in combination with medications. As experts have established, it is quite effective in the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

For periodontal disease mumiyo used as a rinse. To do this, dissolve 2 grams of this product in half a glass. boiled water. The mouth should be rinsed morning and evening.

Mumiyo is also used to make compresses on gums. To prepare such a remedy, 5 grams of mumiyo are diluted in half a glass of boiled water, a gauze or cotton swab is soaked in this solution and applied to the gums. You should hold it for about 20 minutes, then spit it out.

Periodontal disease - treatment with folk remedies

What to do if the doctor diagnoses periodontal disease? Treatment with folk remedies can help, but only at an early stage of the disease. There are quite effective recipes, helping to cope with this pathological condition.

You need to take one glass grated horseradish root, put in a glass container, pour boiling water and close the lid very tightly. Once the infusion has cooled, they need to rinse their mouth. Thanks to this folk remedy, the gums are strengthened and the oral cavity is cleansed of bacteria.

Helps get rid of periodontal disease celandine grass. To do this, it should be finely chopped and stuffed tightly. liter jar. Then the container is filled with vodka and infused for two weeks. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with the resulting tincture after eating for 10 minutes. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

To treat periodontal disease you can rub honey into gums which is mixed with salt. The mixture is stirred until the salt is completely dissolved, after which a small lump of the resulting mass is placed on gauze and rubbed on the gums and teeth. This procedure should be carried out within two weeks. If such a need arises, treatment is repeated a week later.

Next folk way treatment of periodontal disease is to mix one teaspoon olive oil with one teaspoon of fine sea salt. With this composition chafe gums and teeth for 5 minutes in the morning and evening. Instead of olive oil, you can take something else, but in this case the healing effect will be slightly reduced.

Using hydrogen peroxide and propolis

If periodontal disease occurs, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out with hydrogen peroxide. This method is quite effective and has virtually no contraindications. Take peroxide internally or add a few drops directly to toothpaste.

Used for oral administration 3% aqueous solution To do this, add one drop of peroxide to 50 ml of water. This remedy is taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals three times a day. It is usually sufficient to use it for 10 days.

A substance such as propolis helps cure periodontitis very well. It can be used as an applique, it is used for rinsing or lubricating. For applications, take a 4% alcohol tincture of propolis and apply it to the neck or surface of the tooth 2-3 times a day after meals.

If you need to make a solution for rinsing, then dilute 30 drops for these purposes. alcohol tincture substances in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. It is best to carry out the procedure several times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Inflamed gums are lubricated with a mixture prepared as follows: take two tablespoons vegetable oil and one tablespoon of 10% alcohol tincture of propolis and mix. The procedure should be carried out several times a day.

Oral prevention

To prevent the development of periodontal disease, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene, which consists of the following:

  • It is best to prevent tartar from forming;
  • Use a toothbrush to remove soft plaque;
  • You need to use toothpicks and dental floss.

Thus, this is a very unpleasant phenomenon - loose teeth. Periodontal disease prevents you from chewing food normally and causes pain. Treatment is most effective when initial stage diseases and can be carried out not only medicines, but also folk remedies. In advanced cases, all teeth may fall out, so you should not let this disease take its course.