Activity planning

Enterprise management is a whole complex complex tasks. In order to make informed decisions, you need high-quality and timely information. To obtain it, an analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise is carried out. Activity planning is a process that requires the closest attention. First of all, the tasks that are assigned must be realistic in order to achieve them. On the other hand, setting goals and developing standards should be based on a thorough study of the actual activities of the company, on identifying weaknesses and hidden reserves.

Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise largely uses the data provided by accounting. In particular, they allow us to study in detail how the cost of production is determined, what specific costs form it, and where there are hidden reserves for reducing costs and increasing productivity.

Usage various methods to study the effectiveness

One of the ways in which an analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise can be performed is by creating a business plan. As part of the activities of the entire company, it can be compiled either for individual projects, or for some important stages of work. Such a document is drawn up on the basis of careful preparation, including the collection of necessary information, a thorough analysis, a specific plan developed and expected results against which it will be possible to monitor the implementation of the assigned tasks.

The role of statistics

Except accounting, it is possible to use other sources of information. The analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise can be partially based on one or another statistical information that can be specifically obtained for this purpose. Auditing can be an important source of data.

Comparison of your indicators with data from other enterprises

The study does not have to be conducted exclusively within the firm. If you compare the indicators of the economic activity of an enterprise with the corresponding data of other companies, this can also help to draw certain conclusions about the possibilities for further improvement of work.

Business performance characteristics system

In order to comprehensively assess how effective the financial and economic activities of an enterprise are, a comprehensive system of indicators is used.

It includes various aspects of business. Important parameters are criteria that allow assessing the correct use of fixed assets (capital productivity, capital intensity). The use of labor resources can be reflected by such indicators as labor productivity and personnel profitability. The use of material resources can be characterized by such indicators as material intensity, material productivity and others. Investment activity is reflected in determining the return on capital investment. The overall efficiency of using an enterprise's assets is reflected in estimates of profit per ruble of assets and others. Also, the efficiency of a company’s economic activity as a whole is characterized by the ratio of profit and invested capital. Constantly studying the effectiveness of your own business is the basis for its improvement.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

East Kazakhstan State Technical University

them. D. Serikbaeva

Economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises

Work program, tasks and guidelines

for course work for students of specialty 070640 "Finance and Credit"

Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2003

UDC 658.1: 338.3 (075.8)

Ekeeva Z.Zh., Sadykova A.E. Economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises: Work program, assignments and guidelines for completing course work for students of specialty 070640 (SVE) "Finance and Credit" of correspondence course / EKSTU. - Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2003. - 31 p.

The guidelines contain the necessary provisions for organizing coursework and theoretical information on basic methods economic analysis.

Goals of studying the discipline

The transition to a market economy requires enterprises to increase production efficiency, the competitiveness of products and services based on the introduction of scientific and technological progress, effective forms of management and production management.

Important role in the implementation of this task, an economic analysis of the activities of business entities is assigned. With its help, strategies and tactics for the development of the enterprise are developed, plans and management decisions are substantiated, their implementation is monitored, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, and the results of the activities of the enterprise, its divisions and employees are assessed.

A qualified economist, financier, accountant, auditor must be fluent in modern methods economic research, the methodology of systematic, comprehensive economic analysis, the skill of accurate, timely, comprehensive analysis of the results of economic activity.

Objectives of the discipline

Tasks of analyzing economic activity as scientific discipline stems primarily from the functions that it performs in the system of other applied economic sciences. Thus, some of the main functions of analysis are.

1.2.1 Studying the nature of the operation of economic laws, establishing patterns and trends of economic phenomena and processes in the specific conditions of the enterprise.

1.2.2 Scientific basis for current and long-term plans.

1.2.3 Control over the implementation of plans and management decisions, over the economical use of resources.

1.2.4 Search for reserves for increasing production efficiency based on the study of best practices and achievements of science and practice.

1.2.5 Assessing the results of the enterprise’s activities, the implementation of plans, the achieved level of economic development, and the use of available opportunities.

1.2.6 Development of measures for the use of identified reserves.

2.1 Method and technique of comprehensive economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises. The concept of AHD. Analysis and synthesis as features of human thinking. Types of ACD, its role. AHD as a control function. The content of ACD as a science aimed at solving certain problems. Analysis functions. Systematic approach to ACD, main features systematic approach. Characteristics AHD method. AHD technique. Sequence of complex ACD. ACD methods, their classification. The role of indicators in complex analysis, characteristics of the content of subsystems. Relationships between individual subsystems. Development of a system of analytical indicators, their classification.

2.2 Methods for processing economic information in AHD. Methods of comparison in AHD. The essence of comparison, types of comparisons and their purpose. Multivariate comparisons in AHD. Tasks, opportunities and directions for using multidimensional comparisons in ACAD. Algorithm for multivariate comparisons. Ways to bring indicators into a comparable form. Conditions for comparability of indicators. Neutralization of the influence of cost, volume, quality and structural factors. The use of relative and average values ​​in the practice of economic and analytical work. Methods of grouping information. Algorithm for constructing analytical groupings. Using the balance method in ACD. Using graphical and tabular methods.

2.3 Methodology of factor analysis. Interrelation of economic phenomena. Introduction to factor analysis. Types of factor analysis, its main tasks. The meaning of factor classification. Main types of factors. Concept and difference various types factors in AHD. The need and significance of systematizing factors. Basic ways of systematizing factors in deterministic and stochastic analysis. The essence and significance of modeling, requirements for it. Basic types of factorial deterministic models. Methods for transforming factor models. Modeling rules.

2.4 Methodology of functional cost analysis (FCA). History of the development of FSA. The essence of the functional approach to the analysis of an object. Types of consumer functions of the object. FSA algorithm. Features and tasks of the FSA. Early diagnosis, priority, optimal detail, identification of the leading link are the main principles of FSA. Other principles of the FSA. Stages of performing research on FSA. Features of organizing research on FSA in the CIS and leading Western countries. Problems further development research on the methodology and organization of FSA.

2.5 Methodology for substantiating management decisions based on marginal analysis. The concept of marginal analysis, its capabilities, main stages and conditions. Methods for determining the amount of fixed and variable costs. The concept and meaning of indicators of break-even sales volume and the enterprise safety zone. The concept and procedure for determining a critical value fixed costs and price level. The procedure for justifying the sales volume, which gives the same profit for different options for management decisions. Analytical assessment of the decision to accept an additional order at a price below the cost of production. Justification of the price option for a new product. Justification for the “make or buy” decision. Selecting a production technology option. Selecting a solution taking into account resource limitations.

3. Purpose and objectives of course work

The purpose of the course work is to gain skills in analyzing the production and economic activities of a company (enterprise).

The main objectives of the course work are:

consolidation and deepening of students' knowledge in the course "Economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises."

acquisition of practical skills in calculating the main economic indicators of an enterprise.

use of computers for processing economic information.

acquisition of practical skills and abilities when using educational, reference and normative literature.

Coursework consists of the following tasks:

The first task is correlation and regression analysis to determine the influence of factor indicators on the effective indicator.

Task two - analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise:

analysis of production and sales of industrial products.

analysis of the use of enterprise resources.

profit and profitability analysis.

4. The procedure for completing coursework

The course work for the course “Economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise” is a calculation work independently completed by the student and presented in writing.

Course work usually consists of an introduction, a calculation part, a conclusion, and a list of references.

In the introduction, it is necessary to show the role of business activity analysis as one of the main functions of enterprise management.

The calculation part consists of two separate tasks, for each of which it is necessary to select the initial data using the appropriate methodology (clauses 4.1 and 4.2). When performing tasks, you must be guided by the following requirements:

at the beginning of work, the number of the task option must be indicated

source data must be provided

calculations must be detailed, they should be accompanied by the necessary formulas and brief explanations. If there are several calculation methods, the most rational one must be applied.

in the process of completing tasks, you need to check the calculations made, using the relationship between the calculated indicators and paying attention to the economic content of the latter

all calculations must be accompanied by conclusions, which is the result of analytical work

in conclusion, brief conclusions are given on the results of calculations of tasks 1 and 2, as well as proposals based on these calculations.

4.1 Selecting an option for task 1

The student receives the initial data for the options from Table 1. The data in column No. 2 changes due to the addition of the last digit of the grade book number to the initial number.

Table 1 - Initial data for task 1

Enterprise No. Profit from sales, thousand tenge. Volume of released products, million tenge. Volume of gross output million tenge. Average annual cost of fixed and working capital, million tenge. Cost of all commercial products million tenge. Workers' wage fund, thousand tenge. Costs per 1 tenge. Commercial products yew. tg.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 41 1,7 1,66 0,27 1,5 285,3 97,7
2 75 2,2 2,2 0,55 2,1 275,6 97,3
3 82 1,3 1,4 0,47 1,1 253,3 94,6
4 106 18,9 19,9 4,96 18,7 3673,2 99,0
5 181 8,8 8,9 1,63 8,6 1224,0 97,7
6 215 3,9 4,0 0,91 3,6 734,9 94,6
7 254 4,3 4,2 0,74 4,0 753,2 93,7
8 262 1,6 1,7 0, 19 1,1 267,4 82,0
9 395 11,7 11,8 1,61 11,3 1675,6 96,0
10 512 2,2 2,2 0,49 1,7 299,3 77,5
11 526 4,8 4,9 1,12 4,3 956,3 89,5
12 558 6,5 6,6 2,18 5,7 1438,8 90,3
13 575 14,9 15,0 2,43 14,3 2000,9 85,3
14 602 9,5 9,6 1,78 8,8 1056,6 93,2
15 664 5,9 5,9 0,56 5,1 495,8 88,7
16 789 16,0 16,7 0,78 15,2 1383,3 94,7
17 902 22,3 22,1 2,72 19,2 2805,0 95,7
18 909 8,0 7,9 2,60 7,1 1202,0 90,4
19 967 26,0 26,1 7,00 24,8 4161,8 96,2
20 998 7,5 7,5 0,30 6,4 633,2 86,2

4.2 Selecting an option for task 2.

. Economic analysis- is the study of economics and business activities of enterprises. The development of economic science led to the separation of economic analysis into an independent branch

The main goal of economic analysis is the study of objectively valid economic laws for the purpose of conscious use in practical activities: in determining the most rational paths of development, optimal rates and proportions, and maximizing production efficiency. Each science has its own subject of research, which it studies using its own methods. The subject of economic analysis of enterprises is the economic activities of enterprises, which are reflected in various sources of information.

The difference in economic functions performed by enterprises and organizations also determines the difference in the objects of economic analysis. Thus, in industry, the production and sale of products, the use of material, labor and financial resources, the costs of production and sales of products, profit and profitability of work, the relationship of the enterprise with its employees and various parts of the national economy, with the state budget, etc. are studied. .. In trading enterprises and organizations, trade turnover, use of material, labor and financial resources, profit, profitability, etc. are analyzed. In construction, capital investments, commissioning of completed objects, cost, use of construction mechanisms, materials, labor resources, profitability and other indicators are considered.

Thus, the objects of analysis are individual areas and economic processes that, in their totality, constitute the economic activities of enterprises. All objects of analysis must have a numerical expression, which is reflected in the reporting indicators. The content of the indicators expresses the economic essence of the indicators being studied, and the numerical content expresses their specific meanings.

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of individual indicators of enterprise activity are related. A change in the quantitative characteristics of an indicator certainly causes a change in the qualitative one. This applies to both individual units and the activities of the enterprise as a whole. In turn, changes in the qualitative content of economic processes determine changes in their quantitative side. Thus, an increase in volume leads to a decrease in cost. The growth of labor productivity contributes to an increase in the production of goods.

The indicators used for analysis are taken directly from accounting and reporting data. They reflect the volume and quality of the enterprise’s activities as a whole and individual units in particular, which makes it possible to determine the economic efficiency of work and the existing on-farm reserves for increasing it. From the point of view of use, indicators are divided into general and specific, quantitative and qualitative, absolute and relative.

General indicators include those used in analyzing the activities of enterprises in all sectors of the national economy (industry, agriculture, trade, construction). These include prices, profitability, labor productivity, wages, financial performance indicators, etc. Indicators that characterize the activities of individual industries are also considered common. For example, in industry this is the volume of production and sales of products, the cost of production, in agriculture- use of land, volume of production and sales of products, its production, field productivity, animal productivity, etc. In commercial enterprises general indicators are the volume of trade turnover, distribution costs, etc., in construction - the commissioning of completed facilities in the city of Ivnitstva, the volume of construction and installation work, degree technical equipment construction, cost, etc.

Special indicators include indicators specific to individual sectors of industry, agriculture and trade, for example, grade, reliability and durability of the calorific value and ash content of coal, moisture content of peat in industry. In agriculture, special indicators are used when analyzing the activities of specialized farms, in trade - when analyzing the activities of wholesale and retail organizations, public catering establishments,

Quantitative indicators characterize the size of the objects being analyzed, the changes that arise in this case, qualitative indicators - reflect the essential features of individual objects and economic processes, as well as the entire activity of the enterprise. Quantitative, for example, include indicators characterizing the volume of production, turnover, size of crop area, number of workers, etc., and qualitative ones include productivity in production, profitability, labor productivity, yield, etc.

Absolute indicators are expressed in monetary, natural and labor measurements (tons, meters, hours), and relative indicators - in percentages, coefficients and indices

In the process of analysis, issues of providing enterprises with raw materials and energy resources, the availability of labor resources, and the need for economic development areas, opportunities and conditions for marketing products etc.

The main task of economic analysis of operating enterprises is an objective assessment of the performance of both enterprises as a whole and their structural divisions, monitoring in order to identify and eliminate shortcomings, searching for on-farm reserves and ways to use them.

Economic analysis is of greatest importance; it is carried out in factories, factories, state farms, collective farms, trading enterprises, in construction, that is, where the processes of arterial production directly occur.

. Economic analysis of economic activity, which is carried out directly by the enterprise, in addition to observing these fundamental provisions, must cover all links and factors of work, be carried out regularly, systematically and, finally, be operational and its data must be practically used in managing the economy.

Thus, the main purpose of the analysis is to identify economic reserves and develop measures for their maximum use. Such reserves should be understood as opportunities for the greatest increase in the efficiency of enterprises based on the use of achievements of science and practice. Economic reserves can be classified as intra-economic and national economic. There are on-farm reserves that appear and can only be used in a given farm. National economic reserves include reserves, the use of which ensures an increase in the efficiency of production not only of a given enterprise, but also of the entire industry and the national economy as a whole (for example, improving specialization and best use technology and production capacity, main and auxiliary materials, fuel, tools, electricity).

Economic analysis is necessary as the basis for qualified management of economic activities, improvement of the organization of production, scientific organization of labor, and as a criterion for the correct assessment of the results of the activities of enterprises. Analysis of economic activities imposes certain requirements on the organization of accounting and reporting content. Its content, objectives and methods are determined by the method social production, in the conditions in which it is carried out.

In the conditions of capitalist production relations, where there are trade secrets, internal and external analysis is carried out. Internal analysis is carried out to identify opportunities to reduce individual production costs. It is limited to the circle of interest of a given entrepreneur. The materials of such analysis are used by a narrow circle of trusted persons and are a trade secret. External analysis is based on a small number of indicators published about the work of enterprises.

Economic analysis is effective only if it is based on deep knowledge of the economics of an enterprise or sector of the national economy, and is analyzed

For example, when analyzing the implementation of product output, one should study the composition, qualifications and use of personnel, their labor productivity, the use of equipment, the provision of material resources, the interaction of the chemical supply with other enterprises and organizations, the financial condition, that is, study all the specific conditions on which the volume of production depends .

When examining the cost of production, it is necessary to disclose and measure the specific factors that determined its formation (organization of labor, use of material, labor and financial resources, organization of production, etc.). Only a comprehensive and organically interconnected study of the processes of economic activity of enterprises will provide a correct, objective assessment of the results of their work, will allow us to reveal the factors influencing the results, find out the reasons for their occurrence, identify on-farm reserves and develop real proposals for their use.

Economic analysis must be carried out taking into account the actual conditions in which the enterprise operates

When analyzing the activities of an individual enterprise, the issues being studied should be detailed using the example of workshops. Analysis of the activities of a workshop or site should be based on a study of the results of the work of individual teams and workers. When analyzing the economic activity of an enterprise, it is important not only to identify and study the factors that determined the level of economic activity achieved by the enterprise, the relationships and leverage of these factors, but also to quantitatively measure the influence of each of them. Quantitative characteristics of individual factors make the analysis accurate and its conclusions justified.

It is necessary to study not only the quantitative side of the studied phenomena of economic life, but also their qualitative content. Only if such conditions are met can reasonable and correct statements about the opposition be made. For example, an analysis of product costs showed that the company exceeded the target for reducing the cost of producing a certain product. A correct assessment of the quantitative indicator in this case can only be given by revealing the relevant factors. They may depend on the quality of the enterprise’s work (reducing material consumption rates, reducing defects, increasing product output, etc.) and not depend on its work (price changes). Only the disclosure of the influence of individual factors will provide an objective assessment of the results of the enterprise’s work in terms of product costs and the establishment of reserves for its further reduction. Zhenzhennya.

The activities of a modern enterprise are multifaceted, and the results of its work depend on many factors. In economic research, a factor is understood as the conditions necessary for the implementation of economic processes, as well as the reasons that influence the results of these processes. Each factor influencing certain results of the enterprise’s activities consists of numerous reasons, which, in turn, also act as independent factors, with a certain degree of influence on the results of the enterprise’s activities. The more detailed the composition of the reasons influencing the economic activity of the enterprise is studied, the deeper the analysis, the more fully the on-farm reserves are identified, and the assessment of the quality of the enterprise’s work is objective. Factors used in research can be classified according to various criteria. Since the results of activities are formed under the influence of numerous and varied factors, they often act interconnectedly, and negative impact at least one of them can negate the positive effect of all the others. From this point of view, factors are divided into major and minor. The main ones are those that have a decisive influence on the results of work under certain conditions; all other factors are considered secondary.

Based on their influence on the results of economic activity, factors are divided into complex and simple. Complex ones are those that combine a complex of reasons, simple ones are those that consist of one reason and are not divided into separate parts. Based on the time of action, a distinction is made between permanent and temporary factors: constant - those that operate continuously throughout the entire activity of the enterprise (for example, labor productivity), temporary - those operating at a given enterprise for a certain period (for example, the development of equipment, the introduction of a new type of product).

In order to correctly assess the quality of a farm’s work, factors are divided into objective ones, i.e. those that do not depend on the economy itself (for example, price changes), and subjective ones - those that depend on the worker. From farms.

When carrying out analytical work, it should be taken into account that many factors operate throughout the national economy, and some - only in certain sectors. There are factors that apply only to this particular pred. PERSONS or in many enterprises. Therefore, it is advisable to divide them into general and specific. Examples of general ones can be labor productivity, the number of employees, and specific ones - the heating system of a greenhouse, the distance of the enterprise from the iron station.

The influence of individual factors on the results of an enterprise’s activities can be represented in specific numerical terms. At the same time, there are a number of factors whose influence on the activities of enterprises cannot be directly measured. Therefore, to the extent that it is possible to determine the size of the influence, they are divided into those that are amenable to and those that are not directly measurable. The first group includes the influence of product structure on the volume of production and sales, labor productivity, cost and profit. The second is the enterprise’s provision of housing, childcare facilities, the level of general education and special training of personnel.

Summarizing the results of the analysis, it is necessary to identify typical ones from the entire mass of facts and select the main economic results of economic activity. When formulating conclusions based on the results of the analysis, you should take into account. Uvat that some factors can influence all aspects of economic activity simultaneously and in parallel or in different directions with other factors, while others act independently.

The quality of generalizations and conclusions, as well as proposals based on the results of the analysis, depends on the extent to which the factors, the reasons for their occurrence are disclosed, as well as their relationships and interdependence are established and how correctly their influence on the results of economic activity is assessed. Decisions based on calculations, knowledge of the real capabilities of the enterprise, and the ability to determine business prospects using economic analysis.

Economic analysis is not satisfied with general reasoning and vague assessments. It is only useful and fulfills its purpose when it contains accurate characteristics, conclusions and suggestions

Thus, the method of economic analysis is a comprehensive, organically interconnected study of economic activity with the aim of objectively assessing its results, identifying and mobilizing internal influences. Arsky reserves, ensuring maximum efficiency in the use of labor, material and financial resources.

To solve the problems of a deep and comprehensive study of farm activities, a number of methods are used based on the requirements of the method of economic analysis. The main ones are comparison, average values, groupings, relative values, balance sheet linkage of indicators, correlation, linear programming.

Comparison can be carried out both on a complex basis and on individual indicators. In order for the comparison results to provide correct conclusions that objectively reflect the essence of the economic processes being studied, it is necessary to ensure the consistency of the indicators, i.e. their homogeneity and uniform acidity. The most common ways to bring indicators to a comparable form are:

neutralization of the price factor;

neutralization of the quantitative factor, which is achieved by recalculating the qualitative indicators that are compared;

bringing to a homogeneous structure the content of the indicators that are being compared;

the identity of the time periods for which the comparison is made (by the number of working days, shifts, hours and types)

When comparing indicators, it is imperative to take into account the differences in the methodology for their calculations that occurred

Average values. When analyzing the activities of an enterprise for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month), sometimes it becomes necessary to determine the state of affairs as a whole for the analyzed period. Meanwhile, the enterprise's reporting for a number of indicators provides data only at the end of the reporting period. In such cases, average indicators are calculated for the entire analyzed period. So, for example, a study is carried out to examine the average balances of working capital and production assets.

Calculations of average values ​​are especially necessary when studying mass phenomena that take place in the activities of enterprises: the average output of a worker, the average length of a working day, the average wage, etc. When analyzing, arithmetic averages and average chronological values ​​are used. The use of average values ​​makes it possible to obtain a generalized characteristic of each individual characteristic and their entire aggregate. When using them in analysis, the economic content of the indicators should be taken into account. While being effective for determining the generalized characteristics of the phenomena being studied, they at the same time. They eliminate more or less significant deviations in the work of individual enterprises or their divisions and thus, to a certain extent, veil the true state of affairs. Therefore, when analyzing, you cannot limit yourself to summary indicators alone, but need to disclose them where necessary, according to individual components. For example, the average production standards for the plant are exceeded, and yet there is a part of the workers who have not met the standards. In such cases, when analyzing the fulfillment of production standards, along with data on average fulfillment, it is necessary to provide specific data on the fulfillment of standards by individual groups of workers.

In order for average values ​​to reliably reflect the essence of the phenomena being studied, their grouping according to certain criteria should be correctly justified

The grouping method is widely used in analysis; in particular, when analyzing the activities of a business association, the enterprises included in its composition are grouped according to the degree of fulfillment of the plan for new indicators, according to the level of power supply, according to the level of productivity, etc.

Relative values. Absolute values ​​do not always allow a sufficiently correct assessment of the results achieved by an enterprise in one or another aspect of its activities. Therefore, relative values ​​are widely used in analysis. They contribute to the disclosure of the qualitative content of absolute value. Relative values ​​are used in the form of percentages and coefficients.

Percentages are used to determine the changes that occurred during the analyzed period, determine the structure of those being studied, the level of overhead costs, etc. Considering that the absolute value of each percentage changes significantly from year to year, in many cases it will be advisable to use percentages in combination with absolute values .

Coefficients are used to determine two quantities that are related. They are used, for example, to determine shift shifts, the degree of capacity utilization, and the conversion of completed tractor work into hectares of soft plowing etc.

When analyzing, they also often resort to using indexes. An index series, in which one value is taken as the base, and others as a percentage of it, allows us to trace the path of development of a certain economic phenomenon. A series in which indicators are presented as a percentage of the previous one provides a determination of the rate of change in the phenomena being studied. Indices are used to study the dynamics of product growth, labor productivity, etc.

Balance sheet linkage of indicators. This technique is used primarily to check the completeness and correctness of determining the influence of various factors on the magnitude of deviations of certain phenomena, such as: changes in the volume of production and sales of products, cost and profit, wage fund, etc. In all cases, the algebraic result of the size of the influence individual factors should be equal to the value total deviation p in the phenomenon. The absence of this equality indicates incomplete detection or errors in calculating the size of the influence of individual factors. In cases where calculations of the size of the influence of one of the factors are associated with labor-intensive calculations, in the practice of analytical work, the so-called balance method is used, taking as the magnitude of the influence of this factor the difference between the total amount of deviations for the phenomenon of fire and the size of the impact calculated for other reasons .

The technique of balance sheet linking is also used to check the correctness when displaying two groups of interrelated and balanced economic indicators, the results of which should be identical

The techniques used in the analysis are chain substitutions, absolute and relative differences. The technique of chain substitutions is used in cases where deviations in a phenomenon are influenced by two or more factors, and when it is necessary to measure the influence of each of them. To do this, in addition to existing indicators, auxiliary indicators are calculated, calculated when one of the indicators is changed and the others are left unchanged.

Correlation. This technique is used in economic analysis in cases where the phenomena being studied are interconnected, but this connection is not in the nature of a functional dependence. For example, the amount of enterprise management costs is certainly related to the volume of production, but the exact proportions between the growth of production volume and the increase in management costs cannot be determined.

The correlation technique allows you to calculate the strength of the connection between individual factors that act in different directions, and thus find favorable relationships between them. The degree of dependence between individual factors is expressed by the correlation coefficient. Effective, this method can be used when analyzing the work of business associations.

Linear programming. The use of mathematical methods and, in particular, linear programming in economic analysis provides the opportunity to choose the optimal option when solving a number of issues in the activities of an enterprise. In the previous economic analysis, this technique could be used to develop proposals for the volume of product sales, profit, and the effective use of fixed and working capital of the enterprise. In subsequent analysis, the use of linear programming will ensure the possibility of fully accounting for on-farm reserves and their maximum use. When carrying out analytical work, it is important to correctly select the appropriate methods of analysis for studying individual aspects of activity, and for this it is necessary to first have a deep knowledge of the economics of enterprise.

The analysis begins with checking the implementation of the plan for gross and commercial output

The gross output includes products produced by all workshops of the enterprise, except for that part consumed for production needs (the so-called intra-factory turnover). Thus, gross output consists of finished products, completely completed by processing at a given enterprise, plus an increase (or minus a decrease) in the balance of work in progress, semi-finished products, tools and devices of own manufacture.

The current procedure provides for a certain difference in determining the volume of gross output of enterprises in various sectors of the national economy

Changes in work in progress balances are taken into account when determining the amount of gross output at enterprises with a long production process, as well as in cases where production fluctuates significantly. These features should be taken into account when checking gross output, since it is an indicator characterizing the volume of industrial production of individual enterprises, business associations and the entire national economy in the country.

The composition of commercial products includes only fully finished and complete products made from both purchased raw materials and customer raw materials (minus the cost of these raw materials) in the services performed by the enterprise and the overhaul of its equipment. Commercial output determines the volume of products produced by the enterprise, which can be used either for production needs or to meet the needs of the population.

Gross output is the initial indicator for calculating labor productivity and determining the degree of utilization of production capacity. Data on the size of these products must be available when checking wage standards, establishing standards for production inventories, etc. Commodity products are the initial basis for calculating such indicators as production costs, sales etc.

Evaluation of product production can be carried out in measurements. The main one is monetary (cost), it provides the opportunity to express in a single indicator the result of the enterprise’s work in producing its products and comparison of indicators both within one and between different farms.

To compare data in reporting, gross output is shown not only in current, but also in constant prices

Commodity products are valued both at the current wholesale prices of the enterprise and at wholesale market prices. However, the output of products in monetary terms does not disclose the amount of work performed directly by the enterprise, since the cost of gross and marketable output, in addition to the labor costs of a given enterprise, also includes the costs of previously materialized labor (raw materials, materials, etc.). Therefore, to correctly assess the degree of implementation of the production program, along with monetary measurement, natural, conditionally natural, labor measurements, as well as the standard cost of processing are used.

Natural measurements (pieces, meters, tons) are widely used when accounting for the production of certain types of products. At enterprises that produce homogeneous products, they can also be used to assess the production efficiency of products as a whole.

Conditional natural indicators (reduced units) are used in the case when a certain product is taken as a unit, and for all others, conversion factors are established in comparison with those accepted as a unit. Thus, the production of tractors of various brands is calculated in terms of conventional 15-horsepower tractors, the production of wagons is calculated in terms of two-axle wagons, etc.

Labor measurements (standard hours, wages production workers) are used to objectively assess the volume of work of a given enterprise

Analysis of the implementation of the production program according to annual and quarterly plans provides the opportunity to evaluate the work of the enterprise based on existing reserves for increasing production output. The results of such an analysis are valuable for the further work of the enterprise. They are also necessary higher organizations to improve the management of subordinate enterprises, financial institutions and banks in the implementation of their controls.

Analysis data carried out after the reporting period, of course, cannot be useful for quickly identifying shortcomings in daily work and taking prompt action to eliminate them immediately in order to ensure the maximum level of production in the current period. These tasks are solved during daily operational analysis of the implementation of the production program. The wider the range of issues covered by operational analysis, the more deeply managers of the enterprise and individual units can delve into the progress of work and specifically manage all areas of the enterprise’s activities.

When developing a range of operational analysis indicators and using its results, it is necessary to determine which of them are needed by the managers of lower levels (teams, shifts, sections), shops and services and which are needed by the management of the enterprise. This distinction makes it possible to provide the necessary materials to the managers of those levels who are competent to make decisions on this specific issue.

Enterprises operating on a network schedule can use data on deviations from the schedule in operational analysis

The current operational analysis of the implementation of the production program covers at least the following main issues:

the course of production;

availability of labor in all areas and complete use of working time;

fulfilling tasks on labor productivity and production standards;

use of operating time, equipment, its power, application of advanced work methods, etc.;

the progress of logistics and the state of inventories;

completeness and timeliness of providing all areas with the necessary basic and auxiliary materials, tools, various devices, as well as the use of materials

The process of processing materials includes bringing indicators into a comparable form, simplifying digital data and drawing up analytical calculations and tables

Reduction to a comparison of the type is necessary due to the fact that in the reporting tables many indicators are calculated in different estimates, based on an unequal quantitative basis and reflect a different structure. It is especially important to bring data to a comparable form when analyzing the performance indicators of two or more enterprises.

The main ways to simplify digital data are rounding and summation. Rounding of numbers consists of the fact that instead of expressing individual quantities in lower digits, they are taken in units of higher p digits. Summation in combining homogeneous terms into group indicators. Simplification of materials should be carried out in such a way that it does not affect the quality of conclusions based on the results of the analysis.

An important and labor-intensive process of processing materials is the preparation of analytical calculations and tables. All methods of economic analysis are widely used in this process.

Analytical calculations and tables should provide a correct assessment of the state of affairs in a particular area of ​​the enterprise, establish and quantitatively measure the influence of individual factors on the performance indicators being studied. Thus, as a result of the analysis, it is possible to separate the essential from the non-essential, determine the positive and negative, identify existing on-farm reserves and ways of using them. The installation of analytical tables is carried out taking into account the use of the data contained in them, not only for the analytical work itself, but also as illustrative material for the presentation of the results of the analysis.

Nowadays, the independence of enterprises and their economic and legal responsibility are increasing. The importance of financial stability of business entities is growing sharply. All this significantly increases the role of analysis of their financial condition: availability, placement and use of funds.

The results of such analysis are needed primarily by owners, as well as by creditors, investors, suppliers, managers and tax authorities.

Content and main goal financial analysis- assessment of the financial condition and identification of the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of an economic entity (enterprise, firm, company, etc.) with the help of rational financial policy. The financial condition of an entity is a characteristic of its financial competitiveness (i.e., solvency, creditworthiness), the use of financial resources and capital, and the fulfillment of obligations to the state and other economic entities.

In the traditional sense, financial analysis is a method of assessing and forecasting the financial condition of an enterprise based on its financial statements. It is customary to distinguish two types of financial analysis - internal and external. Internal analysis is carried out by enterprise employees (financial managers). External analysis can be carried out by analysts who are outsiders to the enterprise (for example, auditors).

Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise has several objectives: determining the financial position; identifying changes in the financial condition in a spatiotemporal context, identifying the main factors, click on changes in the financial condition; forecast of main trends in financial condition.

This goal is achieved using various methods and techniques. There are various classifications of financial analysis methods. The practice of financial analysis has developed the basic rules or methodology for analyzing financial statements. Among them the main ones can be identified:

periodic analysis - comparison of each reporting item with the previous period;

structural analysis - determining the structure of the final financial indicators, identifying the impact of each reporting item on the result as a whole;

trend analysis - comparison of each reporting item from the position of previous periods and determination of the trend - the main trend in the dynamics of the indicator. Using the trend, forward-looking forecasting and analysis is carried out;

analysis of relative indicators (coefficients) - calculation of relationships between individual report items or positions different forms reporting on individual indicators of the enterprise, determining the relationship between indicators;

comparative analysis - can be classified as an intra-farm analysis of summary reporting indicators for individual indicators of a company, divisions, workshops, and as an inter-farm analysis of indicators for a given company with the indicators of competitors, with industry average and average business data.

In a market economy, financial statements of business entities become the main means of communication and the most important element information support financial analysis. Any enterprise is interested in obtaining additional sources of financing. You can find them on the credit market by providing objective information about your financial and economic activities, that is, mainly for an additional fee. Omogoy providing financial statements. To the extent that financial results reveal the current and future financial condition of the enterprise, the probability of obtaining additional sources of financing - loans is high.

The main requirement for the information presented in the reporting is that it be objective, i.e. so that this information can be used by the bank to make informed business decisions regarding the loan. To do this, information about your financial condition must meet certain criteria:

information must be provided in full, which allows for prospective and retrospective analysis;

the reliability of the information is determined. ITS accuracy and truthfulness, verifiability and documentary validity;

information is considered truthful if it does not contain errors and biased assessments, and also does not falsify economic events;

financial reporting does not emphasize the interests of one group of users or bias the overall reporting to the detriment of others, that is, neutral;

openness and clarity, because users should relatively easily understand the content of the reporting;

the possibility of comparisons, with the permission of the owners, of data on the activities of the enterprise with similar information on the activities of other companies

When generating reporting information, you must adhere to certain restrictions on the information included in the reporting:

the optimal ratio of expenses and income, i.e. the costs of reporting must be reasonably related to the possible income received by the enterprise from presenting this data to interested stakeholders

the principle of caution (conservatism) - suggests that reporting documents should not allow an overestimation of assets and profits and an underestimation of liabilities;

confidentiality requires that reporting information does not contain data that could harm the competitive position of the enterprise

By the way, the users of information are different, the goals are competitive or diametrically opposed. The classification of users of financial statements can be done in various ways, however, as a rule, they are seen in three large groups: users external to a particular enterprise, the enterprises themselves (more precisely, management personnel), and accountants themselves.

The financial statements of an enterprise or organization, with the exception of statements of budgetary organizations, consist of balance sheet; profit and loss statement; applications to them, provided for by the norms regulations; an auditor's report confirming the reliability of the financial statements if they are subject to mandatory audit; explanatory note.

The explanatory note to the annual financial statements must contain essential information about enterprises, organizations, their financial condition, the possibility of comparing data for the reporting period and the previous year, etc.

There are various techniques financial analysis. The detail of the procedural side of the financial analysis methodology depends on the goals set, as well as various factors of information, time, methodological and technical support. The logic of analytical work involves its organization in the form of a two-module structure: express analysis of financial condition; detailed analysis of the financial condition.

The purpose of an express analysis of the financial condition is a clear and simple assessment of the financial well-being and dynamics of development of a business entity. It is advisable to perform express analysis in three stages: preparatory stage preliminary review of financial statements, economic study and analysis of statements.

The purpose of the first stage is to make a decision on the advisability of analyzing financial statements and make sure that they are ready for analysis; a visual and simple counting check of the statements is carried out based on formal characteristics and in essence the presence of all necessary forms and applications, details and signatures is determined, the correctness and clarity of all statements is checked forms; The currency of the score is checked. NSO and all intermediate results.

The purpose of the second stage is to familiarize yourself with the explanatory note to the balance sheet. This is necessary in order to assess operating conditions in the reporting period, determine trends in key performance indicators, as well as changes in the property and financial condition of the business entity.

The third stage is the main one in express analysis; its goal is a generalized assessment of the results of economic activity and financial condition. Express analysis can end with a conclusion about the feasibility or the need for a more in-depth and detailed analysis financial results and financial condition.

The purpose of a detailed analysis of the financial condition is to form a more detailed description of the property and financial condition of the enterprise and the results of its activities in the reporting period and the possibilities for solving the development of the entity for the future. It specifies, complements and expands individual express analysis procedures. In this case, the degree of detail depends on the desire of the analyst.

For this purpose, we can propose the following program for an in-depth analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise:

A preliminary review of the economic and financial situation, which includes a description of the general direction of financial and economic activities and identification of reporting items with negative characteristics.

Assessment and analysis of the economic potential of a business entity: assessment of property status; analytics; structural analysis of the balance sheet, analysis of qualitative changes, assessment of financial condition, assessment of liquidity; ots zinc financial stability.

Assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, assessment of core activities, analysis of profitability and profitability

By the way, the analysis of a subject’s profitability is characterized by absolute and relative indicators. The absolute indicator of profitability is the amount of profit or income

The relative indicator is the level of profitability. The amount of profitability is measured by the level of profitability. The level of profitability of entities associated with the production of products (goods, works, services) is determined by the percentage of profit from sales of products to the cost of production.

In the process of analysis, dynamic changes in the volume of net profit, the level of profitability and the factors that determine them are studied

In market conditions, when the economic activity of an enterprise and its development is carried out through self-financing, and if its own financial resources are insufficient, through borrowed funds, an important analytical characteristic is the financial stability of enterprises.

. Financial stability- this is a certain state of the company’s accounts, guaranteeing its constant solvency. As a result of any business transaction, the financial condition of the enterprise may either remain unchanged, or improve, or worsen. The flow of business transactions performed daily is, as it were, an instigator of a certain state of financial stability, the reason for the transition from one type of stability to another. Knowledge of the limiting limits of changes in the sources of funds to cover the investment of capital in fixed assets or inventories allows us to generate such flows of business transactions, which lead to an improvement in the financial status of the enterprise and to an increase in its sustainability.

The task of financial stability analysis is to assess the size and structure of assets and liabilities. This is necessary to answer the question of how independent the organization is from a financial point of view, whether the level of this independence is increasing or decreasing and whether the state of assets and liabilities meets the objectives of its financial and economic activities.

In practice, various methods of analyzing financial stability are used. Let's analyze the financial stability of the enterprise using absolute indicators

A general indicator of financial stability is the surplus or shortage of sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs, which is defined as the difference in the value of sources of funds and the value of reserves and costs

Thus, a financially stable enterprise is considered to be one that, using its own funds, covers the costs invested in assets (fixed assets, intangible assets, working capital), does not allow the balance of receivables and payables, and pays its obligations to creditors on time. The main thing in the activities of enterprises is their financial condition. Therefore, having determined financial stability, the placement of the enterprise’s assets should also be done; dynamics and structure of sources of financial resources; availability of own working capital; accounts payable have debt; availability and structure of working capital; accounts receivable; solvency.

The creditworthiness of an enterprise is understood as whether it has the prerequisites for obtaining a loan and the ability to repay it within the prescribed period. The borrower’s creditworthiness is characterized by its current financial condition and prospects for change, its ability, if necessary, to mobilize cash from different sources

When analyzing creditworthiness, a number of indicators are used. The most important of these are the rate of return on invested capital and liquidity. The rate of return on invested capital is determined from the ratio of the amount of profit to the total amount of liabilities on the balance sheet. Liquidity of the subject entrepreneurial activity- this is his ability to pay off his obligations. It is determined by the ratio of the amount of debt and liquid funds. The profitability threshold is such sales revenue at which the company no longer has losses, but still does not have a profit. Having crossed the profitability threshold, the company has an additional amount of gross profit from each subsequent unit of goods. Then the difference between the achieved actual sales revenue and the profitability threshold constitutes a margin of financial strength and which characterizes the efficient use of capital. The task of analyzing balance sheet liquidity arises in connection with the need to assess the creditworthiness of an enterprise, that is, its ability to timely and completely pay off all its obligations.

Balance sheet liquidity is defined as the degree to which an organization's liabilities are covered by its assets, the period of conversion of which into money corresponds to the period of repayment of liabilities. The liquidity of the balance sheet should be separated from the liquidity of assets, which is defined as the reciprocal of the time required to convert them into cash. The shorter the time during which a given type of asset turns into money, the higher its liquidity.

It is clear that the use of capital must be efficient. The efficiency of capital use is understood as the amount of profit per one hryvnia of invested capital. Capital efficiency - comp. Lexne is a concept that includes the use of working capital, fixed assets and intangible assets. Therefore, the analysis of capital efficiency is carried out according to its individual components:

1) the efficiency of using working capital is characterized, first of all, by their turnover. The turnover of funds is understood as the duration of their passage through individual stages of production and their return. The meaning of working capital is calculated by the duration of one turnover in days or the number of turnovers during the reporting period;

2) efficiency of capital use in general. Capital as a whole is the sum of fixed assets and working capital. Efficiency in the use of capital is better measured by its profitability. The level of return on capital is measured as a percentage of book profit to capital.

It is appropriate in this case to recall self-financing, which means financing from one’s own sources - depreciation charges and profits. The effectiveness of self-financing and its level depend on the share of own sources. However, not every enterprise can fully provide itself with its own financial resources and therefore widely uses credit as an element that complements self-financing.

In market conditions, an important role is played by the determination of product profitability indicators, which characterize the level of profitability (unprofitability) of its production. Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and efficiency of an enterprise. They characterize the relative profitability of an enterprise, measured as a percentage of the costs of funds or capital with different positions.

Profitability indicators are the most important characteristics the actual environment for generating profits and income of enterprises. For this reason they are mandatory elements comparative analysis and assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise. When analyzing production, profitability indicators are used as a tool for investment policy and pricing. The main profitability indicators can be combined into the following groups:

profitability of products, sales (indicators for assessing management effectiveness);

profitability of production assets;

return on investment of the enterprise (profitability of economic activities)

Product profitability shows how much profit is generated per unit of product sold. The growth of this indicator is a consequence of rising prices with constant costs of production of sold products (works, services) or a decrease in production costs with constant prices, that is, an increase in demand for the enterprise’s products, as well as a faster rise in prices than costs.

The product profitability indicator includes the following indicators:

profitability of all products sold - represents the ratio of profit from product sales to total sales (excluding VAT);

total profitability - equal to the ratio of balance sheet profit to product sales (excluding VAT);

return on sales based on net profit - the ratio of net profit to sales (excluding VAT);

profitability of certain types of products - the ratio of profit from the sale of a given type of product to its selling price

Financial performance indicators characterize the absolute efficiency of the enterprise's management. The most important among them are profit indicators, which in the transition to a market economy form the basis for the economic development of an enterprise. Profit growth creates a financial basis for self-financing, expanded production, and solving problems of social and material needs of the Iwu workforce. At the expense of profits, part of the enterprise’s obligations to the budget, banks and other enterprises and organizations is also fulfilled. Thus, profit indicators are the most important for assessing the production and financial activities of an enterprise. They characterize the degree of his business activity and financial well-being.

The final financial result of an enterprise's activities can be defined as balance sheet profit or loss, which is the sum of the result from the sale of products (works, services); results from other sales; balance of income and expenses from non-operating operations.

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The role and objectives of economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise

Economic analysis is a scientific method of understanding the essence of economic phenomena and processes, based on dividing them into their component parts and studying the diversity of connections and dependencies

There is a distinction between macroeconomic analysis, which studies economic phenomena and processes at the level of the world and national economy and its individual sectors, and microeconomic analysis, which studies these processes and phenomena at the level of individual business entities, which is called economic analysis of economic activity.

A comprehensive economic analysis of production and financial activities occupies a central place in the enterprise management system. On its basis, management decisions are developed and justified.

Underestimating the role of analysis, errors in plans and management actions in modern conditions bring significant losses. On the contrary, those enterprises where the analysis is properly organized have good economic efficiency results.

The important role of analysis is in preparing information for planning and forecasting performance results and assessing the quality and validity of planned indicators, in checking and objectively assessing their implementation. Developing plans for an enterprise, in essence, also represents making decisions that ensure development in the future planning period. At the same time, the results of activity for previous periods are taken into account, trends in the development of the enterprise’s economy are studied, and additional production reserves are identified and calculated.

Economic analysis of economic activity is not only a means of justifying plans, but also monitoring their implementation in order to identify shortcomings, errors and operational impact on economic processes, adjusting plans and management decisions. Planning begins and ends with an analysis of the results of the enterprise's activities. Analysis allows you to increase the level of planning and make it scientifically sound.

Of great importance is the economic analysis of the use of reserves to improve the efficiency of an enterprise in a competitive environment based on the use of scientific and technological progress and best practices.

To survive in competition and strengthen its market position, every enterprise must constantly look for reserves to improve the efficiency of its activities. Analysis promotes the economical use of resources, the identification and implementation of best practices, the scientific organization of labor, the use of new equipment and production technologies, the prevention of unnecessary costs, all kinds of shortcomings in work, etc. As a result, the economy of the enterprise is strengthened and the efficiency of its activities increases.

Consequently, economic analysis of economic activity is an important element in the production management system, an effective means of identifying on-farm reserves, the basis for developing scientifically based plans, forecasts and management decisions and monitoring their implementation in order to increase the efficiency of enterprises.

Successful implementation of these functions is ensured by solving the following analysis problems:

· studying the mechanism of action of economic laws, determining patterns and trends of economic phenomena and processes in the specific conditions of an enterprise;

· control over the implementation of plans, forecasts, management decisions, over the effective use of the economic potential of the enterprise;

· study of the influence of objective and subjective, external and internal factors on the results of economic activity, which allows you to objectively evaluate the work of the enterprise, correctly diagnose the state of yoga and predict development for the future, identify the main directions for searching for reserves for increasing its efficiency

· search for reserves for increasing production efficiency based on the study of best practices and achievements of science and practice;

· assessing the degree of financial and operational risks and developing internal mechanisms for managing them in order to strengthen the market position of the enterprise and increase business profitability;

· assessment of the enterprise’s performance in implementing plans for the achieved level of economic development, using existing opportunities and diagnosing its position in the market for goods and services, which contributes to the development of a more effective business process management policy

· development of a project management decision to eliminate identified deficiencies and develop reserves for increasing the efficiency of economic activities

Thus, economic analysis of economic activity as a science is a system of special knowledge associated with the study of trends in economic development, with the scientific substantiation of plans, management decisions, with monitoring their implementation, with determining the degree of influence of factors and business risks, with the assessment of achieved results, with search, measurement and justification of the volume of economic reserves for increasing production efficiency.

Object Economic analysis studies are the results of the economic activities of an enterprise.

Subject Its study is the cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies of economic phenomena and processes that shape the results of the enterprise.

Analytical research, its results and use in production management must comply with certain methodological principles.

The most important of them:

1 The analysis must be scientific, those. be based on the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, take into account the requirements of economic laws of production development, use the achievements of scientific and technical progress and best practices, latest methods economic research.

2 The analysis must be comprehensive. The complexity of the study requires coverage of all links and all aspects of activity and a comprehensive study of causal dependencies in the economy of the enterprise.

3 One of the requirements for analysis is to provide a systematic approach and, in which each object under study is considered as a complex dynamic system, the elements of which are connected in a certain way with each other and with the external environment. The study of each object should be carried out taking into account all internal and external connections, interdependence and subordination of its individual elements.

4 The analysis must be objective, specific, accurate. It must be based on reliable, verified information that truly reflects objective reality, and its conclusions must be substantiated by accurate and analytical calculations. This requirement implies the need to constantly improve the organization of accounting, internal and external audit, as well as analysis methods in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of calculations.

5 The analysis must be effective and actively influence the achievement of goals. It is necessary to promptly inform the management of the enterprise about identified shortcomings, miscalculations and omissions in the work. From this principle follows the need for the practical use of analysis materials for enterprise management, for the development of specific activities, justification, adjustment and clarification of planned data. Otherwise, the purpose of the analysis will not be achieved.

6 The analysis should be carried out according to plan, systematically, and not occasionally. From this requirement follows the need to plan analytical work at enterprises, distribute responsibilities for its implementation among performers and monitor its implementation.

7 Analysis must be prompt. Efficiency means the ability to quickly and clearly conduct analysis, make management decisions and implement them.

8 One of the principles of analysis is its democracy, allows for the participation of a wide range of enterprise employees in the analysis and ensures a more complete identification of best practices and the use of existing on-farm reserves.

9 The analysis should be based on state approach to assessing economic phenomena, processes, and business results. In other words, when assessing certain manifestations of economic life, it is necessary to take into account their compliance with state economic, social, environmental, and international policies and legislation.

10 The analysis must be effective those. the costs of its implementation should have a multiple effect.

Methods of economic analysis of economic activity

Analysis methodology is understood as a certain sequence of operations, techniques, actions and rules for the expedient performance of analytical work. Economic analysis consists of the following stages:

At the first stage, the objects, purpose and objectives of the analysis are clarified, a plan of analytical work is drawn up;

At the second stage, a system of synthetic and analytical indicators is developed, with the help of which the object of analysis is characterized;

At the third stage, the necessary information is collected and prepared for analysis (its accuracy is checked, it is brought to a comparable form, etc.);

At the fourth stage, the actual business results are compared with the indicators of the plan for the period under study, with the actual data of previous periods, with the indicators of leading enterprises, with the average in the region, etc.;

At the fifth stage, factors are studied and their influence on the results of the enterprise’s activities is determined;

At the sixth stage, unused and promising reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified;

At the seventh stage, the results of management are assessed taking into account the action of various factors and identified unused reserves, and measures are developed for use;

The most important element techniques are technical techniques and methods of analysis (analysis tools) (Figure 11)

Among them we can highlight traditional logical methods which are widely used in other disciplines for processing and studying information (comparison, graphical, balance sheet, average and relative values, analytical groupings, heuristic methods for solving economic problems based on intuition, past experience, expert assessments of specialists, etc.).

To study the influence of factors on business results and calculate reserves in the analysis, methods such as chain substitutions, absolute and relative differences, integral, correlation, component methods, methods of linear, convex programming, queuing theory, game theory, operations research, etc. are used. The use of certain methods depends on the purpose and depth analysis, object of study, technical capabilities of performing calculations, etc.