Try a few psychological tricks that can influence both you and those around you. They are recommended to be used to inspire confidence, win people over, or simply calm down in a stressful situation. Check yourself, maybe you have been subconsciously using them for a long time in everyday life.

1. Ask for a favor

The first psychological trick to win over a person is to ask him for a favor that will not be at all difficult for him. This could be the simplest action, for example, ask him to pass a notebook, salt, pencil, pen - whatever. When you ask for something small, you unwittingly endear yourself to that person.

2. Remember people's names

This is kind of obvious, but especially important. When you call someone by their first name, they feel more special - you make them stand out from the crowd and emphasize their importance. Also, remember to use titles or positions. “Professor” or “rector” always sounds much more flattering than just a first name and patronymic.

3. Think of your potential employer as a friend.

This tip may be useful for students or job seekers. Surely you remember yourself sitting in front of the teacher, and your tension, which is why you were unable to concentrate on the answers. So, during an interview or exam, imagine that the person sitting in front of you is an old friend whom you have not seen for a hundred years and are happy to meet again. This thought will calm you down and you will be able to concentrate.

4. If you feel like someone is staring at you, yawn

We yawn when we are tired, sleep deprived, or bored. Moreover, if we just look at a yawning person, we can also begin to yawn. Yawning turns out to be extremely contagious. There is a simple trick you can try in your environment. To find out if someone is looking at you or watching you on the sly, just start yawning. Then look around - is someone nearby yawning too? So this is the same person!

5. Organize important meetings in the morning or evening

We remember best events that happened either at the beginning or at the end of the day. The rest of what happened in the middle is unclear and blurry. Hence, it is recommended to schedule all important meetings in the morning or evening. For example, it is better to have a meeting at 8 am than at 3 pm. If you are applying for a job, then try to be the first or last at the interview.

6. How to move smoothly through a dense crowd

Sometimes when you walk down a street where there are a lot of people, you have to squeeze through the crowd, which is not very pleasant. What's the easiest way to get through it? Don't linger on people, but look at the space between them. Surprisingly, but true - most likely, they will part to let you through.

7. View dangerous situations as promising challenges.

The physical manifestations of stress are almost the same as during joyful excitement or euphoria - difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, accelerated pulse. We all find ourselves in stressful situations from time to time, so try to perceive them as a challenge, not a threat. This will allow you to transform the feeling of stress into an active thought process.

Body language when talking to people is extremely important because it can convey more than words. The feet of your interlocutors will help you understand their true feelings and intentions. When people turn only their torso towards you, and not their legs, there is only one conclusion: they clearly don’t like you. If the toes of their feet are turned in a different direction, it means they want to leave as quickly as possible.

9. Do not use the phrases “I think”, “it seems to me”

Self-confidence will relieve you of many doubts and hesitations, and will also give you strength. It is important to understand and feel yourself and your self-esteem. There are some actions that you perform unconsciously that may show that you are not particularly sure about something, so do not use the phrases “I think”, “I believe” or “it seems to me” - this sounds very unconvincing.

10. Chew when you're stressed

Try eating or chewing something chewing gum before you are about to hold a meeting, give a speech, or take an exam. People who are stressed usually lose their appetite. This is why when we chew something, our brain receives a signal to relax. This simple psychological trick will help you relieve nervousness and reduce stress levels.

Psychology is a science whose laws cannot be ignored. Modern marketers, entrepreneurs and even scammers know this.

We have selected psychological tricks that can be used in everyday life. Now achieving your goals will definitely become easier and more interesting.

How to define a "fan"

Have you ever noticed out of the corner of your eye that a certain person is watching you? However, you couldn’t catch your admirer? We suggest you conduct a test. If you feel that someone is looking at you, just yawn at this moment. Well, yawn for a long time and look at this person. As you know, pharynx is quite a contagious phenomenon. Your observer will gape immediately, and then you will be convinced that you were right.

How to move the crowd

If you need to get through a crowd of people, try our next trick. Stand up straight and look at your end goal of the movement. Now go. You will be surprised, but people themselves will clear your way! This trick will not work in the following cases: if you in sunscreens glasses and if you look at a smartphone.

How to calm your opponent

Have you ever met at work meetings with a person who clearly dislikes you? If you feel that you are going to be accused, slandered or provoked into conflict, sit next to your opponent. The person will need to turn their entire body to look at you. Either this feeling of guilt will awaken, or discomfort because the object is very close, but the person will clearly say much less bad things or remain silent at all.

Make your eyes speak

If a person doesn’t tell you something in a conversation with you, you shouldn’t ask again. Just look your interlocutor in the eyes. The look will cause awkwardness and a feeling of guilt and will force you to talk.

How to get a person to fulfill a request

The idea is quite simple: if you want a discount, ask for the item for free first. The fact is that a person will feel guilty if he refuses your first request, so the second time he will be much more loyal.

Speak into a specific ear

Another trick that will help get a person to fulfill your request. It turns out that which ear you speak into is very important. Phrases heard by the right ear affect the logic of the interlocutor, and by the left ear - on the feelings. This means that it is better to ask, talk about work and business, standing to the right of the person. To the left of the interlocutor, confess your love and give compliments.

Eye contact

When a person looks directly into the eyes, one gets the feeling that he is listening carefully to his interlocutor. Therefore, if you like a person and want to start a relationship with him, try to remember the color of his eyes. Noticing such a look, the interlocutor will become more disposed towards you.

Call the person by name more often

You can make a person like you if you often call him by name after meeting him. A proper name is just honey to our ears. Why not don't use This trick won’t increase the chances of your interlocutor’s sympathy?

How to remember information

If you are learning new knowledge or skills, share the information with another person. Retell everything in detail and explain it to your interlocutor - this will make it easier for you to remember the details.
Snackman effect

This trick became famous thanks to a video from the Internet in which two people fighting in a subway car were stopped by a man simply walking between them. Incredibly, there is a little secret here. The young man, who was soon nicknamed Snackman, was... chewing. Food has a calming effect on people. Without knowing it, people who watch another person eat become less aggressive.

Communication is a difficult matter, even when it concerns the closest people. Every now and then we quarrel, enter into conflicts, and show coldness towards each other. Nothing can be done about this, only experience will help you understand your loved ones. But what to do when strangers, on which your work depends, are starting to complicate your life? What to do when you make life difficult for yourself? Resolving internal and external conflicts takes a lot of energy. But you can always find a simple way. You just need to use our universal techniques, which should not be confused by people. Our techniques are harmless and effective.

Make eye contact when you receive an unsatisfactory answer.

Sometimes we don't like the answer to a question we ask. Instead of repeating a question or asking others to repeat it, look the person in the eyes. This will make your interlocutor feel under pressure, driven into a corner, which will have a positive effect on the answer - he will refine his thoughts and answer.

Stay calm when someone raises their voice at you

This requires a lot of effort, but it is worth it. When a screamer acts in anger, our mirror behavior can provoke the psychopath to act rashly. But the feeling of anger quickly subsides, so it is important to wait for the moment that will replace the anger with a feeling of guilt. If you act like this, your opponent will be the first to ask for forgiveness.

Sit close to the aggressor to avoid attack

If you are heading to a meeting with an aggressive person, then you should know that the discussion can turn into a fight, or at least into a stream of unfounded criticism. Therefore, it is important to limit the aggressor’s personal space - this will reduce his confidence in his arguments. Sit closer to him and you'll find a big drop in aggression. This works everywhere, even in a relationship with a girl.

Remember everyone's name if you want to please them

If you want to be popular, then... Call all people by name - you should make a habit out of this, because when you call a person by name, he instantly begins to “open up” to you. The interlocutor feels special because they are addressing him specifically, and not a faceless person from the crowd whose name no one knows.

Write down your thoughts when you feel anxious

We all feel stress and anxiety. If nothing is done about it, anxiety can become a chronic condition of the body. But it can be overcome. It is enough to tell about your experiences. However, it is not necessary to share them with real person- just write down your thoughts in a diary and then close it. Believe it or not, this helps you quickly return to normal.

Limit your choices when you need to make a decision quickly

Some people believe that it is better to have a wide choice and make the right decision. However, if we talk about facts, then a large selection paralyzes many possibilities. And when you need to make a tough and fast decision, a lot of choice can sway you in favor of the wrong decision. This state of affairs can be compared to a large supermarket. You needed to buy a dozen eggs, but you come to the store, see an abundance of food and buy everything, but not eggs. Therefore, we suggest that you limit your choice, reduce it to a few clearly defined options, and not think about halftones. This will save time to consider each option.

Posture is an important part of confidence

Proper posture can really boost your confidence. We understand that it’s not easy to keep track of this, and when you work at a computer, it’s easiest to be a crooked boy. But try to straighten up now, take up more space with your body, as animals do when they see an enemy. When you take up more space (and this eliminates any distortion), you begin to feel and realize your strength.