Ecology of health: It is believed that the nose is the only bone that continues to grow throughout life. This is incorrect: the tip of the nose is formed by cartilage and muscle, not bone. However, the nose does get larger with age.

Exercise "Snub"

You've probably heard that the nose is the only bone that continues to grow throughout life. This is incorrect: the tip of the nose is formed by cartilage and muscle, not bone. However, the nose does get larger with age.The fact is that the muscles of the nose weaken and the cartilage either slides forward (it turns out to be a “hook nose”), or its halves creep apart (“potato nose”).

Exercise "Snub"

Exercise strengthens the lateral muscles of the nose, which keep the nasal cartilage from slipping and prevent the nose from growing as we age.

Starting position. Whether sitting or standing, the spine is straight.

Mentally “pull your helmet” ()

Using your index finger, lightly press the nasal septum from below so that the nose rises slightly.

Execution. Contract the lateral muscles of your nose and press your nose onto your finger. Relax. Quantity. Do 20 quick movements. This is enough if the shape of your nose suits you and you just want to keep it. If your nose seems wide or long, pause for 10 seconds and then do another 20 quick movements.

Safety precautions. Do not press your finger on the nose from below too much - make sure that there are no transverse creases on the nose. Very often, beginners, when performing this exercise, diligently wrinkle their eyebrows or purse their lips. Don't let this happen, look at yourself in the mirror. Only the nose should work!

What muscles are involved:

    alar and transverse part of the nasal muscle;

    levator muscle upper lip and the wing of the nose.

Result. The exercise maintains the size and shape of the nose. At regular implementation slightly thins the wide nose and shortens the long one.

What muscles are involved?:

alar and transverse part of the nasal muscle; muscle that lifts the upper lip and ala nasi.published

Details Updated: 05/11/2019 19:23 Published: 01/12/2013 11:35

Anastasia Listopadova

What determines the shape of the nose? Are there corrective exercises for the nose?

Each person has their own unique nose shape, size and configuration. How the nose looks depends on many factors. This is, first of all, race, gender, age, heredity.

From nose shapes It largely depends on how a person's face looks. There are a huge number of people in the world who are not happy with their nose and would like to have it corrected. Most often, plastic surgeons are contacted to make the nose smaller, shorten the nose, remove the hump, and correct the shape of the nostrils. Some “order” their nose from a surgeon, others are afraid of the operation and possible adverse consequences, and are looking for alternative ways make your nose more beautiful.

We will try to understand this issue and answer in popular language your many questions on this topic received on our website.

The structure of the nose. Bones, cartilage, soft tissue

The nose, or rather its visible part, consists of the so-called: root of the nose, back, wings and tip.
The internal structure of the nose consists of a hard, bony base, softer cartilage and soft tissue.

Nose bones

Bony skeleton of the nose formed by the frontal processes of the maxillary bones and nasal bones. The nasal bones are located in the upper third of the nose and are shaped like a pyramid.

Nasal cartilage

The middle and lower parts of the nose (lower 2/3) consist of cartilage tissue. Cartilage gives shape to the tip of the nose and the lower part of the bridge of the nose.

Cartilaginous skeleton The nose consists of several symmetrical cartilages and unpaired cartilage of the nasal septum. The nasal septum cartilage complements the bony nasal septum. It is the anterior edge of this cartilage that largely determines the shape of the dorsum of the nose.

Most people have a deviated nasal septum, but the nose may look symmetrical. A slight curvature of the nasal septum is considered normal and does not require correction.

In the lateral walls of the noses, complementing their bone base, lie the lateral cartilages. In the thickness of the wings there are alar cartilages and small, irregularly shaped accessory and sesamoid cartilages.

Muscles and soft tissues of the nose

On top of the supporting structures there is soft tissue, which consists of muscle, fat and skin. The structure, thickness of the skin and fat in the nose varies from person to person, which also affects how the nose looks. As a result, some people have a thin, narrow nose, while others have a fat and convex nose.

The lateral, large pterygoid cartilage of the nose and the frontal process are covered with muscles on top. With the help of these muscles, a person retracts the wings of the nose and compresses the nasal openings.

Muscles are also attached to the legs of the wing cartilage. This is the muscle that lowers the nasal septum and the muscle that elevates the upper lip.

Nasal muscles, training of which can affect the shape of the nose:

What determines the shape of the nose?

The shape of the external nose is influenced by:

    • the angle at which the nasal bones point forward;
    • size of nasal cartilage;
    • method of joining cartilages;
    • the distance between the forehead and the bottom of the nasal cavity;
    • size and shape of the pear-shaped opening.

Conclusion : the shape of the nose is determined by the structure and relative position of its bone and cartilaginous components. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the subcutaneous fatty tissue and the skin covering it from the outside, as well as the muscles of the nose.

Nose shape and age

The shape of a person’s nose develops gradually and changes noticeably in childhood and adolescence. A child's nose is usually small and wide. This is caused by a relative lag in the development of the corresponding parts of the nasal and ethmoid bones of the skull.

The external shape of the nose reflects the condition of the skin and subcutaneous layer. Due to age-related changes These tissues, in old age the bone and cartilaginous base of the nose become more prominent, and the nose becomes sharper.

Changes in ambient temperature and general condition the body significantly affects the degree of blood supply to the vessels of the skin of the nose. As a result, a change in the color of the skin of the nose, its redness or blueness.

Can exercise affect the shape of your nose?

Exercises Can't Fix Stiff, Hard Bone Tissues. Bone tissue can only be deleted plastic surgery, using special tools.

But, exercise can affect the moving cartilage components of the nose. This is not fiction, many people use special exercises for the nose, we achieved a more beautiful shape for our nose and abandoned plastic surgery.

Sculptural gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio - Video lessons - Non-surgical face lifting and rejuvenation

Nasal muscles

The nose has some important muscles. They originate on the bones, which are located on bone and cartilaginous plates and extend directly into the skin of the nose (Fig. 36).

In the middle of the dorsum of the nose, the procerus originates (Fig. 36, D), which is also called pyramidalis. In adults, it is a thin muscular plate 2-3 cm wide and 4-5 cm long, the fibers of which rise perpendicularly upward and extend into the skin of the forehead. When the muscle contracts, an oblique wrinkle appears at the root of the nose. It can be observed very often both in life and in portraits and busts. It is especially pronounced in Michelangelo’s David (Fig. 37). Duchesne calls the oblique wrinkle produced by the procerus the attack wrinkle, and this interpretation is perfectly confirmed by the sculpture of David, who is depicted just at the moment when he is about to throw a stone at Goliath. But this wrinkle can appear under other circumstances. I observed it in a two-month-old infant during intense and prolonged crying. Naturally, he had no thoughts of attack. During crying, all the muscles near the eyes contract convulsively, including the procerus, which leads to the formation of “attack” wrinkles. But it is rarely constant until the age of twenty. In any case, I did not observe her at that age. On the contrary, it can often be observed in older people who have already experienced a lot of troubles and sorrows in their lives. Duchenne's expression of "attack" can lead to misinterpretations. If someone has an oblique wrinkle at the root of the nose on their face, then one cannot conclude from this that this person is a fighter and a bully, but only that he may have had enough difficult fate and he lived a hard life, but thanks to his courage, ability to quickly make decisions and stand in battles with fate, he turned out to be a winner. “Stand despite all difficulties” is the meaning of this wrinkle. That's why we find it in active people. It is clearly expressed in many major military leaders. This wrinkle is often found in manual workers. It always indicates a struggle. Whether a peasant with hard work achieves fertility from a stingy and meager land, or an intellectual pursues his views in opposition to his scientific opponent - in essence, this is the same thing, namely, struggle. It is noteworthy that I often observed this wrinkle among guides in the mountains. When they “attack” a difficult mountain, this is also a struggle that leaves its mark on the face. For the same reason, this wrinkle can often be observed in sailors. I also found it on many busts from Rome.

Rice. 36. Muscles that lift the nose and upper lip

Among thinkers and poets, this wrinkle is less common, although they often tighten the inner ends of the eyebrows and, perhaps, like crying child, activate their procerus. The busts of a certain philosopher from Villa d'Ercolano (Naples, National Museum) and Sophocles (Florence, Uffizi) show this wrinkle. But, in general, in this group the oblique wrinkle is much less clearly expressed than in David.

As a rule, on the faces of young men - and David is an exception - this wrinkle does not occur. Even Alexander, the greatest fighter and conqueror, does not have this wrinkle. But if he lived to be 50 years old, then most likely it would appear on his face, testifying to his past deeds. And yet, this wrinkle cannot be classified as purely age-related. It does not appear from passive wrinkling of the skin due to reduction of adipose tissue, but is formed as a result of the active activity of m. procerus (proud muscles). It is characteristic of wrestlers, and since wrestling is predominantly the work of men, we rarely see this wrinkle in women; in them it is only indicated. One should not confuse the oblique “wrinkle of struggle” with the mark that can be left at the root of the nose by the temple of glasses. It is clear that such a trace has no psychodiagnostic significance. This first example of muscle analysis convincingly shows what a significant mark the work of a tiny muscle plate can leave on the face.

If the reasons for the contraction of all other facial muscles could be interpreted just as simply, the construction of scientific physiognomy would not pose any difficulties. However, the next muscle of the nose, muscle nasalis(Fig. 36, 2), which lowers the tip of the nose, shows that in reality the situation is much more complicated.

Nasalis consists of two parts. The common source of both parts of the muscle lies on the bones upper jaw, in the place where the fang wound. One part of the muscle fibers, called the pars transversa, rises to the back of the nose in the form of a thin plate 2–3 cm wide, closely adjacent to the cartilage. At the midline of the nose, the right and left side muscles are connected by bands of tendons. Together, both muscles form a loop, the ends of which, right and left, begin in the area of ​​​​the fangs, and the middle wide part of the loop runs along the middle third of the nose. When the entire loop contracts, pressure is applied to the lower half of the nose from front to back and at the same time from top to bottom. The tip of the nose yields to this pressure because it has its own cartilage, separated from the general cartilaginous projection of the nose. It is easy to see that when pressing with the fingers, the lower peripheral part of the nose can move back and forth, while the upper central part remains motionless. Pars transversa, pressing on the tip of the nose, directs it downward, while simultaneously pressing it towards the bones of the upper jaw. The skin becomes tense and pulled down. In this case, there are no oblique wrinkles on the skin. On the contrary, if there is a pronounced nasolabial fold, then due to the tension of the skin it can disappear.

Another part of the musculus nasalis - pars alaris - also begins on the upper jaw near the transverse parts; its fibers then go right and left into the skin of the wings of the nose. It pulls the wings of the nose back and down and thus narrows the nostrils.

The positive physiognomic significance of musculus nasalis is generally small. It serves primarily as an antagonist of those muscles that pull the tip of the nose and wings of the nose upward, as, for example, with a contemptuous grimace. If the nasalis were absent, then the nose, after a grimace of expression of contempt, would not be able to return to its original state.

Duchesne ascribes great importance to the pars transversa; he calls it the muscle of lustfulness and obscenity and believes that the fine wrinkles that appear on the sides of the nose during strong sensual stimulation are generated by this muscle (Fig. 38). But these wrinkles can be observed mainly on the upper third of the nose, where the skin is more mobile. In the area of ​​the pars transversa, where the skin fits tightly to the cartilage, wrinkles are observed much less frequently and only in very old people. This suggests that these wrinkles are not produced by pars transversa, but by caput angulare levator’a lab. sup.

The muscle that most influences the position of the nose is considered by anatomists to be the oral muscles. Its name is caput angulare from quadratus labii superioris. It begins at the root of the nose on the lateral side of the nasal cartilage and moves in a straight line downwards where it exits into the skin. One cord stretches directly to the wing of the nose, the other moves next to it, but somewhat more to the side towards the upper lip. Both parts are easy to separate from each other. However, they stretch together and when the wings of the nose are raised upward, they usually lift the upper lip. The nasal part of Caput angulare raises the wings of the nose and its tip. Therefore, this muscle could be called the levator nasalis, or the muscle that moves the wings of the nose and nostrils. The current title is too long and encourages confusion. The muscle dilates the nostrils and is therefore activated in cases where there is a shortage of air, for example, with pneumonia or with a narrowing of the larynx (diphtheria). It cannot be said that the increase in the amount of air inhaled due to the work of this muscle would be very significant, but when a person is in danger of suffocation, he does everything possible to somehow improve his situation. This nasalis activity usually does not last long; it occurs over a short period of time in exceptional circumstances.

In ordinary life, the activity of this muscle is decisive in expressing states of dissatisfaction.. With slight contraction, the nostrils rise - sometimes only on one side. Sometimes the upper lip rises along with the nostrils. If the muscle contracts significantly, then a skin fold appears directly behind the wings of the nose, which is characteristic of the work of this muscle. Michelangelo perfectly conveyed this wrinkle in his David (Fig. 37). David's wrinkle appears only due to the work of the muscle that lifts the nose. If the neighboring muscle, the levator labii superioris, quadr. lab. sup., then, accordingly, the upper lip rises.

Rice. 37. David, Michelangelo. Florence

The position of David's nose and upper lip expresses hostility against Goliath. The fighter's oblique wrinkle at the root of the nose is well complemented by the contemptuous expression of the wings of the nose. The image of a horse snorting angrily and flaring its nostrils involuntarily comes to mind. Perhaps this activity of the levator nasalis is an atavistic relic.

If m. The levator nasalis contracts very strongly, then a significant number of small wrinkles appear, running from the inner corner of the orbit to the wings of the nose. These are “wrinkles of obscenity” according to Duchenne. I have already said above that they have nothing to do with the activity of pars transversa, and also with obscenity. It can be assumed that these wrinkles appear during moments of intense sensual stimulation. If the mouth is wide open in this state, then the wings of the nose rise up along with the upper lip. But such transient reduction does not lead to the formation of permanent wrinkles. In any case, I have never observed in either men or women such persistent wrinkles that could be associated with manifestations of sensuality. These wrinkles are generally rare. They are most clearly expressed in older people - both men and women. Most likely, we can assume that these people were dissatisfied with their lives for a long time. The vernacular aptly calls them “wrinkled noses.”

Perhaps this is the basis for the appearance of oblique wrinkles on the nose of the old peasant woman (Fig. 38). Apparently she often wrinkled her nose at the servants' work or the lives of her neighbors. The tip and wings of the nose are slightly shifted upward. The space between the nose and mouth is increased. But it is difficult to imagine that these wrinkles arose on the grounds that Duchenne speaks of.

Since these wrinkles appear only in sufficient mature age, in earlier years, the activity of the facial muscles that elevate the nose can be ascertained mainly by the wrinkles surrounding the wings of the nose. These wrinkles can be short, like David's. However, they can extend to the corner of the mouth and form the well-known nasolabial fold if the levator labii superioris and laughter muscles are frequently used.

Since certain facial muscles are activated when expressing contempt, the lines they cause on the face are considered as an expression of constant grumbling and gloating - that is, stable negative characterological traits. But it would be more accurate to call them muscles of discontent. You can be dissatisfied with others and express this by wrinkling your nose contemptuously. But you can be dissatisfied with yourself and your work, and this dissatisfaction can be a stimulus to higher achievements and thus have a positive meaning. I could often observe traces of constant work of the muscles that raise the wings of the nose - either in the form of a short wrinkle, as in David, or in the form of a significant deepening of the upper end of the nasolabial fold - in university professors. Or they were the managers of large clinics who had high demands on their assistants that were difficult to fulfill. These are very inconvenient people in the service, but, as my late friend Kreke always said, it was from them that their assistants could learn a lot. And, despite the wrinkle of discontent, in life the relations of these people with their students were often very cordial.

Rice. 38. East Friesland peasant woman wrinkling her nose (Klaus, “Race and Soul”).

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From the author's book

Evgenia Baglyk is an instructor in face-building, facial gymnastics that works with muscles. It allows you to make your face fit and youthful. Facebook building acts on the problem from the inside. The blood supply to the face improves, the skin is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, and a clear contour of the cheekbones and chin is modeled.

In the video, Evgeniya explains in detail how to work with the muscles of the nose.

It is no secret that the nose lengthens and widens with age, losing its former shape and tone, because... the muscles of the cheeks weaken and sag, the subcutaneous fat layer around the wings of the nose thins, and gravity inexorably pulls our nose to the ground.

Therefore, exercises to train the tiny nasal muscles located under the nostrils are recommended to strengthen and improve its shape, even in the absence of obvious problems with the nose, to keep the nose young, strong, straight and beautiful.

Nasal exercises can also reduce big nose, make a wide nose more graceful and even correct a crooked nose, and make the hump on the nose less noticeable.

To prepare and perform the exercises, you need a mirror, attention, and clean hands. To learn how to perform the exercises correctly, without the risk of harming yourself, you will need 15-20 minutes. Performing the exercises in the future will take no more than 1 minute.

What these exercises can help you do:

  • raising or preventing the descent of the tip of the nose, eliminating its expansion and the formation of humps on the nose;
  • reduction of the nasolabial fold and smoothness of the skin above the upper lip;
  • improving breathing through the nose, preventing runny nose and colds.

The exercises are done in an isometric form: muscle strengthening occurs without stretching the skin.

The nasal muscles are rarely involved in facial expressions; they narrow or widen the nostrils and hold the skin of the nose. The nasal muscle, located in the wings of the nose, is a paired muscle, and has a common tendon running through the center of the nose. Going down from the tendon, the muscles are woven into the skin of the lateral surface of the nose,
The inner part of the muscle is woven into the orbicularis oris muscle. The nasalis muscle lowers the wings of the nose, narrowing the nostrils. The nostrils are also narrowed by a small muscle that lowers the nasal septum.
On the contrary, the front and posterior muscles, dilating the nostrils. The mobility of all these muscles is ensured by their connection with the skin of the nose and surrounding areas.

As facial muscles, the muscles of the nose, depending on the type of face and the work of other facial muscles, are capable of giving the face a whole range of expressions from kind to extremely irritated.

But these muscles are rarely used. The weakening of the muscles of the nose disrupts its respiratory function and shape, the nose lengthens, its tip descends and widens. Slipping of the skin associated with the nasal muscles deepens the nasolabial fold and disrupts the smoothness of the skin above the upper lip.

Regularly performing simple exercises will make the muscles of the nose stronger, prevent drooping of the tip of the nose, restore or maintain its normal position, prevent sliding of the skin of the nose and deepening of the nasolabial fold, stimulate blood circulation and the flow of oxygen to the area of ​​the nose and upper lip, significantly improve your breathing and control. .

To eliminate the drooping of the tip of the nose or its widening, reduce the nasolabial fold, and eliminate the formed humps on the nose, regular training and patience are needed to strengthen the nasal muscles and local blood circulation. To achieve these goals, it is advisable to do exercises 5-6 times a week.

The muscular system of the nose is formed by the following muscles - the nasal muscle, the muscle that lowers the septum of the nose, the muscle that elevates the upper lip and the wing of the nose.

Nasalis muscle It is represented by a transverse and wing part, which perform different functions.

A) Outer or transverse part, goes around the wing of the nose, widens somewhat and at the midline passes into a tendon, which connects here with the tendon of the muscle of the same name on the opposite side. The transverse part narrows the openings of the nostrils. Let's look at the picture:

b) The inner, or wing part, attaches to the posterior end of the cartilage of the nasal wing. The alar part lowers the wing of the nose.

Figure 7. Transverse and alar parts of the nasal muscle.

Depressor septum muscle, most often included in the alar part of the nose. This muscle lowers the nasal septum and lowers the middle of the upper lip. Its bundles are attached to the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum.

Figure 8. Depressor septum muscle.

Levator labii and ala nasi muscle plays a significant role in the formation of nasal folds in a team with the nasal muscle and the muscle that lowers the nasal septum. It starts from the upper jaw and is attached to the skin of the wing of the nose and upper lip.

Figure 10. Muscle that lifts the upper lip and ala nasi.

Cheek muscles

In the cheekbone area there are the zygomatic minor and major muscles, the main function of which is to move the corners of the mouth up and to the sides, forming a smile. Like all facial muscles, both zygomatic muscles have a hard point of upper attachment - the zygomatic bone. At the other end they are attached to the skin of the corner of the mouth and the orbicularis oris muscle.

Zygomatic minor muscle starts from the buccal surface of the zygomatic bone and is attached to the thickness of the nasolabial fold. By contracting, it raises the corner of the mouth and changes the shape of the nasolabial fold itself, although this change is not as strong as when the zygomatic major muscle contracts.

Figure 11. Zygomatic minor muscle

Zygomatic major muscle is main muscle laughter. It is attached simultaneously to both the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic arch. The zygomaticus major muscle pulls the corner of the mouth outward and upward, greatly deepening the nasolabial fold. Moreover, this muscle is involved in every movement in which a person needs to lift the upper lip and pull it to the side.

Figure 12. Zygomaticus major muscle

Buccal muscle

The buccal muscle is quadrangular in shape and is the muscular basis of our cheeks. It is located symmetrically on both sides of the face. Contracting, the buccal muscle pulls the corners of the mouth back and presses the lips and cheeks to the teeth. Another name for this muscle is the “trumpet player’s muscle”, which rightly appeared because the muscles of the cheeks influence the compaction and focus of the air stream in musicians playing wind instruments.