Industry: Energy and housing and communal services

Since Rosatom unites many enterprises and organizations, the creation of industry-wide directories is a necessary condition for centralizing and ensuring transparency of procurement activities and relations with suppliers, as well as for organizing the joint work of IT systems of industry enterprises. That is why the project to create a unified industry system of regulatory and reference information (URS NSI) was included in the “Program for the transformation of the financial and economic block and information technologies” of the State Corporation. The EOS NSI system will cover organizations in the blocks “engineering and construction of nuclear power plants,” “operation of nuclear power plants,” and “life cycle of nuclear fuel.” Based on the results of an open competition, IBS was involved in the implementation of the project, and a specialized SAP solution was chosen as the platform.

To date, a pilot project to create an Unified System of Scientific Information has been completed. Within its framework, a number of directories have been created: “Counterparties” (debtors/creditors, legal entities, residents/non-residents), “Material and technical resources” (MTR), “Elements of industrial facilities”, “Unified chart of accounts”, a set of all-Russian directories and classifiers . The most popular reference books have become “Counterparties” (currently contains about 70 thousand entries), “MTR” (about 150 thousand entries) and “Unified Chart of Accounts”. Already during the pilot project, 215 enterprises were connected to the EOS NSI using the “Counterparties” directory, and 35 enterprises using the “MTR” directory. In total, more than 4 thousand users work in the system, their access is provided using the portal service.

Work is currently underway to replicate the system. It is expected that by 2012 the total number of EOS NSI users will reach about 10 thousand people. Thus, this project in the field of organizing regulatory and reference information on the SAP platform will become one of the largest in the world and the largest in Europe. The results of the project and the capabilities of the EOS NSI will be used in a number of other IT projects of the Rosatom State Corporation. Among them are the creation of a unified industry procurement system, a unified industry system for integrating corporate applications, a unified industry document flow system, a property asset management system, the introduction of a unified settlement center system, etc.

« Centralization of the processes of maintaining regulatory and reference information and the use of an appropriate information system, firstly, will increase the quality and reliability of the information provided by IT systems. Secondly, it will reduce costs and time for generating consolidated reporting. Thirdly, it minimizes risks due to incomplete or incorrect payment data. This will also make it possible to optimize and ensure transparency of procurement processes and work with suppliers, reduce planning time for procurement and supply of materials and equipment, optimize the process of maintaining master data by organizing a unified management environment", noted Head of the NSI program at Greenatom CJSC Kirill Sukovykh.

Federal State Educational Institution

Higher Professional Education

National Research Technological University "MISiS"

Department of Automated Control Systems

Coursework for the course

"Systems Theory and Systems Analysis"

Completed: Avdoshina Olga

Group: MA-10-1/I810-4

Teacher: Morozov E.A.


1.Definition of normative and reference information 3

2. Problems and needs of companies regarding the master data management system. 3

3.Unified reference data management system (EU reference data) 5

4.Creation of an automated reference data management system 8

4.1. Analysis of master data 8

4.2.Choice of architecture and estimation of the cost of creating an automated control system for reference data 10

4.3.Implementation 15

5. Persons responsible for maintaining reference data 16

6.Effectiveness of implementation 18

7. List of used literature 20

  1. Definition of normative and reference information

The operation of each automated system is based on regulatory reference information (RNI). Master data is a semi-permanent part of all corporate information that does not undergo significant changes in the daily activities of the organization. The master data includes: dictionaries, reference books and classifiers, the elements of which (for example, codes, names of materials, services, contractors, units of measurement, etc.) are used in the generation of current documents.

Reference data is used in automated systems when generating operational documents, planning and reporting. Accordingly, the quality of this planned, operational and reporting information directly depends on the quality of the master data. Management errors associated with poor-quality information sometimes cost businesses millions in losses.

  1. Problems and needs of companies regarding the NSI management system.

Companies, as a rule, use several automated systems that support various business processes, in which the same directories are maintained independently of each other. This completely typical situation causes the following problems:

Additional costs for independent maintenance of the same directories;

Additional costs associated with ensuring information interaction between systems using different directories of the same master data objects;

Great labor intensity and high cost of generating consolidated reporting based on data in which the same reference data objects (goods, services, contractors) have different codes and names;

Low quality of regulatory and reference data.

What does “poor quality” regulatory reference data mean? This is reference data that:

Have problems structuring materials and equipment into groups;

Duplicate or contradictory data from the directory of material and technical resources (goods and services) in 70% of cases lead to a significant increase in the enterprise's inventory and the formation of illiquid assets. For example:

The absence of the necessary parameters in the product description in the directory may lead to the purchase of a product that does not meet the required characteristics. As a result, illiquid assets are formed in warehouses;

The presence of duplicates in the directory will not allow you to correctly perform the automatic consolidation of all ordered materials and equipment of the same name in order to obtain a consolidated application. As a result, the order will be placed with the supplier in different batches and the company will not receive a discount for placing a large-volume order, and therefore the purchase will be completed at a higher price;

The use of different codes and names of materials and equipment by different departments does not allow analyzing the availability of materials and equipment in warehouses and the use of existing stocks, instead of purchasing new materials and equipment, which also leads to financial losses.

The low quality of reference data is a consequence of the lack of specialization in the management of reference data. The tasks of increasing business efficiency, the need to build a modern foundation for the development of the IT landscape of companies, the construction of new corporate ERP systems and the development of existing ones require increased efficiency in managing regulatory and reference data. The implementation of the Unified Reference Data Management System solves this problem.

Regulatory and Reference Information- a conditionally permanent component of corporate information, which is the basis for the unification and normalization of data accompanying ongoing business processes, as well as regulation of the organization’s activities. In other words, regulatory and reference information is a company’s information resource, generated internally and received, as a rule, from the outside. It contains standards, requirements, rules, regulations and other information that normalizes and systematizes the company’s activities.

The requirement to ensure interaction and unification of various application systems of business processes occurring at enterprises and in various organizations, consolidation of reporting documentation, leads to the need to build a system of normative and reference information. The system of normative reference information is formed by groups of objects built on all-Russian, industry and corporate (internal) [classifiers] and directories.

The main problems of reference data in corporate information systems:

  • All-Russian classifiers and reference books developed by government services and approved at the federal level, intended for up-to-date information content with regular updating and verification, are not used in full:
  • All-Russian classifiers, partially presented in the systems, are not updated or normalized;
  • The information, which together constitutes a single whole, is divided into several parts and collected in separate directories;
  • System directories are duplicated in information content and functional use;
  • The bulk of directory data is not normalized, the maintenance of normative and reference information is not regulated, resulting in duplication of information when updating directories. There is insufficient information in the directory entries (the entries are not fully described);
  • The majority of classifiers presented in the systems have a weak structure based on the characteristics of information grouping, and are single-level, which is not ensured by the flexibility and information content of the classification.

Information systems Regulatory and Reference Information.

The corporate reference data system provides storage, processing And provision permanent and conditionally permanent information to system users.

Master data systems are designed to keep corporate data up to date, ensure completeness, eliminate errors, and monitor the integrity and consistency of data.

Modification of data and its structure stored in the master data system is permitted only by system experts. All actions to modify data are strictly regulated. Users of information are other enterprise information systems that receive data through predetermined interfaces.

This approach ensures the correctness of data within the enterprise, regardless of the number and variety of information systems used, eliminating duplication of information by different departments and simplifying the construction of summary reports.

The term NSI is of Soviet origin, although a clear definition was not introduced in the USSR. In the West, a more suitable analogue of master data is Master Data or Master Referenced Data, the essence of which is non-transactional normalized reference information (catalogues) and classifiers (hierarchies). Thus, Master Data can only be considered as a subset of the master data concept.

Directory Management Systems can be equated to the international concept of Master Data Management (MDM), which can be considered as part of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

It is fundamental that dictionaries, standards, rules, regulations, which are usually included in the concept of master data, are not objects of MDM systems.

See also

  • Blog on NSI by Sabir Asadullayev
  • SAP Master Data Management


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    NSI- unauthorized collection of information Source: NSI regulatory reference information; regulatory reference information legal. NSI helmet-mounted indication system in marking...

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    Mansi, uncl., m. and f. (people) … Russian word stress

    EOS NSI- a unified industry system for managing regulatory reference information Source: ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations


  • Integrated design and control systems. SCADA. Textbook, Oleg Nikolaevich Kuzyakov, Roman Vasilievich Martynyuk, Halim Nazipovich Muzipov, Sergey Aleksandrovich Khokhrin, Margarita Viktorovna Chashchina, The tutorial covers basic information about the programs of the Sirius-SCADA real-time system. The program "Research Database Editor" is described, intended for creating databases... Category: Automation. Computer Science Series: Textbooks for universities. Special literature Publisher: Lan,
  • Integrated design and control systems. SCADA, Muzipov Kh.N. , Recommended by the Regional Department of the Urals Federal District UMO of universities of the Russian Federation for education in the field of radio engineering, electronics, biomedical technology and automation as a teaching aid for students... Category:

In the 21st century, we have entered a period of development when it is absolutely impossible to imagine life without electronic computers and software for them, which help us in everyday life, increase the productivity of an individual specialist, and speed up the passage of time.

In our blessed and information age, a quick search for all questions that interest us is of great importance, from the method of opening a can without an opener to requesting a regulatory document at the federal level.

In our blessed and information age, a quick search for all questions that interest us is of great importance, from the method of opening a can without an opener to requesting a regulatory document at the federal level. Any legal action is accompanied by appropriate documentation. Therefore, there are even more such documents in the state document flow, because this area is quite large-scale.

Any reference and information base can be combined into one general name - regulatory and reference information. Of course, the system requires the presence of such employees who would work with it. Especially for this purpose, a department is created in the company, the work of which is entirely devoted to the fact that employees manage the reference data. Maintaining regulatory and reference information is a rather responsible matter that requires mandatory attention and high professionalism.

Regulatory and reference information is a complex of all information questions and answers to them that appear in various spheres of human life. Such a system consists of a huge amount of information that transmits all the necessary information from various areas of human life.

A good example for understanding reference data are special reference information databases, which are a list of regulatory legal acts, decrees and laws. This type of work should be handled by a special department.

As a rule, such a reference book is needed by every specialist and institution that directly and on ordinary days are faced with the problematic issue of obtaining any legislative act. Absolutely all legislative acts are stored in reference books; there are quite a lot of them and it often happens that finding what you need is problematic. And the presence of reference data reference books (in addition to their classifiers) greatly simplifies the matter. Take, for example, the most common reference book of diseases, in which any person, based on specific symptoms, can approximately obtain the name of his disease, as well as methods and methods of treating it. NSI is also actively used to solve various problems that have a narrow specialization and are intended for specialists of a narrow profile. In other words, any organization must have a special reference data department, which, in turn, will deal with such matters as maintaining information, managing information, etc.

The master data usually includes the following information and analytical components:

  • reference books
  • classifiers, for example, such as OKDP, OKATU, etc.
  • various dictionaries

All this data as a whole represents a powerful tool capable of solving complex and multi-level problems.

Features and advantages of reference data

The set of normative and reference information is a fairly powerful tool for storing and high-quality systematization of information included in its components.

An important advantage of the master data system is the ability to create reports of any complexity, which helps to satisfy any, even the most complex user requirements.

In conclusion, we can add that master data systems are a powerful work tool that are simply necessary in any work processes of each enterprise, as well as in the work processes of federal and municipal self-government bodies.

H4 class="g-subhead">Definition of normative and reference information (RNI)

Regulatory and reference information of an enterprise is conditionally permanent information structured in a certain way, intended for the purpose of forming and describing business objects and business processes of the company.

Most often, regulatory and reference corporate information consists of reference books, regulatory documents, dictionaries, classifiers and other types of concepts designed to form a unified corporate information space.

The basis of the organization’s reference data consists of three main groups:

  • Information component. This includes classifiers, reference books and regulatory documents.
  • Software and hardware. This includes a set of software and hardware tools that are designed to collect, store and edit information. They are also designed to provide access to data.
  • Organizational support. This includes a system of regulations and an organizational structure for maintaining, controlling and maintaining procedures for analyzing and converting data.

Systems used to support reference information are currently in high demand among customers and project integrators. Russian large companies are trying not so much to purchase such systems as to take an active part in the development of their software solutions to this issue. Perhaps purchasing such a system will seem quite expensive to you, but believe me, it is worth it.

Reference data in organizations and firms

Companies that initially paid attention to the high importance of systems for supporting regulatory and reference information and invested in their development are already making good profits today.

There are several main reasons why managers of large companies try to use reference information systems in their organizations:

  • The need to integrate information systems, which, in turn, will significantly reduce the organization’s costs for a variety of processes for maintaining master data;
  • The ability to use a unified system of reference information codes - this will automate the generation of corporate reporting;
  • The ability to significantly increase the level of reliability and quality of regulatory and reference information by eliminating the possibility of data duplication;
  • Reducing the costs of obtaining and processing regulatory and reference information without losing the quality of this information.

The functioning of automated systems (AS) that are part of the corporate information system of an organization (enterprise, institution, integrated structure, government body) and ensuring the implementation of key business processes is impossible without the use of regulatory reference information (RNI). Accordingly, the effectiveness of managing a modern organization largely depends on the quality of reference data.

The LM Soft company offers services for the creation of a corporate reference data management system (CMS reference data) of an organization, which allows maintaining the quality of the regulatory and reference support of its AS at the required level.

A key element of LM Soft's methodological approach to reference data management is the organization, within the corporate information system, of a single Reference Data Fund - a set of interconnected reference books, classifiers, dictionaries and regulatory documents used by all AS. The management of reference data arrays included in the Fund is carried out centrally by a special service - the corporate reference data center.

The creation of a CSU NSI is a complex of works on the establishment and automation of three main groups of processes for managing the NSI Fund:

    processes for maintaining the Reference Data Fund (updating the reference data arrays included in the Fund, and information services for reference data consumers – subscribers of the Fund);

    processes of expert and methodological support of reference data arrays;

    processes of organizational support of reference data arrays.

The work includes measures to form the main types of system support:

    organizational (preparation of organizational structure, organizational documents and regulations);

    informational (reconciliation, normalization, classification, coding, development of new master data arrays, etc.);

    methodological (development of necessary techniques);


A generalized diagram of the organization of work is shown in the figure.

expand all sections

Prerequisites for creating a corporate reference data management system

Data processed in the automated system of any organization can be divided into two categories:

    operational information;

    regulatory and reference information.

Operational information – characteristics of specific operations performed by divisions of the organization. For example, at an industrial enterprise it is formed into class AC:

    CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing - Automated production preparation);

    PLM/PDM (Product Lifecycle Management - Product lifecycle management/Product Data Management - Product data management);

    MES (Manufacturing Execution System - production process management system);

    ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning - Enterprise Resource Planning);

    CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc.

Thus, operational information supports the management of business processes of design, production, sales, procurement, financial management, etc.

Reference information is conditionally permanent information borrowed from regulatory documents and reference books and used in the operation of the AS. In foreign practice, the term Master Data is used in relation to reference data. In the AS database, regulatory and reference information is represented by arrays of reference data - sets of data generated on the basis of documents.

Operational information is generated on the basis of master data. Consequently, with low quality of reference data (errors in records, duplication, contradictions, incomplete description of objects), the efficiency of enterprise management is significantly reduced.

Typical reasons for low quality reference data are:

    lack of unified classification and coding systems for reference data arrays with information about homogeneous objects;

    lack of standards for describing objects represented by records of master data arrays;

    lack of regulations for maintaining master data arrays.

Poor quality of reference data leads to the following main problems:

    the complexity of integrating the enterprise's automated systems into a single information space;

    inability to promptly obtain consolidated reporting and monitor key indicators;

    the impossibility of fully organizing centralized processes (purchases, after-sales service, etc.);

    mismatch of information about products at different stages of its life cycle.

Emerging problems are solved by creating a corporate reference data management system.

Organization of the functioning of the NSI CSU

KSU NSI provides automated execution of the following processes:

1. Maintaining the NSI Fund arrays:

    updating the NSI Fund arrays;

    information services for subscribers of the NSI Foundation;

2. Expert and methodological support of the NSI Foundation:

    formation and normalization of NSI Fund arrays;

    quality control of reference data arrays;

    monitoring information resources and needs for reference data of departments and automated systems of the organization;

    development of normative and methodological documents for the management and support of the NSI Fund.

3. Organizational support of the NSI Foundation:

    maintaining the register of the Fund of reference data (register of arrays of reference data);

    maintaining a register of reference data suppliers;

    maintaining the register of subscribers of the NSI Foundation;

    administration of users of the NSI Foundation.

The functioning scheme of the NSI Fund is given below:

Basic software

When creating a master data management system, software products of the MDM (Master Data Management) class are used, which implement basic functionality:

    managing the contents of master data arrays (data entry/editing/export/import, support for data normalization processes and monitoring the integrity of related arrays);

    viewing and searching the contents of master data arrays (including displaying complex hierarchies and searching for duplicates);

    data quality control (creation and execution of complex scenarios for identifying and correcting errors of various types);

    management of applications for adding/changing master data objects (including the implementation of complex approval processes);

    integration (synchronization) of data (including the creation and execution of data synchronization scenarios for any array of reference data and each target AS - consumer of the reference data);

    administration of users and system resources.

Both the most common foreign industrial software products of the MDM class (master data management) - IBM InfoSphere MDM, SAP NetWeaver MDM, Oracle MDM, as well as the domestic specialized software package LM Soft MDM can be used as base software.

The main work on the creation of the NSI CSU

The development of the NSI CSU includes the following main works:

    determining a list of the main functional areas of the organization’s activities, within the framework of which the management of reference data is automated, defining the goals and objectives of the Reference Data Fund;

    formation of a register of automated enterprise systems, a register of local arrays of reference data in functional areas;

    formation of a register of the Reference Data Fund (register of centralized arrays of reference data);

    development of classification and coding systems for the NSI Foundation arrays, harmonized with industry, state and international directories and classifiers;

    development of standardized description formats;

    functional modeling of the processes of collecting and making changes to the arrays of the Reference Data Fund, information services for subscribers of the Reference Data Fund;

    construction of a generalized model for storing reference data and standard schemes for integrating AS in terms of reference data;

    development of hardware and software architecture for MDM solutions;

    setting up a basic MDM system and developing additional software;

    preparation of reference data arrays (classification, coding, reconciliation, normalization);

    development of organizational and regulatory documents for the management of the NSI Fund;

    development of methods for transferring master data arrays to centralized management;

    transfer of master data arrays to centralized management.

Advantages of the proposed approach to creating a CSU for reference data

The main advantages of LM Soft’s approach to the development of reference data management systems include the following:

1) Master data arrays are developed in accordance with the generally accepted approach in international practice to the description and codification of objects (cataloging).

Each group of homogeneous master data objects must have a standardized description template with a standard base name and a fixed set of values ​​for key characteristics. The composition of the characteristics in the template allows you to uniquely identify an object and assign an identification code to it. Lists of group names, attributes, descriptions of elements and their values ​​are maintained in the format of dictionaries (directories) in accordance with regulations that ensure their timely updating, uniqueness of values ​​and compliance with regulatory requirements, which reduces the cost of maintaining master data arrays and integrating enterprise automated systems.

2) System design is carried out in accordance with the methodology of the GOST 34 complex (Automated systems).

The NSI CSU is divided into functional subsystems (FS) according to the company’s areas of activity (materials and technical support, fixed assets management, contract management, financial management, etc.) and supporting subsystems (software, information support, methodological support, organizational support and etc.).

Each FP is responsible for the centralized maintenance of a set of interconnected directories and classifiers for this area of ​​activity. All FPs use common resources provided by supporting subsystems (software, integration mechanisms, organizational structure, etc.).

As a result of the implementation of the system, a single automated centralized Master Data Fund begins to function in the company, supported by single unified types of collateral. This reduces the cost of maintaining it, adding new functional subsystems and developing existing ones.

3) When creating a control system for reference data, any industrial software system of the MDM class can be used. At the same time, the LM Soft company offers its own specialized software package.

The LM Soft MDM complex is implemented on the basis of the version of the 1C: Enterprise platform certified by FSTEC of Russia.

The use of a domestic MDM software system solves the problem of import substitution in terms of software, significantly reduces the cost of the implemented master data management system (compared to the use of MDM systems from foreign manufacturers) and facilitates the task of creating secure master data management systems.

Effects of implementing the NSI CSU

The effects of implementing the NSI CCS can be divided into two main groups:

1. Economic (quantitative indicators characterizing the results in the areas of activity of the Group of Companies, in physical or monetary terms):

    reduction of costs for maintaining reference data;

    reducing the cost of supporting existing speakers;

    reducing the time for introducing new systems;

    reducing the cost of AS integration;

    increase in sales of final products and spare parts;

    reducing costs for the purchase of material and technical resources;

    reduction of warehouse stocks and illiquid assets;

2. Managerial (qualitative indicators characterizing positive changes in the areas of activity of the Group of Companies, which are difficult to evaluate in physical or monetary terms):

    increasing the reliability of analytical data;

    reduction of time for preparing consolidated reports;

    increasing the number and degree of detail of analytical features;

    increasing the efficiency of design and production processes;

    increasing the efficiency of after-sales service processes;

    increasing the efficiency of managing receivables and payables;