Perminova Elena Pavlovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU Igrinsky kindergarten № 7
Locality: Igra village, Udmurt Republic
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Integrated GCD for physical development
Publication date: 07.01.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Igrinsky kindergarten No. 7
Integrated GCD
on physical development
"Visiting the Three Bears"
for children of the second junior group according to the general education program of preschool education “From birth to school”

Educational area:
"Physical development".
"Visiting the Three Bears"
Creating conditions that encourage children to engage in motor, play, communicative and cognitive activity and promote their harmonious development.

 create conditions for a positive emotional response in children to sports exercises, instill a love of physical education;  continue to work to improve children's health, prevent posture disorders, and flat feet.
 practice lining up in a column, walking and running in a column one after another, walking with the knee raised high, lining up in a circle; in walking on a bench, crawling under an arch, walking on a ribbed board;  learn to perform movements at a general pace;  consolidate the actions of correlating objects by size, color, naming them;  to help children understand the concepts of “big”, “smaller”, “small”;  deepen the horizons of knowledge about the surrounding reality;  expand passive vocabulary through the introduction of unfamiliar words.
 develop children’s cooperation skills with each other;  cultivate understanding, kindness, responsiveness, desire to help others;  promote a caring attitude towards living nature.
 develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the movements of other children in the group;  develop the need for physical activity;
 promote development, jumping ability, agility, speed, coordination, balance, endurance and attention.
Children's age:
3 – 4 years.


“Physical development”, “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.
Types of activities:
motor, play, communication, cognitive.

music center, audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”, three barrels of honey of different sizes, a bear hut, three toy bears of different sizes, fir trees and birch trees, a bench for bears, a gymnastic bench (length 2-3 m, width 20 cm, height 20 cm .), 2-3 arches for climbing, ribbed board, bear mask, audio recording of rhythmic mosaic by A.A. Burenina "Teddy Bear".
Preliminary work:
Reading the fairy tale “Three Bears”, learning the outdoor game “Bear and Children” and rhythmic mosaic by A.A. Burenina "Teddy Bear". Conversation about rules of conduct when visiting.
Brief explanation of the lesson
The main goal of the educational field “Physical Education” is to develop in children an interest and value attitude towards physical education, and the harmonious physical development of a preschool child. To ensure that physical development classes bring joy to children and help them develop an interest in physical exercise, I try to use integrated classes. These include conducting classes on physical culture in the form of motor stories. With this method, all parts of the lesson are united by an interesting plot and a common theme. The plot necessarily implies the presence of some goal that the children together with the teacher strive for (harvest the harvest, save a fairy-tale character, etc.). Thus, the “intrigue” that attracts children remains throughout the entire lesson and helps maintain the children’s unstable attention, directly and indirectly allowing them to achieve their goal.

Progress of the lesson




Methods, forms,




4 minutes
Guys! And today, three bears invited me to visit. But you can’t go on a visit without a gift. What can you give to bears? (children's answers). Right! The most delicious gift is honey. And I have barrels of honey. But I can’t carry it away alone, will you help me? Who wants to visit us? Today we will go into the forest, we all get up one after another. We will visit a Russian fairy tale, we will meet three bears, we will not forget to take honey, and the bears will be happy. One-two, one-two, More fun kids! We raise our legs higher. We don't step on bugs. One-two, one-two, Above the children's legs. Let's run along the path, Let's hurry to visit the fairy tale. They ran and ran and didn’t get tired at all. We will go along the path, we will get to three bears. One-two, one-two, One after another, kids, Stop, guys, we came and found a clearing! Get up in a circle and wait for the bears. Here come the bears! What size is the barrel, what size? Formation in a column. Walking in a column Walking with high knees Running in a column at a slow pace. Walking in a column Formation in a circle Org. moment, motivation. Children enter a hall decorated like a forest. The sounds of nature and forest can be heard in the background. Watch your posture. Keep a distance between children and avoid collisions. Watch your posture. Children put
Shall we give it to the bear? (children's answers).
outdoor switchgear

. IP - standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Here daddy bear meets us, (Which of these bears daddy is the big one) Raises his furry paws up, One-two, one-two, Repeat kids!
. IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. The mother bear waddles (Which of these bears is the mother - the smaller one) leads the bear cub with her. To the left once, to the right once. Bend over now. Left once, right once. It works for you!
. I.p.-standing, heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt Here comes the little bear cub (Which one is the smallest bear cub) He is the child of mother and father bears He began to squat and play pranks, hitting loudly with his paws. One-two, one-two, Repeat kids!
.IP-legs slightly apart We gave the honey to the bear, All the bears began to jump. One-two, three-four, everyone got sweet honey. One-two, one-two, everyone jumped then. Let's walk, let's rest, we'll start jumping again One-two, three-four, We've all received sweet honey. Perform in a circle. Breathing barrels corresponding in size near each bear. Raise your hands up, “round”, fingers apart (4-6 times). Tilts left and right (3 in each direction). Sit down, hands forward with clap (4-6 times). 8 jumps on two legs Walking in place 8 jumps on two legs On the word “inhale”

.IP-standing legs slightly apart The bears inhale the aroma of honey, And send bows. exercise: raise your arms up, and when you hear the word “exhale,” lower them smoothly.


10 minutes

The bears received their honey, And they invited you to play, So that we could come to the clearing, We need to cross a bridge, Climb under every branch, Go through the entire dense forest, There is an uneven road, There are hummocks, there are a lot of branches. You look carefully, keep your balance, crawl up, contrive, hurry up to the clearing! Of course, you contrived to find yourself in a clearing. Here the bear is waiting for you and inviting you to play. The bear was walking through the forest, Misha was looking for the children. For a long, long time he searched, sat down on the grass and dozed off. The children began to dance and began to tap their feet. Bear, bear, get up, catch up with our children. It is carried out using the continuous flow method in a circle. Outdoor game “Bear and Children” Walking on a gymnastic bench (maintain balance, back straight), crawling under an arc, walking on a ribbed board (watch your posture). Perform 3-4 laps). The driver should put on a bear mask (the game is repeated 2-3 times). Children sit in a circle - hiding from the bear. The bear walks around the children and then sits to the side.” The children wake him up - he catches up with them.


3 minutes
Turn around one after another and stand in a circle. For a fun game I will dance and sing. You guys will support and repeat the movements. Turn around one after another, smile at the bear cubs, and in a cheerful crowd we will all go home. We will go along the path We will find the road to the house The fairy tale is over, and we are Forming in a circle. Low mobility musical game. Calm walking. In the teacher’s hands, Mishutka “dances and sings” together with the children. We leave the gym and
Everyone must go home. heading to the group.
List of used literature:
1. Buglina L.N. Visiting a fairy tale (morning exercises in the second junior group). Preschool teacher, 2009, No. 3, 19 – 32. 2. Mosyagina L.I. A holistic system of physical education and health work with infants and toddlers preschool age. – SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDREN’S PRESS” LLC, 2013. – 288 p. 3. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Sample general education program preschool education. / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC$SYNTHESIS, 2014. - p. 4. Sokolova L.A. Notes of story-based morning exercises for preschoolers. – SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2013. – 80 p. 5. Physical education of children 2-7 years old: detailed forward planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova / author. T.G. Anisimova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. – 131 p.

Elena Ivanova
Abstract of the GCD “Physical Development” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: Formation elementary ideas about sports and values healthy image life in classes physical development.



1. Strengthen the skill of walking and running in a column one at a time; ability to perform movements according to the music.

2. Strengthen motor skills children: hopping on two legs while moving forward; crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach; dribbling the ball with one hand and passing the ball with both hands from the chest; dribbling the ball with the right (left) foot around objects.

3. Consolidate knowledge about sports.


1. Develop physical quality through exercises: bouncing on two legs, crawling on a gymnastic bench, dribbling and passing the ball and playing "Find your home".

2. Promote the health of children.


1. Develop the ability to perform collective actions, develop positive and creative communication skills.

2. Cultivate positive emotions.


1. Form correct posture while walking, running, exercising and playing.

Integration of educational regions:

1. Social and communicative development– supporting the child’s communication and interaction with adults and peers, developing independence and activity.

2. Cognitive development - development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

3. Speech development– enrichment of active vocabulary and mastery of speech as a means of communication.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development– promote the perception of music.

5. Physical development– acquisition of motor experience in motor activity associated with performing exercises aimed at development of physical qualities, performing basic movements, mastering outdoor games with rules. Healthy lifestyle support.

Types of children's activities and forms work:

1. Motor (outdoor game with rules, exercises)

2. Gaming (outdoor game, finger gymnastics, massage)

3. Communication (conversation, situational conversation, solving a situation)

4. Musical and creative (musical and rhythmic movements)

5. Cognitive (conversation about sports)

Preliminary work: conversation with children about sports, famous athletes; learning finger exercises, greetings, self-massage in poetic form.

Forms of children's organization: group, subgroup, individual.

GCD type: plot-game, training

Teaching methods: verbal (conversation, dialogue, story, visual (demonstration of material, practical (game, exercise demonstration)

Venue: gym.

Number of children: 14 people.

Equipment and inventory: gymnastic benches, small balls, hoops, stands, basketballs, soccer balls, cards with sports, music, prizes, gymnastic ribbons.

Musical arrangement: "Merry Song"(Words by Vadim Borisov, music by Alexander Ermolov, performed by the Children's Song Theater "Mascot"); "Beauty will save the world"(Music by Vladimir Mikhailov, performed by Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble).

The course is directly educational activities:

Preparatory part (4-5 minutes)


Welcome correctional game: "Hello!"

Psychological game "You and I are friends together"

The appearance of the hero Styopa - Zaboleikin.

Musical accompaniment: "Merry Song"

Walking in a column alone:

on your toes, arms up.

on your heels, hands behind your back.

- Jumping with a task:

legs together - apart, hands on the belt, side gallop with the right and left sides.

Running in a column, one at a time, changing direction.

Walking in a column one by one

Rebuilding in two columns:

Children enter the hall and line up.

-FC instructor:

Hello girls! (teacher waves his hand)

Hello! (the girls wave their hands above their heads)

Hello boys! (teacher greets the boys)

Hello! (boys wave their hands above their heads)

Hello Sunny! (everyone raises their hands up)

Hello, hello! (clap hands)

Guests, hello! (extend straight arms forward)

Hello, hello! (clap hands)

We are growing well under the sun! (on your toes, arms up, stretch higher)

We are becoming healthier every day! (hands to shoulders and to the sides)

-FC instructor:

Guys, I hasten to inform you

Today on a trip

I want to invite you!

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests.

There is a sports country

It's called the Olympic Village. Only athletes live in this village. What should an athlete be like? (Strong, brave, dexterous.) Right. Do you want to visit this village? (Yes)

Today you will be athletes and I will be your coach

But my friends can go with me, are you my friends? (Yes) Is the teacher your friend? (Yes)

-FC instructor:

Hello boy, who are you?


Zaboleikin Styopa, I’m just sick, friends.

I look sad and my head hurts

My back hurts, my side hurts

I need a doctor, he would help me.

-FC instructor:

Stop groaning and roaring, it’s a shame for the boy to be sick.

Come to our kindergarten

Here you will learn from the guys

How to be healthy and strong

How to live a day without sadness

It’s true, children, we can do it,

Zaboleikin, can we help?

Stepan, get up in line,

Repeat everything after the guys

You will learn to be brave, strong, dexterous and skillful

You will learn a lot and you will not suffer.

We're getting ready to hit the road

Let's go for health.

Be equal! Attention!

To the right, to the left, step by step!

Back straight, look forward

Pull in your stomach

Breathe through your nose, land on your toes

We look over the left, right shoulder

- “Run March!”.

Keep your distance, breathe through your nose

-FC instructor: Take the ribbons.

We guys walked for a long time

They came to the Olympic Village

Let's start preparing

Go out for a workout!

Main part (15-16 min.)

Musical and rhythmic gymnastics "Beauty will save the world"

(see Appendix No. 1)

Building in loose

Finger gymnastics "Porridge"

(see Appendix No. 2))

ATS: (subgroup form of organization of children)

1. Task "Basketball Players"

(driving the ball with one hand to a landmark, passing the ball with both hands from the chest)

2. Task "Gymnasts"

(crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands over the edges of the bench (hand grip from the sides); jumping on two legs while moving forward).

4. Task "Footballers"

(dribbling the ball with the right (left) foot around objects).

Outdoor game "Find your home"

(see Appendix No. 3

We remove the tapes.

-FC instructor: Guys, let's take a little rest and refresh ourselves. delicious porridge, finger gymnastics will help us with this.

FC instructor: Well done with the training, and now real sports tasks await us.

We divide into two teams.

I will show you a hint card, you must say what sport we will do and only then get the task.

We perform the movements correctly, efficiently and in no hurry.

In-line method.

-FC instructor: When dribbling, we do not lift the ball above the waist, we follow the ball, when passing, we pass the ball from the chest in a straight line.

In-line method.

-FC instructor: When crawling

correct grip with your hands, when jumping, land softly on your toes, hands on your belt.

In-line method.

-FC instructor: Let's keep our eye on the ball.

It's time to play

Do you agree kids?

Final part (4-5 minutes.)

Back massage: "Friendship"

(see Appendix No. 4)


Summing up the results of the lesson and presenting prizes.

Children leave the hall to the accompaniment of musical accompaniment.

FC instructor:

And now we will rest

And let's start the massage soon

Hold hands together

Get into the circle quickly.

FC instructor:

Guys, this is where it ends.

our training in the Olympic Village.

It's time to sum up the sports results for us,

All the children did an excellent job

And sport certainly helped us with this.

Styopa, did you like our training?


I'm not sick at all anymore

I'm happy with the training

Thank you all friends

Now I will be an athlete.

FC instructor:

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

Return to kindergarten

Appendix No. 1

RTO "Beauty will save the world":

Introduction and part 1 verse: formation in two columns - girls and boys, ribbons to the sides.

Part 2 verse 1: waves the ribbons in right side, then to the left, leg to the side on the toe (2 times in each direction).

Chorus: swing the ribbons over your head, alternately bending your legs; turn around on your toes, ribbons up (repeat 2 times); squats "Spring", alternately swinging the ribbons back and forth.

Verse 2: formation in 2 circles - boys form a circle in the center, girls - around the boys, ribbons to the sides; "Tower"- boys face in a circle, ribbons up, girls approach the boys, ribbons up; girls step back, ribbons are down (repeat 2 times).

Chorus: the same, only in a circle.

Losing: running in all directions, "Firework"- sit down, stand up, wave the ribbons from bottom to top (repeat 3 times).

Appendix No. 2

Finger gymnastics "Porridge"

Like porridge in a saucepan, the children are driving index finger right hand in the palm of the left (cooking porridge)

And hissed and puffed,

She wanted it on our plate. Press your palms with edges towards each other and stretch them forward.

Let's serve butter with the porridge. Clap one palm on the other.

We'll treat everyone we know. They stretch their arms forward.

Prepare the spoons. Alternately bend your fingers for each name.

Masha and Antoshka,

Valerka and Polinka,

Funny Irinka. They bow their hands forward.

Appendix No. 3

Outdoor game "Find your home"

Target: Teach children to imitate the movements of athletes in sports, navigate in space without bumping into each other and follow the rules of the game.

Description: Children are divided into four teams according to sports, standing on different sides of the hall. To the music, teams begin to imitate the actions of athletes in sports. Upon command or music stop, players must find their home. Houses can change places. The game is repeated several times. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Appendix No. 4

Back massage "Friendship"

(standing in a circle, facing back)

Adult: All the children gathered in a circle.

Children: I am your friend and you are my friend.

Adult: We'll rest a little,

And let's start the back massage.

Let's stand up straight like aspen trees,

Children: And we have straight backs (stroke your back with your palms from top to bottom)

We'll knock on your back (tapping with the edge of the palm)

Let's run our fingers (with fingertips up and down)

Let's clap, clap (palms on the back)

Let's drown, let's drown (fist tapping)

And we certainly know

We are not afraid of diseases! (children pull left hand to the center of the circle, last

word throw your hands up)

Synopsis of NOOD for physical education (plot). Senior group

Teacher (full name): Lebedeva Natalya Viktorovna
Age group of children: senior group
Theme itself educational activities: Story lesson “In search of a little fox.”
Target: Formation of children's interest and value attitude towards physical education.
Psychological and pedagogical tasks: Practice the skill of crawling on all fours on a gymnastic bench, crawling sideways under an arc, practice jumping, improve various types walking and running. Form correct posture, help strengthen the arch of the foot, develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop coordination, dexterity, speed, strength. Instill a love of nature, animals, the ability to take care of them, and develop children’s cooperation skills with each other.
Integrated educational areas: Physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.
Type of children's activity that underlies direct educational activities: motor.
Form of work with children: group

Part 1 – introductory
Children are lined up, back straight, standing in a basic stance.
Instructor: Children, we received a telegram from the forest in kindergarten, from a fox.
What is written here, let's see? (Opens). She lost her little fox and ran out of the hole while the fox was leaving to get food.
The fox was looking for the cub, but could not find him; he ran away too far from the hole.
She asks you for help.
Well, let's help, guys?
Where could the little fox be?
Oh, the path to the forest is not easy and long.
Is everyone here?
Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to rescue the little fox?
Right! Follow the guide and take a left step!
Let's stretch our legs a little so we don't get tired on the road. Roll from heel to toe, march! Hands on the belt.

Let's see how far the forest is.
On your toes, march! One hand on the belt and the other put to the forehead.
It started to rain so as not to get our feet wet, let’s walk on our heels.

The forest is already close, let's hurry up. Let's march.
We jump over puddles.
Long strides, march!
We run over small pebbles, with small steps, march!
There is a little forest left nearby. Step march.
Exercise to restore breathing.
We walk along a narrow path. Step by step, march!
As usual, march!
Oh, we're a little lost. Turn! We're going to the wrong place again. Turn!
I see the forest. Let's march. We approach the forest so as not to frighten away the wild animals, marching easily. Hush, hush, don’t rush to walk, go ahead.
There are fir trees at the edge of the forest, looking at you and me cheerfully.

Stay in place once, twice! Left, one, two! Arms-length distance.
Breathing exercises “Herringbone”.
Inhale through your arms, lower your arms down and exhale. The Christmas tree branches up and down.

Part 2 – main
The musical accompaniment “Sounds of the Forest” plays. Children stand in a circle, at arm's length from each other.

Instructor: Here we are in the forest. How many of you know how to behave in the forest?

Do not scream, do not break tree branches, do not offend animals and birds, do not destroy nests, walk next to adults.

Instructor: Who is this guy with the spiky head?
Head massage “Hedgehog”.
Children use their fingers to massage the head from the forehead to the back of the head several times.

Instructor: A hedgehog climbed onto a tree stump and his legs are not visible
He's such a feisty guy, his spines aren't combed
And you can’t tell if it’s a brush or a hedgehog.
The hedgehog greets us from the doorway and there are many animals in the forest.

Complex outdoor switchgear "Forest inhabitants"
Look at this, guys.
Who's sitting on the branch there?
It crackles throughout the autumn forest,
Sparkling white side.
Will tell you many miracles
Chatty... Magpie

1. “The Magpie Flapping Its Wings”
IP: basic stance, hands down.
1 – hands up
2 – hands down (8 times)

Oh, who is this?
Does he live underground?
He is digging an underground passage.
That animal is called... Mole

2. “The mole hides in a hole”
I.p.: basic stance, hands on the belt.
1.2 – sit down with your hands and hide your head
3.4 – return to starting position (6 times)

And this beast is terribly evil
He makes friends only with a fox,
He clicks and clicks his teeth,
Very scary gray...Wolf

3. “The wolf is looking for tracks of hares”
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1.2 – tilt down, reach the floor with your hands
3.4 – return to the starting position (6 -8 times)

What kind of monster is this
In the thicket of the forest it started
Like a hanger of horns
Well of course it's......Moose

4. “The moose lies and looks around”
IP: kneeling, hands behind head
1– turn right (left),
2 – return to starting position (8 times)

The cat is beautiful, the fur is reddish,
Tasseled ears and powerful paws.
Just, perhaps, you don’t hang out with her -
The predator is dangerous. Her name is…..Lynx

5. “Evil and Good Lynx”
IP: standing on all fours, back straight
1,2 – arched back, Lynx got angry, back rounded
3.4 – bent your back, kind Lynx, straightened your back (6 -7 times)

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, eagle owl, fox.
Runs from them, escaping,
WITH long ears

6. “The hare is jumping in the forest.”
I.p.: basic stance, hands in front of the chest like the paws of a hare.
1-12 jumps on two legs, then pause, repeat 2-3 times.

Instructor: And how clean and fresh the air in the forest is, let's breathe in the fresh forest air.

Breathing exercise “Let’s take a breath of fresh forest air.”
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeat several times.
Instructor: Yes, how many animals we met on the way, but we never met a fox cub.
Well then, let's go deeper into the forest.
Walking in a circle, forming a line.
It looks like we will have to overcome many obstacles.
Until we go any further
Let's rest a little
Sit down on the old fallen tree behind you.
Red ponytail here and there
Suddenly flashed through the bushes
The branch swayed
Sitting on a branch.... Squirrel
The squirrel collected pine cones
And I almost couldn’t hold it back.
And these cones fell,
Straight under Mishka's feet.
Misha, look at the bumps under your feet, and so do you guys. Pick up one cone at a time. Let's play with them.
Let's play with pine cones between the hands
take the right hand and squeeze it harder
Let's take the left hand and squeeze it harder.
You can also toss cones.
Let's roll on our feet.

Children take out cones from under the bench. Roll the cone between your palms and squeeze it in your hand. They throw and catch cones. They roll on your legs.

Instructor: And while you are stretching your hands, I want to ask you.

Children, where do you think the little fox could hide?

Children's answers.

Instructor: That's how many places you named where you can look for a fox cub. Well then, let's hit the road, but let's be careful, let the bravest go first, and it's a pity to throw cones on the ground, who could we give them to? That's right, we need to collect them for the squirrel, it will give her something
enjoy winter.

Let's look for the "stumps".

There are a lot of branches, cobwebs, and snags in the forest, so we will crawl along the “fallen tree.”
Let's move forward.

Be careful guys ahead of the snag.
Let's jump to a leaf on a high maple tree to straighten our back properly.

We came across a small swamp, but you can move from hummock to hummock.

The guide throws the cone into the basket and starts moving along the obstacle course. The children sit and watch him do it, listening to the instructor’s explanation.
Children move one after another in a column, performing exercises in a stream at intervals.
They walk stepping over the stumps, hands on their belts.

They crawl on all fours along the bench.
They crawl under the arc.
Perform a high jump, reaching the maple branch with your palm.
They perform jumps from one hummock to another, jumping from circle to circle on two legs.
Children go through the obstacle course twice.
Help put equipment back in place.

Instructor: We've walked a long way and are probably tired.
Oh, guys, in the distance look at this unusual, big tree stump, weren’t we looking there? Let's see if our little fox is sitting there.
Children find a toy fox.
Instructor: Here you are, little fox, we've been looking for you for so long. Fox, I think you really like to play, and our guys also like to play different funny games, let's play your favorite game “Sly Fox” with the guys.

Game "Sly Fox".
The players sit in a circle at a distance of one step from each other.
The teacher invites the players to close their eyes and, walking around the circle behind the children, touches one of the players, who becomes the “Sly Fox.” Then the children are invited to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is the sly fox, will she give herself away in some way? The players ask in chorus 3 times:
“Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, all the players look at each other. When all the players (including the sly fox) ask for the third time:
“Sly fox, where are you?”, the sly fox quickly jumps into the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the sly fox catches them. After the fox catches 2-3 people, the teacher says: “In a circle!” The number of those caught is counted. The game starts again. Play 3-4 times.

How fast our foxes turned out to be, they caught so many players, and the guys were so good at dodging the fox so cleverly.
Children, while we were playing, a bright sun appeared in the sky, and there it is making its way through the tops of the trees. Let's stretch our palms up towards its warm rays.

Exercise to restore breathing “Hello, sunshine.”
With musical accompaniment. Raise your palms to the sky - inhale, lower them down - exhale. Repeat several times.

Part 3 – final
Finger gymnastics “Give us the sun’s warmth.”
We stretched out our palms and looked at the sun.
Give us, dear sunshine, some warmth so that we can be strong.
Our little fingers don't want to wait a minute.
Knock-knock hammers,
Clap-clap with your little paws,
Jump-jump like bunnies, galloping across the lawn.
(Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.
They make movements with their fingers as if beckoning to them.
Rhythmically bend and straighten your fingers.
They beat their fists rhythmically on their knees.
They slap their knees rhythmically.
They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

Calm music sounds.

Instructor: Children, look at the sky, what different clouds are floating across the sky.
Clouds floated across the sky
and I looked at them.
And two similar clouds
I wanted to find it.
There's a cloud over there
seriously upset:
It's a breeze from mom
suddenly carried away far away.
A little cloud
floating above the lake
And a cloud of surprise
opens his mouth.
Here is a cheerful cloud,
laughs at me:
-Why are you squinting your eyes?
How funny you are!
(children's facial expressions show first a sad expression, then a surprised, then a cheerful one.)

Instructor: That's how many cheerful clouds there are in the sky today.
Children, you are just great, you bravely coped with such a difficult journey and helped the little fox find her cub.
But we still have an important matter to do, we must return the little fox to its mother.
Tell me, please, how will we send the little fox home?

That's right, we'll call mom and she'll come to us for her naughty little girl.
Now we’ll go back to the kindergarten, take the little fox with us and call his mother.
Stand in one line, to the right, behind the march leading into the group.

Abstract of educational activities "Physical development" in middle group"Let's help the bunny."
Tasks. 1. Strengthen the technique of performing standing long jumps: take the correct starting position, push with both legs with a swing of the arms, land correctly;
2. Practice long-distance throwing with your right and left hands - slightly move your leg back, try to swing and throw upward.
3. Help strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs;
4. Develop jumping ability and coordination of movements;
5. Exercise children in walking with high knees, running in all directions, and in balance.
Equipment: bags for throwing, “bumps” 5 pieces, gymnastic sticks according to the number of children, targets for throwing, floor board for balance, bunny toy, wolf cap.
Venue: sports hall.
Children enter the hall. I draw attention to the sad bunny who is lost and looking for his mother. I ask where to look for the hare (problematic situation), I offer to help the little hare. Formation in a line, alignment.
Part I. Walking in a column one at a time; to the teacher’s signal: “Horses!” (“The road to the forest is long, let’s ride horses!”) - children walk, raising their knees high, hands on their belts (average pace); running in all directions (we met birds, the birds scattered).
On one side of the hall in advance (before class) I lay out 5-6 slats at a distance of one child’s step. When walking in a column, one at a time, children step over the “bumps” alternately with their right and left feet.
- Guys, look how many ants there are, they are all busy, let’s help them build an anthill too.
Part 2. General developmental exercises with a stick.
1. “We measure the roof.” I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, stick down. Stick up, behind the head, up, behind the head, return to the starting position (5 times).
2. “We measure the walls.” I. p. - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, stick down. Stick up, tilt to the right (left); straighten up, return to the starting position (6 times).
Z. “We measure the floor.” I. p. - sitting, legs apart, stick on knees. Stick up, lean forward, touch your toes; straighten up, return to the starting position (5-6 times).
4. “We are building an anthill.” I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, stick down. Sit down, bring the stick forward; rise, return to the starting position (5-6 times).
5. “We rejoice.” I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms at random, stick on the floor. Jumping on two legs around a stick in both directions, alternating with a short pause (3 times).
Breathing exercises “The wind blows”: take air into your lungs, blow on each other.
Psycho-gymnastics: The ants “fell” to the ground from the wind and are floundering.
Main types of movements.
- Well done, you helped the ants! Let's continue to help the little bunny. There are many small grooves in the forest, you need to overcome them!
1. Jumping over 5-6 gymnastic sticks (distance 40 cm).
- And here is a big, wide ditch. Let's cross it on the bridge.
2. Balance - walking on a plank (arms to the sides).
- Look how many cones there are! Apparently, the squirrels were playing pranks and playing the game “Who's Aimed.” Let's play too!
3. Throwing at a vertical target (a shield with a circular target with a diameter of 50 cm, the lower edge of the shield is located at the child’s eye level), from a distance of 1.5-2 m with the right and left hand (method - from the shoulder) (3-4 times).
- Well done, sharp guys! Look, we are in the forest, and there are hares. Let's ask them if they have seen the bunny's mother. Oh, wolf, watch out!
Outdoor game "Hares and wolves".
- Our little bunny remembered the way to his mother, but first he wants to play hide and seek with you.
Part 3. Low mobility game "Let's find the hare."
Saying goodbye to the bunny, leaving the children.

Municipal budget preschool educational

institution – kindergarten “Teremok”

r.p. Stepnoye, Sovetsky district, Saratov region



In the pre-school group

For physical education:

"Journey to the Land of Health"

Educator: Nekrasova E.V.


Sample general education program: FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate general educational program for preschool education / ed. N.V. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Age group:school preparatory group

GCD topic: Journey to the land of health (Physical development)

Target: Formation of children's interest and value attitude towards physical education.


Develop children's play activities, introduce them to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers (Socialization)

Develop physical qualities (flexibility, endurance and coordination)

(Physical culture)

Develop the ability to communicate with peers (Communication)

Improve the ability to manipulate a parachute in various motor tasks; develop motor independence (Physical education)

Promote interest in the Olympic Games (Cognition)

Types of activities:gaming, motor, communicative and cognitive

Forms of organization: group.

Forms of implementation of children's activities:game exercises and tasks, relay games, outdoor games

Equipment: hoops - 8 pcs, cubes - 2 pcs, multi-colored balls for a dry pool 30-40 pcs, boards - 2 pcs (one ribbed), parachute, 2 gymnastic balls with ears or a handle, 2 tambourines, cord for the relay race, arcs - 2 pcs high 50 cm.

Technical means:music center, USB storage device, CD disks

Preliminary work:GCD in physical education, outdoor games, game exercises, relay games, conversations about the Olympic Games, sports and outstanding athletes.


Parts of the lesson





A story about the upcoming Olympic Games:

Guys, next year they will be held in Sochi olympic games. They will be attended by the most best athletes all over the world. We also need to become strong, strong and healthy.

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests, there is huge country. It is called the land of health. I invite you to travel to this country for health.

Is everyone here?! Is everyone ready?!

Are you ready to run, play, exercise? Well, then don’t be lazy, get ready to warm up!

Walking around the hall

Let's go ahead

Many discoveries await us.

We follow each other

Forest and green meadow

Walking on a ribbed board

The bridge swayed to the sides,

And underneath him the stream laughed.

Walking on toes

We'll walk on our toes,

Let's cross to the other side

Jumping from hoop to hoop

We go one after another

And we'll come to the swamp

Let's cross the barrier in a moment -

And jump, jump, jump over the bumps

Walking on your hands and feet

We meet a turtle

We put our hands on the floor

And we crawl quietly

Run after each other.


We're walking, we're walking,

We raise our hands higher,

We don’t lower our heads,

We breathe evenly, deeply.

You see how easy it is to walk.

Forming a Circle



2 times

1 min

Arms to the sides, back straight, looking forward

Hands on the belt, looking forward

Jump easily on your toes from hoop to hoop, hands on your belt

We place our feet and palms on the floor, looking forward.

We bend our arms at the elbows and breathe through our noses.

Raise your knees higher, pull your toes


1. Outdoor switchgear with the teaching aid “Magic Parachute”:

1. "Pick Up a Flower"

I.p.: o.s. parachute in lowered hands

1 – raise your arms up, swing, forming a dome.

2 – lower your hands down

2. "Tilts to the side"

IP: standing sideways, feet shoulder-width apart, parachute in left hand, right hand on belt.

1 – slope in left side stretch right hand to the parachute

2 – I.p.

same in the other direction

3 .“Forward bends”

I.p.: sitting on the floor facing the parachute, legs spread apart, hands on the belt.

1 – bend forward, touch the parachute.

2 – I.p.

4. "Boat"

IP: lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, legs together.

1 – simultaneously raise straight arms and legs

2 – I.p.

5. "Squat"

I.p.: o.s., hands down

1 – sit down, arms forward

2 – I.p.

6. Jumping "Star"

I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt

1. legs apart, arms to the sides 2. I.p.

7. Walking while restoring breathing

Game exercise "Salute"

Children take the parachute with both hands and slowly raise it, saying the words: “One, two, three!” On the count of three! throw the balls up, then run and collect them, put them down again to the parachute.

Rebuilding into two teams

2. Basic types of movements

1). Relay race "Ball Jumping"

At the signal, the first players jump on gymnastic balls towards the cubes; They run back, pass the ball to the next child, and stand at the end of the column.

2). Relay "Obstacle Course"

At the signal, the first players run along the board, crawl under the arc, run to the tambourine, and hit it above their heads; They run back, pass the baton to the next child, and stand at the end of the column.

3). Game "Traps with ribbons"

Children stand in a circle, each of them has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of their belt, and there is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal “Catch!” children run around the hall. The trap runs after the players, trying to take a ribbon from one of them. A child who has lost his ribbon temporarily steps aside. At the signal “One, two, three – quickly run into the circle!” everyone is built in a circle. The catcher counts the number of ribbons taken and returns them to the children.

8 times

4 times

6-8 times

6 times

8 times

2 times 10

2-3 times

2-3 times

Do not spread your legs, bend your back

Do not spread your legs

Focus on the last swing

Focus on passing the baton

Make sure children run around without bumping into each other


1). Exercise for training the respiratory muscles “Chase the ball”

There are hoops on the floor, each of which contains a tennis ball; children are divided into pairs and blow on the ball in turn so that it moves along the inner edge of the hoop without stopping.

Lesson summary

Today you have visited the land of health, you have become strong, agile, and healthy. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.Let's say these words: “One, two - turn around, you’ll find yourself home again!”

Here we are at home. Did you enjoy our trip to the Land of Health? Then clap as loud as you like.

Right! March around the hall at a walking pace!

1 min.
