It is unlikely that a person will be found who has never encountered a cough, the main symptom of respiratory diseases. True, it does not always mean that an inflammatory process occurs in the bronchi, trachea or lungs. It can also be caused by bronchospasm, inflammation of the larynx, heart failure, and other diseases. This article will talk about how to cure a cold cough. a simple means traditional healers.

What is a cough?

This is a symptom of the disease, a reflex demonstrating that there is inflammation and irritation of the respiratory mucosa, therefore, treatment in case of a cold is not aimed at eliminating it, but at the discharge and liquefaction of sputum, which is a source of reproduction of various pathogens. It is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible at the very first signs of a cold in order to avoid complications in the future, including pneumonia or bronchitis.

Cabbage leaf with honey has been used successfully and for a long time. This is due to the special properties of the vegetable, which in its composition contains, in addition to minerals and vitamins, mustard oil, antioxidants, organic acids and a large number of other substances useful for the body.

Tolerance test

cabbage leaf cough is used to treat even children, it is safe. At the same time, honey should be handled with care, as this product can cause acute allergies. This applies in particular to the treatment of children.

In order to conduct the test, it is necessary to grease a small piece of a cabbage leaf with honey, and then put it on the place where the elbow is bent. If after 10 minutes there is no reaction, you can safely begin treatment.

Cabbage leaf cough for children can only be used after a test has been performed.

with honey

Most often, a cabbage leaf for coughing is used in the form of a compress that can cope with an infection, reduce pain and relieve the inflammatory process. Our grandmothers treated us in this way in childhood - various herbs inside and on the chest a leaf of cabbage with honey. This compress perfectly warms the chest, in addition, it helps to cough. From time to time, just a couple of procedures are enough to bring significant relief. In this case, the main thing is not to start the disease, even with a slight cough, it is necessary to start doing procedures.

Cabbage leaf compress for cough

How to make a compress in order to benefit as a result?

It is necessary to take leaves for a compress from juicy elastic healthy heads of cabbage, cut off the rough central parts from them and lower them into boiling water for a minute so that the leaf warms up and softens. Then roll it with a bottle or a rolling pin so that it starts up the juice.

In a water bath, you must first warm the honey. It should become warm and easy to spread on the cabbage. For 1 leaf, take a spoonful of honey. Apply it evenly and quickly and apply it to the chest, in the place where we put the mustard plaster. In this case, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart must be left open. Apply a thick layer of material on top, such as cotton, flannel, linen, and then cover with a scarf or warm scarf, which must be tied around the chest so that the compress holds securely.

If the cough is in initial stage, one sheet is enough for the procedure, if the process has already worsened, place the prepared second sheet between the shoulder blades on the back. Such compresses must be applied daily at night up to 7 times. Basically, by this time, the cough completely subsides, of course, if the treatment was started on time.

After removing the compress in the morning, the skin should be wiped with a damp soft towel and warmly dressed. If the cough is accompanied by a headache, fever, this may be the result of an infection, then it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Cabbage leaf for cough can be used in its pure form if your baby or you are allergic to honey. Do everything as described above, but without honey. Such a compress also copes well with a cough, improves sputum discharge and warms up. Honey can be replaced with butter or castor oil or heated pork internal fat.


In addition to the compress, you can prepare a decoction of cabbage, for which rinse 2 leaves well, cut them into small pieces and boil in 0.5 liters of water for about 10 minutes. Then drain the broth, cool and drink three times a day for half a glass. It will saturate your body with mineral salts, strengthen the immune system and speed up the discharge of sputum from the bronchi.

Such a decoction is contraindicated in infectious diarrhea, flatulence, functional disorders of the liver. If within one week you need to seek help from a specialist.

Cabbage leaf for children

It is not always possible for a child to give drugs from a pharmacy that have a huge amount of side effects. Deal with a cough early stages diseases are helped by simple harmless folk remedies.

It should be noted that the child can be given only as an adjuvant treatment. It is advisable to immediately show the baby to the doctor, thus preventing the development of serious diseases.

A leaf with honey can be applied to the back or chest of a child if he does not have it, and also provided that the cough is wet, of a catarrhal nature, while the body temperature is low. Do such a compress at night, carefully wrapping the baby. By morning, the cough generally becomes softer, the bronchi are cleared of sputum better. Basically, three procedures are enough for the cough to completely go away.

Cabbage leaf with cough honey for a child can be replaced with a tortilla if he has sensitive skin. To do this, make a mixture of honey and chopped cabbage. You need to take 2 tablespoons of honey per leaf. Apply the finished mass on a gauze napkin from several layers, cover with the same layer of gauze on top, and then apply on the back or chest, like a mustard plaster. This compress should be kept for an hour, then removed, the place of application should be wiped with a damp towel, after which the child should be put to bed, giving him herbs for coughing.

Cabbage leaf cough for children is also used in the form of a decoction. In addition to the compress, the baby can be given it three times a day for a tablespoon in a warm form with half a spoon of honey.

Application during pregnancy

Coughing during pregnancy in itself is very harmful, because at this moment many organs and the abdominal wall are tense, which can damage the unborn baby, as well as lead to miscarriage. Cough is especially dangerous if it is caused by inflammatory processes passing in the lower and upper respiratory tract, at any stage of development. Therefore, at the most simple symptoms SARS or colds require urgent consultation with a specialist.

At some stages of pregnancy, medication treatment is contraindicated and it is not always possible to use even mustard plasters, therefore, as an alternative, various folk ways, one of them is a cabbage leaf for cough. During pregnancy, it is also applied to the chest in the form of a compress instead of the usual mustard plaster.

During this period of time, any methods of treatment, medications must be agreed with the doctor.


Cabbage leaf for cough has no contraindications for use, very rarely intolerance to this product may occur. At the same time, honey can cause a strong allergic reaction, therefore, it cannot even be used externally if you are allergic to bee products (honey in particular).


There are some restrictions on the use of cabbage leaves:

  1. Do not use warm compresses high temperature.
  2. A leaf of cabbage with honey is not applied to the skin if there is damage in the form of sores or abrasions.
  3. Compresses should not be used in the presence of enlarged lymph nodes.

Cabbage leaf for cough: reviews

Reading reviews about this tool, you can find out that it is very effective if treatment begins in the early stages of the disease. Moreover, if the disease is already running, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure it in this way.

  • Hello, friends. Two things prompted me to write about the treatment of cough with cabbage leaf compresses with honey:

    1. Cold and violent barking cough in younger son.
    2. Comments from "wise men" on one site who wrote that this "grandfather's" method does not help, because "ordinary cabbage will not pull anything out of the layers of the dermis, this is nonsense."

    Well, of course, where are we, who are treating our children according to the ancient "grandfather's" methods, to smart people with their knowledge of the structure of the epidermis and the properties of lymph.

    And yet, I will convey to you the main idea. Cabbage leaf with honey perfectly treats cough, and not only. Rustic white cabbage “with a bang” copes with bronchitis and even with unstarted inflammation. Imagine!

    Barking cough in a child: syrups or cabbage?

    So, what do we have at the beginning: a sharply ill child with a strong barking dull cough. My three-year-old fell ill, just before the New Year holidays, when we bought tickets for several interesting performances with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

    And I seem to be all so experienced, over-experienced, but once again I realized that the disease can be insidious and unpredictable, and all my vaunted experience can be thrown into the trash. The child began to recover, but immediately and suddenly a terrible dull cough appeared, which tormented the baby day and night, almost around the clock.

    The usual arsenal was used, compresses with potatoes, etc., but this time nothing helped. My favorite iHerb syrups are over, and the new ones have not yet arrived, and I have already tuned in to visit the children's clinic. However, it was Saturday and until Monday I decided to make my child a cough compress from a cabbage leaf with honey. Additionally, the legs were smeared with warm camphor oil and put on light cotton socks.

    And what? Here's the thing: For the first time in 2 days, my baby slept soundly! There was no cough almost all night, only in the morning it started again, but it was already with sputum. Inspired, I made him three more compresses for the night and that's it. Does cabbage help? Helps!

    So, mother nature is wise, very wise! Such folk remedy from cough as a cabbage leaf with honey will help to effectively and quickly destroy the cause of a cold.

    Useful properties of cabbage with honey

    White cabbage and honey are two of the most powerful natural remedies for the natural treatment of many diseases. The combination of these funds allows you to achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of colds. Cabbage contains many valuable substances for the body, including mustard oil, antioxidants, and a vitamin and mineral complex. Cabbage leaves have long been used in the treatment of coughs, including in children.

    Before making a compress, the cabbage leaf is crushed, or lightly chopped - until the juice begins to stand out. And if honey is added to such a compress, more juice is formed, and the compress will stick to the body better. In addition, according to its beneficial properties, honey is in no way inferior to cabbage.

    How to make a compress

    The compress is remarkably effective in the treatment of colds, and it is easy to make it yourself. The main thing to consider is that only fresh, crispy cabbage is suitable for making a compress. Flabby dried leaves cannot be used, as they have already lost their healing properties.

    Cabbage leaves need pre-treatment.

    1. They need to be separated from the head, washed and dipped in very hot water for a few minutes, after which they will become obedient and soft, comfortable to use.
    2. Then they need to be laid out on the table, quickly dried with paper towels or napkins and carefully straightened, slightly chopped or rolled with a rolling pin to give juice.
    3. Warm the candied solid honey in the required amount in a water bath a little - this will facilitate the process of applying it to the leaves. But don't overdo it! At high temperatures, it loses many useful properties.
    4. Using a teaspoon, honey should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the leaf (about 1 spoon of honey - 1 cabbage leaf). Compress is ready.
    5. Apply it to the back and chest with the side of the leaf where the honey is applied. You can not apply a compress to the heart.

    The applied compress must be covered with a warm diaper made of natural fabric and the child should be dressed in something warm.

    I do not use oilcloth, I never wrap a child in cellophane, as many advise. An extra greenhouse effect is absolutely useless, only a load on the heart.

    Cabbage leaf should not slide over the body. It is better to use it while lying in bed, you can leave the compress on all night so that your back and chest are fully warmed up. Remove the compress in the morning. You don’t need to wipe it with anything, but if there was a lot of honey and it wasn’t absorbed into the skin, then remove the remnants with a warm, slightly damp towel.

    After that, you need to put on warm clothes and prevent the body from cooling. With a strong cough, a compress of cabbage leaf and honey can be applied twice a day, observing bed rest. Soon the child's condition will return to normal, the cough will become wet, not hoarse. For a quick and lasting effect, it is necessary to conduct a course of compresses within a week. The stronger the cough, the more cabbage leaves must be applied to the back and chest.

    For adults

    Now about the treatment of adults. I advise you to start with a cabbage compress without honey.

    My grandmother accurately defined the disease as follows: if, after applying a warm cabbage leaf, it starts to burn a little and pinch in the area chest means that the patient has bronchitis. If such sensations are in the back (right or left, where the lungs are heard), then most likely the person has pneumonia.

    After such a diagnosis, you can safely put compresses with cabbage and honey. And adults can already use cellophane, if desired, of course. I don't use, prefer a soft towel. Helps great.

    In the morning

    In the morning you will notice that only small thin plates remain of the cabbage, sometimes there is nothing left (with pneumonia). This means that the compress worked 100%. Be sure to heal to the end, put a leaf with honey until complete healing!

    Cooking a decoction

    To enhance the therapeutic effect of the compress, you can accompany the procedure with the adoption of a decoction of cabbage leaves.

    It is necessary to wash 3 fresh leaves of white cabbage, cut into small pieces and boil for about 15 minutes in 2-3 glasses of water. The cooled broth is taken orally half a cup up to 4 times a day. It will fill the body with useful mineral salts and contribute to a more efficient discharge of sputum clots from the respiratory tract. A decoction of cabbage leaves also strengthens the immune system, which helps the body to quickly cope with the disease.

    If against the background of cough there are headache and high temperature, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to waste time and supplement the treatment with medications.

    Cabbage leaf with honey during pregnancy

    A strong cough is dangerous for a pregnant woman, since tension in the abdominal organs can not only harm the baby, but even provoke a miscarriage. And inflammation of the respiratory tract poses a serious danger to the development of the fetus. At the first symptoms of a cold, a pregnant woman must visit a doctor. If drug therapy contraindicated due to a certain gestational age, will be used folk methods but they also need to be discussed with your doctor. Pregnancy is usually not a contraindication to the use of a cabbage leaf and honey compress, although ordinary mustard plasters are contraindicated for certain periods.

    Caution is needed here too.

    Usually compresses from honey and cabbage leaves are well tolerated, but there are exceptions.

    1. Sensitive skin, most often in children. In such cases, cabbage leaves are crushed, mixed with honey (2 teaspoons per 1 leaf) and a cake is made, which is wrapped in several layers of gauze and only then applied to the patient. The exposure time of the compress is 1 hour.
    1. Allergy to honey means that you have to do without it. Or you can take butter or castor oil instead of honey.
    1. People with flatulence, diarrhea and liver problems should not take cabbage leaf decoction, as this will aggravate these symptoms.
    1. Open wounds on the skin of the back or chest also indicate that the compress should not be applied, there will be irritation.
    1. Heat. A warm compress can aggravate the patient's condition.
    1. Enlarged lymph nodes. Usually nothing terrible, but until the cause of this symptom is clarified, warming procedures are prohibited.

    Coughing is the main signal that a disorder has been found in the airways. But a cough does not always indicate inflammation, sometimes it happens with bronchial spasms or heart failure, in such cases it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care. If the cause of the cough is a cold - everyone is able to eliminate such a cough with the help of traditional medicine, which does not lose popularity in the modern world.

    Cough is just a reflex of the body to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to eliminate its cause - sputum clots, in which pathogenic microbes rapidly multiply. If you start treating a cough in a child with a cabbage leaf with honey immediately, you can avoid serious consequences in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia.

    All health!

    Three times mother, Irina Lirnetskaya

    White cabbage has been used for a long time and with great success to treat dry cough in both adults and children. This is due to the fact that cabbage has a mass healing properties. Apart from a wide range vitamins (C, H, B, U and others) and microelements (calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium), it contains antioxidants and organic acids.

    Cabbage leaf treatment gives a lot of positive therapeutic effects:

    1. Anti-inflammatory action. It is due to the large amount of antioxidants that help to quickly restore the body in chronic bronchitis.
    2. Antibacterial action. Cabbage contains some essential oils that have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. In particular, it contains mustard oil.
    3. Pain-relieving action. Thanks to him, cabbage leaves are used not only in the treatment of coughs, but even to relieve pain and inflammation of the joints.
    4. Cleansing the body of toxins.
    5. Restorative and immunomodulatory action thanks to the rich spectrum of vitamins and minerals contained in cabbage.
    6. General tonic impact on the body.

    It should be noted that only a cold cough, uncomplicated by the attached bacterial flora, and, accordingly, not a symptom of pneumonia or severe bronchitis, can be treated with a cabbage leaf. In this case, cabbage can be used as an adjunct home remedy to the main traditional antibacterial treatment.

    Treatment with cabbage compresses

    Cabbage leaf with honey

    To prepare it, you will need clean and fresh (not frozen and not withered) cabbage leaves and honey.

    Choose a clean, elastic sheet

    It is necessary to carefully separate a large leaf from a cabbage head, dip it in hot water for several minutes so that it becomes soft and elastic. Then one side of the leaf is smeared with liquid honey and placed on the back of the patient between the shoulder blades.

    One cabbage leaf will require 1 tablespoon of honey.

    With a strong cough, you can use such a compress on both sides (on the chest and on the back).

    Then we cover the compress area:

    1. thick large gauze,
    2. then thick cotton cloth,
    3. plastic wrap
    4. wrapped in a warm woolen scarf or elastic bandage so that the compress does not fall off.

    You can wear a tight-fitting jersey T-shirt. This procedure should be done at night for a week. In the morning, after removing the compress, wipe the skin with a damp and then dry cloth and put on warm clothes.

    Cabbage leaf with honey is also used to treat dry cough in children., having previously consulted with a pediatrician, and found out that the child is not allergic to honey.

    To do this, you should conduct a test for tolerance to honey.

    Honey tolerance test

    The child, on the inner surface of the elbow for 10 minutes, apply a thin layer of honey. If after this time there is no burning sensation, redness or other reactions, honey is calmly used as part of a compress.

    For a child, such a compress can be done with a wet cough and a slight increase in temperature. Usually 3 compresses are enough to make the sputum come off easier and the cough softened.

    Cabbage cake with honey

    A softer and no less effective effect on coughing is provided by cabbage cake with honey.

    To do this, one leaf of cabbage is carefully crushed and mixed with two tablespoons of melted honey. The resulting mass is wrapped in several layers of gauze, and put on the child's back, like a mustard plaster.

    Such a compress can be kept on the back for about one hour.

    Then it is removed, and the skin is wiped clean. Cabbage cake compresses can be done to a child from 3 to 5 days, until the cough decreases.

    Cabbage cake is also effective for cough

    cabbage broth

    Cabbage decoction is also excellent for children and adults from coughing. It is quite easy to prepare it at home.

    To do this, wash and cut into pieces 2 medium-sized cabbage leaves, and then boil them in 500 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. After that, the broth is drained, cooled and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Children can add half a spoonful of honey each time.

    You can cook cabbage broth in a slightly different way.

    To do this, you need to take a small fresh head of cabbage and cut a stump out of it. Then put it in a saucepan with water and cook until the cabbage is soft. Then this broth is cooled and a little honey is added to it.

    Such a remedy is given to children with a dry cough at night for half a glass during the week. As a result, a hacking cough of a catarrhal-inflammatory nature recedes, pain and burning in the trachea disappears and sleep normalizes.

    However, it must be remembered that such a decoction contraindicated with diarrhea, bloating and liver diseases, tk. has a weak choleretic property. If the cough does not go away within a week after this treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    cabbage juice

    cabbage juice - effective remedy for gargling

    An excellent therapeutic effect for dry cough also gives cabbage juice.

    It is used to gargle with a strong hacking cough. You can combine cabbage juice with beetroot.

    To prepare this remedy, take a clean head of cabbage and beets in the amount of 3-4 pieces.

    Vegetables need to be grated on a fine grater or chopped in a blender, and then 1 tablespoon of 6% is added to the resulting slurry apple cider vinegar. The finished mixture is removed in a dark place for 2 hours.

    After the expiration of the prescribed period, it is squeezed out, and the resulting juice is used to gargle. You can also take this remedy inside, but first it should be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

    Cabbage leaf treatment during pregnancy

    With special care, you need to treat cough with cabbage leaves and honey during pregnancy, because. may occur during pregnancy allergic reactions those food products, which were previously calmly tolerated by a woman.

    By itself, coughing during pregnancy is highly undesirable, as it leads to muscle tension in the abdominal wall and increased intra-abdominal pressure. This can provoke dangerous complications during pregnancy and even miscarriage.

    In addition, during pregnancy, taking traditional medicines is always undesirable. It is better, if the condition of a pregnant woman allows it, to be treated with folk remedies, of course, after consulting with a doctor.

    Instead of the usual mustard plaster, a cabbage leaf with honey is applied to the back of a woman in exactly the same way, provided that the pregnant woman does not have an allergic reaction to honey and cabbage.

    Cabbage is a simple and reliable cough remedy


    In conclusion, it should be noted that the cabbage leaf used for coughing has virtually no contraindications, and an allergic reaction to it can occur extremely rarely.

    But honey very often causes allergies, especially if a person already has it on other bee products.

    Therefore, the treatment of cabbage leaves in combination with honey requires great care and vigilance.

    Warm compresses with cabbage leaf and honey should not be done at high body temperature.

    Also, these compresses are contraindicated if a person has skin lesions at the intended site of its application.

    This tool can cause severe irritation with sores, abrasions, and also aggravate the course skin diseases. With increased lymph nodes It is also strictly forbidden to use these products.

    In addition to its undeniable positive medicinal qualities, cabbage is also quite an affordable product. It can be purchased very inexpensively in a store, and it is best to grow white cabbage in your backyard, combining the useful with the pleasant. Growing cabbage in your own garden, a person will always be sure of its quality, and in the absence of impurities harmful to the body, since he can independently fertilize cabbage only with natural fertilizers.

    Hello, friends!

    I love talking about our simple home healers, as well as using them myself. And today I will have a topic - cabbage leaf treatment. Probably, this old method, which has been used for hundreds of years, is known to many as a folk remedy for headaches, and for bruises, and for pain in the joints, and in the chest, and for coughing. And for those who do not know, I will tell you how to properly apply a cabbage leaf and what compresses can be done in certain cases.

    And, of course, this is only an additional help to the main treatment prescribed by specialists, one cannot think that a cabbage leaf can completely cure arthritis. Although, in some cases, it will be very useful and will help relieve pain and relieve swelling.

    Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf

    It would be interesting to know what kind of power lies in this vegetable, what medicinal properties at the cabbage leaf.
    We are talking mainly about white cabbage, which is almost always on our table. But you can also use red, it’s a pity that we still don’t eat it so often, but there are even more benefits in it than in white cabbage.

    Cabbage is valuable for a significant content of vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B6, U, potassium and calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, as well as folic and pantothenic acid, fiber, carotene, enzymes, phytoncides and an almost complete absence of sugar.

    This composition provides:

    • slight choleretic effect
    • diuretic
    • anti-sclerotic
    • painkillers
    • anti-inflammatory
    • pronounced antiulcer effect.

    Fresh cabbage juice is good to drink when peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis. It is also used as an antitussive and expectorant.

    A juice sauerkraut- a good source of vitamin C, which is stored in it until the spring.

    Cabbage leaves are able to relieve swelling in the tissues, remove excess fluid, relieve pain and eliminate discomfort.

    Red cabbage also contains anthocyanins, the same compounds found in cherry juice and blueberries. They not only give the cabbage its color, but also perfectly reduce pain and inflammation.

    Cabbage leaf treatment

    External use of cabbage leaf in folk treatment quite extensive. It is used for:

    • bruises and bruises
    • sprains
    • burns
    • bumps from injections
    • wounds
    • bedsores
    • insect bites
    • accumulation of fluid in the knee
    • joint pain
    • bursitis
    • gout
    • arthritis
    • headache
    • mastopathy, mastitis
    • varicose veins
    • heel spur
    • cracked heels
    • coughing
    • sore throat
    • and in many other cases for pain, inflammation and swelling.

    Cabbage compress

    Most often, compresses are used for treatment. Let's see how to make a cabbage compress in general cases.

    1. Cabbage should not be cold, taken fresh from the refrigerator. Leaves can be used at least at room temperature. Sometimes it may be necessary to heat them, for this purpose you can put the sheet in the microwave or hold it over the flame of a gas stove.
    2. Of course, before use, the leaves must be washed and dried with a napkin.
    3. Thick veins should be cut with a knife.
    4. If you simply tear off a leaf from a head of cabbage and attach it to a sore spot, then there will be little sense. After all, the main benefit is in the juice. To remove it, you can make small notches with a knife or beat the outer side of the sheet with a rolling pin, a wooden mallet, or the blunt side of the knife.
    5. A prepared sheet or several leaves, if necessary (overlapping each other), is applied to the right place and fixed with a bandage: with a bandage, scarf, any fabric, you can even use cut off old tights.
    6. Keep the compress until the leaves dry, then change them to fresh ones, while the skin needs to be washed and wiped dry. Often leave a compress for the night.

    Cabbage leaf with honey

    Often, to enhance the effect of treatment in many cases, I will talk about them later, the cabbage leaf is used in conjunction with honey, we know the beneficial properties of this unique product.

    To do this, warm the cabbage leaf and smear it with a thin layer of liquid honey (if the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath). In this form, a compress is applied, covered with polyethylene, wrapped with something warm and tied.

    It seems to me that it’s even easier to just smear the sore spot with honey, and attach cabbage on top.

    The therapeutic effect of such a bandage is amazing, but there is, of course, an inconvenience in that honey flows out and sticks to the body.

    Cabbage leaf treatment recipes

    These are the tips I found in reviews. different people who were really helped by the cabbage leaf treatment.

    For bruises and bruises

    Cabbage leaf with bruises helps to stop subcutaneous hemorrhages and dissolve hematomas, reduce pain and swelling.

    A cabbage leaf is applied to the bruised place, making notches on it for the appearance of juice. You can grease the sheet with sour cream.

    With seals from injections

    I also heard reviews that a piece of cabbage applied to the injection site softens the bumps and relieves pain after 2-3 hours.

    Treatment of purulent wounds

    When treating wounds, everything must be especially sterile. Therefore, the leaves should be taken from the middle part of the head, and not the top, and you need to pour boiling water over them, after which they will become softer.

    In addition to using a whole leaf, there is another way when the leaves are crushed with a knife or in a blender and mixed with egg white, and then a compress is made from the resulting mass. Change as it dries.

    The same recipe is used for burns.

    cabbage leaf for headaches

    This is probably the first folk remedy for headaches that everyone knows about. The recipe is simple - apply and fix the leaves on the forehead and temples until the pain decreases.

    And I also read this method, it seemed very interesting to me: several layers of cabbage, naturally properly prepared (beaten off), are tightly laid on cling film, and then this whole structure, together with the film, is bandaged to the head.

    For sore throat

    The same compress is placed for an hour or two on the neck for sore throats.

    Cabbage leaf for cough

    For the treatment of bronchitis and coughs, especially in children, this is generally a wonderful remedy. In this case, cabbage is used together with honey.

    Two cabbage leaves are dipped in boiling water, immediately removed, allowed to drain and cool, and then smeared with honey.

    How to apply a cabbage leaf when coughing: one leaf is placed on the back, and the other on the chest. They wrap themselves in a woolen scarf and lie down in bed. The compress is set aside until the morning.

    Joint treatment

    To obtain a successful result, relieve pain and swelling, improve blood circulation in knee joints with arthritis, it is best to use red cabbage.

    Cabbage leaves must be heated over gas stove, you can put it in the oven for a while, wrapping it in foil. But the leaves should not be too hot.

    The cabbage leaf is laid on the knee in layers (3-4 sheets), covered with polyethylene or foil for better heat preservation. Top wrapped with a scarf.

    The compress should be put on for at least an hour, and preferably four, then discard the dried leaves and make a fresh bandage. It is allowed to hold all night.

    For the treatment of joints, cabbage leaves with honey are also used.

    Cabbage with mastopathy

    I myself practiced the treatment of mastopathy with a cabbage leaf, pain and inflammation are perfectly relieved.

    In this case, you can use the leaves themselves, or grease them with honey, or melted butter, or spread grated raw beets on the leaves.

    With the advent of winter, people begin to actively get sick. Colds, viral infections accompany them throughout the autumn-winter season. Every trip to the doctor entails a trip to the pharmacy, often with an impressive list medicines to be purchased. In today's financial environment for many people, especially socially vulnerable, the cost of purchasing the necessary medications become very noticeable in their family budget.

    Compress and honey

    People have allergic reactions to many pharmacological agents. Therefore, when discussing a treatment regimen with a doctor, patients often ask to prescribe affordable and effective traditional medicine for the treatment of seasonal diseases. Therapists advise using decoctions of medicinal herbs for gargling and ingestion, inhaling with essential oils of plants, applying various rubbing and compresses. Often the composition of therapeutic agents includes natural bee honey. A positive effect is given by the treatment of cough with cabbage leaves and honey.

    Medicinal properties of cabbage and honey

    Cabbage is a unique vegetable. It is used to prepare many delicious and healthy meals in kitchens different countries peace. The healing properties of this vegetable have been noticed and used by people since ancient times. used in compresses useful properties this valuable vegetable, which:

    • helps in the destruction of pathogenic microbes;
    • reduces inflammatory processes;
    • reduces pain;
    • relieves swelling and helps to remove excess fluid.

    Honey has many unique properties. He is able to strengthen protective function body, increase its immunity, kill and block bacteria. This product has an anti-inflammatory effect and contains many beneficial microorganisms and vitamins.

    Cabbage leaf with cough honey: recipe

    For use in a compress, you need to prepare cabbage leaves. They are cleaned of contaminants and washed under running water. It is recommended to cut off the thick basal veins of the leaves - it is necessary that the sheet be approximately the same thickness. Then the leaf is dipped in boiling water for one minute. This is necessary in order for the sheet to become elastic.

    In a water bath, melt the honey a little so that its consistency allows you to grease the cabbage leaf. Then you should smear a cabbage leaf with honey - you get an antitussive compress. Cabbage leaf and honey should be warm, but not hot.

    Applying a compress

    Cabbage leaf is used with cough honey in the form of a compress as follows: it is applied to the chest or back with the side that is smeared with honey. If the cough is severe, you can use the compress immediately on both the back and chest.

    It should be remembered that the forbidden places for a compress are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and areas of the skin on which there are large birthmarks. Then the places of application of the compress are covered with cling film and tightly wrapped with a warm diaper. The patient needs rest, therefore it is recommended to do such procedures before going to bed, the compress is often left all night.

    Then the patient is given hygiene procedures, removing the remnants of honey and leaves, wiping the contact points with the compress. As a result of such a medical procedure, his breathing softens, sputum begins to leave, coughing fits gradually turn into coughing. For positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to do 4-5 such procedures together with the use of drugs prescribed by the doctor.


    Cabbage leaf with cough honey is used only if the sick person has no contraindications. They are:

    • allergic reactions - to avoid serious consequences before starting the procedures, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is not allergic to honey;
    • with an increase in body temperature, such a compress is prohibited to use due to the warming properties of such a compress;
    • it is not recommended to use the compress in children under five years of age and people with cardiovascular diseases.

    It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature of the components of the compress, because a burn with hot honey is very painful and requires long-term treatment. You can not use compresses for prolonged coughing, if it does not stop for weeks or even months. The cause of such a cough may be serious or chronic illness respiratory system person. Therefore, you can not self-medicate and apply a compress only on the advice of a doctor.

    Many people use cabbage leaf with cough honey to treat it. Feedback on the use of such a tool is always positive. Recovered people are advised to pay attention to this method of treating colds because of its availability and high efficiency.