Colds and flu have a small incubation period and manifest themselves already in the first or second day after pathogenic agents enter the human body. Treatment for this condition involves the use of various antiviral agents, which can come in different forms. In this case, it is imperative to treat the accompanying symptoms of the disease, as this will eliminate the virus from the body much faster and prevent it from causing complications. Before using any of the above products, you should familiarize yourself with detailed instructions to the medication, since it often has serious contraindications for use.


Comprehensive products help eliminate unpleasant symptoms influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, maintain performance, but often contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases blood pressure, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness, but can cause side effects from the outside cardiovascular system. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to choose a drug without components of this kind, for example, AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI without causing an increase in blood pressure.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist


Available medicinal product in two pharmacological forms - tablets and powders. The second form of the medication shows quick and effective results after the first use. For treatment, it is recommended to use one sachet per 100-150 ml of clean boiled water; you can add sugar to the solution and drink Theraflu as a tea drink. An adult patient is allowed to take 2-3 sachets of the drug per day. Treatment can last for a week as part of combination therapy.


Anti-cold complex, similar in its effect to Theraflu. More than 60% of patients are helped after the first dose of the medication, reducing the intensity of headaches and boosting immunity. The powder is taken along with boiled hot water. One sachet is taken per 100 ml of liquid. You can drink no more than 3 sachets of Coldrex per day so as not to reduce kidney and liver function. You can be treated with the powder for 5 days, in some cases it is possible to extend therapy up to one week.


It has several flavors; the powder can also be used as a tea drink for colds, adding a small amount of sugar or sweetener to it. One sachet of Fervex per 150 ml of hot water is taken as one. No more than three sachets are taken per day, therapy lasts 5 days, in severe or complicated cases 7 days. If Fervex is taken to reduce high fever during flu and colds, the course of treatment should be reduced to 3 days.

Attention! Powder forms of the drug often cannot be used in childhood and if you have kidney problems. It should also be taken into account that they contain agents to reduce temperature, so the dosage of antipyretics should be adjusted.

Cold medicines in tablet form


An effective drug to suppress the activity of the virus, cold-causing and flu. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, you need to undergo a course of therapy, including 18 doses active substance. On the first and second days, two tablets are prescribed 20 minutes before the main meal three times a day. From the 3rd day you should take one dose of Kagocel also 20-30 minutes before the main meal in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, until a dose of 18 tablets is reached.


The drug also shows good effectiveness in treating colds in adult patients. For a quick recovery, you should take 4 tablets every 30 minutes in the first two hours. After this, three doses of Ergoferon are taken every 4-6 hours. In the following days, treatment continues with one dose of medication with each meal. Therapy continues until the patient recovers completely. In some cases, it is recommended to take Ergoferon for six months, one tablet for another six months, if the flu has caused complications in the lungs.


Oscillococcinum is an effective remedy for suppressing influenza and colds.

Expensive but effective medicine for suppressing flu and colds. Refers to homeopathic remedies. Small tablets are dissolved in water before use or simply eaten by the patient. For a quick recovery, you should take 1 dose of medication at mild degree colds and one dose of medication in the morning and evening for colds. The duration of therapy ranges from 1 to 5 days.

Attention! Some experts are categorically against the use of such medications, believing that they can significantly suppress natural protective functions body. With regular use, the medication becomes completely useless.

Antiviral drops and sprays for colds and flu


The drug has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, heals it and eliminates the virus from the body. Adult patients should take 10 drops of the active substance up to 8 times a day if the condition is complicated by high fever and severe sore throat. If the cold is less intense, Aflubin should be taken no more than 4 times. Therapy continues for 5-10 days.


A medicine that is available in the form of drops for intranasal use. To obtain the desired result, the patient should do one injection into each nasal sinus up to five times a day. Therapy continues individually for each patient, usually lasting 5-10 days. When using Nazoferon, dry nasal mucosa may occur.

Cold medicines in capsule form


Avirol is a stimulant that can significantly strengthen the immune system during a respiratory illness.

A good stimulant that can significantly strengthen the immune system during a respiratory illness. Patients are recommended to take 1 capsule of Avirol daily, regardless of meals. The medication is taken for 14 days, after which it is completely discontinued.

Amizon Max

A rather strong medicine that allows you to eliminate the manifestations of colds and flu in 5-7 days. The medication is taken one hour before meals. Taking into account the severity of the patient’s condition, it is recommended that he take 1 capsule 2 to 4 times a day. Sometimes Amizon Max provoked severe intestinal upset.

Attention! Typically, anti-cold medications are not combined with antibiotics in any way, regardless of the form of the antiviral. This is due to the fact that flu and colds are not caused by bacteria.

Cold medicines for children

Antiflu Kids

The instructions officially allow the use of the drug in children from 6 years of age. In an earlier period, the use of AntiFlu is allowed only with the permission of the pediatrician after consultation with the attending physician. It is produced in the form of a syrup with a pleasant taste; powder can also be used. The syrup is prescribed in strictly individual doses, taking into account the baby’s weight; the powder is drunk one sachet per 100 ml no more than 4 times a day. After two days, with positive dynamics, the amount of Antiflu Kids is reduced to 2 sachets. Therapy lasts no more than 5 days.

The drug is available in the form of effervescent tablets for dissolution in water. Can be used from the age of three. For colds, children under five years old take 0.5 tablets in half a glass of water; after 5 years, the dosage doubles. You can take no more than 3-4 doses recommended by age per day. Treatment with Antigrippin can be continued for no more than 5 days, without medical supervision for no more than 3 days.

Anaferon for children

Excellent against flu and colds, eliminating the manifestations of the virus from human body. Children can take Anaferon already in the first year of life. After cold or flu symptoms occur, the child is given 1 tablet every 30 minutes every 2 hours. After this, on the first day you need to take three more doses of medication at equal intervals. After this 5-10 days, Anaferon for children is taken one dose 30 minutes before the main meal three times a day. The drug should not be taken if there are any autoimmune diseases, as this can cause their sharp exacerbation.

Attention! It is necessary to use any cold medicines in children only with the permission of the attending physician, as they can cause acute allergic reactions.

Video - Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs

When should you see a doctor for colds and flu?

When eliminating the symptoms of flu and colds, it is important not only to take antiviral drugs, but also to closely monitor your own condition. You cannot do without medical help in the following situations:

  • it is not possible to bring down the high temperature during the day or it continues to rise;
  • the patient experiences confusion and pain in the upper back or sternum;
  • taking antiviral drugs does not give a noticeable result within 1-2 days;
  • severe pain in the lumbar region was noted, problems with urination appeared;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, or rash all over the body;
  • breathing became heavy and intermittent;
  • sore throat has progressed acute pain, noted purulent discharge from the throat and nasal cavity.

Attention! In children and pregnant women, colds and flu can worsen in just a few hours, so you should monitor the patient every few minutes. Also, you should not take only anti-cold medications; you definitely need drugs to eliminate other symptoms of the disease, such as a runny nose and high fever.

Additional remedies for the treatment of flu and colds

PreparationImageMedication classSingle doseNumber of daily appointments
Antihistamine1 tablet1 time before bed
Antihistamine1 tablet1 time at any time of the day
1-2 lollipops4, no more than 8 doses per day
Strepsils Against sore throat and sore throat1-2 lollipops4, no more than 8 doses per day
Paracetamol Antipyretic1 tabletNo more than 4
Panadol Antipyretic1 tabletNo more than 4
ACC Against wet cough1 tablet2-3 times
Syrup with ivy Against dry coughBy weight2-3 times
Nazivin Against runny nose1-2 injectionsNo more than 3 times
Against runny nose2 dropsNo more than 3 times

Attention! These drugs will significantly support the patient’s body, while eliminating associated symptoms such as headache, runny nose and sore throat. The dosages of these medications are for adults.

Video - Treatment of influenza, ARVI and colds

A powerful folk remedy for colds and flu

Garlic milk

The product has a very unpleasant taste, but allows you to get a quick effect in literally 1-2 days of treatment. When preparing the medicine, you should take only fresh, real cow's milk; you can use goat's milk. For 200 ml of liquid, which should be brought to a boil, add three cloves of garlic and chop it. You also need to add 10 g of natural butter to the milk. After thoroughly stirring the products, they should be drunk in slow sips. This treatment should be used 20 minutes before bedtime. At the same time, it cures flu and colds simultaneously sore throat and cough. Treatment lasts until complete recovery.

Video - 7 effective rules for a speedy recovery

Warming up your heels

The procedure is quite effective and can be done provided there are no complications with the lungs or high fever. You should be treated in this way before going to bed until complete recovery. After steaming your feet a little, you should lubricate them with dry mustard. It is prepared at the rate of a tablespoon of powder per 50 ml of warm water. Lubricate the heels with the product and put on warm socks. After this, you should immediately go to bed. In the morning the feet are washed clean water. Instead of mustard, those with sensitive skin can use iodine mesh. The procedure is also carried out before going to bed.

The most effective medicine

For 1500 ml of boiled water, take a teaspoon of coarse sea salt. After dissolving it, add the juice of one large lemon and 1 g of pharmaceutical ascorbic acid to the liquid. Once again, carefully mix all the ingredients medicine. This amount of water should be drunk 2-3 hours before going to bed. In this case, one procedure is usually enough to treat the patient. When using this method, you should ensure that your kidneys are completely healthy.

Attention! In some cases, when treatment was started immediately after signs of a cold appeared, traditional medicines showed more powerful results than traditional antivirals.

Treatment of flu and colds is always a labor-intensive process that must include the use of several drugs at once. Most experts insist that therapy for such diseases cannot take place without additional consultation with the attending physician, since the disease quickly progresses and can progress to the stage of pneumonia. During treatment, be sure to adhere to the recommended doses and prescribed course of therapy. read on our website.

What medications should be taken for colds and runny nose so that they do not harm and bring the desired effect? A cold is associated with the familiar symptoms of fever and other signs. And, probably, there is no such disease that could be treated using so many methods. Treatment of this disease should occur according to certain rules and only after mandatory consultation with a doctor.

According to medical experts, this disease should be treated as soon as the following clinical symptoms appear:

  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(3738 degrees);
  • pain in the head area;
  • allocation large quantity mucus from the nasal cavity;
  • cough;
  • nasal breathing disorder;
  • sore throat;
  • aches and discomfort in the body.

If such symptoms appear, treatment should be started immediately.

Review of the most popular remedies against colds and runny nose

Medicines for colds and runny nose are widely represented on the pharmaceutical market. According to experts, the most effective drugs are the following:

  1. Acetisalicylic acid (Aspirin) in any dosage. The medicine quickly alleviates the patient's condition. Side effects of Aspirin are a negative effect on the mucous membrane.
  2. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops. In most cases, they contain Xylometazoline. Their prices vary greatly depending on the manufacturer.
  3. Immunal is a potent medicine against colds and runny nose. It supports and strengthens the immune system, which helps eliminate all clinical signs colds.
  4. Antipyretic drugs - Panadol, Efferalgan and others - are prescribed in cases where there are symptoms of a cold without a runny nose. Different manufacturers position different prices on the market. However, despite the price, these medications very quickly relieve cold symptoms such as high fever, weakness, and fatigue. Coldrex is a medicine that very quickly relieves cold symptoms. Its only drawback is its high price.
  5. Nurofen is not only an effective antipyretic, but also an excellent pain reliever. One tablet relieves symptoms of colds, as well as headaches.

How not to treat a cold

In some cases, patients begin to take any medicine against a cold, just to make it go away. Self-medication is strictly prohibited! The most common mistakes in the treatment of runny nose and colds are as follows:

  1. Taking “some” medications against a runny nose and cough. Incorrectly selected medications contribute to the fact that the cold is not cured, but becomes chronic.
  2. Often patients do not consider runny nose and colds to be serious pathologies. They try to quickly cure everyone's cold by known methods. If you “pass” the disease on your feet, then you can “earn” sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other dangerous pathologies.
  3. Some patients try to disinfect the nasal cavity with garlic and onions. This is also not recommended: this can provoke the development of chronic pathologies.
  4. When buying a medicine against colds, do not read the instructions for use. Failure to comply with the dosage and method of administration may result in serious complications.
  5. Antibiotics should not be taken on your own. If you take them at viral diseases, then they are able to change viruses so much that they will be resistant to any drugs. And curing such a disease will be much more difficult.
  6. Mustard is an excellent warming agent; it is often used in socks. However, if the patient has a high temperature, then such treatment cannot be carried out.
  7. Improperly performing the nasal rinsing procedure can lead to serious complications. If the solution gets into the area of ​​the inner ear or middle ear, otitis media develops. If your nose is completely blocked, you should not rinse it either.

Traditional methods of therapy

Many patients prefer to be treated for colds using traditional methods. Folk remedies for the common cold are highly effective and safe. Folk remedies for colds, runny nose and cough help only in the initial phases of the development of the disease. According to medical experts, the following remedies will help:

  1. Aloe is a highly effective folk remedy against cough attacks and rhinitis. To enhance the effect, it is used together with wine and honey (in equal proportions). Before using the mixture, it must be infused for 6 days in a cool place.
  2. A decoction of dried cherries is an excellent and inexpensive antipyretic for everyone.
  3. Mustard powder is placed in socks and worn for 10 minutes. This can be done if there is no high temperature, since dry mustard will cause great harm.
  4. You can take a decoction of wild strawberries. Some doctors advise their patients to drink a decoction of the leaves of these plants, which helps them cope with the symptoms of a cold with a runny nose.
  5. Ginger quickly treats rhinitis and cough. Tea is prepared from it with the addition of honey. You should add no more than a quarter teaspoon of ginger to one glass of tea to avoid irritation of the stomach lining.
  6. It is useful to make lemonade. To do this, the juice of one lemon is dissolved in boiled water, to which 100 grams of honey is added, preferably from linden. The composition effectively fights the runny nose and treats the throat.
  7. Linden blossom (1 tbsp) is brewed in a glass of water. The same amount of honey is added to it. The resulting drink has a pronounced diaphoretic effect, which lowers body temperature and removes viruses.
  8. Cold complications will go away for a long time if you drink juice obtained from burdock leaves.
  9. If there are only the first signs of acute respiratory infections, then you should chop the onion, from which you inhale the fumes. It is useful to put cotton wool soaked in garlic juice into your nose.
  10. For a runny nose, especially in a chronic form, iodine has an effective effect. A few drops of alcoholic iodine tincture are dissolved in a glass of water. You should gargle and rinse with this mixture. nasal cavity. Treatment should be carried out very carefully so that water does not enter the ear cavity.

The use of essential oils for rhinitis

Essential oils for colds and runny nose help quickly get rid of the symptoms of colds and flu, and also significantly improve your well-being. They have no side effects and are rarely contraindicated - only in case of allergic reactions.

Natural oils have many advantages over other drugs. First of all, this is their safety. They don't call side effects. Oils have a versatile effect on the human body, so they can be used to treat several diseases at once.

Tea tree oil is effective and natural remedy– an antibiotic that cures rhinitis and cough. The oil relieves swelling, tension, anxiety and fatigue, which is very important for therapy colds.

Apply this oil follows by lubricating the wings of the nose. You can apply it to the area under your nose to inhale the vapors of the medicine. Inhalations are used to treat cough. The simplest inhalation is carried out using an aroma lamp. Just one drop of valuable essential oil is enough for a session.

Eucalyptus oil is widely used to treat various colds. It is a natural and highly effective antibiotic. It has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipyretic, and tonic effect. Sometimes tea tree oil is an excellent substitute. It can be combined with tea tree oil, thyme, anise and even bergamot.

You can add eucalyptus oil for inhalation using an aroma lamp or steam breathing. Good effect gives a combination of eucalyptus oil with Chlorophyllipt.

Few people know that camphor oil is the most effective in the treatment and prevention of rhinitis. It helps get rid of cough and high fever, and quickly cures a runny nose during a cold. Camphor oil is used in treatment with aroma lamps and as part of inhalations.

To prepare the drops, mix tsp. camphor oil with olive oil and propolis tincture (the components are taken in equal proportions). This composition should be dripped into the nose regularly, 3 drops into each nostril and continue to do so until complete recovery.

When treating a cold with camphor oil, you must remember that it is toxic and should not be used externally. In addition, it is prohibited in case of epilepsy, cardiovascular pathologies(because it has stimulating properties).

Fir oil is a real panacea and a storehouse of health for colds accompanied by rhinitis, cough and headaches, an excellent natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial. Thus, doctors recommend using the oil of this plant for colds.

This oil has a very pungent smell, not everyone can stand it. However, patience is worth it, since in most patients the unpleasant symptoms of a runny nose and cold go away almost immediately. However, if a headache occurs with this treatment, then its use should be stopped. This medicine can also be used as part of aromatic baths. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helping to prevent this disease.

Is there a diet for colds and runny nose?

For various types of colds, the patient is prescribed a diet. If a runny nose and cold are accompanied by a high temperature, drinking plenty of fluids is indicated already in the first days. It shouldn't be hot or cold, just warm. Large amounts of food should be completely abandoned: the person has a reduced appetite, and can only eat easily digestible food. Freshly squeezed juices - fruit and vegetable - are very useful. It is advisable to dilute them with water so that more fluid enters the body.

It is imperative to exclude meat and sausage products, smoked foods and pickles from the diet. Lemonade (you need to dissolve a little honey in it) and a decoction of garlic (chopped garlic cloves are poured with water and boiled a little) are useful. Such decoctions perfectly relieve fever, remove toxins from the body and speed up recovery. Only when the symptoms of a cold decrease slightly is the patient advised to gradually expand his diet.

Ways to prevent colds at home

According to experts, prevention is an excellent way to combat runny nose and colds. To ensure that it does not take you by surprise, it is advisable to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. News healthy image life, which helps strengthen the immune system and one’s own defenses, and also prevents the development of colds.
  2. Do not drink alcohol as soon as the first signs of illness are felt. This significantly worsens the patient's condition.
  3. Harden yourself regularly: hardening procedures help improve immunity and help prevent illness.
  4. Drafts must be avoided at all costs.
  5. Take multivitamins and immunostimulants.
  6. During an epidemic, it is necessary to get vaccinated and take antiviral drugs.

Following these recommendations will help you avoid colds. Treatment of runny nose and colds is carried out in various ways. Drug therapy, and also traditional methods are carried out only after consultation with a qualified doctor.

A cold is a disease caused by a number of viruses that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Occurs mainly due to hypothermia. People with weakened immune systems are most at risk of infection.

It is important at the very beginning of the disease not to confuse ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) with influenza. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease in order to begin correct treatment and start taking cold and flu medications for adults immediately.

Cold symptoms

A cold most often manifests itself primarily as discomfort in the throat and nasopharynx. Later, a runny nose develops, mainly manifesting itself in the form of clear nasal discharge. The body temperature does not exceed 38° and lasts no more than 2-3 days, so there is no point in bringing it down.

Colds and flu always come without asking

Main symptoms of a cold:

  • headache,
  • runny nose,
  • sore throat,
  • pain in the eyes, lacrimation (at the very beginning of the disease),
  • sore throat
  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • weakness (in the first days of illness),
  • subfibrile temperature.

Effective medicines to relieve cold symptoms

Proper treatment of a cold is not limited to starting to take medications on time. When dealing with colds and flu, it is important for adults and children to approach the problem comprehensively. You need to stick to bed rest and drink more fluids.

This helps remove toxins. It is better to give preference to tea with the addition of lemon or raspberries; ginger tea helps a lot. Please note that any drink you choose should not be hot, much less cold.

Maintain bed rest

By spending the first 3 days in bed, you will not only speed up the healing process, but will also be able to avoid possible complications.

Headache and body aches are the main accompanying acute respiratory infections. viral infection, so it is quite difficult for the patient to stop taking painkillers. For colds and flu in an adult, doctors usually prescribe Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, as in pure form, as well as preparations containing them in their composition.

High temperature more than 38 degrees. - a reason to take antipyretic medications

Important to know! Antipyretic medications for colds should be taken as a last resort.. If you have the flu, you cannot do without such medications, since with the flu the body temperature is usually higher than with a cold.

The use of these medications will not only relieve you of unpleasant, painful sensations, but will also help reduce your fever. However, you should not abuse these drugs, as an overdose can lead to damage to the kidneys and liver.

Painkillers and antipyretics:

  • Paracetamol. The most popular and safest antipyretic and analgesic. Available in various forms. These can be tablets, soluble tablets, suppositories, drops (for babies) and suspensions (for children). Can be used for no more than 5 days. Without a doctor’s prescription – 3 days.

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). The use of aspirin by children under 15 years of age, as well as by pregnant women and patients with peptic ulcer. Contraindicated in persons with kidney damage. May cause allergic reactions. Available in tablet and dissolvable tablet form.

  • Ibuprofen. It is as effective as paracetamol, but is much less irritating to the gastric mucosa. Can be purchased in tablets, syrup, and also in the form of rectal suppositories.

Trade names of antipyretic and analgesic drugs:

  • Paracetamol,
  • Nurofen,
  • Calpole,
  • Ibusan,
  • Ibuprofen,
  • Aspirin,
  • Efferalgan.

In the fight against colds and flu, you cannot do without vasoconstrictors. They help relieve nasal congestion and make breathing easier for the patient. Please note that vasoconstrictor medications for colds and flu should absolutely not be abused by both adults and children.

The duration of taking vasoconstrictor drugs should not exceed 3 days

It is permissible to use such products no more than 4 times per day.

Such drugs quickly become addictive and addictive.. The effect may be the opposite of what was expected. In case of overdose or long-term use A vasoconstrictor will only increase swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Then you will no longer be able to breathe fully without such drops.

Drugs aimed at relieving cold symptoms are very popular. They act quickly enough and retain the relief effect for some time.

One of the most popular drugs for getting rid of cold symptoms

The most common medications to relieve symptoms:

  • Coldrex. Fast-acting remedy. Helps you forget about cold symptoms within a few hours. The effect is achieved thanks to the combination of components in the composition of the drug. The combination of paracetamol and caffeine helps to cope with headaches and muscle pain. Price from 200 rub.
  • Theraflu. Significant content of paracetamol and vitamin C. Acts quickly and retains the effect for at least 2 hours. Contains pheniramine, which reduces swelling and makes breathing easier. Price from 180 rub.
  • Fervex. Quickly reduces elevated body temperature, and also relieves swelling of the upper respiratory tract. The result is achieved thanks to the content of paracetamol and antihistamine. Price from 320 to 350 rubles.

Important! All these remedies are aimed only at eliminating symptoms and are not medicines. The most you can expect is relief within a few hours. You should not abuse such drugs, as they contain a significant amount of paracetamol.

Relieving cold symptoms

The most important advantage of complex drugs is the rapid action and long-awaited relief of cold or flu symptoms.

Antiviral agents

Antiviral drugs will help the body cope with ARVI or influenza faster and without complications.

The most effective of them:

  • Arbidol. One of the most popular antiviral drugs. Helps overcome influenza A and B viruses. The product cannot be called 100% effective, since, despite positive reviews, its effectiveness has not been proven. Cost from 160 to 485 rubles, depending on the form of release and quantity.

  • Ingavirin. A potent drug. Acts directly on the genome of the influenza virus, destroying it. The drug was discovered quite a long time ago. Used in treatment oncological diseases. Over time, scientists discovered the ability of vitaglutam, which is part of inverin, to affect viruses. Price: 430-520 rub.

Flu treatment
  • Remantadine. Actively fights viruses and promotes a speedy recovery. It is very important to start taking rimantadine at the first symptoms of ARVI or flu, so the drug will act most effectively. Price in pharmacies from 85 to 200 rubles.

Antiviral agent

Can a cold be treated with antibiotics?

Treatment of ARVI with antibiotics is carried out only as a last resort. You cannot self-medicate, since the choice of antibiotic can only be entrusted to a qualified specialist. There is no antibiotic for “flu” or “cold”, you can only prescribe a specific drug for each specific case. Cannot be accepted similar drugs on the advice of friends, even if your symptoms are similar. Taking antibiotics usually entails a number of consequences and side effects.

Antibiotics are used in cases with complications

You can talk about taking an antibiotic only when ARVI is accompanied by bacterial infection and only after the patient has undergone the appropriate tests.

Antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • Pneumonia;
  • Otitis;
  • Sore throat (bacterial);
  • Bronchitis;
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis.

Cough medicines

Cough is another “companion” of ARVI. It is the body's defense response to inflammatory processes, as a result of which mucus is released, which cleanses the bronchi from harmful microorganisms.

Cough is a common accompaniment of colds and flu

It should not be started, since even a slight cough with a weakened immune system can develop into bronchitis or even pneumonia. Correctly and timely prescribed cough medicine for colds and flu will help prevent coughing in both adults and children.

There is no universal medicine that can cure cough

Each drug can cope with a specific type of cough. Cough can be divided into two types - dry and wet (wet).

With a wet cough, the use of medications aimed at suppressing the cough reflex can be very dangerous for the patient. The accumulation of sputum will lead to blockage of the lumens of the bronchi. With a dry cough, the use of drugs to remove and dilute sputum is simply useless.

Cough remedy

Medicines for wet coughs (to thin sputum):

  • Bromhexine (from 20 rub.),
  • Stoptussin (from 120 rub.),
  • Mukaltin (from 15 rubles).

Medicines for dry cough:

  • Sinekod. Price: 275-440 rub.
  • Libexin. Price: about 500 rub.
  • ACC. Price: 130-390 rub.

Dry cough remedy

Cough medications must be taken for at least 7 days. IN otherwise there will be no effect. The use of any drug for more than 7 days is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment for a sore throat

A sore throat accompanies a patient with ARVI from the very beginning of the disease. Usually this symptom of a cold appears first and for a long time prevents the patient from eating, drinking and even just swallowing normally.

Sore throat is one of the symptoms of the disease

Fortunately, there is a sufficient number antibacterial drugs . They are able not only to relieve the symptom itself, but also to eliminate the root cause of its appearance - bacteria that cause inflammation. There are many forms of release of drugs for sore throat. These are tablets, lozenges, lozenges, sprays and rinses.

Medicines for sore throat:

  • Strepsils. Sore throat tablets that are always at hand. They are distinguished by a variety of tastes and relatively high efficiency. Cost of the drug: from 215 rubles.

Sore throat remedy
  • Faringosept. Pills. Pleasant taste and high effectiveness of the drug. Price of the medicine: from 125 rubles.
  • Tantum Verde. Available in spray form. Very effective drug. It acts quickly, destroying bacteria and soothing the throat. Price: 265-370 rub.

Medicine for sore throat
  • Bioparox. Aerosol. Local antibiotic. Relieves pain and fights inflammation in a short time. Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, as well as for pregnant women and lactation. Cost: from 350 rub.
  • Lugol's solution. A remedy familiar from childhood. Apply with a cotton swab. Contains iodine, which has an antiseptic effect. Price: from 10 rub.

How to fight a runny nose

Before instilling the same vasoconstrictor drugs or homeopathic drops, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages. Sprays with sterilized water are perfect for this. sea ​​water. There are many of them on pharmacy shelves.

Trade names:

  • Humer (approximate cost: 550-650 rub.),
  • Aqua Maris (price: 70-185 rub.),
  • Marimer (price: 160-450 rub.),
  • Salin (cost: 100-150 rubles).

The variety of seaweed sprays is impressive

The purpose of such solutions and drops is to clear the nose of mucus and allergens. Afterwards, you can use drops in your nose, which will relieve you of swelling.

Medicines for the common cold can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Vasoconstrictors. Drops and sprays fast action. Relieves swelling and brings long-lasting relief to the patient. The main disadvantage of such drugs is the body’s addiction due to long-term use.
  2. Homeopathic. Such drugs help cope with a runny nose, thanks to the natural ingredients in their composition. Minus – the effect is achieved through long-term and systematic use.
  3. Inhalations. No one has canceled the usual method of dealing with the runny nose. Inhalations will help you “get back on your feet” faster due to their effect on the respiratory tract as a whole.

Are there quick-acting medications?

Cold and flu medications for adults and children require a comprehensive and systematic approach. This is the only way to return to your usual rhythm in the shortest possible time and with the least possible negative impact on the body.

A woman’s health is not a toy, self-care is important

Remember that any disease is a consequence of weakened immunity. Comprehensive prevention is the main rule of a healthy person.

Monitor your health every day, then you won’t have to look for medications that can relieve the symptoms of colds and flu, whether you are an adult or a child.

How to distinguish the flu from a cold? Watch the video consultation with specialists:

Treatment of influenza, ARVI and colds: simple tips. Find out from this useful video:

TOP 6 cheap cold medicines that will replace expensive ones. Watch an interesting video:

Only effective drugs.

Colds and flu cause debilitating headaches, choking snot, cough and sore throat that prevent you from falling asleep. In addition, it interferes with plans, work and normal rest. Considering this, it is not surprising that people are willing to pay a lot of money for medicines just to avoid getting sick or to be cured “in one day.” And they don’t think at all about how effective the products advertised or offered in pharmacies are. In this article we will talk about the best remedies for colds and flu, effective antiviral drugs, remedies for runny nose and sore throat. And all this without advertising - only based on the latest research. Find out how to quickly cure a cold!

Which antiviral is better?

There is a wide selection of products available in pharmacies that promise to protect and cure colds and flu. Among them: Anaferon, Kagocel, Oscillococcinum, Grippferon, Amiksin, Cycloferon and various preparations with Echinacea. Let's say right away that all these drugs have not proven their effectiveness either in treatment or in prevention - we even wrote about this. However, they are popular only in Russia - in the USA and Europe, such products are not even on sale. So you don’t even have to try to look for antiviral drugs that are inexpensive but effective among those listed above. The virus is most often fought by the immune system, but people attribute its merits to advertised dummies.

However, effective antiviral drugs do exist - these are drugs with a wide evidence base, recommended by WHO:

  • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu, Nomides)
  • Zanamivir (Relenza).

They treat influenza in people at high risk of complications. These include patients with chronic diseases heart, liver, lungs, and those undergoing treatment with immunosuppressive drugs. For everyone else, WHO recommends staying at home and taking medications to relieve symptoms as needed. It is worth noting that even the best antiviral drugs do not work miracles - they shorten the duration of the disease by only 1-2 days. Among the advantages of these drugs, we note a milder course of the flu and a reduced risk of complications. Please note that original tablets cost about 1000-1500 rubles per course of treatment. True, Russian Oseltamivir (Nomides) will cost on average half as much, but how effective is this inexpensive antiviral drug, it's hard to say.

How to bring down the temperature?

Sometimes people are afraid to lower their temperature with pills and suppositories, especially when it comes to children. They choose rubbing with vinegar and alcohol as a folk remedy for colds. Due to the evaporation of these liquids, the temperature does drop, but this cooling causes shivering - because of this, the fever can quickly return. So if there are no contraindications, antipyretics are the best option.

Ibuprofen and paracetamol - the best means against pain and heat. These cold pills are inexpensive and effective, but you need to understand when you need to take them.

They do not cure a cold, but they help relieve pain and reduce fever. However, not every temperature needs to be lowered. When a person gets sick, his body warms up - this is a protective reaction of the body. At elevated temperature blood flow improves and a special type of lymphocyte is released, T-helpers, which fight infection. But it can be very difficult to bear the heat, so many people are interested in the question, what temperature should be lowered? It is believed that it is necessary to bring down the temperature above 38.9 degrees, but if pain and fever cause severe discomfort, then in this case you can use paracetamol or ibuprofen at lower numbers.

We recommend keeping both products in your medicine cabinet; fortunately, such a supply will not hurt your wallet, because these are inexpensive cold medicines. However, ibuprofen will also provide relief from sore throat, sinusitis and reduce inflammation, while paracetamol is best for headaches and fever. In addition, you can alternate them - this way you will avoid an overdose, because, like any medicine, they cannot be taken without moderation.


  • Ibuprofen is not recommended if you are taking blood thinning medications, as well as if you have chronic heart failure, stomach problems, asthma, or nasal polyps.
  • Paracetamol is dangerous because it can damage the liver if overdosed. This can easily happen if you take paracetamol along with flu and cold tablets containing the same component, for example, Coldrex, Theraflu, Rinza, Antigrippin. By the way, such products do not cure colds at all, no matter what they say in advertising.

How to treat a throat?

There is no ideal remedy - it all depends on the cause of the sore throat and individual characteristics body. A sore throat can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection, but only a doctor can accurately distinguish one cause from another. There are some signs that will help you roughly determine which case is yours and how to treat your throat.

  • A viral infection can be recognized by associated symptoms colds such as runny nose, congestion, watery eyes, or cough. In this case, it will be yours to fight the pathogen. immune system. All you have to do is provide yourself with peace, warm drinks and food that doesn’t irritate your throat. You can also relieve pain with the help of pharmaceutical or folk remedies. Treatment of the throat at home can be done using honey - it must be dissolved in the mouth several times a day. If possible, gargle with saline solution for 20 seconds three times a day. To prepare it, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Lozenges or lozenges for the throat will also help - they soften the throat and relieve pain.
  • A bacterial infection is accompanied by a more severe sore throat that lasts longer than seven days. It is very difficult to swallow, and the tonsils and back of the throat are bright red and swollen. Sometimes red spots or patches of pus are visible. In this case, you should consult a doctor - you may need treatment with antibiotics, because an untreated bacterial infection can lead to otitis media, kidney disease, heart disease, brain disease, joints and skin. Antibiotics for colds in adults and children should only be prescribed by a doctor - he will determine the required dose and duration of use. Why is this important? An insufficient amount of antibiotic, both in quantity and duration of administration, can lead to the disease becoming chronic.

How to treat a runny nose?

A runny nose and nasal congestion due to ARVI and influenza should go away on their own within a week or two due to the functioning of the immune system. But these symptoms are very unpleasant, so people often try to find out how to cure a runny nose at home. There is a simple and known remedy, which will help ease breathing is salt water. It will reduce swelling and flush out the sinuses from mucus accumulation. You can buy a bottle of sea water at a pharmacy for 200-500 rubles, or save money and just take the saltiest mineral water, which you find, and pour it into a bottle of nasal product. Washing with a solution made from salt and water will also help. Usually take half a teaspoon per glass of warm water, but if such a solution causes a burning sensation, then the amount of salt can be reduced. You should rinse or irrigate your nose at least four times a day.

If nasal congestion prevents you from sleeping, then you can use phenylephrine drops to ease breathing - they will reduce swelling:

  • Vibrocil
  • Nazol Baby
  • Babyfrin
  • Adrianol
  • Nazol Kids.

Drops with xylometazoline (for example, Tizin, Xylene, Galazolin, Otrivin, Rinostop) are also popular, but they must be used with caution due to rapid addiction.

If you are against such radical treatment for a runny nose and nasal congestion, then you can choose a product based on herbal extracts, for example, Pinosol or Evamenol.

Which antibiotic is better?

Antibiotics only fight bacteria and are absolutely ineffective against ARVI and influenza. Therefore, you should not start taking antibiotics at the first sign of a cold or to prevent complications. But if symptoms begin to worsen, ear pain appears, toothache, severe pain in the sinuses, shortness of breath - then you need to see a doctor so that he can examine you for more serious illnesses such as pneumonia, bacterial sinusitis, or middle ear infection. We provide here a list of antibiotics for colds in adults in case a doctor is not available:

  • Amoxicillin (Flemoxin soblutab, Amoxiclav, Ecoclave, Augmentin, Flemoklav, Panclave, Amosin)
  • Clarithromycin (Klacid, Clarithromycin-Akrikhin, Fromilid Uno, Clarbact)
  • Cefuroxime (Zinacef, Zinnat, Cefuroxime Kabi)
  • Erythromycin (Erythromycin-Lect)
  • Ceftibuten (Cedex).