Thaw the puff pastry. When it becomes soft, sprinkle the table with a small amount of flour, roll out the layer to 2 mm, no thicker. Using a sharp knife, cut into squares of equal size.

Cut the ham and cheese into thin slices (or better yet, ask the store to cut it for you). Place the cheese first on the dough squares, then the ham. Try not to overlap the cheese so that the surface of the rolls is even when rolled.

We do not roll the rolls very tightly. Be sure to tuck the edges inward. Firstly, cheese will not leak out of a closed tube during baking. Secondly, the finished puff pastries will look neater and are more convenient to eat.

Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet lined with parchment, the seam should be at the bottom. We leave a distance, taking into account that when baking the puff pastries will become more voluminous and fluffy. You can beat the egg and brush the surface two or three times before placing the puff pastries in the oven. If desired, sprinkle with sesame, cumin, flax or sunflower seeds.

Place the baking sheet on the top level and set the temperature to 200 degrees. At low temperatures, the puff pastry will not be fluffy and may not bake. Bake for 20-25 minutes, focusing on the strength of your oven and the desired color of the crust.

Remove the puff pastries from the oven, cool slightly and serve with tea. This pastry is very good as a school snack, a quick snack or an addition to first courses. Bon appetit!

When you want to diversify your breakfasts and move away from standard sandwiches with cheese and sausages, you can make puff pastries with ham and cheese. Puff pastry often helps out because it is universal for preparing a variety of baked goods. In this recipe I will tell you how to make golden-brown puff pastries with cheese and ham for breakfast. Get to work!

To prepare cheese and ham puffs, we will need:

  • Puff pastry without yeast - 2 layers
  • Ham – 300 g
  • Cheese - 300 g (Suluguni, Russian, Kostromskoy, Smetankovy, Creamy)
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sesame or poppy seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Baking paper

How to make ham and cheese puff pastry

  1. Cut the ham and cheese into 8 equal-width slices. You can grate the cheese, but it seems to me that during cooking the cheese will melt and take on the desired consistency, and in terms of time, especially when you need to quickly prepare these puff pastries for breakfast, it saves time.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet and line it with paper. Beat the egg with a whisk into a light foam and prepare a pastry brush for coating our puff pastries.
  3. The dough for rolling should be at room temperature, so you need to get it in advance. I'll talk about two ways to wrap puff pastries. Whichever one you like best, use it. The first method is to roll out a sheet of dough into a square to a thickness of 1-2 mm. Divide the square with a knife into 4 equal parts.
  4. Place slices of cheese on each square and ham on it.
  5. We fold our puff pastries in the form of envelopes on all four sides.
  6. We pinch each edge of the puff pastry and make it curly. Before pinching, the edges must be moistened with water for strength. Here's how it turned out for me:
  7. The second method is puff pastries with cuts. Roll out a layer of puff pastry into a rectangle, 1-2 mm thick. Cut with a knife into 4 even rectangles.
  8. Place the filling on the near half of each rectangle: first cheese, then ham. On the far half we make 3 cuts in the middle, not reaching the edge.
  9. Cover the filling and pinch the edges. Transfer the prepared puff pastries with ham and cheese onto a baking sheet.
  10. Preheat the oven to 190 °C
  11. Coat the top of each puff pastry with a brush with beaten egg so that after baking they turn out golden and not pale. Sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds. Place in the oven for 20 minutes.

And now our ham and cheese puff pastry puffs are ready!

This is how it turned out for me.

Having a pack of frozen puff pastry in stock will never get you into trouble when you need to quickly bake something for tea or for a snack. This semi-finished product is unpretentious in storage and extremely easy to prepare. Opponents of store-bought ready-made products can prepare the dough at home and freeze it for future use in special bags. Today I prepared very tasty puff pastries with smoked ham and cheese. This recipe with step-by-step photos will help you bake them. A successful, appetizing option for a “duty” snack for a festive or everyday table. Instead of bread or as a snack - just perfect!

To prepare 5 puffs you will need:

How to make puff pastries with ham and hard cheese (step-by-step recipe with photos):

Thaw the puff pastry at room temperature. To prevent it from sticking to the surface, sprinkle the sheet with a small amount of flour. Defrosting usually takes 20-30 minutes. To prevent the top of the dough from drying out, grease it with vegetable oil or cover it with cling film (towel). These puff pastries can be made from yeast or yeast-free puff pastry. The result will be delicious, but the preparation has some peculiarities.

Place the completely thawed puff pastry on the table. Roll it out a little. Cut into 5-6 strips of approximately the same width.

Thinly slice the ham and cheese. It is convenient to use ready-made cheese slices from thin slices. The type of cheese can be any. I used cheddar - it melts well when baked in the oven, retains its flavor and forms delicious cheese “strands”.

Place cheese slices on each strip of dough, end to end, along the entire length, as shown in the photo.

Place the ham on top. Instead, you can use almost any meat delicacy - carbonate, boiled-smoked pork neck, etc.

Roll the dough with the filling into a tight roll. You will get a “rose” like this. Blind the edges so that the puff pastry does not fall apart during baking.

It is convenient to bake these puff pastries in a cupcake (muffin) tin. Place each blank in a separate cell.

Mix the yolk and a teaspoon of clean water or milk. Beat lightly with a fork. Brush the top of the puff pastry with the mixture. If desired, sprinkle with ground pepper, herbes de Provence, dried garlic and other seasonings. If you used a yeast puff base, leave the puffs to rise in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. They will increase slightly in volume. Place the pan with puff pastries in an oven preheated to 210-230 degrees. Bake until golden brown. See the dough package for the exact cooking time and temperature.

Serve the puff pastries immediately, before the melted cheese has time to cool. The next day you can reheat them and they will be as fresh as fresh. A very successful combination of weightless puff pastry, spicy ham and delicate cheese. Tasty and appetizing!

Over the centuries of existence, humanity has not come up with anything tastier than a simple combination of bread, cheese and meat. And puff pastries with ham and cheese are just a variation of this wonderful dish. These puff pastries leave no one indifferent: they are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Puff pastries with ham and cheese

Ingredients Quantity
premium wheat flour - 450-500 g
butter/butter margarine - 250-300 g
whole milk - 200 ml
granulated sugar - 80 g
yeast - 7 g (dry) or 20 g (fresh)
vanillin and salt - to taste
ham - 300-400 g
hard cheese - 300-400 g
oil - for frying
chicken egg - for coating buns
Cooking time: 25 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 102 Kcal

When choosing which dough to make puff pastry from, you need to take into account that yeast puff pastry tastes like butter. At the same time, baked goods made from such dough are softer and fluffier than those made without yeast. But buns made from yeast-free puff pastry are denser and their structure is less crumbly. In addition, homemade puff pastry without yeast is prepared very quickly.

Preparing yeast puff pastry

  1. Yeast, sugar, vanillin and 2 tablespoons of flour are stirred in warm milk;
  2. After 20-30 minutes, when the dough is ripe, add 50 grams of butter or margarine (pre-melted) and more flour. Then everything is kneaded to a homogeneous elastic consistency;
  3. After which the finished yeast dough is placed in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator for 4-12 hours;
  4. 200-250 grams of butter or margarine are taken out of the refrigerator and allowed to soften a little. After which the oil is removed under the film and gently beaten with a rolling pin, softening it;
  5. When the butter becomes soft, mix it with 50 grams of flour and knead with your fingers until smooth, but the butter should not melt;
  6. The finished butter mixture is wrapped in parchment paper in the shape of a square and rolled out in parchment to a thin rectangle. Place the resulting butter in parchment in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour;
  7. The yeast dough is taken out of the refrigerator and using a rolling pin, a wide rectangular cake is formed from it. Place the prepared butter extracted from the parchment on top of it, seal it on top, crush it with a rolling pin, then form a rectangle out of the cake again and put it back in the bag in the refrigerator for 1 hour or more;
  8. Afterwards, the dough is rolled out into a rectangle, folded and put in the refrigerator for another 1 hour. Then this procedure is repeated at least 3 more times.

After the dough has been rolled out 4-5 times, it is left in the refrigerator for another 4-12 hours. And only after that it can be used for baking.

Read our article on how to prepare a delicious one. It turns out that it’s not so difficult, and homemade cheese is much tastier and healthier.

Vitamin cabbage and carrot salad - our selection of recipes.

Take note of the recipe for an incredibly delicious pie with condensed milk in the oven. Add nuts and candied fruits there, and you get another unusual one.

Preparing yeast-free dough

  1. In one deep bowl, mix the egg, salt and vinegar. Mix all this well;
  2. Add ice water to the mixture and stir again. Place the prepared liquid in the refrigerator;
  3. Sifted flour is poured onto the table and margarine or butter is grated into it on a coarse grater. Then they collect it all in a hill, form a hole inside it and pour the prepared ice liquid mixture into it;
  4. Everything needs to be mixed very quickly, without kneading, but only slightly lifting and sticking with your fingers;
  5. Then you need to form a lump, put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 2-12 hours.

Puff pastry without yeast is removed from the refrigerator only immediately before preparing the dish.

Making puff pastries

Ready-made puff pastries with ham and cheese can be served immediately.

Recipe for puff pastry with ham and suluguni cheese from ready-made dough

Such pies can become one of the treats on the holiday table. You just need to add spices and vegetables to them.


  • ready puff pastry - 500 g;
  • ham - 150-200 g;
  • suluguni cheese - 150-200 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • butter - 30-50 g;
  • parsley (greens) - 1 bunch;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time is 35-45 minutes.

Calorie content - 105-115 calories.

How to cook puff pastries with ham and suluguni cheese?

  1. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Cut the ham into small cubes, and grate the suluguni cheese on a coarse grater or finely chop it with a knife. Defrost the dough;
  2. In a preheated frying pan, fry the onion, ham and chopped parsley in butter;
  3. Remove from heat and add suluguni to the still hot minced meat. Stir, add salt and pepper to taste;
  4. Cut the dough into thin (up to 5 ml thick) square plates with a side of 8-10 cm. Cut each square along the edges;
  5. Place 1 tablespoon of filling into each square, seal along the edges, connecting the corners so as to form a shaped bag;
  6. Place the finished puff pastries on a greased baking sheet, brush with beaten egg and bake in the oven at 200-220 degrees for half an hour.

The finished puff pastries have a beautiful ruddy appearance. They can be served immediately after cooking.

When working with puff pastry, you need to adhere to several important rules:

  1. The less the puff pastry is kneaded by hand and kept warm, the better;
  2. The butter and margarine used for mixing should be cold, but not frozen. Otherwise, the layers in the finished dough will tear;
  3. When preparing buns and pies from puff pastry, it is best to pierce them with a fork or toothpick in several places. This will allow the air in the dough to escape during baking and then there will be no bubbles;
  4. When brushing pastries with yolk, you do not need to grease the side walls with it. Otherwise, the baked goods will not be able to rise and will not be as fluffy;
  5. Puff pastry buns should be baked in an oven preheated to 220-250 degrees. But not higher.

Delicious puff pastries with ham and cheese will delight every guest and family member.

Hello friends!

Well, a very simple recipe for puff pastry with ham and cheese is whipped up almost as quickly as. Such puff pastries are much healthier and cheaper than purchasing baked goods in cafes and bakeries. Especially when every penny counts.

It is more economical to buy or make puff pastry, ham and hard cheese in advance. You can bake delicious puff pastries in advance and then simply reheat them as hunger sets in; enjoy with tea or coffee. Beauty! and Yummy!

I do this often. Especially if I'm walking with a child. It’s convenient to put food in a container and take a thermos of tea with you on a walk. When preparing my own food for my son, I am clearly sure that all sanitation is observed.

If you also think the same, then take this delicious recipe to your piggy bank.

Puff pastry with ham and cheese: recipe with photo

We will need:

  • Ready dough
  • Ham

I do not give a clear weight of ingredients for making puff pastry. The quantity of ingredients in this dish is not so important. You can put more or less ingredients into the dough - it’s a matter of taste.

Heat the oven to 200°C

Take a flat baking sheet; Place our prepared dough on it and roll it out with a rolling pin.

The next step is to place cheese on the dough and ham on top of the cheese.

The most interesting thing here is to seal the baked goods beautifully. Using a kitchen knife, we make cuts into the dough and place the strips on top of each other.

The top of the bun can be brushed with a brush by dipping it in a beaten egg.

Place the baking sheet in the oven, wait 20-30 minutes. The dough has fried and turned golden brown - take out the puff pastry and serve!