In Russian legislation, it is customary to distribute land plots into categories. Each category provides for its own procedure for using the site, especially when it comes to developing the territory. There are areas that, by law, cannot be developed or used in a certain way.

Today we will present in the article a decoding of the abbreviation and concept of SNT, and also tell you what rules for the use of SNT lands are provided for by current legislation.

The Land Code states that SNT is an abbreviation that hides a term such as a gardening non-profit partnership. In other words, this is a community that is formed by citizens joining it on a voluntary basis. The main purpose of the partnership is the distribution of land plots and the solution of all economic and social problems that arise along the way.

The Gardening Union is a legal entity officially registered with the tax office, but the activities of the partnership extend only to a specific land area. Each plot transferred for use to citizens can only be located on the territory of the partnership, and the area itself must have an agricultural purpose.

What areas can be included in the partnership?

A few words should be said about what a SNT site is and what associations it may belong to. The fact is that all partnerships can be divided into several groups, taking into account what property they own. Here we are talking about plots that can be used by citizens who have joined the community.

Based on this parameter, horticultural unions differ:

  1. Legal entities that manage all property, including land plots, and transfer them to citizens for temporary use.
  2. Communities in which separate infrastructure has been created, and areas are simply assigned to citizens as private property. The basis for this is the official decrees of the administration. All lands must have official registration.

Since the garden partnership is a legal entity, it is required to have all the required statutory documents. In particular, we are talking about the SNT charter and tax certificates. The charter prescribes the procedure for transferring land plots to citizens and the conditions for their use.

What is the difference between SNT and DNP?

It is important to understand the difference between lands of different categories. The population has especially many questions regarding such groups of land plots as SNT and DNP. The abbreviation DNP stands for dacha non-profit partnership.

In fact, the community also acts as a legal entity, and the main purpose of its use is the formation of a dacha settlement and timely service to citizens. Such organizations have the right to resolve issues related to the construction of various structures and the further operation of sites. For example, the community leadership assumes responsibility for removing garbage, organizing security for the village, and ensuring the operation of important communications.

The differences between SNT and DNP are minor, but they exist. For example, in a partnership, land is provided exclusively for planting a vegetable garden or establishing a garden.

In a dacha partnership, in addition to conducting agricultural activities, a citizen has the right to build a dacha and in the future transfer this building to private ownership. In other words, buildings can only be erected on a summer cottage plot, but a garden plot can be used exclusively for agricultural activities.

Who can become a member of SNT?

Any citizen who has reached the age of majority can apply to join the SNT. In addition to age, the main condition for entry is the availability of a plot of land located within the partnership and suitable for farming. Relatives or heirs of a citizen who acts as the owner of the land also have the right to membership in the SNT. Persons who do not have Russian citizenship can become members of the union.

The founders of the union are considered officially accepted immediately after the SNT has been established and officially registered. The procedure for citizens to join the community involves organizing a general meeting of union participants. After joining, a new member of the partnership receives a membership book and subsequently makes public contributions in the prescribed manner.

To withdraw from the union, it is necessary to draw up a corresponding application in two copies and submit it to an authorized person. The procedure provides for withdrawal solely on a voluntary basis, and in this case there is no provision for holding a general meeting.


A gardening partnership is an association that a citizen who owns a plot in the area suitable for farming can join.

The community has the status of an official legal entity and is created to ensure order and proper maintenance of the common territory. All rules for accepting and leaving a partnership are specified in the organization’s charter and are also regulated by the Land Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts.

Sedugina Svetlana

class 5 "A", MBOU secondary school No. 124, Samara

Gorbunova Galina Timofeevna

scientific supervisor,teacher of the highest category, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Secondary School No. 124, Samara


In order to save time when communicating or writing, we use well-known abbreviations of phrases or words.

Abbreviations of phrases are the omission of non-essential parts of speech without losing the main meaning of the phrase (auxiliary verbs, individual particles of speech, etc.). Abbreviations of words are the omission of individual letters and syllables in a word, and sometimes the removal of a significant part of the word except for individual letters.

In the Russian language, every year more and more complex abbreviated words, abbreviations and other types of abbreviations appear, and the need for their correct understanding and use is growing. This determines the choice and relevance of the presented topic of work and the subject of research.

Purpose of the work: to study the patterns and features of the formation of words appearing as a result of abbreviations.


· study the history of the emergence and widespread use of abbreviations;

·identify the main sources of the formation of abbreviations, study the various types and methods of forming abbreviations, their classification;

·identify the level of understanding of this topic among students.

Research methods used:

· study and processing of reference and scientific literature, Internet sources;

· survey and analysis of its results.

The history of the appearance and widespread use of abbreviations

With the advent of writing, abbreviations began to be used in the languages ​​of different nations. Even before the advent of paper, this helped save space on stone slabs, clay and wax tablets, birch bark and other materials when writing texts. Researchers and scientists have noted abbreviations in the inscriptions on ancient coins, in ancient manuscripts and letters, and in ancient Greek grammars they even found lists of frequently used abbreviations. These were probably the first reference books in the history of linguistics.

Abbreviations as a way of word formation and especially complex abbreviated words and abbreviations became widespread after the Great October Socialist Revolution and significantly enriched the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. New words for their time appeared: plenipotentiary, forestry, Ministry of Health, bakery, armored vehicle, and many others. As S.I. rightly noted. Ozhegov: “Already in the first years of the revolution, contemporaries were amazed at the rapid growth of the language; the vocabulary was uncontrollably expanded. A whole series of new words arose, formed according to the norms of Russian word formation: a new grammatical class of words appeared - compound words."

As has been noted in the works of many linguists, one of the most important reasons for the widespread use of this type of word was the October Revolution itself, which gave the Russian language greater energy, sharpness, aspiration and brevity. In the first post-revolutionary years, a huge mass of people began to participate in the construction of the new state. Completely new institutions, institutes, societies, enterprises were created, and each of them had to be given a name that accurately described its purpose. Compound names arose, many of which later began to take on a more convenient form, turning into complex abbreviated words of the syllabic type and various abbreviations.

The story of one abbreviation that has changed 13 times over the course of 78 years.

In 1917, the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission) appeared. Then its name changed many times and new abbreviations appeared: GPU, OGPU, NKVD, NKGB, KGB of the USSR, MSB, KGB of the RSFSR, AFB, MBIA of the RSFSR, MB of the Russian Federation, FSK. Since April 1995 - FSB (Federal Security Service).

Main sources of abbreviations

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the rapid development of science and technology has led to the emergence of an increasing number of discoveries - new materials, technologies and products. Terms constantly arise that should indicate the distinctive features of the created innovation and give its precise definition. It has become impossible to denote new concepts with one word from the existing dictionary; complex phrases in the form of compound names are increasingly being used. It is interesting that each individual word in such names is well-known for a long time, but in a phrase they all together describe a new concept.

Of course, over time, such phrases become more and more voluminous; they are difficult to use both in writing and in oral communication, especially in cases where frequent repetition is required. It is in such cases that abbreviations become useful - such convenient abbreviations as, for example, RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) quickly took root in practice.

“Language by nature is economical in means,” emphasized the famous Russian linguist A.M. Peshkovsky, and over the last century this desire to save linguistic resources has been noticeably and variedly manifested in word formation based on compound names.

Let's consider three examples of compound names: medical worker, real estate, teacher's room. Over time, they transformed into new words: health worker, real estate, teacher's room. The common thing here is that as a result of the abbreviation, the meaning of the original phrase is preserved, and the difference is in the methods of abbreviation:

· in the first example, the word “medical”, shortened to the root “honey”, was added to the word “worker”;

· in the second example, the word “immovable” from an adjective turned into the noun “real estate”, and the word “property” was completely excluded, although its meaning was preserved in the new concept;

· in the third example, the word “room” is removed, and the word “teacher’s room”, which was an adjective, became a noun.

For compound names containing adjectives, a method of abbreviation characteristic of the Russian language is often used using the suffixes k-, -lk-, -ovk-, -ik-, -ovik-, -evik-, its- and others (vatnik - vatnaya jacket, advanced worker - advanced worker, blotter - blotting paper, graph paper - paper with 1 millimeter squares). This applies to phrases that contain adjectives.

Another source of abbreviations is foreign languages, and the method is borrowing from these languages. To understand the etymology of such new word formations, it is necessary to analyze them in the original language. Here is an example of some terms that come from English:

Motel: motel = motor + hotel,

E-mail (electronic mail): e-mail = electronic + mail,

Laser: laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)

Classification and various ways of forming abbreviations

Frequently used compound names and foreign borrowings served as a source for the creation of new words of various types: compound words, abbreviations, abbreviations using suffixes, abbreviations obtained by removing redundant words from a compound name or term, etc.

In the reference and scientific literature on linguistics, various classifications of abbreviations are given according to the method of their formation, and experts on this issue do not have a consensus.

1. Graphic abbreviations - in them, omitted letters or syllables are indicated graphically (dot, hyphen, dash, or slash).

2. Initial abbreviations (letter and sound) - abbreviations that are formed from the names of the first letters and (or) sounds of words included in the original phrase, and which are pronounced when reading in an abbreviated rather than full form (unlike single-letter graphic abbreviations, pronounced when reading in detail): CIS (es-en-ge) - Union of Independent States, CSKA (tse-es-ka) - Central Sports Club of the Army, ITAR - Information Telegraph Agency of Russia.

3. Compound abbreviated words - abbreviated words formed from the words of the original phrase, all or part of which are truncated (collective farm - collective farm; aircraft factory - aircraft factory).

4. Carved words - words in which letters and (or) syllables, except for initial and final letters, are carved out, and the remaining ones are compressed into an abbreviated word (billion - m[il]l[ia]rd; million - m[il]l[ ion).

5. Mixed abbreviations - abbreviations that combine several ways of forming an abbreviation: an initial abbreviation - with a complex abbreviation word (NIIpoligrafmash); initial abbreviation - with graphic abbreviation (film - film); the carved word - with a graphic abbreviation (stb. - column), etc.

That is, in this reference book, abbreviations and compound words are shown as different types of abbreviations. And in the publication “Russian Language Course”, with reference to various manuals, it is noted that “complex abbreviated words and abbreviations are considered as a single concept, and not as word formations obtained by various methods of abbreviations.”

The term "abbreviation" is also defined in different ways.

The “Electronic Encyclopedic Dictionary” gives the following definition:

Abbreviation (Italian abbreviatura from Latin Brevis - short) - 1) a word formed by an abbreviation of a phrase and read by the alphabetical name of the initial letters (Air Force) or by the initial sounds (UN, university) of the words included in it. 2) See Compound words.

And the “Dictionary of Business Terms” defines it as follows: Abbreviation is a name or designation consisting of the initial letters or numbers of a phrase, used to reduce space and speed up the transfer of information.

The approximate classification I compiled does not make much difference between compound words and abbreviations, and when doing the work it seemed convenient (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Variant of classification of abbreviations in Russian

Compound words (abbreviations) can contain several components, each of which in the original phrase was either a noun or an adjective:

· two components - salary (wages), philological faculty (philosophical faculty), plenipotentiary representative (plenipotentiary representative), physical education teacher (physical education leader), forestry (forestry), educational program (liquidation of illiteracy), living space (living space), housekeeper (domestic worker ), dry cleaning (dry cleaning), plumbing (sanitary equipment), etc.;

· three components - the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Ministry of Industry and Trade), the Moscow City Duma (Moscow City Duma), the State Traffic Inspectorate (State Automobile Inspectorate).

Most often in the Russian language there are complex abbreviated words consisting of two truncated stems. Abbreviations formed from three or four components are often replaced by letter abbreviations: People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs - People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs - NKVD, etc.

The following types of abbreviations (abbreviations) are distinguished:

· alphabetic - adding the names of the initial letters in abbreviated phrases - NSTU (attention (!), confusion is possible here: Novosibirsk State Technical University or Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after E.R. Alekseev);

· sound - adding the initial sounds of abbreviated phrases - RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences);

· letter-sound, for example, in the abbreviation CSKA - Central Sports Club of the Army;

· syllabic - the result of combining the initial parts of compound names - commander (squadron commander);

· sound and syllabic - IMLI (Institute of World Literature);

· syllabic-word - combining the initial element of one word with another word, presented in full - State Duma (State Duma), warehouse manager (warehouse manager);

· syllabic initial-final - moped (motorcycle + bicycle).

Note that new two-letter abbreviations are now appearing less and less often, because the supply of two-letter combinations has already been exhausted, almost each of them has a term assigned to it. With the same spelling of abbreviations that have different meanings of the original phrases, problems arise with their decoding and one has to take into account the context of the material being read: JV - “joint venture” and “North Pole”, PE - “emergency incident” and “private enterprise”.

To conclude this section, I will give an example that combines the concepts of “abbreviation” and “complex abbreviated word”: the name of the glorious ObGES microdistrict in Novosibirsk. There are two components here, one of which comes from the name of the hydroelectric power station (Obskaya), the other is the abbreviation “HPP”.

Separately, it should be said about the graphic abbreviation of words. Such abbreviations are used only in writing and do not apply to abbreviations. They differ in that the deleted part of the word is indicated graphically:

1. dot - when cutting off the final part of a word (Russian - Russian);

2. with a hyphen, - when cutting out the middle part of a word (qty - quantity);

3. dash - when cutting off the initial part of the abbreviated word (Vladimir - ovsky - V. Dubrovsky);

4. slash - when cutting off the final part of the words of a phrase (Rostov n/D - Rostov-on-Don, p/n - in order).

Internet influence.

The Internet today is a whole world through which you can exchange information with all the inhabitants of our planet, and new ways of exchanging information are constantly appearing in it.

In 1979, someone from one of the very first news groups on the Internet (MsgGroup) once lamented that in such an exclusively “written” communication environment, opportunities for expressing one's emotions were very limited. And he suggested using visual symbols made up of punctuation marks - colons, hyphens and parentheses - to convey emotions in writing. This is how the first emoticons appeared.

On the Internet you can find many well-established abbreviations of standard English phrases, since the Internet began in America, and English is still the predominant language of the Internet. The main reason for the appearance of abbreviations here is clear - the need to save your own and other people’s time wherever possible. Online time was once very expensive.

There is another reason. You can safely write “opinion” in a chat; no one will pay attention to it. But the use of IMHO (imho - in my humble opinion) is a sign that the person is not the first day on the Internet, which means there is something to talk about with him.

In the ICQ space, sometimes you need to make a favorable impression on new communication partners. The role of attractive “signals” on the Internet is played by emotionally charged icons and specific abbreviations. And if the interlocutor in his “speech” has never used a single “signal” to decorate his written work, then the impression of his “speech” is significantly reduced and experienced Internet users are not interested in communicating with him.

Abbreviations and abbreviations - are they useful?

We come across new abbreviations every day. One of the reasons for using such words is the desire for unusualness and verbal innovation. Among young people, they arise in everyday speech, most often as a conscious violation of the norm, a protest against it, when a well-known and frequently used word acquires new expressiveness. A certain freedom in creating new words is also attractive, hence their closeness to jargon and vernacular.

The recent increase in the number of such abbreviations suggests that primitive language is becoming, unfortunately, a style of communication. This is helped by the desire of many media outlets for wide popularity by any means, and the low level of taste, style and sense of proportion of some people involved in the creation of official documents.

A masterpiece of administrative absurdity is widely known - the longest abbreviation in the Russian(?) language: NIIOMTPLABOPARMBETZHELBETRABSBORMONIMONKONOTDTEHSTROMONT (55 letters). It stands for something like this: “Research laboratory of operations for concrete reinforcement and reinforced concrete work for the construction of prefabricated monolithic and monolithic structures of the technology department of the construction and installation management of the USSR Academy of Construction and Architecture.

It was quite a long time ago. What about now?

The previously familiar name of my educational institution - secondary school No. 124 - after some complications is now called this: MBOU SOSH (municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school) with in-depth study of individual subjects. Maybe we'll soon get to MBOU SOSH SUIOP? Well, onwards.

Abbreviations are often criticized. Some consider them insufficiently normative, inferior words. However, we must take into account that the Russian language has adopted some of these words, it needs them, and without them it is sometimes impossible to communicate. One of the main reasons for their development is that these abbreviations are an effective means of saving speech. Up to some limits, of course.

Knowledge of abbreviations by schoolchildren

To study the amount of knowledge of abbreviations and abbreviations among students of 4 “A”, 7 “G”, 8 “B”, 8 “D”, 8 “G” classes of secondary school No. 124, a survey was conducted. A total of 106 questionnaires were completed, the results of their processing are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2:

Table 1.

Some questions during the survey and the results of processing student questionnaires

Figure 2. Use of abbreviations by students of MBOU Secondary School No. 124, Samara

The most “unexpected” thing was that none of the fourth graders could correctly and completely decipher the abbreviation “MBOU SOSH”, which we wrote on the front side of each student notebook. In general, we can say that so far, abbreviations and acronyms are used by primary school students, but not often, and not always with a full understanding of the meaning and exact knowledge of the original phrase.


Abbreviations and abbreviations have long been used in the Russian language and their list continues to be constantly updated.

Among specialist philologists today there is no consensus on how complex abbreviated words and abbreviations should be considered: as a single concept, or as word formations obtained by various abbreviations. Therefore, it is not so easy to answer the question: exactly how the phrase “collective farm”, for example, was shortened to the word “collective farm”.

Knowledge of the etymology of abbreviations and abbreviations, the rules of their formation and writing not only expands literacy and sense of proportion in the Russian language, but also helps in the study of foreign languages ​​and other school subjects, expands the general horizons of every inquisitive person and helps him form his own communication style.


1.Andronova A.V. Controversial issues of the typology of compound words. Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod State University (Philology series), 2003, p. 117. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http:// www. unn. ru/ pages/ issues/ vestnik/ 99990196_ West_ filol_ 2003_1(3)/ B_3-4. pdf.

2. Balashova L.V., Dementyev V.V. Russian language course. - Saratov: Lyceum, 2005, p. 111.

3.Internet resource: - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http:// ru. wikipedia. org .

4. Milchin A.E., Cheltsova L.K. Publisher's and Author's Guide. 2nd ed., - M.: OLMA-Press, 2003.

5. Ozhegov S.I. Lexicology. Lexicography. Speech culture. - M., 1974. - p. 20-36.

6. Peshkovsky A.M. Collection of articles. Methodology of the native language. Linguistics. Stylist. Poetics. L. - M., 1925. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http philology. by/ uploads/ logo/ ref/ peshkovsky. pdf.

7. Dictionary of business terms. Internet resource “”, 2001

8.Electronic encyclopedic dictionary. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL:

When asking the question: “What is an abbreviation?”, it is worth paying attention to the interpretations given in dictionaries. The term is literally understood as an abbreviation, but in writing it occupies a certain place, namely, it represents the formation of a single, inextricable lexical structure from capital letters or the first syllables of a group of words. As a rule, this applies to the names of organizations, regulatory designations of documentation (including legal), but there are also abbreviations of colloquial expressions. The latter are often slang expressions or professionalisms that are typical for a small environment and therefore are not used officially.

Origins of the term

The word "abbreviation" is (which refers to morphology) "abbreviation". The term originates in Latin (brevis - briefly), but it acquired its usual sound in Italian. In modern literature, this concept includes all abbreviated words, but traditionally only complex abbreviated groups of words should be considered. Thus, an acronym is something that is publicly available and widely applicable. Particular cases of the formation of a morphological structure, adopted in individual publications or articles, are necessarily explained in the text to avoid distortion of meaning and confusion.

History of application

Abbreviations are found even in the most ancient written sources. A striking example is the abbreviations found in the documents of the ancient Romans and Greeks. It is known that they were one of the first elements used in cursive writing techniques. Another example of the use of the abbreviation was the inscriptions on coins.

After the widespread use of capital Latin and Greek letters in the Middle Ages, the first abbreviated expressions appeared and were used in everyday life. The method of contracture, in other words shortening individual words using initial letters and endings, was used in Greece to write sacred names. This system was subsequently borrowed by the Romans to denote various concepts. To understand, it is necessary to determine the context of its application.

Scope of use

Typically, in everyday situations, common simple abbreviations are used. They are formed from short phrases or abbreviated words. The essence of the first is to skip non-essential parts of speech, which are easily reproduced based on the context and connection with auxiliary verbs, parts of speech, etc.

In writing, they are used only when necessary, because in specific papers that are intended for use by third parties, especially when it comes to printed publications, readers may not know what the abbreviation means. Individual cases may serve as exceptions. Scientific works, as well as citations, technical documentation, bibliographic information, etc. must contain a minimum of abbreviations. Individual applications in the sciences are an urgent need.

Decoding the abbreviation

In fact, the same set of letters can mean completely different phrases. For example, how to decipher the abbreviation ASK? Firstly, it can be an abbreviation of one word. In particular, the scientific term for the fungal bursa is appropriate. In this case, the full version is the Greek word askos, which literally translates as “bag.”

Secondly, the word may be an abbreviation that is applicable in a particular environment as a slang expression. “Ascorutin” and ascetic can also be referred to as medicine and hermit in a wide circle, but groups of people faced with the need to use these words quite often may deliberately shorten them to speed up communicative interaction when speaking or for quick writing when it comes to private notes .

Thirdly, ACK can stand for:

  • College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • agricultural horticultural cooperative;
  • withdrawal syndrome in a smoker.

As you can see, in the latter case, the “y” is omitted when compiling the abbreviation. Thus, the same abbreviation form is responsible for different concepts. This applies to the most common cases, but in particular cases the abbreviation may contain complex words and highly specialized terms.

In business and in various dialogues: both business and simple conversations on the street, you can often hear many abbreviations. Their use makes life much easier, since by using abbreviations a person significantly reduces the time required to write some rather long expressions.

But in order to understand how this or that abbreviation stands for, you need to have certain knowledge behind you, otherwise this abbreviation will look just like an illogical set of letters. One of these abbreviations is LLC - a limited liability company, which has its own characteristics.

LLC is a limited liability company

The abbreviation LLC stands for quite simply - it is a “limited liability company”. In fact, this organization can be founded either by one person or by several people who decide to open it together. A limited liability company can be defined by the following characteristics:

  1. members of the organization bear limited liability for their
  2. The authorized capital of the organization is formed from the contributions of all participants
  3. the organization was created by one or more individuals or legal entities

It should be noted that, despite the fact that an LLC can be created by one person, it must include several participants. More specifically, there can be from two to fifty people. If the number of participants exceeds fifty people, then in accordance with the law, it is necessary to create a production cooperative, or an open joint-stock company.

An LLC can engage in any activity unless it is prohibited by law. In order to open a limited liability company, the first step is to determine the founder, the composition of the company, and the share of each participant in the authorized capital. Also, the organization must have a unique name, have its own and, in which the specific goals and objectives of the society are noted.

At the next stage, the legal organization is determined. For this purpose, the address of an office, private property, or place where any member of the LLC resides can be used. To register a legal address, an application is created in a special form, signed by the participant responsible for this, after which it is notarized.

After the fee charged upon registration of a legal entity, and also after the type of activity of the organization is determined, it receives a special static code. The taxation system must also be determined: for this you need to submit certain documents and a receipt for payment of state duty to the tax office.

LLC is a limited liability company. It is an organization created by one or more persons. Its composition should include from two to fifty members, from whose contributions the authorized capital of the LLC is formed.

LLC structure

The LLC must have a clear structure

The LLC has a supreme governing body, which is considered to be the General Meeting of Company Participants. A special federal law defines the exclusive competence of this body. With its help, various organizational issues can be resolved.

The activities of the organization should create a sole executive body of the community (CEO, president, etc.). In some cases, in addition to it, the collegial executive body of the community (directorate, board, etc.) is also used.

The creation of a collegial body can be formed if necessary, but a sole body is formed without fail. These bodies are responsible to the general meeting of participants, as well as to the board of directors.

The board of directors is a special supervisory board of the company, the creation of which may be provided for by its charter.

In accordance with the charter, this supervisory body receives certain competence, which must comply with current legislation. Thus, the board of directors has the right to create executive bodies of the organization, resolve various issues regarding major transactions, as well as prepare and hold general meetings.

In addition to all these bodies, the LLC must create a special audit commission, which does not belong to the organization’s bodies. Thus, the current management of the company’s activities is concentrated in the hands of the executive body, which is subordinate to the highest body - the general meeting of all participants. All major issues related to the life of the organization are resolved exclusively within the framework of the general meeting. These questions include:

  1. changes in the constituent papers of the LLC
  2. creation or liquidation of executive bodies and auditors
  3. approval of annual reports
  4. distribution of profits and

The structure of a limited liability company consists of various bodies, the highest of which is the general meeting of all participants. Also, without fail, each organization must have an executive body and an audit commission.

Advantages and disadvantages of LLC

LLC has both advantages and disadvantages

A limited liability company in a modern economy is the most popular type of organization, which has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The obvious advantages of an LLC include the possibility of establishing it by several participants. Moreover, they can be both legal entities and individuals.

In addition, for an LLC there is no limit on the size of the authorized capital. Not including cash, securities and other things can be invested in this capital, and investors are not responsible for the actions of the organization. The first disadvantage is the possibility of the investor leaving the LLC at any time, which in some cases may lead to the liquidation of the organization.

There is another drawback associated with the possibility of a participant leaving an LLC - the company may not destroy the authorized capital by returning his share to the participant, but simply by buying it out, thus, the participant’s contribution is returned in material form.

This can be used to deceive the participant on the part of other investors: the share of the exiting member goes to the LLC from the moment the corresponding application is submitted, but its value is determined depending on the accounting statements of the organization for the period in which the application was submitted.