The spine is a column consisting of 33 vertebrae, fastened together with the help of joints, cartilage and ligaments. It serves as the basis of the entire human skeleton, ensures its vertical position, holds all organs in the abdomen and chest in their place. Hidden in it spinal cord associated with almost all systems and organs of the human body. Intervertebral discs are responsible for the flexibility, strength and shock-absorbing abilities of the spine, the defeat of which leads to osteochondrosis.

It is important to note that this disease cannot be neglected. How does "Treatment for back pain" usually work? What nonsense, it can be postponed, it's okay, it will be done and it will pass. In fact, back pain requiring immediate treatment, in most cases. It should be understood that chronic degenerative osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is accompanied by extremely dangerous complications.

which is also easily removed initial stages, it is more difficult when the disease is deeply rooted. In our clinic, we have accumulated rich experience in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar segment of the spine, and if your case is not neglected too much, there are grounds for recovery. If you "failed" the disease, we can help you stabilize and stop the pathological process, possibly eliminating negative symptoms.

What can cause osteochondrosis

The root cause of the disease is often the wrong placement of the load on the spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs become thinner, worn out, and lose elasticity. Among the main causes of osteochondrosis are the following:


Smoking, which disrupts metabolism and interferes with the recovery processes of the body;

Causes of osteochondrosis of the chest

The term "spondylosis" usually refers to the natural deterioration of the spine due to age or arthritis and usually affects people later in life. This is due to the fact that over the years lumbar spine experiences the most wear, which leads to the gradual destruction of the components of the spine.

Although spondylosis itself is not usually symptomatic, it can lead to the development of other spinal conditions that can cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. If you are experiencing lower back pain, stiffness, or limited mobility, check with your doctor to determine the source of the pain.

Sedentary lifestyle;

Weak back muscles;

Systematic or one-time lifting of weights;

genetic predisposition;

Hormonal failures;

Changeable adverse weather conditions.

These are not all factors that can provoke osteochondrosis. In life, there can be many more reasons for worsening the condition of the spine, which explains the various symptoms.

Conditions associated with lumbar spondylosis

Since spondylosis is a gradual deterioration of the spine, there are many spinal conditions that can be referred to as spondylosis. The most common spinal conditions that develop from spondylosis include. Generally, mild cases of spondylosis in the lumbar spine do not result in additional states spine. However, the more progressively your spinal components deteriorate, the higher your risk of developing another spinal condition as a result of spondylosis.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis

The most obvious symptom of the disease, the appearance of which should consult a doctor, is pain. In the early stages, it may be dull, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness. Sharp pain occurs when the nerve roots are infringed. When moving, it intensifies and can lead to a violation of sensitivity in the area of ​​discomfort. Sharp, shooting pain can appear quite unexpectedly and last for several hours. Local manifestations of osteochondrosis may be accompanied by:

Therefore, if you begin to experience symptoms associated with other spinal conditions, such as stiffness, an inability to bend and move without pain, and general lower back pain, it is important that you make an appointment with your doctor to determine the cause of your pain and choose a plan. treatments to help you find relief.

When you make an appointment with your doctor, you should plan on answering questions about your pain and symptoms, as well as your family history. This will not only help your doctor determine the cause of your pain, but also determine the right treatment plan for your needs and health requirements.

  • Headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea and pain in the hands - with violations in the cervical region.
  • Heart, liver, intestinal and stomach pains - with damage to the thoracic region.
  • limitation of mobility and which indicates disorders in the lumbar region. Gymnastics is very good in this case. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is almost always prescribed.
  • Urinary dysfunction, irritation sciatic nerve- with problems in the department of the lumbosacral belt.

Therapeutic exercise is an integral part of complex treatment and an indispensable measure for prevention.

Exercise therapy is a complex of moderate physical activity used in many diseases associated with dystrophy of muscle strength and limitation of joint movements. This or that complex is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the functionality of the patient.

If it is determined that you have spondylosis, your doctor may work with you to find a treatment option that can help relieve your pain and symptoms. If your child or teen has an overuse injury, you'll be pleased to know that Boston Children's Hospital Orthopedic Center has vast experience in treating these injuries, developing treatments, and conducting research that leads to improved care.

What are some common use injuries?

Overinjury are sports-related injuries that result from repeated use.

golf elbow

characterized by inflammation, soreness, or pain inside shoulder next to the elbow. Golf elbow can be caused by a partial tear in the tendon fibers that connect muscle to bone.

The main tasks of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis are aimed at:

Normalization of the tone of the central nervous system;

Activation of blood flow in the damaged areas;

Muscle relaxation;

Stretching and development of certain muscle groups;

Strengthening the anterior, posterior and lateral muscles of the spine;

Jumper elbow

It is characterized by tenderness right below the knee or upper calf area. Jumper knee can occur when the patellar tendon at the knee joint is repeatedly pulled, especially during jumping activities.

Little elbow or shoulder league

It is characterized by pain in the elbow or shoulder area, especially after surgery. These conditions can result from repetitive maneuvers that cause damage and inflammation to the bone growth plates in the hand.

It is characterized by painful irritation and swelling on impact in the upper end of the lower leg. Osgood-Schlatter disease can occur when the quadriceps are overused in sports during a child's growth spurt. It is characterized by pain in the knee or elbow and swelling. Osteochondrosis dissipates when part of the cartilage in the knee or elbow joint separated from the surface of the joint. This condition can run in families or be caused by a metabolic problem.

Normalization of nutrition of damaged intervertebral discs;

The patient's habituation to household, labor and other loads;

Prevention of adhesions of the spinal canals.

All exercises included in the complex should be performed slowly, sudden movements should be avoided. Any gymnastics complex should include exercises that promote stretching, proper breathing and relaxation after exercise.

Sever's disease

Characterized by pain in the heel with chromium, especially after running. Sever's disease is associated with repetitive running or jumping activities that cause the Achilles tendon to drag along calcaneus. It is characterized by pain and tenderness in the shin area. Tire tires are caused by excessive running, working on hard surfaces, and improper shoe wear.

Sinding-Larsen-Johanson Syndrome

It is characterized by pain in the knee, especially after jumping. Spondylolysis is caused by excessive flexing and stretching of the lower back and is commonly seen in soccer players, gymnasts, and figure skaters.

tribe shoulder

Characterized by shoulder pain in a competitive swimmer. The tribal shoulder is caused by the extreme demands of competitive swimming on the shoulder, which is used for locomotion, requiring flexibility and range.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Osteochondrosis of this department is by far the most common. Since it is this part of the spine that undergoes the greatest daily stress, regardless of lifestyle. Pathology is accompanied by back pain, sometimes radiating to the legs, discomfort in the lower back. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a mandatory procedure. Classes will be productive and effective if they are performed regularly, correctly, and if the patient is in a good mood. Overworking in the process is not recommended. The complex should be chosen taking into account personal physical fitness.

tennis elbow

It is characterized by inflammation, soreness, or pain on the outside of the upper arm near the elbow. Tennis elbow can be caused by a partial tear in the tendon fibers that connect muscle to bone.

What is overinjury and why does it happen?

Overtrauma is microtrauma caused by repeated stress to bones, growth plates, muscles, tendons, or ligaments over a period of time, without rest, which would give the affected area enough time to heal.

The use of resistance and weights to master active movements

Muscles and tendons adapt to stress - that's how they get stronger. But they also need to rest and recover between episodes of stress. With an overweight injury, the muscle or tendon gets stressed but never gets a chance to rest.

Exercises for osteochondrosis in the lumbar

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar can be divided into several complexes, depending on the period of the course of the disease. During an acute course, an approximate complex may be as follows:

  1. We are in a prone position. It does not change throughout the entire complex. To begin with, it is worth making simultaneous flexion and extension of the hands (into a fist) and feet.
  2. Let's start stretching the legs. The left is bent at the knee. We bend and unbend the right one, sliding the heel along the bed. Do 8 repetitions and move to the left leg.
  3. kneading upper part body by alternately raising the arms up.
  4. Next, we bring our hands to our shoulders, bend them and perform circular motions.
  5. Then we pull the legs bent at the knee to the stomach without the help of hands.
  6. The legs are bent at the knees, feet together, we alternately take our knees to the sides.
  7. The next starting position is legs apart. Circular movements of the feet in and out.
  8. We finish the complex with diaphragmatic breathing.

In the moment acute pain with osteochondrosis, it is better to observe bed rest. In order not to aggravate osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, exercise therapy in this case is of a general strengthening nature and serves rather hygienic purposes. Painful exercises should be avoided. Each one is worth an average of 8 repetitions. The pace must be slow.

Are there other reasons that may contribute to the overuse of injuries?

Early trauma to the area may predispose the area to injury overuse. Or, if the child is simply not conditioned - say, if he has never played baseball before, and suddenly the coach makes him a pitcher - he may be in danger of sustaining an overweight injury.

What are the symptoms of overtrauma?

Pain from over-injury tends to get worse in stages. First, an injury can harm gently when a child plays their sport. As more injuries occur, the child will experience constant pain when they play. In the final stage, the child has constant pain in this area even when he is not playing. At this point, the affected area will receive significant damage.

With a decrease in pain, you can move on to special exercises that increase the strength of the abdominal muscles and those involved in flexion and extension of the hips. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in the subacute period may include the following exercises:

Whether children's growth plates and height increase, making them more susceptible to over-injury. Growth plates make children more susceptible to over-injury. The growth plates are directed towards the ends of the bones and are not as ossified as the bones themselves, which essentially creates an area of ​​weaker bone. And because of this weakness, if a drill or movement pulls on this area again and again, it results in injuries to the growth plates. For example, little league elbow and little league elbow are prime examples of plant plate injuries that occur because kids throw too much.

In exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar at the end of the subacute period, it is necessary to gradually introduce exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back. The pace can be increased. All movements are performed on inspiration, on the way out it is necessary to take the starting position. Exercises 4,5,6 and 7 can be repeated in a circle several times, they are the most important. When diagnosed with osteochondrosis, lumbar exercise therapy - even during remission - should exclude such activities that are characterized by uncoordinated movements and turns, sudden changes in positions. For example, you should not play tennis, cross-country running, fast dancing or exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine contributes to:

As children grow, the bursts of bones and tendons lengthen and are more prone to overspread injury. And by continuing to play with an injury in the area, the player will aggravate the injury. While excessive trauma occurs equally in boys and girls, adolescent girls are particularly vulnerable. Some runners and gymnasts in particular may have menstrual dysfunction in which they no longer get their periods. This is a situation that can cause osteoporosis or osteopenia, and it predisposes the athlete's bones to sustain stress fractures.

Strengthening the muscles of the lower back and lower extremities;

Release of pinched nerves;

Expansion of the spaces between the vertebrae.

Thoracic osteochondrosis: how therapeutic exercises help

Osteochondrosis in the thoracic region is not as common as in the lumbar or cervical. This is due to the lower mobility of the vertebrae of this department, respectively, they are less susceptible to damage. Therapeutic exercise in this disease should contribute to:

Why is there an increase in overuse injuries in children?

Kids in previous generations did most of the free play instead of organized sports and didn't endure much injury when used. With the advent of organized sports, especially those that require intense, repetitive exercise, the incidence of overuse injury has increased dramatically.

Participation of youth and teenagers in organized sports has grown to about 35-40 million children in the United States. Not surprisingly, the prevalence of sports injuries is on the rise - statistics show that 30 to 60 percent of student athletes will at some point in time sustain an overuse injury. For example, in one pediatric sports medicine, at least half of young patients have an overuse injury.

Increased mobility of the thoracic region, its intervertebral and costovertebral joints;

elimination muscle spasm and stiffness in the damaged area;

Improving lung ventilation.

Exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis: exercises that help

Before proceeding with the complex, you can prepare a little. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of exercise therapy. Preparation may include a warm shower and simple exercises, such as turning the torso, swinging arms and legs. Performance base complex Exercise therapy, with daily repetition, will allow you to achieve a remission of the disease, but first you should definitely consult a doctor. So:

Are trauma abused by children differently from adults?

Adults, of course, can withstand excessive trauma. But an adult may realize that swinging a golf club hurts his elbow, and a child may not realize that his forearm pain is really his elbow. And even if they understand the cause and effect of their pain, high-sport, sport-oriented children tend to push themselves—either to please their parents or coaches, or because they are being pushed by a parent or coach.

What is the most common sport to develop overuse injuries?

In some pediatric orthopedic practices, the gymnasts are the athletes who endure the most severe injuries - mostly young women. Adolescent and adolescent gymnasts are commonly present with osteochondritis of the dissecans in the elbow and knee joints, Sever's disease, and spondylolisthesis.

Auxiliary complex for the period of exacerbation

During the period of exacerbation, when any movement causes pain, it is better to refrain from doing exercises. When the pain begins to subside drug treatment can be supplemented with gymnastics, which will help relax tight muscles. Charging should be done several times a day:

  1. We stand on our knees. Gently raise your head up and at the same time bend your back down. We take a deep breath. When you feel the maximum muscle tension, gently exhale and return to the original position.
  2. We kneel on a hard surface, hands are freely placed along the body. Inhaling, gently raise your hands up and make a slow tilt forward. We linger, lower the limbs and only after that we return to the vertical position.
  3. We take a position on the stomach, with straight arms extended forward. Slowly raise the right arm and left leg up. We linger, smoothly lower ourselves, repeat with the opposite arm and leg. We do 5 repetitions.

Water gymnastics for osteochondrosis

The aquatic environment is extremely suitable for the implementation of specially designed complexes aimed at the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis. Exercising in water has a number of undeniable advantages:

The aquatic environment a priori will not allow you to make sudden movements:

Working in water involves all muscle groups;

The risk of injury to the spine is minimized.

Performing sets of exercises is possible only under the supervision of experienced instructors.

Contraindications for water procedures

A contraindication to visiting the pool may be the presence of skin or infectious diseases in the acute period, severe pathologies of cardio-vascular system, diathesis, conditions for which

Osteochondrosis is a very unpleasant disease that causes a lot of discomfort and pain. Exercise therapy for lumbosacral osteochondrosis and its other types, as a component of complex treatment, can significantly improve the patient's condition. Therefore, if a course has been appointed, it should be carried out methodically, in accordance with the instructions, and then gymnastics will give long-awaited relief.

Lumbar osteochondrosis is a disease of the lumbar spine, which manifests itself in the form of dystrophic changes, as well as the gradual destruction of the intervertebral discs.
Lumbar osteochondrosis is the most common type of osteochondrosis (more than 50% of all cases). The fact is that the main weight of the body falls precisely on the lumbosacral spine, as a result of which a constant increased load is created, which increases even more when lifting weights. All this also explains the fact that lumbar osteochondrosis very often leads to complications such as disc protrusion and intervertebral hernia.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is not the result of any particular lifestyle, that is, to a greater or lesser extent, it also occurs in people who perform heavy physical work, as well as those who are engaged in mental work (almost constantly in the same position). It should be noted that lumbar osteochondrosis (like other types of osteochondrosis) occurs as a result of the load on the intervertebral discs, which increases significantly with a long stay in one position, and with a fairly sharp lifting of weights. Among the main factors in the development of lumbar osteochondrosis are hypodynamia, lack of physical activity, and irrational loads that the lumbar region experiences due to prolonged sitting, and, of course, a general imbalance metabolic processes in organism.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis
by the most characteristic symptoms lumbar osteochondrosis are pains in the back, lower back, and these pains can have a very different character: they can be sharp, burning, cutting intense, constant, dull, in the form of lumbago or aching, and also radiating to the leg and buttock. In addition, pain in the lumbar region may be accompanied by crawling sensations or numbness.
All these pains can be divided into three types (depending on where exactly they are felt): lumbago, lumboischias and sciatica.
With lumbago, pain is noted exclusively in the lower back, with lumboischias, pain usually affects the lower back and buttocks or limbs, and with sciatica, pain is localized mainly in the limbs.
As a rule, the symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis occur against the background of hypothermia, as well as as a result of lifting weights, making sudden movements, and staying in the same position for a long time. The same factors provoke the exacerbation of this disease. That is why people suffering from osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are generally not recommended to wear weights, stay in a draft and in a cold room.
Pain at lumbar osteochondrosis aggravated by bending, walking, and also by coughing. Therefore, people experiencing pain in these cases involuntarily limit their movements, and all this can lead to weakening of the muscles and the development of changes in posture.
For staging accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor, namely, a neuropathologist or vertebrologist. Only these specialists will be able to make the correct diagnosis and then prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis
Treatment of this disease depends on the severity of the patient's condition. Most low back pain is treated conservatively, but a certain group of problems with lumbar osteochondrosis requires immediate surgical intervention. It should be noted that in most cases, it is enough for the patient to carry out minor manipulations, thanks to which it will be possible to quickly cope with pain.
In case of exacerbation of pain in the lumbar region, painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, such as diclofenac, reoperin, ortofen, etc., as well as diuretics (furosemide), venotonics, which include eufillin, anavenol and troxevasin, in addition, vitamins of the group B, trental and a nicotinic acid. After relief of a pronounced pain syndrome, it is necessary to contact a chiropractor (osteopath) as soon as possible in order to carry out complex treatment reasons for the development of lumbar osteochondrosis. This will significantly reduce the period of temporary disability (when compared with traditional drug approaches).
To avoid exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, all factors provoking this exacerbation should be excluded, namely: hypothermia, sudden movements, weight lifting (as mentioned above). It is also necessary to try to exclude a long stay in one position. When working at a computer, you should get up from the table more often, relax, do light exercises.
In addition, in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, special attention should be paid to the selection of mattresses and pillows that will provide correct position body during sleep.
Good results can be achieved with the help of massage, traction, all kinds of therapeutic baths etc. However, this type of treatment should only be carried out by a specialist. A huge role in the prevention and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is played by therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis.
To consolidate the results of treatment, it is prescribed physiotherapy with lumbar osteochondrosis. Various exercises are used, some of which are intended for the acute stage, but, as a rule, physiotherapy exercises are applied after the acute pain syndrome subsides. It should be noted that special exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis must be performed under the supervision of an exercise therapy instructor.
Exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis(as well as their intensity) may vary depending on the period of lumbar osteochondrosis in which they are carried out - in acute, subacute or in remission. But I must say that in any case, gymnastics for osteochondrosis should be performed at a slow pace, and most importantly, exercises should not hurt in any way. In the event that any exercises bring pain, then the amplitude of movements must be reduced or completely excluded from the exercise therapy complex for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
The main task performed by therapeutic exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis is to strengthen the muscular corset, since it is thanks to developed muscles that it is possible to significantly reduce the load on the intervertebral discs, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the manifestation of lumbar osteochondrosis or prevent the appearance of osteochondrosis in general.
Thus, exercise therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis helps to create a strong muscular corset of the body, which is able to unload the anterior spine - reduce the load on the discs.

Exercise therapy complex for lumbar osteochondrosis
I.P. - lying on your back:
1) One hand lies on the chest, the other on the stomach. Inhale - raise the stomach up, then exhale - tighten the stomach (diaphragmatic breathing). Repeat 3-4 times.
2) Hands lie along the body. Clench your fists and pull your feet towards you. Return to starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
3) Hands lie along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. Perform rotational movements with legs and arms. Repeat 6-8 times.
4) Lean on bent elbows, legs apart. Perform circular movements with hands and feet. Repeat 8-12 times.
5) Bend the legs alternately at the knee joint and take them to the side. Do each leg 3-4 times.
6) Raise the chin up - inhale, then return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.
7) Perform alternate abduction of the legs to the sides. Do each leg 3-4 times.
8) Put your hands on your shoulders. Perform circular motions shoulder joints. Repeat 8-12 times.
9) Take your left hand to the side, look at your hand - inhale, then return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the same to the right. Do in each direction 4-6 times.
10) Perform movements with the left foot that imitate cycling. Then the same - right foot. Do each leg 6-8 times.
11) Leaning on bent elbows, bend in the thoracic spine. Stay in this position for 3-4 seconds, then return to the starting position. Run 3-4 times.
12) Perform alternate circular movements with the legs. Repeat with each leg 4-6 times.
13) Raise your hands up - inhale, then press your knee to your stomach - exhale. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do each leg 3-4 times.
14) Bend your legs at the knees, hands behind your head, press your elbows to the floor. Without lifting your elbows from the floor, put your knees to the left, then to the right. Next - reduce and spread the knees. Repeat 6-8 times.
15) Bend your legs, arms lie along the body. Raise the pelvis and lower. Repeat 3-4 times.
16) Bend your legs at the knees, bend your arms at the elbows. "Massage" the lower back, and then the thoracic spine, moving the torso to the right - to the left. Repeat 4-6 times.
17) Take your hands to the sides - take a breath, then hug yourself by the shoulders - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
18) Hands lie along the body. bring in left leg behind the right, while trying to touch the toe of the floor without bending the leg at the knee joint. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do each leg 3-4 times.
19) Perform rotational movements with your hands, while simultaneously clenching your hands into a fist and unclenching, raising your hands up and down. Repeat 3-4 times.
20) Hands lie along the body. Pull your hands into the armpits, then raise them up and stretch - inhale, then return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.

I.P. - lying on the stomach:
1) Perform flexion and extension of the legs in knee joints(alternately and simultaneously). Repeat 4-6 times.
2) Perform leg abduction to the sides (in turn). Do each leg 4-6 times.
3) Place your hands on the floor. Bend over - inhale, then return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
4) Raise your arms up and, without touching the floor, bend, while slightly raising your shoulders and head. Repeat 3-4 times.
5) Raise opposite arm and leg up. Repeat 4-6 times.
6) Put your hands under your head. Imitation of crawling "in a plastunsky way".
7) Perform hand movements that imitate breaststroke swimming.

I.P. - standing on all fours:
1) Sit on your heels, then, without taking your hands off the floor, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.
2) Perform alternate leg raises. Repeat with each leg 3-4 times.
3) With your right knee, try to touch your left hand, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do each leg 3-4 times.
4) Raise right hand to the side - inhale, then return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the same with the left hand. Do with each hand 3-4 times.
5) Bend, then return to the starting position, while not arching your back up. Repeat 4-6 times.
6) Raise the straight left leg up, then lean back a little, while not moving the arms. Next, lean forward and return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the left leg. Do each leg 3-4 times.
7) Get on your knees. Raise your hands up - inhale, then lean forward slightly, lower your hands relaxed down - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.

I.P. - sitting on a chair:
1) Standing up, stretch your arms forward - to the sides - inhale, then sit down in the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
2) Put your hands on your belt. lean to the left, lower left hand, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. Do in each direction 3-4 times.
3) Grab a chair with your hands from behind, then bend over - take a breath, lean forward slightly - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

I.P. - standing:
Perform general strengthening exercises with a slight forward tilt.

It should be noted that muscle stretching exercises, as well as strength exercises, must be combined with relaxation exercises.
If the disease is chronic - depending on how severe the pain in the lumbosacral region is and what the general condition of the patient is - except therapeutic gymnastics the patient can go in for swimming, skiing and some sports games.