Succinic acid is an interesting and very useful substance that is found in the body of every person. Who would have thought that within us there is something connected with this beautiful yellow stone. But that's true. This substance is actively involved in various metabolic processes happening in our body. Human body and produces succinic acid itself. It is always present in the cells of all our systems and organs, this is considered the norm. It is thanks to this substance that the energy we need is formed from carbohydrates and fats.

Succinic acid is present in many products and substances, including amber itself. It is from this stone that this substance is most often mined. The output is a powder consisting of small crystals. It is subsequently used to make drugs that are released into different forms. Succinic acid is sold under the name:

  • Capsules;
  • Tablets;
  • Powder;
  • Solution intended for injection.

The most common are tablets and capsules. Their composition, as a rule, includes succinic acid in its pure form or compounds that are subsequently converted into it. This happens under the influence of the human body.

A large number of foods contain succinic acid. But not all of them are available directly in our latitudes or are generally suitable for consumption. A lot of “amber” is found in alfalfa, green berries (that is, not yet ripe), beets, and turnips. As we see, few people will eat these products. But succinic acid is also found in more delicious foods.

For example, it can be found in oysters, kefir, cheese, and yogurt. It is also found in wine that has been aged for a long time. Brewer's yeast and bread or other products made from rye are also distinguished by the presence in the composition succinic acid.

Not all of these foods are permanent in our diet. However, succinic acid can enter the body through another route. It can be taken in the form food additives. This substance is also used in production. It is added to various products in order to increase their shelf life. This is possible due to the fact that it has filtering and antioxidant properties.

Doctors recommend using this substance for people suffering from asthenia. This condition is expressed in the form of constant fatigue and loss of strength. It is also prescribed for nervous exhaustion, even depression, but only mild degree. When a person is undergoing treatment with antidepressants, he is often recommended to take succinic acid as an auxiliary substance.

It is worth noting that succinic acid is prescribed in the following cases:

  • With poor appetite;
  • As a prevention of alcohol intoxication;
  • During pregnancy, etc.

The drugs can be stored at room temperature, according to the expiration date indicated on the package.

For men

There are two main properties of succinic acid that have a positive effect on our body. The first is antioxidant, and the second is immunomodulatory. This substance also has a metabolic effect. This means that when succinic acid enters the cells of our tissues, it contributes to the production of energy, and, consequently, to an increase in the efficiency of their work.

Another important effect of succinic acid is antihypoxic. The substance has a positive effect on tissue respiration. It promotes the high-quality transfer of oxygen into cells from the blood.

As already mentioned, “amber” is an excellent antioxidant. What does it mean?

This acid neutralizes the action of free radicals that can damage the structure of cells and even kill them. Being an antioxidant, succinic acid helps slow the growth of various tumors, including malignant ones.

It is important to remember that this substance helps the body increase its resistance to the negative effects of various external factors - stress, bacteria, viruses, severe physical stress and psycho-emotional breakdowns.

It is interesting that the effects of succinic acid described above apply to all cells of all organs. Therefore, we can easily say that this substance is beneficial for the entire body. Its positive influence extends to all organs. But this acid is considered the most useful for the heart and brain. These are the two organs that use the most oxygen and also need the most more energy. This effect explains the use of “amber” for cardiovascular diseases and as a prevention of changes in the central nervous system due to old age.

And this is not the entire list of beneficial properties of this substance. Its positive effect is noted when diabetes mellitus, overweight, problem skin, allergies, hangover, etc.

Since “amber” is beneficial for almost the entire body, it goes without saying that women should take it for general strengthening. But we can note the special benefits of the substance specifically for the fair sex. Succinic acid is used by women for:

Pregnant women are prescribed amber acid to prevent complications in the development of the baby in the womb. It also promotes normal labor.

“Amber” also has a positive effect on women who have fibrocystic disease. It helps in the presence of cysts, fibroids, as well as tumors and formations: both benign and malignant.

For women who experience gynecological diseases against the background of hormonal imbalances, poor metabolism, or even bacterial infections, succinic acid is also very useful. It increases the resistance of the immune system, helps restore normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which normalizes the hormonal state of the body.

As an auxiliary drug, this acid is prescribed for epithelial defects on the cervix. It also stops the growth of tumors in the presence of ovarian cysts, fibroids, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. Even after removal of tumors, succinic acid helps the body recover, promotes rapid healing of damage and even prevents the appearance of metastases.

For women suffering from infertility due to synechia, succinic acid helps resolve adhesions.

The influence of “amber” in case of excess weight is of great importance. Losing weight is a very important task for many women, often difficult to achieve.

It's no secret that diets have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as psychological state of the fair sex. So, succinic acid is an excellent remedy that will help cope with such problems. It must be taken in combination with proper nutrition. As a result, all the necessary nutrients will enter the body. At the same time, the woman will not feel constant fatigue, irritability and nervous breakdowns.

In cosmetology, succinic acid is used to beauty the skin. It helps prevent aging, tightens, and also helps fight acne and scars. Thanks to this acid, the skin breathes, is cleansed at the cellular level, and toxins are removed from it. The skin becomes lighter and fresher. This positive effect extends to the neck, face, and décolleté.

“Amber” is also useful for hair. The powder can be rubbed into the scalp once a day for a month. This will increase blood circulation and saturate cells with oxygen. Your hair will grow more beautiful and gain shine.

For 3 weeks, you can use succinic acid powder as a skin peeling. This will renew the dermis, as well as smooth out the contours of scars and scars.

Succinic acid can be added to creams, used to make tonics, masks, etc.

Yantarka provides useful action not only for adults, but also for children. The substance will be useful for children due to its ability to restore after illness and restore the body’s activity. As for doctors, pediatricians are quite positive about the use of this substance. But they insist on preliminary consultation and taking into account all individual characteristics child, as well as compliance with instructions.

Children under 5 years of age can take succinic acid in tablet form. In this case, ½ tablet is prescribed with meals, up to 3 times a day. Those who are 5 years old or older can take a whole tablet, also 3 times, during meals.

However, this is not the exact method of administration. It is necessary to consult with a doctor who will take into account all the nuances and prescribe the required dose in a particular case.

It is important to remember that the use of this substance can lead to the formation of oxalate stones in the child’s urine and kidneys, as well as such side effects like stomach pain, palpitations and even anxiety.

Indoor and garden plants can be made more beautiful and healthier with the help of “amber”. This is a very useful substance for flowers. It regulates plant growth and has a positive effect on soil microflora. In addition, this substance promotes better absorption of beneficial microelements and resistance to negative environmental influences. Plants better tolerate overheating or waterlogging under the influence of this acid. They can also more easily develop immunity to certain diseases.

IN modern world It's hard to find clean soil. But succinic acid helps eliminate man-made pollution, while it itself does not saturate the soil with toxins.

“Yantarka” is actively used both for adult plants and for treating seeds and young shoots. They grow stronger and more resilient.

In fact, succinic acid is not a fertilizer. But its solution is a wonderful catalyst that improves all natural processes and enhances the effect of fertilizers. The packaging of the acid used for plants states that it is a growth stimulant. But the most important thing is that it is biological, which means it is pure, without chemicals.



With all the benefits of succinic acid, it is worth mentioning the contraindications to it, of which there are quite a few.

  • It should not be taken if you have stomach ulcers, as it increases the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Urolithiasis is the second contraindication. “Yantarka” contributes to the progression of the disease.
  • Since this substance stimulates blood circulation, it is not recommended to take it if you have hypertension.
  • The tonic effect of acid does not allow it to be consumed before bed.
  • This substance also complicates the condition of people suffering from angina pectoris, gestosis, eye and kidney diseases.
  • It should not be ruled out that there is individual intolerance. Allergic reaction exposure to succinic acid can lead to a serious condition, even requiring hospitalization.

Price in pharmacy

Compared to other drugs in pharmacies, succinic acid is a very cheap substance. For example, tablets with a dosage of 50 mg can be purchased for 8-16 rubles, and 100 mg tablets for 19-30 rubles. There is also large number Dietary supplements based on this substance, but their use is a controversial issue.

In European countries, a drug called “Coenzyme Q10” is popular, which has also come to the Russian market. However, not everyone knows that in Russia there are more cheap analogue this popular dietary supplement, which is claimed to be able to prolong life and promote the production of vital amino acids and accelerate metabolism. Unlike its Western counterpart, the Russian product costs several times less, but is not inferior in efficiency. This is succinic acid. The benefits and harms of succinic acid, its effects on the body, the nature of its use and much more are covered in this article.

Why take succinic acid?

In conditions constant stress, lack of sleep and long working hours, the human body cannot cope with the load, and various malfunctions occur that lead to depression, frequent colds, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other troubles. The human body produces the necessary amino acids, carbohydrates and other essential cellular compounds, which are the building materials that make up our body. The body receives these compounds from proteins, fats and carbohydrates along with food. However, it is not always possible to maintain a balanced regimen that would fully meet all needs. Vitamins and various dietary supplements come to the rescue, which are designed to support certain functions.

Such a dietary supplement is succinic acid. A healthy body independently produces this acid every day in the Krebs cycle, which it needs to provide energy.

The Krebs cycle is a cycle of conversion of citric acid in living cells, participating in the cyclic metabolism of the body. Serves to convert glucose inside cells into energy using mitochondria.

In order for glucose to be converted into energy, the body needs to launch a complex metabolic process, while by consuming succinic acid, the body receives final product– energy – without extra costs, bypassing a complex process. That is, UC helps glucose go its way.

Simply put, succinic acid is needed for proper cell respiration, good metabolism, and providing the brain and other organs with the necessary energy. Has a pronounced antioxidant, antihypoxic effect, removes toxins, protects the body from adverse effects environment.

Benefits for the body

Succinic acid tablets are taken 2-3 times a day with meals, they stimulate the following processes:

  • increase resistance to toxins and improve kidney and liver function;
  • provide oxygen to tissues, improve heart function;
  • supply oxygen to brain cells;
  • increase immunity.

Succinic acid is indispensable for people in a metropolis - when intellectual, psycho-emotional, physical stress is increased and there are various diseases. The need for this product is enormous and always relevant, since even a healthy body is not able to produce it more than a certain amount - about 200 grams per day. All this acquired baggage is immediately consumed in the organs that are most in need of energy metabolism. But often the cells do not have enough of this amount, and then they quickly wear out, get damaged, age and die. An additional source of UC in this regard will serve well in the restoration and rejuvenation of cells under various loads.

In places with radiation, chemical and other contamination, where there have been environmental disasters, the use of UC becomes vital. It will help withstand adverse environmental influences and regulate physiological state body.

For students during sessions, for the elderly, and for people during a flu pandemic, succinic acid will not be superfluous for the benefit of the body.

Areas of application of succinic acid

The unique properties of succinic acid are known and actively used in different countries. It is mainly included in various preparations, but is not used in its pure form in other countries. YaK produced in Russia is no different from that produced by the body. According to the principle of action, it is an analogue of the European “Coenzyme Q10”, which costs 15-20 times more.

In sports

Succinic acid is widely known in sports, as it is the main source accelerated metabolism, which allows muscles damaged after training to heal faster, and also to reduce the unpleasant painful effect after exercise. The drug is also used in a sports environment to utilize the effect of lactic acid on the body, which is formed under the influence of the breakdown of glucose.

A sharp increase in lactic acid in the blood occurs after a long workout, which is important in bodybuilding, where the effect of training is built precisely on muscle damage through overload, which leads to their growth. After a good workout, increased levels of lactic acid in injured muscles lead to unpleasant pain. Succinic acid copes well with this effect and is widely used in this environment.

During pregnancy

Succinic acid during pregnancy is needed for easier hormonal changes without changes in immune system, reduces toxicosis, smoothes out various complications and gives strength.

Succinic acid strengthens the histohematic barrier, protecting the fetus from microbes and adverse effects.

For children

Succinic acid should be given to children in a smaller dosage than to adults. The taste of the drug is very similar to citric acid, which allows you to make your own drinks with a sour taste. Such drinks will be much healthier than similar drinks with citric acid, since citric acid flushes calcium from the body.

You can also add the drug to other dishes and even completely replace the use of citric acid.

To prevent stomach upset in children younger age The drug should be given strictly on a full, full stomach, washed down with plenty of water or diluted in it. In children of the first years of life, the acidity in the stomach is much lower than in an adult, so it is necessary to give the drug carefully. Excessive dosage may also cause overstimulation and bad sleep. To avoid such symptoms, do not give the drug to them close to bedtime.

For a cold

Succinic acid for colds will significantly alleviate symptoms and shorten the overall period of the disease. Not being a medicine UC creates favorable conditions for the body, allowing it to fight the disease more easily and quickly. It supplies the body with energy potential, which it especially needs in times of crisis.

By activating the body's own defenses, succinic acid can be an additional therapy for severe and chronic diseases; it also more actively removes toxins from diseases and medications. It can be used for a long time.

When losing weight

When losing weight, succinic acid is used to speed up metabolism and increase energy supply to cells. Acid acts on the body in such a way that when eating food, it becomes full faster, receiving a sufficient amount of energy. Over time, the volume of food decreases, and the person begins to feel full with less food eaten than before. Thus, taking succinic acid for weight loss along with a balanced and nutritious diet will serve a gradual, but healthy and safe weight loss, will tone the body and remove toxins. With the help of YAC you can get rid of bad habits such as cigarettes or coffee. Succinic acid reduces withdrawal symptoms and helps to go through the crisis period more smoothly.

For hangover syndrome

Taking UC before drinking alcohol prepares the body for the negative effects of alcoholic beverages. After taking the drug in this way, intoxication occurs faster, sobering comes faster, and hangover syndrome becomes smoother and goes away faster.

Method and dosage of using succinic acid

The use of UC should be moderate. We must not forget that this is not a medicine and one should not see succinic acid as a panacea for all diseases. This is an extremely useful component for our body; the body always lacks its content, and it will be grateful to us for its additional supply.

Being an acid, it can irritate the stomach, this must be taken into account when taking the drug. Best taken on a full stomach. The manufacturer recommends taking it with food as a dietary supplement.

The dosage for adults is contained on a blister and is recommended in the amount of 2 tablets 2 times a day. However, the dose can be increased if there is malaise, loss of strength or other situations. When taking 3-5 tablets per day in an amount of 0.1 g active substance You can notice significant improvements in your condition after just a couple of days of regular use. The course of taking the drug is 1 month.

The dose of UC for children should be reduced by 2-3 times, the drug should be added to food in small quantities, as well as to drinks, fruit drinks, and water that the child drinks.

Side effects, contraindications and overdose

Even the most harmless remedy has its contraindications for use. Succinic acid also has them. Although succinic acid is very useful for humans, you should be careful with its use if you have the following diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • angina pectoris;
  • toxicosis on later pregnancy;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • ischemia of the heart muscle.

Contraindications for use are mainly due to the effects that UC gives to the body: being, in fact, a natural energy drink, it can provoke an increase in heart rate if several tablets are taken at once. Side effects are also possible if increased acidity And inflammatory processes Gastrointestinal tract, since succinic acid can increase unstable levels of gastric juice in a risk group and affect inflammation of the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Allergic reactions are possible.

Overdose of the drug does not cause serious symptoms, however sleep disturbance and insomnia may occur.

Application of succinic acid in other areas

Being natural component contained in many living organisms, the use of UC will not cause any harm to the environment, since it is absolutely harmless and cannot pollute the soil or become a source of intoxication.

For the beauty of hands and nails

There are many masks based on succinic acid that will whiten nails and make the skin of your hands soft and tender. Here is one recipe: mix a tablet crushed with a spoon with a tablespoon of honey, apply to the skin of your hands, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Nail bath: dissolve the crushed tablet in a glass of warm water, place your fingers in the bath with the solution for 10 minutes.

For plants

Succinic acid increases the vitality of plants and increases their yield
. You can water the plants by dissolving 1 tablet in 5 liters, soak the seeds, and spray the leaves. To get a lasting and noticeable effect from such enrichment with a substance, you need to start using it as early as possible - preferably already at the stage of young shoots.

The principle of action of succinic acid on plants is to enrich the soil, cleanse it of harmful and toxic substances. Therefore, it will be useful to water the soil intended for planting in advance. This soil treatment, as well as when watering already planted plants, achieves the effect of flora resistance to drought, cold, excess or lack of moisture, insufficient light and other unfavorable factors. With the simultaneous use of YAK together with fertilizers, the properties of the latter are enhanced, and better absorption of minerals and nutrients occurs. All this leads to the maturation of a strong and healthy plant with high yield, which increases by several tens of percent. Ready fruits contain more vitamin C.

There is a separate form of succinic acid on sale in powder form - specifically for use in plant growing. But you can also use a tablet form - dissolving the required amount in warm water and then mixing the resulting solution with cold water.

For animals

Just as for the human body, the properties of succinic acid for animals have the most positive meaning; they do not pose any danger, but, on the contrary, are only beneficial. For puppies and adult dogs, kittens and cats the product allows you to grow stronger, get sick less often and develop better. You can enrich the food of chickens and other chicks with YAK, add it to the food and water of adult birds. The dosage is calculated at the rate of 0.03 g of active substance per kg of body weight. On an industrial scale in livestock farming, succinic acid will reduce diseases and partially or completely replace antibiotic therapy.


Succinic acid can strengthen a weakened body, become an assistant in the fight against infections and chronic diseases, stimulates the immune system, allows you to resist infection during a flu pandemic
. A real salvation for the body, it is an additional source of succinic acid produced by the body. A synthetic analogue is produced in Russia and costs about 20 rubles. for 10 tablets and has no fundamental differences with natural succinic acid.

According to the principle of action on the body at the intracellular level, it is identical to “Coenzyme Q10”, which was produced by European scientists and which is used all over the world to extend life expectancy, improve metabolism, provide cells with respiration, improve regeneration and have a rejuvenation effect. It is actively used in the sports environment as a metabolism-accelerating drug that is safe for health and a mild stimulant.

Improves the functioning of the heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and the composition of the blood, reduces cholesterol in the blood, nourishes the body's tissues with oxygen - primarily the lungs and bronchi, which makes UC a good remedy in the fight, including bronchial diseases and pneumonia.

It is converted in the blood into energy - the source of vitality for all processes. Helps the body during difficult periods of vitamin deficiency, illness, stress, lack of sleep and general unfavorable conditions. Relieves nervous tension, fights depression, improves mental function and attention. Has a beneficial effect on memory and reaction. Used in cosmetology as effective remedy for improving the skin of the face, hands, and nails. Necessary for plants and animals.

Friends, today we invite you to take a closer look at a substance with the beautiful name succinic acid. In this article, we will try to find out what exactly the real benefits and harms of this drug are for human health, and we will focus on the reviews of people who have been using succinic acid for a long time to strengthen their body. Let's find out why plant lovers always have several tablets of magic acid on hand and how even hopeless orchids come to life with the help of “amber”.

Useful and sometimes magical properties products made from amber resin have attracted our ancestors for a long time. It was believed that raw amber was able to scare away evil spirits from a person himself and his home. But the ennobled sunstone, another name for amber resin, is capable of attracting goodness. For this purpose, pregnant women tried to decorate themselves with amber beads. It was believed that they help the unborn child to be born kind and positive and, of course, healthy, and for the mother to preserve and increase her beauty. However, not only women, but also men did not forget about the magical properties of amber. For example, hunters made jewelry for themselves from resin that had turned to stone in the hope that the amulet would help them maintain health, get rid of ill-wishers, and bring good luck.

Modern science has confirmed beneficial properties amber. And now, in addition to jewelry, to preserve beauty and health, we use succinic acid, which is obtained by processing amber chips.

What does succinic acid contain?

Succinic acid is a substance without which our body cannot exist. A healthy person in a normal state produces about 200 g of acid per day, which he successfully spends on various important processes vital activities occurring in our body. The amount of useful substance that we produce ourselves is supplemented by succinic acid, contained in various food products.

Proper nutrition with a well-chosen diet allows a healthy body to receive all the nutrients necessary for life. In order for succinic acid to be present in your body in the required volume, pay attention to the following products:

  • beet juice
  • grape
  • watermelon
  • cherry
  • hard cheeses
  • apples
  • seaweed
  • kefir
  • sunflower
  • rhubarb
  • rye products
  • gooseberry

Naturally, this is an incomplete list of products that contain succinic acid. It should be noted that some manufacturers add “amber” to ready-to-eat canned foods, baked goods, etc.

Beneficial properties of succinic acid for the body

Not the most favorable environmental conditions, stress force our body to use additional succinic acid, not only that contained in products, but also to resort to the use of tablets.

It should be noted that succinic acid is not a drug, but belongs to dietary supplements. Therefore, you can purchase it in pharmacies and take it without a prescription from a doctor. However, it will not be superfluous if you seek additional advice and recommendations on dosages from your doctor. Especially if there are chronic diseases.

Succinic acid:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • protects the body from viral diseases
  • improves tone and gives strength
  • restores the nervous system
  • improves blood circulation
  • absorbs toxins hazardous to human health
  • helps fight the growth of tumor cells
  • restores cell respiration and structure
  • helps maintain normal body weight
  • affects the functioning of the heart muscle, adrenal glands and hypothalamus
  • prevents the aging process

◊ Important. It should be remembered that succinic acid is an additional remedy to the main treatment. It can enhance the effect of medications and vitamins.

Indications for use

In what cases should you take succinic acid in the form of a biologically active supplement, the task of which is to help the body maintain immunity as a whole and serve as an additional means to the main treatment for the disease.

Pay attention to the dietary supplement if you have:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Depression, anxiety, severe stress.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • ARVI, bronchitis, flu, colds.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Allergies and asthma.
  • Gynecology - stimulation of work reproductive function, various inflammatory diseases.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Obesity.

As you can see, the beneficial properties of succinic acid magically spread to almost all organs of the human body.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that succinic acid has no side effects, addiction, or dependence, there are a number of contraindications to the use of dietary supplements.

You should not take dietary supplements if you have:

  • individual intolerance to the drug
  • gastrointestinal disease in the acute stage
  • urolithiasis (urolithiasis), as this can lead to rapid stone formation
  • hypertension
  • glaucoma
  • gestosis during pregnancy
  • before bedtime for insomnia, nervous disorders

Application in cosmetology

Succinic acid has a beneficial effect not only on our internal state, but also on beauty. Which cannot but please us all. And especially those who prefer to carry out their skin care and appearance in general not only in a professional salon, but also at home.

A huge advantage of the acid is its ability to activate intracellular metabolism and normalize cell structure. As a result:

  • removal of toxins
  • improved cell nutrition

As a result we get:

  • healthy complexion
  • skin elasticity returns or increases
  • the skin is cleared of acne and pimples - since succinic acid regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • lightening of age spots, including age spots
  • scars become less noticeable.

Recipes for beautiful skin

Whitening mask with clay

♦ Succinic acid – 2 tons, 0.5 g each

♦ Cosmetic white clay – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the tablets to a powder, combine with clay and dilute with warm water or milk. You should end up with a thick paste. Apply the mask to cleansed face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Rejuvenating mask

♦ Succinic acid – 2 t.

♦ Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine crushed succinic acid tablets with olive oil. Apply the paste onto your face using massage movements along the massage lines. Massage lightly and leave on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Mask for hands and nails

♦ Succinic acid – 1 t.

♦ Natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix honey with crushed amber tablet. Mix thoroughly and apply to hands. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Benefits of succinic acid for plants

Succinic acid is an excellent fertilizer for both garden and house plants.

In addition, it is useful for the soil - acid fights toxic substances, harmful microorganisms and technical soil pollution.

◊ Important. Succinic acid is not a fertilizer and does not replace them, but it has the ability to enhance the applied fertilizing.

Methods of use

  • Pre-sowing preparation - a 0.2% aqueous acid solution is used to soak the seeds.
  • Rooting of cuttings and survival of seedlings.
  • Stimulation of the root system, plant growth and flowering.
  • Rehabilitation of plants after various stressful situations - heat, drought, waterlogging, cold.

I would especially like to dwell on how amateurs indoor plants save their home flowers using the beneficial properties of succinic acid.

Despite the fact that “amber” is not a fertilizer, it significantly helps flowers cope with diseases, strengthen the root system and speed up flowering.

Probably the most important admirers of succinic acid are orchid lovers. The problem area of ​​this wonderful flower is the root system. A solution of succinic acid helps restore it and grow roots.

How to prepare a solution from tablets

Thoroughly grind the tablets to a powder. I do this with two tablespoons.

Dilute the resulting powder in a glass of warm water. Make sure that the “amber” completely dissolves.

Add the remaining water to the solution - for 2 tablets of succinic acid you need to take 1 liter of water. The water should sit for several days and be slightly warm.

Not every person, especially those far from alternative medicine, will immediately answer the question: what is succinic acid?

Moreover, he will list its useful and harmful properties for the body.

And, nevertheless, everyone is familiar with succinic acid (if not with itself, then with the substance from which it is made), since it is produced from the famous resin - amber.

Pebbles of this solar mineral are crushed into flour, subjected to certain processing and supplied to pharmacies in the format of ordinary tablets, which actually medicine are not.

It is a bioactive food supplement that is very powerful and effective in combating numerous unhealthy conditions.

Amber is a natural energy accumulator

The healing abilities of amber have been known for a long time. It is worn around the neck with beads, in the form of pendants, bracelets, inlaid rings, and watches.

There is an opinion that amber accumulates the powerful energy of the Earth and the Sun, which stimulates the body's defenses, helping to defeat a variety of diseases.

Succinic acid, as a derivative of amber, has the same properties as the mineral itself, only, unlike the stone, it is convenient to take orally.

The range of indications for taking succinic acid is quite wide, but you need to be careful - an excess of the substance can harm even a healthy person.

Interesting fact: the body is able to independently synthesize succinic acid, and it is also found in many available food products - gooseberries, natural fermented milk treats, grapes, beets and others.

The daily “dose” of the substance produced is 200 mg, plus what comes with food. This, he thinks modern medicine, is quite enough to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems operating in a “normal” mode.

However, with increased loads on any organ, the need for succinic acid increases sharply and it is very desirable to additionally obtain it from external sources - tablets or powder.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid

This dietary supplement is needed by every cell of the body. It is like a “support” for a falling fence, holding and restoring damage.

The heart has failed - the molecules of succinic acid are here, ready to support, the kidneys cannot cope - and here there is a well-known assistant, and so on.

The main beneficial properties of succinic acid are:

The ability to accelerate metabolic processes;
provide a powerful detox effect;
high antioxidant abilities;
the ability to increase the supply of oxygen to cells.

Succinic acid helps to withstand the highest physical and emotional stress. Its use will be appropriate for a variety of problems.

1. Acid is a natural antioxidant. It inhibits harmful oxidative processes in the body, fights for its youth, beauty and performance.

2. As mentioned, it is prescribed for any increased stress on the body - for debilitating mental and physical work, in stressful situations, when affected by influenza and ARVI, as it helps to strengthen the body’s response to the invasion of viruses and infections.

3. Helps restore vigor to everyone who is plagued by drowsiness and apathy.

4. Helps improve conditions during exacerbation of bronchial asthma, attacks of seasonal or other allergies.

5. Facilitates the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.

6. Is indispensable for intoxication - alcohol, chemical, poisoning food products, heavy metals. Quickly cleanses the blood, maintains the filtration capacity of the liver at a high level, and reduces the load on the kidneys.

7. Effective in reducing mental abilities (supplies the brain with energy and oxygen).

8. Helps with heart disease, minimizes the load on it, improves functioning.

9. Restores the functions of the central nervous system, neutralizes the effects of daily stress.

10. Used for cosmetic purposes, as a rejuvenating agent that improves the appearance of the skin.

11. Restores hair structure and inhibits hair loss.

12. Enhances the effect of the majority medicines, that is, it works well as part of complex therapy.

13. Has an anti-edematous effect.

14. Good remedy prevention during the season of exacerbation of colds and other diseases.

A deficiency of succinic acid clearly has a negative impact on human health.

But be careful and do not self-medicate; the concentration of succinic acid in the blood can only be determined in the laboratory, so do not “prescribe” it to yourself - consult a doctor.

IN otherwise you can get at least insomnia, and at most serious nervous breakdown, Besides it is dangerous when:

Take on an empty stomach;

Aggravation peptic ulcer– promotes increased production of gastric juice;

Hypertension with pressure above 180 units – has the ability to slightly increase blood pressure;

Individual intolerance;

Presence of kidney and gallstones;

Ophthalmological diseases.

But during pregnancy, succinic acid is highly recommended in moderate quantities, but you should ask your gynecologist about the dosage regimen and dosage.

How to take succinic acid?

If you suspect you have a lack of succinic acid, do not rush to the pharmacy, first make an appointment with a doctor (this is especially true for pregnant women and people with poor health).

After the consultation, you can begin your appointment. Succinic acid is very cheap, which is good news.

Traditionally it is drunk once a day with meals ( fasting is contraindicated!!!). You should start with a “shock” dose of 500 mg at a time.

As soon as the expected effect occurs (you feel better, more energetic, more cheerful), the dose should be reduced by half and continue taking the already reduced volumes. One-time course – 10 days, no more.

There is another scheme - microcycles, which allows you to extend the duration of therapy. The scheme is as follows: three days on, one day off. Course 28 days. The dosage, as in the previous example, is higher at first, and as the condition improves, the dose is reduced.

Crushed succinic acid tablets mixed with a small amount of water (until creamy) are used as a universal mask for cleansing facial skin. Stay healthy.

"Succinic acid" - pharmaceutical drug, produced by two companies - Mosbiopharm and Elite-Pharm, its use can both be beneficial and cause harm; the product has serious contraindications and restrictions for use.

The drug is positioned as a dietary supplement and is used as a source of succinic acid for the body in case of its deficiency.

What is it?

The acid itself is a metabolite, that is, a substance that accelerates the metabolic process in the body and, as a result, affects all other internal processes. including hormonal and immune.

Succinic acid is a substance that is part of every cell of the body and is necessary for internal biochemical processes, as a result of which fats and carbohydrates are converted into energy consumed by the body.

The acid itself is an intermediary substance that promotes the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid in cells, which precisely performs the function of “fuel” in the body.

Accordingly, succinic acid is a necessary component for health; if it is insufficient, metabolic processes slow down, which leads to deterioration of well-being, inability to digest food, the formation of excess weight, the development of pathologies in organs and other problems within the body.

But an excess of this substance leads to the metabolic process proceeding faster than necessary. As a result of acceleration, the cell actually “burns out” as it begins to recycle itself. This leads to premature aging, excessive weight loss, even dystrophy, organ pathologies and a number of other painful conditions.

About the drug

Succinic acid is produced in Russia by the Mosbiopharm company and in Ukraine by the Elite-Pharm company. Both manufacturers offer the drug in the following forms:

  1. Pills.
  2. Solution for injection.
  3. Capsules.
  4. Powders.

The most common forms of the drug are tablets; they can be purchased at any pharmacy at very reasonable prices without requiring a prescription from a doctor.

Of course, there is no amber in the dietary supplement; the drug consists of the following components:

  • succinic acid;
  • Aerosil;
  • sugar;
  • calcium stearate;
  • corn starch and talc.

Available in the form of “amber” tablets containing the main active element in volumes of 0.1 g and 0.25 g.

Why use it? What's the benefit?

Indications for the use of this remedy are:

  1. Asthenic conditions, regardless of the nature of their occurrence, that is, age-related, those that occurred as a result of oxygen starvation, and those that appeared after stress, extreme loads, and those that resulted from disease processes.
  2. Sclerotic manifestations – forgetfulness, weakened thinking, fatigue, weakness.
  3. Headache caused by insufficient nutrition of brain cells.
  4. Ischemia.
  5. Contracture pathologies of muscle tissue, that is, “tightness”, lack of elasticity in the muscles, poor stretching, “ossification” of the tissue.
  6. Muscle and vascular spasms of a non-neurological nature.
  7. Atherosclerotic pathologies in the vessels of the legs.

Yantar operates in three main areas:

  • as an antihypoxic agent;
  • as a metabolic accelerator;
  • as an antioxidant drug.

That is, when supplemented with drug therapy with this dietary supplement, its beneficial properties for the body boil down to the following:

  1. The processes of saturation and nutrition of organ cells, including the brain, lungs and heart, improve.
  2. The process of filtering toxins in the liver accelerates, which facilitates the recovery of the body in case of poisoning of any type.
  3. The growth rate of tumor formations of all types, including oncological ones, decreases.
  4. Resistance to negative effects of any type increases - stress, infections and viruses, environmental influences, and overall the tone of the body increases.
  5. Mobilizes the body's strength to fight all inflammatory and pathological processes without exception, including chronic and allergic ones.
  6. It has an effect on the process of hormonal internal synthesis, including promoting accelerated insulin production.
  7. Increases the amount of oxygen supplied along with nutrients to organ cells from the bloodstream.
  8. Increases the effectiveness of medications taken.
  9. Helps improve blood microcirculation in the capillaries, normalizing the condition of the arms and legs, their chilliness stops, convulsive sensations disappear, and so on.
  10. Strengthens the outflow of bile, promotes tone genitourinary system, acts as a prophylactic against a number of specific pathologies, for example, prostatitis.

What are the contraindications? What's the harm?

This dietary supplement has undeniable beneficial properties for the body, but its contraindications are also quite serious. However, like all biologically active products, succinic acid has absolute and relative contraindications.

Taking this drug is completely contraindicated if you have:

  • high blood pressure;
  • hyperactivity and hyperexcitability;
  • bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy;
  • HIV virus and AIDS;
  • accelerated metabolism;
  • urolithiasis and other problems with oxalate stones;
  • gestosis during pregnancy in any form;
  • glaucoma, cataracts, other eye diseases and eyeball injuries;
  • chronic disorders of the acid balance of gastric juice.

Relative contraindications for the use of this dietary supplement are:

  1. Peptic ulcers, gastritis, and other pathologies of the stomach and intestines in a state of exacerbation.
  2. Childhood and pregnancy.
  3. Tendency to bleed.
  4. Hormonal disorders.

Relative contraindications are a reason to discuss the possibility of taking “amber” with your doctor, since if they exist, the use of this dietary supplement may be useful and even necessary. For example, if the child’s own metabolic processes are insufficient, the use of succinic acid will not cause harm; on the contrary, it will contribute to the normal growth and development of the baby.

Relative contraindications also include courses of treatment with certain drugs that affect the nervous system, for example, tranquilizers, since “amber” has the opposite effect, often neutralizing the effectiveness of the drug.

Even in the absence of contraindications, the use of this dietary supplement may cause side effects. The most common of them are:

  • the occurrence of a state of hypersecretion of gastric juice;
  • development of gastralgia and similar conditions;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hyperactivity, difficulty going to bed, constantly keeping the nervous system in good shape.

If you experience any symptoms while taking the drug side effects, then you need to stop using it and consult your doctor. With the prolonged presence of negative side effects for health, a disease may develop, a pathological change in the neurochemical reactions of the brain may begin, and in the most severe cases, tissue atrophy may develop.

When taking succinic acid, harm and health benefits are closely intertwined, in the literal sense. Negative influence This drug is due to the same qualities as its benefits. That is, the harm is caused by an acceleration of metabolism. The liver is especially sensitive to the effects of “amber”, since when taking this dietary supplement, the load on it increases by 2-3 times.

Uncontrolled use of this drug, as well as its continuous long-term use, cause actual “burning” of cells in the body, a decrease in mental capabilities, atrophy of muscle and vascular tissue and other irreversible processes.

For children, long-term and medically unconditional use of this substance is dangerous because it suppresses the natural process of its own production of succinic acid in the body’s cells, that is, the growth and development of the baby becomes dependent on taking this drug.

At the Illinois Research Institute (USA), students conducted an unusual experiment, during which they determined the effect of components contained inside a human cell on plants.

The use of succinic acid for plants resulted in the following:

  1. When this substance was supplied “from the seed”, growth accelerated, more abundant and rapid flowering and seed ripening occurred, but for plants that tried to grow from seeds ripened “in amber”, the picture was completely opposite, the flowers from the very beginning turned out to be dependent on this substances.
  2. For injured plants, deprived of light and oxygen for some time, as well as for long periods exposed only to light, the use of the drug has become a therapy that allows them to survive and regain all lost functions.
  3. For plants that are in the stage of extinction, including cut plants standing in water, the use of succinic acid has become a way to extend the life cycle.

Accordingly, the action of a biologically active product has two sides, even for plants. Therefore, it should not be used uncontrollably, without the approval of a doctor and compliance with the recommended dosage.

Video: Succinic acid is the simplest remedy that prolongs life!

How to take?

  • The permissible dosage for an adult is from 0.5 to 3 tablets per day;
  • the maximum permissible dosage for a child is from 0.25 to 2 tablets per day;
  • The permissible duration of use is 4 weeks.

In the event that a dietary supplement is planned to be taken for certain diseases, as an addition to drug therapy, the rules for its administration will be different and will be determined by the supervising doctor based on the complete clinical picture health status. The doctor will also determine the advisability of using succinic acid.

Usually this dietary supplement is necessary during treatment oncological diseases, because it helps the body cope with the consequences of therapy and slows down the growth of pathogenic cells.

  1. From 2 to 4 tablets per day with an active acid content of 0.1 g and from 1 to 3 with an “amber” content of 0.25 g.
  2. Duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 weeks.

In case of severe exacerbations, that is, with rapid development of the tumor, which happens in some cases after chemotherapy, “impact treatment” is used:

  • 10-12 tablets per day;
  • duration – 1-2 weeks.

“Shock” therapy is possible only when the patient is in a hospital, under constant medical supervision.

The use of succinic acid as a body-stimulating supplement during pregnancy is the subject of fierce debate in medical circles. The use of this dietary supplement has supporters and opponents, but there is no statistical data on the effect of taking succinic acid on the development of the baby and the health of the woman.

Recently, the use of this remedy as a “hangover cure” has become widespread. Indeed, “amber” speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, quickly rids the body of alcohol breakdown products, and the price of this product is several times lower than the cost of any of the special drugs. This use is not dangerous if you do not drink more than 3 tablets per day and do not use the dietary supplement too often.

The benefits and harms of taking succinic acid depend on the state of health and on how much the body needs artificial stimulation of the processes occurring in it. Therefore, before you start taking this drug, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a doctor, especially if you are planning a prophylactic dose without medical indications.