One of the “softest” and most outspoken signs, Pisces, in April 2016 will once again be convinced that his life principles are not only objective, but also productive, and in all respects. Now the position of Venus, which is the exaltant planet of your sign, will not be the most successful, so it makes sense to mobilize all your forces to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, Mercury, which in its normal position is responsible for the “expulsion” of the sign of Pisces, will also turn out to be strengthened, but not in a positive tone. This means that in the work area at the height of spring quite a lot of people can be waiting for you. serious problems. But your ruler, Jupiter, will remain entirely on your side and will help with solving any difficult situations on the “personal front”. In addition, the Moon, being the “celestial leader” of the air trine, will add several “bonuses” to you, rather not obvious, but very noticeable, especially at the final stage of the current period. Therefore, in general, you can fully count on support from celestial bodies solar system, although most of the “work” will have to be done yourself. But for the majority of Pisces, whose fate most often develops happily, but not simply, such situations are not uncommon, so they will pass the upcoming stage of life with honor.

In terms of work and business, April 2016 can hardly be called successful. Rather, people born under the sign of Pisces will be able to seriously strengthen their position and prepare a powerful basis for future development, but there can be no talk of any exceptional dynamics at the current stage. Consider this point when you decide it is time to act. Undoubtedly, standing still without any movement is even worse, so don't waste your time. If you planned to do something in the first ten days of the month, but you don’t have the opportunity, then you need to quickly refocus on the implementation of another project. And you can endlessly regret missed opportunities, and this is much easier than pulling yourself together and finding an application for your capabilities. In general, Pisces is an exceptionally efficient sign, and if you perceive this trait as an advantage, you will quickly learn to benefit from it. As for the rest, act as you are accustomed to acting, no exceptional events are expected, so you can easily maintain self-confidence throughout the entire month, consistently solving the intended tasks (even if not in full).

The sphere of personal relationships for the zodiac sign Pisces in April 2016 will be in many ways similar to the work direction, at least the general energy background will be similar. That is, you are unlikely to have to solve any epic problems, but some points will still be really important to you. Therefore, be restrained and collected; the stars recommend paying special attention to your family hearth. If some kind of problem or even a whole series of problems has been brewing here for a long time, then it is better now to start neutralizing the disastrous situation. Do whatever you think is necessary, do not limit yourself in methods, now it is important to resolve a difficult situation as soon as possible so that it stops putting pressure on you and your immediate circle. If by the beginning of the month such a moment does not come into your field of vision, it means that something similar is yet to come, most likely at the end of the second decade. At the same time, in your relationship with your crush, try to come to some new guidelines, try to experiment, bring something original and bright into your personal life.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2016 for the zodiac sign Pisces, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Pisces sign: Personal horoscopes for the Pisces sign:

April 2016 will differ little from other periods in terms of its eventfulness, but will bring Pisces certain positive life changes. Retrograde Saturn, located in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, will show Pisces the path along which to move this month, and in what cases your efforts will be in vain. During this period, the sense of intuition of representatives of your zodiac sign will significantly increase, and many problems will be solved literally on a subconscious level, without going through possible options. In April, Pisces will be able to take on a new position, sell a home, or invest money profitably without any problems. However, all decisions must be carefully weighed and considered. At the same time, Fate can send all kinds of tests that only persistent and proactive Pisces can pass.

In the first ten days of April 2016, Mercury will pass through the zodiac sign Taurus, and this means the beginning of a new favorable period in the life of Pisces. Pisces will have high insight and excellent performance. Especially distinguished employees will be rewarded with a good bonus, a new promising position, or even reassignment to another region. It will not be easy for purposeful Pisces to cope with their ambitions, but these days external circumstances will dictate their conditions. At the same time, there will be an excellent opportunity to profitably exchange housing or make a successful investment. Personal relationships will flow in a smooth direction, without twisting or sharp turns. To some extent, this will allow Pisces to get bored, but soon, situations will probably arise in which this is unlikely to succeed.

The second ten days of April 2016 will be marked by significant changes in your personal life: unexpected developments are possible during this period. Pisces can at one moment get ready for marriage, divorce, conception of offspring, or moving to a new place of residence. The spontaneity of decisions will be influenced by the Sun rising in the Zodiac sign Taurus. The unusual behavior of representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will indicate that their thoughts are in a disordered state, which means that immediate restoration of mental balance is required. In the second ten days of April, there is a high probability of major quarrels in the Pisces family based on mutual distrust, at the same time, representatives of your zodiac sign will be quite easy-going and will not accumulate grievances against loved ones.

The third ten days of April 2016 will follow a more predictable scenario than the first two. These days, Pisces will be able to restore harmony in all areas of their lives, including in the soul. Venus passing through the zodiac sign Taurus will promote peace and restoration of well-being in family and romantic relationships. Spouses will reach mutual understanding, thanks to their children, and will be able to realize the mistakes they have made, and couples in love will be able to consider an excellent opportunity to build a family on the ruins of previous quarrels and sort things out. During this period, it will not be easy for Pisces to cope with their emotions, but a favorable atmosphere will encourage them to cast aside unnecessary doubts and live calmly in a world created with their own hands.

Pisces will have a lot of interesting things in April 2019. But will positive changes affect love sphere or will Neptune's wards again have to be content with little? The stars will tell Pisces in detail what the love horoscope for April has in store for them. Thanks to him, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to have a great time. And to find out what is hidden behind luck and what pitfalls success is fraught with, Pisces only needs to read the exact love horoscope for April of this year.

Love horoscope for Pisces for April 2019

Suddenly, Pisces will want serious changes in their personal lives, and precisely in April, when objectively there will be no time for this at all. Love horoscope advises representatives of this sign, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to listen to the voice of the heart, and not the mind. In April, Pisces will be able to become happy in a fairly short time, but only if they close their eyes to logic and simply go with the flow, which is controlled only by fortune.

If at the beginning of the year most Pisces were relatively calm about their love relationship, then the second month of spring will give them many reasons for concern, among which rethinking existing relationships will be the most insignificant. In April, Pisces may quickly change their mind about building happiness with their soulmate, although they will regret it later. But the stars reassure them: regardless of the final decision, the outcome will definitely be happy.

The changes will not affect only Pisces who are getting married. Brides and grooms of this sign will feel completely safe in April, and their couples will have the sweetest time in anticipation of their honeymoon. The stars did not have any surprises in store for lonely Pisces in April. That is why heavenly patrons recommend that Neptune’s wards take everything into their own hands if they want to organize a romantic acquaintance or a surprise date.

Love horoscope for Pisces woman for April 2019

Girls of the Pisces sign will be able to start a truly new life in April of this year. A love astrological forecast promises them significant changes on the personal front. Pisces girls will easily survive a breakup, and new relationships will capture them with such force that the whole past will begin to seem like nothing more than a story they’ve read.

In April, Pisces girls will be able to successfully adapt to the person they like. In mid-spring, they will be the center of attention and will be able to flirt calmly. This arrangement will appeal to young Pisces. In April, they will not only not experience a lack of attention, but will even get tired of the importunity of some persistent individuals.

Married representatives of the Pisces sign will be actively building their nest in April. The only problem they will have to face in the spring is a misunderstanding of their other halves. Pisces girls will once again put everything on their shoulders, which may cause discord between them. family relationships. But now women of the water sign have been warned about such an outcome, and will not make an unfortunate mistake.

Love horoscope for a Pisces man for April 2019

For Pisces men, life will go as usual in April. Bachelors will continue the path to personal happiness, constantly meeting different girls. Married Pisces will be able to enjoy privacy with their chosen ones. Grooms will have the opportunity to spend more time with their brides thanks to a sudden vacation over the course of several days.

Some Pisces men may well hope for serious changes in life. This applies to those who became lonely the day before. After a painful breakup, Pisces didn’t even want to think about women. But April can change everything overnight. As a result, Neptune’s wards will turn from annoyed and angry into romantic and active, which will be positively appreciated by the most lovely representatives of the fair half.

April 2016 will be a rather difficult month for Pisces. Simply because Pisces now don’t really understand how exactly they should behave. In April 2016, Pisces may argue with people who have great influence, protest against laws or rules that are incorrect from their point of view, or commit some rash actions, even knowing in advance what this will lead to and how much Pisces will worsen their own situation. In general, the behavior of Pisces in April can be called revolutionary. But, unfortunately, as the Pisces horoscope for 2016 says, now the masses will not follow them. If in April 2016 Pisces manage to stop in time and not bring the matter to the end, then there is a possibility that they will maintain their current position. However, this can also happen due to the elementary lack of concentration of Pisces or simply laziness.

In April, it may turn out that Pisces relied on an unreliable person. However, in April 2016, Pisces may be warned about this, but Pisces themselves will not hear it. Or they won’t want to hear.

Favorable numbers April – 7, 12, 14, 17, 26, 30.

Unfavorable numbers for April are 4, 8, 13, 18, 21, 25.

Love horoscope for April 2016 Pisces

In April 2016, Pisces will adapt to circumstances without doing anything to change them in any way. Therefore, Pisces will begin a new relationship with a random person who will not meet their ideal. Probably the whole point is that in April 2016, Pisces believe that they are simply not worthy of the ideal and do not correspond to it. It is likely that someone will simply instill such an opinion in them.

Horoscope for 2016 Pisces advises family representatives of this sign to somehow diversify their lives. All existing problems stem precisely from monotony and boredom. And even if something extraordinary happens, it is only by chance. In April 2016, Pisces needs to take urgent action.

In April 2016, Pisces should somewhat reduce their excessive guardianship of children. Otherwise, older children will rebel, and younger ones may completely forget how to take the initiative.

Finance and career horoscope for April 2016 Pisces

In April 2016, Pisces should focus on the events that will occur and act as they suggest. However, Pisces will need to make decisions on their own and not hope that someone will do it for them. In April 2016, Pisces tend to deceive people. For example, they may be promised that some important decision is already in their pocket. Pisces will relax. And the person will simply deceive them. Or he will forget about his promise. So not everyone can be trusted.

The horoscope for 2016 Pisces says that it will be difficult to get a job now new job, unless, of course, this place is reserved specifically for Pisces. However, in the latter case, nothing will depend on Pisces. Problems may also arise when communicating with government agencies. In April 2016, Pisces may discover that they have some documents filled out incorrectly.

The initiative is welcome, but only in the first weeks of the month. At the beginning of April 2016, Pisces will be more free in their actions, and the situation will be more suitable. In addition, it is very important that Pisces have a positive attitude.

Health horoscope for April 2016 Pisces

In April 2016, Pisces will suffer from the same diseases as those around them. Most likely, Pisces can become infected from them.

The Pisces horoscope for 2016 says that exacerbations of liver diseases are now likely, or even they will worsen significantly. The same can happen if Pisces is predisposed to heart or vascular disease.

Since in April 2016 the stars do not predict any special achievements for Pisces, it means that you should start preparing for the future. No one will stop you from strengthening your current position, and this will turn out to be an excellent basis for new victories in the future. Don’t forget about this recommendation when you want to do something important here and now - you won’t see real success at the current stage, so moderate your ardor a little. But don’t mark time at all. Look at the situation - perhaps, somehow reorient your actions in accordance with the characteristics of the current period. And don’t regret that now you’ve missed time and haven’t done something important that you’ve been meaning to do for a long time. It's better to focus on other things for now, even if they don't seem significant enough to you.

Pisces, in principle, is a sign characterized by high efficiency. You must understand this and perceive it as a serious advantage that you can and should use to your advantage. You don't expect any serious disruptions this month. Therefore, remain calm, act confidently and consistently, solve those problems that you can solve, and to the extent that you can. In general, live measuredly and slowly.