Spring is the most romantic and changeable time of the year. In spring, not only feelings can rage, but also colds. And the point here is not only about vitamin deficiency, which is taken for granted in the spring.

The fact is that viruses “like” damp spring air and above-zero temperatures more than winter frost. If we add to this a weakened immune system, temperature changes and hypothermia due to our desire to quickly shed heavy winter clothes, then ideal conditions for infections arise.

What to do to avoid getting sick?

Many vitamins and minerals are needed for normal operation immune system. Therefore, when we have vitamin deficiency, we get sick more often. And quickly eliminating vitamin deficiencies is almost impossible. Vitamin complexes, the demand for which increases in March-April, do not act immediately; their effect will be noticeable at best after 3 weeks of constant use. And any useful vegetables and fruits appear on sale no earlier than May.

Therefore, until vitamins return the immune system to combat readiness, we will protect ourselves from spring colds using other methods - more local and fast-acting.

Dress for the weather

Temperature changes in spring are insidious: during the day the thermometer can show +10, and in the evening - about 0. To avoid freezing on the way to work, take with you a warm sweater that you can put on in the morning and take off in the afternoon. Another common cause of a cold is dressing too warmly, sweating, and then getting cold.

If this happens to you or your child, try to immediately prevent the consequences. Remember that a weakened body reacts much worse to hypothermia. Warm bath and hot tea are good ways to warm up. To enhance the effect, use a warming gel.

Warming rubbing affects not only the skin, but also certain nerve endings responsible for blood circulation internal organs. So, if you rub your feet and hands, blood flow in the nasopharynx improves. And warming up chest stimulates lung function.

For rubbing, adults can use Breathe gel-cream. It contains red pepper extract, levomenthol and five essential oils that tone muscles, inhibit the activity of viruses, and relieve swelling and pain. And for children, a gel called Breathe with badger fat is produced.

Ventilate the room and disinfect the air

Do this several times a day, at home and at work. By opening the window for 5-10 minutes, you will not only get rid of viruses floating in the air, but will also once again feel that there is a warm spring outside.

It is convenient to fight an infection that is transmitted by airborne droplets using sprays with essential oils. For example, Dyshi spray oil disinfects the air and has a pleasant, refreshing aroma. It contains essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper, mint and other medicinal plants with a proven antiseptic effect. Spray on curtains, on a pillow, or just in the air. 1-2 presses are enough to prevent infection of everyone who is in the same room with you.

Be careful in crowded places

You will not be able to completely isolate yourself and your loved ones from contact with people. But spring is a great time to minimize them. So, for example, instead of taking public transport, you can walk and enjoy the long-awaited warmth. If the weather permits, it is better to spend your day off in the park than in the cinema or shopping center.

When contact with people cannot be avoided, protect yourself and your family with a composition of essential oils Breathe. To do this, just drop 2-3 drops on the collar of your outerwear or scarf before leaving the house. Essential oils evaporate and disinfect the inhaled air, which means that the chances of viruses getting into your nose are negligible. Breathe oil has a refreshing aroma and reduces the likelihood of getting ARVI by 65%. It can be used by both adults and children.

Act now!

The early stage is the first few hours after infection. It lasts several hours and its symptoms are mild, so you need to act quickly, without waiting for a fever or serious illness. The entry points for colds are the nose and mouth. Therefore, they are the first to react when they encounter harmful microbes.

If you have a sore throat, use Breathe lozenges with honey, vitamin C and essential oils. Lozenges for adults are available in two versions: with raspberry or with cinnamon. And for children from 7 years old - with linden. Honey and essential oils are natural antiseptics, and vitamin C improves immunity.

If your nose begins to sniffle, stick the Breathe with essential oils inhaler patch on your clothes or any flat surface. They make breathing easier and destroy microbes in the respiratory tract, that is, they act on the cause of a runny nose.

Both the patch and lozenges are produced in convenient compact packages that will not take up space even in a small handbag, but will protect you from colds.

Spring is a favorite and long-awaited time of year. Don't let a cold spoil your impression of the sunny days of the most romantic time. Remember simple preventative measures! Be healthy and enjoy the spring mood!


Your advice is good, but how can I do all this when there are three old clowns sitting with me in the office, who swear at the slightest draft, and they themselves are always coughing or blowing their nose((I think I’m constantly catching something from them. Nazaval plus they have already advised it as a preventive measure, because you have to rely only on your own immunity, and it can also fail.

IN adolescence I remember I was often sick in the spring, I walked around without a hat and showed off in front of the guys. Now I’ve become smarter, I dress warmly and try not to get too cold. And of course I support the immune system, I take derinat for health and protection from viruses. It’s true that I haven’t used essential oils to treat colds yet, as is written here in the article, although I haven’t been very sick for a long time.

and we appreciated Aqua Maris spray with the whole family. increases local immunity. and, of course, we are strengthening ourselves))))) but somehow it didn’t work out with children’s vitamins, my son’s rash went bad.

Good article. I still actively use the morenasal immuno spray, and I appreciated its “work” back in the fall. Perfectly protects the immune system in the nose, preventing viruses from getting caught, perfect for prevention))

Eh, it’s a problem not to get sick in the spring. I've been trying to take Biobran preventatively lately ( herbal immunomodulator) for the prevention of viral colds. And somehow I like the effect - I don’t get sick.

Comment on the article "How to avoid colds in spring?"

How to avoid colds in spring? The fact is that viruses “like” damp spring air and above-zero temperatures more. Colds in the summer: how to avoid them.

What medications can be given to a child, what is the best treatment in this case? The composition of the drug AnviMax includes the antiviral component rimantadine, which distinguishes AnviMax from others combination drugs against colds and flu.

We choose safe medicines for children against flu and colds. Section: Stores with delivery to the Russian Federation (cold drops for children iherb). Please advise anyone who takes what to boost immunity - so that it will actually help against colds for children 5 years old...

Treatment and prevention of colds: cold remedies with essential oils. cold sore lip remedies. - gatherings. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men.

cold or virus. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Teeth, cold or otitis media? Girls, hello everyone! I’m in complete disarray here and at odds with my thoughts, the first two lower teeth were given to us by a mild cold, just for 1 evening in...

still a cold or acute respiratory infection?? When I have a cold, I simply warm myself up - well, I’ll warm my feet there, it helps me, I’ll drink tea with honey... Yes, in general, I very, very rarely get a cold. But if there is an acute respiratory infection - i.e. If I caught the virus from someone, then warming up is useless for me personally.

Recommend a remedy for colds. Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. Medicine and health. Girls! Is there anything effective for an incipient cold? I remember there was some kind of thermonuclear agent on And it seems, I can’t remember the exact name.

Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. Medicine and health. Section: Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. What medicines should I bring from Europe? Almost off, but I remember that we discussed this topic, perhaps someone saved the link.

I myself know how to treat a common cold, but if something more serious happens (3 ugh, of course) then antibiotics don’t scare me at all. How to quickly cure a runny nose in a baby? Acute purulent conjunctivitis in children. Dolgatova Erica. A cold in a baby, ARVI in children of the first...

I'm the only one effective medicine I know for the flu - Reaferon-Lipint, the rest somehow went by, it’s the same with what I drank and what I didn’t. It’s another matter when a whole mountain of different, essentially unnecessary, medications are prescribed. I am always treated with Antihippin from Natur product.

How to avoid colds in spring? cold or virus. Teeth, cold or otitis media? Girls, hello everyone! I’m in complete disarray here and at odds with my thoughts, the first two lower teeth were given to us by a mild cold, just for 1 evening in...

All those medicines that are now on everyone's lips - oscillococcinum, amiksin, arbidol, anaferon, etc. - these are all modern I wonder why there are so many victims, such an evil virus, or due to the lack modern means- all kinds of arbidols and in case of complications...

How to avoid colds in spring? What to do to avoid getting sick? Many vitamins and minerals are needed for the normal functioning of the immune system. I wouldn’t even think about it, colds can also occur during pregnancy, so what?

It is very good to add to orange juice; you can hardly feel the bitterness. It really does have such an immunomodulatory effect! The remedy, of course, is not simple, and I would not recommend it without a doctor’s recommendation, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

Runny nose: allergy or cold? How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a “cold”? My son doesn’t seem to be susceptible to allergies, but how can I avoid colds in the spring? Colds, runny nose in a child, how to treat them. In spring, not only feelings can rage, but also colds...

Cold on the lip. My son developed a cold in the corner of his mouth. Girls, please tell me how to get rid of it as quickly as possible or make it less painful, since it is right in the corner of his mouth, of course it cracks and hurts when he talks.

what can cause frequent colds? not very heavy, but noticeably more frequent in last year? in an adult who was previously quite healthy and had little illness? There was no moving, no visible stress either.

Tablets "Effect". Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. Medicine and health. After them, I’m lying around in some kind of sleepy dope and everything is aching. Two weeks ago a runny nose started, at the wrong time, I took Koldakt for a day and a half, the runny nose went away instantly, but the cold went deeper...

Again about the runny nose... Children's medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. At 2 months the child had a cold (runny nose and slight cough) at the regional children's clinic we were prescribed Nazivin for babies.

When a child gets sick, each parent has their own usual methods of dealing with the first signs of colds and flu. But often such measures do not have any scientific or practical justification. Here are some myths about treating colds.

When a child is sick, windows and vents should not be opened. Quite the contrary, if someone is sick in the house, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible. The most important thing is to exclude any draft and keep the patient warm.

Rubbing with alcohol reduces the temperature. Rubbing with alcohol only creates a feeling of a falling temperature, but in fact it is quickly absorbed and in large quantities can cause alcohol poisoning, as it enters the respiratory system.

If you start treating a cold with antibiotics, it will go away much faster. Treatment is possible only with bacterial infection and only as prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotics alone will not help in treating flu and colds.

During illness, you need to eat many times more. In fact, scientists have long proven that abstaining from food causes the production of interleukin-4, which helps fight infections. A overuse Eating, on the contrary, worsens the condition.

Cool fruit juice is better than hot tea. Scientists from the Center for the Study of ARVI in the UK have found that the temperature of the liquid consumed during a cold is of great importance in the recovery process. Hot drinks bring quick relief from sore throat, chills, runny nose and sneezing. Therefore, hot teas will be much healthier than a drink at room temperature.

The temperature must be brought down., this does not mean that you need to immediately resort to means that knock it down. The temperature must be brought down only if it exceeds 38 degrees. A temperature below this limit means the body is fighting infection and producing immune cells.

Which children are at greatest risk?

It strongly suppresses the child’s immunity, so in families where family members smoke, children are 3-6 times more likely to get ARVI.

Children with allergies also get sick more often than others due to their special immunity, which produces few protective antibodies during a cold.

If you don’t harden your child in childhood, don’t spend time outside with them often, and never let him have ice cream, then you deprive the child’s immunity of the opportunity to receive “education.”

If they are inflamed and enlarged, then the air entering during breathing is not sufficiently moistened, thereby causing drying out of the bronchi. This deprives them of the ability to self-cleanse. Also, the tonsils stop protecting the mucous membrane from viruses.

Why do children get sick in the spring?

There are several reasons for spring colds. Firstly, it's spring. Products at this time are very poor in useful macro and microelements. In addition, during the winter and autumn, the immune system is depleted, since it has been working in enhanced mode all this time.

Secondly, in the warm season, viruses live easily and are transmitted from person to person. In the winter season, this does not happen because viruses do not like frost and do not survive. In the summer, viruses do not multiply for a reason: active work sun, which easily and quickly kills bacteria and viruses. In spring, the sun is not yet active enough.

Thirdly, in spring the weather is capricious and temperature fluctuations over several days can reach 10-15 degrees. Not every organism can adapt to this. It may be frosty in the morning, the sun is warm in the afternoon, it snows or rains in the evening, etc. It's very easy to catch a cold in this weather.

Prevention of spring colds

To protect your child from spring colds, you should follow a few simple rules. Give your child healthy and tasty food. If you notice that your child likes “junk” food like pizza or French fries, then don’t worry, you can also make delicious food, but only at home - prepare a vegetable stew or French sauté - this will be just an excuse to add your favorite baked cheese or tomatoes.

Do not forget to regularly give your child fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, beets, red pepper, lemon), etc. To compensate for the deficiency of microelements, you can start giving your baby vitamin complexes from the beginning of March.

Take frequent walks in the fresh air. Do exercises in the morning. And remember that the child should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day.

It is quite possible to survive spring without catching a cold if you know the risk factors and try to avoid them.

Getting sick in the spring, when the winter cold has finally gone and nature begins to wake up from its slumber, is especially unpleasant. But at this time of year our body is often weakened, so colds catch on to us more often than usual. Let's figure out what causes a cold, and what behavioral strategy should we develop to avoid catching the disease at this time of year?

Spring is the time of “cold risks”

With the arrival of each season, a set of risks also changes that can contribute to the development of certain diseases. For example, in winter we risk hypothermia, and in summer we risk getting sunstroke; in winter there is less in vegetables, and in summer there is a higher probability that there may be pathogens in food intestinal diseases. Spring, just like any other season, brings its own health risks to the forefront. And basically these “spring dangers” lead to us catching colds more often.

Comfortable conditions for infection

Bacteria and viruses that cause colds do not tolerate frost and heat very well. But the spring temperature regime, when it is no longer too cold outside, but not yet hot, and often also humid, is just right for them. Colds are usually spread through respiratory droplets. Once in the air in the spring, it remains in a “combat-ready” state for a long time. People who have contracted the disease begin to actively sneeze and cough, and “release” a new batch of pathogenic organisms. As a result, record numbers of pathogens are released into the air. This is one of the reasons why people get colds at this time of year. large number people.

To reduce the concentration of infection around you, you need to take precautions:

  • postpone attending public events
  • If possible, avoid contact with people who have a cold
  • be sure to wash your hands after coming from outside, wash your hands before any food intake
  • do daily wet cleaning
  • ventilate the room well
Dress for the weather

The risk of catching a cold increases if you are cold. Overheating is also harmful. Both of these contribute to the activation of infection in the body, if it has managed to get there. Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of catching a cold, you need to try not to sweat.

Clothing must be appropriate for the temperature conditions. Spring weather is quite changeable. Therefore, keep an eye on the weather forecast and try to dress in layers so that you can adjust the warmth of your clothing if necessary.

Spring diet is important!

Another serious reason for the “stickiness” of colds at this time of year is a lack of vitamins. By spring, the amount of vitamins in vegetables and fruits decreases, and we eat these healthy products there are usually fewer at this time of year. The result is a decrease in the body's defenses, i.e. weakening of the immune system.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Good afternoon My child is 3 years and 4 months old. As soon as it got colder outside, I immediately got a runny nose and cough. The cough seemed to go away, but a week later it returned again. We tried many syrups. The cough has begun to clear up, but when she coughs, it seems like she is about to “burp.” We had a consultation with the local doctor. There’s nothing serious - just a cold, but the cough doesn’t go away for a long time. The doctor prescribed another syrup, which did not give any result. Tell me - what to do? Thank you.

Ask a question

In spring, you need to pay special attention to your diet and try to make up for the lack of vitamins and microelements in your food. This can be done by entering in the menu more vegetables, fruits, herbs, or supplement your diet with mineral and vitamin complexes.

And it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol frequently. Alcohol suppresses the immune system and dehydrates the body.

Physical activity

Moderate physical activity- a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the body. But during the period when protective functions the body decreases, it is better not to test the body’s strength. You should not start hardening abruptly or introduce too intense loads. This does not mean that you need to give up playing sports. But the increase in loads should be gradual.

Spend more time walking, be in nature more often. Fresh air, sun, movement - everything will help strengthen the immune system. By the way, sunlight not only lifts our mood, but also promotes the production of vitamin D in the skin, which is also very important for resisting colds.

Sleep and rest are part of cold prevention

Proper rest will also help. Take time to relax and unwind every day nervous system. Read a book, watch a good movie, think about something good - do everything to ensure that your body is fully rested.

No less important is healthy sleep. To restore strength, we need to sleep 7-8 hours a day. It is during sleep that T-lymphocytes, which are an indispensable part of the immune system, are activated. Don't stay up late at the computer, texting friends or reading the news. You must fall asleep before 11 o'clock. This will ensure the production of the maximum amount of melatonin, a special hormone that also stimulates the immune system.

Healthy sleep and proper rest will help you cope well with stressful situations, which also “undermine” our body and help reduce the body’s defenses.

Our main task is to make the immune system work fully. This will help us avoid spring colds!

In spring there are traditionally two waves colds. And just as traditionally they cause bewilderment. Why? After all, the cold weather is over...

It would seem that the end of winter has come. Now the snow has almost melted, and the sun has begun to get hot in places. And for some reason people began to diligently pour out cold snot. An incomprehensible phenomenon.

But it only seems at first glance that when the frosts leave, they should take their specific ailments with them. Some things, of course, are carried away - the annual flu epidemic, for example. But all other cold pathogens (almost 300 of its comrades - cold viruses) remain in the domain of spring.

The specific share of each of them in the total human morbidity is small - from 2 to 12%. But what a variety of manifestations! Rhinovirus causes a profuse flow of snot. Parainfluenza makes people bark like dogs. The coronavirus immediately raises a high temperature - up to 39 degrees and above, and then gradually drops to the bronchi, and it affects the small bronchi. The adenovirus makes a person practically a “paralytic” - it can be very difficult to move an arm or leg, since all his movements are constrained by lethargy and weakness, and many are still chained to the toilet by loose stool. Respiratory syncytial infection settles in the nasopharynx and mainly affects children and the elderly. Mycoplasma infection causes prolonged fever and pneumonia.

All this might not have happened if...


We are dealing with the first cold wave in the spring with my own hands. I understand everything - over the long months of winter, I got pretty tired of fur coats and sheepskin coats, my shoulders were weighed down with their weight. And I want to throw them off exactly as people say - off my shoulders. This is where the mistake lies. In spring the weather is very unstable. Cyclones and anticyclones seem to be playing a game of racing. Moreover, strong winds blow - this is also a typical spring weather phenomenon. In lightweight clothing, careless citizens, of course, become hypothermic. And that’s all that viruses need.


The second wave of spring colds occurs on orders from above. Not divine, of course, but bureaucratic. Such a law was adopted in our country - as soon as the positive temperature remains at 8 degrees for several days, the utilities will turn off the heating. And they don’t care about the night temperature - again, by law. At night, the air temperature drops sharply compared to the daytime, sometimes below zero. And every spring, buildings barely warmed up in the meager daytime sun freeze to the ground on cold nights. Together with them, the inhabitants in them become hypothermic. And a hypothermic body is defenseless against cold viruses. As a result, tears, snot and fever, as they say, appear on the face. This outbreak of colds was called “cold building syndrome” among doctors.

I don’t know how to convince law-making officials to focus not on daytime temperature, but on nighttime temperature.


To protect yourself from an unexpected cold, it would be good to prepare for it in advance.

You could write a novel about how to fight a cold, and even have a sequel. Since almost every season has already known methods doctors add something new. Some have already begun to create their own courses of treatment.

However, despite the variations, the basic principles of fighting the common cold remain the same. The only suitable method for this is hardening. Moreover, everything needs to be hardened - from the body to the immune system. True, this needs to be done in advance.

The second rule is to dress according to the weather. Do you remember the wonderful old Russian word - soul warmer? A warm vest is a great way out when you want to throw off the burden of winter and at the same time not get sick. Indeed, a vest worn under a spring jacket will warm not only the body, but also the soul. And what will protect you from the chilly spring wind is not a knitted cardigan, but a breezy canvas windbreaker.

The third spring rule is to use all available means to heat your home. Don’t wear woolen things on yourself, but create warmth in the house. It’s expensive, of course, but what can you do - health is more expensive...

This protein activates the body's defenses, which stop the division of viral particles and their spread. Ultimately, in a healthy body, viruses are quickly destroyed. However, after a long winter, the body’s defenses are weakened, because for a long time energy was spent on maintaining body temperature in cold conditions, and not on building antiviral defense. Therefore, viruses circulate in the blood for quite a long time, their number increases, and in response a nonspecific reaction occurs - inflammation. This is what causes the painful symptoms that are characteristic of a cold. Thus, elevated temperature, sweating, stuffy nose - nothing more than a manifestation of the body’s defenses.

What a shame it is to sit at home in the spring with your throat wrapped in a warm scarf, sour and swallowing pills. You can try to do without them. After all, our ancestors cured colds for thousands of years without antibiotics. Why are we worse than them?

First of all, drink tea from the mixture linden color and dried raspberries. Brew berries and flowers in a 1:1 ratio with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink. You can add two teaspoons of honey. And to bed. You need to get a good sweat and sleep.

If you get your feet wet, steam them in mustard. You should not vape if you have a fever. In this case, rub your feet well with vodka. Tea made from herbs and spices will help relieve fever.

Mint leaves, St. John's wort flowers, chamomile, oregano, fireweed, and bay leaf, a little cloves, ginger, coriander, one or two peas of black and allspice. All this is poured with boiling water and wrapped for an hour. You can cover the top with a pillow. Then filter, add honey and drink throughout the day.

A sore throat will help reduce milk production. To enhance the effect, add any natural ingredient to warm milk. mineral water or 1/2 teaspoon of soda per glass of milk.

If you have a sore throat, according to otolaryngologists, you should not drink anything too hot, cold, or spicy.

Frequent gargling is also considered harmful, especially if your tonsils are intact. Intensive rinsing has a massaging effect on the tonsils, but the inflamed organ should not be massaged. The pus located in the folds of the tonsils goes deeper, intensifying the disease. You should gargle carefully and no more than 3-4 times a day.

It is useful to drink unlimited amounts of dried fruit decoctions throughout the day. They perfectly remove waste products of pathogenic microorganisms from the body.

If you have lost your voice, then pour 2 tbsp. spoons of anise seeds with a glass of water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain. Add 1 tbsp to the broth. a spoonful of honey, 1 teaspoon of vodka. You need to drink this liquid 1 tbsp. spoon every half hour. The voice, as a rule, is completely restored by the evening.

If you want to avoid catching a cold, be sure to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic a day. To avoid unpleasant odor wash it down with milk or eat parsley. You can chew a bay leaf.

Onion wine will also strengthen your immune system. In glass liter jar put 100 g finely chopped onions and 100 g of natural honey. Better than the fake one. But any other light shade will do - floral, sweet clover... Pour the mixture with high-quality grape wine. Place in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry. But not in the refrigerator. Let it sit for two weeks. Strain. Take 1 tbsp daily. spoon 15 minutes before meals and spoon at night. This healthy wine will reliably protect against infections and strengthen the immune system.

If you have a cold, do not become limp under any circumstances. Set yourself up for a quick recovery. Imagine your illness as a big, furry spider. Say "ugh!" Take a mental broom and sweep the disease beyond the threshold of your home. Oddly enough, this is very effective method. My great-great-grandmother also used it.

I wish you good health and good spring mood!