There are several ways to quickly sort out lingonberries and clean them of debris. All of them differ in the complexity of implementation and the speed of cleaning berries with their use. The most famous and often used are:

  1. Cleaning on an inclined surface using a vacuum cleaner turned on for air suction;
  2. Cleaning in the basin using a vacuum cleaner configured to suck in air;
  3. Cleaning on an inclined surface with a blow-out vacuum cleaner, or with a hairdryer or fan;
  4. Sifting in the wind;
  5. Sifting on a sieve, the mesh of which is smaller than the diameter of the berry;
  6. Cleaning on rough surfaces.

All of them allow you to clean much faster than simply removing debris from lingonberries by hand.

With so much waste, lingonberries cannot be used for culinary or conservation purposes, and their market price is significantly reduced.

In the most common cleaning methods, the principle of cleaning is that the berries are heavier than the garbage. When exposed to a stream of air, the berries either roll off the surface or crumble, and the debris is blown away by air or sucked into a vacuum cleaner.

Less often, cleaning is done due to the fact that debris either sticks to the surface or spills into cells through which the berries cannot pass.

What do these methods look like in detail?

Cleaning on an inclined tray with a vacuum cleaner on suction

In common parlance, this method is also called “rolling berries.” It is suitable not only for peeling lingonberries, but also for sorting almost any other round berries. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Take a flat, wide, long (more than a meter) smooth board, and nail the sides to it along the edges;
  2. The resulting gutter is installed obliquely, resting its lower edge on a bucket or basin into which clean lingonberries will be poured;
  3. A vacuum cleaner is installed nearby, and the brush is removed from the hose so that the hose remains open. The vacuum cleaner turns on;
  4. Lingonberries and debris are poured into the gutter on top in small portions (1-2 cups each). The berries roll down the chute into the receiving bowl, and the debris remains on the surface of the board and is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

The video below shows how this happens:

If the gutter is installed securely, then one person can peel the lingonberries in this way. With his left hand he scatters berries, with his right he holds the vacuum cleaner hose and removes debris. Considering the size of the entire structure, all these operations can be carried out at home: the chute with a vacuum cleaner will fit in the room.

If there are a large number of lingonberries, this method can be scaled up somewhat: a longer trench is taken (up to 2-3 meters), 3-4 people with vacuum cleaners sit at the edges of it, one pours the berries on top, another directly removes twigs that accidentally fall here from the bucket, needles or leaves.

As a result, in 1 hour you can clean a bucket of lingonberries by yourself. 5-6 people per evening after cleaning “roll out” 12-14 buckets - the entire batch collected during the day.

This method works well if the lingonberries are fresh and have not released any juice. A berry stained with juice sticks to the surface of the gutter and does not roll well.

As a last resort, you can clean lingonberries in this way without a vacuum cleaner, simply picking out debris with your hands or a rag, but this option is more labor-intensive, and cleaning them is much slower.

Cleaning in a basin using a vacuum cleaner set to air suction

This method is not as fast as the previous one, but has the advantage of not requiring the manufacture of a gutter. In it, the berries are poured into a basin in such quantities that they lie in one layer, and the debris on top of them begins to be sucked out with a vacuum cleaner without a brush. At the same time, the lingonberries are mixed with your fingers. The main thing here is to adjust the distance from the vacuum cleaner pipe to the berries so that the leaves and twigs are sucked in, but the lingonberries themselves are not sucked in.

When a portion of lingonberries is peeled, it is poured into another container, the same portion is poured into a basin, and the cleaning is repeated.

After cleaning, lingonberries should not contain any impurities.

Cleaning on an inclined surface with a blow-out vacuum cleaner

The entire device in this version looks the same as in the version with a suction vacuum cleaner, but the only difference is that the garbage is blown out of the gutter by the vacuum cleaner, rather than being sucked up. This method has no obvious advantages, except that it can be implemented not only using a vacuum cleaner, but also using a hair dryer - which is more compact and lightweight. Still, in berry picking areas, especially in camps where visiting hired pickers live, there are usually not a large number of vacuum cleaners.

The peculiarity of this option is also that you need to peel the lingonberries outside so that the garbage does not scatter throughout the room. Here, therefore, you need to decide how to connect the device (hair dryer or vacuum cleaner) to the power supply.

This option has several modifications. For example, in the case in the photo:

The sieve with berries is installed on a large powerful fan from the refrigerator. A stream of air blows debris out of the sieve, the peeled berries are poured into another container, new ones are poured in, they are cleaned in a few minutes - and so on until the batch is completely cleaned.

Sifting in the wind

The principle of this method is the same as the method of sifting seeds: in a strong wind, berries are poured from one container to another, from a fairly high height - 1-1.5 m. In this case, heavier berries fall with a slight deviation and fall into the lower container, and light debris and leaves are carried away by the wind.

The video below shows this option on a ship that transports forest pickers:

Here the air pressure is formed precisely due to the speed of the vessel.

Perhaps this is the most quick way Peel lingonberries easily and without unnecessary equipment. In just 15-20 minutes you can sift several buckets of lingonberries in this way.

In real conditions, difficulties may arise when implementing this method, since in the forest, where berry pickers’ houses are usually located, there is no strong wind, and indeed in the taiga zone in summer it is rare. But if you withdraw in an organized manner large number If you take lingonberries by car to an open area - in a field, on a river bank - here you can quickly and easily clean out a very large batch.

Sifting on a sieve, the mesh of which is smaller than the diameter of the berry

This method is usually used in addition to others, since it allows lingonberries to be cleaned of small debris - dust, soil or sand. Leaves and branches will remain along with the berries, and therefore this is usually done either before sifting the leaves, or after it, to completely clean the lingonberries.

The essence of the method is to place lingonberries on a sieve, the mesh of which is smaller than the size of the berry. As a result, sand, dust, and small pebbles spill through the meshes, and clean berries remain on the sieve. They are then poured into a container with clean lingonberries, and a new portion is poured onto the sieve.


In this method, by the way, the berries can be watered and washed from dust and sand directly on the sieve. The water will drain, and the lingonberries will remain completely clean.

Cleaning on rough surfaces

This method is, in principle, similar to the very first one - gutter cleaning. The only difference is that the surface of the gutter is lined with fabric (sometimes it is even recommended to put a checkered towel there). At a certain angle, the berries will even roll down the fabric, while the leaves and twigs will remain on it.

This is how this method is implemented using honeysuckle as an example:

The disadvantage of this method is that after each batch of berries the fabric must be removed and shaken out. This slows down the whole process, but, unlike the method with a vacuum cleaner, it allows you to sort out the lingonberries far from a power source, even in the forest.

Of course, they are suitable for cases when there are a lot of lingonberries and you need to sort through many kilograms of them. If you need to sort through 1-2 kilograms at home, it is better to use a simple basin with a vacuum cleaner or a small chute made from scrap materials.

Finally, sometimes it is right to combine several methods to clean the berries faster and more completely. Whether this is worth doing and what methods to combine will depend on what the berry is contaminated with and how severe the contamination is.

- a fairly common berry in the middle zone, from which you can make preparations for the winter. Ground with sugar, soaked, prepared in own juice or without cooking - look for these and other recipes in our selection.

What are the benefits of lingonberries? Lingonberries are a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging. In addition, lingonberry berries and leaves have wide range medicinal properties and are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases (colds, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism).

What to do with lingonberries? At home, you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy preparations from lingonberries for the whole family. And at the first signs of illness or as a preventative measure, regularly open a jar of jam, compote or a bottle of homemade tincture.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse and dry well. Place the prepared berries in sterilized jars in layers, alternating with sugar. Shake the jar periodically to compact the layers. The top layer should be a layer of sugar. Close the jars with regular nylon lids and store the product in the refrigerator.

In such a preparation everything will be preserved beneficial properties lingonberries.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1-2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, dry and add sugar to taste. Grind the berries using a blender or mash with a potato masher. Let the berry mixture sit, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar. Then place the lingonberries in sterilized jars, close the lids and store in a cool, dark place.

It's fragrant delicious jam the whole family will love it.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of apples, 1.3 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Preparation. Rinse the berries and blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Peel and seed the apples, cut into thin slices and blanch. Then transfer the berries and apples to a saucepan, pour in the syrup prepared from sugar and 1 glass of water and cook, stirring, until tender. Place the finished jam into jars, seal and store.

This jam would be an excellent stand-alone dessert or filling for homemade pies.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of pears, 1.5 kg of sugar, 3 glasses of water.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes, then drain in a colander and dry. Peel and seed the pears and cut into slices. Boil syrup from sugar and water, place berries and pears in it, stir, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave for at least 2 hours or overnight. Then bring the jam to a boil again, cook for 10 minutes, immediately pour into jars and seal.

This easy-to-prepare lingonberry preparation is not only tasty, but also useful as a cold prevention.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, zest of one lemon, 300 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. water.

Preparation. Wash the selected berries and place them in sterilized jars. Boil syrup from water, sugar and grated lemon zest, cool it, pour over the prepared berries, and roll up.

Spicy soaked lingonberries will be an excellent addition to meat dishes.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. salt, cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods, clove stars, peppercorns to taste.

Preparation. Place the selected, washed and dried berries in an enamel or glass container. To make the brine, boil water, add sugar, salt and spices, cool and pour over the berries. Cover the container with gauze and leave in a cool place for several days. dark place. Then place the berries along with the brine in jars and seal.

Prepare this compote and drink it at the first sign of a cold.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 800 g of sugar, 8 liters of water.

Preparation. Sort and rinse the berries. Boil syrup from water and sugar, place berries in it, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring. Then pour into sterilized jars and seal.

If you don’t know what to make from lingonberries, grind them with sugar!

You will need: 2 kg of lingonberries, 2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, pour boiling water over them and dry. Then mix them with sugar and puree using a blender. Place the berry mass in plastic containers with a lid or jars. drinking yogurt and store in the freezer.

The best preparation for the winter from lingonberries is jam.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 800 g of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Preparation. Place the selected and washed berries in a deep enamel pan, add water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring. Add sugar, stir and cook for another 40 minutes. Place the finished jam into jars, seal, cool and store in a cool, dark place.

A quick way to make delicious jam from lingonberries.

You will need: 3 kg of berries, 2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the washed berries, place in a saucepan, add sugar and let stand for 1 hour. Then place the pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the finished jam, put it in jars and close the lids.

The orange will add a pleasant citrus aroma and additional vitamins to the lingonberry preparation.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of oranges, 1 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, dry and place in a saucepan. Add sugar and cook over low heat. Dip the oranges in boiling water for a couple of minutes, dry, cut into slices and, after removing the seeds, grind into a meat grinder along with the zest. As soon as the berries and sugar boil, cook them for 15 minutes and add the chopped orange mixture. Cook the jam for another 30 minutes, then immediately pour it into jars, close the lids and cool. Store the workpiece in the cellar.

Classic lingonberry sauce is an ideal addition to game dishes.

You will need: 2 cups lingonberries, 0.5 cups sugar, 0.5 cups apple cider vinegar, 1 cinnamon stick, 5 clove buds, 1 sprig of thyme, salt to taste.

Preparation. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook, stirring, for about half an hour. Remove the spices from the sauce, transfer it to a sterilized jar, seal and store in the refrigerator.

You can make a delicious jelly from lingonberries with a pleasant taste and unique aroma.

You will need: 8 cups of lingonberries, 4 cups of sugar, 50 g of gelatin, 3 cups of water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the selected berries, discard in a colander and mash using a potato masher. Then squeeze the resulting berry mass through cheesecloth. Add sugar to the resulting juice and cook over low heat, stirring until it dissolves. Bring the mixture to a boil, add gelatin, stir and cook for a couple more minutes. Place the finished jelly into jars, sterilize and roll up.

You will need: lingonberries.

Preparation. Sort the berries and divide into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one part, mix with the other part of the berries and bring to a boil. Immediately place the berries along with the juice into jars, seal, cool and store in a cool, dark place.

After looking through our selection of recipes, you will know exactly how to preserve lingonberries for the winter. Add the material to your bookmarks and cook with pleasure!

And city dwellers who want to provide themselves with delicious vitamins for the winter, at the beginning of autumn go hunting for lingonberries at the nearest supermarket or choose berries at the market.

Lingonberries are good both fresh and processed.

It is not distinguished by its sweetness, but the taste of its strong berries cannot be denied originality.

Pickled, pickled, steamed, dried lingonberries become a wonderful side dish for meat, fish, mushroom dishes, and game.

For example, any meat, even lean. And in order to enjoy sweet preparations (jam, compotes, fruit drinks, jams), she will only “require” you to add more sugar.

How to store fresh lingonberries correctly

Lingonberry fruits contain acids that have antiseptic properties. They allow you to keep the berries fresh for a long time.

Without heat treatment that is destructive to vitamins, fresh lingonberries can be stored for months even at room temperature.

Before storing lingonberries for the winter without refrigeration, you need to select ripe, but not overripe berries without damage, and wash them.

Then transfer the berries to a jar, fill with cool boiled water, send it to a cool place.

Let it sit for 3 days. Then drain the water, add fresh water, and close the container with a lid.

If you choose beautiful glass jars, you can place them right in the kitchen. The contents look so appetizing that they will become an organic addition to the interior.

Only collected or purchased lingonberries in their natural state, without filling, are well preserved in the refrigerator. Select ripe whole berries, wash them and dry them. Place in a deep container, such as a cardboard box or plastic container with a lid. Place in the refrigerator on the vegetable rack. There they can be stored for 2-3 months.

To keep fresh berries longer without pouring them at room temperature, prepare several sheets of paper. Place a layer of prepared lingonberries on the first sheet, transfer to a cardboard container, then the next layer on a sheet of paper, etc. This way the berries can “last” for about a month. But you need to keep an eye on them: if you see a fruit that is ready to spoil, get rid of it immediately.

Save the berries for the winter

Among winter supplies, jars of lingonberries stand out for their elegance. Soaked, canned or simply ground with sugar, lingonberries are guaranteed to last until the next hunting season. Every day it will become tastier and tastier - this is another of its pleasant features.

Soaked lingonberries

A simple way to preserve lingonberries for the winter without refrigeration, proven over centuries, will allow you to prepare a spicy and healthy lingonberry side dish at any time and pamper your household with savory pastries with delicious filling.

Make compotes, jelly, fruit drinks from soaked lingonberries, or simply refresh yourself with a bright red, divinely fragrant drink infused with wild berries.

You will need:

  • 5 kg lingonberries
  • 2.5-2.8 liters of water
  • 500 g sugar (or half a kilo of honey)
  • a pinch of cinnamon or a couple of cloves (optional)
  • salt (on the edge of a knife).

How to do:

  1. Sort through the berries, place in a colander, and rinse.
  2. Transfer the fruits into three-liter jars (up to the shoulders).
  3. Next, bring the water to a boil, add sugar or honey, flavor it with cinnamon and cloves if desired.
  4. Cook until sugar or honey is completely dissolved in water. Let cool.
  5. Pour syrup over berries.
  6. Cover the necks of the jars with gauze and leave them in the room for a couple of days.
  7. We close the jars with nylon lids and place them in a cool place - pickled lingonberries should ideally be stored in the cellar, but a refrigerator shelf will do just fine.

Preserve in syrup

Lingonberries can be preserved like... Make a simple (sugar and water) and fruit filling.

In any case, sugar should be at least 70% of the liquid.

What you need:

  • 5 kilos of lingonberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1.5-1.8 kg of sugar;
  • a glass of lemon juice.

Process step by step:

  1. Boil water, add sugar to it.
  2. Stir. Boil until the sugar crystals dissolve, add lemon juice.
  3. Strain and cool.
  4. Fill the jars with lingonberries and pour in the syrup.
  5. Cover the necks with parchment paper, tie them, and place them in a cool place.

Instead of water, you can use fruit syrup, which is prepared as follows: squeeze the juice from lingonberries, add sugar (1:1) and boil.

With sugar without heat treatment

One of best options preserving vitamins - simply grind lingonberries with sugar and store the preparation in the refrigerator.

This is a vitamin treat pure form Of course, only those with a desperate sweet tooth will like it - too much sugar.

But it cannot be reduced: the fermentation process can occur even in the refrigerator.

But as a filling for pies, everyone will like this sweet preparation.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of lingonberries;
  • 2 kg sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Sort through the berries, place them in a colander, and rinse.
  2. After the water has drained, add sugar to the berries in a bowl.
  3. Mix thoroughly, with force, without fear of crushing.
  4. Dip a tablespoon into boiling water and place the fruit-sugar mixture into jars.
  5. Close the lids and place in the refrigerator.

How to store lingonberries all winter without sugar

Preparing fresh lingonberries without adding sugar at home is possible if you have a freezer or oven. These technologies do an excellent job with the most important task: preserving the natural taste of fruits and their rich beneficial components.


To freeze lingonberries, select the berries: they should be ripe.

Slightly underripe ones are also acceptable, but mercilessly discard overripe, damaged or rotten ones.

It is ideal to put fruits only collected or purchased into the freezer.

In any case, hurry up, not giving the vitamins time to “self-destruct.”

Rinse the berries and dry on a paper towel.

Place the forest wealth in plastic bags or airtight containers and store in the freezer.


Before processing, select ripe berries, discarding crushed and rotten ones. Rinse the fruits and dry.

Place on a baking sheet in one layer and place in the oven (+ 60°C). Stir them periodically.

Seal the dry berries hermetically and place them in a dark, dry place. They should not be stored for more than six months. Better brew vitamin tea more often and improve your health.

Lingonberries do not ripen on their own. You shouldn't expect greenish berries to turn scarlet. Buy only bright fruits.

When purchasing, make sure that the berries are collected in an ecologically clean region. It is capable of intensely absorbing radiation.

The density of lingonberry berries and the acids they contain allow them to be stored for a couple of years with some types of processing. But it's better to empty your stocks before the start of the next season. It will be both tastier and healthier.

Siberians who know a lot about lingonberry intricacies add sour milk, chicory or bread crusts to the water when soaking the berries, and add licorice root. And in Ukraine they soak it together with Antonov apples.

Useful video

How to choose good lingonberries and why they can be stored in water is described in detail in this video: