And girls who want to be treated this way, let them think about it! Maybe they are not at all worthy of such treatment.
While walking with my girlfriend, I noticed that many men do not follow the rules of etiquette towards women at all. Well, not really, but some fairly well-known rules are missing. In the name of male literacy and respect for the fair sex, this post!

1. On the street, a man should walk to the left of the lady. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to salute.

2. It is necessary to support the woman by the elbow if she stumbles or slips. But in a normal situation, the decision to take a man’s arm or not is made by the lady.

3. In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. At the entrance and exit to the room, the gentleman opens the door for the lady, and he himself walks behind her.

5. When going up or down the stairs, a man protects his companion by walking one or two steps behind.

6. A man enters the elevator first, and at the exit from it, a lady should be let in first.

7. A man gets out of the car first and goes around vehicle and opens the door on the passenger side, while helping the woman get out. Provided that the man is driving the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman by the elbow when she sits in the front seat. If a man and a woman are both passengers in a taxi, they are supposed to ride in the back seat. The lady is the first to settle into the salon, the man sits next to him.

8. When entering a room, a man should help a woman take off her outer clothing, and when leaving the room, he should hand her clothes.

9. In society it is also customary not to sit down if ladies are standing (this also applies to public transport).

10.According to etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, the gentleman should arrive a few minutes earlier, because his delay can confuse the lady and put her in an awkward position. In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to warn and apologize for being late.

11. Any woman of any age should be helped to carry large objects and massive bags. This does not include a handbag, a light fur coat or a coat, unless she is unable to carry them herself for health reasons.

For anyone who is seriously thinking about etiquette and wants to make good manners a norm of life, we invite you to watch a series of original broadcasts by etiquette and international protocol expert Ivan Artsishevsky on. Lectures on gallantry and social duties of a man are interesting to listen to due to their rich content: historical excursions, modern facts, life examples. The author touches on daily relevant topics: how to give compliments, apologize, treat smoking in public places, behave in the presence of ladies, elderly people or colleagues

Important mistakes in a man's behavior

The method by contradiction is an excellent technique to quickly learn something good. The purpose of the video is to help avoid behavioral mistakes that men often make in relationships with people. Etiquette and manners play important role, helping you succeed in interviews and be at your best during a date. The video is especially relevant for modern men: recent years face-to-face communication has been greatly affected by the development of email and mobile communications, lowering the level of etiquette when communicating offline.

Business etiquette

In communication ethics, as in life, every little thing can play a big role. Therefore, it is better to always strive for maximum politeness, composure and attention. A lesson on business etiquette is taught by expert Elena Lebedeva, analyzing the dating situation in detail. Colleagues, senior in age or position, men or women - everyone has their own rules, formulations, and sequence of actions.

Appearance etiquette

A suit for a person is half the battle. Compliance with etiquette requires careful attention to the choice of clothing depending on the occasion. It is especially important to follow the dress code when attending business meetings, serious business events, and social events. Politics and business exclude too bold creative manifestations and shocking behavior. The video lesson on wardrobe etiquette contains a set of universal recommendations from a specialist on choosing a suit and the manner of wearing things and accessories.

In order to come across as a gentleman who knows everything about male etiquette, always adhere to the following 14 points.

1. Men on the left

On the street, a man should walk to the left of the lady. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to give a military salute.

2. By the elbow

It is necessary to support a woman by the elbow if she stumbles or slips. But in a normal situation, the decision to take a man’s arm or not is made by the lady.

3. Smoking

In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. Behind the ladies

At the entrance and exit to the room, the gentleman opens the door for the lady, and he himself walks behind her.

5. On the steps

When going up or down the stairs, a man protects his companion by walking one or two steps behind or in front, respectively.

6. Elevator

A man enters the elevator first, and at the exit from it, a lady should be let in first.

7. From the car

The man is the first to get out of the car, he walks around the vehicle and opens the door on the passenger side, while helping the woman get out.

Provided that the man is driving the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman by the elbow when she sits in the front seat.

If a man and a woman are both passengers, they are supposed to ride in the back seat. The lady is the first to settle into the salon, the man sits next to him.


8. Outerwear

When entering a room, a man should help a woman take off her outer clothing, and when leaving the room, he should hand her clothes.

9. Don't sit down

It is also customary in society not to sit down if ladies are standing (this also applies to public transport).

10. Arrive early

According to etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, the gentleman should arrive a few minutes earlier, because his delay can confuse the lady and put her in an awkward position. In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to warn and apologize for being late.

11. Carry a bag

Any woman of any age should be helped to carry large items and massive bags. This does not include a handbag, a light fur coat or a coat, unless she is unable to carry them herself for health reasons.

Etiquette for men - this is a set of certain rules designed to provide a woman with comfort in the presence of a gentleman. After all, any well-mannered man is the embodiment of gallantry and strength.

According to modern rules of etiquette in public places, a man should be located to the left of his lady. Only military personnel who must be saluted are allowed to walk on the right. If a woman slips or stumbles, the gentleman must support her by the elbow. In a calm environment, the right to take a man by the arm remains with the lady.

A true gentleman will never smoke in the presence of a woman unless she gives her consent.

When entering and leaving a room, the gentleman must open the door for the lady, while walking behind her. When going down or up the stairs, a man, as a rule, walks a couple of steps behind, securing his companion. However, the man enters the elevator first, letting the lady go first at the exit.

The man should be the first to get out of the car, while he walks around the vehicle, opens the passenger door and offers the woman his hand.

Upon entering the room, the man helps the woman take off her outerwear, and when leaving the room, he must help the lady get dressed. In addition, in a cultural society it is not customary to sit down in the presence of standing ladies (this also applies to situations in public transport).

According to the rules of etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, it is better to arrive a few minutes earlier, because even a slight delay can put the lady in an awkward position and embarrass her. In unforeseen situations, you must try to warn in advance and be sure to apologize for being late.

Well-mannered man should help any woman, regardless of her age, carry heavy objects. A handbag is not one of them, no matter how large and massive it looks.

Of course, in modern world Relations between women and men have become more free than in previous times. For example, when a gentleman tries to pay a bill at a restaurant or help a woman take off her coat while holding the door, supporters of the feminist movement will call this an affront to equality. That is why a modern gentleman must assess the situation realistically.

There is nothing wrong with women being the first to date or the first to admit their feelings. And now, most often, everyone pays their own restaurant bills.

If during any celebration or festive event a white dance is announced, the man should not refuse the lady.
During a conversation, a well-mannered man will not cross his arms over his chest or keep them in his pockets. In addition, there is no need to twirl various objects in your hands - this is a sign of inattention and disrespect for your interlocutor.

Modern etiquette standards require men to appear in society in appropriate, neat clothing. Moreover, when planning a joint trip to any cultural event, you need to coordinate your outfit with your companion’s outfit in advance in order to look as harmonious as possible.

Men's hairstyle and haircut deserve special attention. Bald patches look ridiculous when they try to disguise them by combing the remaining hair in different directions. Also, do not paint over gray hair.

Any man who follows all the above rules can conquer even the most “unapproachable” hearts or gain authority among friends. The most important thing is to remember that a person who lives by the rules of etiquette is able to achieve modern society much more than without them.

Giving up your seat on public transport to a lady, opening the door for a girl and letting her go ahead is only a small part of the rules of good manners for men. The modern gentleman is not just “dressed to the nines.” It is also accompanied by restraint in emotions, a matching tie and a correctly selected bouquet for your beloved. What else do you need to know to really be, and not be considered, a well-mannered person?

Basic rules of etiquette

If you watch films of the last century about life high society, then you can notice that when a lady enters the room, the male half of those present rise from their chairs or chairs. And only after the woman is invited to sit down and she is comfortable, the rules of etiquette for men allow him to return to his place. In modern society, such a phenomenon is rarely observed, but this is a very indicative sign of a well-mannered person.

Help the lady get out of the car a true gentleman also obliged. He is the first to leave the salon, open the door. This rule must be observed not only by the driver, but also by the man simply accompanying the girl.

When taking a walk with a lady, a young man should walk along left hand from her. And under no circumstances should you smoke, especially strong cigars, if the girl is against it. When entering a room, he must let the lady pass first, carefully opening the door. Climbing the stairs, the young man walks a couple of steps behind, as if protecting his companion. But if you please enter the elevator first, this is what the rules of good manners for men say.

When helping the fair sex, gentlemen should not only carry heavy bags. It is necessary to help take off a coat or fur coat, pull up a chair, ask what the lady wants, and serve if necessary. Such seemingly minor manipulations should not be ignored. They create the overall impression and set the tone for the meeting. And these are also the basic rules of etiquette for men.

At the table

When a large company gathers at the table, it may turn out that nearby right hand, turns out to be an unknown lady. Etiquette for men suggests that, regardless of the degree of acquaintance, it is necessary to look after her, pour drinks, add snacks. If a girl wants to go out, she should get up and help her neighbor get up by moving her chair a little. Upon the lady’s return, the procedure must be repeated exactly the opposite way.

And a few more rules to remember. In a conversation, do not interrupt the lady, nod your head, show interest in the conversation. Keeping your hands in your pockets when communicating with the fair sex is bad form. Use restrained gestures in conversation or lightly hold the lady by the elbow.

We dress according to the rules

The modern gentleman's wardrobe is varied. And the main thing that the rules of etiquette for men say is not a tailcoat and bow tie, but general First- harmony. No messy details. If your choice is a formal suit, pay close attention to the accessories. The tie should fit into the color ensemble. The correct tone for a shirt is a little lighter than a suit, or the ideal option for all occasions is white. Cufflinks and tie clips should not be conspicuous.

Be kind when speaking. Pay attention to the details of information from your meeting partner. Rules of good manners for men, as well as for women, recommend using gestures such as a slight nod of the head, indicating possible agreement, or a handshake, regardless of the gender of the interlocutor. They help to establish contact and win over a person.

And a few more rules for the stronger sex

And some more rules of etiquette for men, if you follow which you will definitely leave only a “gentlemanly” impression of yourself. If you come accompanied by a lady to a party, you should not leave her alone to greet everyone present. If you urgently need to talk to someone, sit the girl down, give her a drink, make sure she doesn't need anything.

Try to show tact and restraint. Even if someone present seemed funny to you, you should not point your finger at him or loudly discuss him appearance. Just like, for example, when you are in the company of a lady, you should not discuss the advantages or disadvantages of another representative of the fair sex. This is bad form!

A little conclusion

Give flowers to girls, but take note that scarlet buds are presented only to loved ones. At least that's what the rules say for men. Most importantly, always remain a gentleman and just a well-mannered person! Good luck!