Pain in the jaw on the right is not necessarily associated with dental diseases, although this is what most people who feel such discomfort will think about. In fact, the causes of such pain can be diseases of the nasopharynx, tongue, gums, nervous system, the muscles of the jaws themselves. These can be inflammatory and infectious diseases, injuries, diseases of the nerves and blood vessels, as well as tumors. We will try to help you decide why exactly the jaw on the right hurts, what to do and which specialist to contact.

A natural difference between traumatic pain will be the presence of injury itself. In this case, the bruise will manifest itself as severe pain, bruising, swelling and will go away on its own in a few days. A sign of a fracture on the right, in addition to pain, bruising and swelling, is a sharp increase in pain when moving the jaw and the inability to open the mouth. If the cause of the pain is a dislocation of the lower jaw on the right, pain is felt in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint and lower jaw. At the same time, it is difficult to close your mouth, and the jaw itself moves to the side. In this case, you need to go to the emergency room.

If it occurs on the right side against a background of high temperature, it is most likely caused by the presence of a purulent focus in this area. If the temperature reaches 40C and above, the pain is pronounced and manifests itself not only in the jaw, but also under it (due to the involvement of the submandibular lymph nodes in the process), and the jaw area itself is significantly swollen, perhaps this purulent inflammation jaw bone - . The cause of such symptoms may also be on the right - a consequence of tonsillitis. You need to contact a surgeon.

The reason why the jaw hurts on the right may be pathological processes in the temporomandibular joint. Aching, constant pain, crunching and noise in the jaw can be a sign of arthrosis, or degenerative damage to the joint. In this case, the pain becomes stronger when moving the jaw (chewing, opening the mouth, closing the jaws), radiating to the ear, and in the morning, stiffness is felt in the joint. (arthritis) is very similar in manifestation to arthrosis, so only a dental specialist can determine the exact cause using x-rays. It will also help determine dysfunction of the right temporomandibular joint caused by malocclusion, inflammation or trauma. In this case, pain occurs when chewing, closing teeth and yawning, often on the forehead, cheek. When you open your mouth forcefully or abruptly, you may hear a clicking sound in the joint.

Chronic jaw pain with right side may indicate the presence of a tumor. Most often the pain is aching, intensifying as you grow. malignant neoplasm. The nature of the tumor, as well as its manifestations, can be different. Therefore, if you have been having pain in your jaw on the right for a long time, and the pain is becoming more severe, there is facial asymmetry, tooth loss or chewing problems, be sure to consult a surgeon.

Teeth located in the right half of the mouth that are affected by pulpitis, as well as periodontitis, can radiate into the jaw. In this case, the main source of pain is in or near the tooth, and the pain itself is provoked by food (sweet, hard, different temperatures). And the dentist will help you.

Burning, drilling, severe pain sharp in nature, radiating to the right jaw, may be a sign of neuralgia trigeminal nerve, namely, its lower branch. Here you need to contact a neurologist.

The cause of pain in the area of ​​the right jaw, or more precisely, along its lower edge, often in the middle with irradiation into the orbit, may be inflammation of the facial artery. This cannot be done without the help of a surgeon.

When a person experiences discomfort or your jaw hurts near your left ear and it hurts to chew, then you should pay attention to the nature of the discomfort. Because this symptom can be caused by existing pathologies or a resulting illness that requires urgent examination and treatment.

It is also necessary to determine whether other symptoms are present.

Reasons for the manifestation of the symptom

In the case when the jaw begins to ache on one side and radiates into the ear, you should speak about the presence of a possible disease:

  • Pathologies of the gums, maxillodental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint.
  • Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses.
  • Inflammatory and infectious process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as the throat.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system of peripheral nature.
  • Inflammation lymph nodes.

Pathologies of the gums, maxillodental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint interfere with the full functioning of the lower jaw on the right and left sides, and also cause discomfort to the ear.

As a rule, jaw problems are solved dentists and surgeons maxillofacial specializations performing surgical treatment, eliminating abscesses, osteomyelitis and phlegmon of the jaw. These complications extending into the ear are noted due to negative influence sick teeth.

Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses arise due to one inflammatory and advanced purulent process, tumors of the cavity of the bone process located behind the ear.

An otolaryngologist deals with this disease.

The inflammatory process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as an infection in the throat, is treated by an ENT doctor.

Problems with the nervous system of a special peripheral nature are provoked by irritation or prolonged inflammation of the nerve ganglia that accumulate the bodies and roots of nerve cells.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the lower jaw occurs simultaneously with the collection of infected lymph from the soft facial tissues, throat, nose and eyes.

It happens that they find themselves cancer cells when malignant formations are in the mucous membranes, soft tissues occipital and facial areas, as well as in the bones.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the absence of deviations from the norm, the lymph nodes are not palpable, do not hurt, and do not cause harm to the ear.

Pain in the jaw on the left and right side

Discomfort in the jaw, depending on its location, may indicate the presence of various types of illness.

So, under the influence of diseases, it begins to hurt with:

  1. Left side.
  2. Right side.

Pain in the jaw on the left indicates the presence conditions of angina or heart attack. Because as a result of this type of pathology, blood circulation in the heart vessels is disrupted, which can cause pain behind the sternum and in the center of the chest. And in some cases the pain radiates to the jaw on the left side.

Usually the right side of the jaw and ear begins to hurt due to the influence of infections and inflammatory processes or neoplasms. An exception may be an injury characterized by pain, bruising and swelling, which makes it difficult to open the mouth freely.

When an increase in body temperature appears and the jaw on the right begins to ache, then we should talk about the presence of a purulent area, caused by polio as a complication of tonsillitis or an illness of the lymph nodes of the submandibular nodes.

When the jaw hurts constantly, and the sensations have pulling properties, we should talk about the manifestation of formations.

Oncological factor

Pain on the right side of the jaw may occur due to malignant bone formation or osteogenic sarcoma.

Before the main symptoms appear, the sensitivity of the nerve processes decreases, and significant numbness is noted. As this disease progresses, the jaw bones and joints begin to ache with numbness.

A person may be in pain due to the presence of a benign tumor - atheroma. It is caused by one lump near the ear, or rather, behind it. This fact occurs due to the growth of the lymph node and, at the time of palpation, resembles a moving ball with a dense structure.

In most cases, the formation does not pose a threat, but at the same time it can become inflamed, painful and fester.

This effect is demonstrated by intense long-term pain near the ear, deterioration of the patient’s general condition - fever and headache.

Mostly skin near the lymph node becomes red and, in the absence of adequate treatment, the infection from the pus can spread throughout the body, causing blood poisoning.

When a patient experiences discomfort in a lump, otitis media is often diagnosed - a process of inflammation of the outer or inner ear. In this case, there is a need to see an otolaryngologist.

Pain while chewing

When your jaw begins to hurt when chewing or opening your mouth, you need to think about the possibility of jaw dislocation or the presence of a disease such as osteomyelitis.

Other ailments with similar symptoms include:

  • Periodontitis.
  • Caries accompanied by inflammation of the nerve ending.
  • Pulp damage.

As a rule, a person begins to experience a throbbing jaw ache with an increase in sensations at night.

Methods for solving the problem

When installed the real reason pain in the jaw near the ear on the right or left side, the doctor prescribes treatment appropriate to the specific case.

For example, with the identification of the following diseases and the action of certain factors:

  • Cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis.
  • Pain from wearing leveling braces.
  • Problematic wisdom tooth.
  • Pain resulting from wearing dentures.

When diagnosing a cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis, the necessary surgery. Several days after the operation, during which source of pain eliminated, and the discomfort should completely disappear simultaneously with the healing of the surgical wound.

Pain in the jaw and ear that occurs from wearing leveling braces is considered normal until a certain time, because correcting the bite should be accompanied by pain in the jaw and near the ear. In this case, the dentist can only slightly loosen or tighten the locks and prescribe painkillers to relieve the symptom.

The patient has to wait until the alignment process is completely completed.

In a situation in which a wisdom tooth has moved to the side or inward as it grows, it is customary to remove it. And if this is not done, then in the future he will embarrass adjacent teeth And injure soft tissue, which will lead to increased pain.

The removal operation is performed under local anesthesia. After its implementation, as a rule, there are no complications if you follow the doctor’s recommendations.

In cases where the jaw and the area near the ear begins to hurt due to wearing dentures, the doctor makes the required adjustment. You should not endure the pain, because in any case it is important to visit the dentist from time to time for examination and appropriate therapy.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Which doctor should I contact for jaw pain?

Jaw pain may be due various diseases, treatment and diagnosis of which fall within the competence of doctors of various specialties, as a result of which, when this occurs, symptom It turns out that it is necessary to contact different doctors. In each specific case, in order to understand which doctor to contact, one should take into account other symptoms, in addition to pain in the jaw, since it is on their basis that one can suspect a certain disease and, in accordance with this, decide on a specialist involved in its diagnosis and treatment.

Firstly, you need to know that if, after any injury to the jaw (blow, bruise, heavy object falling on the face, etc.), blue circles around the eyes (“glasses”) appear simultaneously with pain, or blood or clear liquid is released from the ears , then a basal skull fracture, brain contusion, or other severe damage to the central nervous system is suspected. In this case, you must immediately call " Ambulance"or use your own transport to get to the nearest hospital.

Secondly, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if severe pain in the lower jaw on the left appears suddenly, is combined with shortness of breath, cold sweat, a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart, possibly radiating to left hand, scapula or collarbone, since such symptoms may indicate an atypical course of myocardial infarction.

If pain in the jaw occurs in people who wear any orthodontic structures (braces, plates, dentures, dentures, etc.), then it is necessary to contact dentist (make an appointment) (orthodontist (make an appointment) or prosthetist (sign up)), who will examine the patient and adjust the prostheses so that they no longer cause pain. After all, the cause of pain when wearing orthodontic structures may be their poor fit, too fast tightening of braces, etc., which provokes strong pressure on the tissues oral cavity, teeth and bones, thereby causing pain in the jaw.

If a person is only bothered by pain in the jaw without any other accompanying symptoms and at the same time he has malocclusion, then you need to contact an orthodontist who corrects improper teeth alignment.

If pain in the jaw appears as a result of injury (blow, bruise, fall on the face, etc.), is combined with bruising and swelling, possibly intensifies when moving the jaw, and sometimes prevents you from opening your mouth, then this indicates a bruise or fracture of the jaw. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact a dental surgeon as soon as possible or maxillofacial surgeon (make an appointment). If doctors of these specialties cannot be visited in the next few hours, then you can contact traumatologist (make an appointment) to the emergency room on duty.

If pain in the lower jaw appears as a result of a sharp and wide opening of the mouth or high physical activity on the jaw (for example, opening a bottle with the teeth, etc.), as a result of which the jaw has moved forward or shifted to the side, the mouth has become impossible to close, then a dislocation of the lower jaw is suspected, and in this case, it is necessary to contact a dental surgeon or traumatologist

When severe pain in the upper or lower jaw is combined with pain under the jaw, high body temperature, severe swelling in the area of ​​pain, soreness and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes, then osteomyelitis of the jaw bones, abscess or phlegmon of the oral cavity is suspected. In this case, you need to contact either a dental surgeon, or a maxillofacial surgeon, or a traumatologist.

If pain in the jaw is caused by a boil visible on the face, then you should contact either a maxillofacial surgeon or a general surgeon (make an appointment) in order to open the abscess, but you can also go to dermatologist (make an appointment) who will hold drug treatment boil.

When a person is bothered by pain in the jaw in the ear area or simultaneous pain in the jaw and ear, sometimes radiating to the temple, cheek and forehead, combined with crunching, clicking or other noises when moving the jaws, pain when opening the mouth strongly, chewing, yawning, then it is suspected disease of the temporomandibular joint (arthritis, arthrosis, dysfunction). In this case, you need to contact a dentist who diagnoses and treats these diseases.

If a person is bothered by chronic, long-lasting pain in the jaw, which intensifies over time or when palpating the face, combined with pain and difficulty chewing and sometimes tooth loss, then a malignant tumor is suspected. In this case, you must contact oncologist (make an appointment).

If a person is bothered by chronic, long-lasting pain in the jaw, which is combined with pain or discomfort when chewing, and over time leading to visible asymmetry of the face, then a benign tumor is suspected. In this case, you need to contact a dental surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon.

When a person is bothered by pain in the jaw, combined with pain in the teeth of any degree of intensity, then pathology of the teeth or surrounding tissues is suspected. In this case, you need to contact a dentist.

If pain in the jaw intensifies or manifests itself when chewing hard, rough food, combined with redness and swelling of the gums, then gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is diagnosed. In this case, you need to contact a dentist.

If pain in the jaws is combined with symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia (burning sharp paroxysmal pain in the jaw on one side, attacks mainly at night), the superior laryngeal nerve (severe pain under the jaw on the right or left, spreading to the face and chest, combined with cough, hiccups and drooling) or glossopharyngeal nerve (pain is localized in the tongue, spreads from the lower jaw, pharynx, larynx, face, chest, provoked by conversation, eating, last several minutes; during a painful attack, the mouth is dry, but at the end of it saliva is released profusely), then you need to contact neurologist (make an appointment).

When burning pain is felt in the jaw, localized either along the lower edge of the lower jaw from the corner to the chin, or along the upper jaw in the area upper lip and wings of the nose extending into the eye, then arteritis of the facial artery is suspected. In this case, you must contact rheumatologist (make an appointment), since the disease refers to a variant of systemic vasculitis, and not a pathology cardiovascular system. That is why you should not contact cardiologist (make an appointment) or therapist (make an appointment), and to a rheumatologist involved in the treatment and diagnosis of systemic pathologies of blood vessels, connective tissue, etc.

When pain is localized in the lower jaw, under the lower jaw, in the neck, teeth and ear on one side (right or left), then a lesion is suspected carotid artery, which is considered as one of the types of migraine, which means that in this case it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

If suddenly acute pain occurs under the lower jaw in combination with high temperature body, weakness and malaise, then we are talking about acute lymphadenitis. If, after untreated acute lymphadenitis, a person is bothered by periodic pain under the lower jaw in combination with a dense, enlarged and easily palpable lymph node, then chronic lymphadenitis is suspected. In both cases (both chronic and acute lymphadenitis), it is necessary to contact phlebologist (make an appointment) or vascular surgeon (make an appointment).

If a person is bothered by periodic attacks of severe pain in the tongue, radiating to the lower jaw, not combined with other symptoms, provoked by a long conversation, chewing solid food, eating irritating foods (sour, spicy, hot, etc.), or there is a strong pain under the lower jaw, combined with thickening and redness of the tongue (the color becomes bright red), then glossalgia or glossitis is suspected, respectively. In this case, you need to contact your dentist.

If a person is bothered by pain under the lower jaw, which can be combined with swelling under the lower jaw on the right or left, an unpleasant odor in the mouth, elevated temperature body, malaise, then a disease of the salivary gland (sialoliths, sialadenitis) is suspected. In this case, you need to contact your dentist.

If a person is bothered by pain localized simultaneously under the lower jaw and in the throat, combined with sore throat, redness of the throat, high body temperature, possibly cough and other symptoms of a cold infection, then pharyngitis or sore throat is suspected. In this case, you must contact otolaryngologist (make an appointment).

You should also contact an otolaryngologist if a person is bothered by pain in the upper jaw on the right or left (rarely on both sides), combined with nasal congestion, periodic discharge large quantity snot, swelling in the upper jaw with pain, elevated body temperature and general malaise, since such symptoms indicate sinusitis.

If an adult or child experiences pain in the jaw area, which is combined with severe swelling in the neck and lower limit cheeks, elevated body temperature and malaise, then mumps is suspected. In this case, you must contact infectious disease doctor (make an appointment).

If a person is bothered by pain in the lower jaw, ear and chest that increases over time, combined with a feeling of a “lump” or foreign body in the throat, sore throat, cough, voice disturbance, then a tumor of the larynx is suspected. In this case, you need to contact an oncologist. You should also contact an oncologist if, for a long time, a person has been bothered by mild pain in the upper jaw on the right or left, combined with nasal congestion and purulent or bloody discharge from the nose, since such symptoms may indicate a malignant tumor in the maxillary sinuses.

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for jaw pain?

Because jaw pain is caused by various diseases and conditions, the doctor, in the presence of this symptom, can prescribe various tests and examinations that he considers necessary to identify the disease, manifested by pain in the jaw. And the doctor suspects a disease that has caused pain in the jaw, based on all the symptoms the person has. Thus, the list of tests and examinations for jaw pain in each case is determined by what other associated symptoms are available to humans. Below we will indicate what tests and examinations a specialist doctor may prescribe for pain in the jaw area, depending on other accompanying symptoms.

When pain in the jaw bothers a person wearing orthodontic structures (braces, dentures, etc.), the dentist performs an examination and prescribes a panoramic photograph of the jaw and dentition ( orthopantomogram (sign up)), to assess the condition of tissues and the presence of pathological processes in them. If the orthopantomogram does not reveal pathologies, then the pain is considered to be caused by the strong pressure of the orthodontic structures on the tissue, and in this case, to alleviate it, either the prosthesis is adjusted or the degree of pressure of the braces/plates on the teeth is reduced.

When pain in the jaw without any other accompanying symptoms bothers a person with malocclusion, the doctor usually performs an examination and special tests to ensure that the teeth are aligned correctly, and also prescribes an orthopantomogram. Based on the examination results, treatment is prescribed, which consists of straightening the dentition and correcting the bite.

When pain in the jaw appears after a traumatic impact in the facial area (blow, fall, bruise, etc.), is combined with bruising and swelling in the area of ​​injury, possibly intensifies when moving the jaw, does not allow you to open your mouth, then the doctor suspects a bruise or fracture jaws, and in this case prescribes and performs the following examinations:

  • X-ray of bones (sign up) jaws in several positions;
  • Feeling the bones of the upper and lower jaw (by touch, the doctor detects unevenness or retraction of the bone in the area of ​​the fracture, but with a bruise there are no such unevennesses);
  • Light pressure on the chin and on the corners of the jaw on the right and left (in this case, the pain increases with a fracture of the jaw, but not with a bruise);
  • A spatula is placed on the chewing surfaces of the lower teeth, the patient is asked to close his teeth and the part of the instrument protruding from the mouth is lightly tapped (in case of a jaw fracture, pain occurs at the site of the bone break, and in case of a bruise it remains in the same place where it was felt);
  • The doctor inserts his fingers into the external auditory canal and asks him to move his jaws (with a bruise, you can feel the movement of the heads of the bones, but not with a fracture).
Despite the fact that a fracture and bruise can be diagnosed based on an examination by a doctor, the most accurate and informative method of diagnosis, which is always prescribed by doctors, has been and remains x-ray (sign up). Therefore, if a doctor suspects a bruise or fracture of the jaw, he may not conduct manual examinations, but he will definitely order an x-ray.

When pain in the lower jaw appears after a strong load on the jaw (for example, opening a bottle with teeth, etc.), is combined with the jaw moving forward or shifting it to the side, with an open mouth that cannot be closed, the doctor suspects a dislocation of the lower jaw, and in In this case, he first performs an examination, after which he prescribes an x-ray or computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint (make an appointment). You need to know that one study is prescribed - either x-ray or tomography, since they provide the same data, and therefore it is not advisable to use both methods. In principle, the diagnosis of dislocation is made on the basis of examination, and x-rays or tomography are prescribed to clarify the position of the bone heads and distinguish the pathology from a fracture of the condylar process.

When pain in the jaw is caused by a boil visible on the skin of the face, the doctor removes it, and usually does not prescribe any tests, since the diagnosis is already obvious. However, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe general analysis blood (sign up) to assess the condition of the body as a whole. After removing the boil, the doctor prescribes bacteriological culture (sign up) pus released from it in order to identify the microbe that has become the causative agent of the infectious-inflammatory process. If boils appear frequently, the doctor will prescribe a the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • General urine test;
  • Blood sugar test;
  • Bacteriological culture of urine (sign up);
  • Blood culture for sterility;
  • Pharyngoscopy (sign up);
  • Rhinoscopy (sign up);
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (sign up);
  • Fluorography (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity(sign up) And kidney (sign up).
When the pain in the lower or upper jaw is severe, combined with pain under the jaw, high fever, swelling in the area of ​​pain, enlargement and tenderness of the lymph nodes, then the doctor suspects osteomyelitis of the jaw bones, an abscess or phlegmon of the oral cavity, and in this case it is imperative, first turn, performs an inspection. If we are talking about an abscess, then it is visible to the eye, as a result of which others additional methods is not required for its diagnosis, so they are not prescribed. Accordingly, after identifying an abscess, the doctor immediately begins to treat it (opens the abscess, releases pus, washes the cavity, etc.). Phlegmon of the perimaxillary tissues is also diagnosed based on a survey and examination of the patient, but sometimes to confirm it, the doctor performs a puncture of the swollen and painful area. If, during a puncture, purulent contents with blood are poured out of the tissues, then the phlegmon is considered confirmed, and other methods for identifying it are not prescribed, and the doctor immediately begins its treatment. However, before starting treatment for both abscess and phlegmon, the doctor may prescribe a general blood test in order to assess the severity of the inflammatory process and its effect on the body as a whole. Purulent discharge from an abscess and phlegmon is necessarily sent to a bacteriological laboratory for culture in order to determine the microbe that causes the infectious-inflammatory process.

If during the examination and puncture the doctor did not diagnose an abscess or phlegmon, then osteomyelitis of the jaw bones is suspected, and in this case, the following tests and examinations are prescribed to confirm it:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (sign up)(total protein, protein fractions, urea, creatinine, bilirubin (sign up), cholesterol, AST, ALT, amylase, etc.);
  • General urine test;
  • Bacteriological culture of discharge from the inflammation site;
  • X-ray of jaw bones;
  • Tomography of the jaw bones;
  • Probing of fistulas (if any).
Blood and urine tests are mandatory, as they allow us to evaluate general condition body. A bacteriological culture of the separated focus of inflammation is also prescribed in order to determine the microbe that causes the infectious process. Either an x-ray or computed tomography is required, depending on the capabilities of the medical institution. If there is a choice, then tomography is preferable, as it provides more detailed information about the condition of bones, teeth and surrounding tissues. If there are fistula tracts, the doctor probes them to determine the length of the fistula, its origin, its connection to the bone, etc.

If a person suffers from pain in the jaw near the ear or from simultaneous pain in the jaw and ear, sometimes spreading to the temple, cheek or forehead, combined with crunching, clicking or other noises when moving the jaws, pain when opening the mouth too much, chewing, yawning, then the doctor suspects a pathology of the temporomandibular joint (arthritis, arthrosis, dysfunction), and in this case prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • X-ray of the temporomandibular joint (make an appointment);
  • Computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Cone beam computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Diagnostic jaw model;
  • Arthrography of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Orthopantomogram of the jaw;
  • Electromyography (sign up);
  • Rheography (sign up);
  • Arthrophonography;
  • Axiography;
  • Gnathography;
  • Ultrasound of the temporomandibular joint (make an appointment);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint area (sign up);
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels (sign up) jaws;
  • Rheoarthrography of vessels;
  • Blood test for infectious agents (sign up) ELISA methods and PCR (sign up).
Of course, the doctor does not prescribe all of the above studies at once, but carries them out in stages. The priority ones are executed first, and then the additional ones. Additional examinations are carried out only if there is insufficient information content of the priority ones. So, first of all, if a pathology of the temporomandibular joint is suspected, the doctor prescribes an x-ray. If the healthcare institution has the appropriate equipment, then X-rays are replaced with computed tomography or cone-beam computed tomography. X-rays and tomography are not prescribed at the same time, since these studies mainly duplicate each other, but tomography allows one to obtain a slightly wider range of information compared to X-rays. Based on the results of an x-ray or tomography, arthritis of the temporomandibular joint is accurately and unambiguously diagnosed. And if arthritis is detected after an x-ray/tomography, the doctor completes the examination and does not prescribe others instrumental examinations. However, if there is a suspicion of specific arthritis provoked by any systemic infectious disease, then the doctor prescribes a blood test using PCR or ELISA to identify the pathogenic microbe in the body.

Further, if the results of the x-ray/tomography did not reveal signs of arthritis, then the doctor, based on the data from the study, examination and questioning of the patient, is inclined to suspect arthrosis or dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. If arthrosis is suspected, a model of the jaws is made to study occlusal contacts. Data from tomography, examination, questioning and a model of the jaws are usually sufficient to make a diagnosis of arthrosis. But if it is necessary to obtain more detailed data on the condition of the joint, then arthrography and orthopantomogram are additionally prescribed to assess the activity of chewing and temporal muscles Electromyography is additionally performed. And if you need to assess the functional activity of a joint, then rheography, arthrophonography, axiography, and gnathography are prescribed as additional examination methods.

When, based on the results of X-ray/tomography and examination and interview data, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is suspected, then an orthopantomogram is prescribed for its final diagnosis, Ultrasound (sign up) and production of a diagnostic model of the jaw. The results of ultrasound, X-ray, tomography, ultrasonography and experiments with a diagnostic model of the jaws are sufficient for an accurate diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. But if there is damage to the soft tissues near the joint, then additional Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up). In addition, if you need to assess the state of blood flow in the joint and adjacent tissues, then Dopplerography (sign up) or rheoarthrography. And if it is necessary to assess the functional viability of the joint, electromyography, arthrophonography, and gnathography are prescribed.

If a person is bothered by constant, persistent pain in the jaw area that does not go away for a long time, combined with pain and difficulty chewing, then a benign or malignant tumor, and in this case, the doctor must prescribe an x-ray, tomography (computed or magnetic resonance) and ultrasound to identify the location and size of the tumor, but most importantly, it is prescribed biopsy (sign up) with histological examination. It is the result of histology that gives the final conclusion whether a tumor in a person is benign or malignant. In addition to methods for identifying the location and size of the tumor, as well as the nature of its growth (malignant/benign), if a tumor is suspected, the doctor may prescribe widest spectrum various tests that seem necessary to him to assess the state of the body in general.

If pain in the jaw is combined with pain in the teeth of any intensity and duration, then the doctor suspects some kind of disease of the teeth or surrounding tissues. In such cases, the dentist performs, first of all, an examination, and it is on the basis of his data that he makes a diagnosis (for example, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, tooth trauma, etc.). Further, if pulpitis, limited osteomyelitis, tooth trauma or periodontal abscess are detected, the doctor prescribes an x-ray to assess the extent and depth of tissue damage. In addition, in case of limited osteomyelitis, tooth trauma or periodontal abscess, a general blood test is prescribed to assess the condition of the body as a whole and bacteriological culture of pus (if any) to identify the microbe that causes the infectious-inflammatory process.

When pain in the jaw appears or intensifies when chewing rough and hard food, and is combined with redness and swelling of the gums, the doctor, based on examination, diagnoses gingivitis. In this case, additional examinations are not needed to diagnose the disease, so they are not prescribed or carried out.

When there is a suspicion that pain in the jaw is caused by neuralgia of various nerves, such as trigeminal (attacks of burning, sharp, boring pain in the jaw on the right or left, occurring mainly at night), superior laryngeal (severe pain under the jaw on the right or left, radiating from the face and chest, combined with cough, hiccups and drooling) and glossopharyngeal (short-term (up to three minutes) attacks of pain are caused by talking or eating, and the pain is localized in the tongue, spreading to the lower jaw, pharynx, larynx, face, chest, dryness in the mouth during pain, and strong salivation appears after pain relief), then the neurologist performs a thorough examination and also conducts special neurological tests, asking the patient to take one or another position, perform one or another action etc.

Further, based on how the patient can perform various movements, how successful they are, the doctor makes a conclusion about what kind of nerve disease is occurring and which nerve is affected. In principle, the diagnosis is limited to these specific neurological tests and examination data. No instrumental or laboratory tests are used to diagnose neuralgia, since this is not necessary. But to find out the cause of neuralgia, the doctor may prescribe a tomography ( computer (sign up) or magnetic resonance imaging (sign up)) of the brain, and if it is impossible to perform, then echoencephalography (sign up), electroencephalography (sign up) And fundus examination (make an appointment).

If you experience burning pain either along the lower edge of the lower jaw from the corner to the chin, or along the upper jaw in the area of ​​the upper lip and wings of the nose, extending into the eyes, then arteritis of the facial artery is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins, bilirubin, AST, ALT, amylase, lipase, etc.);
  • Fundus examination;
  • Visual acuity test (sign up);
  • Artery biopsy;
  • Dopplerography of neck vessels (sign up), brain (sign up), eye;
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels (sign up);
All of the above examinations are usually prescribed, as they are necessary to make a diagnosis, as well as to assess the degree of vascular disorders in the vessels supplying the brain, eyes, and soft tissues of the skull.

If pain is felt in the area of ​​the lower jaw and under it, also in the neck, teeth, ear on one side (right or left), combined with intolerance to light, noise, nausea or vomiting, then the doctor conducts a thorough questioning and examination, based on which diagnoses carotid artery damage (a type of migraine). However, in order to exclude pathologies of blood vessels and brain, the doctor prescribes the following studies:

  • Electroencephalography;
  • Echoencephalography;
  • Rheoencephalography (sign up);
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the head (sign up);
  • Fundus examination;
  • Determination of visual fields (sign up);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and cerebral vessels.
Usually all of the above studies are prescribed, except tomography, as they are necessary to exclude or identify organic pathology of the brain and cerebral vessels (tumors, vascular atherosclerosis, etc.). And tomography is prescribed only in cases of questionable or insufficient data from previous studies.

When a person experiences sudden acute pain under the lower jaw, combined with elevated body temperature, weakness and malaise, the doctor suspects acute lymphadenitis, and in this case prescribes a general blood test, a general urinalysis, as well as a puncture of the lymph node with subsequent bacteriological culture of its contents to determine the causative microbe that caused inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes. If the doctor suspects damage to the lymphatic vessels as well, then additionally, for a comprehensive examination of the condition of the area lymphatic system, may prescribe Dopplerography of lymph vessels, lymphoscintigraphy, contrast lymphography and tomography of the affected area.

When after the episode feeling unwell with pain under the lower jaw, a person is bothered by dense, enlarged, easily palpable, periodically painful lymph nodes under the jaw, then the doctor suspects chronic lymphadenitis, and in this case prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Biopsy of the lymph node by puncture followed by histological examination;
  • Bacteriological culture of the contents of the lymph node obtained as a result of puncture;
  • Microscopy of the contents of the lymph node obtained as a result of puncture;
  • Mantoux test (sign up) and Pirke;
  • Chest X-ray (make an appointment), neck (sign up), submandibular, axillary and groin areas;
  • Dopplerography of lymphatic vessels;
  • Lymphoscintigraphy;
  • X-ray contrast lymphography;
  • Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging) of the affected area.
First of all, a puncture of the lymph node is prescribed with the collection of its contents. Next, the contents obtained during the puncture are inoculated onto nutrient media in order to identify the microbe that causes the infectious-inflammatory process. Also, in order to identify the causative agent of the infection, an examination under a microscope of the contents of the lymph node is required. In addition, a lymph node biopsy is submitted for histological examination, which is necessary to distinguish lymphadenitis from a tumor or metastases to the lymph node.

When, based on the results of histology, microscopy and bacteriological culture, lymphadenitis is detected and the causative agent of the infectious-inflammatory process is identified, the doctor can begin treatment. However, if the results of microscopy and bacteriological culture reveal Koch's bacilli (the causative agent of tuberculosis) or Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis), then additional examinations are prescribed to diagnose tuberculosis or syphilis. Thus, if tuberculosis is suspected, Mantoux and Pirquet tests are prescribed, as well as X-ray of the lungs (sign up), neck, submandibular, axillary, inguinal areas. If syphilis is suspected, detection of antibodies to treponema in the blood using ELISA and MRP methods is prescribed.

After the diagnosis is finally made and the causative agent of the infection is identified, the doctor may additionally prescribe Dopplerography of the lymphatic vessels, lymphoscintigraphy, contrast lymphography and tomography of the affected area to assess the state of the lymphatic system.

When there are periodic attacks of pain in the tongue, radiating to the lower jaw, which are not combined with other symptoms, but are caused by a long conversation, chewing solid food, eating irritating foods (sour, spicy, hot, etc.), the doctor suspects glossalgia, and in this case, a thorough examination and interview is carried out to make a diagnosis. It is being determined whether the cause of the pain syndrome could be malocclusion (detected by examination), neuritis or neuralgia (neurological tests are carried out to identify them, which involve performing certain movements), osteochondrosis cervical spine spine (an x-ray is prescribed to identify it), injuries (detected by examination). When all specified possible reasons pain in the tongue and jaw are excluded, the doctor conducts a test for the intensity of pain - to do this, he runs a finger or instrument over the tongue, which in case of glossalgia causes very severe pain. The result of such a test, when the intensity of pain clearly does not correspond to the applied irritation, is considered the main sign of glossalgia.

When a person is bothered by severe pain under the lower jaw, and the tongue is thick and bright red, the doctor suspects glossitis and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test;
  • Saliva analysis;
  • Scraping from the tongue for Treponema pallidum;
  • Cytological examination of scrapings from the tongue;
  • Bacteriological culture of scrapings from the tongue;
  • Ultrasound of organs digestive tract;
  • Gastroscopy (sign up);
  • Colonoscopy (make an appointment).
General and biochemical analysis blood samples, saliva tests, which allow assessing the condition of the body, identifying the presence of an inflammatory process, etc. In addition, first of all, the doctor also prescribes bacteriological culture, cytological examination and analysis of scrapings from the tongue for Treponema pallidum, which are necessary to identify the microbe that causes the infectious-inflammatory process. If bacteriological culture allows us to identify the causative agent of the infection, according to the results of cytology there are no pathologies of the digestive tract, and the analysis of scrapings from the tongue for Treponema pallidum is negative, then the examination ends here. But if, based on the results of cytology of scrapings from the tongue, the doctor suspects a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then ultrasound, gastroscopy, and colonoscopy are additionally prescribed to identify it. If the scraping was found treponema pallidum, then it is additionally assigned blood test for syphilis (MRP, RPR test) (sign up). And if the results of bacteriological culture yield questionable data, then to identify the causative agent of the tongue infection, the doctor may prescribe an analysis to detect microbes or antibodies to them in the blood using PCR or ELISA methods.

When there is not too intense pain under the lower jaw, combined with swelling under the jaw on the right or left, bad breath, then salivary stone disease is suspected, and to diagnose it, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • X-ray of the salivary gland with contrast agent or without it;
  • Ultrasound of the salivary glands;
  • Computed tomography of the salivary gland;
  • Sialoscintigraphy;
  • Sialometry;
  • Biochemical analysis of saliva with measurement of its acidity.
To diagnose salivary stone disease, the doctor must prescribe an x-ray and ultrasound of the salivary glands, which can identify the pathology in the vast majority of cases. Also, sialometry is mandatory to assess the functional activity of the gland, and a biochemical analysis of saliva with acidity measurement is prescribed to identify the properties of saliva. This usually completes the examination, but in difficult cases, when the results of ultrasound and x-ray do not allow a confident diagnosis of salivary stone disease, tomography and scintigraphy of the salivary gland are prescribed as additional examination methods.

When severe pain appears under the lower jaw, combined with elevated body temperature and general malaise, sialadenitis is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Analysis of salivary gland secretions for pathogenic microbes using PCR;
  • Blood test for antibodies (sign up) to pathogenic microbes using ELISA;
  • Biochemical study of salivary gland secretions;
  • Cytological examination of salivary gland discharge;
  • Microbiological examination of salivary gland secretions;
  • Biopsy of the salivary gland with histological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the salivary gland;
  • X-ray of the salivary gland;
  • Salivary gland scintigraphy;
  • Tomography of the salivary gland;
  • Sialometry.
Without fail, first of all, to identify the causative agent of the inflammatory process and assess the degree of its activity, the doctor prescribes an analysis of the discharge for pathogenic microbes using the PCR method, as well as a biochemical, cytological, microbiological study of the discharge of the gland. In order to identify pathological changes in the tissues of the gland, a biopsy with histology is prescribed. Then, to assess the condition and position of the gland, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound and x-ray, and if their data was not enough, then an additional tomography. To assess the functional activity of the gland, the doctor prescribes either sialometry or scintigraphy.

When there is pain felt simultaneously in the throat and under the lower jaw, combined with soreness, redness of the throat, high body temperature, possibly a cough and other symptoms of a cold infection, then pharyngitis or sore throat is suspected. In this case, the doctor, first of all, examines the throat and pharyngoscopy. Based on the results of the examination and pharyngoscopy, a diagnosis of tonsillitis or pharyngitis is made, and then various examinations are prescribed that are necessary to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process, as well as to assess the condition of the body and the risk of developing complications.

So, in case of pharyngitis, the doctor usually prescribes a pharyngeal swab for virological and bacteriological examination, during which the causative agent of the inflammatory process is determined. If frequent and long-term pharyngitis occurs, the doctor may prescribe blood test to determine the presence of antibodies to chlamydia (sign up)(Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydia pneumonia), since these microorganisms can provoke chronic, difficult-to-treat pharyngitis.

If, as a result of examination and pharyngoscopy, a sore throat is detected, then the doctor prescribes a general blood test, a general urine test, bacteriological culture of a throat smear, and also blood test for ASL-O titer (sign up), on C-reactive protein, biochemical blood test (urea, creatinine). A general blood test and an analysis for C-reactive protein are necessary to assess the activity and severity of the inflammatory process, a general urine test and a biochemical blood test make it possible to determine whether a sore throat has caused complications in the kidneys, bacteriological culture of a throat smear makes it possible to identify the causative agent of the infection, and the analysis blood test for ASL-O titer answers only one question - is sore throat caused by streptococci.

If there is pain in the upper jaw on the right or left (sometimes on both sides), which is combined with swelling in the jaw area on the side of the pain, nasal congestion, periodic discharge of a large amount of snot, general malaise and elevated body temperature, then sinusitis is suspected. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses;
  • Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses (sign up);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the paranasal sinuses (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses (sign up);
  • Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain.
Usually, a complete blood count and x-ray are ordered first. If medical institution has such an opportunity, then the X-ray is replaced with a computed tomography, but both of these studies are not prescribed at the same time, since they provide essentially the same information, it’s just that the tomography allows you to get a little more data than the X-ray. As a rule, the results of a general blood test and x-ray/tomography are sufficient to make a diagnosis, so in most cases this is where the examination ends. But if the results of the x-ray/tomography turned out to be insufficiently informative, and the doctor has doubts, then to clarify, he can prescribe either an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging. If, based on the results of the examination, the doctor suspects complications of sinusitis, then a brain tomography is prescribed.

When an adult or child experiences pain in the jaw area in combination with severe, visible swelling at the border of the lower cheek and neck, general malaise and elevated body temperature, the doctor, based on the characteristic symptoms, diagnoses mumps (mumps). As a rule, only a general blood and urine test is prescribed to assess the condition of the body as a whole, and doctors do not use any tests to diagnose the mumps itself, since, firstly, the currently available methods are not very informative, and secondly, the diagnosis and so obvious based on the characteristic symptoms. However, if the doctor has doubts, he can prescribe a blood test for antibodies to the mumps virus using ELISA, RSK or RTGA, as well as an analysis for amylase activity in the blood and urine.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Among the people, an articular organ consisting of the lower and upper jaw, connected temporomandibular joint called the "jaw". People often turn to dentists because of characteristic pain, crunching in this area. Pathology occurs for many reasons; it is important to identify them in time and cope with the problems.

Pain accompanies the patient while chewing food as a result of jaw movement and pressure on it. Unpleasant sensations are most often localized on the left or right side, less often - on both at the same time. The process cannot be started; the lack of proper treatment is fraught with serious complications.

Causes of pain

Don't underestimate the problem be sure to visit the dentist. Sometimes pain in the jaw area signals the progression of serious illnesses, requiring the attention of a specialist.

Correctly identifying a specific illness that results in pain in the jaw obliges the doctor to find the cause of the pathology. Accurate diagnosis and the help of a qualified doctor are the key to a positive disease outcome, the risk of complications is minimized.

Reasons acute pain quite a lot, for convenience, doctors divided them into several groups, according to the main diagnostic criterion. Thanks to the classification, you will quickly understand the possible factors that influenced the development of the pathology. Clear clinical picture facilitates diagnosis and speeds up the treatment process. The following groups are considered the most common causes of pain in the jaw area.

Various injuries

Mechanical damage is easily confused with manifestations of other diseases. Injury can be determined in the presence of obvious pathology only with the help of a qualified specialist. There are several types of injuries:

  • dislocation– provoked by a sudden movement of the joints;
  • fracture– occurs after a strong mechanical injury, pathology refers to the upper, lower jaw, sometimes to both at once;
  • injury– the damage is not severe enough to cause a fracture, but characteristic symptoms looks like a serious problem.

Look at the review and gums and find out the instructions for use.

What kind of whitening toothpaste better? A list of effective products can be seen on the page.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

  • Osteomyelitis. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process and the appearance of a large amount of pus. Are affected bone tissue, the disease appears as a result of injury, infectious dental disease without proper treatment.
  • Furuncle. Doctors mean a fairly large formation with pus in the soft tissues. Usually the problem is visible immediately, although the center of the boil is under the skin. The formation can reach enormous sizes, as a result of which it puts pressure on the nerve endings, causing pain.
  • Phlegmon, abscess. Both complications pose a huge danger to human health. An abscess is characterized by a closed focus of inflammation; phlegmon, without proper treatment, spreads further along the blood vessels, affecting more and more new tissues. A mandatory symptom is the appearance of sharp pain in the jaw area.

Important! The above problems require immediate doctor intervention.

Orthodontics and the consequences of wearing braces or dentures

Dental structures for correcting dental problems in most cases cause mild pain when worn. The process is connected with the correction of the bite; roughly speaking, braces and various other devices are designed to change the formed position of the teeth in the jaw.

Before installing dental products, the doctor must warn the patient about possible discomfort. The phenomena are often temporary and are considered the norm. Doctors consider discomfort to be a sign of proper orthodontic installation. The pain appears due to the displacement of the dentition in the desired direction, the correction of the bite; previously this state of affairs was not typical for this person - hence the discomfort.

Similar symptoms accompany the patient immediately after installation of a removable denture. It takes a person a little time to get used to it, after a few weeks the pain subsides, and eventually goes away completely.

Sometimes the cause of jaw pain lies in a congenital disorder of the jaw structure (bad bite). The patient often suffers from discomfort while chewing food. Unpleasant symptoms indicate an urgent need to visit a doctor; only an experienced specialist will carefully study the problem and prescribe an appropriate solution.

It is impossible to correct a malocclusion on your own. None folk remedies will not help solve the problem, visit the dentist in a timely manner to avoid complications.


Tumors can be benign or malignant. Contact a specialist. The pathological process proceeds dimly severe symptoms, which is typical for various formations.

Benign tumors are divided into several groups:

  • osteoma - sharp discomfort appears at the beginning of the appearance of the tumor, as it grows the pain intensifies;
  • adamantioma – pathology provokes a noticeable increase in the size of the jaw, which leads to discomfort during meals. Initially, the symptoms are mild, but the discomfort intensifies over time;
  • osteoblastoclastoma – characterized by an almost asymptomatic course, It's a dull pain Over time, it develops into a thrill that is difficult to endure.

Malignant formations are also divided into several groups. It is impossible to independently distinguish a benign tumor from a “bad” one: the symptoms are too similar. Often the problem is localized in the lower jaw; malignant types include sarcoma, cancer, and osteogenic sarcoma.

Pain near the ear

Painful sensations accompany every meal, and there is a high probability of discomfort in the ear area. Symptoms characteristic of such diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, sometimes the problems are confused with otitis media (inflammation of the ear can radiate to the jaw area).

Painful sensations are a signal to action; advanced cases lead to complete immobilization of the jaw. Diagnosis in such cases is difficult; the doctor performs x-rays to identify the exact cause.


Often discomfort is caused by neuralgic problems. A pinched nerve for any reason leads to pain in the jaw; the pathology manifests itself especially sharply during meals. Damage to the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and superior laryngeal nerves leads to sharp pain, increased salivation, discomfort also manifests itself during yawning and blowing your nose.

Anyway pinching requires immediate intervention. Over time, the pain will increase and irreversible consequences will begin to occur.

Infrequent causes of pain include:

  • bruxism (inability to clench the jaw during sleep; the patient is characterized by grinding, which causes problems with proper bite);
  • advanced caries. The infection spreads in the oral cavity, causing inflammation and pain in the jaw area.


It is often difficult to identify the cause of pain. The patient comes to the doctor with severe discomfort; the course of many ailments is similar in symptoms. Many specialists are involved in making the correct diagnosis: they conduct a thorough examination of the oral cavity, talk with the patient, and carefully study complaints. Additionally, the results of radiography are used, computed tomography, MRI.

Methods and methods of treatment

Each specific ailment requires special approach, the detailed treatment plan depends on individual characteristics the patient's body. Advanced cases require surgical intervention.

In some cases, the problem will disappear after the elimination of dental problems, for example, treatment of caries, correction of bite, replacement of dentures and other useful manipulations. Physiotherapeutic procedures provide excellent results.

Correction of TMJ defects is accompanied by treatment with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medications. It is prohibited to prescribe any medications on your own, Use only medications prescribed by your doctor.

How to relieve the condition at home

Significantly alleviate the condition or completely eliminate it pain syndrome Unconditional adherence to the following rules will help:

  • stop chewing gum;
  • eat exclusively soft foods (soups, various cereals, finely chopped lean meats are excellent);
  • try to strain your jaw as little as possible: do not open your mouth wide;
  • A hot compress relieves pain. Just apply a bottle of warm water to the sore spot, after a few minutes the discomfort will begin to go away;
  • during the inflammatory process hot compress is contraindicated, use cold, no more than 15 minutes. Between treatment procedures, take a break of at least one hour;
  • Decoctions of calendula, nettle, chamomile, and sage will help relieve pain. It is allowed to take mild painkillers (no-spa, Spazmalgon and others);
  • for bruxism, use a special mouth guard; the product protects the teeth from abrasion and relieves pain in the jaw area.

How to remove it from your mouth? Learn effective methods.

Can a tooth hurt after nerve removal? Read the page for details.

Therapeutic gymnastics drives blood into the jaw area and helps reduce pain:

  • Move your jaw from its natural position to the left and right up to 10 times.
  • Place the brush on your jaw and push it away until it stops. Resistance trains muscles, develops them, and relieves pain.

It is advisable to prevent diseases of the maxillofacial system by following a number of simple rules:

  • consult a doctor promptly for treatment of dental problems;
  • the occurrence of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - treatment is mandatory;
  • toughen up, lead healthy image life, increase immunity.

It is important to be careful about your health, non-compliance simple rules leads to frequent pain in the jaw area and other complications. If pathology does manifest itself, immediately visit the dentist’s office; only an experienced specialist will solve the problem.

Video about the causes and methods of treating pain in the jaw joint:

In cases of injury to the lower jaw, the bite and reaction to palpation are initially checked. A visual inspection is carried out for the presence of bruising, swelling, and closed deformities.

TO infectious diseases include: dental abscess, osteomyelitis, actinomycosis. With a dental abscess, hypermia of the mucous membrane and the appearance of a painful neoplasm of a loose structure are observed. In some situations, the disease appears externally on the skin of the lower jaw. The lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and caries appear. Acute osteomyelitis is characterized by problems with swallowing, the mouth is difficult to close due to muscle swelling. As a result, there is pain in the lower jaw, tissue hyperemia, and pain when swallowing. Actinomycosis is characterized by the presence of many passages with greenish-yellow contents located in the lower corner of the jaw.

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is accompanied by spasm masticatory muscles and trismus, in which the jaws close tightly. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain during examination, swelling in the joint, and osteoarthritis limits the motor ability of the joint with the formation of swelling. In patients with dislocation of the temporomandibular joint, the mouth does not close; during palpation, condyles are discovered that are displaced forward from the articular tubercle.

Why does pain appear under the lower jaw?

There are a huge number of anatomical formations located under the lower jaw. Their diseases often manifest as painful echoes in the lower jaw. Pain under the lower jaw occurs:

  • due to pathologies of the lymph nodes. For example, with lymphadenitis - an infectious inflammatory process. Acute process occurs with cutting pain, fever, severe weakness;
  • with the formation of metastases - tumors of the submandibular lymph nodes. The pain becomes chronic, body temperature rises slightly and lasts for a long period. Patients experience general weakness, weight loss, and malaise;
  • during attacks of glossalgia (severe sensitivity of the tongue), provoked by a long conversation, eating spicy, sour, hot or cold foods, chewing rough food, etc.;
  • glossitis – inflammatory disease language. During the examination, a bright red, thickened tongue is observed;
  • sialadenitis is an inflammatory process of the salivary glands. Provokes pain under the lower jaw, increased temperature, malaise;
  • sialolith – salivary stone disease. Characteristic symptoms are: swelling of the lower jaw area (only on the right or only on the left), the gland in the oral cavity secretes pus (the appearance unpleasant odor), temperature, mild pain in the lower jaw area, weakness;
  • for pharyngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis;
  • tumors of the larynx - pain increases gradually, moves to the chest, ear area, lower jaw. There is a feeling of “coma”, sore throat, foreign body sensations, cough, voice changes. Large tumors make breathing difficult;
  • neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - a rare problem that starts from the root of the tongue or tonsils, moves to the ear, under the jaw, sometimes with painful sensations in the eye, cervical region. Attacks of pain are manifested by dry mouth, cough;
  • with jaw fractures, severe pain under the jaw, hemorrhages, swelling, and difficulty chewing appear;
  • damage to the facial artery begins with burning pain in the lower jaw;
  • diseases of teeth and gums.