Cervical prolapse is a disease in which the cervix moves below its normal level.

This pathology is one of the most common variants of incorrect location of the internal genital organs of a woman.

In women, cervical prolapse can occur at any age, but people aged 40 to 55 years are at risk.

In this article we will look at why uterine prolapse is dangerous and how it can be cured.

The essence of pathology and its causes

Or prolapse is a pathological condition characterized by a downward displacement of the organ relative to the normal location of the uterus. In a neglected state, the uterus may prolapse outward, while the cervix remains in its place.

Uterine prolapse is a progressive pathology that should not be taken lightly. On initial stage diseases, some anatomical changes in the uterus are invisible, but due to the influence of some negative factors, the organ may begin to rapidly descend.

Negative factors may include heavy lifting or frequent constipation.

Exists , which can provoke the occurrence of such pathology as cervical prolapse:

  • resulting from abnormal positioning of the fetus. In addition, perineal ruptures can provoke prolapse of the uterus if the fetus is too large;
  • congenital and acquired pathologies of the pelvic organs;
  • injury to the pelvic muscles, ruptures of the genital organs, which can be not only external, but also internal;
  • age category of women over 45 years old – often excessive physical activity do not affect health in any way at a young age, but after time, when the woman is already elderly or pre-elderly, all these stresses make themselves felt;
  • overweight bodies.

Associated symptoms

Cervical prolapse has , due to which the disease in most cases can be identified at the initial stage:

  • constipation, diarrhea, urinary incontinence, increased gas formation. Even with frequent urination, a woman may experience a feeling of not being completely emptied. bladder. Urinary incontinence is characteristic of a disease occurring at a later stage;
  • pain in the lower abdomen during and after;
  • vaginal discharge, which can be either pure white or mixed with blood. Discharge that is too abundant and does not go away for a long time is a direct sign of the presence of pathology in the body, and a signal that it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • The perineal tissues are almost always in a swollen state, and bedsores begin to form on the walls of the vagina. The tissues of the perineum swell precisely because of the prolapse of the uterus, which makes it difficult for a woman to take a sitting position. Bedsores occur as a result of impaired blood circulation, which develops against the background of necrosis of compressed tissues;
  • in women suffering from varicose veins, the disease is greatly aggravated;
  • Often, when the uterus prolapses, colitis, as well as strangulation of intestinal loops, can be observed.

Pain in the lower abdomen is the most characteristic and first sign of uterine prolapse. Often such pain can radiate to the perineum and lower back. Painful sensations on early stage usually have a dull, drawing character. At a later stage of the disease, the pain intensifies and becomes more severe.

Menstrual irregularities can be of two types - hyperpolymenorrhea and algomenorrhea.

With hyperpolymenorrhea, the number of periods is very abundant, which can lead to a consequence such as anemia, and, as a result, signs characteristic of this condition:

  • constant weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • fatigue.

With algodismenorrhea during menstruation, a woman experiences severe pain, similar to cramping, sensations. Sometimes the pain can be aching and localized in most cases in the lower abdomen.

How dangerous is the disease?

One of the most serious complications of uterine prolapse is organ strangulation, which, if not promptly consulted by a doctor or with improper treatment, can lead to tissue necrosis, which can only be eliminated through surgery; often, during such an operation, the uterus is completely removed.


No less dangerous is cervical prolapse because during its development an inflammatory process begins that can affect the entire area of ​​the woman’s genital organs. Without proper treatment, inflammation can lead to infertility.

So, to summarize, we can say with confidence what the risk of uterine prolapse in an advanced state is:

  • impossibility of conception;
  • difficulties associated with pain during sexual intercourse;;
  • miscarriages and premature births;
  • problems with childbirth;
  • inflammation and infection of the internal genital organs, rectum, bladder;
  • injury and bedsores of the uterus and vaginal walls;
  • strangulation of the uterus or rectum.

Degrees of descent

There are several degrees of development of such pathology as cervical prolapse:

For diseases, uterine prolapse is insignificant. With this pathology, a woman begins to experience menstrual irregularities and may experience pain and slight discomfort during sexual intercourse.

When the disease occurs, the uterus descends almost to the genital slit. The woman experiences severe pain, a foreign body in the vagina, sexual intercourse becomes almost impossible.

Most women in the second stage of uterine prolapse experience a frequent urge to urinate.

On the walls of the vagina descend beyond the entrance to the vaginal canal, and the uterus is completely located in the vagina. Discharge appears, often mixed with blood.

The woman experiences severe excruciating pain while walking and sitting. Urinary incontinence begins. Sometimes at the third stage of uterine prolapse, in addition to other signs, infectious inflammatory processes of the genital organs can be observed.

In cases of disease, the uterus, along with the walls of the vagina, completely falls out. The woman experiences excruciating pain while walking and cannot sit. Inflammatory processes at this stage of the disease almost always lead to the formation of bedsores and abscesses.

Effect on pregnancy

A pathology such as uterine prolapse is very dangerous. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, when the uterus prolapses, all the negative conditions experienced by a woman (pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness) intensify several times.

The danger of uterine prolapse during pregnancy also lies in the fact that the pathology can provoke premature birth or miscarriage.

Often, due to the fact that the uterus is lowered too low under the influence of pathology and fetal growth, the organ begins to become severely inflamed. In this connection, a decision may be made to conduct surgery followed by removal of the organ.

Possible consequences

Often, when the uterus prolapses, a woman begins to experience hormonal disorders, resulting in a malfunction of the adrenal glands. This failure leads to menstrual irregularities and infertility. Even if there is a chance of conceiving a child, it is very small.

To recover from infertility, a woman who wants to become a mother in the next few years must take all necessary measures to get rid of uterine prolapse as quickly as possible and restore the menstrual cycle.

General treatment regimen

At an early stage, uterine prolapse can be treated conservatively at home. Therapy consists of exercises aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the pelvic floor.

Such exercises help to completely restore the previous position of the genital organs and prevent their further displacement. Kegel exercises are especially effective in this case.

Often, at the initial stage of the disease, the doctor recommends to women. This is especially true for women who have recently become a mother - the bandage, in addition to holding the stomach, supports the internal organs and does not allow them to move.

If conservative treatment does not give the desired result and the disease continues to progress, the doctor decides to perform surgery.

There are several types used for uterine prolapse:

  • perineoplasty. The purpose of this procedure is to carry out aesthetic and functional correction of the perineum. During the operation, a special mesothread is used, which disintegrates over time and is replaced by collagen fibers, thereby forming an organic frame inside the tissue and supporting the perineum;
  • Colpoperineolevatoroplasty. During the procedure, the vaginal walls are sutured and a synthetic mesh frame is used to support the pelvic tissue;
  • colporrhaphy. This procedure involves suturing the anterior or posterior walls of the vagina, thereby correcting its size and eliminating prolapse; VKontakte

    What is uterine prolapse in women, how to determine and how to recognize the disease itself, what characteristic symptoms and signs appear? What is the difference between the concepts of “prolapse” and “prolapse” of the uterus? These questions concern every woman who is interested in her health. And what is such a definition as the uterus? Where exactly is it located, what is the correct structure of the female genital and reproductive organs? Not all potential patients know the answers to these questions.

    A muscular organ, like the uterus, has a permanent, stable shape of an ordinary pear. It should definitely taper towards the bottom. The normal location of the uterine organ is provided by nature. The axis of the uterus runs directly parallel to the axis along the pelvis. It itself is located in the pelvic area, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. The filling of these organs periodically affects the location of the uterus and its displacement. Consists of bottom, body, neck. Upper part, or the bottom itself, is an element of connection to the fallopian tubes. The body is the largest main part. The lower one is a narrow neck. It is she who enters the vagina of all healthy girls and women without exception. A healthy organ is like female uterus, has elasticity. It consists of smooth muscle tissues and fibers, important for their functions: tubular glands, ligamentous, connective apparatus, and venous vessels.

    In rare cases, precisely during the process of prolapse of the uterus, there is a partial displacement of the organ directly into the vaginal area, and an absolute prolapse of the body of the uterus into the external environment. A narrow small neck remains. Prolapse of the uterine body follows the process of prolapse. And all this happens due to a strong weakening of the muscles and connective tissues in the direction of the pelvic floor.

    Diagnosis of organ prolapse in the pelvic area

    What does it mean when women are diagnosed with a disease or suspicion of uterine prolapse, how long does it take to manifest, and why it happens, you can find out from a gynecologist.

    During an examination, routine or due to suspected disease, the doctor, after examining the patient in a chair, asks to tense the body, as during childbirth, or simply imitate pushing, in the perineal area directly from the vagina. The rectal area should also be stressed. When the bladder is inflated to its maximum, the degree of displacement and possible prolapse of the uterine body is determined. A specialist doctor also examines size irregularities internal organs. Inspection of the important walls of the vagina, genital fissure, and cervix. The ability of muscles to compress organs in the pelvic floor is observed.

    If the disease manifests itself and there is a process of prolapse or prolapse after body tension, the doctor gives a referral to undergo mandatory tests and examinations:

    Composition of urine for the presence of infections;
    - smears from the cervix, genital slit, and all vaginal walls;
    - ultrasound examination - ultrasound. Shows the displacement of the uterus, the qualitative state of the muscles that contract in the pelvic floor;
    - urography. Studying the performance of the kidneys and bladder using contrast x-rays;
    - tomography without using the standard for this procedure surgical intervention. A gynecologist examines the pelvic organs. This includes the organs: ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and vaginal cavity.

    After the gynecologist, in such cases you should consult another doctor - a proctologist and urologist. They will check the process of the muscles of the anus, sphincter, possible cases: inflammation of the pelvic floor muscles, intestines.

    The examination process will take some time and only after this will it be possible to make a diagnosis of “uterine prolapse”. The patient is given recommendations and further treatment of the disease is prescribed. It explains in detail what to do if uterine prolapse occurs, what causes and why uterine prolapse occurs.

    The main classification of types, as well as the degree of occurrence of minor prolapse into the external environment, as well as more serious prolapse of the walls of the uterus

    There are types characteristic of the process of mild prolapse and complex prolapse:

    Wall, anterior, posterior, at the vagina;
    the body of the uterus itself;
    - posterior wall, vaginal vault;
    - as a consequence of removal of the uterus, the vaginal vault descends.

    This general characteristics process of this disease.

    Causes of the appearance and course of this disease

    What causes uterine prolapse itself, and for what characteristic reasons does it occur in adolescents, girls, and women?

    Problems with prolapse of the vaginal walls, anterior, posterior, are associated with:

    With the consequences of a difficult birth, muscle tone also decreases;
    - surgical removal uterus without proper attachment of the vagina;
    - connective tissue dysplasia;
    - hereditary, congenital dysfunction of tissues and organs located in the pelvic area;
    - diseases of the rectum, chronic constipation;
    - consequences of numerous surgical operations;
    - disruption of the genital reproductive organs, insufficient production of the hormone estrogen;
    - obvious inability of the muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor with the onset of a mature woman.

    Prolapse of the cervix and uterine body affects the functioning of other organs. Both the bladder and rectum may descend. And this already implies something difficult complex treatment from several specialists.

    Symptoms, possible degrees of prolapse and prolapse of the uterine organ

    Unpleasant sensations and nagging, unbearable pain during the process of uterine prolapse make it possible to determine what is unnatural, for healthy person, disease even under the conditions of routine home observations and examinations, paying special attention to the characteristic symptoms and signs present.

    At initial stage running process prolapse of the uterus, slight painful sensations appear in the lumbar region, groin area abdomen, feeling that there is some kind of foreign body in the vagina. Characteristics There may be heavy bloody discharge, from time to time, menstrual cycle disturbances are possible, and in some cases the onset of infertility can be observed.

    With a prolonged course of uterine prolapse, characteristic symptoms of unusual diseases of the urinary system and problems of a urological nature appear in women. Consider visiting a urologist or nephrologist. The manifestation of diseases associated with kidney inflammation may have serious complications and consequences in the future.

    Complete displacement of the uterus causes the inability to hold urine, and sometimes feces, after and without the use of simple physical activity.

    From the proctology side, when the uterus prolapses, the sphincter muscles weaken, uncontrolled gases and colitis appear.

    The last degree of the disease is the most dangerous. For many women, stretched, inelastic muscles can no longer cope with holding the uterus inside. Inflammation and ulceration occur on the prolapsed organ.

    Lack of sex life. Naturally, you can forget about it. From here arise not only physical, but also psychological, social problems. Such diseases do not remain without a trace in human life. They affect all aspects.

    Uterine prolapse 1st degree. A slight displacement process occurs. The genital slit is open. Violation of the ligamentous muscles. This stage is not too difficult, so it can be treated. Patients will not have any difficulties in carrying out full treatment of the disease.

    Prolapse of the uterus at the stage of the next degree, second. The location of the anterior wall of the rectum is also changed. The thinned walls of the vagina and the bladder itself cease to function normally, as the muscles and tissues of the ligamentous apparatus are weakened.

    When the third degree occurs, prolapse is detected, the processes of the appearance of the cervix and body of the uterus outward appear. The woman feels discomfort at times. Any attempts at emptying lead to prolapse and prolapse. The uterus reaches the vagina. Weak muscles can no longer hold it inside, as their elasticity is lost.

    With the fourth, complicated degree of uterine prolapse, it can be observed constantly, not only after severe straining and trips to the toilet. Weak muscles of the vagina and small genital slit can no longer perform their direct functions. Even without physical activity, a woman can see the consequences of uterine prolapse. Complications of the last degree of the disease occur.

    Consequences of the disease and the dangers of uterine prolapse

    With inadequate treatment, from which advanced complicated uterine prolapse can be diagnosed, the consequences of a complex disease become unpredictable:

    Disorder, urinary incontinence;
    - inflammation of the renal pelvis, bladder;
    - constipation, fecal incontinence, excessive gas formation, cracks in the sphincter;
    - after movement there follows swelling of the prolapsed organ, the formation of ulcers in the woman;
    - impaired blood circulation and varicose veins veins

    So, what to do if there is severe prolapse of the reproductive uterus? Naturally, immediately consult a specialist doctor. The whole problem of treatment is the reluctance of patients to often go to medical institutions, or even arriving too late. Do not forget to monitor for suspicious symptoms that are unnatural for a healthy body and immediately after their manifestations, contact your doctor or therapist. He will certainly refer you to the right doctor and give you an appointment to undergo the necessary examination.


    To fully treat uterine prolapse, a woman needs to pay attention to her health and, when the first signs appear, think about what complications this disease may have. If the desire to correct the situation takes over, then the notorious prolapse of the uterus gives in simple treatment at stage 1 of the disease. Don't hesitate.

    High-quality treatment for minor prolapse and pronounced prolapse of the uterine body depends entirely on characteristic symptoms for the course of the disease, the degree of complications. Types:

    Surgery, operations;
    - intimate gymnastics, developed through long research and study of effective exercises;
    - a special diet should be followed by women with intestinal problems to avoid constipation, colic and gas formation;
    use of uterine rings, bandage;
    - hormonal replacement therapy. The use of special drugs to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

    For some time before starting treatment for a woman, the doctor must have all the necessary information about her health and characteristics in order to know what complications there may be and what will cause them:

    Degree of disease;
    - disorders caused by illness, chronic diseases and allergic reactions, if any;
    - diseases related to gynecology and urology;
    - tolerability of anesthesia during surgery;
    - age, height and related indicators: blood pressure, pulse.

    After a complete study of the characteristic features of a woman’s body, a choice follows suitable type Treatment of prolapse and uterine prolapse: conservative and surgical.

    Since physical activity is strictly prohibited, but physical therapy, gymnastics is still present. The exercises you can do are strengthening. Affects the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.

    Should be done simple exercises which will not take much time. After gymnastics, there should be relief from unbearable pain in the back, tailbone, and lower back. A successful pregnancy may follow such treatment. And, as a consequence, easy childbirth, restoration of the reproductive functions of girls, adult women with a disease such as unnatural prolapse of the uterine organ.

    A popular treatment for uterine prolapse, Intimate Gymnastics offers a unique system of exercises for highly effective disease prevention in older people. It is also often prescribed to women immediately after a difficult or subsequent birth, as a treatment for tissue ruptures in the perineal area.

    After the exercise called “Cat”, the muscles of the abdomen, uterus, and vagina are strengthened. As you exhale, a woman should pull in her stomach as much as possible, tense all her muscles, and arch her back. As you inhale, return to a calm state. The time to complete the exercise is 10 seconds.


    The popularity of the exercise is not known to everyone. A woman can perform it 5 times. Reduces intra-abdominal pressure, which negatively affects uterine prolapse. As you exhale, you should raise your back. In this case, it is necessary to retract the muscles of the perineum and stomach. The value of treatment with this exercise is that a woman is able to become pregnant. Facilitates the course and process of childbirth.


    This exercise can be done in any position convenient for you. It is necessary to strain and squeeze the muscles of the pelvic organs: vagina, anus. Time to complete – 5 seconds. Can be used at any time.

    Auxiliary therapeutic exercises:

    Normal walking with knees raised;
    - synchronized raising of arms and high swings of legs;
    - turns the body with straight arms extended in different directions;
    - bending forward;
    - the well-known “mill”.

    Exercises will not give the effect of complete recovery, but they will contribute to it. As a complementary treatment, exercise is very effective and beneficial. They must be performed daily. Independent work, strengthening muscles with light exercises therapeutic exercises will help your body fight the disease.

    Another effective and not least used method of gentle conservative treatment is considered to be gynecological massage. It is quite popular. It is performed either on a special massage or a regular gynecological examination chair. Prescribed in the first stages of displacement or small deviations:

    Restoration of blood flow in organs located in the pelvic area;
    - eliminate adhesive formations;
    - strengthen the ligamentous connective apparatus and muscles;
    - the menstrual cycle is normalized;
    - nervousness and irritation disappear;
    - the functioning of the urinary system and intestines is stabilized.

    The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The doctor needs to prepare and relax the woman, teach her to tense her muscles correctly and bring them to a state of rest. With the manifestation of even minor pain, the doctor stops the massage.

    Individually, patients are given estrogens and ointments inside the vagina. In some cases, estrogens are prescribed orally.

    Surgical treatment involves disruption of the integrity abdominal cavity and carrying out the operation. And there are many of them:

    Plastic. The operation is performed in several stages.

    Strengthens the bladder and vagina;
    - differs by the presence side effects and possible relapses. The procedure is aimed at fixing the walls of the uterus;
    stitching tissue elements to strengthen the uterus. The ability to become pregnant, bear a child and give birth to a child after such types of surgical intervention is minimal;
    - mixed organs are sutured to the walls of the pelvic floor during the operation;
    - alloplastic materials fix displaced organs.

    Consequences of such influence

    Rejection, maximum number of relapses;
    - artificial narrowing of the vagina;
    - the last resort is used in the last type of operation - removal of the uterus that cannot be treated.

    Medicine tries to be humane and uses all treatment methods. Combines reception medicines, gymnastics and simple surgical interventions to preserve a woman’s reproductive function and performance of the genital organs.

    Prevention of uterine prolapse

    How to prevent and how to deal with possible prolapse of the uterus, how to carry out prevention? Is gymnastics effective and useful for preventing uterine prolapse? Let's carefully study the methods and methods of prevention that have proven to be most effective in relation to the disease.

    Special preventive measures must be taken in postpartum period a woman's life, as well as menopause. Two categories that are at particular risk.

    If there are complications during childbirth, the duration of the course and the child is too large, the possibility of subsequently having prolapse of the uterus greatly increases. Therefore, if there is a threat of difficult childbirth, a gentle method is chosen - caesarean section.

    The period of adulthood in women is characterized by weakening and decreased elasticity of muscles. Operations during this period are prescribed only in particularly severe cases. Doctors recommend taking multivitamins, sedatives, attend therapeutic exercises and avoid lifting weights.

    Girls and women who suffer from frequent constipation, bowel problems, and increased gas formation should take herbal laxatives and consult a proctologist.

    A warning to those women who work in heavy production. Do not lift a load exceeding 10 kg. Treatment will take more time and money. Take care of your health and look for an easy, physically undemanding job.

    To avoid problems with female disease involving prolapse and prolapse of the uterus, treatment and possible surgical intervention, watch your diet, observe the rules of personal hygiene, constantly examine your body and attend routine examinations of a gynecologist, proctologist, and urologist. Do not refuse additional examinations and numerous tests. Carefully follow the instructions, advice and recommendations of your healthcare professional.

    And, of course, do not forget that Tatyana Kozhevnikova’s technique can work wonders even in the presence of such a problem as uterine prolapse.

    One of the most common gynecological diseases in women, especially in mature age, is a prolapse of the uterus. This is a process in which there is a displacement of the genital organs lower than acceptable, up to their loss from the perineum. Pelvic organ prolapse is what this disease is called throughout the world. Its occurrence is possible at any age. About 30% of the fair half of the population suffer from this disease. About 50% are ladies of Balzac age, 40% are from 30 to 45 years old, and in only 10% of cases prolapse is diagnosed in women at a younger age.

    Causes of uterine prolapse

    • Heavy physical activity on a regular basis.
    • Difficult or multiple natural births.
    • Injuries to the genital organs and operations on them.
    • Weak perineal muscles are usually a physiological feature associated with age.
    • Defects in the development of the pelvic organs.
    • High intra-abdominal pressure, the causes of which can be chronic constipation, obesity, tumors of internal organs, severe bronchitis.

    Stages of the disease

    There are cases of sudden diagnosis of uterine prolapse. As a rule, this occurs due to injury, but in general the problem develops gradually, not occurring overnight. As the disease progresses, 4 degrees of its development are determined.

    In the first stage, the uterus is lowered to the level of the vagina, but it does not extend beyond the perineum.

    The second level is characterized by partial prolapse of the uterus. If the muscles are tense, it may peek out from the genital slit. Already at this stage, the disease can be easily diagnosed by the woman herself.

    In the third degree, incomplete prolapse of the genital organ is diagnosed. Without tension, the cervix and part of the uterus are visible.

    And the last, most complex form of pelvic organ prolapse is the fourth. At this stage, the entire body of the uterus emerges from the perineum.

    Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse

    Signs of uterine prolapse are quite noticeable, and it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

    • Feeling of heaviness in the vagina.
    • Frequent, difficult urination and defecation.
    • Painful sensations for both partners during sexual intercourse.
    • Uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, often mixed with blood.
    • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle with heavy bleeding.

    Starting from the second degree of the disease, a woman can easily identify genital prolapse herself. As the disease progresses, the signs of uterine prolapse become even more noticeable and worsen. Urinary incontinence occurs, the woman is susceptible to urological infectious diseases, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    At the first stage, a woman cannot independently recognize this problem. Systematic observation by a gynecologist is important. After examining the woman, the doctor immediately diagnoses uterine prolapse. If for some reason he has doubts, he will refer you for an ultrasound examination, based on the results of which a decision will be made. Early diagnosis will prevent a painful syndrome and provide the possibility of treatment without surgery. To exclude all types of infections that could become concomitant factors for prolapse, you need to visit a urologist and proctologist.

    There are two types of pelvic organ prolapse. Cystocele is a prolapse of the anterior wall of the uterus; it is characterized by symptoms from urinary system. Stagnation of urine or incontinence develops, and chronic cystitis is often observed. The second type of prolapse is rectocele, which is a prolapse of the posterior wall of the uterus. In this case, women experience intestinal dysfunction, chronic constipation, and sensations of a foreign body in the vagina. Pyelonephritis with prolapse of the posterior wall also becomes a frequent occurrence.

    Childbirth and prolapse: how to avoid the disease?

    Prolapse of the uterine walls is a common occurrence during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Under their influence, the uterus softens, preparing for childbirth, its muscles weaken. During pregnancy, a woman needs to be more prudent and adhere to certain rules to prevent genital prolapse, especially if she has encountered this problem before.

    • Exercise. Various exercises need to be done. If the uterus prolapses, even not to a significant extent, they will not allow further development diseases.
    • Protect yourself from heavy lifting. Including if you have small child, try to shift the mission of carrying the baby to other relatives.
    • Wear a brace daily when the uterus prolapses or to prevent the development of the disease.
    • Stick to a balanced diet.
    • During one urination, squeeze the stream several times, thus performing gymnastics for the genitals.
    • While walkingtense and relax your vaginal muscles, thereby tightening the vulva.

    The doctor must deliver the baby in a conservative manner, minimizing trauma to the woman’s organs.

    Treatment of uterine prolapse at home

    Pregnant women are wondering how to treat uterine prolapse after learning this diagnosis at an appointment with a gynecologist. If the disease is at an early stage and it does not harm the child, in addition to preventive actions, no additional actions are required. If desired, some folk methods will not harm.

    For example, you can brew two tablespoons of lemon balm in a glass of boiling water and leave it in a thermos overnight to steep. Take a third of a glass half an hour before meals. This decoction will be useful for diseases of the genital organs and for nervous system pregnant.

    Second option: mix coltsfoot with lemon balm and oregano in equal proportions, pour boiling water over it. Let the infusion brew and drink 2/3 cup before meals.

    Also, the bandage will become an indispensable assistant for prolapse of the uterus. In general, this item should be in the everyday life of every woman expecting a baby, and even more so for those who are faced with the problem of genital prolapse.

    Another folk remedy in the fight against this disease is a bath with cypress infusion. Boil a glass of nuts in two liters of water, add this infusion to warm bath, but not hot, stay in it for 15 minutes a day.

    It is not uncommon for the uterus to prolapse after childbirth. Photos are sometimes terrifying in what a neglected form can lead to. Therefore, if you are affected by this problem after the birth of your baby, do not put off solving it for later, go to the doctor! Only a gynecologist can prescribe quality treatment and prevent the disease from developing to the fourth degree.

    What to do if the uterus prolapses?

    If there is prolapse of the vaginal walls at the initial stage, conservative therapy is possible. Treatment includes a whole range of procedures. If the therapy proposed by the doctor does not produce results, and surgical intervention is contraindicated for some reason, the patient is fitted with pessaries - these are special uterine rings. Their purpose is to maintain the genital organs. In the third or fourth stage, after examination by specialized specialists As a rule, surgical intervention is necessary. Colpoplasty is recommended; the essence of the method is suturing the vaginal walls to their previous size.

    There are two types of this procedure:

    Colporrhaphy is the excision of excess tissue in the vagina.

    Colpoperineorrhaphy - suturing the posterior wall and tightening the muscles of the vulva.

    Exercises for uterine prolapse

    Gymnastics aimed at restoring the functioning of the vaginal muscles is very important in the fight against this problem. It can also be used to prevent disease.

    • Standing on all fours, while inhaling, you must simultaneously lift left leg And right hand. After doing five times, swap them and repeat the exercise.
    • The pose is the same. As you inhale, lower your head down, while strongly squeezing and retracting the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. As you exhale, relax, your head rises, your back is straight. Repeat at least 10 times.

    Exercises for prolapse of the uterus, which are performed lying on your back, are effective.

    • Hands along the waist, slowly lift your legs off the floor and place them behind your head, trying to touch your toes to the mat. Repeat 10 times.
    • We raise our legs one by one at an angle of 90 degrees. For each leg 8-10 times.
    • Bending your knees, raise your pelvis, drawing in the muscles of the anus, and as you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

    Kegel method

    The successful gynecologist of the mid-20th century, Arnold Kegel, developed exercises for prolapse of the uterus, which are successfully practiced today and were named in his honor.

    • Squeeze and release your pelvic and vaginal muscles for 30 seconds. Do 3-4 approaches. As your muscles strengthen, you can increase the procedure time to several minutes or more.
    • During urination, hold the stream for 10-15 seconds. In this case, the legs are spread wide apart, and the holding occurs exclusively with the muscles of the vagina.

    To summarize, it should be noted that with any changes or discomfort on the part of female organs contact a specialist immediately. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat uterine prolapse and prescribe individual and necessary therapy for you. Do not self-medicate and take care of your health!

    Many women are sure that prolapse of the uterus is a thing of old age. In this they are only partly right: more than half of the diagnoses of “prolapse of the uterus” are given by doctors to women 40-45 years old and younger. Of course, age does not have the best effect on all organs and systems of the body.

    However, prolapse is often associated not with the reproductive organs directly, but with the inability of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis to keep them in the correct physiological position.

    Knowing about the unpleasant consequences of this condition, women should be aware of the symptoms of uterine prolapse and measures to prevent this condition. And what scheme to use to treat uterine prolapse and whether it is possible to do without surgery is decided by a qualified doctor, in each case individually.

    Uterine prolapse - what is it?

    Prolapse is a downward displacement of the uterus. The uterus is located in the pelvic cavity in a “suspended” state. It is held by the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis and pelvic floor. Uterine prolapse is caused by dysplasia ( improper development) and loss of elasticity of connective tissue. This phenomenon is often due to genetic predisposition, but cannot be ruled out. negative influence life factors.

    The main reasons for the development of uterine prolapse:

    • Incorrect formation of the pelvic organs in the fetus during pregnancy;
    • Difficult childbirth - birth injuries, rapid/prolonged labor, birth of a large fetus, multiple births;
    • Age-related changes during menopause - a decrease in estrogen production contributes to the loss of collagen and elastin not only in the skin, but also in the ligaments;
    • Heavy work - regular heavy lifting (more than 5 kg);
    • Obesity, chronic constipation, flatulence - increased intra-abdominal pressure contributes to the displacement of the uterus downwards;
    • Chronic respiratory diseases, accompanied by a constant strong cough;
    • Tumor process in the genital organs - cysts, myomatous nodes, fibroids;
    • Pathology of connective tissue and diseases leading to disruption of the innervation of the pelvic organs.

    The severity of symptoms and treatment tactics depend on the degree of uterine prolapse. The doctor states the position of the organ during a gynecological examination:

    1. 1st degree - the downward displacement is insignificant, the cervix is ​​located slightly lower in the vagina (down to its vestibule), the external opening of the vagina gapes (constantly open).
    2. Stage 2 - the cervix and part of the uterus periodically fall out of the vagina with any straining (lifting heavy objects, coughing, defecation).
    3. 3rd degree (partial prolapse) - the cervix and part of the uterus are constantly located outside the vagina.
    4. Stage 4 is the extreme stage, when the uterus has completely fallen out of the vagina.

    Symptoms of uterine prolapse and consequences for women

    The symptomatic picture develops as the prolapse increases. At the initial stage, there are no external changes in the perineum, and the prolapse is diagnosed by a gynecologist after examining the patient. A woman with 1st degree uterine prolapse may note the following signs of the process that has begun:

    • discomfort and heaviness in the lower abdomen after physical activity or tension;
    • discomfort during sexual intercourse, lack of “climax”.

    Important! Pregnancy with slight prolapse of the uterus is possible. However, it should be borne in mind that carrying a child will aggravate the woman’s condition, and prolapse is fraught with complications. Therefore, during the period of treatment of uterine prolapse, it is recommended to use protection.

    The further development of the disease increasingly affects the woman’s condition. The following symptoms of uterine prolapse occur with 2nd degree prolapse:

    • constant heaviness and sensation of a foreign body in the vaginal cavity;
    • pain that intensifies during sexual intercourse, often radiating to the lower back;
    • recurring spotting;
    • menstrual irregularities and painful menstruation;
    • difficult and frequent urination, constipation.

    Worsening pain as prolapse progresses is not a complete picture of the disease. Prolapse of 2 or more degrees leads to very serious disorders not only of the reproductive system, but also of the body as a whole.

    Consequences of uterine prolapse:

    • stress incontinence - urine leakage when coughing/sneezing and exertion; in advanced cases, up to 100 ml can be involuntarily released;
    • chronic inflammation of the urinary system due to displacement of the bladder and compression of the ureters;
    • severe bleeding already from stage 2, leading to anemia;
    • chronic constipation, incontinence of intestinal gases and colitis - these complications occur in every third woman with uterine prolapse;
    • the impossibility of sexual intercourse negatively affects the general condition of the woman and often threatens the patient’s life;
    • from stage 3 of prolapse, inflammation and erosive process on the prolapsed part of the uterus, subsequent tissue atrophy/necrosis and rarely rupture of the vagina;
    • severe pain with any movement, limiting a woman to heavy movement in her home and, in extreme cases, bed rest;
    • strangulation of the intestines, ureter or bladder, requiring immediate medical attention.

    Severe uterine prolapse practically leads to disability. The woman cannot work and take care of herself, she is constantly in a nervous state, which complicates communication.

    Treatment regimens for uterine prolapse

    Every woman faced with this problem is concerned with the question - how to treat uterine prolapse at home and when can you do without surgery? Defining therapeutic tactics, the doctor takes into account the following points:

    1. The degree of prolapse and concomitant diseases of the genital organs,
    2. The severity of symptoms from the urinary organs and intestines,
    3. The patient's age and the need for childbearing function,
    4. Risk level of surgery and anesthesia.

    Important! Conservative therapy gives results only with 1 degree of uterine prolapse. Refusal from surgery is also due to the woman’s advanced age and the presence of serious illnesses(severe heart failure, oncology, etc.).

    Non-surgical treatment methods

    Complex treatment - the use of various conservative techniques - gives the most lasting effect and permanently eliminates the painful symptoms of uterine prolapse. The main directions of treatment of prolapse without surgery:

    • Estrogen therapy - drugs are selected taking into account hormonal levels women. Estrogens strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and are prescribed in the form of ointments/suppositories or tablets.
    • A bandage for uterine prolapse only prevents further prolapse and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. To avoid additional compression of the pelvic organs, you should carefully select the size of the bandage and follow the rules for its use.
    • Gynecological massage is aimed at increasing the tone of the pelvic muscles and improving blood supply to the organs. The massage is performed by a qualified specialist in a gynecological office. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes. The effect develops gradually, the patient is prescribed repeated courses. If pain occurs during the procedure, the massage is canceled.
    • Therapeutic exercise - several gymnastic programs have been developed for the treatment of 1st degree of uterine prolapse (Atarbekov, Yunusov technique), excluding bending, running and lifting weights. At home and at work, a woman can perform Kegel exercises. The simplest exercise: tense the muscles of the perineum (as when holding urine while urinating) for 5-20 seconds. and then relax for 10 seconds, repeat 30 times. The optimal regime for carrying them out is 200 exercises per day.
    • Laser plastic surgery is a painless (no anesthesia required) increase in vaginal tone using a CO2 laser. Used as additional measure preventing uterine prolapse. The procedure lasts 15-30 minutes.
    • Pessaries are plastic synthetic rings. Rings inserted into the vagina must be removed and treated every 3-7 days. to avoid inflammation and bedsores. After 1 month, the pessaries are removed from the vagina for several days. When the uterus prolapses, the ring also promotes stretching of the vaginal walls and the progression of prolapse, so it is used only if surgery is impossible.

    Simultaneously with treatment antibacterial therapy If inflammation occurs (cystitis, vaginitis, etc.), mild laxatives from senna herb are prescribed to prevent constipation.

    Important! Treatment of uterine prolapse without surgery involves lifestyle changes: proportionate physical activity, nutrition correction. These measures, combined with drug therapy, can stop the process and avoid the severe consequences of the disease.

    Surgical correction

    When deciding to surgically eliminate prolapse of the uterine walls, the doctor adheres to the principles of minimal invasiveness and organ preservation. Modern surgery offers several effective techniques:

    • Uterine ligament plication is most often performed laparoscopically (through mini-incisions). The uterine ligaments are shortened, and the vaginal dome is additionally secured with a “reinforced” flap. Plication does not leave rough scars.
    • Colporrhaphy (vaginoplasty) and perineoplasty (suturing the vaginal opening) - operations do not require long hospitalization, do not leave incisions on the skin of the abdomen and are easily tolerated.
    • Laparoscopic protofixation - implantation of a bioinert mesh that holds the uterus. Lightweight (simplified) protofixation, rather than the classical surgical technique, gives a higher risk of relapse.
    • Mesh sacrovaginopexy - fixation of the uterus to the sacral promontory using a synthetic endoprosthesis, acting as an additional ligament.
    • Hysterectomy - removal of the uterus is a last resort. This operation is resorted to in case of advanced prolapse, complicated by severe bleeding or severe disruption of urination and bowel function. Postoperative menopause requires hormonal therapy.

    Important! To avoid recurrence of uterine prolapse after organ-sparing surgery, you should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. The ban on sitting lasts 2 weeks, light physical activity is allowed after 1 month, intimate life is allowed only after 5-6 weeks.


    • Moderate physical activity - both heavy loads and a sedentary lifestyle, curvature of posture have a negative impact.
    • Special gymnastics during pregnancy and the postpartum period, including the use of special bandages.
    • Power supply normal work intestines, and combating constipation.
    • Regular visits to the gynecologist 1-2 times a year and timely treatment of diseases of the genital organs.
    • Hormonal therapy under the supervision of a physician during menopause.