The Seven of Swords shows the reverse side of the Magician, with which it is related by the golden background of both cards. The power of knowledge, a clear, sharp mind turns here into cunning and intrigue, meanness and deception. In a milder form, it can be an evil tongue, intellectual arrogance or the “my house is in the end” position - reluctance to notice certain things, a habit of fussing, evading, philandering, etc. At the same time, it is not clear who is deceiving whom here, who we are - a swindler or a victim. But most often it turns out that we harm ourselves here.


We may be deceived, or we ourselves may be deceived; perhaps we are trying to achieve something dishonestly, fraudulently. Such dubious means are used as hypocrisy, “stand-up”, jumping the queue and other less-than-respectable tricks. If this card appears in response to a question about work, of course, you need to be on your guard, but the main thing is to take a closer look at how we behave ourselves, so as not to fall victim to our own intrigues. At the event-personal level, the card symbolizes the bagpiper, either shirking responsibility in every possible way, or outright hacking.


At the level of consciousness, it shows that we stubbornly refuse to admit the obvious and avoid discussions on these topics. And this is dishonest, first of all, in relation to ourselves: in this way we close our way to knowledge of the truth, and in especially difficult cases we devote our lives to a cause that is obviously false. Therefore, here this card should be taken as a serious warning and advice not to elevate your views to absolutes, but to question them more often.

Personal relationships and love

Here the spectrum of this card is very wide: from small nasty things, such as gloating and hypocrisy, to low lies, malice, meanness and betrayal. On the other hand, it may indicate a lack of openness in relationships, when we avoid direct conversations with our partner or shirk an important decision.

Inner meaning

This is a card of hope and renewed self-confidence. Looks like the worst is over. If your confidence and your plans are based on experience and knowledge of the situation, then you can still succeed. Beware of being overly confident and don't try to bluff. Your experience has taught you what you need to know, and your strength will carry you through the difficulties. There is no need to rush forward. Don't say too much about what you need or plan to do; your talkativeness will benefit your enemies.

Combinations with other cards


2 of Swords: Escape from the Truth

5 of Swords: dishonor, separation from others

Hermit: loneliness, withdrawal from society

9 of Pentacles: Rely on yourself, act on your own


Priest: teamwork

Justice: Taking Responsibility

10 of Wands: take on any obligations

6 of Cups: inexperience, kindness, openness, dignity




Moon in Aquarius

20°—30° Aquarius

Original title: Lord of Fickle Efforts Initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: to the right and left, two hands are extended from the clouds, each of which holds three swords, similar to the daggers of Air - the weapons of the Junior Adept-Zealot. The third hand, extended from below, holds one central sword. All swords touch each other with their tips; the central sword is unable to completely separate the others. A rose with five petals blooms on the blade of the central sword

Netzach color on the Prince scale: bright yellowish green
Colors of the Moon on four scales: crimson (ultraviolet); dark yellow, mottled with silvery white; light translucent pinkish brown; stone color
The colors of Aquarius on four scales: violet; sky blue; bluish-lilac; white with a slight hint of purple
Formula: Seven (Netzach) + Swords (Yetzirah) + Moon in Aquarius = VANISH.

As a rule, it is not easy for me to interpret the Seven of Swords in a reading. It would seem that a card of the suit of Swords that lands in the sphere of Netzach should be simply terrible. However, certain factors that make up the formula of this card eliminate some of the shortcomings that characterize Sevens in general. For example, the very name of the seventh sephira is Victory. This may seem like a very weak excuse, but Swords really respond to the word “victory” with a joyful ringing. In addition, the Moon in Aquarius brings an element of variability and opens up opportunities for compromise. This card, Crowley notes, “is like a rheumatic boxer who retired from the ring a long time ago, but is now trying to ‘get back into the sport.’” But let’s not forget that fortune sometimes smiles on the old guys.

Frieda Harris depicted the battle of six planets against the Sun in this map. Take a closer look at the swords. The hilts of the six swords, arranged in a crescent moon at the top of the card, are decorated with the symbols of the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn (from left to right). The central sword is the Sun itself, which finds itself in the minority and wounded by the blows of its opponents. The composition as a whole, with all its orderly clarity and rigor, hints that the time has come to sit down at the negotiating table. But will the parties come to an agreement? I don't think so.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

Do you recognize this person? In each of us, except the most innocent and sincere, there is a politician. lurking somewhere in our mind. In fact, the mind is the politician. It is in his very nature to plan, scheme and try to manipulate situations and people to get what he wants. Here the mind is represented by a serpent covered with clouds and "speaking with a forked tongue." But the most important thing to understand in this card is that both faces are false. The sweet, innocent face “trust me” is a mask and the evil, poisonous “I will do what I need with you” is also a mask. Politicians do not have real faces. The whole game is a lie.

Straight position

Look at yourself and see if you are playing this game. What you see may hurt you, but it doesn't hurt as much as continuing to play. Ultimately, it doesn't serve anyone's interests other than yours. Everything you can achieve in this way will crumble into dust in your hands.

The meaning of the card

Anyone who can be a good pretender, a hypocrite, will become your leader in politics, will become your priest in religion. All he needs is hypocrisy, all he needs is cunning, all he needs is a façade to hide behind. Your politicians live a double life, your priests live a double life - one from the front, the other from the back door. And life from the back door is their real life. These ceremonial smiles are simply false, these faces that look so innocent are just masks. If you want to see the reality of a politician, you need to see through the back door. There he will appear before you in all his nakedness, just as he is. And the same thing happens with the priest. These two types of treacherous people dominate humanity. They very quickly understand that if you want to dominate humanity, make them weak, make them feel guilty, make them feel unworthy, take away all their glory, humiliate them. And they invent such subtle ways of humiliation that you don’t even notice them; They leave it to you to humiliate yourself, to destroy yourself. They taught you the method of slow suicide. (Osho)

Description of the Seven of Swords Tarot card

Most decks depict a tent city on the Seven of Swords tarot card. In the foreground is a man hesitantly carrying five swords, looking back at two more, which he did not take, apparently due to absent-mindedness. Or maybe he simply cannot take with him all the weapons he found in the enemy camp at once.

General meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords Tarot card in fortune telling and readings

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Seven of Swords most often indicates a feeling of futility of efforts, strong pessimism, causing a feeling of the pointlessness of performing any actions. There is a complete lack of faith in one’s abilities, and the successful implementation of any plan or undertaking seems completely impossible. In a milder form, it can be an evil tongue, intellectual arrogance or the “my house is in the end” attitude - reluctance to notice certain things, the habit of fussing, evading, etc. At the same time, it is not clear who is deceiving whom here, who we are - a swindler or a victim. The card describes situations in which, in order to achieve success, it is advisable not to go into conflict, clearly demonstrating one’s strength or superiority, but to act carefully, “bypassing”, without pressure. The card suggests that sometimes you can lie, that you need to be able to adapt to circumstances.

Reversed card position

The reversed Seven of Swords speaks of excessive self-confidence; about difficulties and obstacles due to gossip, lies, dubious advice; indicates the instability of the current situation; feeling of weakness or helplessness. Sometimes the card shows that the fortuneteller is involved in someone’s secrets, a showdown, or that his affairs are hidden and indirectly, but very noticeably influenced by some ill-wisher.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

The direct Seven of Swords card indicates that the fortuneteller may be deceived, or he himself may be deceived; perhaps a person is trying to achieve something dishonestly, fraudulently. In addition, the Seven of Swords indicates a complete lack of faith in the success of any business or in one’s abilities in any activity, a feeling of complete pointlessness in continuing to work in one’s current position. The lasso indicates interference, dark affairs and other moments that are not conducive to the development of a career and business. In some cases, the Seven of Swords denotes difficulties associated with ill-conceived plans or objective obstacles on the way to the goal.

Reversed card position

The reversed Seven of Swords indicates a lack of funds and opportunities to bring what was started to completion, instability in one’s career associated with the machinations of ill-wishers, or one’s own lack of confidence in success. Sometimes Arkan describes a situation when a person retreats, being already halfway to the goal, because he sees upcoming difficulties, is afraid of them and begins to consider his business or plan hopeless and a failure.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Latent course of the disease, undiagnosed diseases. Difficulties and errors in making a diagnosis. If the question is about a change in condition, then it means recovery, despite the circumstances.

Reversed card position

Favorable card. Identified diseases, correct diagnosis.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Here the spectrum of the direct Seven of Swords is very wide: from minor troubles, such as gloating and hypocrisy, to base lies, malice, meanness and betrayal. On the other hand, the card may indicate a lack of openness in a relationship, when partners avoid direct conversations or shirk an important decision; talk about hidden problems that hide under false, ostentatious prosperity. In matters of fidelity, Arkan clearly points to betrayal, “going to the left,” and a double life.

Reversed card position

The reversed Seven of Swords means excessive exposure to other people's influence, blindly following the advice of others, and an overly emotional attitude towards reproaches and criticism from a partner. Arcanum is often interpreted as slander, which can lead to negative emotions and destroy relationships.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Describes a dexterous, cunning person, capable of fooling many around his finger.

Reversed card position

An exposed man caught by the hand.

Meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card as a card of the day

Be on your guard. It is quite possible that they will want to deceive you today. Show everyone that you will not let yourself be fooled. When negotiating or signing documents, be especially careful and read all the fine print so as not to get into trouble later. It is possible, however, that this card advises you to cheat yourself today so that you are treated with due respect or not left in the cold.

Advice from the Seven of Swords card in fortune telling and readings

Try not to turn a blind eye to problems and obstacles, evaluate them objectively, take care of the inner core that will help you withstand difficult situations.


7 Swords of the Thoth Tarot - the Arcanum to which our article today is dedicated - is called Futility. Unlike the classical interpretation, where this card is seen as deception, insincerity, and meanness, Crowley shows a deeper understanding of the semantic field of this Arcana. The card is not loaded with complex symbolism, so understanding how it manifests itself will be quite simple.

General description of the map, plot

On a blue background with light “pinwheels”, which are found on all cards of this suit, we see one central large sword, around which six small ones are located. Their tips are militantly directed towards the center of the map, but with a powerful blow they are separated by that same large dagger. If you pay attention to the hilts of these small swords, you will see that they form a crescent. Thus, Crowley showed the symbolic struggle of one strong man against many weak opponents.

Symbolism of the card

So, what symbols will help us understand the interpretation of the 7 Swords of the Thoth Tarot? Let's see.

Main meaning of the card

What does Crowley's 7 Swords mean? Everything here is quite simple: it is the futility of efforts due to any unforeseen circumstances, actions of opponents, or self-deception. As the author of the deck himself says, the collapse of the intellect in this card is not accompanied by such violent upheavals as in the Five of Swords of the same suit. The astrological correspondence - the Moon in Aquarius - somewhat softens the manifestation of the Arcanum, and is expressed as a desire for compromise and a certain tolerance, but this can still lead to catastrophic consequences (depending on what exactly is being discussed). In fact, the card shows a clear situation when one fairly strong and intelligent person is faced with many weak opponents, because of which his efforts do not bring results and are in vain.

Shadow manifestation of the card

The shadow meaning of the 7 Swords of the Thoth Tarot is excessive self-confidence in victory, when a person does not take into account possible opposing forces and circumstances, or, conversely, underestimating the actions of the enemy. In this case, the enemy, as you understand, can be anything or anyone, depending on the context of the question asked.

The meaning of the 7 of Swords on the psychological plane

On the psychological plane, the card shows a person who follows the path of least resistance. Such people often try to implement their plans, despite the fact that it is not given to them. This is a kind of defense mechanism of thinking, when a person simply cannot adequately assess the situation and his real capabilities. In essence, this is an attempt to mislead oneself or others, self-deception.

Card meaning for love and relationship issues

What will be the meaning of the 7 Swords of Thoth Tarot in a relationship? There may be different variations of interpretation here. In some cases, Arkan will show a lack of openness and honesty towards his partner: about such a person we can say that he constantly beats around the bush. In other situations, the map may well include fruitless attempts to change a loved one or actions that, despite all efforts, do not lead to the desired. I also associate with this Arcanum futile attempts to change one’s partner, when a person for some reason forgets that he has entered into a relationship with an already formed personality. If, for example, the question was asked “will the wedding take place?”, the card will answer: no, despite all efforts, and this will happen due to unforeseen circumstances or its own errors in calculations.

The meaning of Arcana in work and finance

In matters of professional activity, the 7 of Swords Tarot Thoth will show opposition to your ideas, the inability to get the result you expect, self-deception. Sometimes it happens the other way around: Arcan indicates that they are trying to deceive you, or that someone in your environment is acting dishonestly. In terms of finances, it means not receiving the money that a person was counting on.

The meaning of the card on health issues

Personally, I interpret this card depending on the situation. If we are talking about the general state of health, then there are many small factors that prevent a person from feeling good, and what exactly these factors are should be judged by additional cards. If we ask about the prognosis for recovery, it will be disappointing. Also, the 7 of Swords of the Thoth Tarot may indicate an operation or therapy that did not lead to the desired result, or a protracted illness.

Moon in Aquarius; disappointment, despondency, impermanence, fears about existence, negative expectations.

The Great Sword of Clarity is attacked and damaged by six smaller swords, and loses its energy and stamina. The smaller swords, each bearing a planetary symbol on the hilt, represent pessimistic thoughts preventing clear success. The conscious and unconscious (Sun and Moon at the ends of the central sword) exchanged positions. Gloomy subconscious expectations cloud your vision deeper. Severe anxiety predominates, although in reality everything is going completely normally.

The disappointing aspects of the six small swords can be explained as follows:

Neptune: Everything seems clouded with a film or a veil: I just don’t know what I really want.

Venus: But it's too good to be true.

Mars: I have no energy, no time, I'm too old.

Jupiter: Too much of a good thing at once. L will never cope with such great success.

Mercury: But I just can't convey it properly.

Saturn: There's just too much fuss and it takes too much time. These literally destructive thoughts are not to be taken seriously. The reality is somewhat different from your perception of it at the moment. Soon you will be able to laugh at your own doubts.


Your fears have nothing to do with reality! Wake up and see what's really happening!


In what areas of your life are you putting yourself down by your own limited ideas? What are the belief systems that are squeezing you?


Pull another card, asking: What will my life look like when I let go of my doubts?


I master all the skills and means necessary to achieve what I strive for deep down.

Key meanings of the Seven of Swords in the upright position:

  • diplomacy
  • using intelligence to overcome obstacles
  • secrecy
  • deception
  • betrayal
  • meanness
  • cunning

Key meanings in reverse position:

  • return of stolen property
  • indecisiveness
  • pessimism
  • cowardice
  • missed opportunities
  • unfinished projects
  • restoration of trust

The Seven of Swords shows a man sneaking away from a military camp with five swords in his hands. The other two swords remain stuck into the ground behind him. There is an expression of self-confidence and mockery on his face. He feels absolutely confident that the theft was a success.

However, a small group of soldiers is visible in the distance and one of them is holding a sword raised. The thief was discovered.

Although the Seven of Swords is known as the "thief card", it has a more complex meaning. Sevens, like their Major Arcana archetype, the Chariot, have to do with overcoming obstacles. Since Swords are the element of Air, responsible for thoughts and reason, such a Seven means solving problems with the help of intellect.

Therefore, the lasso means solving problems through intellect. Difficulties can be overcome by analyzing the situation and planning further steps to achieve your goals.

This Tarot card appears in fortune telling when a person is unable to face difficulties “face to face” or confront them openly. Instead, he comes up with various schemes and tricks that will help solve the problem in a more secretive way, indirectly.

The questioner understands that the best path to success is to hide his true motives and control the situation from behind the scenes. As a result, the Seven of Swords takes on the meaning of duplicity and deception. But it can also have a positive meaning as a manifestation of diplomatic skills. A desire to overcome obstacles and disagreements without creating an openly hostile environment that would be harmful to all involved.

Seven of Swords - interpretation and meaning in the upright position

The general interpretation of the Seven of Swords is deception and betrayal committed to further one's own interests. It may indicate an unsuccessful attempt to do something unnoticed; the secret will be revealed.

Even if you manage to remain undetected now, you should remember that in the long run, deception will not bring the desired results. Instead, it can cause significant damage to relationships and reputation. Therefore, the card calls for caution when trying to use cunning or deception to gain an advantage over someone or achieve your goals.

At the same time, the questioner on this card can act as both a deceiver and a victim of deception.

The Seven of Swords can show both the negative side of deception and cunning, as well as the positive one. After all, lies are not always aimed at causing harm to others. There is no doubt that there are times in life when you need to be sneaky or keep something secret. Sometimes you just need to be able to adapt to circumstances or show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

The appearance of the Seven of Swords in the reading tells the questioner that he should not enter into an open conflict or an open demonstration of his strength.

This lasso also means a desire to “quietly” get out of some situation that you no longer want to deal with. The desire to get away from problems. The desire to escape from obligations, responsibilities, relationships or the need to work hard. Delaying a case for which “the soul is not in the mood.”

On the other hand, the card warns of the need to be careful. This is due to the possibility of becoming a victim of someone else's lies, betrayal or fraud. There is a risk of discovering that the person you trusted simply used you for his own selfish purposes.

Sometimes the Seven of Swords may convey a desire for independence when performing certain actions or making decisions. The desire to solve a problem, relying only on one's own intelligence and experience, rejecting advice and help or working in a team.

This approach can be useful, since advisers are not always sincere or competent. But it can also have its drawbacks. Ultimately, there is a risk of becoming isolated.

In everyday use, this card can be used for theft, kidnapping, hiding places, hidden cameras. Counterfeiting in the broadest sense of the word, from love to documents and money.

Seven of Swords – interpretation and meaning in reversed position

The appearance of the reversed Seven of Swords in fortune telling may indicate difficulties in finding new solutions to old problems. Inability or unwillingness to show flexibility of thinking and behavior.

Using old ways of doing things and dealing with situations that do not bring the desired results and only make things worse. It is difficult to accept new ways of thinking, behavior, management, new ideas and projects due to fear of the unknown or unwillingness to take risks. Excessive caution.

The Reversed Seven of Swords speaks of the need to break free from old habits and ways of thinking. Only this will make it possible to overcome the obstacles standing in the way. You should accept what is new in life at the moment, and not try to escape.

In a reading, such a Tarot card can be interpreted as working on a non-viable project. Developing a plan that will not be implemented. The reason for this is the haste in their implementation and lack of forethought. It is necessary to stop and return to the beginning, think everything over, and rework or even abandon this idea.

Also in an inverted position symbolizes advice, warning, remark, reprimand, pointing out shortcomings. That is, those actions that do not allow you to be cunning and evade the true path.

One approach to interpreting the Seven of Swords is that in an inverted position, its meaning of deception, insincerity, and deceit are significantly enhanced compared to the upright position. You will be shocked when you discover the level of lies, intrigue, and fraud that surrounds you. There is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers. But this card can also say that you are the fraudster, deceiver and gossip in this situation.

The best meaning of this card is to avoid danger in any way, even if it is not very correct from the point of view of law or morality.

Seven of Swords – love and relationships

The Seven of Swords is not very positive for relationships. She talks about deceit, deceit, lies and insincerity. May describe a false idyll when partners or one of them pretends that everything is fine. Although in reality everything is not at all what it seems. One of the partners leads the other by the nose.

In love, it can be interpreted as attempts to please the object of one’s interest at any cost. Attracting his attention, stirring up interest in himself with the help of tricks. Seduction without sincere feelings. Temptation.

On the other hand, this Tarot lasso may also mean that you do not strive to create a couple and avoid starting a relationship. Loneliness is not a burden. You do not feel the need for a partner and prefer to be independent.

If you are involved in a love triangle, the reversed Seven of Swords shows a growing reluctance to continue this way of relating. You or your partner feel increasing discomfort and would prefer to clear things up or end the situation.

Does not exclude exposure if it comes to treason. In this case, the questioner can be both in the position of the cheater and the one being cheated on.

In some cases, the card represents remorse and regret after the betrayal has been discovered. Truth and honesty replace secrets and lies.

Work and career

In a professional situation, the Seven of Swords speaks of possible deception. In this case, the questioner may turn out to be both a victim of deception and the deceiver himself.

Attempts to achieve a promotion, better conditions for oneself in a dishonest way. Hypocrisy, intrigue, manipulation, plagiarism. Avoidance of duties, avoidance of responsibility.

This card suggests that you will have to try very hard and be creative in order to succeed in your work or implementation of your plans.

An unusual resume or creative approach will help you find a new job. To be noticed, you need to stand out from the crowd.

The business scenario suggests that it will not be possible to defeat competitors using old methods. New ideas, technologies, and development strategies are required. Deception on the part of partners, trusted persons, and suppliers is possible.

In an inverted position, it also retains the meaning of deception and intrigue. Plagiarism. Passing off other people's ideas as your own.