Equipment for the production of cigarettes is intended for preparing raw materials and paper, forming cigarettes with and without a filter, packaging finished products in soft or hard packs of standard shapes or with rounded edges. Such machines also provide film coating, block formation, and sticker fixation. The most popular equipment remains the one whose productivity on average varies from 2 to 5 thousand packs per minute or more.

Tobacco production technology:

  • preparing a tow from raw tobacco, wrapping with cigarette paper, gluing along the seam;
  • determination and regulation of the diameter of the resulting rod in automatic mode;
  • cutting the rod and filter in accordance with the standard length of the cigarette, connecting with gluing paper rims;
  • control of product size and density, supply of cigarettes to the packaging line.

Almost all technological processes are automated, so operator participation is as limited as possible.

Cigarettes are packaged according to the following scheme:

  • formation of packs from finished cigarettes;
  • excise duty sticking;
  • wrapping with film with tear tape;
  • packing packs into blocks;
  • sticking labels.

Cigarette blocks are placed in corrugated boxes with appropriate markings with stickers.

To complete the cycle, you will also have to spend money on the production of cigarette paper, cardboard packaging, and filters. But in order to quickly and at minimal cost obtain the required volumes of products, many companies prefer to purchase finished paper and packaging from third-party companies (France, Italy, Germany).

Equipment for the production and packaging of cigarettes

Tobacco industry enterprises use automatic lines and machines with a capacity of up to 20 thousand packs per minute. All technological operations are automated and ensure the production of products with a given length, diameter, weight and other parameters. The rotation and movement of the mechanisms is carried out by computer-controlled servo drives. The touch display allows you to display information about technological processes, monitor the operation of equipment.

The catalog also includes semi-automatic machines with minimal automation, performing basic operations with manual activation of drive devices. To service such machine equipment, qualified personnel are hired to monitor the operation of the lines and adjust the automation settings with minimal intervention in technological processes.

The cost of finished products of the tobacco industry is 10 - 15 times higher than production costs, which guarantees a high return on equipment in the next six months. To reduce start-up costs, you can buy used automatic lines or machines that have not yet exhausted their service life. The reliability of such equipment, even with a long service life at a minimal price, remains very high, provided that worn parts are replaced in a timely manner.

Choosing your own business idea is always a labor-intensive job that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. In this article we will discuss the production of cigarette products. Although at the moment the world market is literally filled with various tobacco brands, you can still make good money in this business. After all, even the world's largest companies once started from scratch, and they also had to fight with other companies. Next, you will learn how to start a cigarette production.

Product Popularity

Despite all the warnings coming from the Ministry of Health and all government agencies, promoting the fight against smoking, cigarettes occupy a leading position in popularity among all products. For example, in the territory Russian Federation The total number of smokers (based on social surveys) is approximately 45 million.

Tobacco companies are not stopped even by the fact that this business is completely controlled and that a special excise tax is imposed on it. For those who don't know, the last point increases the overall cost of the product by imposing additional taxes.

Production principle

If you do not focus your attention on individual production details, the cigarette production technology has the following stages: special pre-dried tobacco enters a machine for cutting individual parts, after which the output appears finished product. But now let's take a closer look.

The cigarette making machine itself consists of the following parts: a section for assembling and installing the filter, a mechanism for inserting (the collar is necessary for filling the filter), and a unit for the final complete assembly. But of course, production doesn’t end there. For a complete set, it is necessary to additionally purchase automated devices that perform the following actions: placing all manufactured cigarettes in a pack, packaging products in foil (this is a mandatory process), producing a box, wrapping the product in cellophane.

Of course, this is not a complete list of necessary equipment. There are a number of specific devices that will vary depending on the country of production, location of the factory and other characteristics. For example, if you expect to manufacture goods in Russia, then you need to purchase a machine for gluing excise stamps. It is worth special mentioning the production of cigarettes at home. Based on the opinions of most people who have tried this, nothing good will come of it. Even if we put aside all the problems with legitimizing this process, the profit is scanty.

Equipment cost

Many novice entrepreneurs try to avoid this business. Since all the equipment for producing cigarettes costs a lot of money. At the present time approximate cost all the machines for the factory will cost you 7 million dollars. Plus to this you need to add the price of the conveyor line, which is 800 thousand dollars.

All these numbers look very scary, especially for young businessmen. But you can always use alternative options, for example, renting all the necessary means for production or buying used equipment.

It will cost several times less than a new one, thereby reducing the start-up capital. There will also be less risk with used equipment if the whole tobacco business venture seems unacceptable to you. As a last resort, you can try to sell all the units with minimal losses.


The approximate cost of new equipment was previously provided. Now let's discuss used cars. A cigarette manufacturing plant with a fully equipped second-hand factory line has a cost of 12 million rubles. Such equipment will be able to produce 125 packs (and this, in turn, 2500 cigarettes) per minute. One point is worth noting here.

Today you can find even cheaper equipment that can produce cigarettes without a filter. At the same time, the price of such factories has been significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that modern states pay special attention to cigarettes that do not have a filter. And there is a high probability that they will soon be banned altogether. Therefore, you should not show this kind of savings on equipment. Now let's look at the numbers. The cost of one kilogram of tobacco is 76-105 rubles.

One pack requires 20 g of pure raw materials, this taking into account all possible losses that are formed due to imperfect equipment. In total, we find that 1200 kg are consumed in one working day, which is already 126 thousand rubles. After carrying out simple computational operations, you can calculate that you need to spend 2.08 rubles on 1 pack of cigarettes (this is only for raw materials).

Taking into account all excise taxes and other additional taxes, the cost of one pack increases to 7.5 rubles. To this amount you need to add the costs of paper, foil, workers’ salaries, electricity bills, etc. All these figures vary greatly, so it makes no sense to give an exact calculation. The previous calculations are for informational purposes only.

Profit calculation

At this stage, you should already have a rough understanding of how to start a cigarette production business. Or at least have a general idea of ​​this process. In fact, it is almost impossible to calculate the exact profit and payback period. Real numbers will always differ from those on paper. But you can at least roughly carry out all the calculations.

So, the cost of one pack of premium cigarettes can exceed 100 rubles. But in the real world everything turns out to be more complicated. Therefore, the price drops to 50-60 rubles. In our calculation we will use 55 rubles per pack. Here it is necessary to mention wholesale purchasing, which will reduce the overall profit. If we take as an example that the cost of one pack will be reduced by 25%, then the price of our cigarettes will drop to 41.25.

It follows that the profit will be 16.25. All figures are indicated in rubles. If we make additional calculations, we find out that the net profit will be 23.4 million rubles (not counting taxes and other expenses). But as I said earlier, given number almost unrealistic and much overpriced.


Business is the most profitable business. But at the same time, this is the most risky activity. Since it is difficult to calculate all the possible events that may arise in front of you on your path to elevation. Let me note once again that the figures and calculations provided in the article are approximate and serve to familiarize you and indicate the main points. Regarding the main question: “How to start a cigarette production?” - then it is impossible to fully disclose it even in dozens of similar articles. And today you have gained general knowledge on this topic.

The fight against smoking with high excise taxes, unfortunately, does not deter smokers. Today, in our country alone, more than thirty percent of the population smokes.

The demand for cigarettes is quite high. However, entrepreneurs are deterred by the cigarette business due to its high costs. But you need to know that big income is always associated with risk, so it’s worth a try.

Even though the state strictly controls the production of cigarettes, and the availability of large quantity excise taxes to which it is subject, this business has high profitability. Possible success in this area is evidenced by the fact that all the leaders in this market started from tiny factories that supplied their goods to small shops. However, today, having withstood all the tests, competition and other troubles, these corporations, which are based on the production of cigarettes, cover all of Russia, and sometimes abroad.

Profitability of filter cigarette production

Any businessman is primarily interested in the profitability of the enterprise he decides to engage in. The situation in tobacco production and cigarette sales is somewhat different from other areas. Many people are put off by the fact that tobacco products and all related activities are a complex and expensive enterprise. In order to start producing cigarettes, it is necessary to purchase equipment, the cost of which reaches seven million dollars. Not everyone is able to allocate such an amount.

In addition, you will have to purchase a conveyor machine for the production of cigarettes, which is also not cheap.
For those who do not have such amounts, there is a less expensive option for starting a business for the production of tobacco products, which is possible by purchasing equipment that has already been in use.

In this case, the risk of monetary loss in case of failure is minimized. In addition, the equipment can be resold to return almost the entire amount spent.

The profitability calculation is as follows. A kilogram of tobacco will cost about one hundred rubles, and there are twenty grams in a pack. It turns out that on average one ton two hundred kilograms of raw materials will be required per day, which will cost one hundred twenty-six thousand rubles. Taking into account monthly income, number of working days, productivity and cost of tobacco, the cost of each pack will be a little more than two rubles. To this are added the costs of excise taxes.

As a result, another five and a half rubles will be added to the cost. And if we add to these the costs of filters, paper, packs, workers’ salaries, foil, utility costs, etc., it turns out that each box of cigarettes will cost the manufacturer 22.4 rubles. Moreover, the average price per pack in our country is about fifty-five rubles. As a result, the manufacturer will have about thirty percent profit.

The premises in which cigarette production will be organized should not be rented. Building your own factory is also expensive, so the most optimal option would be to purchase space, especially since in every city you can find many empty industrial buildings, which will then need to be converted.

Those who have been in the cigarette business for a long time say that investments in this area when starting from scratch are measured in tens of millions. The minimum amount that a small business will cost even with an existing premises is about twenty thousand rubles to buy used lines. A kit at this price will allow you to produce seven thousand packs per hour.

The line performs most of the operations automatically. Its first machine shreds dry tobacco leaves and transfers them to the next device, which wraps them in special paper and glues filters. Packaging of cigarettes into packs also occurs without human hands. The next machine glues excise stamps, and the last machine packs the bundles in film.

The production of cigarettes also implies the presence of two or three cars that will deliver the products. You will also need minimal vehicles for other household needs. After purchasing fixed assets, you need to purchase inventories. These are mainly raw materials - tobacco, as well as aromatic additives and workwear for workers.

Labor resources

To create a tobacco factory you will need a certain number of employees. These personnel will have to order, deliver raw materials, maintain machines, premises, ensure sales, monitor operational and accounting. To begin with, you will need about forty people.

Labor costs are the largest after the costs of equipment for the production of filter cigarettes, which will pay for themselves after some time. Most of the employees will be service personnel, since the tobacco line is almost always automated and does not require many people to work on it.

Requirements for tobacco products

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is a law prohibiting the use as ingredients for tobacco products of those substances whose circulation is not permitted in the country. In addition, cigarettes are subject to marking with excise stamps, and the possibility of counterfeiting is excluded. The sale of tobacco products in Russia without them is not allowed.

Package of documents

To obtain a license allowing the production of cigarettes, a company is required to collect and submit a fairly impressive package of documents. It should include:

– an application for granting a license, written in two copies;

– a copy of the company’s constituent documents, including the constituent agreement, charter, etc.;

– a copy of the state registration certificate;

– a copy of the certificate of registration with tax authorities;

– payment orders or receipt for payment of the license fee for consideration of this application;

– the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological authorities that all conditions for the production of cigarettes at the established enterprise are organized in accordance with sanitary rules;

– certificate of qualification of factory workers.

It is better to have all copies, including constituent documents and certificates, certified by a notary.

Last year, a bill was registered that amended the law regulating the production of tobacco products in terms of the procedure for issuing a permit.

According to it, since mid-2013, the following were excluded from the list of documents provided:

Permission to allow an organization to manufacture products, which was issued by the central executive body implementing state policy on fire or industrial safety;

A work permit issued by health and safety authorities.

The same bill also reduced the time frame for issuing a license or issuing a decision on refusal from ten to seven days. In addition, it was proposed to establish payment for the right retail tobacco products not in quarterly equal shares, as was done before, but in one payment every year.

Production equipment

The choice of equipment for organizing cigarette production in our country is quite large. This is also due to the fact that today foreign used machines have become available, which will cost beginning businessmen one hundred and fifty or one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Similar domestic equipment with the same functionality costs about fifty thousand.

Raw materials

During the production of cigarettes, many large companies use several types of tobacco at once, which are mixed using certain technologies.

This is done primarily to satisfy the different tastes of smokers.

The taste and aroma, as well as the strength of the cigarette, directly depend on the type of tobacco used.

The most popular are heat-cured Virginia tobacco with a sweet taste and pleasant aroma, burley tobacco with a low sugar content and oriental tobacco with arrow-shaped leaves of a yellowish-green color.

Cigarette paper

In the production of cigarettes, special breathable paper is used, which directly affects the formation of ash and the level of components that enter the smoker’s lungs. For tobacco products with low tar content, a material with high porosity and good air permeability is used.

Cigarette production machines

From a technical point of view, tobacco products are produced as follows. Initially, pre-prepared raw materials are dried and fed into a special tobacco cutting machine, which, in turn, turns it into particles of the desired fraction.

A machine that makes cigarettes is equipped with several components: a filter assembly device, an installation for making inserts, packaging in foil, stacking in packs and blocks. In addition, units that produce boxes also participate in the production process. Also, a separate machine is required to affix a special excise stamp.

The cigarette production machine itself looks like an ordinary cabinet, equipped with a receiver on top where tobacco is supplied. Its maintenance is usually carried out by one operator.

Its main task is to pour raw materials into the receiver, load the cartridge with cigarette cartridges, place it in the desired compartment, install the program and remove the finished product.

But this is only when the machine in a small production is used as an independent unit, so you need to pay attention to other equipment that is part of the line.

One of ancient traditions humanity is smoking a variety of mixtures. Due to the low quality of tobacco in factory-made cigarettes and their high cost, making hand-rolled cigarettes is especially popular. The process will not take much time, and the result will exceed all expectations. Practice shows that homemade cigarettes much better quality than those sold in stores.

Benefits of rolling papers

Regular tobacco cigarettes contain nicotine and tar, which are very harmful to health. In search of a solution to the problem, a person came to an alternative smoking option, namely, smoking tea cigarettes. Due to the fact that such cigarettes are not commercially available, it will be useful to know how to make them yourself.

It is necessary to understand that smoking any plant is harmful to the body.

Despite the many beneficial properties tea leaves, it also has negative influence to the lungs and cardiovascular system, increases blood pressure. Another unpleasant aspect is the aftertaste in the mouth with copious amounts of saliva.

Required materials

To create tobacco-free rolling papers at home you will need:

  1. 1. Dried tea leaves;
  2. 2. Paper;
  3. 3. Filters.

Dried tea leaves (preferably green tea leaves) are used with various spices to improve the taste, for example:

  • cloves;
  • thyme;
  • jasmine;
  • chamomile;
  • dry mullein;
  • hops.

This mixture must be dried and crushed. It is better to choose special paper for rolling papers: rice or sugar cane. Filters must be either standard or finger-type. You can use a special machine for manufacturing - it is a seaming machine, which can have a different design, but the principle of operation is usually the same.

You can roll a cigarette without using a machine, always with clean hands. For hygiene reasons, you should not give hand-rolled cigarettes to other people. It is not recommended to make roll-your-own cigarettes from bulls, as the smoke of burnt tea leaves passing through a dirty filter has a bitter taste and is harmful to the oral cavity.

The process of rolling a cigarette

Making your own cigarette is very simple. It will turn out neat if you follow the following procedure:

  1. 1. Spread the dry herb mixture evenly onto a flat surface and moisten (it is better to use a spray bottle).
  2. 2. Leave the mixture to dry in an open space for a couple of hours.
  3. 3. Cut the prepared paper into equal parts necessary for rolling cigarettes.
  4. 4. Place the herb mixture on one of the pieces of paper, roll it into a tube, leaving the outermost section of the paper empty.
  5. 5. Moisten the remaining area and seal it.

After a few minutes, when the cigarette dries, it will be ready to smoke. Also, the rolled-up cigarette can be modified using a filter or mouthpiece. In addition to experimenting with the composition and taste of the tea mixture, you can also experiment with mixtures of hookah tobacco. But it contains nicotine, so tea leaves are not so harmful to the body.

The advantage of rolling tea over regular cigarettes is that it is a fascinating ritual. A smoker can enjoy not only smoking a quality cigarette, but also making it himself. Since the roll-up is made with your own hands, the entire procedure is controlled: you can choose tea with jasmine, mint, chamomile or other herbs and flowers.

The quality of cigarettes produced in our cigarette making equipment higher, which accordingly gives more profit compared to cigarettes sold on the market.

Potential buyers of our equipment for cigarettes they soon give up the job of importing cigarettes and concentrate on their own production and sale of their own cigarettes. They have great opportunities to start their own company with new brands.

Cigarette production starting directly from fresh tobacco leaves.

Production cigarillos(Cigarillo) - imitation, like cigarettes.

To work on cigarette equipment a couple of hours of training is enough

Our equipment for cigarettes can work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Cigarette line. Productivity 140 p/min

Approximate price of a complete line for manufacturing and packaging of cigarettes with filter in a solid pack, 2000 sig/min, 140 packs/min.

  • machine for making cigarettes without filter Mark 8(Molins UK)
  • filter attachment machine MAX 3(Hauni Germany),
  • machine for packing cigarettes into packs HLP(Molins UK)
  • cellophane wrapping machine,
  • machine for stacking packs into blocks
  • block cellophane machine,
  • excise stamp sticker machine,
  • connecting conveyors.

Build time like this cigarette line– from 2.5 to 3 months.

Installation and launch of this cigarette line– 20 days. The warranty for this cigarette line is 1 year. Cigarette line price with a capacity of 140 packs/min – $560,000 US

Photo of the cigarette line. Productivity 140 p/min

Cigarette line MARK 8

Price of a complete cigarette line for the production and packaging of filter cigarettes in a solid pack, 2000 cigar/min, 140 packs/min - $420,000 USА.
Cigarette line packed and ready for shipment. If necessary, the line will be assembled and launched within a week so that the client can see how it works before shipment.

IN cigarette line includes: machine for making cigarettes without filter Mark 8 (Molins UK), machine for attaching filter MAX 3.8 (Hauni Germany). As well as equipment for packaging cigarettes.

All machines cigarette line completely restored, coordinated with each other and equipped with new electronic equipment in 2013.

Photo of the MARK 8 cigarette line

Cigarette line Skoda

This Skoda cigarette line converted for release in a hard pack.

Works perfect.

Full price Skoda cigarette line 320 thousand US dollars. Available in stock.

View photos of the Skoda cigarette line

Equipment for cigarettes Photo

Technical characteristics of equipment for the production of cigarettes

  • Dimensions: 2660x1300x1900 mm.
  • Weight: 3100 kg.
  • Productivity: up to 7000 cigarettes/min.
  • Total length of cigarettes with filter: 65-120 mm (without selection drum).
  • Total length of filter cigarettes: 65-100 mm (with selection drum).
  • Cigarette rod length: 55-90 mm.
  • Filter stick length: 60-150 mm.
  • Filter length (with 6-fold cut): 10-25 mm.
  • Filter length (with 4-fold cut): 16-35 mm.
  • Cigarette diameter: 6-9 mm.
  • Filter diameter: 0.05-0.1 mm less than the diameter of the manufactured cigarette.
  • Tipping paper width: 28-90 mm.
  • Trigger rim overlap: at least 4 mm.
  • Tipping paper reel diameter: up to 450 mm.
  • Inner diameter of tipping paper ring: 65 or 120 mm.
  • Total electrical power: 7.2 kVA.
  • Rated power: 5.25 kW.
  • Air pressure: 6 bar.
  • Air consumption: 12 m3/h (cleaned from moisture and oil).
  • Vacuum: self-sufficiency.

Other model cigarette equipment

  • Dimensions: 2884x2640x2900 mm.
  • Weight: frame 2650 kg.
  • Distributor 1400 kg.
  • Air unit 460 kg.
  • Maximum rod speed: 300 m per minute.
  • Productivity: 4000 cuts per minute.
  • Trigger length: 54-90 mm.
  • Trigger diameter: 6.6-9.09 mm.
  • Power consumption: 17.5 kVA.
  • Air pressure: 5 bar.
  • Air consumption: 4 cubic meters/hour (cleaned from moisture and oil).
  • Vacuum: 0.65 bar.
  • Vacuum pump capacity is not less than: 28.0 cubic meters.
  • Total electrical power: 4.0 kVA
  • High-smoldering cigarette paper: up to 6000 m.
  • Ring diameter: 120 mm.
  • External diameter: up to 620 mm.

We are able to select cigarette equipment any sizes you need.

Equipment for the production of cigarettes price

We can buy equipment for cigarette production at the most reasonable prices. If necessary, our craftsmen will train your workers to work on cigarette equipment. Turnkey sales are also possible.

I'm sure most smokers, when they buy cigarettes, think that they are smoking cigarettes made from tobacco leaves. This is partly true, especially if your cigarettes are expensive, but price is not always a guarantee of quality. I suggest you find out what cigarettes are made of now. Do not read for the faint of heart!

The main goal of the tobacco company is to reduce the cost of cigarettes as much as possible and increase its profits!

Cigarettes may contain:

  • Tobacco
  • Expanded (or "blown") tobacco.
  • Exploded tobacco vein
  • Reconstituted tobacco.
  • Sauces and flavorings.
  • Paper.
  • Filter.

Real tobacco is used only in cigars or premium and expensive cigarettes.

Expanded (exploded) tobacco has a larger volume than regular tobacco and requires less per cigarette. One of the ways to obtain it is to fill the tobacco leaf liquid nitrogen, after which it is heated sharply. During this process, partial loss of nicotine and tobacco occurs.

Like all leaves, the tobacco leaf has hard veins that are not used to make cigarettes, at least not before. Nowadays they use blown up tobacco veins (as well as blown up tobacco leaves) to reduce the cost of cigarette production.

The blasted tobacco stem is tasteless and contains virtually no tar or nicotine. This in turn is the reason for the use of sauces and flavorings.

The use of blown tobacco stem helps cigarette manufacturers regulate nicotine and tar levels because... By adding an exploded tobacco vein to a cigarette, it becomes “lighter”. The use of blown tobacco veins in “light” cigarettes is especially important.

Reconstituted tobacco is obtained from tobacco waste - small pieces of leaves, tobacco dust, etc.

Tobacco production waste and dust for a long time boiled in vats. The resulting pulp is dried and a kind of papier mache is obtained, as well as a decoction, which in production is called “tobacco liqueur”. It looks like very cheap paper.
There is very little nicotine and tar in dried “paper”, but there is a lot of it in “tobacco liqueur”. Depending on what kind of cigarettes the reconstituted tobacco will be used for, it is heavily or lightly impregnated with “tobacco liqueur”, and various sauces and flavorings are also added.

Reconstituted tobacco is used in the cheapest cigarettes.

Reconstituted tobacco is one of the reasons for the appearance of “light” cigarettes, because It is easy to regulate the level of nicotine and tar.

Sauces and flavorings are necessary so that each brand of cigarettes has its own taste and aroma, because... It is impossible to achieve the same taste of cigarettes without using additives.

Chlorine and saltpeter are commonly used in the manufacture of cigarette paper. Chlorine - for bleaching, saltpeter - to improve the burning of a cigarette. Expensive brands of cigarettes use paper based on natural ingredients - flax, cellulose wood. Such paper produces a minimum of foreign substances in cigarette smoke.

A cigarette filter is usually made from acetate fiber wrapped in paper. As an addition, a carbon filter is often used, which can trap a number of substances in cigarette smoke.

All anti-smoking campaigns have had only one result: increased profits for tobacco companies. They limited the tar and nicotine content in cigarettes - they began to use more by-products, production costs decreased, and profits increased (a smoker will smoke more light cigarettes, and the selling price of a pack of cigarettes did not decrease with a decrease in production costs).

Business plan: cigarette production and tobacco business

The fight against smoking and high excise taxes do not deter smokers. The changes planned by the authorities, which involve an increase in the cost of cigarettes by almost 3 times, are unlikely to radically change the situation. Today in Russia 30% of the population smokes. The demand for cigarettes is still high. But entrepreneurs are scared off by the tobacco business due to its high costs. Only high income always means high risk, so it’s worth a try. Let's take a look at an example of a business plan for “Mini-production of cigarettes” in Voronezh.


It is planned to open a factory for the production of tobacco products in Voronezh. For this purpose, part of the production and warehouse premises of one of the closed factories not far from the city will be purchased.

The factory will produce tobacco products for the middle strata of the population. Premium products are also planned to be included in the assortment.

The total cost of creating a tobacco business will be 206,700 thousand rubles. According to the calculation made, the investment will pay off within a few months, despite the fact that for the first 2 months the enterprise will operate at dumping prices.

Company information

The Voronezh tobacco factory will monthly produce 1.26 million cigarettes per day. Its clients will be Russian smokers who want to be successful and look the part. The presentable appearance of the packaging is designed to make just such an impression on others.

Business environment

The regional market is filled with imported tobacco products. Only non-filter cigarettes are produced in the region. Therefore, a priori, the new manufacturer has a competitive advantage. If you sell cigarettes in the city and region, the price will be lower than that of analogues due to the absence of transportation costs. Thus, for the first 2 months, cigarettes will be sold at 30 rubles per pack (wholesale price), and subsequently at 40 rubles per pack. This is the cost for production of 1,260 thousand units. per month will allow you to earn 579,600 thousand rubles per year. This is income from which you still need to subtract costs and taxes.

Marketing and sales plan

Since advertising of tobacco products is prohibited, the product is promoted to the market through dumping. In order to attract customers, the products will be sold at reduced prices for the first months. A discount of 20-25% in 1-2 months will allow you to form a circle of admirers.

The mini-production of cigarettes will produce several brands of goods. All of them are aimed at buyers with average incomes. In addition to the price, which will allow promotion, cigarettes will be promoted through the design and website. Product design is focused on respectable style or the desire for it. Each brand should emphasize the status of the owner in its own way. You also need to draw up a competent commercial proposal for the retail outlets through which you plan to distribute the product.

Operational plan

Premises for tobacco production in Russia should not be rented. It is expensive to build a plant from scratch, and therefore the best option would be to purchase space. Moreover, the city has many empty industrial buildings that can be converted. We decided to purchase part of the former plant. The enterprise is located a short distance from the city. It requires repairs, which will require significant costs. Purchase of a building, renovation and ongoing maintenance, including public utilities, will cost 10 million rubles per year.

Investments in the production of cigarettes from scratch are measured in tens of millions of rubles. The minimum amount with which you can start this business is about 15,000 thousand rubles, if you buy used cars. Such a kit will allow the production of 7.5 thousand packs per hour. The line performs most of the operations automatically. The first machine shreds the dry tobacco leaf and transfers it to the next device, which wraps the tobacco in special paper and glues the filter. Next, the cigarettes are placed into a pack without human hands. The next machine affixes a tax stamp. The last machine wraps the pack in film.

The factory will also need 4 cars, which will cost 4 million rubles. The vehicles will deliver products and bring staff to work in the morning. Automotive equipment will also be needed for other household chores.

After purchasing fixed assets, you should purchase inventories. It's mostly tobacco average cost which is about 3 million rubles per month. You will also need aromatic additives, work clothes for workers, etc.

Workforce plan

To create a factory you need a fairly large number of employees. Personnel must maintain machines and premises, order and deliver raw materials, ensure sales, and maintain operational and accounting records at the enterprise. To start, we will need 80 people. Labor costs will be the largest after the equipment is paid off. Most of the employees are service personnel, since the tobacco line is almost completely automated and does not require many people to service it.

Financial plan

Costs of cigarette production in the 1st year of operation:

  • premises - 10,000 thousand.
  • fixed assets - 19,000 thousand rubles;
  • material reserves (tobacco) - 64,800 thousand rubles;
  • excise tax - 96,000 thousand rubles;
  • wages— 16,400 thousand rubles;
  • other costs - 500 thousand rubles.

Total: 206,700 thousand rubles.

The study shows that cigarette production will pay for itself in less than 6 months. This confirms that the tobacco business has good prospects. If you have doubts about success, you can purchase a ready-made tobacco business. A functioning mini-factory will cost even less than the costs shown in the calculation, since wages and inventories are not one-time expenses.