By decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences No. 8 of January 21, 1998, a new type of state scientific and clinical institution was established - Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy medical sciences(NCD RAMS) by merging the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The director of the Center is academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia Alexander Alexandrovich Baranov.

Integration in one institution of hygienic, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation technologies, as well as the joint work of scientists from different specialties, were the prerequisites for the creation of a unique institution capable of not only more effectively solving scientific problems in the field of pediatrics, pediatric surgery, hygiene of children and adolescents, but also have a significant impact on the entire child health system of the country. This is confirmed by such significant events in children’s healthcare, implemented on the initiative of the Center, as the reform of the organization medical care adolescents (transferring them to the pediatric service), adoption of the “Healthy Child” subprogram of the Federal Target Program “Children of Russia”, Parliamentary hearings “National Strategy for the Protection of Children’s Health in Russia”. Two resolutions of the Government of Russia, a number of orders of the Ministry of Health of the Boards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Presidium have also been prepared Russian Academy of Medical Sciences topical issues medical science and practice.

The Scientific Center for Children's Health is an independent scientific medical organization, which has the status of a state institution, and is directly subordinate to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, being part of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Currently, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences includes:

  • Research Institute of Pediatrics (Head of the Department of Gastroenterology Potapov A.S.),
  • scientific and organizational department,
  • department of fundamental and applied problems of health formation,
  • Scientific Council on Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Federal scientific, methodological and practical centers:
  • Center for Medical and Social Problems of Adolescence
  • Center "Children of the North".
NCDH employs 7 main freelance specialists from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

Shcherbakov P.L.- main pediatric gastroenterologist;

Revyakina V.A.- Chief pediatric allergist-immunologist;

Chumakova O.V.- chief pediatric nephrologist;

Studenikin V.M.- chief pediatric neurologist;

Polyakov S.D.- chief specialist in sports medicine and exercise therapy, - and the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region:

Roshal L.M.- main pediatric pulmonologist;

Namazova L.S.- Chief pediatric allergist-immunologist.

The infrastructure of the Center is under operational management - renovated buildings located on the territory of a garden and park ensemble, modern medical equipment, highly qualified senior and mid-level personnel, modern medical technologies and medicines, - was the basis for a significant increase in the efficiency of the Center’s research, treatment and advisory work.
History of the Research Institute of Pediatrics

80 years ago, on November 10, 1922, the board of the People's Commissariat of Health approved the regulations on the State Scientific Institute of Maternity and Infancy Protection. V.P. Lebedeva, who headed the Department of Maternity and Infancy Protection of the People's Commissariat of Health, united the old obstetric institution with the Baby Protection House into a single institution, strengthened by a number of newly organized laboratories and theoretical departments. The newly created institution was the Institute of Pediatrics. From the moment of its opening, the following departments began to function: obstetrics and gynecology with a department for newborns, the department of physiology of early childhood with physiological and biochemical laboratories, the department of education and social hygiene of mother and child, the department of childhood pathology with a number of clinics The institute also had a number of demonstration institutions: consultation for children early age, nursery, Mother and Child Home. Courses were held here to train nursing staff - teachers and sisters for work in various clinics. The first director of the institute was a professor, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor Georgy Nesterovich Speransky.

Since its foundation, the institute has always been headed by leading pediatricians and organizers of children's health - Fanya Isaakovna Zborovskaya, Maria Nikolaevna Kazantseva, then academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Olga Dmitrievna Sokolova-Ponomareva. From 1960 to the present, the institute has been headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Mitrofan Yakovlevich Studenikin.

The history of the institute has its own milestones, its own important turning points

1940- year of transformation into the Institute of Pediatrics of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR.

Autumn 1941- evacuation to Sverdlovsk. The main task of the institute is to help children evacuated from the front line. The search for milk substitutes is underway, and measures to prevent dystrophy and many other diseases are being developed.

1943- the institute returns to Moscow. The team is saved and resumes interrupted research.

1945- the institute was given the honor of recognition of its scientific merits; it is one of the institutions of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The research planned at the institute dictated the need to form new scientific, diagnostic and therapeutic units. Thus began work on the study of nervous and mental illness in children, a department has been organized to study the development and education of young children.

1947- the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1962- accommodation in a new building, in which the institute is still located. The move was marked by a radical restructuring of the work of the team: the structure of the institute was changed, management and leading scientific personnel were replaced, the scientific directions and practical activities of the institute changed. Over the next ten years, a number of departments were organized within the walls of the institute, which began to develop new scientific topics. Most of them were created for the first time in the country: nephrology department, allergology, arthrology, hematology, surgery, gastroenterology group, functional diagnostics department, physical therapy And sports medicine, Clinical Virology Laboratory, Cytochemistry Laboratory, Children's Health Laboratory, Planning and Forecasting Department scientific research.

1972- the institute was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1992- the institute was renamed into the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

- The Research Institute of Pediatrics became part of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which is currently the largest scientific and practical pediatric institution in Russia, with first-class specialists in all areas of pediatrics. New directions continue to develop at the institute: departments of hospital-replacement technologies, a department of metabolic diseases and osteoporosis, a department of otorhinolaryngology, a department of gastroenterology have been created, and genetic research has begun.

Price list for medical services provided by the Scientific Center for Health Care of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on a paid basis

Endoscopic examinations:
Code Medical service
Cost, rub.
13.001 Diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy in children 500
13.001.01 Diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy in adults 600
13.002 Biopsy of one fraction of the mucous membrane 80
13.007 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with examination of the jejunum 715
13.004 Retrograde cholangiopancreatography 3500
13.005 Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori by rapid urease test 150
13.008 Diagnostic colonoscopy 2000
13.010 Diagnostic tracheobronchoscopy 1000
13.012 Laryngoscopy 315
13.013 Polypectomy of the 1st VOPT polyp 1000
13.014 Therapeutic endoscopy to stop bleeding 850
13.015 Therapeutic endoscopy for varicose veins veins 850
13.016 Endoscopic bougienage of stenoses (1 session) 680
13.018 Therapeutic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (papillotomy, dilatation, stenting) 6500
13.019 Introduction medicines into the lumen of the intestine (stomach), the wall of the 280
13.020 Foreign body removal 750
13.021 Therapeutic bronchoscopy 1500
13.022 Diagnostic sigmoidoscopy 260
13.023 Capsule endoscopy 24180
13.024 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, therapeutic 4500
13.025 Sclerotherapy of esophageal veins 3000
13.026 Diagnostic bronchoscopy 900
13.027 Daily pH-metry 1000
13.028 Observation in the recovery room for 4 hours 500
13.029 Mask anesthesia for endoscopic examinations 2 100
13.030 Intravenous anesthesia for RPAG 2 000
13.031 Intravenous anesthesia for endoscopic examinations 1 100
13.032 Endotracheal anesthesia up to 1.5 hours 4 000
13.033 Peripheral vein puncture and catheterization 300
13.034 Removing mucus with an electric suction 90

Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect 2/62.

The original article is on the website:

Federal State Autonomous Institution "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation.

Director - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor - Andrey Petrovich Fisenko.

The history of the National Medical Research Center for Children's Health dates back to the mid-18th century. It began to function as a “hospital for children” at the Imperial Moscow Orphanage on the basis of the Manifesto of Catherine II of September 1, 1763. The Orphanage was transformed into a House for the Protection of Infants in 1918, and then into the State Scientific Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (1923) . The institution, already as a research institute of pediatrics in 1945, became part of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1998, through the merger of the Research Institute of Pediatrics and the Research Institute of Hygiene and Children's Health, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was created. Now the Center is more than 255 years old.

Since 2015, the Center has become subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Health. The uniqueness of the country's leading pediatric center lies in the harmonious combination of fundamental and applied research with the provision of multidisciplinary high-tech medical care for children and the training of scientific and medical personnel.

Today, the National Medical Research Center for Children's Health is a Leadership Center, which plays a special role in the formation of the Strategy for the Development of Children's Health Care in Russia and the implementation of the main directions of the Decade of Childhood (2018-2027).

The center is structured in such a way that, both scientifically and practically, we solve multidisciplinary issues of prevention, diagnosis, high-tech treatment, rehabilitation, hygiene and health care for children and adolescents.

Today the Center’s structure effectively includes: Research Institute of Pediatrics and Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, Institute of Pediatric Surgery and Institute of Medical Personnel Training, Center for Child Psychoneurology, Center basic research in pediatrics and the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance in Pediatrics.

The Center's staff includes highly qualified specialists, including 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 36 professors, 4 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 4 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 70 doctors and 150 candidates of science. The Center's employees have repeatedly become laureates of Russian Government awards in the field of science and technology.

All types of medical care, including specialized and high-tech, are provided in a 24-hour clinic, day hospital and consultation and diagnostic center. New medical and organizational forms of work made it possible to annually increase the number of patients treated by 1.5 times. All types of research at the Center are publicly available to children of all subjects of the Russian Federation.

With the opening in 2014 of a new high-tech scientific and clinical complex of pediatrics and pediatric surgery with unique equipment, the quality and volume of care provided in the field of pediatrics, pediatric surgery and public health have significantly increased.

All divisions of the Center have modern scientific and medical equipment, which allows them to conduct fundamental and applied research at the world level in priority areas of scientific development and critical technologies approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Scientifically based and widely used innovative methods treatment of severe forms of rheumatic, allergic, nephrological, neurological diseases and diseases gastrointestinal tract in children.

New methods of vaccine prevention and rehabilitation of children with health problems, including those born with very low and extremely low body weight, are being successfully implemented.

The center has more than 30 years of experience active use telemedicine and remote access technologies in pediatrics using the latest achievements in the field of communication technologies, which makes consultations and educational lectures of its specialists available to everyone who has modern communication means. Thanks to telemedicine, the Center can fully realize its potential of helping children with various forms pathology and develop new methods of digital support for clinical decision making and medical data processing.

The center has a specialized dissertation council with the right to accept doctoral and candidate dissertations in 3 specialties (pediatrics, pediatric surgery, public health and healthcare).

Every year, the Center trains more than 100 residents and graduate students using the facilities of a highly specialized simulation and training center. Its structure includes intensive care wards, intensive care units for newborns and older children, an operating unit, rooms for practicing practical skills in pediatrics, pediatric surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, as well as a conference room for lecture courses.

The center is the clinical base for a number of departments of pediatric faculties of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (Sechenov University) and Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov.

The center unites children's doctors from the country for joint clinical, scientific and educational activities: annual congresses of Russian pediatricians, thematic scientific and practical conferences, schools for specialists. The meetings are broadcast via the Internet and are widely in demand among pediatricians and scientists in the Russian Federation and other countries.

The Center is the developer of numerous documents at the federal level aimed at improving medical care, preserving and restoring the health of children in the Russian Federation: additions have been made to the “Procedure for providing pediatric care to children”, proposals for draft professional standards “Specialist in the field of healthcare organization” and “Assistant ) to provide technical assistance to persons with disabilities and limited health capabilities,” as well as proposals for revising the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia No. 464n “On classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal government agencies medical and social examination" and additions to the draft order of the Ministry of Health of Russia "On approval of the nomenclature medical services" The Center’s specialists are the key developers of the approved professional standard “District pediatrician.”

On the basis of the Federal State Institution "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the working group "Healthcare Friendly for Children and Children" operates. healthy image life” of the Coordination Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the most important provisions of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children.

In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Federal State Institution "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" provides creative and advisory support to pediatricians and pediatric surgeons from all regions of Russia.

Children's Health Center on Lomonosovsky is a leading pediatric research center. The center is engaged in practical and research activities aimed at treating difficult diseases and developing new methods early development children and many others.


RAMS dates back to the 18th century, when a “hospital for children” was founded, working at an orphanage organized by Empress Catherine II. After the October events of 1917, the institution acquired the name “Baby Protection House”. On its basis in 1922 it was opened Scientific Institute, dealing with problems of motherhood and childhood.

Through the efforts of the first doctors, the Baby House and the maternity hospital were united into a single medical structure, and laboratories and scientific departments were opened. With the development of the institution came the need to give it a new status, where attention was paid not only to practice, but also to research. This is how the Institute of Pediatrics appeared with departments, laboratories, methodological developments, educational departments.

In 1941, the institute was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, where methods of combating dystrophy and its complications were being developed, substitutes for natural milk were being searched for, and much more. The return to Moscow took place in 1943, and in 1945 the institute became part of the Academy of Medical Sciences. The research institute began in the field of nervous and mental pathologies, and a department was created to study the possibilities of early development and upbringing of children.

In 1962, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences received the building where it is located today. The new premises gave rise to the development of scientific thought - new divisions and directions of scientific activity appeared, the practical work. To deepen scientific research, departments of nephrology, allergology, gastroenterology, exercise therapy, surgery and many others were organized. Most of the directions were developed for the first time in the history of the USSR.

In 1992, the Health Center on Lomonosovsky received the status of a research institute of pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and a few years later became part of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Research and practical activities here continue to develop at the forefront of science, today new directions have been opened - genetic research, the study of metabolic diseases, the use of high-tech medicine to treat complex diseases, and much more.


On modern stage The Children's Health Center on Lomonosovsky Prospekt is one of the most advanced medical institutions Russia. In 2014, the clinic opened a new complex designed to provide high-tech care in the field of pediatrics and pediatric surgery. Unique equipment has expanded the range of possibilities for treating previously hopeless cases.

The SCCD RAMS has assembled a staff of highly qualified specialists, among them are academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidates and doctors of science. The hospital provides all types of care - 24-hour stay under medical supervision, day hospital, consultations and diagnostics.

Structural divisions of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NTsZD RAMS:

  • Research Institute of Pediatrics.
  • Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents.
  • Medical auxiliary and centralized units.

Center departments

SCCH RAMS provides treatment, diagnosis and consultations for the child population. The center's scientific departments conduct scientific and research activities and issue methodological guidelines for pediatric institutions.

The Children's Health Center on Lomonosovsky implements treatment, methodological, and research programs in centralized and auxiliary departments:

  • Departments of resuscitation and intensive care, anesthesiology and resuscitation.
  • Scientific departments - forecasting and research planning, scientific and organizational, standardization and pharmacology, international relations.
  • Center for Extrabudgetary Work.
  • Breast milk bank.

Admission to the medical units of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on Lomonosovsky Prospekt is carried out on the basis of a referral from the treating pediatrician.

Institute of Pediatrics

The Children's Health Center on Lomonosovsky Prospekt provides advisory and treatment services in 33 areas. The institute operates a modern diagnostic complex with high-precision equipment.

The structure of the institute includes clinical departments:

  • Pulmonology, allergology, cardiology.
  • Neurology, nephrology, dermatology.
  • Pathologies of early age, gastroenterology.
  • Pathologies of psychosomatics and psychoneurology.
  • Department for premature babies.
  • Diagnostics and recovery.
  • Surgery and trauma.

The diagnostic division consists of departments:

  • Ultrasound, instrumental diagnostics.
  • Clinical laboratory.
  • Endoscopic and morphological studies.
  • X-ray diagnostics, CT.
  • Nutrition department (for healthy children and children with pathologies).

The Department of Surgery provides medical services in the following departments:

  • Emergency surgery.
  • Urological, cardiovascular, maxillofacial surgery.
  • Surgery of newborns.
  • Neuroorthopedics, orthopedics, reproductive health, otolaryngology.

Complex of services

The Health Center on Lomonosovsky Prospekt provides services in all structural divisions compulsory medical insurance policies, VHI and according to the commercial price list. Consultative appointments are carried out by appointment and with the direction of the treating pediatrician.

The service is available to every citizen of the Russian Federation. The Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Research Institute of Pediatrics opens appointments from 09:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, weekends - from 10:00 to 16:00. The inpatient department accepts children for treatment upon referral from a doctor from the consultation and diagnostic department.

Main directions of treatment and rehabilitation of children:

  • Diseases nervous system, musculoskeletal system.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, skin diseases.
  • Perinatal pathologies, cardiovascular diseases, obesity.
  • Endocrinology, metabolic diseases, urology and nephrology.
  • Otolaryngology, surgery (including emergency), emergency pediatrics.
  • Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, vaccine prophylaxis.
  • Laboratory of special psychology, special education, cognitive pediatrics.


The debate about the use of preventive vaccination is ongoing with great fervor. Many parents oppose this move, arguing that modern drugs destroy immune system children, give examples of high mortality from vaccinations, point out complications caused by the use of certain drugs. Discount possible consequences It’s unreasonable, but a child’s lack of vaccinations will lead to one outcome - a serious illness and the creation of preconditions for an epidemic.

Experts say that modern drugs are certified and tested many times, possible side effects kept to a minimum. Doctors strongly advise routine vaccination of children after preliminary consultation with a specialist, which will help avoid consequences and keep the child healthy not only childhood, but also for the rest of my life.

The clinic implements a preventive vaccination program against infectious diseases:

  • Flu, tetanus, polio, mumps.
  • Rubella, diphtheria, hepatitis B.
  • Whooping cough, tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria.
  • Pneumococcal, hemophilic infection (according to indications).

Positive Feedback

According to parents' reviews, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on Lomonosovsky Prospekt provides invaluable assistance in the most severe cases. It is indicated that specialists from other children's medical institutions recommend contacting this place in cases where the chances of successful treatment or surgery are negligible, and almost always the doctors of the Children's Health Center manage to achieve victory over the disease. Visitors left words of sincere gratitude to surgeons, pediatricians, neurologists and other doctors for the restored children's health.

According to parents, the hospital stay is quite comfortable: free three meals a day dietary food, washing machines in the sanitary room, hygiene room - common. The orderlies and nurses are polite and perform their duties well. The rooms are designed for four children and their mothers. Sometimes there are not enough places, and then mothers have to sleep in the same bed with their children, which is not very convenient, but many are ready for this situation.

Large quantity good reviews left to the advisory and diagnostic department of the Research Institute of Pediatrics. Visitors talked about what they could get only here accurate diagnosis illnesses of the child and adequate effective treatment.

Negative reviews

Some visitors left negative opinions about the work of the departments of the Scientific Center for Diagnostics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Reviews with negative ratings indicate the slow work of the hospital, where sometimes you have to wait for several hours for registration. Parents talk about the rudeness and inattention of some doctors and medical staff. There are complaints about careless treatment of the child. There are cases when a specialist does not answer parents’ questions about the diagnosis.

For those who received treatment on a commercial basis, the prices for services seemed inflated. But most of the reviews on the work of the clinic, the professionalism of the doctors, the conditions of stay and the quality of service are positive.

Useful information

Full name and address of the institution: FGAU "NNPCZD" (Scientific Center for Children's Health), Lomonosovsky Prospekt, building 2, building 1.

  • From the Profsoyuznaya metro station to the Rynok Cheryomushki stop - trolleybus route No. 49, bus route No. 130 or 67.
  • From the Universitet metro station to the Rynok Cheryomushki stop, take a tram of any route, or a bus of routes No. 67, 130 or 103.

Scientific Children's Health Center - the parent and largest institution in the Russian Federation.

The only one in the system of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences multidisciplinary pediatric center. At the Center, children from various regions of Russia receive highly qualified assistance, as well as foreign citizens. The structure includes three Institutes: Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Research Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents and Research Institute of Preventive Pediatrics and rehabilitation treatment, whose staff consists of more than 160 highly qualified specialists. GU SCCH RAMS has a powerful human resources potential - 4 academicians of the RAMS, 48 professors, 96 doctors and 150 candidates of medical sciences work at the institutes of the Children's Medical Center. All research fellows carry out fundamental and applied research in current areas of modern pediatrics, including neonatology. 5,500 children annually receive care in the clinic of the Scientific Center, 25,000 patients are served in the outpatient department and one-day hospital.

The center has been completely re-equipped. All departments have modern scientific and medical equipment, which allows them to conduct fundamental and applied research at the world level. Currently in Children's Center health, there is a completely unique complex of diagnostic imaging - magnetic resonance and computed tomography, digital radiography, radionuclide and ultrasound methods. Unique technologies for reconstructive surgery have been developed, protected by patents and introduced congenital defects in children.

Over the past 5 years, scientists of the center have published 70 textbooks, monographs and manuals, 26 teaching aids, 39 methodological recommendations, 34 SANPIN, 1465 articles published, including 45 abroad, 16 patents received and 24 applications for inventions filed, 39 regulatory documents federal level. The Grants Council under the President of the Russian Federation awarded the title “Leading Scientific School” to the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Scientific Center for Children of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The infrastructure under operational management - renovated buildings located on the territory of a garden and park ensemble, modern medical equipment, highly qualified senior and mid-level personnel, modern medical technologies and medicines - is the basis for significantly increasing the efficiency of the Center's research, treatment and advisory work .

The center conducts laboratory and functional diagnostics, CT, MRI not only for children, but also for parents. Scientific Center He is also interested in patients who come for free on referrals from other medical institutions.

Areas of medicine:
  • Allergology
  • Andrology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hematology
  • Cardiology
  • Laboratory
  • Neurology
  • Nephrology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Pulmonology
  • Rheumatology
  • Certificates and medical information examinations
  • Dentistry
  • Therapy
  • Traumatology and orthopedics
  • Urology
  • Surgery
  • Endocrinology

Research Institute of Pediatrics scientific center children's health

Scientific Center for Children's Health Russian Academy Medical Sciences (State Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) was created to develop the scientific basis for improving the system of protecting children's health. Director of the Scientific Center for Children's Education of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A. Baranov.

On a functional basis, the Center operates 4 federal scientific and methodological centers, a vocational training center, as well as 7 chief specialists from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The Center's institutes employ 4 academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 46 professors, 95 doctors and 140 candidates of medical sciences. The Center's clinic has 370 beds in 15 hospitals for round-the-clock care of children, provides admission, outpatient and inpatient treatment to children from various regions of the Russian Federation, foreign countries, Moscow and the Moscow region. Every year, more than 7,000 sick children are treated in the Center’s clinics and receive all types of specialized pediatric and surgical care. The number of patients treated in hospitals increased by 3,000 children over 5 years. Every year, up to 75 thousand children in 28 pediatric specialties receive advisory and medical care at the CDC. The volume of advisory assistance has increased by more than 3.6 times, mainly due to the use of new effective technologies.

The center has been completely re-equipped. All departments have modern scientific and medical equipment, which allows them to conduct fundamental and applied research at the world level. Currently, the Center operates a completely unique complex of diagnostic imaging - magnetic resonance and computed tomography, digital radiography, radionuclide and ultrasound methods. Unique technologies for reconstructive surgery for congenital defects in children have been developed, protected by patents and introduced. Over the past 5 years, scientists of the Center have published 70 textbooks, monographs and manuals, 26 teaching aids, 39 methodological recommendations, 34 SANPINs, published 1,465 articles, including 45 abroad, received 16 patents and filed 24 applications for inventions, 39 regulatory documents federal level. The Grants Council under the President of the Russian Federation awarded the title “Leading Scientific School” to the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Scientific Center for Children of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Clinical departments:

  • Reception department
  • Diagnostic department
  • Department of Diagnostics and Rehabilitation Treatment
  • Department of Hereditary and Congenital Respiratory Diseases
  • Ward for premature babies
  • Department of Early Childhood Pathology
  • Gastroenterology department with hepatology group
  • Cardiology department
  • Rheumatology department
  • Surgery department (including orthopedics and traumatology)
  • Urology department
  • Uroandrology department
  • Department of Emergency Surgery and Pediatric Trauma
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
  • Psychoneurological department
  • Nephrology department
  • Allergy department
  • Department of Hospital-Replacing Technologies
  • Otorhinolaryngology department
  • Department of rehabilitation treatment for children with cerebral palsy