Chinese doctors have long and successfully used the points responsible for human organs to treat people. For example, more than 70 thousand nerve endings are concentrated on the sole of the feet. Foot like a map internal organs, which can even be used to diagnose their pathologies.

Biologically active points work related different systems and organs, influencing which can help get rid of pathologies. Therefore, it has always been considered useful to walk barefoot on grass and earth to get a boost of energy and prevent many diseases. On our feet there are projection zones of many internal organs, by acting on which we can improve our well-being.

Massage is important not only for treatment, but also for prevention various diseases. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, start studying the sole map yourself.
Knowing the projections of the internal organs on the foot, you can give yourself a massage.

Before starting the procedure, warm up your feet, walk around, stand on tiptoes, take baths with salt, and then follow all the massage rules.

Rules for a full foot massage

To improve your health, try this procedure do it every evening before bed.

Before the massage, knead your soles and give them a warm bath. Walk barefoot, rise on your toes several times

Take any comfortable position:

  1. Bend one leg and place it on the thigh of the other leg.
  2. Place your foot on the seat of the chair.
  3. In the fetal position in a chair, with your leg lightly resting on the edge of the chair.
    If for health reasons you cannot sit down as described, take the position in which you feel comfortable doing the massage.

Perform massage warm hands.

First, knead the entire sole.
Massage with fingers of both hands, knuckles, fists.
It is recommended to massage the entire feet.

Rub the entire foot with stroking movements, then begin to press on each active point (3-7 seconds), moving from the toes to the heel. Also use techniques such as pulling (when massaging your fingers), tapping (with the edge of your palm), pinching, and kneading.

Knead your toes very gently: from the nail to the base.
Treat each finger separately.

Massage the ankle and ankle with soft circular movements.

If during the procedure you find painful points, then treat them with special care, remembering to alternate pressure with a pause. This means that the organs for which they are responsible are not in order.
Massage painful projections for at least a minute until the pain disappears.
And for the entire massage of each foot you need to spend about 3 minutes. The result of a properly performed massage is the disappearance of pain.

Before starting a massage, look contraindications. There are very few of them.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Exacerbation of diseases.
  • Venous thrombosis. Embolism.

Both right and left foot are divided into 5 zones, which are formed by 4 lines. Each area on the foot corresponds to certain areas on the body and the organs located in them.

The location and meaning of the active points on both feet are identical. The projections of paired organs (for example, eyes) are located on the right and left feet, respectively.

The meanings of the points on the right and left legs are different. It is recommended to massage the projection area of ​​the heart on the left foot during severe anxiety or stress.

The meanings of the points located on the right and left feet are different.

The meaning and location of the points in this part of the foot are the same for the right and left legs.

The points of the last zone are also identical in location and meaning for both the right and left feet.


How to do a foot massage yourself, in the comfort of your own home? What devices to use for self-massage? What miraculous points are located on our feet? Let's figure it out now. We’ll also watch a valuable video with an explanation and recommendations from a specialist.

The saying “Our health is in our hands” applies no less to our legs, or more precisely to our feet, where on a small surface of the body there is a huge number of biologically active points connected to absolutely all organs and environments of our body. It turns out that by acting only on the surface of the foot, we improve the health of the entire body at the same time, toning it and rejuvenating it!

How to do a foot massage yourself

Acupressure of the feet has been used in traditional and alternative medicine for thousands of years. different nations to cure human ailments, harmonize soul and body. According to legend, it was invented by Buddha himself. In China, such foot massage was for a long time the privilege of only emperors.

Modern beauty salons provide massages for tidy sums of money. But we can easily do without expensive procedures, do it in a comfortable home environment, improve our health completely free of charge, get pleasure and an instant boost of energy, relieve stress and fatigue. Now let's move on directly to the healing procedure. This is how you can do a massage at home without any help.

Making a foot massager

During a walk in nature, or when we relax at the seaside, we often take cute stones with us, which then lie around unused - it’s a shame to throw them away as good memories, but they take up space in vain. Now they will serve well.

  1. We take a wide, flat container that will comfortably fit both of our legs and that will not break under the load (I adapted an old metal tray for jellied meat for these purposes).
  2. We pour our favorite pebbles into it so that they completely cover the bottom. You can collect large gravel or crushed stone.
  3. It’s even better to buy shungite or silicon from a pharmacy chain, but these stones get dirty on your feet—you need to tread on them in socks.
  4. In the absence of all of the above, you can use ordinary drawing pencils poured into a box. Our massager is ready, we put it under the bed.
  5. Now, every morning after getting out of bed, we make it a habit to stomp on this massager for 3-5 minutes - the drowsiness will go away as if by hand, and a pleasant boost of vivacity will appear.

Foot massage with a mat

You can massage your feet using a special rubber massage mat with corrugation with spikes, or a shower mat, as in the photo. These are sold in sporting goods and medical equipment. All you have to do is put it in the bathroom and use it while brushing your teeth or shaving in the morning. This way your health is strengthened, and no time is wasted specifically on the massage procedure.

If you have problems with your stomach, pancreas, or liver, stomp on your heels more. If you have lung or heart diseases, walk on your toes. Try to work all areas of the soles of your feet.

Massage baths with aromatic oils

Vibrating electric baths are good for tired feet, in which you can massage your feet both without water and with water (15 minutes).

It is advisable to add sea salt and infusions to the warm water for the procedure. medicinal plants, 7 drops of aromatic natural oils (rosemary, lavender, orange, juniper, pine, cedar). This will create a relaxation effect, relieve leg fatigue and negative information accumulated during the day, and improve skin condition.

According to the laws of aromatherapy, oil is selected individually for each person. The subconscious will help you choose the right oil for you - just smell the oils and look for the ones you like, the smell of which you can’t tear yourself away from. This will be the right choice for your body to self-medicate. If the smell of some oil irritates you, refuse to use it, even if it is highly recommended!

Acupressure foot massage

There are a great many other devices for acupressure of the feet: applicators, special insoles for shoes, flip-flops and a lot of the like. I like using a needle massager made of natural wood. When I watch TV or surf the Internet, I roll it with my soles. You can make a similar device yourself if you use a large glass or plastic bottle pour warm water and roll it with your feet - the pleasure is amazing, and the benefits too. The legs quickly warm up, the blood stops stagnating, fatigue and swelling go away.

Acupressure can easily help the body overcome pain and illness. For example: if you have headaches, sit a lot at the computer or gadgets, and your eyes hurt, stretch top part thumbs and the unpleasant sensations will quickly go away.

Below are listed and shown in the pictures (where they are located) the biologically active points of the feet. You need to work them out correctly like this: find the points necessary for your ailments and press on them with your fingers or a massager (with a frequency of 1 pressure per second) for no more than 3 minutes.

I recommend watching a rare video of how acupuncture points move through the human body and how they are located. After all, this is about official medicine does not speak, since these channels and points are immaterial, it is simply impossible to see them.

You can use self-massage of your feet and influence on acupuncture points constantly - this technique has no contraindications, it does not poison the internal environment of your body (as medications), and the effect is amazing. The main thing is not to overdo it and do therapeutic massage in 10-day courses with mandatory 10-day breaks.

In addition, I have prepared a very valuable video on the topic. In it, a resuscitation doctor with 22 years of experience in Su Jok therapy gives practical advice on how to properly massage points and treat conditions and diseases. I highly recommend watching it.

Biologically active points on the foot (acupuncture points)

The pictures show the location of active points on the foot under certain numbers. And on the left, under the same numbers, is a list of organs and systems. You need to find the organs needed for therapeutic effects in the list, and use the numbers in the picture to determine the points associated with each organ. Next, we massage the feet using any of the methods described above, whichever you prefer.

Left foot

  1. Right frontal sinus
  2. Pituitary
  3. Head, brain - Right side
  4. Brain stem, cerebellum
  5. Trigeminal nerve, temporal region on the right
  6. Neck (collar area) on the right
  7. Right eye
  8. Right ear
  9. Parathyroid
  10. Throat - left side
  11. Thyroid
  12. Trapezius muscle on the left
  13. Lungs and bronchi on the left
  14. Left shoulder
  15. Left shoulder (upper part)
  16. Heart
  17. Solar plexus

21. Stomach
22. Adrenal gland on the left
23. Kidney on the left
24. Ureter on the left
25. Bladder
26. Pancreas
27. Duodenum
28. Spleen
29. Small intestine
31. Descending colon
35. Rectum
36. Anus (anus)
37. Hip joint left
38. Knee-joint
39. Left knee
40. Sex glands - testes and ovaries
41. Nervous system

Right foot

1. Left frontal sinuses
2. Pituitary gland
3. Nose
4. Head, brain on the left
5. Cerebral cortex, cerebellum
6. Trigeminal nerve, left temporal region
7. Neck (collar area) on the left
8. Left eye
9. Left ear
10. Parathyroid gland
11. Throat - right side
12. Thyroid gland
13. Trapezius muscle on the right
14. Lungs and bronchi on the right
15. Right shoulder
16. Right shoulder (upper part)
18. Solar plexus
19. Gallbladder
20. Liver
21. Stomach
22. Adrenal gland on the right
23. Kidney on the right
24. Ureter on the right
25. Bladder
26. Pancreas
27. Duodenum
29. Small intestine
30. Transverse colon
31. Ascending colon
32. Connection of the colon and sigmoid colon
33. Appendix
35. Hip joint on the right
36. Knee joint
37. Right knee
38. Sex glands - testes and ovaries
41. Nervous system

Foot - back side

42. Lymph nodes of the upper body
43. Internal lymph nodes
44. Inguinal lymph nodes
45. Aperture
48. Thoracic lymphatic duct
49. Larynx and trachea
50. Tonsils
51. Lower jaw Upper jaw
52. Upper jaw

Foot - outer side

6. Whiskey, trigeminal nerve
15. Shoulder
37. Hip joint
38. Knee joint
39. Knee
40. Gonads - ovaries, fallopian tube, testicles
42. Lymph nodes of the upper body
44. Inguinal The lymph nodes
45. Aperture
46. ​​Balance organs (vestibular apparatus)
47. Mammary glands

Foot - inner side

13. Nose
20. Parathyroid glands
25. Bladder
37. Hip joint
43. Internal lymph nodes
44. Inguinal lymph nodes
54. Groin area
55. Uterus or prostate
56. Penis, vagina, urethra
57. Rectum, hemorrhoids
58. Cervical vertebrae
59. Thoracic vertebrae
60. Lumbar vertebrae
61. Sacrum and coccyx

Today we figured out how to do foot massage to improve health and treat diseases on our own. Armed yourself with knowledge of how the points on the foot are located and what organs each of them is connected to. If you forget anything, bookmark the article so you can come back and look at it as needed.

I advise you to look at how to harden the body and folk remedies for good health, how to find and for beauty and health.

Chinese healers made a great contribution to the history of humankind. They explored many industries, which had a significant positive impact on the standard of living of the people of that time. This also affected medicine. Doctors from the Land of the Rising Sun have found that acupuncture points on the foot affect the functioning of organs and can help with neurological diseases.

Foot in oriental medicine

Many people perceive the foot as a means of transportation and nothing more. But this opinion is wrong.

Eastern doctors believe that the foot is a kind of remote control that controls the entire human body. Since it is on it that the projection of organs and more than sixty active zones associated with them is located. A channel passes through each of the points, transporting the energy flow to one or another part of the body.

To verify this, just walk barefoot on pebbles, sand or grass. After such a walk you immediately feel a surge of strength and your mood lifts. And all because when the foot comes into contact with the surface, a certain mechanism is triggered that affects blood circulation, metabolism and improvement of the general condition of the body. In addition, pressing points on the feet allows you to improve the health of your internal organs.

You can influence the active areas of the foot various methods, but oriental doctors still prefer reflexology as a way to get rid of ailments using non-medicinal treatment methods.

Modern medicine

Everyone knows that modern and oriental doctors have quite contradictory views on methods of treating the same ailments. But every year more and more doctors are inclined to believe that many techniques used in Eastern medicine are much more effective than drug treatment.

The human foot for modern doctors is an important network consisting of blood vessels, affecting the distribution of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, including to the internal organs. Also in this area there are many nerve fibers, the influence of which can be used to transmit information to various areas of the human body.

This system is activated when there is activity muscular system while driving. Since, when moving, the vascular walls narrow and... The contractile work of the vessels is similar in principle to a pump, which allows one to push blood flows into the upper part of the body. When pressure is applied to areas on the soles of the feet, the blood does not stagnate in the legs, but is thrown upward, nourishing the muscles and bone tissue throughout the body.

When blood reaches the heart muscle, overall blood flow accelerates and the movement of lymphatic fluid in that area increases. For this reason, doctors consider the legs to be the second heart of a person. If the aesculapians of the Land of the Rising Sun and modern doctors assign different functions to the feet, then they are unanimous in the deterioration of health and premature aging of the body.

With development technical side progress, people began to walk less and stopped using their legs to their full potential. For this reason, natural blood flow and energy flows throughout the body by stimulating active areas are practically impossible. But in order to get out of this situation with the least losses, you can independently learn how to massage the points on the foot that are responsible for the organs in order to get the necessary results.


The human foot is a topographic map with a projection of each internal organ placed on it. If we take this fact as a basis, then we can control the body by influencing points on the feet, thus fighting many ailments that modern therapeutic methods have difficulty coping with.

“It is this action on the feet that is the basis of acupuncture. The centuries-old knowledge and experience of Chinese doctors embedded in the method allows modern medicine look at the treatment of diseases from a different perspective.”

Acupuncture consists of the following areas:

  • . In order to influence active points on the foot, specialists use metal needles that are stuck into certain points and allow them to harmonize energy flows and help cope with certain ailments.
  • Moxibustion therapy. Using this technique, you can also influence the internal reserves of the body, using the smoke obtained from combustion medicinal herbs, released onto certain points on the foot. After sessions of such therapy, blood flow is normalized, weight is reduced and a surge of strength and energy appears.
  • Massage using the Guasha technique. This method allows you to influence the points of the feet using horny plates. Scraping movements along the sole will improve metabolism, enhance lymph outflow and regenerative functions.
  • Acupressure. Using this massage technique, the specialist works with active areas, which allows you to improve the health of internal organs and get rid of many ailments.


Acupuncture points, what are they?

The arrangement of points on the foot has long been studied by skilled Eastern healers. They believe that these areas are located on fourteen meridians, to one species or another. These types include: large heart meridian, heart master and three-degree heater. The following points are located along the line of each of them:

  • Point of harmony. It is located at the beginning or end of the meridian. Pressure on it has a relaxing effect and normalizes the functioning of internal organs.
  • Calm point. There is only one point on the foot. By influencing it, the specialist calms the patient, allowing him to feel a sense of harmony and peace.
  • Excitation point. On each of the meridians, it is found in one copy. Impact on it allows you to activate the work of the organ for which a certain zone is responsible.

Organ diagram

Each organ has lower limb There is a specific area on the sole, so acupuncture specialists consider the foot as a map of the human body. It has its own reflex areas and allows it to have an effective effect not only on organs, but also on the spinal column and head. The right sole is responsible for the right half of the body, and the left sole is responsible for the left.

The most famous areas on the lower extremities include:

  • Finger pad area. She is responsible for the maxillary sinuses. It is the cooling of this area that leads to nasal congestion and severe headaches.
  • Flexion zone of the second and third phalanx of the fingers. She is responsible for vision. Therefore, the more you walk, the better your vision.
  • The zone of the anterior and lateral plantar regions is responsible for the functioning of the trachea, bronchi and throat.
  • The heart area is located on the arch of the left lower limb. Doctors have noticed that people aged a few days before a heart attack experience pain in this area and to avoid it, it is necessary to do a light massage of this area every day.
  • The active zone is located in the middle of the foot and is responsible for the functioning of the adrenal glands and stomach.
  • The liver area is located on the fornix right limb and is responsible for the normal functioning of the liver.
  • The ovary area is located in the center of the heel. By acting on it, you can get rid of various ailments associated with the ovaries.


Self-massage of feet

You can heal your body using a similar technique on your own. But for this you need to know the basic rules. Without their implementation, massage of the points that are responsible for the internal organs can cause harm.

The massage should be performed as follows:

  • Before starting the massage, warm up by walking barefoot on the floor.
  • Then sit in the lotus position, placing the massaged foot on your thigh. Grasp the instep of the limb with your left palm, and right hand press against your foot.
  • The massage is performed using multidirectional stroking from top to bottom on the sole without pauses.
  • Next, you need to take your ankle in your right hand and massage it with inside.
  • When feeling the tendons of the thumb and middle finger, apply gentle pressure.
  • Massage your foot again with circular movements, and at the end pet her.
  • Use a caterpillar motion to walk along the big toe side of your foot. Finish the massage in the metatarsal bone area.
  • And at the end, carefully stretch all your fingers, using sliding movements starting from the base of the phalanges. Finish the procedure by pulling each finger up.

By performing this massage several times a week, you can heal and rejuvenate your body in the shortest possible time. Be healthy.

The human body is very complex, but extremely rational. All organs and systems are closely interconnected, but not all connections can be immediately guessed. For example, on the feet there are biologically active points that are responsible for various organs.

Organs for which active points on the feet are responsible

Active points of the foot correspond to one or another organ. In this case, the points on the right foot refer to the right side of the body, and on the left, respectively, to the left. It’s worth taking a closer look at what all the active points on the foot (acupuncture) are responsible for:

  • On the pads of the outer phalanges of the fingers (excluding thumb) localized points that are responsible for the paranasal sinuses. For this reason, getting wet and hypothermia can cause colds accompanied by a runny nose.
  • On the bend of the third and second fingers there are points that are responsible for the eye area. Interestingly, when regularly walking barefoot, a person’s vision becomes noticeably sharper, and also achieves normal value intraocular pressure.
  • The location of active points on the front and lateral plantar surfaces of the feet corresponds to the areas of the bronchi, throat, and inner ear.
  • Points on the foot responsible for organs of cardio-vascular system, are localized in the anterior part of the arch of the foot on the left leg. Quite often, before the condition worsens, patients note a slight left-sided limp. Massaging this area in people with heart problems can cause painful sensations.
  • In the depths of the arch of the feet, the areas of the solar plexus, stomach, adrenal glands and kidneys are localized. The functionality of these organs is not so dependent on the level of activity.
  • Bioactive points in the depths of the arch of the right foot are responsible for the liver area. With a sedentary lifestyle, relaxed points on the feet can contribute to the progression of liver pathologies.
  • The points on the feet in the center of the heels are responsible for the ovaries in women. Often, even before the onset of active clinical symptoms of gynecological pathologies, women notice pain in the heel area.
  • Active points on the foot along the Achilles tendon correspond to the area of ​​the fallopian tubes in women.

A map on which they are marked will help you become more familiar with the active points on your feet. The layout of bioactive zones is shown in the photo above.

The effectiveness of foot massage

If you know about the projection of the internal organs on the foot, foot massage will become more effective and therapeutic. Impact on massage points on the feet allows not only to understand where the main problems are located in the human body, but also to significantly improve the patient’s health. If you regularly massage active points on your feet, you can get rid of many pathologies and prevent their reappearance.

More detailed description foot massage will help you understand how to correct this or that pathological condition:

  • cough is eliminated by affecting the tracheal point;
  • massaged points of the stomach and intestines on the feet correct digestive disorders;
  • massage of the eye point eliminates fatigue and excess eye tension;
  • massaging a narrow area on the foot from the inside between the points of the cervical and sacral regions spinal column helps prevent osteochondrosis and other spinal diseases (sciatica, lumbago);
  • gynecological organs on the foot are reflected in the heel area; to correct and prevent diseases of the reproductive sphere, it is worth influencing them;
  • performing acupressure on the point responsible for the heart relieves symptoms such as tachycardia, heart pain;
  • massage of the points that are responsible for the organs of the excretory system eliminates the manifestations of cystitis, both acute and chronic.

Before carrying out a therapeutic massage procedure, it is necessary to carefully study the localization of all points and methods of influencing them. This will help increase efficiency and not harm the body.

Of course, it is not always possible to perform a foot massage. You should pay attention to this procedure during your evening rest. Regular massage contributes to a noticeable improvement in human health, as well as the prevention of many diseases, especially with the help of acupuncture. If you follow certain recommendations, the effect will be more noticeable:

  • It is important to massage not only certain points, but also the entire surface of both feet.
  • Before the massage procedure, it is important to walk barefoot for several minutes while doing simple exercises: rising on toes, walking on the inner and outer parts of the feet.
  • Then you need to take a foot bath. It is enough to pour warm water into a basin and hold your feet in it for 10-15 minutes. For relaxation, you can add sea salt and essential oils.
  • In the case of self-massage, it is important to choose a comfortable position: your legs should not be tense.
  • The massage is performed with warm hands. If you use massage products, you need to preheat them in your palms. Essential oils can be added to a massage cream or lotion to enhance the effectiveness and aromatherapy. When using medicinal ointments, it is better not to mix them with anything.
  • When starting to massage your feet, you need to work on the entire surface of the foot. You should not pay attention to just one specific point.
  • The fingers of both hands should take part in the foot massage; some movements should be done using knuckles and fists. You need to act gently, but with some effort.
  • The direction of movement during the massage should be from the nail phalanges of the fingers to the heel area.
  • During a general massage, the greatest attention should be paid to the plantar part of the foot.
  • The toes should not be squeezed, they should be gently pressed, and each toe should be massaged separately.
  • The ankle and ankle areas should be massaged using circular movements. This helps relieve the feeling of fatigue from the foot area.
  • During the massage, it is important to alternate touching, rubbing, pinching, and stroking.

During massage, pain points are often discovered. They indicate those organs with which a person already has problems or may arise. These points should be given special attention during the procedure. With the correct impact on these areas, complete disappearance of pain is achieved.

Each foot must be warmed up for at least three minutes. When found pain points each of them is massaged for at least one minute, which is why the total massage time may increase.

After completing the massage, it is recommended to walk around a bit. massage mat, on which there are thickenings, irregularities, tubercles. It is important to shift on it from foot to foot, and not stand still. Walking on a special therapeutic needle mat is also useful.

Paying close attention to the feet and regularly massaging this area helps improve well-being and prevents the development of many diseases. Walking barefoot also has significant benefits, and not just at home. Sand or pebbles on the beach in summer time They massage the feet very well, so this kind of rest on warm days is especially useful. Impact on active points on the feet is a good assistant in prevention and treatment wide range diseases.

Many centuries ago, Eastern healers noticed that by influencing certain points on the foot, one can not only improve the general condition of the body, but also cure various diseases. Gradually, people studied these points and mapped their correspondence to internal organs. Subsequently, the technique of influencing biologically active points on the feet became firmly established in the system of oriental medicine, spread throughout the world and is actively used to this day.

A modern take on an ancient technique

In Chinese folk medicine Empirically, a pattern of effects from stimulation of points on the body surface on a specific organ was noted.

Having united with the canons of Eastern philosophy - the doctrine of the energy meridians of the body through which vital energy circulates - a technique called acupuncture was created. According to it, there are 34 biologically active points on the foot.

Later, the Korean scientist Park Jae Woo created the Su Jok system (“su” - hand, “jok” - foot). Its essence lies in the fact that the surface of the palms and soles is a projection of the entire human body, and each organ has its “own” point.

If you feel pain when acting on a point, then you should pay attention to the state of health of the corresponding organ, and vice versa - with systematic stimulation of a certain point, you can activate the self-regulation system and cure the disease.

Despite the fact that traditional Western medicine rejects most of the principles of Eastern acupuncture, citing their unscientific nature, and casts doubt on the effectiveness of such treatment, comparing it with the placebo effect, there are also substantiated facts confirming the effectiveness of the technique built in ancient times.

The human skin and nervous system have a common source: during embryogenesis, they develop from the same germ layer - the ectoderm. This explains the presence of numerous nerve receptors on the surface of the skin.

Nerve endings on the plantar surface of the foot are located unevenly, their concentration creates bioactive points (BAP) or reflexogenic zones. They, depending on the constitutional characteristics of the body, general condition and the influence of third-party causes, can be less than a millimeter in size and reach 10-20 mm.

The location also has individual characteristics and varies within a few millimeters different people. BAP differ from other areas of the skin in a number of properties:

  • noted more heat for high-precision measurements;
  • faster metabolism and active oxygen consumption are observed;
  • change physical quantities- electrical potential of the skin (values ​​are on average 2 W higher than in neighboring areas);
  • when measuring the bioelectrical resistance between the palm and the BAP, the readings increase with inflammation and decrease with the attenuation of the pathological process.

The effects of exposure to active points are explained by the presence of a cutaneous-visceral arc, through which, through stimulation of reflexogenic zones on the foot, the autonomic nervous system is activated, regulating the function of internal organs.

Location of bioactive points on the foot according to the Chinese system

According to the works of Chinese healers, the vital energy Qi circulates in the body along the meridians. They connect organs with nervous system and the surface of the skin, creating 3 types of acupuncture points:

A map of the internal organs of a person on the supporting surface of the foot is projected according to the principle of an embryo (see figure).

The medial surface will correspond to the spine. Right leg corresponds to the right half of the body, the left is responsible for the left side.

The main projection zones of organs on the sole with explanations are described in the table:

Foot area Projection organ Clinical significance
Thumb area The brain, the most important endocrine glands (at the edge - the hypothalamus, in the center - the pituitary gland) You should work in this area with extreme caution, as it can disrupt the neuroendocrine balance of the body
Area of ​​the pads of the remaining 4 fingers Frontal and maxillary sinuses When the feet get wet and this area cools, signs of a cold are often noted (nasal congestion, pain in the brow ridges)
Flexion zone of the phalanges of the 2nd and 3rd fingers Organ of vision When you walk barefoot frequently, your vision is much sharper and glaucoma occurs less frequently.
Zone 1 cm below the projection of the organ of vision Lungs When massaging this area, phlegm leaves faster, the body is better saturated with oxygen
Base area of ​​the little finger and ring finger Ears Sufferes from cold feet; when wearing tight shoes, recurrent otitis is possible
Zone of the anterior and lateral plantar areas Pharynx, trachea, bronchi When massaged, the cough goes away
Medial surface ("embryo spine") Spine, thyroid and pancreas With flat feet, the medial fossa of the foot decreases, which entails a disturbance in the entire musculoskeletal system
Beginning of the arch of the left foot Heart Several days before a heart attack, many patients noted lameness on left leg(pain in the arch of the left foot)
Beginning of the arch of the right foot Liver Massage of this area helps relieve intoxication
Active zone - center of the foot Stomach, kidneys, adrenal glands Massage for allergies reduces the severity of rashes
Heels Bottom part - sciatic nerve, center - reproductive system, along the Achilles tendon - the fallopian tubes, on the back of the foot - the anus In eastern countries, in order for a woman to give birth to a healthy child, they tap her heels

This can be clearly seen in Fig. 3, 4, 5:

There are several more options for the location of the projection of organs.

The correspondence system in Su Jok is slightly different from Chinese acupuncture. Almost all treatment methods are based on points on the hand, foot and ear. The foot is like a miniature man, where the big toe is the head, the second and fifth toes are the hands, and the third and fourth are the legs.

Later, correspondence systems such as the mini-hand-foot system and the insect system were developed.

To enhance the effect, you should also pay attention to the areas bordering this point.

Acupressure can also be used for preventive purposes if there is a predisposition to certain diseases.

If the massage was effective, in addition to lightness, a moderate autonomic response of the body may be felt:

  • change in heart rate;
  • sweating;
  • increased frequency of physiological functions.

When performing a foot massage on another person, you should adhere to the same principles, closely monitor his reaction and ask if there is pain in certain points, gently influencing them. A child should have this massage only after consulting a doctor.

To get rid of some pathological conditions, it is necessary to act on several massage points at once:

Pathological conditions Reflex zones on the foot
Chronic fatigue Parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, head
Panic attacks, phobias Adrenal glands, head, bronchi and lungs
Obesity Thyroid, parathyroid glands, kidneys, adrenal glands
Frigidity and impotence Head, genital areas
Migraine attacks Stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, fallopian tubes, uterus, head
Fainting Head, cervical region spine
Baldness Head, intestines, liver, gallbladder
Varicose veins Kidneys, bladder, lymphatic drainage on the back of the foot
Acne Kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder, liver, gallbladder
Emotional lability, insomnia, VSD Solar plexus
Arterial hypertension Kidneys, ureters, bladder
Arterial hypotension Kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, head


Even in order to undergo a course of foot massage for preventive purposes, you should consult with a therapist and reflexologist.

Diseases for which massage is undesirable:

  • skin damage at the site of intended impact;
  • oncological diseases of any localization (all types of massage are contraindicated);
  • bleeding disorders (propensity to form blood clots or increased bleeding);
  • diabetic foot;
  • decompensation of heart disease;
  • acute inflammation;
  • pregnancy.

Foot massage can be combined with other beneficial procedures. To maintain healthy legs and the body as a whole, you need to:

  • Walk barefoot more often. At the same time, you need to protect the skin of your feet from damage: walk on safe surfaces.
  • Wear massage slippers or lay a special padded mat under your feet. You need to walk on such surfaces for at least 5 minutes a day.
  • Roll a ball with your feet. This effective prevention flat feet.
  • Take care of your foot hygiene, do baths and compresses, and don’t forget about a contrast shower.
  • Avoid overcooling your feet.
  • Choose the right shoes. Materials must be natural and breathable, and the position of the foot must be physiological.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes negatively affects your overall health, as long-term improper stimulation of active points occurs.

Acupressure is in an effective way keep the body in good shape correct technique effects on bioactive points. But this method cannot replace necessary medical treatment.