Today, more and more adherents of a healthy diet are deciding to include wheat bran in their diet. It is a product obtained as a result of the processing and production of grain crops. For a long time it was considered useless and was used only as animal feed. At the moment, a lot of information is already known about the benefits of wheat bran. Their use is recommended in many diets. With the help of wheat bran, the condition of many diseases is normalized. However, in order for taking bran to bring only benefits, you need to know some features of the product.

Wheat bran: benefits and harms, how to take

The outer shell of grain, used for the production of bran, is a storehouse of biologically valuable substances. At the same time, the product remains low-calorie, therefore it is actively recommended by specialists healthy eating and nutritionists.

The beneficial qualities of wheat bran are explained by the following chemical composition:

  • vitamin A;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin E;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • fiber, as well as dietary fiber;
  • proteins;
  • fatty acids.

In stores you can see both granulated and non-granulated wheat bran. There is not much difference between them, unless the product is offered in pure form.

Regular bran is most often produced without any additives. But the granules may often contain sugar, salt, or even various flavorings designed to enhance the taste. Therefore, if you want the product to bring as much benefit as possible, then you should give preference to ground bran.

What are the benefits of wheat bran?

The substances contained in wheat bran have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Once in the stomach, they increase in size, which causes a feeling of fullness. This property is especially important for those who want to lose overweight. This also helps eliminate everything unnecessary from the intestines - toxins, mucus. This minimizes the likelihood of constipation and the development of colon cancer. That is why wheat bran is recommended by many nutritionists for constipation.
  2. Fiber, which is contained in large quantities in the grain shell, allows you to get rid of dysbacteriosis. B vitamins stimulate the formation of gastric juice.
  3. It is known that bran helps with heart problems and vascular system. Consumption of the product helps normalize blood cholesterol levels. The likelihood that myocardial infarction or heart diseases such as arrhythmia and tachycardia will occur is reduced.
  4. Wheat bran, the composition of which is very diverse, is indispensable for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Their use allows you to normalize the digestion process in the shortest possible time.
  5. Wheat bran, which is very low in calories, will also help in the fight against obesity. Fiber, which helps the body slowly absorb carbohydrates, will help you lose extra pounds. A feeling of fullness appears, and it is already difficult to eat more than planned. Therefore, wheat bran for weight loss is simple, but effective remedy. At the same time, bran is also recommended for diabetes, since its use can significantly slow down the process of increasing glucose in the blood.
  6. Bran is equally beneficial for both female and male bodies. Healthy fatty acids, namely Omega-3 and Omega-6, help keep estrogen levels normal. By adding this product to your diet, you will protect yourself from diseases such as breast cancer. Men, in turn, can normalize the functioning of the prostate gland.

Wheat bran: how to use

Like oat or rye bran, wheat bran can be used as an additive in various dishes - salads, cocktails, jelly, minced fish, porridge and much more. However, to obtain maximum benefits, you should adhere to a certain dosage of the product. It can be used as an independent therapeutic and prophylactic agent. There are two options for this:

  1. Pre-soak the bran. Pour boiling water over a certain portion of bran and leave to brew for 30 minutes. Next, drain off the excess liquid and take the swollen bran as is. They can also be added to porridge or other suitable dishes.
  2. Take dry. Take ground bran with plenty of water - at least 1 glass.

Like any product unfamiliar to the body, bran should be taken with caution. Increase the dose gradually. Start with 1 tsp. per day, maintaining this volume for 2 weeks. Then you can increase the daily dose to 3 tsp. (one spoon three times a day).

Please note that the maximum volume is 4 spoons. This norm should not be violated, as you risk harming your body.

The course of treatment must be at least two months. As soon as the benefits of consuming this product are noticeable, you should immediately begin reducing the daily intake.

Wheat bran for weight loss: how to take

Wheat flakes are often recommended as a dietary product that allows you to lose weight in a short time. For these purposes, they should be consumed shortly before meals, which will improve the functioning of the digestive system. As mentioned above, bran increases in volume when it enters the stomach, which helps reduce appetite. There is a feeling of fullness, so nutritionists often call for eating them for dinner.
If you want to make the most of these flakes, you can add them to low-fat yogurt or kefir. To do this, it is advisable to let them brew in boiling water so that they have time to swell.

Regular consumption of wheat flakes can achieve a positive effect. However, it is very important not to exceed daily dose and the maximum permissible course duration. Together with harmful toxins and wastes when long-term use Bran will begin to remove useful substances from the body. This has many consequences, including calcium imbalance.

Contraindications for use

Despite its beneficial properties, bran can also be harmful if taken if you have the following diseases:

  • problems with the duodenum;
  • colitis;
  • individual protein intolerance;
  • postoperative period;
  • stomach ulcer.

You should not give such cereals to children, since it is difficult for a growing body to cope with the digestion of such rough food. This product is also harmful for women who are carrying a fetus, as it helps to remove not only harmful, but also beneficial substances from the body.

If you nevertheless decide to systematically take such bran, it is very important to adhere to the correct drinking regime. You should drink (if you consume 1 to 3 teaspoons of ground bran) at least two liters of water per day. To avoid serious consequences Before taking wheat bran, you should consult with a nutritionist, doctor or health nutrition specialist.

The benefits and harms of bran - video

When wheat is processed into flour, the bran remains. They are considered a by-product that has gained its popularity as dietary nutrition. However, before starting to use this product, many people will want to know the benefits and harms of wheat, what properties they have, and how they affect the body.

How is wheat bran produced?

The wheat bran production process is divided into several stages:

  1. First of all, the grain is delivered to the elevator. There it undergoes purification from various impurities, debris, and dirt. After this, it is cleaned and weighed.
  2. When preparation and cleaning are completed, the finished grain is poured into a large container and filled with hot water. Mixing occurs for 5 minutes. After this, the grain is settled and mixed again. During these actions, the mealy part is separated from the bran itself, which is the shell.
  3. Next, the main part passes between two millstones, which grind it into small grains.
  4. After this, white cereals are obtained, which, upon further processing, turns into flour.

Thus, two products are obtained that are used. After all the production processes, future bran looks like gray husk or dust.

To make it convenient to store and consume the resulting product, the husk must be turned into granules. For this purpose, pressing equipment is used. First of all, the dust is treated with steam, then it is pressed and granulated. The resulting granules are cooled and sifted. If poor-quality granules are found during sifting, they are sent for re-processing.

After all processing processes, the finished product is packed in sealed packaging and sent to stores. Granules do not generate dust and are stored much longer than powder.

Chemical composition and calorie content of wheat bran

Granulated wheat bran is considered a dietary product and is used for various techniques for weight loss. In addition to this, they have many beneficial properties. The finished product owes these beneficial properties to its composition:

  1. Minerals – zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium. Thanks to this amount of useful microelements included in the composition, the body receives powerful nourishment and any diet becomes more balanced.
  2. Vitamins – B1, B5, B6, B2, B3, K, E. This amount of vitamins not only enriches the body, but also strengthens the immune system.

The active use of granules for weight loss and when playing sports is due to their BJU ratio. Contents per 100 grams of product:

  • Fats – 4.3 grams.
  • Proteins – 15.6 grams.
  • Carbohydrates – 64.5 grams.

In addition, bran contains a large amount of fiber. It is the main component of this product.

Beneficial properties of wheat bran

Wheat granules began to be actively used in the production and further sale after scientists discovered many beneficial properties of this product:

  1. The dry product is rich in fiber. This improves digestion and removes toxins and waste from the body.
  2. Bones and joints are strengthened.
  3. The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.
  4. A small amount of wheat granules is enough to dull the feeling of hunger and satiate the body for a long time.
  5. Vision improves.
  6. The immune system is strengthened.
  7. The body is enriched with useful microelements and vitamins.
  8. The functioning of the liver and kidneys improves.
  9. The level of glucose and bad cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  10. Epidermal cells are renewed.
  11. Nail plates are strengthened and hair condition improves.
  12. Metabolic processes are accelerated.

However, even with so many beneficial properties, this product alone will not be able to provide the body with all the necessary components for normal functioning.

Is wheat bran good for you during pregnancy?

The question of whether there is any benefit from taking wheat bran during pregnancy worries many mothers. During this period of life, the whole body changes, and many foods can be harmful. general condition. When a woman begins to have problems with bowel movements, her metabolism is disrupted, and uncontrollable gluttony appears, it is necessary to begin appropriate treatment. If we talk about medications, then most of them are prohibited during pregnancy. Because of this, doctors recommend starting treatment with natural remedies. Eating wheat bran helps restore intestinal function, controls appetite, improves metabolic processes, and eliminates constipation.

Bran during breastfeeding

Doctors recommend continuing to consume the dry product during breastfeeding, if a woman ate them throughout her pregnancy. However, if this is a new product in the diet, you need to start consuming it with a small amount. New components entering the body pass through milk to the baby. Because of this, it is necessary to carefully introduce new foods into the diet and, if negative changes occur, stop eating them. The first dose should not exceed one teaspoon. Gradually this amount can be increased to 30 grams.

Is it possible to give wheat bran to children?

Wheat bran approved for use in childhood. Doctors recommend starting to use them as preventative measures from the age of 2. At this age you need to start with half a teaspoon. The first three days you cannot increase the amount. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the body's reactions. If there are no negative changes due to the addition of a new product, you can gradually increase the dosage.

How to eat wheat bran for weight loss

To improve your figure and lose excess weight, you need to use the chosen product correctly. There is a separate method for losing weight based on wheat bran. However, if a person cannot withstand a strict mono-diet, it is necessary to correctly add the product to the daily diet. To do this, you need to eat wheat bran between main meals no more than 3 times a day. The maximum amount in 24 hours is 30 grams. Due to the fact that this product absorbs a large amount of liquid, after consuming it you need to drink a glass of liquid per 1 tablespoon of bran.

How to use wheat bran

The duration of the course of using wheat granules should not exceed 60 days. After this time, you need to take a break for 2 weeks so that the beneficial properties continue to have an effect on the body.

They should be consumed between main meals. In this way, you can make meals fractional and reduce the size of portions.

If the bran is in the form of a loose powder, you should consume half a teaspoon between main meals. Gradually this amount can be increased to 30 grams per day.

Wheat bran for various diseases

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, wheat bran is used to treat various diseases and improve the condition of the body. To understand how to help yourself in a given situation, you need to deal with each problem separately.

For constipation

Bran is famous for its relief from constipation. No need to take medical supplies, if you use natural products correctly.

In order for bran to help relieve constipation, you need to prepare a medicinal drink. To do this you will need 2 tablespoons of dry bran and 300 ml of kefir. Simply mix the ingredients in a large glass and leave the mixture to swell for 12 hours. At dawn, drink the infused drink. Wheat bran with kefir is not suitable for all people. The fermented milk product can be replaced with clean water.

Important! If, after drinking the drink, a feeling of discomfort appears in the abdominal area, you need to abandon this method of treatment and consult your doctor.

For gastrointestinal diseases

One of the beneficial properties of wheat bran is cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, food debris, salts and toxins. To improve the functioning of the esophagus, you can make a medicinal cocktail. To do this you will need 4 tablespoons of bran, 250 ml clean water and 10 grams of honey. The bran must be diluted with liquid and left to infuse for 6 hours. After this, you need to sift them from the water. Add mezh to the mixture, mix and consume 30 minutes before main meals.

For colds and bronchitis

To improve your condition during a cold and clear your airways of mucus and pus, you can prepare a hot drink based on bran. To make it you will need 500 grams of granules or dry powder, 2 liters hot water, 1 tablespoon honey or sugar. It is necessary to pour the bran into a saucepan with hot water and cook for 12 minutes. Turn off the gas and add honey or sugar to the pan. The resulting amount of the drink should be drunk per day. You can also cook wheat bran with milk thistle to improve the body's condition during colds.

For gout

To improve your condition with this disease, you need to use properly prepared bran. To do this, pour 200 grams of dry product with hot water and cook for 60 minutes over low heat. The resulting liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth twice. Drink 3 glasses of drink a day after each meal.

For diabetes

The beneficial properties of granulated bran extend to: diabetes mellitus. This product helps reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. To achieve this effect, you need to consume 2 tablespoons of granulated bran with 2 glasses of clean water.

The use of wheat bran in cosmetology

Using granules for weight loss and restoring the functioning of the body is not the only way this product can perform well. Wheat bran is often used in cosmetology. They are used to prepare masks for the care of facial skin, hair and restorative baths. To find out how you can help your skin problem, you need to understand in more detail each method of using them for cosmetic purposes.

Hair masks

If your hair is oily, you can use waste from flour production. The components contained in bran help restore damaged hair and strengthen it. To prepare a cleansing mask for oily hair, you will need 5 tablespoons of dry product and 150 ml of kefir.

Preparation and use:

  1. It is necessary to mix the ingredients and leave to fill with moisture for 4 hours.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and let it soak for half an hour.
  3. Rinse with water at room temperature.

To improve the condition of your hair, you need to do this mask 2 times a week.

Face mask

To improve the condition of the skin and saturate it with useful microelements, you can prepare a nourishing mask based on bran. To make it you will need 2 tablespoons of dry product, 50 ml of milk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the dry bran with warm milk and let it swell for 120 minutes.
  2. Apply to the surface of the skin. Make several rotational movements, as if massaging your face.
  3. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with water at room temperature.

You can apply this mask every day until you get results.

Attention! Do not leave the treatment mask on the skin for more than 20 minutes. IN otherwise can damage the upper layers of the epidermis.

Wheat bran bath

A relaxing bran-based bath helps not only relieve muscle tension, but also to cope with skin rashes, acne, pimples, blackheads. To make such a bath, you need to pour 500 grams of dry product with 3 liters of milk and boil the mixture. After this, pour the broth into the bath. The maximum duration of the cleansing procedure is 20 minutes.

Harm of bran and contraindications for use

Even a large number of beneficial properties and the undeniable help of wheat bran on a diet cannot make this product universal for everyone. They are prohibited from being used in the following situations:

  1. Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Chronic diseases.
  3. Problems with the functioning of the pancreas.

If you use this product uncontrollably, bowel problems, abdominal pain, and bloating may begin.

How to choose and store bran correctly

Before purchasing wheat bran, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. You need to carefully study the composition on the packaging. It should not contain sugar, various chemical additives, preservatives, or flavors.
  2. The packaging must be sealed. It is best to buy the product in transparent packs.
  3. The product must not have any foreign odors.

After purchase, it is advisable to open the pack and pour the bran into a glass container. To prevent dust, debris and various insects from getting into them, close it with a lid. Shelf life – 1 year.

Advice! It is advisable to buy a new pack of dry granules every month to protect the body from pathogens.


Above was information about the benefits and harms of wheat bran. After studying the beneficial properties, possible harm and methods of use for various diseases, we can say with confidence whether it is necessary to consume granules or whether it is better to abandon this product. When using them, it is important to follow the dosage so as not to encounter side effects.

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Bran is a by-product of flour milling. And they are often classified as waste. They are the hard shell of the grain that remains after it is ground. Until recently, bran was used primarily as feed for farm animals, but now the scope of its use has become much wider.

The benefits of bran and their scope of application

Non-specialists often confuse bran with chaff - waste obtained by threshing agricultural plants. Chaff consists of small parts of spikelets and legumes (spikelet films, scraps, stems, pods, etc.). It is chaff that is still used exclusively as feed, since its composition is closer to straw, but differs from it in its higher nitrogen content and better digestibility.

Depending on the type of grain that goes into processing, there are several types of bran: rye, wheat, rice, barley, buckwheat, etc. They may also differ in the degree of grinding. In the latter case, the bran can be coarse (large) and fine (small). The nutritional value of this product is determined by the content of mealy particles in it - the less of them there are in the bran and the more shells, the less nutritious they are. The chemical composition of wheat bran in percentage terms is as follows: water - 14.8%, proteins - 15.5%, fats - 3.2%, fiber - 8.4%, nitrogen-free extractives - 53.2%, ash - 4, 9 %. 100 kg of bran contains about 75 feed units and approximately 13 kg of digestible protein.

Due to its characteristics, bran is used for feeding cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and raising young animals. It is not surprising that the “feed” direction remains the main one for bran producers.

This situation existed until the last century. At the beginning of the 20th century, bran was completely excluded from the European diet, as it was considered industrial waste, although scientists already knew that it contained more protein, fatty acids and microelements than in the grain itself. A few decades later, the situation changed significantly: bran began to be considered as a valuable source of dietary fiber. The most popular was oat bran, which was added to ready-made breakfasts intended for people looking after their health and figure. Bran became especially popular in the diet with the spread of vegetarianism. This raw material is an important source of essential fatty acids and microelements.

However, some nutritionists object to bran manufacturers who position their product as a real panacea. The latter are confident that the extruded bran, which is produced using high-speed granulator extruders, contains few useful substances and microelements. In addition, there are restrictions on their use: bran is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation. If consumed in excess, they can lead to some digestive problems.

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However, in general, it is difficult to dispute the usefulness of bran. All biologically active nutrients are preserved in the hard shell of the grain. Premium wheat flour retains no more than 10% of valuable substances, so synthetic additives are often added to it, but as a food product it does not carry great benefit, although it has high taste qualities. Bran contains a large amount of fatty acids, so whole grain flour quickly goes rancid, so when producing flour, it is necessary to carefully separate the bran from the grain.

Bran is used not only for the production of dietary breakfast cereals, but also in the production of bread. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the content of all components: a large amount of bran in the product reduces its digestibility, and a small amount of bran has a beneficial effect on the taste of bread and improves digestion. Most often, bran is used in cooking. As was the case several years ago, wheat bran is the most popular in our country, followed by rye bran in second place and rice bran in third place.

Bran production

The production of bran is directly related to the processing of grain and the production of flour, which is understandable, because bran is a by-product of such production. Let's look at it in more detail. This process begins with the reception and storage of raw materials - wheat and rye grain. Grain is brought by road or rail to the enterprise and transferred to the elevator. It is pre-weighed on truck scales with a carrying capacity of up to 60 tons or on railway scales with a carrying capacity of 150 tons.

The next stage of production is the preparation and processing of grain. First, the grain is fed to the grain cleaning department, where it is thoroughly cleaned of various debris and foreign inclusions. For this purpose, special equipment is used with a set of sieves with cells of different diameters. The grain is blown under strong pressure, which allows you to remove dust and small debris. Particles of metal or metal ore are separated using magnetic separators, and particles of mineral origin (pebbles, earth, asphalt) are separated using stone selection machines.

After this, the cleaned grain is poured into wet peeling machines. There it is filled with warm water, heated to a temperature of 30-40°, and intensively mixed, resulting in partial separation of the fruit shell. Warm water helps strengthen the grain's gluten. The raw materials are left in the bunker for 2-3 hours to rest, and then sent to the second stage of cleaning, at which shells and foreign particles that were not previously removed are separated from the grains. Then the raw materials are moistened again and poured into bunkers for the next storage for a couple of hours.

Finally, it is sent to pneumatic separating machines and fed into the grinding department. The technological optimal grain moisture content at this stage should be 15%.

Grain grinding is carried out on roller machines. Falling between two rotating rollers, pressed tightly against each other, the grain is broken down into fine grain. Then the crushed mixture, using an air flow, rises to the sieving surface, where the raw material is divided into 3-5 fractions according to particle size. After sifting, the grains are also conveyed through streams to the winnowing machines. Passing through sieves, they are cleared of shell particles. As a result, white grits are obtained, which are subsequently fed to roller grinding machines, where they are crushed into fine grits and the finest fraction - dunst. The small particles are once again passed through the belt systems and are fed to grinding machines, the number of which can be up to eleven. Only after their passage the mealy part is completely separated from the product shell.

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In addition to flour, cereals and bran, mills with modern equipment have machines that can also extract grain germs - dense particles measuring 2-2.5 mm yellow. The germ of a wheat grain consists of three parts - the outer shell (the same bran), the germ and the mealy kernel (endosperm). Bran is the hard shell of the grain, its fibrous outer layer. The endosperm, which is used to make white flour, contains the most starch and is rich in carbohydrates, but it removes the aleurone layer, which has a brownish color and can spoil the appearance of the finished flour. The germ of the grain is located in the very center, it contains greatest number nutrients, is a source of essential fats and vitamins. These wastes contain large amounts of fiber.

For example, 100 g of wheat germ contains at least half of the daily dietary fiber requirement. For comparison, bran contains up to 80% fiber and slightly less useful and nutritious nutrients. Thus, wheat germ is also very valuable in its bio chemical composition product. However, it also contains a high percentage of fat (up to 14%), which, when ground into flour, gives it bitterness. For this reason, the germ of the grain is not used in flour production.

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After all the above-described procedures, the flour is sent by varietal flow to control sifting. At this stage, the grain shell particles that accidentally got into the total mass are removed from it. The purified flour is distilled using compressed air into storage bins, and from there it goes through weighing machines to the warehouse or is sent for loading.

Let's return to bran. As a result of flour milling, bran is obtained, but at this stage it looks unusual to consumers. It's just a scattering of husks. However, using bran in its uncompressed form has certain disadvantages. First of all, these include the high costs of their storage and transportation. Bulk bran takes up a lot of space and requires special conditions for storage and transportation, but most importantly, they generate a lot of dust, and this not only causes inconvenience when using the product, but also increases the risk of fire during storage. During granulation, the bran mass is compacted almost tenfold. In this form, they are stored longer, since with a smaller specific surface area of ​​the product, the effect of mold and yeast fungi is reduced, and there is less contamination with viable forms of microorganisms. In addition, the bulk area increases and dust formation decreases.

Granulation of bran is carried out on special equipment using flat matrix granulator presses or similar machines. In addition to presses, such a line is equipped with cooling columns and a vibrating granule separator. Bulk bran is sent to special containers using a pneumatic conveyor through special channels, and then to a storage container with the release of metallomagnetic impurities in the flow. At the next stage, the bran goes into steaming mixers. There they are treated with steam at a temperature of 120-150° and sent to granulator presses. Under pressure, the bran is pressed using pressing rollers into the holes of the matrix. WITH bottom side matrices, they are cut using sharp knives and then cooled on cooling columns to a temperature of 20° or 5° above ambient temperature.

Finally, the finished granulated bran is sifted on a vibrating separator, which removes substandard granules. The latter are sent for repeated granulation, and the granules that have passed the separator are sent to operational tanks for storage.

Equipment for the production of granulated bran

There are two most obvious directions for organizing your own bran production. In the first case, this may be an additional direction of flour-grinding production (very profitable and promising). In this case, productivity will be the highest, and production costs will be the lowest. Bran produced in large volumes is sold primarily as livestock feed. Some of it is purchased by intermediaries, and they, in turn, have small enterprises that pack and sell bran. Larger companies do the same thing, only on a larger scale. The latter, as a rule, granulate the bran on their own. Opening your own flour mill is too expensive and risky. Moreover, for the production of such a by-product as bran.

Companies purchase them in large and medium-sized wholesale from manufacturers, granulate and package them. In the same way, they produce a number of dietary products - cereals, fiber and various mixtures such as ready-made breakfasts.

On the Russian market there is a large selection of equipment necessary for the production of granulated bran, mainly European (Baltic) and Chinese production. Lines for the production of granules are universal. They make it possible to produce pellets from sawdust, grass flour, peat, seed husks, combined feed, straw, husks and cake, grain bran, etc. The average productivity of the line is from 1500 to 2500 kg/hour. The productivity of feed and bran from such equipment is higher than, for example, from sunflower husks.

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Such a line weighs about 5 thousand kg, and its overall dimensions are 4100 mm in length, 3850 mm in width and 5670 mm in height. Please note: to install such a line, a room with a ceiling height of at least 6-7 m is required. Manufacturers provide the following energy indicators of the equipment: total installed power - 98 kW, type of current is alternating, current frequency Hz 50, network voltage V 220/380. The line includes the following components: a press, a mixer, a dispenser, a hopper, a screw conveyor, a sorting cooler, a fan for removing crumbs, and an electrical cabinet. With this configuration, the cost of the line starts from $45,000. It is also possible to install additional equipment. This includes pneumatic transport with a capacity of 5 tons per hour for loading and unloading bulk cargo from transport to warehouses and vice versa, a hammer grain crusher with a productivity of 5 tons per hour (engine and bunker), augers for loading and unloading, a roller machine for grinding granules, a feed mixer-steamer with a productivity of 1.5 tons per hour, matrices with holes of various diameters for the production of granules of different sizes, a faceplate for the granulator. A pellet production line with additional equipment will cost $70,000.

Also consider the cost of equipment for packaging granulated bran. If you are going to produce dietary products rather than feed bran, then you will need to add additional components to the mixture, starting with flakes and ending with nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, seeds, etc. But, as in the case of porridges, adding fruit crumbles to the mixture significantly complicates process production. Firstly, all fruit additives must first be washed in running water and cut into small pieces at high temperatures. It is more cost-effective to prepare additives yourself, but this requires additional (sometimes quite significant) investments. In addition, specialists should be involved in formulating dietary mixtures. Please note that some types of fruit are not suitable for automatic packaging, as particles of other components of the mixture stick to them, which damages the equipment.

Such raw materials must either be additionally dried or packaged manually, which significantly increases the cost. finished product. It is better not to use such fillers.

To install a fully equipped line, you will need a room of at least 100 square meters. meters with supplied communications and electricity. Such production facilities are usually located on the outskirts of the city (in industrial zones) or outside it. Otherwise, the rental cost will be too high, which will affect the profitability of the entire enterprise. A controversial issue that concerns many entrepreneurs is whether it is worth moving production to the region. Most experts are of the opinion that it is better to rent premises closer to the city. Lower intermediate level wages in the region and lower rental costs may not compensate for logistics costs in the future. If funds allow, then it is better, of course, to consider the possibility of acquiring an existing enterprise. Such a production complex with two workshops total area 1200 sq. meters can be purchased at a price of 3.5-4 million rubles.

Of course, it is unprofitable to take over such large areas for bran production and purchase expensive equipment. Small and medium-sized companies simply purchase granulated bran, and then add dried fruits, candied fruits, etc. The resulting mixtures are packaged and delivered to grocery stores, super and hypermarkets, specialized online stores, etc. Although this market is very attractive and promising, but it will still be quite difficult to enter it and, moreover, to stay there, since the level of competition is also high.

In any case, regardless of which production option (scale) you choose, whether you organize it from scratch or decide to purchase a ready-made one and invest in its modernization, consult with specialists first. They will help you choose the appropriate options depending on your requirements and planned production volumes.

Positioning of bran as a dietary food product

The most common mistake that newbies make in business is neglecting marketing and skimping on specialists. On the one hand, these savings are understandable: a young company is desperately trying to reduce costs and reduce the payback period of a business project. On the other hand, such savings, as a rule, are fraught with even greater losses in the near future. Before introducing any new product to the market, it is necessary to carefully study the situation on it: analyze competitors, assess consumer demand. Based on the data obtained, you will be able to form a product line and correctly position your product.

Indeed, bran is distinguished by its high fiber content (up to 80%) and a large amount of nutrients. This is an almost ideal product for many who want to lose weight or maintain their figure. Almost - since bran has some side effects at excessive consumption. At the same time, bran is very high in calories. They contain from 165 kcal per 100 g, so they are perfect for satisfying hunger. Everything would be fine if not for one significant drawback - bran has a specific taste, so manufacturers often produce it not in its pure form, but in the form of mixtures with the addition of cereal flakes, dried fruits and even vegetables.

At the same time, your assortment should also include non-granulated bran that has undergone special processing. The fact is that bran is included in the programs of many well-known diets, including the famous Dukan diet. As a result of numerous studies, it turned out that medium-sized and double-ground bran is best suited for dietary purposes. In this case, the sifting procedure is of great importance for the quality of the finished product. It has been established that by passing it through a sieve of different sizes six times, it is possible to obtain bran with a minimum content of fast carbohydrates. Western manufacturers produce bran mainly for culinary purposes and prefer fine grinding, eliminating the sifting process.

Such products are sold through individual grocery stores, regional retail chains, super- and hypermarkets. But it will be very difficult and costly for newcomers to get onto the shelves of large chains. Moreover, these costs are not always worth it, because your product will not be familiar to consumers. If your production volumes are quite small, then it is better to focus on one region and start working with individual stores.

Don't forget about advertising. With small production volumes and a limited budget, it is best to work directly with the target audience - through groups on social networks, advertising on specialized websites and forums (including hidden ones).

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of such a business. Sales of such products directly depend on the season. The greatest demand is observed in spring and summer, when people try to follow a diet before their summer vacation.

Bulk wheat bran can be purchased at a price of 2,600 rubles per ton or 5.80-8.50 rubles per kilogram. Granulated bran is sold at a price of 4,000 rubles per ton. At the same time, in retail the same bran is sold at a price of 25-30 rubles per 200 grams.

Sysoeva Lilia

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Bran is a by-product of processing grain into flour and cereals. When producing different types of flour and cereals, from 20 to 28% of the grain weight remains in bran. Depending on the source grain, bran can be wheat, rye, oat, soy, barley, rice, buckwheat, etc.

Composition of bran includes worn out grain shells, unsorted remains of mealy substances and germs. According to the chemical composition, bran from different types grains have differences and, as a result, different nutritional and energy value. Common to all types is a high content of fiber, fat, and protein. In addition, they contain nitrogen-free extractives, ash, phosphorus (about 80% of phosphorus from the grain goes into bran), calcium, amino acids, vitamins B, A, E. Bran has a light yellow or grayish tint, smells like the seeds of the original raw materials, taste without bitterness or sour aftertaste. The water content of bran should not exceed 15%. Foreign inclusions of heliotrope seeds, trichodesma, traces of rodents, and foreign objects are unacceptable. According to the degree of grinding, bran is divided into coarse (large) and fine (small), release forms - loose or granular.

Granulated bran. When granulating, the mass is compacted up to 10 times, and this provides undoubted advantages during transportation and storage. Bran in granulated form is better preserved, because, due to its high density and smaller specific surface area, the effect of yeast and mold fungi and pathogens is reduced.

Areas of application of bran

Feed bran. Bran is widely used, primarily as a feed additive for farm animals and poultry. The protein (protein) included in their composition is almost completely digested by the animal’s body. The feed value of bran depends on the proportion of flour - the more flour contained and the fewer grain shells, the higher the nutritional value and calorie content. Bran in feed is used both in pure form and as a raw material for the production of compound feed. The most valuable feed bran is wheat and rye; they are used in feed for all animals. Other types contain excess fiber and can only be added to the diets of adult cattle and sheep.

Bran for animals– for cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, poultry. On dairy farms, bran is an indispensable feed. Their consumption is recommended for dairy cows up to 4-6 kg. per head per day, and for young cattle, and also in large quantities. Bran is given to cattle with semi-liquid feed or mixed with straw chaff or chaff, and to pigs and horses - in the form of swill. Horses can be fed only wheat bran, in amounts up to 30-50% of the oat requirement. Pigs and poultry use bran nutrients less well than other animals. In mixed feed and feed mixtures, bran is included in the following quantities: for cattle - up to 30-40% (wheat), up to 10-20% (rye); for sheep - up to 20% (wheat), up to 10% (rye); for adult poultry - up to 15%, for young chickens from 8 weeks of age, ducks and geese from 4 weeks of age - up to 5%; for pigs - up to 10-15%, for horses - up to 10% and for rabbits - up to 15% (by weight).

Application of bran in other areas. Rye and wheat bran are used in baking bread: their small content in bread improves its taste and improves intestinal motility. Oat bran is an excellent dietary food product with healing properties, are used in its pure form, as well as in baking cookies, bread, etc. Mustard bran is used in the production of mustard plasters, flax bran is used in preparing compresses, almond bran is used in cosmetology, body care, and for moisturizing the skin of the hands and face. Other types of bran are also widely used - corn, pea, lupine.

Wheat bran feed

Wheat bran have the following average composition, in%: water – 15; dry matter - 85, protein - 15.5, including digestible - 9.7; fiber - 8.4; fat - 3.2; nitrogen-free extractives - 53; ash - 5.3. The digestibility of organic matter is about 80%. 1 kg of wheat bran contains on average 0.75 feed. units, 8.8-9.2 MJ of metabolic energy, 151 g of digestible protein, 2.0 g of calcium. 9.6 g of phosphorus, etc. Wheat bran is rich in microelements and B vitamins. In terms of chemical composition and nutritional value Wheat bran is better than rye bran and even more so than rice bran. Wheat bran contains a large amount of phosphorus, more precisely, phytin, an organic substance that, in a warm aqueous solution, has a laxative effect on gastrointestinal tract human or animal body. Consumption of dry wheat bran, on the contrary, can stop diarrhea. This product makes up up to 60% of the total mass of compound feed in the diet of animals: for fattening cattle, dairy cows and sheep - 50-60%, for horses, calves, pigs - up to 40%, for young pigs - up to 25%. Wheat bran in loose form has poor flowability and high hygroscopicity values ​​- the ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, the recommended places for their storage are dry, warm, well-ventilated rooms. Shelf life – 1 month. The advantages of the granular form were mentioned above; the shelf life is 1 year.