You probably think that ears are just an organ of hearing? However, ear shape and character closely related! He will talk about this in more detail. Therefore, pick up a mirror to carefully examine your own ears and learn something new about your character, or if necessary, take a closer look at the ears of your loved one, they can tell you a lot.

And so, the various types of human ears can be divided into the following groups.

First group. The lobe is fused - you won’t be bored with such people

The owners of such ears are well-known artists and TV presenters: Maxim Galkin, Sergei Germash, Leonid Yakubovich, Ekaterina Andreeva.

Ears with fused lobes characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are distinguished by their determination: if they need to “cut off”, they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high resistance to stress and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash actions, they are easily wound up, which quite often becomes the cause of quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. As children, many of them cause a lot of problems for their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childish nature, such people have a unique charm. As for women who like to wear clip-on earrings or earrings, they should be more attentive to the design - they should not be large, elegant and openwork.

Second group. A sign of leadership is a protruding roller

Another distinguishing feature that helps determine character by ear- protruding roller. You can see this shape of ears on Sergei Bezrukov, Yulia Bordovskikh, Aurora, Lada Dance, Elena Khanga.

Ears of this shape may indicate that their owners are purposeful, strong-willed and persistent people. They do not doubt their desires and know exactly what they want from life and those around them. Usually, those who have such ears are nonconformists, and it is almost impossible to manipulate them. People say about such people: “where you sit on them, there you will get off.” If the ear is also quite large, then the combination of these signs indicates the makings of a leader. In the same case, when the inner ridge (or, as it is also called, “anti-helix”) is too pronounced, this may indicate a person’s extreme persistence, which, quite often, turns into stubbornness and perseverance. This antihelix usually divides into two “legs” on the top of the ear. Moreover, the more harmonious and smooth these “legs” are, the more harmonious a person is a person, and vice versa. Those with a slightly pronounced inner ridge also have all of the above qualities, but to a lesser extent.

Third group. Large lobe - wisdom

Excellent owners of such ears are: Ekaterina Strizhenova, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Malinin.

A prominent, rounded lobe in combination with small ears may be a sign that their owner is able to control himself in any circumstances. People with such lobes are characterized by an occupation that allows them to communicate with others. They are quite sensitive to even the smallest details in personal relationships In addition, they know how to understand people. For such people, when solving cases, it is not emotions that are of great importance, but careful planning and analysis. In this case, reason wins over feelings. And this is quite understandable, since the lobe, from a physiological point of view, is a kind of projection zone of the head. If the lobe is not only clearly defined, but also large, the owners of such ears have natural wisdom, and the best occupation for them is philosophy. At the same time, a very long lobe indicates excessive scrupulousness and delicacy.

Fourth group. Prominent ears - a sign of musicians

Such people are endowed with musical abilities famous actors and TV presenters like Dmitry Dibrov, Yulia Nachalova, Dmitry Pevtsov.

Too protruding, thin and large ears, as a rule, occur in those who have enormous talent and musical abilities. The attentiveness of parents is important here; they should pay attention to this sign and send their child to a music school. Fortune loves such people - they are lucky in life, therefore, if they want to become singers or musicians, they will definitely achieve success and, one day, become famous! But about people with thick and small ears that fit tightly to their heads, as a rule, they say that “a bear trampled on their ears.”

Ear trifles

  • A large, fleshy lobe is a sign of a strong-willed character and powerful physical strength.
  • If there is a transverse wrinkle or even two on the lobe, this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs a good rest and sleep. As soon as a person rests as much as his psyche and body need, the wrinkle will disappear.
  • A rather interesting sign is hair on the ears. In ancient times, this was considered evidence of the increased sexuality of their owners.
  • If the left and right ears differ slightly from each other, then we can talk about inconsistency in character.
  • Highly placed large ears (the upper edge of which significantly exceeds the line of the eyes) with a large lobe are evidence that their owner has outstanding intellectual abilities. But, as a rule, such people are quite rare - Nobel Prize laureates, etc.

Food for thought

The ears are a specific part of our body, where all the nerve endings of the organs converge. For example, on the lobe alone there are more than ten different points that are associated with the eyes, tongue, head, genitals and muscles. That's why those who love earrings need to be careful. In eastern countries this was known several centuries ago; they knew how to treat various ailments using acupuncture or cauterization of specific points on the human ear.

You can talk about a person's health by appearance his ears:

  • healthy people have a hard ear, usually pink;
  • pallor, yellowness or blueness is a sign of malaise.

Chinese healers were convinced that human ears were as unique as fingerprints. Moreover, they are a kind of “control panel” of the body. There are 150 points on the surface of the ear, each of which is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ, gland or system. Experts can tell you about a person what he hides from others, including his character traits.


Physiognomists have long learned to determine the level of human intelligence by the position of the upper line of the ear. Yes, our ears reveal our mental abilities. Everything is very simple here: if the line of the ear is at the level of the eyebrows, this indicates high intelligence. The location at eye level indicates average mental abilities, and if the ear line is below eye level, then the person has low level intelligence.

Ears pressed tightly to the head also indicate a subtle mind. Lump-eared people are considered inquisitive and open-minded, although they are poor at analytical thinking. It is worth noting that geniuses have wide, sloping, thin ears. A long earlobe speaks of wisdom and spirituality (it’s not for nothing that Buddha is depicted with a long earlobe that touches his shoulder).

Just don’t run after people you know with a ruler and label them as narrow-minded and limited people. Physiognomy is not recognized as a valid scientific method, so these conclusions are just speculation.


What else can the shape of your ears tell you? If a person’s ears are different from each other, this indicates mental and physical disharmony. Usually it is very difficult to communicate with such people, they quickly switch from one topic to another, and there is nothing to say about mood swings.

Cunning and longevity

If a person has ears that are pointed upward and slightly protruding (the so-called “fox ears”), he can be characterized as stubborn and cruel, and anything can be expected from him. They always act selfishly, guided solely by their own interests. These people are smart and cunning; it’s not for nothing that artists used to depict sorcerers and vampires with exactly this shape of ears.

Large ears with an elongated auricle and a thickened lobe indicate longevity. 85% of people over 90 have ears like this. It is believed that the longer the earlobe, the longer a person will live. And if he also has a red one, he will definitely live more than a hundred years.

Treason and independence

If the shape of a person’s ears is flat, with the inner rim turned outward, and covered with light down, the person in front of the interlocutor is a preoccupied and voluptuous person. He is prone to betrayal and is distinguished by enviable inconstancy in all spheres of life.

They talk about independent people. Such a person will never adapt to those around him and watch what others are doing. He won't care public opinion, a clear conscience and his own understanding of what is good and bad - this is what he focuses his attention on. Naturally, this behavior brings a lot of problems, but it is worth it.

If a person has only his right ear protruding, then work always comes first for him - he is independent, independent and businesslike. When the left ear protrudes, we can say that the person is independent in his personal life.

Excellent student and diplomat

If the ears are pressed to the head so that they almost touch it, it means that in front of you is an obedient and obedient the right person. He strictly follows all laws, regulations, written and unwritten rules. You don't need to expect unexpected and extravagant actions from him - he won't even exceed the speed limit. This is a typical conformist, who is also a little cowardly. Although, on the other hand, he will never get into unpleasant situations, he will not have to blush for himself.

If the upper part of the ear is pressed to the head, and the lower part protrudes slightly, then the person can without a doubt be called a real diplomat. He will find an approach to any interlocutor and will be able to negotiate terms that are favorable to himself. The ability to put oneself in another person’s place during a conflict and understand it is considered a big plus.

and small

Large ears with clear contours are found in active and purposeful people. A neat and correct sink indicates logic and high intelligence; such people can be trusted.

But if the interlocutor has thick and small ears, then he is a liar and a deceiver. Very changeable, it is better not to start conversations with him about art and high matters - they are incomprehensible and uninteresting to him.

Thin and small ears, on the contrary, speak of refined taste. But if they are too thin, almost transparent, then their owner is very passionate, but at the same time nervous and hot-tempered.

Other forms

Usually absent-minded and vague people have long and narrow ears. It is difficult for them to focus on something specific and make a decision in life. People with pointed ears, like those of cats, are contradictory personalities; it is difficult for them to trust people and make new acquaintances.

To determine the character by the shape of the ears, you need to pay attention to the earlobe. For example, if it is almost absent, then the person has something that he hides behind polite and gentle communication.

If the earlobe is elongated and slightly curved, this indicates the sincerity of the owner. You can always talk to him.


As already mentioned, the ears can show the state of a person's health. For example, a large, regularly shaped ear indicates good heredity and good health. Small ones say the opposite.

If the ears are burning, it means that a person has problems with blood vessels, he suffers from high blood pressure, and is very irritable by nature. However, in critical situations he makes almost lightning-fast decisions. When the ears suddenly become cold, hypotension occurs. His mental activity is reduced, he feels lethargic and drowsy almost constantly.

If the color of the ears is dark red, you need to examine the liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Blueness indicates heart failure, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. If the skin on the ears shines, as if it were covered with varnish, the person has problems with intestinal function. When there are a lot of wrinkles near the ears, it means that the body is exhausted. Are there brown or dark red spots on or near your ears? Diseases of the small and large intestines are possible.

Your earlobes can also tell you a lot of interesting things about your health. For example, normal size and the color of the lobe speaks of good health, calmness and hard work of a person. If it is too large, has an irregular shape and heterogeneous consistency, the person has a genetic predisposition to oncological diseases. Small or almost absent indicates a congenital form of mental disability.

If the earlobe is cushion-shaped, thick and soft, then the person is predisposed to obesity, and a decrease in mental activity is clearly visible. A thin and slightly hard earlobe indicates a lack of energy and strength. If there are folds on the earlobe, then the person is predisposed to stroke, heart attack or diabetes. A square earlobe is an indicator of good health and large stock physical strength, but at the same time positions the person as an aggressor. If the earlobe is sharp-shaped, large and elongated, then the person has outstanding mental abilities, he is hardworking and has a large reserve of internal strength.

If you know in what ways you can use your ears, in addition to their main purpose, then you can significantly simplify your life. For example, if a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, he needs to put his hand under his ear. The warmth emanating from the palm will give you a pleasant sensation and instantly immerse you in the kingdom of Morpheus.

To relieve stress, you need to massage top part earlobes. You need to act on the area where the lobe gradually turns into hard cartilage. You need to massage for 3-5 minutes before going to bed and after conflict situations.

In the old days, healers advised stroking the edges of the ears in the morning in order to wake up faster and immediately get into a working mood. Using three fingers, swipe from top to bottom very slowly. You need to spend 2-3 minutes on this, and then pull your earlobes down, to the sides and up five times. These manipulations will help activate the brain, the person will feel cheerful, confident and ready to make any decision.

Ears have attracted people's attention since ancient times. Beginning with Hippocrates and Pythagoras, philosophers tried to find a connection between a person’s character and his physiognomy. Leonardo da Vinci was at one time interested in physiognomy. And in 1658, the world saw the book of Cardan de Medici, where the types of human faces and their elements were illustrated for the first time. By collecting bits of knowledge, today you can determine who the interlocutor is by looking only at the shape of his ears.

The lobe is located at the bottom auricle and consists of a leathery membrane filled with adipose tissue; the lobe contains small capillaries and nerve endings. Any functions related to receiving sounds the lobe does not carry any weight, but its importance in aesthetic terms is difficult to overestimate, since this part of the ear is actively used for wearing jewelry. It’s good when the auricle looks harmonious and the sizes of its individual parts correspond to each other, but this is not always the case: they may have small or attached lobes, and small ones may have very developed and disproportionately large lobes.

There are several shapes of earlobes, and they are attached to the cheek in different ways. It is considered ideal if the lobe makes up a fifth of the auricle, and its lower edge is at the level of the tip of the nose. An ear without a lobe or with an attached lobe is not a pathology, it's more likely individual feature a person, which most often does not spoil his appearance at all.

Fused earlobes: causes

  • inherited feature of the structure of the auricle;
  • racial or national feature - it is believed that fusion of the lobe with the cheek is more typical for Asians and Jews;
  • dysplasia (underdevelopment) of connective tissue;
  • abnormalities of the nervous system;
  • ruptures, injuries, burns and other damage to the ear.

There is an opinion that the number of people with an accreted lobe is growing every year and now this feature is characteristic of almost half of the inhabitants of the Earth. At the same time, a few hundred years ago there were practically no people without a lobe, or at least there were no images of them left. Interestingly, according to statistics, for every 18,000 newborns, there is one with an attached earlobe.

Diagnosis of fused earlobes

The “correct” lobe (dominant trait) lags somewhat behind the cheek and partially “sags,” forming a “pouch.” In the case of an adherent lobe (a recessive sign), there is no such “bag”, that is, an area devoid of cartilage, and the curl sometimes “rests” directly on the cheek.

Plastic surgery of earlobes

Since fused earlobes do not negatively affect a person’s appearance, they are not often corrected. Modern techniques in some cases, they can solve the problem without surgery, for example, to increase the volume of tissue in the lower part of the ear, you can use lipolifting (injection of the patient’s own fat) and filler injections.

The diagram presented below will help you understand how plastic surgery of a fused earlobe is done.

There are two correction options:

  1. The lobe does not require enlargement - the only task is to separate it from the cheek. In this case, an excision (wedge-shaped) of the tissue in the abutment area is made, and then the edges of the wound surface are sutured separately for the cheek and separately for the lobe.
  2. The lobe is almost undeveloped and requires enlargement. With this correction option, the lobe is separated with some reserve of skin: it is grabbed into the fold and pulled back, and then cut along the grip line. The resulting curved flap is sutured from the back, forming a lobe.

Attention! This operation is performed on patients at least seven years old; local anesthesia is sufficient; The stitches are removed on the seventh day.

Video: how otoplasty is done

Prices for correction of ingrown earlobes

  1. A fused lobe is a sign of active, energetic and self-confident people. In addition, owners of fused lobes are decisive and capable of rash actions.
  2. The lobe is actively involved in acupuncture; there are points on the lobe through which you can influence the eyes, inner ear, tonsils and other areas.
  3. Many famous people have fused earlobes, for example: Maxim Galkin, Ekaterina Andreeva and Leonid Yakubovich.
  4. Bulky earrings do not suit those with miniature lobes- you should give preference to elegant, preferably openwork products. But you can choose clips of any size - large ones are even preferable, as they will visually enlarge the lower part of the ear.
  5. With age, women with fused lobes are less likely to experience sagging and deformation., and besides, almost no wrinkles form on a weakly defined lobe.

19-03-2014, 21:45


What does the ear say?

The ear reflects the creative powers of a person - his personality. A finely formed ear indicates a highly developed personality, while coarsely formed ears with a small number of elements belong to people whose personality is not developed. Large ears are an indicator of greater cognitive abilities, small ears are a sign of limitations.

The human ears and kidneys are closely related, since both of these organs develop simultaneously.

Large ears with clearly defined lobes

Good heredity and predisposition to longevity, good activity of the endocrine glands

Pale ears

Circulatory disorders, diseases of the circulatory system, as well as predisposition to anemia

Red ears

Impaired kidney function, lack of iron in the body

Crimson ears

Digestive disorders in the colon area, increased load on the liver

Ear cyanosis

Heart failure, difficulty breathing, chronic bronchitis, increased pulmonary pressure, pulmonary tuberculosis

Shiny skin on ears

Calcium deficiency

Sudden swelling and redness of the skin near the ears

Damage to the parotid salivary gland; mumps (mumps)

Inflammation in the outer part of the ear canal, formation of ulcers and ulcers

Predisposition to tuberculosis, especially in children

Brownish skin near the ears

Intestinal diseases, constipation

Formation of nodules on the earlobe where it connects to the scalp

On the left side - increased load on the heart; With right side- increased load on the liver or lungs

Vertical wrinkles in front of the ear

Decreased potency and vitality

Wide quadrangular ear

Strong metabolism

small ear

Easily overtired

Vertical wrinkles in front of the ear: Decreased potency and vitality.

What does the earlobe say?

The earlobe reflects the renewal of blood and lymph and is an indicator of the activity of the endocrine glands. A full, soft and well-supplied earlobe indicates a healthy constitution of the body, and also indicates its high resistance to disease. These qualities are the key to a calm and cool disposition.

Harmoniously rounded earlobe

Good regenerative abilities of the body; high energy level; ability to recuperate well

Enlarged lobe

Genetically determined poor circulation, rapid loss of strength

Thin earlobe

Weakened body, loss of vitality and performance

Pale earlobe

Weak activity of the glands, anemia, circulatory failure, damage to the lymphatic system

Well-defined earlobe

Good blood and lymph circulation; high body resistance

Very thick earlobe

Predisposition to obesity

Missing earlobe

Weakened heredity

A diagonal crease or line on one or both earlobes

Possible blockage of arteries

Wrinkled earlobe

Poisoning of the body; a dissolute lifestyle for which the available strength is not enough; predisposition to heart attack (reliable sign)

Harmoniously rounded earlobe: Normal functioning of the endocrine glands. After exercise, the body quickly recovers. Good heredity, long life.

Sharp, elongated earlobe: High degree of sexual potency and a large supply of internal strength.

Rectangular shape of the earlobe: Hyperfunction of the endocrine glands. Strong will, stubbornness.
This person is a choleric person who can endure heavy loads.
The body's ability to rapid recovery strength

Enlarged earlobe:
Poor circulation from birth.

Missing earlobe:
Possible hereditary decrease in organ functions.

Deep folds on the earlobe: Increased risk of heart attack. A sign of diabetes.

The ear cartilages are too close to each other:
Dysfunction of the glands.
Possible obesity due to gland dysfunction.

The harmonious shape of the ear cartilages and the proportional distance between them:
Good functioning of the endocrine glands and lymphatic system.

The ear cartilages are located too far apart:
Increased activity of the endocrine glands. Increased metabolism (thyroid dysfunction).
Predisposition to thinness.

Thickening in this area of ​​the upper edge of the ear: Predisposition to obesity and inflammatory processes in the body.

Predisposition to colds; reactions are slow.

The upper edge of the ear is correctly rounded and slightly bent inward:
Healthy bones and teeth.
Good regenerative abilities of the body.

The arch of the auricle and the protrusion on it are too short:
Mental constraint. Infantilism.
Predisposition to heart disease. Frigidity.

The arch of the auricle is excessively curved back and down: Predisposition to depression. Diseases caused by low metabolism.
Predisposition to vein blockages and constipation.

Absence of the septum of the auricle (arrows), this part of the ear is flat: Weakening of vitality. Heart rhythm disturbances. Predisposition to lung diseases.

What does the edge of the ear say?

The upper outer edge of the ear is regularly rounded and slightly bent inward

Greater regenerative abilities of the body, healthy bones and teeth, good reactions

Wide and soft upper outer edge of the ear

Predisposition to obesity, slow reactions

Thickening of the upper outer edge of the ear

Predisposition to obesity, colds and inflammatory processes, delayed reactions

Hardened and straightened edge of the ear

Predisposition to rheumatism and gout, spinal stiffness, susceptibility to sclerosis

Formation of nodules on the upper outer edge of the ear

Gouty deposits in bones and joints

The upper edge of the ear is turned inward and adjacent to the auricle

Lack of calcium in the body, predisposition to seizures, increased load on the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as on the thyroid gland

The top edge of the ear is too flat

Tendency to depression

Well-defined outer edge of the ear

Healthy spine

This section of the edge of the ear (arrow) is straightened: Predisposition to joint stiffness and hardening.
The spine is inelastic. Predisposition to vascular sclerosis and rheumatism.

Hardened and flattened edge of the ear: Susceptibility to depression.
Predisposition to prolonged convulsions.

The outer edge of the snake is missing or there is an arched depression on it:
Predisposition to lung diseases, bronchitis, asthma.

There is a dent on the edge of the ear:
Weakening of the function of all organs at the waist level. Symptom of lordosis of the sacral spine.

A poorly defined edge of the ear indicates a weakening of the corresponding part of the spine.

Changes in this area: Increased load on the stomach.

Changes in this area (left ear): Increased load on the heart.

Formation of nodules in this area: Increased load on the lungs.

What do whiskeys talk about?

Whiskey is an indicator of what reserves the body has at the moment.

Full, plastic whiskey

The body needs little time to rest; little need for sleep

Sunken temples

State of exhaustion, greater need for sleep, consumption of body reserves, increased protein consumption, disease associated with the body's consumption of its internal reserves

Tissue atrophy at the temples

Gastric carcinoma

Tissue atrophy at the temples combined with sunken cheeks

Chronic gastritis, gastric carcinoma, acute hepatitis, Addison's disease, senile peptic ulcer disease, arteriosclerosis

Strongly protruding curved temporal artery above the skin in combination with facial redness

Inflammation of the temporal artery, sharp increase blood pressure, increased load on the kidneys

The above symptom in combination with paleness of the face

Increased renal (renal) pressure, arteriosclerosis, cerebral vascular sclerosis

The above symptom in combination with cyanosis of the facial skin

Blockage of the superior vena cava

Bald patches at temples

Hypofunction of the gonads

Longitudinal wrinkles on the temples in front of the ear

Insufficient nutrition and fluid intake, poor absorption in the intestines, poor health, prolonged increased load on the digestive tract

The curved temporal artery strongly protruding above the skin:
A sharp increase in blood pressure. Increased load on the kidneys. Inflammation of the temporal artery.

Longitudinal wrinkles on the temples in front of the ear: Insufficient nutrition and fluid intake. Poor absorption in the intestine, feeling unwell, prolonged increased load on the digestive tract.

Even handwriting changes due to illness

Distinct shortening of letter elements protruding beyond the top of the line

Depressed mood, depression, severe disappointment

Fluctuations in the inclination of letters

Digestive disorders

Omitting the end of a line

Stomach diseases

Lifting end of line

Unjustified expansion of individual letters

Wide handwriting

Very high lowercase

Nervous disorders

Writing a dot over the i strictly in the center


Elements of the letters f and r protruding beyond the bottom of the line are facing left

Decreased vitality

Letters that are frantically bent or intertwined with one another

Waste of vital energy

"Tail of a comet" at the end of a word


Narrow handwriting

Concentrating vitality, quickly overcoming difficulties

All of the above features of handwriting indicate corresponding symptoms only when the change in the style of letters becomes sudden and the difference from the previous handwriting becomes too obvious.

What changes in the shoulders can tell you

Left shoulder higher than right

Predisposition to rheumatism and neuralgia

Pain in the right shoulder blade

Gallbladder disease

Pain in the left shoulder blade

Possible symptom of a stomach ulcer

Both shoulders are raised

Breathing problems

Sloping shoulders

A sign that a person neglects his health, does not pay due attention to the symptoms of the disease and does not always follow the doctor’s instructions

Both shoulders protrude forward

Lungs are not fully expanded

Both shoulders are pulled back

Asthma, breathing problems, seizures

What does the forehead mean?

Thick skin on the forehead, deeply wrinkled

Weakened kidneys increased content fluids in tissues

Wrinkles on only one side of the forehead

Headaches on this side

Vertical and transverse wrinkles on the forehead

Excessive consumption of animal products, weakened liver, overeating

Brown spots on the skin of the forehead at the roots of the hair

Increased load on the liver; in women it is also a sign of pregnancy

Bald patches on all sides of the forehead

Too much sugar consumption, sexual dysfunction

Manifestation of the above symptom in women

Weakening of the gonads, a symptom that may appear after removal of the ovaries, with painful menstruation, early menopause

Manifestation of the above symptom in men

Hypofunction of the gonads, impotence and oligospermia are possible in young people

Bald spot on the back of the head

Too much consumption of animal products

Vertical and transverse wrinkles on the forehead: Too much consumption of animal products.
Weakened liver. Overeating.

What do cheeks say?

The cheeks can be used to determine the state of a person’s intestines at the moment. Pale cheeks indicate increased stress on the small intestine. Bottom part cheeks indicates the state of the digestive organs. They function normally if a person's lower cheeks are flexible and well supplied with blood.

Sunken cheeks on both sides and dry, yellowish skin

Malignant tumor of the stomach, pancreas, rectum

Sunken cheeks on both sides and cyanosis of the skin

Lung tumor, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic purulent bronchitis

Sunken cheeks on both sides and a crease between the nose and mouth

Chronic stomach ulcer

Sunken cheeks on both sides and swelling of the skin around the eyes

Chronic renal failure

Sunken cheeks on both sides and jaundiced skin color

Chronic hepatitis, chronic cirrhosis of the liver, malignant tumors in the stomach and liver

Sunken right cheek

Sign of severe liver disease

Sunken left cheek

Sign of heart disease

Puffy or flabby cheeks

A sign of increased intake of protein or fat into the body

Paleness of certain areas of the cheeks

Hypotension, neurasthenia

Cheek cyanosis

Heart failure, bronchial asthma, emphysematous bronchitis

Noticeable redness of the cheeks

Hypertension, autonomic disorders vascular system, weakened lungs, apoplexy

Dirty brown pigmentation

Sign of fibroids ( benign tumor muscle tissue), chronic recurrent endometritis

A sharp vertical fold stretching from the cheekbones to the chin

A sign of weakened stomach function, increased load on the pancreas, diseases of the knee, ankle or hip joints

A sharp vertical fold stretching from the cheekbones to the chin:

A sign of weakened stomach function, peptic ulcer, increased load on the pancreas, as well as diseases of the knee, ankle or hip joints.

What do teeth say?

Healthy teeth are not beautiful snow-white teeth, but teeth that are somewhat reminiscent of ivory in their matte shine, which, however, should not be confused with yellow teeth. The more beautiful the shape of the teeth and the more uniform their coloring, reminiscent of ivory, the more healthier person. Tooth decay, as a rule, is a signal of trouble in our body.

Yellow teeth

Serious gallbladder disorders, heavy smoker

Brown teeth

Serious weakening of the body, major health problems

Pearlescent coloring of teeth

Predisposition to tuberculosis, anemia

Snow white teeth

Mineral imbalance

Large distances between teeth

General weakening of the body

Big fangs

Thirst for pleasure

Barrel-shaped teeth

Syphilis symptom

Teeth grinding

High degree of nervousness, stress, inability to realize what was planned; in children, this symptom may also indicate infection with worms

Pain when touching a tooth

Pain when pressing hard on a tooth, painful reaction to cold and very hot

Inflammation of the tooth root (pulpitis)

Pain when pressing or tapping on the tooth, painful reaction to hot but not to cold


Sensitivity to cold, sweet and sour

The neck of the tooth is exposed

Pain that stops when you press on the tooth

Neuralgic toothache

Language can tell you a lot

Even in ancient times, Chinese, Arab and Greek doctors used to monitor changes occurring on the surface of a person’s tongue when diagnosing diseases. However, much of the knowledge accumulated in ancient times was forgotten. However, it is safe to say that dysfunctions of various organs, primarily the stomach, liver, spleen and intestines, are manifested by changes in the surface of the tongue long before their painful symptoms become noticeable.

The tongue is a mirror of the body, by which one can determine whether a person is healthy or sick. Even if the symptoms of the disease have long disappeared, the tongue may indicate that the cause of the disease has not been eliminated and a cure has not been achieved.

This is why during a medical examination, the doctor should always first examine the patient's tongue.

The presence of a gray-white fungal coating on the tongue is already a sufficient indicator that special attention should be paid to the condition of the patient’s stomach. A person who has comprehended the secrets of language cannot help but be surprised at how fast and reliable this diagnostic method is, with the help of which one can obtain an accurate picture general condition digestive organs, thereby preventing their diseases.

The surface of the tongue may also reflect cardiac dysfunction, but it also happens that a heart disease that has tormented a person for many years disappears as soon as the liver disease, the symptoms of which were identified on the patient’s tongue, is cured. At the same time, much can be achieved by therapeutic fasting.

Let's look at some diagnostic signs

Clean tongue without plaque

Digestive organs are healthy

Whitish coating on the anterior third of the tongue

Gastritis (manifests in acute form if this symptom is accompanied by swelling of the tongue and clenching of the teeth)

Whitish coating on the middle third of the tongue

Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers

Whitish coating on the back third of the tongue

Inflammatory processes in the intestines, colitis, including ulcerative

Whitish coating on the entire surface of the tongue


Plaque in the middle of the tongue, the edges and tip of the tongue are light red in color

Violation of the acid-forming function of the stomach

White and dry tongue, the tip of the tongue is wet

Rheumatic diathesis

Yellow coating on the tongue

Latent or manifest hepatopathy, gallbladder damage, hemorrhoids

Brownish coating on the tongue

Intestinal diseases

Blackish coating on the tongue

Tumor wasting, fungal infection of the oral mucosa (thrush)

The entire tongue is coated and covered with cracks, there is a red spot on the tip of the tongue

Disruption of the intestinal muscles, in most cases accompanied by constipation; intestinal colic

Smooth pink tongue

Anemia due to lack of iron in the body, tuberculosis

Dry tongue, red stripe in the middle of the tongue

Severe inflammation of the intestines, accompanied by diarrhea and bloating

Blood red tongue

Gastritis, enteritis

Red, smooth and shiny tongue

Cirrhosis of the liver, atrophy of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract

Tongue covered with cracks

Foam strips on both sides of the tongue


Redness and swelling of the tongue on the right side

Hepatitis, cholecystitis

Swelling of the entire tongue

Vitamin B deficiency, nerve inflammation, fatigue

Bubbles on the edges of the tongue

The tongue resembles a strawberry: it is covered with white and red spots

Scarlet fever

Dry tongue

Fever, fluid loss

Trembling tongue

Brain diseases, nervousness

Tongue ulceration: flat ulcers


"Stamped" ulceration of the tongue

The right side of the tongue resembles a geographical map

Diseases of the liver, gall bladder

Similar symptoms on the left side of the tongue

Spleen disease

Changing tongue color

Aortic insufficiency

Dry dark blue tongue

Typhoid fever

Black tongue

Cholera, collapse

Bluish coating on the tongue

Dysentery, typhus

[b]Burning tongue

Anemia due to lack of iron in the body

The middle of the tongue is brown, the edges are red and moist

Dry tongue covered with numerous cracks

Suspicion of diabetes

Sensation of tongue dryness, although tongue is moist

Anemia, insufficient blood supply to the stomach and intestines

Dry tongue covered with white mucus with blisters and red spots (petechiae)

Acute gastritis with dystonia of the vagus nerve; enteritis

Dry tongue, the base of the tongue seems to be covered with clay

Ulcerative processes in the intestines

Black hairs on tongue

Allergy to penicillin, fungal diseases

The underside of the tongue is bluish in color

Lack of oxygen, which poses a risk to the heart or lungs

Pale underside of tongue

Insufficient number of red blood cells

U different people different character traits, writes Meaww. Sometimes they can be identified by external signs - for example, by the shape of the ears. She is able to talk about inclinations, distinctive features personality, aspirations and unique properties person.

Here are the 7 most typical shapes of ears and lobes, by which you can recognize a person’s character:

1. People with fused lobes.

This is one of the most common earlobe shapes. Most people have it and characterize them in a good way. The owners of such a lobe treat others warmly, know how to put themselves in another person’s place, and have a kind and sympathetic heart. The desire to understand another is their priority.

On the other hand, they can be extremely private people, acting impulsively, following their instincts. Others may see this behavior as signs of arrogance. But they are little concerned about the opinions of others, they live the way they want. This is their path, the choice is theirs.

2. People with wide earlobes.

People with such lobes usually act at ease and relaxed. They have it by nature. They don’t like to complicate things, they don’t like to take themselves and the world around them seriously. More than anything else, they value a good sense of humor and lightness of character.

They like to smile, laugh, have fun, and be surrounded by the same positive-minded people; they care little about life’s troubles.

A sense of humor helps them get through tough times. They know how to laugh at themselves. Their weapon is sarcasm, which usually indicates the presence of intelligence, but in this case there is usually nothing behind the sarcasm.

3. People with narrow ears.

People with such ears are usually reserved and like to keep everything under their constant control. They are distinguished by calmness and self-control. You don't often hear offensive or harsh words from them.

They like to be themselves, they hate idleness and aimless pastime. They speak little, but when they take the floor, you can hear from them a sober, reasoned assessment of the situation.

They do not throw around words; they carefully hide their thoughts from others, especially from those people who are not able to appreciate them. The ideas and actions of these secretive people speak louder than words.

4. People with pointed ears.

People with such ears have a sharp mind and natural acumen. They treat others with caution, know how to observe and draw the right conclusions. They have a real gift for seeing not only details, but also the big picture.

They may have an obsessive desire for perfectionism, a meticulous nature, which makes them so organized and tenacious. Attention to detail helps you do everything in the best possible way. For them there are no quick fixes, no shortcuts.

5. People whose earlobes are round.

Such people are extremely loyal and kind. Their trust must first be earned; if not protected, they can be lost forever. What they hate most is betrayal. They are distinguished by a sincere desire to help other people.

They unconditionally believe that the world is not without good people. Forgiveness comes easily to them, but they will not be able to forget about the offense. You can get a second chance from them, but it will also be the last. If you deceive their hopes, you will be left without a devoted friend.

6. People with square ears.

These are creative people, thinkers and visionaries who think globally, without paying attention to details.

They go into their own worlds and live their dreams. Creative nature draws them to nature, to a secluded place where they can just sit and fantasize about the things they would like to create.

Only a truly special person who means a lot to the owner of this ear shape can become a part of this world. He will receive all the best, he will be surrounded with care, attention and love.

7. People with protruding ears.

They are strange and completely different, they do things that would never even occur to others. Their uniqueness is not the result of effort or hard work. They have it by nature.

Their views on the world, actions, thoughts differ from the standards accepted in society. They do not like to explain their position to others - this is a very tedious and often useless task.

It can be difficult for such people to find like-minded people. Not everyone can understand their thoughts. These unique people bring new colors and variety to life.

What kind of earlobes do you have? Does the description match your character?