1. Without using a siphon


You will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • syrup.

Mix citric acid and pour over with a mixture of water, sugar and syrup, add ice and drink as quickly as possible. Citric acid will react with soda, bubbles will appear. If the taste seems too strong, reduce the amount of soda and citric acid.

Of course, such lemonade will not be carbonated for long, but as a fun experiment, you can try it. Plus, it's fast and inexpensive.

2. Using a homemade siphon

You will need:

  • 2 plastic bottles;
  • awl;
  • 2 stoppers;
  • a small hose or flexible tube;
  • spoon;
  • funnel
  • 1 cup of vinegar;
  • 1 cup baking soda;
  • any liquid.

Make holes in two covers, tightly fix the hose in them. Calculate so that one end of the hose almost touches the bottom of the bottle. Pour the liquid you want to carbonate into one of the bottles and close it tightly. The hose should go as deep as possible into your future lemonade.

Pour soda into the second bottle through a funnel, fill it with vinegar and quickly close the second cap. If you hear a hiss and see the mixture bubbling, you've done it right. If the vinegar and baking soda don't react strongly enough, shake the bottle. This will enhance the response.

The gas will go through the hose, saturating the lemonade with carbon dioxide. If the connection is leaky, you will get a slightly carbonated drink.

You can carbonate any water-based drink, but it's best not to experiment with coffee and tea. On average, a liter bottle of water can be carbonated in 15–20 minutes. Of course, the process of creating a siphon will take time, but it will not be wasted.

3. Using a purchased siphon


The siphon can be ordered online or searched in stores. Now there is a large selection of plastic and metal soda siphons, even with drawings. So finding one that fits into will be easy.

The principle of operation of a purchased siphon is the same as that of a home-made one, only compressed gas cartridges must be purchased separately. And if you find a vintage siphon, it will not only help to carbonate water, but also serve as a stylish piece of furniture.

How to make homemade lemonade

ginger lemonade


This lemonade is more popular in Asia than here, but for lovers of everything unusual, it can become a favorite drink.


  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • a small piece of ginger root;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • zest of ½ lemon.


Remove skin and finely chop. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, pour boiling water and let cool.

You can prepare ginger syrup in advance and dilute it with water. To do this, grate fresh ginger on a fine grater and add to sugar syrup.

cucumber lemonade


This light lemonade with a mild taste perfectly quenches thirst. And cucumber water is the basis of many cleansing diets.


  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • juice of ½ lime;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.


Cut the cucumber into thin slices and cover with water, let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then add honey, lime juice and sparkling water. Berries can be added before serving. They will pleasantly shade the taste of the drink.

Lemonade with cinnamon and grapefruit


Grapefruit charge of morning energy for those who love non-standard combinations.


  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • 3 cinnamon sticks;
  • juice of 1 grapefruit;
  • juice of ½ lemon.


Mix juices, soak cinnamon sticks in them for 30 minutes. Then take out the cinnamon, dilute the juice mixture with carbonated water. Before serving, return the cinnamon to the lemonade for garnish.

The first appearance of carbonated water dates back to the middle of the 19th century. Otherwise, it is called soda. Even then, consumers liked it with its unusual bubbles, pinching the tongue and so refreshing in the summer heat. And since then, soda has been a regular product on store shelves. There is nothing easier than buying a bottle of sparkling water, but not many people know that it is possible to make a prickly liquid at home.

How to make soda at home?

It's actually very simple! We take a glass of mineral water, add a teaspoon of soda to it, extinguish it with a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or citric acid (0.5 teaspoon). Mix and you're done! And if you add a few circles of lemon and sugar - you get lemonade. With the addition of syrup or jam - a sweet drink.

Consider what other ways to get sparkling water at home:

  • We mix three teaspoons of soda with five tablespoons of powdered sugar (you can add more or less sweetener according to your taste), add six teaspoons of citric acid. In a separate container, mix everything well, you can crush. After that, we fill it with water and a delicious drink is ready, and in taste it is in no way inferior to a store-bought product, or even better than it, due to the absence of harmful additives and dyes. Instead of water, you can use juice or fruit drink.
  • Another way. We need two containers. Pour water into one and twist tightly. We make a hole in the lid and insert the tube into it so as to ensure tightness. Pour into the second container Apple vinegar, at the rate of 100 ml per liter of the finished drink. Add two tablespoons of soda, close and insert the tube from the first container. Vinegar reacts with baking soda and releases carbon dioxide, which gasses the water.
  • The easiest way is to use a siphon and a can of carbon dioxide. You need to fill the siphon with water, connect the spray can and the prickly drink is ready!
  • Preparation of a drink by fermentation. We need 4 liters of cold water, 200 ml of warm water, yeast (5 g), a glass of sugar. You can add mint or tarragon herb. Yeast is dissolved in warm water, poured into cold. Add sugar and herbs to taste, pour into containers and leave in a dark, cool place for 5 days. Then the drink is ready.

As you can see, sparkling water can be not only purchased, but also prepared at home. Experiment with tastes, prepare various drinks and enjoy a product prepared by your own hands - it's always healthier! And it is especially tasty and healthy if the water for cooking is obtained from modern

Soda is a pleasant sizzling drink that quenches thirst at any time of the year. Consists of a mixture pure water and carbon dioxide. It has been known to mankind for several thousand years, as evidenced by the records of Hippocrates in his treatises on medicinal properties carbonated water. It can be natural from natural sources and created by people using special equipment.

Until the beginning of the 18th century, it was accessible to a small circle of people, but after the industrial revolution it became widespread among the entire population. Now soda can be found on the shelves of all grocery stores or in vending machines with soft drinks. But, rarely does anyone guess how and where carbonated water is made, and at the first sip, many have a question about how soda is made?

Interesting fact: The first soda was made by Joseph Priestley in 1767. He collected carbon dioxide from a vat of fermented beer and saturated the clean water with it.

What is soda made from?

In vending machines and factories, soda is produced according to the same principle. First, water is prepared, and then it is saturated with carbon dioxide. Water is taken clean natural sources. If necessary, pass through filters for water purification. It is checked for the presence of foreign chemical additives, bacteria and various impurities. After poured into tanks and stored until the start of production.

Carbon dioxide is brought in cylinders or emitted at the plant itself using special equipment. Containers and labels for finished products are brought already prepared and placed in the conveyor on special tapes for further filling. Additionally, it can be washed with clean water or a special pattern applied to the surface. Dyes and flavors are selected only natural without additional chemical compounds. To obtain sweet waters, fructose syrup is added to soda.

Soda production

Water is pumped into a special container, into which flavors and dyes are added according to the recipe. If necessary, the concentration of all components is checked and the water is sent to the saturation stage.

Through the water supply, water enters a large cistern, which is called a saturator. It consists of several tanks, pumps and an automated control system. Next under high pressure carbon dioxide enters. It saturates water, resulting in the formation of carbonic acid H2CO3 - a combination of water molecules and carbon dioxide. The connection is not stable, therefore, when shaking, gas bubbles that are not perceptible to the smell, but very pleasant to the taste, are formed. The proportions of water and carbon dioxide are chosen so precisely that after saturation, the soda is sent to the bottling stage.

Interesting fact: Recently, carbonated water has been used to produce a wide variety of cocktails, added to pastries and low-alcohol drinks. The amazing properties of the drink allow it to be used in all areas of the food industry.

Filling containers

Ready sparkling water through the water supply system enters the dispenser. Bottles move along the conveyor to the filling system and are filled with ready-made soda. Depending on the size of the containers, the machine can fill up to 150 bottles per minute. After filling, a special mechanism hermetically closes the neck with a plastic or metal stopper. In the future, a label is glued to the surface or a trademark drawing is applied.

Completion of production

Quality control and bottle filling is carried out using a laser and a computer. The system examines the plug, the water level and determines the approximate weight in milliseconds. The QCD controller inspects the bottles for defects and foreign objects inside. After that, sparkling water is ready to be packed in boxes and sent to the store counter.

Sparkling water, thanks to its excellent taste, is liked by adults and children. Its production does not require large expenses, therefore, it has become available to everyone and everyone who wants to quench their thirst or enjoy an amazing taste. A mixture of sweet water and carbon dioxide, the most the best remedy uplifting mood for the whole day.

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Soda was first discovered in the 2nd half of the 19th century. She really liked it and has not left store shelves since that time. In the last century, carbonated water was called soda and was purchased from vending machines. Today it is easy to get it in any store. But not everyone knows that making soda at home is also not difficult. Cooking will take a matter of minutes, and as a result, you can get more than one liter of thirst-quenching drink.

How to make sparkling water from ordinary?

To do this, there are several certainly not difficult methods. It turns out that in order to prepare a drink you need to take a mineral water and mix it with soda and citric acid.


  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • part of a lemon, so that 2 teaspoons of lemon juice come out, or simple citric acid - half a spoon;
  • pour soda into a glass and extinguish it with lemon juice;
  • those who love flavoring additives or simply want to sweeten sparkling water can add cane or light sugar. If you add caramelized sugar, you get the taste of cola. And if you pour in a little topping, it will come out no worse than any other sugary water from the store. If you put a slice of lemon directly into the liquid, you get lemonade.

At home, it is also easy to make soda and other methods.

Method number 1

This recipe is great for making large portions of sparkling water.

First, mix everything for the powder:

  • baking soda - enough 3 incomplete teaspoons;
  • five teaspoons of powdered sugar, perhaps a little more or a little less, depending on your taste preferences;
  • citric acid - 6 tablespoons (tea);
  • We fall asleep all the ingredients, in addition to powdered sugar, in a container, mix and crush. The mixture should actually be ground to a powder state;
  • add powdered sugar;
  • stir the whole mixture again.

After the mixture is ready, pour it into the liquid.

An equally fascinating taste of a drink prepared at home will turn out if you pour the powder mixture with fruit drink or juice. Everyone probably remembers a large number of sugary sodas in the store - now you have a wonderful chance to prepare a similar one in a satisfied volume yourself!

Method number 2

This method is for those who want to learn how to make a liter of sparkling water by adding vinegar to the composition.

You will need:

  • 2 bottles that can be closed with lids and combined with tubes;
  • table vinegar - 100 ml;
  • a liter of ordinary water (more is allowed, but then increase the rest of the proportions);
  • two small spoons of soda

When all the ingredients are prepared, pour the liquid into the 1st container and lower the tube into it. Close the lid tightly. Pour soda and vinegar into the 2nd bottle. We seal, like the 1st bottle.

The tube for the transition of carbon dioxide is installed at the top. Shake the liquid in bottles for 5-7 minutes.

Thus, at home, carbon dioxide is released and saturates the liquid, making it carbonated. After cooking, it is desirable to cool the drink. Remember that cooler than any such drink quenches thirst if drunk cold.

Method number 3

An interesting method to make a carbonated drink at home is the method using already prepared carbon dioxide.

For this you will need:

  • prepared carbon dioxide;
  • mineral water;
  • siphon.
  • the siphon container is filled with liquid (preferably chilled - for effective saturation with carbon dioxide) and tightly closed;
  • a carbon dioxide cylinder is connected to charging;
  • the valve is opened. When each carbon dioxide has already got into the siphon, unscrew the bottle and close it;
  • soda is ready!

Method number 4

At home, it is also allowed to prepare a carbonated drink by fermentation.

To do this, do the following:

  • Prepare;
    • about 4 liters of chilled and a glass of warm water;
    • half a glass of sugar;
    • a tablespoon of yeast. In the same case, if there is no bread yeast at hand, it is allowed to use beer yeast, but with a much smaller dosage - at the tip of a teaspoon;
    • to taste it is allowed to pour a teaspoon of natural flavoring.

    It can be a concentrated liquid: fruit drink, lemonade and more, or herbs: tarragon or mint.

  • Add yeast and dissolve in warm water. For complete dissolution, leave them to brew for 5-10 minutes;
  • In a bowl, mix together the dissolved yeast with sugar and flavoring. Pour in the cold liquid little by little and stir until the sugar and other ingredients are dissolved;
  • Pour the resulting drink into bottles and close them;
  • Store in a dark place for 5 days. At this time, the liquid ferments, therefore, the covers must be periodically unscrewed and screwed on again;
  • After 5 days, move the bottles to the refrigerator;
  • Ready to use!
  • For those who want to experiment and get the store taste of the drink, we recommend adding lemonade, uzvar, fruit drink, or any kind of juice. It is allowed to achieve results and flavorings.

    However, not everyone can drink an intense carbonic acid liquid. Therefore, it is reasonable to find out how to make still water from sparkling water?

    There are 2 main methods to get still water:

    • shake and leave open in a warm place;
    • pass a jet of oxygen (pure nitrogen) through the liquid - this "blows out" carbon dioxide.

    Doing both manipulations is certainly not difficult. Water saturated with carbon dioxide is natural and unnatural. Let's say right away that naturally intense is an extremely rare phenomenon.

    But we all know how appetizing! Therefore, try the above methods and choose your favorite!

    Sparkling water is a very popular drink. According to the degree of saturation of water with carbon dioxide, three types of soda are distinguished: lightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated. In this case, gasification can occur mechanically and chemically.

    • The mechanical method consists in the fact that water is processed in special devices: saturators, siphons and metal tanks. With the help of these devices, air is pumped out of the water, cooled and supplied with carbon dioxide.
    • At chemical way fizzy water is made effervescent by the addition of carbon dioxide and the fermentation process to which the liquid is subjected.

    The benefits of carbonated water have been known since the 18th century. In those days, the healing liquid from the springs was distributed in glass bottles and transported to points of sale. But there was a big problem: the gas from the water could quickly exhale along with minerals, so attempts were repeatedly made to carbonate the water on their own. It was possible to invent an automaton that could do this in 1767.

    In the Soviet Union, soda gained huge popularity with the appearance of small vending machines on the streets where you could buy regular mineral water, as well as a drink with syrup, which was called lemonade. Over time, the sizes of such machines changed, but their popularity only grew.

    There is a huge range of different flavors of soda. There are also a lot of manufacturers who are engaged in the manufacture of water. Each brand has its fans and opponents, but still there is something in common that unites all varieties of soda - these are the positive and negative properties of the drink. We will talk about them in our article.

    Benefit and harm

    Carbonated water can both benefit and harm if you do not know the recommendations and contraindications for its use. As for the pros, soda is good for the body due to the following qualities:

    • chilled sparkling water quenches thirst much better than any other drink;
    • in case of low acidity of the stomach, such a drink will help normalize it;
    • natural mineral soda contains a large number of useful trace elements such as sodium, calcium and potassium, which help prevent bone destruction, as well as strengthen muscles and maintain the acid-base balance in the body;
    • regular consumption of carbonated water helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, as well as increase appetite;
    • soda with sugar or syrup not only helps to quench your thirst, but also relieves fatigue, and also has a tonic effect.

    Despite the fact that carbonated mineral water has a mass useful properties, it can also cause harm. You can not drink this drink without a break, especially on an empty stomach. Be sure to have a snack before drinking soda, as it can adversely affect the lining of the esophagus.

    Be especially careful when drinking sparkling water with sugar or syrup. Children, pregnant and lactating women are generally contraindicated in drinking such drinks, as are people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

    How to make sparkling water at home?

    Making sparkling water at home is quite possible, but for this you will have to get some ingredients, namely: soda, citric acid and drinking water. Also, if desired, prepare sugar and powdered sugar. The process of preparing a healthy homemade drink is as follows:

    1. First you need to prepare a mixture with which you will carbonate water. To do this, mix three teaspoons of soda with five tablespoons of powdered sugar and citric acid. The powder must be mixed well before adding it to the water.
    2. Use a mortar and grind the powder so that all the loose ingredients in it are as small as possible. It is advisable to bring the mixture to a powder state.
    3. Carefully pour the resulting powder into prepared drinking water and leave to infuse for several minutes. The prepared portion of the powder is enough for about three liters of water.

    There is a more complicated way to make soda with your own hands. To do this, you will need a special apparatus - a siphon, as well as carbon dioxide and mineral water. Fill the siphon with pre-chilled water, close the container and connect a carbon dioxide bottle to it. When the liquid is sufficiently saturated with carbon dioxide, unscrew the bottle and close the container with a lid. You can also pour the resulting drink into glass jars or bottles.

    Among other things, it is possible to make carbonated water using yeast. To do this, you will need sugar, mineral or drinking water, as well as yeast and natural flavors. As aromatic ingredients, you can take mint, tarragon or concentrates of lemonade, fruit drink and other drinks. The process of making carbonated water is as follows:

    1. Dissolve dry yeast in the amount of one tablespoon in warm water and leave it to ferment for five to ten minutes.
    2. After the desired amount of time, combine the yeast with the sugar and flavors of your choice, pouring the cold mixture into the flavored liquid and stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
    3. You can add the resulting mass to drinking water and bottle it, sending it to the refrigerator. Infuse homemade soda for about five days in a cool, dark place, after which it will be ready for use.

    Such carbonated water, prepared at home, will turn out to be tastier and healthier than a drink bought in a store. Try to make soda at home at least once - and you will no longer be able to drink store-bought water.


    The main use of sparkling water is to use it as a thirst quencher. But you will be surprised to learn that soda is used in cooking for many different dishes and even baked goods. Very often it is added to okroshka to give it a more piquant taste and make it richer. In addition, dough for pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, chebureks and other pastries is prepared on carbonated water. Also, this liquid is suitable for making batter, making it more tender and porous.

    Salt sparkling water is often used to seal vegetables for the winter. Most often, marinade is prepared on it for salted cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage.

    On carbonated water, a marinade is made for pork, beef or chicken barbecue, adding a little citric acid and red wine to it.

    An interesting fact is that homemade soda is completely calorie-free unless you add sugar to it. This was a great reason to add mineral water with gas to the menu of some diets, despite the fact that gas can harm the figure. To lose weight on soda, you must not only drink this water, but also combine all this with physical exercises.

    Very often, many gardeners use carbonated water to water their plants, so that they get the necessary vitamins and grow faster. In addition, girls and women often wash themselves with this liquid, as gas bubbles help tone the skin and remove dirt from the pores.

    Please note that the expiration date of mineral sparkling water cannot exceed five days after you have opened the bottle. Water that will stand longer term, will lose its useful properties.

    Thus, having stocks of soda on hand, you can not only quench your thirst, but also benefit your body. Remember that it is undesirable to drink tablets with such a drink, and also drink sparkling water in moderation.