I recently discovered a simple problem solving method. Guys, I'm sure you'll like it. But before I take you on the exciting journey of problem solving, I want to tell you what got me here.

Lately I have been struggling with feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness. Yes, you can probably imagine it yourself: you feel that you need to do something, but you are in a stupor and unable to lift a finger to achieve the goal.

My problem is that I feel like I have a hundred things to do. And it’s hard for me to take on any of them and really do anything. And as a result, the day goes by in vain.

Every day when I look at the clock and see that it is already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I stop believing in my strength. I'm starting to get irritated because I let another day go by without any results. I mentally begin to kick myself for wasting such a valuable day, and this does not give me an incentive to work and does not make me happy.

Today I had one of those frustrating days. And to be honest, that’s how it was all week.

What upsets me is that after all these self-improvement efforts, I felt stuck. *smiling* It seems to me that something is holding me back from striving for action. It’s as if some invisible force has grabbed hold of me and is pulling me by the leg.

These discomfort, this useless worry serves as a wake-up call that not everything is going well in our lives, and something needs to be reconsidered. Thanks to this, we understand that it is time to learn something new.

A simple problem solving method

These problems contain life lessons, and the discomfort we experience often changes our lives and gives us strength to strive for further well-being. So I've learned to trust those calls and accept the lessons they bring.

Instead of sitting at my desk, completely confused and letting my emotions overwhelm me (as it did yesterday), I stood up from my desk, stretched and asked myself a question: "What do I need right now?"

The answer was found surprisingly easily. My inner voice said: "Relax."

And I ran to my big and comfortable chair and took out e-book, which Nadya gave me. The book was The Structure of Abundance by Lenedra Carroll.

Somehow it happened that I moved on to the section where the author talked about a simple method that she called "12 What Else."

The concept was presented eloquently, simply and playfully.

Its essence: if you are stuck in a problem, ask yourself a question about it and offer yourself 12 answers-solutions to the problem. You can take one of the answers, formulate it as a question and give 12 more answers to it. Keep doing this until you get an answer that makes you feel better or solves your problem.

Example 1: Solving a problem with an employee

Your coworker was rude to you this morning. This upset you. You can redirect this unhelpful feeling to the question: "What could have happened to her that made her yell at me?" Mark the first answer that comes to your mind and keep asking yourself “What else?” until you have at least 12 answers (more is possible).

Some possible answers: someone died in her family, she didn’t get enough sleep, she quarreled with her husband in the morning, her son got sick, she doesn’t feel well, etc.

Dealing with possible reasons, because of which your employee could lose her temper, you begin to see the situation from a different angle, more objectively. You begin to sympathize and empathize, and experiencing these feelings is much more useful than looking at the situation as a personal insult and seething with indignation.

Example 2: Solving the problem of self-determination

You may ask yourself: "What do I want?". Give 12 answers. Then go further by taking one of the answers and turning it into a question. Find 12 answers to it.

For example, one of the first answers would be "I want to find love". Possible follow up question - "Where can I find love?". By the time you come up with 12 answers, you will be very surprised at what you learn about yourself.

Why does the question and answer process provide such opportunities?

Although this method seems simple and trivial, the results can be impressive. This process is simple (anyone can do it easily), but it has enormous potential to open you up to new possibilities.

When we have a lot of unformed and unspoken thoughts, they simply rush around in our heads, taking up space in the brain and taking away physical energy.

Recently I heard wise words: “Every thought in our head is there for a reason.” Sounds like the truth, doesn't it?

These vague and untested thoughts swarm unconsciously in our heads. They clog our brain. It becomes difficult for us to think clearly and work productively.

I think the depth of this exercise is that it asks important and insightful questions that we rarely fully think through, and we answer them honestly.

Don't forget that you are just playing, you don't have to be serious (like adults are) when we do this. You can write down stupid answers as they come to your mind. Playing while answering is a step that will allow you to relax and more easily reach a state of inner wisdom. This will give you access to opportunities for self-discovery.

How I used this method to solve problems

Armed with a notebook that I use as a journal and my favorite black pen, I tried out "12 What Else" which I now call "12 Answers".

I took a couple of deep breaths, allowed myself to relax, and decided what question I wanted to ask. At the top of the blank page I wrote: "12 Answers." And below I wrote a question:

"What am I afraid of?"

I understood that I needed to resolve this issue. I understood that fear is what confuses me and prevents me from working. This was a psychological barrier that I needed to overcome.

I wrote the numbers from 1 to 12 in a column. Then I wrote one answer next to each number. The 12 answers came up quickly and without much effort, so I continued listing the answers that came to mind.

Here are my answers (in the order they came to mind):

  1. Left without money
  2. Waste time (discovering that something you wanted turned out to be a dud after spending time and effort on it)
  3. Look stupid
  4. Failures
  5. Don't like
  6. It will take me too long to follow the chosen path
  7. Die
  8. be unhappy
  9. Someone will ruin everything
  10. Make the wrong decision
  11. Lose security
  12. Miss opportunities
  13. Can't handle the matter
  14. Invest money in the wrong place
  15. Not having time for things that are important to me

This is how I felt when I finished writing:

  1. Surprise that I wrote this list so quickly, and shock that all these fears were nested in my brain. It’s clear why I couldn’t move forward: there were too many conflicting thoughts.
  2. I felt terrible, all these contradictions weighed on me.
  3. I felt relieved despite all these contradictions. Relief to have my fears spilled onto paper. I can deal with them and become free.

This is what I understand!

If you look at these fears, it becomes clear why I felt insecure, doubtful, tossed about and embarrassed. I set myself too many psychological barriers.

To begin with, I wanted to improve my condition. To overcome this disgusting feeling, I wrote on a blank piece of paper: "What do I want?"

  1. Peace and quiet
  2. Clarity
  3. Security
  4. Confidence
  5. Laugh
  6. Time for what I like
  7. Have a goal
  8. Children
  9. Family and close relationships
  10. Study
  11. Help people
  12. Prayer and gratitude
  13. Love
  14. Sincerity
  15. Relax
  16. Free myself from what I don't need
  17. Sunlight
  18. Support
  19. Order and organization
  20. be happy

Once again, I was surprised at how easily, quickly, and without much effort the answers came. And I really felt better. I felt peace and gratitude. I felt happy.

While I was doing this, I got a taste for it, I began to ask even more questions. It was like I was following my heart. My heart knew what question to ask next. My heart knew what answer I needed to restore myself to a state of peace.

I noticed that the shorter, clearer and more specific the question, the better. Instead of a question "Why do I feel so bad when I try to get up early?" better to ask "Why is getting up early a problem?". Eliminate unnecessary words and get to the point. This will make it easier for your brain to understand the question and give an answer.

Overcoming attitudes that limit us

I returned to all the answers to the question, what am I afraid of. And asked:

2.Who/what/where would I be if I didn’t think so?

3.(optional) What's the worst thing that could happen? And if it does happen?

We explore everything that frightens us through magnifying glass . When we carefully examine the validity of fears, we consciously become convinced that they are false.

For example:

These are the questions I asked for approval "I'm afraid of running out of money" and the answers to them. Comments on them are given in parentheses.

Answer: Yes, for me this is true.

Solving problems with questions and answers

After this exercise (or playing "12 Answers") I felt free. And surprisingly full of energy and enthusiasm.

By recognizing these limiting statements and ideas that keep us from moving forward as invalid, we release the energy that has been held back by this state of mind. And as a result, we get the opportunity to move in the direction we want; psychological barriers no longer hold us back.

I wrote this article a week ago, and in the days leading up to writing the original draft, I noticed more and more questions popping up that were both annoying and liberating. Annoying because I would like to be free of this burden. Liberating because I could now shed light on them, look at them from different angles and get rid of them.

And I’m constantly working on this, because more and more hidden fears and questions, unresolved problems are emerging.

Asking uncomfortable questions and answering them honestly requires courage and a conscious decision to face the truth. If you avoid the problem, it will give a temporary illusion of relief. But the price for unresolved issues will be fear, uncertainty, anxiety and cessation of development.

Do you want to bring clarity, see purpose and be happy? Ask yourself an uncomfortable question. Ask yourself questions that you usually avoid.

You will discover an inner wisdom that will help you solve all the problems that arise due to emotional instability our life.

Try 12 Answers. Use either questions for the problem you want to solve, or take one of the questions I gave as an example. Share your results in the comments.

Two more questions that I considered and found answers that inspired me: why is it hard for me to concentrate and why can’t I wake up early?. Good luck! :)

Some people seem to others to be very talented, capable of solving the most difficult difficulties. But these outstanding practitioners are often characterized by one feature - unconscious competence. Even without knowing the answers to the questions, they know where to find them. From these people you can learn the right approach to solving problems. After all, if a magic wand for resolving difficulties has not yet been invented, then all kinds of methods and techniques allow each person to answer questions that are relevant to themselves.

Difficulty Analysis

Many problem solving methods are based on a process that involves four main steps:

  • First you need to determine what the problem is. What is her the real reason? How did it become clear that it exists in principle?
  • After this, possible options for resolving this difficulty are selected. Write down any ideas that come to mind.
  • The next stage is a preliminary assessment of options, and then selection of the most suitable one. Which strategy is best suited for this particular difficulty? Which one is the easiest to implement? Perhaps some strategies require additional resources - finances, health, or connections with people who do not yet exist. And therefore it is worth focusing on the methods that are available.
  • The final stage is the implementation of the chosen option. At the end of this stage, the question of whether the selected strategy was successful should be answered. This will help correct actions if new problems similar to the previous one arise.

This method of analysis in problem solving is the basis for resolving various difficulties. Based on them, you can create all sorts of variations, adapted to individual characteristics person.

Social problems: ways to resolve them

The term “social problem” refers to such difficulties as unemployment, stratification of society, high levels of morbidity and mortality among the population. Methods for solving social problems, first of all, involve the government making certain decisions. They are expressed in legislative acts of the ruling authorities, in carrying out various activities aimed at solving the problem, as well as in the use of modern Internet capabilities. They allow you to openly declare that there is a certain problem. And Internet users express their opinions on a certain issue and offer various alternative options for resolving them.

Management problems

In the process of developing and adopting an organizational strategy, the decision maker can use various methods solving management problems. Let's look at some of them.

  • Two-phase survey. Allows you to identify the main factors that influence the current situation through the individual work of experts.
  • Allows you to obtain data on analytical dependence, which reflects the level of influence of certain factors and their indicators on the current situation. Mostly such data is obtained from statistical analysis.
  • Economic assessment. Allows us to draw a conclusion about financial condition organizations. Applicable in accessibility conditions accounting reports. A typical financial model is based on determining the break-even point of the enterprise.
  • Way test questions. This method of solving problems in an organization involves leading to answers using leading questions. They can be used both during individual work and during group discussion of the existing difficulty.

Ways to resolve problems in the educational process

Posing a problem is one of the main ways of learning. This approach allows students to engage in the thought process, remember previous experience and knowledge related to the current difficulty in the lesson.

One of the main methods of solving a learning problem is through stimulating dialogue, which allows students to generate hypotheses. As a rule, the motivation is carried out by the teacher using a standard phrase: “What are the hypotheses about this?” This question provokes the making of absolutely any assumptions - both incorrect and decisive, correct ones.

In the event that the class is silent, or the students put forward only erroneous hypotheses, the teacher should give a hint to the decisive version. Such a hint is thought out by the teacher in advance when preparing for the lesson. For oral testing, another standard phrase is used: “Do you agree with this hypothesis or not? Why?"

Difficulty update

Problem solving is a teaching method that allows students to concentrate most deeply on the topic of the lesson. Another way to do this is to actualize a particular difficulty. For example, the teacher asks the class to define the term “atmospheric pressure.” Then he asks other questions. For example, why its indicators may be different over different parts of the earth’s surface. The answer is recorded with chalk on the board. During the lesson, the teacher also draws various diagrams that allow students to further focus their attention on a particular difficulty.

Creative principles in solving difficulties

The creative thinking process emphasizes the following key points when solving problems:

  • The need to separate the formation of new ideas and their subsequent evaluation. When brainstorming occurs, you should take enough time to capture all new ideas. Possible strategies for overcoming obstacles should be formulated as much as possible. They should not be evaluated until the brainstorming session is complete.
  • Problems must be reformulated into clear and precise questions. It will be much easier to motivate yourself, another person, or a group to find creative solutions if the difficulty is presented in the form of a specific question that suggests an unusual answer.
  • Using the words “yes, and” will go a long way in developing a new idea. One of the main rules of improvisation is that every creative idea can be quickly ruined by the word “but...” (“This option is good, but...”). This short lexical item should be avoided at all costs. Instead, you should complement the possible solution to the problem with the words “yes, and...”.

These principles can be applied both in individual problem solving and during brainstorming. The best way to start generating new ideas is to ask interesting questions and relying on the prerequisites that already exist. And judgments and assessments can be started later - when the assault is completed.

State the difficulty in reverse

One of the most popular methods of creative problem solving. In the process of applying this approach, any positive statement must be replaced with a negative one. For example, if you have difficulty finding new ideas in customer service, you can imagine the worst possible customer service scenario. This will help you break away from standard approaches, and unexpected turns of perspective can be very successful. The technique allows you to automatically refuse criticism and helps you see previously unnoticed combinations of ideas.

Free choice of words

If standard methods of analysis and problem solving do not help, you can resort to the most unusual and creative methods. The meaning of this method is a completely random selection of a combination of words. The easiest way to do this is by simply looking through a magazine, book or newspaper. You need to open any page, and then randomly move your finger until the moment you want to stop. If your finger stops at a picture or photograph, you should use the name of the fragment. For example, the picture shows a man, and his finger stopped on his hat. In this case, the word “hat” is used.

This technique is also suitable for independent work, and to find solutions in the group. It allows you to build a completely new associative series within a few minutes, which will either lead to new ideas or show non-standard directions for the creative process.

Psychological methods for solving problems: using experience

The history of problem solving in psychology provides large number all sorts of ideas that can be very useful in current practice.

Back in 1911, E. Thorndike observed how cats tried to get out of the cage in which the researcher placed them. Based on the experiment, the scientist made an interesting conclusion: if success in solving a problem was achieved by trial and error, then the next time a similar problem arises, the probability of using exactly the strategy that was successful the previous time is much greater. Thorndike called this phenomenon the law of effect. could well be used as effective method solving the problem. Based on Thorndike's research, the following conclusion can be drawn: the experience of the past helps to shed light on the present difficulty.

The idea of ​​gestalt psychologists: reproductive thinking

The ideas put forward by Thorndike were developed by his followers. Many of these scientists were proponents of Gestalt therapy. They argued that many difficulties could be solved using a method such as reproductive thinking. The meaning of this approach is that replaying experience from the past provides significant assistance in solving the current problem.

Productivity Barriers

Gestalt psychologists use an approach that involves examining obstacles in detail to resolve difficulties. The two main obstacles are as follows.

  • Obsession. A person who in the past was stuck on a certain strategy of behavior cannot realize: in the current situation today, this method does not work at all. He becomes so fixated on a certain strategy that he does not notice the lack of effectiveness of his actions.
  • Failure to use alternative techniques. This cognitive distortion is similar to the previous one. Psychologists call it functional fixation. For example, a person has a ruler, but he needs to cut an even piece of paper. He fixates on only one way to use a ruler, forgetting that it can not only measure objects, but also smooth the surface of the paper. Then it will be much easier to tear off an even sheet.

From this we can draw the following conclusion: the best method for solving problems is non-standard solutions. The standard in this case refers to the experience to which a person clings. It could also be preconceived notions about one’s capabilities, or about using a certain tool.

Using these methods will allow you to solve the most difficult difficulties in various fields. And methods aimed at activating creative thinking will encourage you to create your own approaches to solve difficulties.

In life we ​​constantly have to solve a wide variety of problems. However, most of us solve them in one proven way - the way we are used to, which has helped us out more than once. In this article, we will try to expand the arsenal of your methods for solving certain problems, and we will offer the most effective ways to solve problems. Surely, you have already used many of them before, but it is still worth reading the alternative options once again.

However, before we tell you about ways to solve problems, we should talk about the following. Everything in this world is interconnected. This is a fact that you cannot argue with. The same is true with problems in your life. We have already written about this in our previous articles, but it would not be out of place to repeat it.

If you live on earth, then you will have to solve problems all your life. Agree, this is true. In this regard, since humanity has not come up with anything on how to overcome the formation of problems out of the blue in people’s lives, therefore, the best way out of this situation is to know and put into practice the most effective ways to solve problems so that your fight against “ objective reality" proceeded in the most productive way.

However, why isn't there the best way to solve problems? Why should you use different methods, because sometimes it’s so exhausting that sometimes it just seems like life is playing a cruel joke on me? The thing is that in life there are a wide variety of situations that require the most various actions(in our case, ways to solve problems). There is no “one true and effective way” to resolve life’s troubles. And, in principle, this is even a plus.

What's another plus? The thing is that when you solve a problem in one way, you seem to reach a new level of your development. Your consciousness assimilates your experience of solving a problem and “puts off” this method of solving problems in its “pantry”. Then something happens in life and you try to solve a new problem. How will you decide? Naturally, the one that you already know and have already used in practice. However, not always the same method can help out in different situations. We have already said that the problem is different.

What do you do in this case? It’s clear that you, willy-nilly, are trying to find a new approach to solving your new problem. As you know, whoever seeks will always find. In fact, more than one billion people on earth lived before you, so cases similar to the one that happened to you have probably already occurred, and, most likely, your “unique” situation or problem is nothing more than an ordinary manifestation of life’s troubles an ordinary person living on Earth.

That is why you should constantly study and learn new things. Again - everything new is well forgotten old. Look for your answers in history. Look for your answers from professionals in their field. In this way, you will make your life easier, and will certainly save a lot of your time, reinventing the wheel for the hundred-millionth time. It’s better to actually invent something new and useful for society, rather than waste your time resolving an issue that has already been resolved a long time ago on a planetary “forum.”

This concludes the introductory, or better yet, setting the right mood, part of the article, now let’s move on directly to ways to solve problems.

1. Solve problems yourself.

The method is the oldest of all known to mankind. Primitive man first always tried to provide himself with everything he needed. Although even at that time there was a certain kind of cooperation in order to increase the efficiency of actions

And this says a lot. Thus, even primitive people understood (of course, they did not understand all this scientifically, but purely from an everyday-practical point of view) that all problems could be resolved on their own, but it would be difficult and ineffective.

A person has a certain range of abilities and capabilities, but he is even more surrounded by various kinds of restrictions. Whatever you are good doctor and plus a mechanic, you don't care, in addition to your skills and professional qualities, also have not yet become an astronaut, athlete, logistician and metallurgist. You are limited in your options.

Although they are limitless in their abilities. So, take advantage of your limitlessness in abilities in order to cover your limitations in capabilities!

The conclusion from here is simple: do only the work that you can do better than 90% of the people living in your city. If you are studying to become a mechanic or are already working as one, then if your car breaks down, then you should fix it yourself, because you are an expert in this matter. At the same time, do not try to show off your “hacking” abilities by reinstalling the operating system at home.

It’s better to invite a specialist and pay him money. This is the beauty of a market economy - you get a lot of money for doing better than 90% of people, and you can spend this money on those who will do the work for you with high quality and professional savvy.

2. Entrust problem solving to professionals.

This method of solving problems is a logical continuation of the previous method. All the beauty professional work is that in most cases it is performed better than it would have been done by a “jack of all trades.” However, when choosing this method of solving problems, remember that a good professional costs money, and decent money. Question: where can I get decent money? The easiest way is to become a professional yourself and get a good salary! It's simple.

Here is your motivation for action - a magic kick for self-improvement in the field of activity that you have chosen for yourself as your life path.

The work of a professional saves your time, and most importantly, your nerves. Good nerves They will come in handy for you, so try to delegate your problems to the masters of your craft as much as possible. Don't be stingy. Try to spend your time on things that are useful to you, and not on “this incomprehensible crap.”

3. Remote problem solving (freelancing).

So, step by step we continue our list of ways to solve problems. Next in line is perhaps the most modern of all the presented ways of dealing with life's difficulties - this is assigning tasks to freelancers.

Who are freelancers? A freelancer is a person or a group of people who are behind the next wall or on the other side of the planet and solve your problems for a certain fee. In this case, all your communication takes place using a computer via the Internet, or rather, through thematic freelance sites.

A freelancer is, in essence, the same professional (or at least a person who understands your problem much better than you) who works on your task and receives compensation for it.

Moreover, due to the fact that now everything is becoming super computerized, there are now more than enough problems with computer technology. At the same time, technologies are developing so rapidly that no one is able to keep up with them. Moreover, work with every computer program like a real expert.

Example: you want to draw a postcard in Adobe Photoshop, but you don’t know how to do it at all. What to do? Ask one of your friends? However, it is unlikely that you will quickly find a person who: a) will have the necessary skills and b) will find time for you to do “some kind of postcard”.

Therefore, always remember that if you are faced with problems, such as working with graphics, with office applications or other computer red tape, then know that people from all over the world are always ready to help you. Not free, of course, but their services are really worth paying for. Again, save your precious time.

The conclusion from the above is as follows: if you are faced with a computer-related problem, feel free to contact freelancers - they will help you without any questions. Eh, market economy...

4. Ask for help from relatives and friends.

This method of solving problems is one of the most traditional. Well - friends and relatives are needed not only to celebrate birthdays and weddings. The method is quite reliable, because It will not be a person from the street who will help you.

However, it will be problematic to use this method often because no one likes to be bored too often. Therefore, you should contact as soon as possible more people, so as not to become an annoying person for one person.

You also need to understand that relatives and friends solve your problems, mostly for free. Consequently, they spend their free (and possibly non-free) time on your difficulties. In connection with this, always remember that you are stealing someone else’s energy without replacing it with anything.

In general, be more reasonable in terms of asking your friends, relatives and acquaintances for help. Contact them only as a last resort. Don’t ruin your relationship with them - they will be very useful to you in the future.

5. Engage in networking.

In our last article What is networking, we told you about the basic principles and essence of networking. If you are faced with a problem that can only be solved by a friend of a relative you know, then it is time to make full use of your network. In the article about networking, we mentioned that long-distance connections work best in networking, i.e. just what you need to solve your problem.

It is clear that such a problem can only be solved when someone from your immediate environment is familiar with the right person. The conclusion from this is simple: communicate with the most different people, and you will be happy. The larger your network of acquaintances, the more likely it is that your problem will be solved as quickly as possible. Just don’t forget that networking should not be overused - networking should be positive.

Conclusion: In this article we examined 5 ways to solve your problems. Try to use them all, because... Every situation needs its own method. It would also be nice if you learned to combine these methods to increase efficiency in solving your life problems.

Now you know 5 ways to solve problems.

Each of us is undoubtedly familiar with the feeling of hopelessness, internal pain, emptiness, melancholy or aggression. Any existing problem takes a lot of strength and energy from us. And the main problem is that we do not know how to solve most of our problems in a simple and in an efficient way. I will share with you an ingenious technique that will allow you to return to a calm and happy life. And it doesn’t matter what scale the task faces us. We can handle it!

I myself often use this technology and am ready to argue with anyone who reproaches me for its untruthfulness and ineffectiveness. The technique is universal! She is able to cope with any kind of problem. In addition, its huge advantage is its ease and efficiency of use. To make sure of this, you should follow the easy and quick instructions.

Where do our problems actually come from?

Enlightened and intelligent people know that they themselves are capable of managing their reality, that any difficulties, experiences and catastrophic moments in life are the result of our everyday beliefs. If you are sure that you are not to blame for what is happening, analyze the problematic situation from beginning to end and see that it originated and progressed from you. My advice to you is, don’t look for the culprits of the circumstances. This is irresponsible and wrong.

For clarity, I will give you one simple and explanatory example. Imagine a student who is an excellent student, but is terribly afraid of taking exams. He imagines how slowly and hesitantly he pronounces words in front of an audience, how his hands and legs tremble, his body becomes sweaty and his face turns red. If you are afraid of something, you definitely think about the outcome of this situation. And, in the end, the student gets exactly what he feared so much, because he programmed himself for failure. This example once again convinces us of the validity of the above information. We control our own lives and adhere to our own rules.

Agree that you have repeatedly had moments when a problem appeared out of nowhere or increased, simply because you often thought about it. This is scientifically proven. Our thoughts and, especially, emotions materialize.

Why do you think the poor are haunted by failure, while the oligarchs continue to get rich? Injustice? No!

It all depends on your beliefs. And everyone understands that a poor man does not believe in his success as much as a wealthy and prosperous person believes in him. What if these beliefs are shifted, rearranged? What will happen? The world will change around us.

Now take as an experiment any problem that is bothering you at the moment.

What are the problems? Their scales and classifications:

Let's sort common problems into several categories:

Behind their significance:

1. Everyday (minor) problems: spilled coffee on your shirt in the morning, forgot to turn off the light in the bathroom or to charge the phone, were late for work, quarreled with a friend, had a headache, worsened mood, put on different socks, etc. In general, the list of such troubles can be continued relatively indefinitely.

2. Constant (or rare) problems: a virus got on your computer, you lost the keys to your apartment, your wallet was stolen, an unexpected conference with sponsors, your credit card was blocked, a parking fine, they don’t give you a promotion at work, etc.

3. Average problems: negative relationships with others, breaking up with a loved one, poor health, fear of public speaking, poor self-esteem, complex...

4. Important (emergency problems): you need to repay the loan, your car stalled on an empty highway, you were taken to the police station...

5. Major problems: got into a car accident, had a house robbed, was prosecuted, etc.

Now let's sort the problems by their types:

1. Household problems;

2. Financial problems;

3. Health problems;

4. Social problems;

5. Mental and spiritual problems.

Perhaps this list is not sufficiently competent and categorical. I give examples only so that you realize the very nature of your problem. And you can put it in a separate category yourself.

What is the essence of this technique?

I appreciate it precisely because it allows you to solve any problems, no matter how small or large, incredibly easily and effectively. In addition, the technique is very easy to learn and put into practice.

Now to the point...

In order to begin to immediately solve your problem (experience), you need to find its root sources and the cause of its origin, delve, so to speak, into its structure and carry out a “consequence” (analysis).

First do this step:

Get angry at your problem, speak out, express all grievances, throw out every last drop of hatred, do not hold pain and suffering, allow yourself to free yourself to the maximum. Become more distant towards her. Continue the experiment until you feel complete liberation from within.

Ask yourself a few questions (and try to give detailed answers):

1. How long ago did your problem appear (two days, a month, a year, five years ago)?

2. Why did it actually arise? What is its reason (justify)?

3. How and when did you realize your problem? What or who led you to its concept?

4. Why exactly is this problem bothering you now? Give yourself a couple of examples, describe it completely.

5. How has your life gotten worse since you have this problem? And how do these deteriorations manifest themselves?

6. Is your problem really as serious as you think or do you just want to believe it? Is there no way out at all? Are you even worse now than the Africans who are shaking at gunpoint?

7. How would your life be different if this problem went away? Imagine or think...

After answering these questions, you should feel some relief, either mentally or physically. Your problem has come to the surface, and now we can put the finishing touches on it.

Try to understand that now you are much better off than the millions of homeless people who spend their nights not on a soft bed, but in a cramped one. paper box on the garbage in the company of the same individuals offended by fate.

Look at your problem from the outside, from a high point of view.

And the last couple of questions to strengthen the new state (it really works):

1. Why do you at least slightly value your own life and the surrounding society? Perhaps you are at peace, rarely get sick, your loved ones do not suffer, you are not threatened or beaten in dark alleys. There are always advantages, if only you had the desire to look for them...

2. Why do you love and respect yourself? Think carefully and you will learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t notice before. What makes you different from other people? What makes you unique?

3. Are you treating yourself fairly? Do you ever underestimate your self-esteem? Perhaps you should change your mind about your personality?

Now your inner beliefs will come out, which will push and shift the problem. She's already shaken. But we don't stop...

For the first time, you can use these instructions, but after a while, you yourself will learn to ask yourself the right questions that are appropriate for a specific situation, or to do without them altogether.

Final technique (required):

1. Take three deep breaths in and out while feeling uplifted (ask yourself the questions above to feel it). You can even use additional sources of euphoria (which evoke pleasant emotions, feelings, memories).

2. Sincerely ask the Universe to help you solve this problem.

3. Imagine how your problem disappears, dissolves. Feel as if she is no longer there. Enjoy moments of life without this problem.

4. For three minutes (or less) hold a particularly powerful state of new being from within.

5. Concentrate again and take a few deep breaths to merge with your spiritual world and consolidate the new sensation. It helps. Don't let him get away.

6. Thank the Universe for solving your problem (it will speed up the result). Do not think about the time and methods of completing the task.

7. Throughout the day, keep this standing position for as long as you can afford. Try not to think about the problem anymore and, if necessary, repeat the practice again.

Believe in this technology and it will free you from any worries. I revealed this secret to the most worthy and kind people. So let it serve you for your good.

Happy practice, friends!

An article that makes life easier. And you don't even have to buy MAXIM magazine to read it. You see, life has already begun to become simpler!

Danila Maslov

In philosophy, for several hundred years now, two scientific methods have been fiercely fighting with each other - holism and reductionism.

Holists believe that everything in the world is interconnected and one should never consider any object outside of its connection with environment, ideally – with the entire universe. And if you have a callus on your heel, then, pondering this fact, you need to clearly understand the structure skin And lower limbs mammals, the crisis in the shoe industry, the usefulness of suffering in the education of the soul and the laws of gravity.

From the point of view of a reductionist, everything in this world is interconnected, and to hell with it - let's solve a specific issue at a specific moment in time, cutting off everything unnecessary. Do you have a blister? Cover it with a band-aid.

“Everything complex needs to be made as simple as possible - this makes it easier to solve any problem” - this is the basic principle of reductionism.

Meanwhile, in life we ​​are almost entirely holistic. We are always trying to see the whole picture, build systems from all sorts of small facts and draw global ideological conclusions, looking at a discarded candy wrapper. In general, we like to complicate things. This has its advantage: it is this kind of thinking that makes us intelligent beings. The method of reductionism is not only applicable to science; it can be used to do many wonderful things.

Learn foreign languages

There are many methods of teaching languages, but most of them are based on the so-called grammar-translational method, which assumes that a person first needs to be taught the grammar of the language, all these cases, articles and declensions, while simultaneously learning hundreds and thousands of words and all the grammar associated with them : cat is a feminine singular noun; eats is a present tense verb in the third person; mouse is a third declension noun...

Meanwhile, there is not a single baby on the planet who has been taught this way.

The child is taught to say the simplest phrases for situations familiar to him: bee-bee typewriter, bo-bo finger, grandpa hrrr-hrrr. And the results are quite good. The principle of reductionism is embedded in the audio-lingual method (audiolinguistic method), a much rarer, but increasingly popular scheme for learning languages. There is no need to try to immediately understand the structure of the language, it complex structure and hundreds of rules by which it exists. Don't learn a language - learn individual phrases. Just memorize, repeating after the teacher or audio recording expressions that may be useful to you. “How is the weather today?”, “Where is free Wi-Fi hidden in your hotel?”, “Sorry, but I was robbed by a raccoon in the gateway.” Having learned, say, only two hundred of these phrases, you will already more or less know the language. And this can be achieved in a couple of weeks of hard work. People who use this method begin to chat freely in a foreign dialect and read simple texts in it much faster than the martyrs of the academic school who cannot find out from a foreigner the way to the nearest toilet, but have already learned all the intricacies of using the imperfect in the subjunctive mood.

Build a relationship with your girlfriend

Harry Sullivan, author of the Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry, once named several main causes of family conflicts, of which he put in first place “the desire to consider any act of a partner as part of the system.” It is easier to consider this principle with an example. Let's say Misha and Katya are talking peacefully over evening tea.

Katya says:

– You didn’t close the sugar bowl again.

Misha answers:

- And you always find fault over trifles.

– You know that I don’t like it when the sugar bowl is open: flies fly in there. But it’s difficult for you to do even such nonsense for me - just take it and close the sugar bowl!

“And it’s hard for me to live in a place where people constantly make comments to me.”

- Well, don’t live!

This is a classic example: something as small as the lid of a sugar bowl can make one partner feel like a victim of chronic indifference, and the other - a victim of constant boring control.

“Discuss a specific problem here and now, and not the behavior of your partner in general and always,” Sullivan advised. This is a reductionist method pure form- reduce the problem to this particular lid and to this one case of tediousness.

There is no need to demand any comprehensive guarantees and obligations from your girlfriend - always ask her for one specific thing. The more you can narrow down your request, the more likely it is that it will be fulfilled.

“Don’t ever stop me from watching sports.” will work worse than “I want to watch this match, honey.”.

“Braided hair doesn’t suit you.”- worse than “Let’s wear your hair down today”.

"Stop controlling my life"- worse than “I didn’t like that you read the text messages on my phone.”.

Refusal to transfer private situations to global problem is very conducive to harmonious relationships.

Plan activities

Each of us has a long list of things that absolutely need to be done, but we just don’t know which one to take on.

Go to the dentist, become a millionaire, get an international passport, reinstall Windows, learn to whistle with two fingers, print out pictures from your mother-in-law’s vacation, call an old school friend, find out what’s going on with those shares that you bought ten years ago in a frenzy of business enthusiasm and , it seems, are still lying somewhere on the table. Oh, by the way, and take the table apart.

This list can hang in the distant corners of our memory for months and years, but since there is no insane urgency required here, then it’s okay, let it hang. As a result, you become the owner of a permanent feeling of guilt towards yourself and the universe. But, armed with the method of reductionism, you can feel much better, more successful and more effective. Sit down and write this entire list. In fact, all of it. Here you have two hours, a pack of cigarettes and a mug of coffee - write. Did you write it? Admire how long and hopeless it is. Now choose one of the simplest or most enjoyable things to do and do it. For example, learn to whistle with two fingers. Did it work? Great, cross out this point with a bold line, put the list in an unorganized table and move on with your life until the next attack of work excitement or existential despondency. A person likes to achieve his goals - this is one of the primary instincts, so completing the items on the list will bring you a feeling of satisfaction. The main thing is don’t try to do it all at once! Remember reductionism!

Explain complex things to children in simple words

Einstein is famous for saying that “a bad teacher is one who cannot explain the theory of relativity to a seven-year-old child.” The problem for many teachers and fathers is that, while trying to tell children something useful, we constantly drift towards holism - trying to explain everything at once. Here is an example from a text by Eric Berne*:

"Father. Are you asking, Tommy, why Flossie the kitten died? You see, living beings are generally mortal. And that's good. When you grow up, in Sunday school they will tell you what happens to the soul after death. And Flossie probably had a soul too. Although there are people who are called atheists. Atheists do not believe that there is life after death. Atheists can be good people too, Tommy. Here is your Uncle Bob, an atheist, and he gave us a Chevrolet with a 15 percent discount. So, in this life, everything comes to an end someday. Mountains are worn down into dust, but it takes them millions of years to do so. A million is a lot, Tommy. Much more than a hundred. A one-day butterfly lives only one day. There are such butterflies, they are first caterpillars. And they remain caterpillars for a long time, and then they release a special thread from a hole on their belly, weave a cocoon, lay down in it, like in a cradle, and then become butterflies. It was not for nothing that the Romans considered the butterfly a symbol of posthumous rebirth... Tommy, are you listening to me? You wanted to know why Flossie died?

Tommy. Yes, dad. The boys said that a car ran over him. I wanted to know if this is true?»

“This is the guy who wrote the book “Games People Play” and many other psychological bestsellers.”

A good teacher or popularizer of scientific texts is always a reductionist. It is difficult for children and amateurs to assimilate entire systems of views; wide canvases with an abundance of details only confuse them. If you want to tell or explain something to a child, try to stick to one topic, do not overuse extensive explanations and try to explain complex things with simple examples - this way the child will learn and remember what was said much better.

Keep your home tidy

In world literature and cinema, female audiences usually see a bachelor’s apartment as not the secret lair of a mystical predator. Alas, the word “pig sty” is used much more often when describing it. Yes, the average man, who has not yet acquired an au pair, does not spend his life hugging a vacuum cleaner and a cloth for polishing rosewood. We have more interesting things to do in life. Nevertheless, even we sometimes understand that living surrounded by forty pizza boxes is fun, but there is a risk of growing old in their company. Then we pick up pitchforks and begin to clear away the rubble. After some 12-16 hours of sudden movements, we find out that the curtains were in fact blue and linen, and not gray and plush, and we discover that a carpet was buried under a layer of cultural deposits on the floor. Unfortunately, in a week everything will return to normal - this is the law of the universe. Meanwhile, you can easily train yourself to maintain order in your apartment and not experience discomfort from it. The most important thing here is to use the basic rule of reductionism: do not try to grasp the immensity, solve individual problems, and do it gradually.

No need to talk “From today I’m turning into a neat guy.”. Set yourself timid, easily achievable goals. For example: “For the next two weeks, I’ll put my dirty socks in a bag next to the washing machine, and after brushing my teeth, I’ll wipe up the white splatters on the bathroom mirror. And it will be the cleanest, shiniest bathroom mirror on Earth!”

Man is a creature of habit. In two weeks, you will already be doing both automatically. Then it will be possible to add the following items to the list of micro-deeds. For example: “Once a day I will wipe the crumbs off the kitchen table and always take dirty mugs from the computer to the sink,” “And these two weeks I will throw out the trash every morning and all my clothes will hang on hangers.” In about a year, you will become a cleaner, and your apartment will look perfect at any time of the day or night.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Just like with cleaning, you can deal with sports. And even better, because playing sports is still somehow more interesting than scrubbing a latrine. It’s a pity that this interest fades the moment you return from work and look at a backpack with sports equipment that has been lying in the hallway for three months as a monument to your good intentions. However, if you adopt the method of reductionism, you can slowly get drawn into healthy image life without much violence against oneself. First, don't buy an annual gym membership if you haven't been going there regularly for the past year. Let's face it: gyms would be the most crowded places on earth if everyone who bought annual memberships used those memberships at least a couple times a week. Yes, an annual subscription offers a big discount, but with a high degree of probability you will pay everything else for not going to study*. It is best to find a club with the possibility of one-time visits. And you need to go there not with the thought “Now every day I will happily exhaust myself with extreme loads,” but with the goal of working out today. Forty minutes maximum. Okay, one hour. You may be sorry to leave while you are still full of strength and activity, but psychologically it will be easier to get there next time. In a week or two.

*Note by Phacochoerus"a Funtik:

“I suggested to members of the editorial board, who annually collect money for a corporate subscription, to give it to the fund for the suffering me...”

Here is what George Cruz, an American fitness star, author of such wonderful programs as “The 3-Hour Diet” and “The Perfect 8-Minute Workout” (as you understand, a passionate fan of reductionism in everything) writes on this topic:

“Half of my students had a long training experience behind them. For decades, every year they made the decision to take care of their bodies - they took memberships to the gym and stayed in it for the first week. They sweated seven times, they walked purposefully towards their intended goal, but on the eighth day they usually realized that there are more interesting things in life than treadmills... I started by telling them: “Work out at home 6 times a week 8 minutes a day - simple crunches, squats and bends - and you will be in good shape. And go to the gym just for fun. Well, if you decide to take part in Mr. Olympia, then we’ll already create a more intense schedule.”

“Twenty minutes of walking a day and refusing to use elevators and escalators if you can climb stairs is a completely sufficient level physical activity for the city dweller", - confirms the French doctor Pierre Dukan, author of the famous “Dukan diet”.

So there is no need to dive into a new sporting life at full speed if you are not confident in the strength of your will. Set yourself small goals at first.