Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, co-worker. Isn't that right? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that first of all they need to be like that themselves.

What is honesty?

Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

About types of honesty

There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, this is not true. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself.

Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest?

Unfortunately, being honest in the modern world is very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways.

Honesty of a person also lies in the eradication of lies. He will try with all his might to prevent the other from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe

Honesty is living according to the laws of the Universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - it will definitely return in the future, he committed an evil deed and, it seems, has already forgotten about it, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, right?

A little about straightforwardness

However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, although he speaks the truth. A straightforward person says everything he thinks about, without even realizing that his words are not always appropriate and can hurt his neighbor. When speaking the truth, be, first of all, correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere to yourself. Good luck to you in this difficult but very necessary task!


“Is it easy to always be honest”

“Do you want to be happy all your life -

be an honest person"


I began my essay with an epigraph about honesty, because I consider honesty one of the main qualities of a person, I respect honest people and am proud that I was born in a family of honest people, from a very early age, my parents told me “speak honestly and never support and do not cover for liars.” I completely agree with T. Fuller’s statement, if you are honest with everyone, then people will treat you with respect and honor!

Is it easy to always be honest? I think it's not easy, especially in our time. But every person should strive for honesty and try to be honest with himself first of all.

Popular wisdom says: “An honest person is a happy person”, “It is not the one who is strong who is right, but the one who is honest”, “Honesty is more valuable than anything else”, “It is better to live poor than to get rich by sin”, etc.

An honest person - what is he like?

An honest person, in my opinion, always does the right thing. He values ​​friendship, loves and respects his family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

An honest person always commits only such actions for which he is not ashamed and tries to act in such a way that he does not have to regret anything. And yet, an honest person never envy anyone.

An honest person always tries to fulfill his promise. And finally, an honest person does not lie or deceive.

Every honest person cultivates positive qualities in himself, he is kind and caring, he knows that one should not take what belongs to others or offend the little and weak. An honest person develops a strong will and a firm, courageous character. They respect him, they trust him, they can always count on him.

So is it possible in our time to meet all these requirements and be both successful and in demand? I think it's possible.

Firstly, you must try to always tell the truth. Is it easy to do this? It seems easy to me. The truth is the truth. It’s another matter what the truth is, in what situation. If the truth is that you did a bad thing, but people should know about it, then it’s difficult to say. It's a shame because... This requires willpower, courage, if you like. It is always easier to hide something bad about yourself, especially for someone who is not very honest. His conscience doesn’t torment him, no one knows, and that’s okay. He lied, they believed him, and that was good. For some, lying has become the norm of life. Our modern society is saturated with lies. Lies have permeated almost all areas of human activity. Deputies lie, promising to “move mountains” before the elections, various companies lie, sending people hopes of winning “a million rubles”, they lie in pharmacies, selling counterfeit drugs instead of real ones, etc. Sometimes it just becomes scary who to believe and where to find the truth. Fortunately, there are, of course, truthful, honest people who do not allow any lies. Our land still rests on these. Telling the truth, living honestly and righteously is much easier and freer. Let life be difficult, but honest. But I want to talk a little more about another lie. There is such a thing as a “white lie.” Is such a lie necessary? I think it is needed. There are times when honesty and truth can harm a person. People can be too direct and hurt another person with their words. In such cases, the truth, of course, needs to be told, but gently and unobtrusively, so as not to offend the person.

Our parents teach us to be humane, tidy, respect people, and study well. And it is very difficult for them to communicate with us when we tell lies. Therefore, they try to convince us that we must be honest: “Honesty is the best virtue.” It is not always easy to tell the truth, especially about bad things. But when you deceive someone, especially a loved one, your soul becomes even worse. No wonder they say: “a deceiver must have a good memory.” This means that he must remember what he said and to whom, and constantly hide the truth. And this creates fear and alienates people. To deceive means to be afraid. Those. means that a deceiver is most often a coward. Everyone knows that “you can’t hide an sew in a bag.” So the truth will come out somewhere. And it will become even worse for the person: they will laugh at him or reproach him. Therefore, we must try to be responsible for our words and actions, and if something goes wrong, speak sincerely and honestly, without fear. After all, “a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.” And if you are honest and fair, there will be more respect for such a person.

Living honestly is truly better! And the biggest changes always start with ourselves. People are sure that now everything can be bought with money, but everyone decides for themselves whether to remain honest or adapt to what is happening around them...

Honesty is not just about how we treat others and whether we respect them. But this, first of all, is a manifestation of respect for oneself as an individual.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally what kind of truth is still needed. But one thing is clear: only “comforting” lies are acceptable. In all other cases, the main moral criterion of a real person has always been and will be honesty, which is close to the concept of honor and dignity. It's always harder to live with a lie. A truthful life is a life with your head held high, which means an honest life, on a straight path.

I want to talk to you about honesty. I don't want to speak in my own words. Why? Because she sometimes interferes with my life and I don’t want to admit it. It turns out that I'm being dishonest with myself. Okay, here's what I found on the internet

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, co-worker. Isn't that right? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that first of all they need to be like that themselves.

What is honesty? Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

About types of honesty There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, this is not true. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself. Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest? Unfortunately, being honest in the modern world is very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways. Honesty of a person also lies in the eradication of lies. He will try with all his might to prevent the other from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe Honesty is living according to the laws of the Universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - it will definitely return in the future, he committed an evil deed and, it seems, has already forgotten about it, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, isn't it?

A little about straightforwardness However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, although he speaks the truth. A straightforward person says everything he thinks about, without even realizing that his words are not always appropriate and can hurt his neighbor. When speaking the truth, be, first of all, correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere to yourself. Good luck to you in this difficult but very necessary task!

I won’t ask you the question, are you even? just talk about honesty)

Question or no question) I googled quotes and aphorisms about honesty) choose any button)

and as always we poke - we don’t poke) we think - we don’t think) we speak - we don’t speak) we are kind and easy to communicate)

The words “honesty” and “honor” are very similar to the word “purity”. Isn't it true? It is no coincidence that someone who has not “stained” himself with lies, pretense, or cowardice is called an honest person.

An honest person is always truthful and courageous. He values ​​friendship, loves and respects his family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

An honest person tries not to commit actions that he would have to be ashamed of, that he would have to hide from his parents and friends. This would be pretense, but it teaches a person to lie and be a coward, to be afraid of being exposed. Therefore, a truly honest person always tries to act in everything so that he later has nothing to regret, nothing to repent of, nothing to reproach himself for. And if we want to grow up to be honest people, we must do things that we can always tell our friends about in order to please them.

An honest person respects and appreciates the work of parents and teachers, because he himself knows how to work. After all, it’s fair when everyone who lives in it puts things in order in the house, and it’s more fun and faster to cook dinner, go to the store, do repairs or decorate the Christmas tree together. No wonder they say “he is an honest worker”, “he earns his bread honestly”. This means that an honest person must work. Therefore, every boy and every girl, if they want to grow up to be honest people, must have their own responsibilities in the house, for example, cleaning the children's room, watering the flowers. It's good if someone has obligatory household chores, but if not, it's okay. An honest person is also a good helper. You can help your mother with the housework, you can help the younger ones do their homework, you can help your grandmother find glasses, but who knows what? Any help provided on time, willingly and at your own request is good.

See also:

Of course, we are not yet entrusted with the most important and responsible tasks, but we must try to do every job well and honestly.

An honest person commands respect because he never lies or deceives. Most often, cowardly and poorly educated people lie and pretend. Of course, it happens that suddenly, for no apparent reason, you really want to come up with all sorts of things to amuse your friends, to laugh. Such fiction is not a lie, not a lie, it sometimes makes for very funny and funny stories. Such an invention is called the beautiful word “fantasy,” but that’s a completely different story.

An honest person also commands respect because he does not blame others. If you accidentally break a cup, drop a hammer, or knock it over and spill jam, be honest. Don't put the blame on a kitten or baby who can't stand up for themselves. Admit everything yourself and apologize for your accidental action. Maybe you will be scolded a little, but you yourself and those around you will treat you with respect.

An honest person always keeps his promises. For example, if you promise to come to visit your comrades, then try to come exactly at the appointed time. It's not nice to be late. If you borrow a book from a friend to read, return it on time and try not to tear it or get it dirty. And if you cannot do what is asked of you, it is better to immediately apologize and honestly refuse, so that you do not have to blush and make excuses later.

It is always difficult to cultivate positive qualities in yourself, but real people cultivate themselves throughout their lives. A person who is always honest with others and with himself will eventually develop a strong will and a firm, courageous character. They respect him, they trust him, they can always count on him. It is very important to be respected as an honest person who keeps his word, who can be trusted, and who can be relied upon in difficult times.

Essay on the topic “Honesty”


Honesty is a concept that can influence our lives in certain relationships. Our parents teach us to be honest since childhood, trying to instill in us the understanding that to be honest is to be humane and not to commit actions for which we will have to be ashamed and which we will have to hide, because the truth, sooner or later, always becomes obvious. Bad actions often entail lies, deceit, cowardice and fear of being found out. Therefore, an honest person always tries to act in such a way that he won’t feel ashamed later and won’t have to hide anything or lie. He respects and appreciates the care and work of his parents, since he knows how to work himself.

It is not always easy to tell the truth, especially when it comes to ugly actions. But when you deceive a loved one, a heavy stone falls on your soul, which keeps pulling and pulling, and every minute you are afraid that the person will find out the truth, and the worst thing is that he can find out it from strangers, and this is doubly unpleasant . To deceive someone means to be afraid. Deception breeds fear.

If you are an honest and fair person, then there will be more respect and understanding for such a person. Honesty is associated with the word purity. For example, you are not lying, which means you are pure, honesty fills us with sincerity and openness. You can rely on honest people and trust them, reveal your secrets, knowing that the person will not tell your secrets and experiences to anyone. Such people keep their word and command the respect of others.

Sometimes there are cases when honesty and truth can harm a person. People can be too direct and hurt another person with their words. In such cases, the truth, of course, needs to be told, but gently and unobtrusively, so as not to offend the person.

Most often, people lie in order to appear better than they really are or because they are embarrassed about their favorite activity or hobby. The most important advantages of honest people are that they can be themselves, they are trusted and respected. Such people know how to rejoice in the good fortune of their friends and loved ones, do not envy or betray. They do not blame others and know how to admit if they have done something wrong, they always keep their promises and can stand up for themselves.

It is always difficult to cultivate some positive qualities in yourself, but you need to do this throughout your life. A person who does not lie to others is honest with himself. It is very important when they respect you, trust you and count on you.