Reading time: 12 minutes

The term “PMS” (premenstrual syndrome) is familiar to almost every woman. As practice shows, one out of 4 girls and women of childbearing age experiences manifestations of this condition before the onset of menstruation. PMS is a complex of symptoms that occurs during premenstrual days (in the second phase menstrual cycle) and manifested by neuropsychic, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine disorders. Premenstrual syndrome is pathological condition, due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the female body.

What factors increase the risk of PMS?

The issue of the occurrence of PMS in women is still being studied, so there is no consensus on what exactly causes the appearance of one or another type of this pathology.

It has been established that certain factors can significantly increase the likelihood of a deterioration in well-being and increased pain. These include:

  • diseases of the nervous system, neuralgia of various origins;
  • endocrine disruptions; (endocrinologist consults)
  • high level of pollution in the area of ​​residence;
  • vascular diseases;
  • heart defects, VSD, arterial hypertension or hypotension;
  • work associated with heavy mental stress, highly intellectual activity.

Causes of PMS

The main reason that causes the appearance of specific signs of premenstrual syndrome lies in the hormonal changes in the body, which occurs 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation.

During this period, the woman’s reproductive system begins to actively produce female sex hormones necessary to maintain the health and normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Changes in hormonal levels cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system: a woman becomes irritable, whiny, and sometimes can even show unreasonable aggression.

If you have a history of activity-related illnesses nerve cells central or peripheral systems, then the manifestations of PMS can be several times more intense. As a rule, during such periods a woman experiences difficulties communicating with colleagues, friends and family members.

The following may contribute to the deterioration of the condition:

  • stress and scandals; (a psychologist will help you cope)
  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • foods rich in fats and refined foods;
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins (especially vitamin B6, magnesium, sodium, potassium);
  • slow metabolism.

Against the background of hormonal changes, they may worsen chronic diseases which are accompanied characteristic symptoms. They should not be confused with manifestations of PMS (they are not the same thing) - weakness, pain, nausea and other signs in this case are clinical manifestations violations internal organs.

Types of PMS and their symptoms

Depending on the reasons that caused the appearance of PMS and the signs of pathology, several types of this condition are distinguished. This means that symptoms of one type may be present when diagnosing another form: most often symptoms (for example, pain syndrome) is characteristic of several types of premenstrual syndrome and differs only in the degree of intensity.

Neuropsychic type

Most often typical for young girls under 23-24 years old. Manifests hypersensitivity to everyday things and situations.

During this period, girls' constant companions include melancholy, a feeling of increased anxiety, lack of self-confidence and the results of their activities, as well as anger, aggressive behavior and uncontrollable attacks of melancholy.

For some girls, this condition can cause serious problems in communicating with other people, since not everyone understands real reasons what's happening.

Reception of any sedatives allowed only with the permission of a doctor!

Crisis type of PMS

It is quite rare and is the most dangerous of all possible forms of premenstrual syndrome. It is characterized by disturbances in the functioning of the cardiac system and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dysfunction, namely:

  • severe attacks of headache (migraine);
  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of numbness in legs and arms;
  • local decrease in temperature of the extremities (icy fingers);
  • nausea (in some cases, vomiting is possible).

The crisis type may be accompanied by panic attacks and mental disorders. During this period, some women begin to fear death, become suspicious and cannot sleep peacefully at night (they are afraid of fires, robbers, etc.).

Such symptoms require immediate help, since prolonged fear syndrome can become chronic.

Edema type

The most common form of premenstrual syndrome, in which physical changes occurring in the female body are noted:

  • weight gain;
  • increased appetite (in some cases, a change in taste preferences is possible);
  • the appearance of edema;
  • dropsy of internal organs;
  • flatulence;
  • articular and muscle pain(especially often - spasms of the abdominal muscles);
  • soreness of the mammary glands, especially when changing body position;
  • increased sweating with a characteristic odor;
  • acne.

The appearance of edema may not be noticeable upon visual examination, so a sharp increase in body weight should be a reason to go to the clinic. This symptom cannot be ignored, as it can lead to dropsy of the internal organs.

Cephalgic type of PMS

A fairly common form of PMS among women, in which pain in the abdominal area caused by cramps intensifies, as well as symptoms of general malaise appear: weakness, drowsiness, worsening mood, headaches of mild and moderate intensity, etc.

Doctor's advice

PMS can be severe - the appearance of 5-12 symptoms 3-14 days before menstruation, with significant severity of 2-5 of them. In some cases, PMS requires hospital treatment, so if the condition worsens in the days before menstruation, you do not need to endure it, you need to contact a gynecologist for qualified help.

Atypical head start

A rare type of disorder that causes uncharacteristic symptoms and signs:

  • increase in temperature;
  • allergy;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • infections oral cavity(stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.);
  • limited mobility due to severe pain in muscles and joints.

Any of these signs appearing 3-10 days before the start of the menstrual cycle requires treatment. medical care. Calling a doctor or visiting a local doctor in this case is mandatory.

PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)

Represents uncontrollable anger, attacks of aggression, rage. Occurs in approximately 3-5% of cases of the total number of diagnosed manifestations of PMS.

In some cases, a woman can pose a danger to others (for example, there are often situations where a mother, under the influence of PMDD, beat her children). This type disorders must be treated.

Should PMS be treated?

PMS is an integral part of functioning female body and does not require medical treatment. But in some cases, treatment is still necessary. This is required by situations where a woman’s health may be at risk, or significant changes occur that make it impossible to lead a normal lifestyle.

PMS needs to be treated in cases where:

  • a severe form of depression or a progressive type of psychosis occurs;
  • a woman suffers from panic attacks;
  • severe swelling appears;
  • heart rate increases;
  • the usual blood pressure indicators change;
  • pain syndrome has a high degree of intensity;
  • tremor of the limbs or numbness of body parts occurs (a sign of poor circulation).

Treatment options

It should be understood that PMS is not a disease, so the expression “treat PMS” is completely incorrect. Treatment is provided for symptoms of the condition that interfere with daily activities, work responsibilities, or socializing with others.

Non-drug treatment

Includes a set of preventive measures that prevent the emergence of pathology and progression accompanying symptoms. These include:

  • organization proper nutrition and drinking regime (drinking clean water daily in a volume of at least 1.5-2 liters);
  • limiting salt intake and reducing the amount of salty foods in the diet;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • complete rest;
  • relaxing activities (aromatherapy, warm salt baths, massage);
  • regular walks to saturate the blood with oxygen.

Risk factors for developing PMS: stressful situations; neuroinfections; complicated childbirth and abortion; various injuries and surgical interventions. Nonspecific prevention: regular use of oral contraceptives (in the absence of contraindications), healthy image life (quitting smoking, physical exercise, regular sex life, prevention of stressful situations).

Drug therapy

It is carried out according to indications and prescribed by a doctor depending on the intensity of the symptoms, as well as the type of PMS.

The following methods and drugs can be used for treatment:

  • painkillers (used to relieve severe attacks of pain in the abdominal area, as well as muscle and joint pain);
  • antidepressants (necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional state and eliminate the symptoms of depression);
  • are prescribed according to identified violations of hormonal homeostasis individually in each case;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment (as prescribed by a local doctor or physiotherapist);
  • sedatives (to restore the functioning of the nervous system, combat insomnia, panic attacks, etc.);
  • diuretics (used to remove excess fluid);
  • drugs to improve heart function (for tachycardia);
  • antihypertensive medications (used when PMS is accompanied by increased blood pressure).

Therapy is prescribed individually

According to statistics, more than 80% of all girls and women in the world know what PMS means. Most often, the manifestation of the syndrome occurs in the age range from 20 to 40 years. In rare cases, the precursors of menstruation manifest themselves in a severe form, so representatives of the fairer sex usually do not turn to the gynecologist with complaints. But the worsening of PMS symptoms in women from month to month makes it necessary to consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of health problems.

Theories of origin

Medical specialists for a long time conducted studies that could not help identify the cause of premenstrual syndrome. There are many theories about its origin. Among them:

  1. Hormonal.
  2. Violation of water-salt balance.
  3. Psychosomatic.
  4. Allergic reaction to endogenous progesterone.

If you believe the hormonal theory, then the manifestation of signs of the premenstrual period occurs due to changes in the level of sex hormones in a woman’s blood in the second phase of the cycle. For the normal functioning of the body, the patient needs a stable hormonal background, which includes:

After ovulation, that is, in the second phase of the cycle, a change in hormonal levels occurs in the female body. Therefore, adherents of the theory believe that the cause of PMS lies in the incorrect reaction of the parts of the brain that are responsible for changes in emotional mood and behavior to natural changes in the concentration of sex hormones. This feature is a hereditary predisposition.

Somatic and psycho-vegetative disorders before the onset of critical days occur due to the unstable state of the endocrine system. In this case, the level of hormones, which may be normal, is not a decisive factor. The following are considered responsible for changes in mood and behavior:

Features and stages

As a rule, over the years the risk of increased PMS, which in translation means premenstrual syndrome, only increases. Residents of large cities are more susceptible to the appearance of the syndrome than rural women. About 90% of sexually mature girls notice a number of minor changes in their bodies and bodies. They begin to appear before the onset of critical days. This usually happens 7-10 days before the start bloody discharge.

For some, symptoms appear in a mild form without affecting their daily life. Mild PMS does not require medical intervention or treatment. Others find it difficult to tolerate the symptoms that appear and are severe. This condition requires mandatory treatment medical institution for professional help. The cyclical nature of the occurrence of a number of symptoms makes it possible to understand that this is PMS, and not some kind of disease.

Severe phenomena in the physical and emotional state of a woman, which are observed before the onset of menstruation, immediately cease with the onset bleeding. If unpleasant symptoms persist throughout menstrual cycle, then you need to contact a gynecologist. The fact is that this may be a sign of a serious pathology in reproductive system. In case of severe emotional state, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist.

Experts divide PMS into 3 stages:

In most cases, PMS is considered a natural phenomenon, so women do not complain to their doctor. The sensations before menstruation and at the beginning of pregnancy are very similar, so girls often confuse them. Severe pain and reluctance to go to the hospital force them to take not only painkillers, but also antidepressants without consulting a specialist. Medicines of this group really help relieve pain, but without the necessary therapy, PMS can progress to a more severe stage - decompensated.

The manifestation of signs of premenstrual syndrome affects all systems of a woman’s body, so they are often confused with the course of other diseases. This leads to girls turning to the wrong specialists for help, for example, a neurologist or therapist, and not receiving proper treatment. It is possible to understand the exact cause of the deterioration only with a professional examination and a complete examination.

Symptoms of manifestation

Every woman experiences PMS differently. This is due to the fact that any organism has its own individual characteristics. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are divided into the following groups:

  1. Vegetative-vascular. Blood pressure surges, vomiting, severe headache, nausea, tachycardia, dizziness and pain in the heart area.
  2. Neuropsychic. Depression, tearfulness, aggression and irritability.
  3. Exchange-endocrine. Swelling, fever, chills, chest tenderness, itching, thirst, shortness of breath, blurred vision, memory loss.

Conventionally, premenstrual syndrome is divided into several forms, but its symptoms do not occur in isolation, but in combination. Yes, when depressed state pain threshold a woman's pain decreases significantly, and she begins to feel more severe cramps and pain.

PMS forms:

Women most often suffer from irritability, pain in the mammary glands, bloating, tearfulness, headaches and swelling before the onset of menstruation. Weakness, abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and weight gain are much less common.

It's worth remembering that PMS can aggravate the following diseases:

Common reasons

There are many factors that can influence the development of PMS. Unfortunately, gynecologists and endocrinologists could not come to a common opinion. Common reasons emergence unpleasant symptoms are considered:

Differences from pregnancy

Some signs of PMS are very similar to the first symptoms of pregnancy, which occur before the delay. The thing is that from the moment of conception, the level of sex hormone in a woman’s blood increases. The same process is observed before the onset of menstruation. This is why these states are confused. Similar symptoms:

  • rapid onset of fatigue;
  • lower back pain;
  • increased sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

When wondering about the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to compare their nature. So, with PMS, discomfort in the chest goes away with the onset of menstruation, and during pregnancy it continues to bother you until the very end. In an interesting situation, girls tend to want to eat inedible things and drink beer with salted fish. In addition, their sense of smell becomes more acute and they begin to feel sick from familiar smells. With the syndrome, sensitivity to aromas also appears, but there are no special cravings for food, just an increase in appetite.

As for lower back pain, pregnant women are not always bothered by it at the beginning of their pregnancy. Fatigue appears already from the 4th week of gestation. This is when toxicosis occurs. At the same time, the stomach may sag a little, but this does not last very long.

Before menstruation, the back begins to hurt either immediately after ovulation, or a few days before the start of discharge. Not everyone experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen, since this symptom is very individual. Frequent urination cannot be a harbinger of menstrual periods. But nausea and even vomiting are quite common.

Of course, it is difficult to determine exactly what is happening in the body. Often very early stages When a new life is just beginning, even an experienced gynecologist cannot determine pregnancy during an examination on a chair. In such cases, he prescribes an ultrasound for a more accurate check. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, it is recommended to wait until the delay and take a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

Diagnostic methods

Remembering the start and end dates of menstruation is not easy; it is quickly forgotten. To make the task easier, it is recommended to keep a diary or calendar, where you will need to record not only the course of menstruation, but also indicators basal temperature, symptoms and changes in weight. This approach should be followed for 2-3 cycles to simplify the diagnosis and treatment of PMS.

The severity of the premenstrual period can be determined by the duration of the symptoms and their intensity:

  1. Light current. A maximum of 4 mild symptoms or 2 severe symptoms are observed.
  2. Severe form. From 2 to 5 intense symptoms. It is also diagnosed if at least one sign deprives a woman of her ability to work.

Cyclicity distinguishes PMS from pathological manifestations of other diseases of the reproductive system. Feeling worse 2-10 days before your period. Unpleasant symptoms do not always go away with the onset of bleeding. They often develop into menstrual migraines or painful periods. You can distinguish PMS from pathology by the following signs:

  1. If a girl feels well in the first half of the cycle, then diseases such as fibrocystic, neurosis and depression are excluded.
  2. Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and chronic endometritis are manifested by intermenstrual bloody discharge and pain at the end of the cycle.

To determine the degree of premenstrual syndrome, gynecologists carry out hormonal analysis for progesterone and estradiol. In addition, the specialist prescribes additional examination of the patient. Depending on the complaints, she may be prescribed the following procedures:

Neurologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, therapists and cardiologists are also involved in the diagnosis of patients who suffer from severe PMS.

Therapeutic approaches

Improvement in well-being can only be achieved by complex treatment premenstrual syndrome. It is selected individually according to many parameters. So, according to the flow, form and symptoms A PMS woman can be prescribed the following:

Preventive measures

If PMS does not allow you to live in peace, depriving you of your ability to work, then, of course, you cannot do without therapy. But sometimes this is not enough. After completing the course of treatment, it is imperative to follow certain preventive measures. These include:

A balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals, physical activity, sex and good sleep bring a positive mood and wellness, which persists even before the onset of menstruation.

There is probably not a single woman, or even a man, who does not know what the abbreviation for a specific female condition stands for PMS This is premenstrual syndrome. We often use these biting three letters when we want to tease someone aggressive or irritated, who is not in control of their emotions: “You probably have PMS?” But you shouldn’t use this trick, because PMS is a really unpleasant condition. There is also a male version of deciphering these letters - the Period of Male Suffering. Today we’ll talk about how to experience PMS painlessly for both women and the men around them.

What is PMS in girls and women?

So, PMS is a specific condition of a woman that begins a few days before menstruation and ends with its onset, characterized by a number of characteristic symptoms. It is thanks to excessive capriciousness, tearfulness and nervousness, which often become companions of the fair sex these days, that we ourselves and the people around us are accustomed to “calculating” this syndrome, and the very combination of letters PMS has already become a household word.

Causes of PMS in women

The theory of the causes of PMS, based on changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, is still considered the most substantiated from a medical point of view. According to her, a premenstrual symptom occurs due to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body. IN large quantities These hormones retain fluid in the body, which causes edema, exacerbation of problems with the heart and blood vessels, swelling of the mammary glands, and bloating. And estrogen “acts out” on a woman’s psycho-emotional state, making her irritable and aggressive.

The impetus for the development of prolonged and intense PMS can be the following phenomena in a woman’s life:

  • abortion;
  • incorrectly selected hormonal contraception;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies were detected during pregnancy or childbirth.

All this leads to the fact that in the second half of the cycle the level of natural progesterone produced by the ovaries decreases.

When does PMS start in women?

Typically, premenstrual syndrome overtakes the female body approximately 3-10 days before the start of menstruation. But due to different physiological characteristics- duration of the cycle, hormonal levels, general emotional and physical state, one woman can feel the approach of her critical days almost immediately after ovulation, while another recognizes PMS only 1-2 days before menstruation.

Symptoms of PMS in women: list

So, we all know that PMS is an extremely unpleasant condition; many women have a hard time with it, both physically and psychologically. Let's look at the symptoms of PMS in different aspects:

Physical signs:

  • General deterioration in health - dizziness, heaviness or aches throughout the body, difficulty breathing, which may periodically become confused, rapid heartbeat, periodic increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is nagging, aching, which either subside or reappears. The abdomen swells, constipation may appear, and the frequency of urination, on the contrary, may increase.
  • Pain in the mammary glands, their fullness, excessive sensitivity of the nipples.
  • Possible headaches, nausea, chills or fever, discomfort in the joints, lower back.

Psychological (emotional) signs:

  • Mood changes - irritability, apathy, tearfulness, memory loss, indifference to everything, a state bordering on depression may be present. A woman in this state can easily be enraged and made nervous.
  • Sleep disorder – a woman may feel drowsy more often than usual, or, conversely, suffer from insomnia at night.
  • There is an exacerbation of anxiety attacks, panic attacks or causeless panic may occur.

Individual (subjective) signs. Many representatives of the fairer sex during PMS complain of:

  • weight gain,
  • swelling,
  • increase in body volume,
  • exacerbation of psychosomatic reactions (annoyed by excessively loud sound, too bright light, etc.);
  • increased appetite, change or exacerbation of taste preferences;
  • a decrease or vice versa – an increase in libido, unexplained surges in sexual activity.

Indeed, it is difficult to name a girl with such a “set” of symptoms happy man. Fortunately, not all women experience the entire list of PMS symptoms and, of course, the mentioned symptoms do not make themselves felt immediately and simultaneously. Let us highlight the forms of PMS severity, based on which we will further look for ways to combat premenstrual syndrome.

Forms of PMS in women

Light form – when a woman experiences 3-4 of the above symptoms of PMS and they do not have a serious impact on her well-being and lifestyle. This stage does not require treatment; it is enough to simply treat the girl with care and understanding during this period.

Medium form – there are more signs of PMS, they are more pronounced and more noticeable, but this does not affect the woman’s ability to work, and by adding some medications or home remedies, she can lead her usual lifestyle. The average form of PMS affects 10-15% of women.

Severe form – the list of symptoms is quite wide, the woman cannot work and live her usual life, she needs treatment, and sometimes even hospitalization. Only 3-5% of women suffer from this form.

How many days does PMS last in women?

The duration of PMS in women varies: for some lucky women, the syndrome lasts only a couple of days, reminding of itself 2-3 days before the start of menstruation, and ending immediately with the onset of critical days. Other representatives of the fair sex are less fortunate: their PMS may begin a week and a half before the first day of the cycle and will end only at the end of the critical days.

On average, the duration of PMS in physically healthy women is about a week. Some women do not even know how many days their PMS lasts, since they do not feel any discomfort before menstruation and are not familiar with the signs of premenstrual syndrome.

Woman during PMS: signs and well-being

  1. The craving for junk food, fast food, salty and fatty foods increases. You uncontrollably want something sweet, now salty, now spicy, now sour. And during this difficult period, it is most difficult for a woman to deny herself, because her emotional state leaves much to be desired.
  2. A woman may have a harder time tolerating the condition alcohol intoxication, suffer from a hangover stronger and longer than usual.
  3. Swelling is more pronounced, especially in women who, due to their unstable emotional state before menstruation, indulge in junk food.
  4. Most women with PMS experience increased fatigue, want to sleep more often and more strongly than usual, and no matter how much sleep she still feels exhausted and unrested.
  5. If a woman experiences any allergic reactions, during PMS they can worsen.

Treatment of PMS in women

PMS is not exactly a disease, but still its moderate and severe stages, which we discussed above, require treatment and medications agreed upon with a specialist. Often its symptoms and manifestations are so strong and literally torture the female body that it is impossible not to react to them. Someone is connecting traditional medicine, for some, light sedatives or antispasmodics are enough, and those who are especially unlucky to experience all the “delights” of PMS turn to heavy artillery in the form of antidepressants and serious hormonal drugs.

We will look at all the ways to get rid of PMS and be sure to name the best methods and medications based on reviews from real women.

Pills for PMS in women

Treatment during PMS time should be carried out depending on the symptoms in which this syndrome manifests itself. Below is a list of the best medications to relieve the symptoms of PMS in all its forms.

Medicines for common symptoms of PMS

Magne B6– the drug replenishes the lack of magnesium in the body, which directly affects the improvement of sleep quality, nourishing the nervous system, reducing irritability and nervousness. Spasms and painful sensations, characteristic of PMS, also subside.

Mastodion– its effect on the nervous system is similar to Magne B6, it has also proven itself in the fight against headaches, migraines, pain in the abdomen, back, and mammary glands, improves intestinal function and prevents constipation.

Cyclodinone– absolutely natural preparation(active component – ​​common twig extract), normalizes the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is recommended to take it not only for discomfort during PMS, but also for identified hormonal imbalances.

Remens– drug broad action: relieves swelling and pain; normalizes the functioning of hormones and ovaries; reduces nervous tension, irritability, and depression.

Sedatives for PMS

Painkillers for PMS

Folk remedies for PMS

Those who practice traditional medicine claim that the following drug can significantly alleviate the symptoms of PMS (associated with excessive irritability and fatigue):

  1. Mix 3 parts of peppermint leaves and rhizomes with valerian roots, 4 parts of chamomile flowers.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes.
  3. We take it in two doses.

If during PMS you are tormented by problems of a vegetative nature - nausea, constipation or upset bowel movements, use this recipe:

  1. Prepare an infusion of herbs. Take 1 teaspoon each of sophora fruits, alder cones, yarrow herb, agrimony herb, gravilat root, bird cherry fruits or flowers.
  2. In the evening, fill the thermos with boiling water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
  3. We take half a glass half a glass half an hour before meals the whole next day.
  4. Honey will help improve the taste of the composition.

Interesting facts about PMS

  • From 30 to 55% of women aged 18-55 years complain of PMS.
  • Many young ladies do not complain about a decrease in libido during PMS, but, on the contrary, notice its surges, which, associated with irritability and emotional uncontrollability, give their partners a chance for excellent, passionate sex.
  • Women who work mentally are most susceptible to symptoms of PMS.
  • If you indulge in sweets, smoked foods and alcohol during PMS, you will aggravate its symptoms, but if you indulge in milk and seafood, you will feel much better.
  • During PMS, girls most often make impulsive actions and thoughtless purchases, but shopping is an excellent cure for this unpleasant syndrome.
  • Of all the women convicted of various types of crimes, 20% admit that they committed them during the period when they felt PMS.
  • Often, in the second half of the cycle, female students’ performance begins to falter.

How to distinguish PMS from pregnancy?

If there is probability of conceiving a child In this cycle, you should not rely only on your instincts and try to distinguish PMS from pregnancy symptoms. After all, for most women, the signs of menstruation or pregnancy may not differ at all. If you want to find out whether you are pregnant, or whether PMS is just too intense, it does not allow you to wait until the first day of the delay and do pregnancy test, donate blood for hCG at the antenatal clinic and be sure of the result.

How to deal with PMS: reviews and secrets of women

The best remedy in the fight against PMS there will be comprehensive fight against the syndrome, namely:

  1. maintaining a proper diet before the onset of menstruation;
  2. if you can’t comply with step 1, at least don’t indulge in smoked, salty, fatty, sweet and alcohol;
  3. correct drinking regime(at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day);
  4. rational physical activity;
  5. sufficient time for sleep and rest;
  6. taking vitamins;
  7. taking a natural remedy to maintain hormonal balance, like Remens.

Love yourself, your body and be healthy!

Many scientists and medical specialists have been studying the characteristics of the female body for several centuries. And only very recently it was finally possible to find out when PMS begins in females, and what its true manifestations are. Premenstrual syndrome has not been fully studied, but it is already known that when it appears, women feel unwell: fatigue, malaise appear, and excessive aggression or tearfulness may also occur.

There is no exact framework for how old PMS begins. Premenstrual syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon and is observed in 75% of women. This is a condition in which various pseudosymptoms appear that are characteristic of PMS.

It is characterized by certain psychological and physiological signs. For every woman or girl, this condition manifests itself differently and is expressed in to varying degrees intensity.

Some women do not have premenstrual syndrome at all, while others experience it all the time. Here important role age plays a role, because PMS occurs only in women who have reached puberty with a formed menstrual cycle. This condition occurs only once a month and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms that are individual for each woman.

How many days before menstruation does PMS appear?

As noted earlier, the syndrome is expressed differently in all women, therefore, how many days before menstruation it manifests itself and how long it lasts is all purely individual. As a rule, the first symptoms can be observed in a woman 2-10 days before the start of menstruation. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, PMS symptoms can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

The appearance of PMS is explained by the fact that at a certain point in the menstrual cycle the level of hormones in the body changes. This affects psycho-emotional and physiological processes, which causes changes in a woman’s behavior and well-being.

Before the onset of menstruation, a few days before the onset of menstruation, the restructuring of hormones begins, which accordingly causes changes in the functioning of the body as a whole. This condition can often last two weeks, after which the hormonal levels return to normal and the woman can feel normal again.

But this is not the case for everyone - each body is individual, so often the manifestations of PMS in women may differ. Among the external and internal factors that influence the severity of symptoms, the following are of great importance:

  • the presence of any diseases;
  • food quality;
  • lifestyle;
  • ecology.

It may happen that your period began earlier, and as a result, PMS will also appear several days earlier than expected. To identify the exact period of onset of premenstrual syndrome, you need to know your own cycle, which is especially easier for those girls whose periods occur regularly at the same interval. In the first year after the start of menstruation, adolescents may have a fixed period for their periods, but, as a rule, PMS is not observed during this period.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can begin for many reasons, but, as a rule, the occurrence of the syndrome is due to some internal factors:

  • disturbances in the body's water-salt balance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • psychological reasons;
  • physiological factors.

The main reason for the appearance of PMS is a change in hormone levels when their number increases in the second phase of the cycle. For a woman, the balance of hormonal levels is very important, since any deviations from the norm lead not only to changes in psycho-emotional terms, but also contribute to the exacerbation of certain diseases, as a result of which health may deteriorate and general malaise and weakness may appear.

Female hormones that ensure the normal and stable functioning of the entire body are presented below.

  1. Estrogen is responsible for physical and mental characteristics body, stabilizes muscle tone.
  2. Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is necessary to prepare the body for pregnancy, but if its level increases in the 2nd phase of the cycle, a woman may experience depression.
  3. Androgens – increase physical and mental activity.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle can contribute to the occurrence of PMS, which is due to several reasons.

  1. A decrease in the hormone serotonin becomes main reason changes in mood, resulting in tearfulness and sadness.
  2. Lack of vitamin B6 causes fatigue and mood changes.
  3. Lack of magnesium – contributes to dizziness.

PMS is often transmitted genetically, which is the main reason for its appearance in a woman.

PMS symptoms

PMS in females has many manifestations. For some, they may not be particularly pronounced, while for others they may manifest themselves more intensely. Symptoms may last one day or may last up to 10 days. They are mainly divided into psychological and physiological manifestations.

Psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:

  • depression;
  • depressed state;
  • stress, nervousness;
  • unexplained aggression;
  • irritability;
  • frequent mood changes.

Psychological symptoms are quite pronounced and often occur in women in the second phase of the cycle. Manifestations mainly depend on the function of the nervous system and the functioning of hormones.

Physiological symptoms:

  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • aching or stitching;
  • swelling;
  • breast swelling;
  • quite rare, but an increase in temperature is possible;
  • weight gain.

Physiological manifestations during premenstrual syndrome depend on hormonal levels, lifestyle and environment.

How to distinguish pregnancy from PMS

Many women are unable to distinguish between the signs of PMS and pregnancy. To know for sure, it is necessary to rely on the manifestations accompanying premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy.

Some symptoms are similar to each other, but they differ in duration and degree of manifestation.

  1. Quite quick fatigue after light physical activity.
  2. Enlargement of the mammary glands, their pain when touched - during PMS this manifestation does not last long, but during pregnancy it continues until childbirth.
  3. Feelings of nausea, vomiting - PMS is rarely expressed by these symptoms, but pregnancy is characterized by such manifestations throughout the first trimester.
  4. Irritability, frequent mood swings.
  5. Pain in the lumbar region.

During pregnancy, attitudes towards nutrition change; often women may want to try specific foods. This does not happen during menstruation; only cravings for sweet or salty foods are possible.

How to relieve premenstrual syndrome

This condition in females can begin a few days before menstruation. Often there is a significant decrease in the body’s activity and performance. Any physical activity causes rapid fatigue, drowsiness and malaise.

In this case, you need to visit a doctor who should prescribe treatment. It is carried out after a medical examination, the patient’s complaints and the severity of PMS symptoms are taken into account.

Medications for PMS

To suppress symptoms and treat PMS, it is prescribed medicines, which are able to stabilize well-being and weaken the impact of the syndrome on the body. Medicines are prescribed by a gynecologist and taken under his supervision.

  1. Psychotropic drugs - with their help it is restored nervous system, and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as irritability, nervousness and others, are weakened.
  2. Hormonal medications are recommended for hormone deficiency in the body.
  3. Antidepressants – help improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, reduce anxiety, disorders, panic, and eliminate depression.
  4. Nonsteroidal medications are used for minor manifestations of PMS; they help eliminate headaches and abdominal pain.
  5. Drugs that improve blood circulation.

Medicines are selected according to the characteristics of the female body, the symptoms and the degree of manifestation of signs of premenstrual syndrome are taken into account.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a complex of symptoms that occurs several days (from 2 to 10) before the onset of menstruation and disappears in its first days. At other times, there are no symptoms of PMS.

The condition includes nervous mental disorders, vegetative-vascular and metabolic manifestations. Almost every woman has experienced signs of PMS at some point. However, it is severe only in every tenth patient.

How and why premenstrual syndrome occurs

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in the ovary - an egg is released from a mature follicle. She starts to move along abdominal cavity To fallopian tube to meet the sperm and fertilize. In place of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum is formed - a formation with high hormonal activity. In some women, in response to such endocrine “bursts,” the parts of the brain responsible for emotions, vascular reactions, and metabolic regulation react. Often like this individual feature reactions are inherited from mother to daughter.

Previously, it was believed that PMS occurs more often in women with impaired hormonal levels. Doctors are now confident that such patients have a regular ovulatory cycle and are otherwise healthy.

Theories of PMS development:

  • hormonal;
  • water intoxication;
  • dysfunction of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system;
  • lack of vitamins and fatty acids in the diet;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • allergy;
  • psychosomatic disorders.

With PMS, the relative content of estrogens increases with a relative decrease in the level of gestagens. Estrogens retain sodium and fluid in the body, causing swelling, flatulence, headaches, and chest pain. Estrogens activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, causing additional fluid retention. These sex hormones directly affect the area of ​​the brain responsible for the formation of emotions (the limbic system). The level of potassium and glucose in the blood also decreases, which causes weakness, heart pain, and decreased activity.

The level of gestagens determines how many days before menstruation PMS occurs. These hormones delay the onset of menstruation. They also determine how long premenstrual syndrome lasts.

As a result of disruption of the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, fluid retention occurs, which causes swelling of the intestinal wall. Abdominal bloating, nausea, and constipation occur.

The development of PMS is facilitated by a lack of vitamins, magnesium and unsaturated fatty acids in food. Some scientists believe that this results in depression, chest pain, irritability, elevated temperature bodies.

Of particular importance in the mechanism of development of PMS is an increase in prolactin levels in the second half of the cycle, an allergy to internal progesterone, as well as interrelated bodily (somatic) and mental (mental) changes.

Clinical picture

There are three groups of main symptoms that determine the severity of the condition:

  • neuropsychic disorders: tearfulness, depression, irritability;
  • vegetative-vascular changes: nausea and vomiting, headache and dizziness, palpitations, pain in the heart, increased blood pressure;
  • metabolic disorders: enlarged mammary glands, swelling, bloating, thirst and shortness of breath, itching, chills, increased body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen.

An aggravating factor in PMS is depression. With it, women feel more pain and other unpleasant sensations, which can gradually turn into painful menstruation and migraines.

Forms of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can occur in the following clinical forms:

  • neuropsychic;
  • edematous;
  • cephalgic;
  • crisis.

The neuropsychic form is accompanied by emotional disturbances. Young women experience low mood levels. IN mature age The leading symptom is aggressiveness and irritability.

The edematous form is accompanied by swelling of the legs, face, and eyelids. Shoes become tight and rings don’t fit well. Sensitivity to odors increases, bloating and skin itching appear. Due to fluid retention, weight increases (by 500-1000 g).

In the cephalgic form, the main symptom is headache in the temples spreading to the orbit. It has a twitching, pulsating character, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Most of these women show changes in the pituitary gland.

The crisis form is manifested by sympathoadrenal attacks: suddenly increases blood pressure, there is a pressing pain in the chest, fear of death. At the same time, there is a strong heartbeat, a feeling of numbness and coldness in the hands and feet. The crisis usually occurs late in the day and ends with the release of urine into large volume. This form is more often observed as an outcome of untreated previous variants.


When does PMS start? With a mild course, three to four signs appear 2-10 days before menstruation, one or two of which are most pronounced. In severe cases, symptoms appear 3-14 days before menstruation. There are more than five of them, and at least two are pronounced.

The course of PMS is different for all patients. For some, symptoms appear at the same time and stop with the onset of menstruation. Other patients develop more and more symptoms over the years. The condition normalizes only after the end of menstrual bleeding. In the most severe cases, symptoms persist even after the cessation of menstruation, and the interval without complaints gradually decreases. In such a situation, a woman may even lose her ability to work. In some patients, cyclical ailments continue after menopause. The so-called transformed PMS occurs.

A mild course of PMS is accompanied by the appearance of a small number of symptoms, mild malaise, without limiting the normal rhythm of life. In more severe situations, signs of this condition affect family life, performance, conflicts with others may arise. In severe cases, especially during a crisis, a woman cannot work and needs to be issued a certificate of incapacity for work.


PMS is a clinical diagnosis based on an analysis of symptoms, their severity, and cyclical occurrence. An examination by a gynecologist is prescribed, and the genital organs are performed. For the right hormone therapy it is necessary to determine the level of sex and other hormones in the blood.

The patient is consulted by a neurologist, and, if necessary, by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, and endocrinologist. She may be prescribed tests such as electroencephalography, computed tomography of the brain, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, etc.

Only after a comprehensive examination and observation does a gynecologist make such a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

PMS treatment

How to relieve premenstrual syndrome? For this purpose, the following scheme is recommended:

  • psychotherapy;
  • proper nutrition;
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment of premenstrual syndrome with drugs.


Rational psychotherapy helps to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as excessive emotionality, mood swings, tearfulness or aggressiveness. For this purpose, psycho-emotional relaxation techniques that stabilize behavioral techniques are used. A woman is taught how to relieve PMS and is helped to cope with the fear of menstruation.

It is very useful to conduct psychotherapeutic sessions not only with a woman, but also with her loved ones. Relatives learn to better understand the patient’s condition. Conversations with the patient’s immediate circle improve the microclimate in the family. Through psychosomatic mechanisms it is possible to improve physical condition patients, to alleviate the objective manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Lifestyle and nutrition

It is necessary to increase the content of plant fiber in the diet. It normalizes intestinal function and removes excess fluid from the body. The daily diet should consist of 75% carbohydrates (mostly complex), 15% proteins and only 10% fats. The consumption of fats must be limited, as they affect the participation of the liver in estrogen metabolism. It is better to avoid beef, as it often contains small doses of artificially introduced hormones. Thus, the most useful source of protein for PMS will be fermented milk products.

It is useful to increase the consumption of juice, in particular carrot juice with the addition of lemon. Herbal teas with the addition of mint, lemon balm, and valerian are recommended. Herbal sedative for PMS helps cope with emotional disorders, improve sleep and overall well-being.

You should avoid excess salt and spices, and limit your consumption of chocolate and meat. You should not drink alcoholic beverages, as they reduce the content of B vitamins and minerals in the body, and change the metabolism of carbohydrates. Liver function suffers, which can lead to disruption of estrogen metabolism and increased severity of the condition.

There is no need to take a lot of caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee, Coca-Cola) during PMS. Caffeine causes fluid retention, disrupts sleep, and contributes to neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition, it increases engorgement of the mammary glands.

Drugs for the treatment of PMS

If you have severe symptoms of PMS, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you how to deal with its symptoms using medications. Let's consider the main groups of drugs for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

  1. After examination by a gynecologist, if high content estrogens (absolute or relative hyperestrogenism), gestagens are prescribed. These include Duphaston, Norkolut and others. Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists, in particular Danazol, also have an antiestrogenic effect.
  2. Antihistamines are prescribed due to increased levels of histamine and serotonin in such patients. Tavegil, Suprastin are usually used at night, starting two days before the expected onset of PMS and ending with the first day of menstruation.
  3. To normalize the functioning of brain structures responsible for vascular regulation and mental disorders, nootropics are prescribed - Nootropil, Aminalon, starting from the first day of menstruation for two weeks. Such courses are repeated for three months in a row, then take a break.
  4. If, after determining hormone levels, an increase in prolactin levels is detected, Parlodel (bromocriptine) is prescribed, starting two days before the expected onset of PMS, for 10 days.
  5. In the presence of severe edema, the prescription of a diuretic with a potassium-sparing effect, Veroshpiron, which is an aldosterone antagonist, is indicated. Prescribe it 4 days before the deterioration of health and stop taking it with the onset of menstruation. If edema syndrome manifests itself as headache, blurred vision, it is recommended to use Diacarb.
  6. In the presence of pain, the main means for treating PMS are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular Diclofenac. It is prescribed two days before your health worsens. These drugs inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins - biologically active substances, causing many of the symptoms of PMS. Course treatment is carried out over three months. The effect of this course lasts up to four months after its termination. PMS symptoms then return, but are usually less intense.
  7. Excessive emotionality depressive disorders, neuroses may be an indication for the prescription of tranquilizers. There are special “daytime” drugs that do not suppress normal activity, in particular, Grandaxin and Afobazol. Antipsychotics and antidepressants may be used. Such drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist. They must be taken continuously for 3-6 months.
  8. Vitamins A and E have a beneficial effect on women's reproductive system, including reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome. They are taken orally or administered intramuscularly for a month, alternating with each other. If anxiety and depressive disorders appear in the second half of the cycle, magnesium and vitamin B6 are prescribed.

PMS treatment is carried out in cycles. In the first three months, diet, herbal sedatives, vitamins, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Then they take a break from treatment for 3-6 months. When PMS symptoms return, other drugs with more serious effects are added to treatment. Don't expect a quick effect. Therapy should be long-term and accompanied by modifications of diet and lifestyle.