I want to express my gratitude to all the medical staff of the Department of Bone Pathology No. 6 of the CITO named after. N.N. Priorov and personally to the head of the department, Dr. medical sciences , Professor Balberkin A.V. I was treated in this department twice (May 2015 and March 2016) for knee replacement and was deeply impressed by the well-coordinated, highly organized work of the entire department staff. Every day, under the wise leadership of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Balberkin A.V. Surgeons perform operations brilliantly: Ph.D. Shavyrin D.A., Ph.D. Snetkov D.A., Ph.D. Kolondaev A.F., providing highly qualified assistance to people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Being at the same time the attending physicians, Shavyrin D.A., Kolondaev A.F., Snetkov D.A. always attentive, calm and friendly towards their postoperative patients. It is very comfortable to communicate with them; you can easily discuss possible options for postoperative treatment, ways of competent rehabilitation and maintaining a comfortable lifestyle in the future. You can always get qualified help in choosing not only medications, but also vitamin-mineral complexes, physical therapy options, and sanatorium-resort treatment. In my case, the operations performed radically changed and significantly improved the quality of my life. I would like to note the work of the nurses, who are skillfully supervised by the senior nurse Smirnova E.S. Nurses Glikina I.M., Gerasimova N.A., Bogacheva O.V., Sheveleva O.N., Odina O.S. carry out round-the-clock duty in the department, promptly fulfilling various postoperative appointments of the attending physicians. At any time of the day, upon the first call of a patient, they are always ready to provide the necessary assistance. Master of his craft - surgical nurse Lisovaya V.G. - a virtuoso in performing dressings and removing sutures. In the first days after surgery, it is difficult to do without care and attention from junior medical staff. Every day, without reminders or requests, sister-hostess Rusanova O.A. changes bed linen, which is very important in the postoperative period. Nurses Marchenkova A.N., Gorshkova A.G., Savina N.N., Ruseeva Marina, Kuzhnenkova Galina carefully look after the patients. Kind words, support, help, as well as clean rooms, when the vessel was taken out, the absence of garbage and dust - this is the result of their painstaking work. All this makes people’s stay in the department comfortable and contributes to a speedy recovery. I would like to thank the department’s canteen workers, Nadezhda Dudina and Elena Kovaleva, for the timely distribution of food. There was never a time when we took cold or tasteless food. I was always surprised by how varied the menu was and how delicious the food was at home. I would like to wish all the employees of the Department of Bone Pathology good health, many years fruitful work for the joy of people, decent wages, peace and prosperity in their families! Thank you for your help, sensitivity, attention and support! I believe that such responsible, conscientious, highly qualified employees as the specialists of the Department of Bone Pathology No. 6 of the CITO named after. N.N. Priorov should be set as an example and encouraged financially.

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N. N. Priorova in Moscow is a multidisciplinary medical center where traumatic and hereditary pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are diagnosed and treated. The Priorov Clinic is a large scientific institution engaged in the development of new surgical methods in the field of traumatology and orthopedics.

General information

The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics has 16 specialized units, including 3 children's departments. The clinic has 8 diagnostic laboratories, 11 operating rooms, and 2 consultation and diagnostic departments for children and adults. The clinic's bed capacity is designed for 410 people. More than 6,000 people are treated here every year. Comfortable four- and double-bed rooms, luxury rooms, a swimming pool, and rehabilitation rooms with modern equipment are equipped for patients.


At the Priorov CITO clinic perform diagnostics, endoprosthetics, conservative and surgical treatment of patients with various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and their further rehabilitation. Here they treat:

  • polytraumas, industrial and domestic injuries;
  • complex fractures of the pelvic ring and limbs;
  • damage to the knee and shoulder joint due to sports and ballet injuries;
  • post-traumatic complications;
  • traumatic, tumor and inflammatory lesions of the spine.

Based on the results diagnostic examination prescribe outpatient treatment or suggest hospitalization.

How is outpatient care provided?

Outpatient medical care at the clinic can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance and on a paid basis. For foreign citizens and stateless persons are provided paid services. Citizens are received by highly qualified orthopedic traumatologists and chiropractors. If necessary, the clinic’s doctors prescribe ultrasound of joints, muscles and ligaments, monitor the condition of peripheral nerves and blood vessels, and abdominal organs. Laboratory and diagnostic services include x-rays, computed tomography and MRI. In difficult cases, specialists from related specialties are involved in the examination. If extensive surgery is required, the doctor may suggest hospitalization in a hospital. Minor surgical operations are performed in a day hospital. Detailed information about prices and conditions of treatment at the CITO clinic named after. Priorov in Moscow can be obtained on the official website.

How is inpatient medical care provided?

Hospitalization of patients to the medical center is carried out as planned, with the exception of emergency cases. To be admitted to a hospital, citizens must provide:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • extract from the medical history;
  • results of general clinical blood and urine tests, as well as biochemical blood tests;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis type B and C, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • ECG and fluorography with a full description.

High-tech equipment and the high level of qualifications of the clinic’s doctors allow us to perform joint replacement, treat osteoporosis and herniated intervertebral discs, and perform microsurgical operations for damage to cranial and spinal nerves and tendons.

How to make an appointment?

Before making an appointment at the CITO clinic in Moscow, you need to study patient reviews about the quality of service. Registration is carried out at the registry after receiving a pass to the territory of the institute and providing a passport, insurance policy and other necessary documents. CITO Hospital, the address of which is listed on the official website medical complex, receives patients every day, except weekends. You can make an appointment with a doctor on our website or by calling the numbers listed on the page.

Hospitalization at CITO and treatment at the Priorov Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics are carried out using the most modern and effective methods treatment. At the highest level, doctors at the Priorov Institute perform arthroscopy, joint replacement, osteosynthesis, and methods of treating osteochondrosis using laser vaporization of intervertebral discs.

Works at CITO named after. Priora Department of Large Joint Replacement, on the basis of which a world-unique technology for cementless hip replacement was developed. The priority areas of work of the endoprosthetics department include complex operations that enable patients with serious diseases and joint injuries to return to a full life. This is, for example, total hip replacement in older people; knee replacement and elbow joints; endoprosthetics in patients with osteoporosis.

Treatment at the Priorov Institute of Traumatology in the Department of Spinal Pathology allows us to help patients with both severe deformities and curvatures of the spine, and with a very common problem of our time - osteochondrosis. Treatment of spinal curvatures in CITO, kyphosis and scoliosis is carried out using the most effective Cotrel-Dubousset design in the world. At the Priorov Institute of Traumatology, herniated intervertebral discs are treated using gentle techniques, and complex discectomy operations are also performed. Unique treatment methods at the CITO named after. Priors for spinal fractures even make it possible to avoid spinal surgery and quickly return the patient’s ability to move. Unique diagnostic and treatment equipment and qualifications of doctors of the CITO named after. Priorov Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics allows complex microsurgical operations to be performed at the Priorov Institute, including treating damage to peripheral nerves, restoring damaged tendons, reconstructing tissues and organs, and eliminating cosmetic defects resulting from injuries and diseases.

Medintercom does not abandon its own!

We never abandon our patients. Even after you have been consulted, examined and went to hospital in another medical institution with Medinterk we continue to be interested in what happens to our patients. During hospitalization, based on the results of an in-depth examination or in the postoperative period, additional problems may be identified and we are ready to help as soon as possible in order to find out where the necessary medications are sold and buy, or to attract the necessary specialist for consultation from another specialized healthcare facility, or support relatives and explain to them what is currently happening to the patient, namely, try to translate terminology that is not always clear from “medical” into Russian.

After discharge from the hospital, in most cases, the patient can continue to be monitored by the attending physician in comfortable conditions at the Medintercom clinic, and, if necessary, continue dressings, injections, IVs and control tests.

Write or call, our team will be happy to help you today.

Only some diagnoses

Here are just some of the problems that CITO specializes in:

  • Dislocations of joints. First aid and treatment of joint dislocations.
  • Sprain. Treatment and symptoms of sprains.