Olga Smirnova (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Almost every modern woman in her life she encounters gynecological pathologies and diseases. The reasons may be different: poor ecology and environmental conditions, heavy loads, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases, heredity, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. Such diseases can live in the body throughout life without even making themselves known, or they can declare their existence regularly. Women's ailments often result in symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. But perhaps pathological in nature vaginal discharge- the main symptom of gynecological diseases.

Discharge is a normal physiological process female body. For example, colorless - due to the work of mucous genital secretions and proper functioning female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.

Normally, the discharge should be colorless and slightly sticky. Sometimes they are characterized by a sour, not unpleasant odor, which is caused by the presence of fermented milk non-pathogenic bacteria.

Secretion should not be accompanied by pain, itching or other discomfort. The abundance is small, but on the days of ovulation the amount of mucus may increase and the consistency may thicken.

Such phenomena begin to appear in women before the start of the reproductive period, and they last until the end of the menopause.

The nature of secretion may change during pregnancy due to changes hormonal levels. They may acquire a slightly whitish tint and become more liquid. In the first weeks of pregnancy, both transparent and dense ones may appear. Both options are considered normal.

Any deviation from the norm should be accompanied by a trip to a specialist and diagnosis.

Vaginal secretion in gynecological pathologies

Female gynecological pathologies develop due to many factors. This may be a hereditary factor external reasons, such as weakened immunity, impaired hormonal balance, including due to the use of contraceptives, stress, excessive stress, abortion and incompetent surgical interventions.

The danger of such is that, unlike inflammation and infections, they can proceed unnoticed, develop without making themselves felt at all, or exhibit symptoms similar to everyday problems, such as delayed menstruation due to stress or hormonal imbalance, or increased temperature, which can easily be confused with a common cold.

These are some congenital or acquired anomalies of the female genital organs, such as uterine bending, obstruction fallopian tubes, prolapse of the vagina or uterus.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to the development of tumors. These include hormone-producing tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, fibroids, endometriosis, cervical erosion, cysts, polyps and even cancer.

Since in these cases disturbances occur in various tissues of the organs, the manifestation of this is indicated by discharge. Often this brown discharge or pronounced red, which makes itself felt between menstruation or intensifies it in the form of excessively heavy bleeding.

Such phenomena are often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, which can even extend to the lower back. For example, with uterine fibroids, the temperature may rise, causeless fatigue and apathy may be felt. Most often, discharge is the main sign of one or another gynecological pathology.

Discharge during inflammatory processes

The most common gynecological diseases are various inflammatory processes in the genital organs. They develop due to damage to the mucous membranes of both the external and internal genital organs, caused by bacterial or viral microorganisms. The reasons for this include an unhealthy lifestyle, a weakened body and immune system, impaired metabolism, endocrinological disorders, hypothermia, advanced pathologies of a sexual nature, etc. These include vaginal colpitis, vulvitis, cervicitis of the cervix, endometritis of the uterine mucosa, myometritis of the uterine walls, adnexitis of the appendages and many others.

Discharge from this group of gynecological diseases is characterized by excessively abundant discharge, which can be from spotting mucus to thick, sometimes even.

They are usually accompanied by fever, chills, acute pain in the lower abdomen, pain may be felt when urinating, and in most cases there is a feeling of “fullness” in the intimate area.

Secretion in infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are the most common women's diseases which are transmitted through sexual contact. They are mainly fixed in the vagina, but over time, if left untreated, they spread to nearby organs, sometimes causing harm to the entire body, and can even lead to fatal outcome.

Pathological discharge is a mandatory symptom of infectious diseases.

There is also a burning and itching sensation in the vaginal area and discomfort during intimacy. If so, then we are talking about bacterial vaginosis. With it, symptoms gain momentum after sexual contact.

Yellow mucus with a watery consistency will indicate infection with gonorrhea. It may be accompanied by painful urination and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

If the secretion is yellow or yellow-green, has a foamy consistency and a cloudy color, it is trichomoniasis. It brings with it pain and burning in the intimate area, and also gives pain when urinating.

Yellowish curdled discharge or white ones of the same consistency with an unpleasant odor - a sign of a fungal infection - candidiasis. In everyday life it is also called thrush. Symptoms include itching, burning, and swelling of the external genitalia.

This disease It can not only be acquired from a sexual partner, but also arise against the background of weakened immunity, stress, and as a result of taking antibiotics in women.

If the secretion has become clearly cloudy, and trips to the toilet have become more frequent and painful, then most likely it is ureaplasmosis.

Any unusual discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the genital area, is 98% a pathological deviation.

Treatment and prevention of discharge

Whatever the discharge, the slightest deviation from the norm indicates a disorder or disease. Depending on which group of pathologies the identified disorder belongs to, various treatment methods are used. These include medications, physiotherapy and surgery.


During infectious attacks, inflammation is relieved with anti-inflammatory and painkillers in the form of suppositories and tablets. They can be either general or local. Preference is given to the latter.

To stop the disease at its root, agents are used that directly destroy its causative agent. This includes antibiotics, antiseptics, antiviral and antifungal medications. They can also provide their results through general effect, and can also influence locally with the help of ointments and suppositories.

Hormonal agents used for disorders caused by hormonal imbalance.


For pathological disorders and inflammation, physiotherapy is successfully used. It is mainly prescribed in combination with medications.

  • Electrotherapy stimulates normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reduces painful sensations and spasms.
  • Ultrasound enhances microcirculation, stimulates the hormonal activity of the ovaries, softens scars and adhesions.
  • Magnetic therapy comes to the rescue in case of swelling and inflammation.
  • Laser, radio wave, and chemical therapies are effective alternatives to surgery. Surgical intervention applies in cases benign tumors, oncological diseases and advanced pathologies.


By thinking about preventive measures in time, you can protect yourself from the development of many gynecological diseases and unwanted discharge.

  1. Should be abandoned bad habits, which affect a woman’s body with special force, and almost primarily attack reproductive system.
  2. Review your food system and diet. Reduce consumption of fast food, spicy, fried. Increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. If possible, avoid large physical activity.
  4. Do not abuse hormonal contraceptives and antibiotics.
  5. Use protection if you do not have a regular sexual partner.
  6. Do not self-medicate.
  7. Follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Use only high quality and natural remedies.
  8. Visit a gynecologist regularly, at least once every 6 months.
  9. Don't get too cold.

Discharge can be observed in every healthy girl or woman. It is thanks to the secretions that the vaginal mucosa is cleared of dead cells, bacteria and mucus. It's normal if your discharge:

  • Transparent or whitish, creamy or slightly yellowish in color
  • Thin (watery) or slightly stretchy (mucus-like)
  • No smell
  • The discharge is not abundant: no more than a teaspoon per day

What discharge is not normal?

Your discharge is abnormal and a symptom of illness if:

  • Discharge that is yellow, green, brown, or other color
  • The discharge is very thick, foam-like or cottage cheese-like
  • The discharge has an unpleasant odor (sour, rotten, rotten fish, onion, or something else)
  • Heavy discharge: more than one teaspoon per day
  • Any discharge, if against its background you have itching, redness in the genital area, a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the vagina, abdominal pain, increased body temperature, pain and burning during urination and

Why does abnormal discharge appear?

The main cause of abnormal vaginal discharge is inflammation. Inflammation of the vagina or uterus occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as when the composition of the vaginal microflora is disrupted (). Unusual discharge may be caused by non-compliance.

Is it possible to determine its cause by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately no. Gynecologists know more than 100 causes of vaginal discharge, and many of these causes present with the same symptoms. That is why, only on the basis appearance even the most experienced gynecologist will not be able to make a diagnosis.

How to determine the cause of discharge?

Only with the help of a smear on the flora. - This is a smear from the vaginal mucosa, which is stained and examined under a microscope. Under a microscope, most bacteria and fungi that cause discharge become visible.

I have a lot of clear or mucous discharge, what is it and what should I do?

In some situations, completely normal clear or mucous discharge becomes excessively abundant (more than a teaspoon per day). This normal discharge, If:

  • Discharge appeared as a result of sexual arousal
  • Discharge appeared a few minutes or hours after sex
  • Discharge appeared in the middle menstrual cycle and lasted no more than 3-5 days

Contact your gynecologist if:

  • Heavy discharge appears at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle and lasts more than 3 days
  • You are over 40-45 years old and you have a lot of watery or mucous discharge
  • In addition to clear discharge, you experience the following symptoms: they appear regardless of the menstrual cycle and after sexual intercourse, periods last longer than usual, you have back pain, weight loss. The symptoms listed above may occur with.

I have white discharge (leucorrhoea), what is it and what should I do?

Discharge white may be normal, or indicate inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Normal white discharge appears in large quantities shortly before menstruation and a few days after menstruation.

If yellow discharge appears, you should consult a gynecologist. The gynecologist will take a smear on the flora and determine the cause of the discharge. Each of the diseases that cause yellow discharge is treated differently. Until you find out what is causing the yellow discharge, treatment will not be effective.

I have green discharge, what is it and what should I do?

Green discharge is always a sign of infection. Healthy women do not have green discharge.

Green vaginal discharge occurs with sexually transmitted diseases: and some others. Such discharge appears soon after unprotected sex and is accompanied by itching, pain when urinating, dryness and discomfort in the vagina.

If you are not sexually active, then green discharge may indicate.

If green discharge appears, you need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will take a smear of the flora and, based on the results of the smear, will recommend treatment.

I have pink discharge, what is it and what should I do?

The pink color of the discharge is given by tiny droplets of blood. Pink discharge may be normal if:

  • Appear (appear) a few days before the start of menstruation
  • You are taking it and pink discharge appears in the middle of your menstrual cycle
  • Pink discharge appeared after rough sex
  • Soon after the appearance of this discharge you found out that you were pregnant

Pink discharge that appears frequently or every time after sex can be a symptom or even.

If soon after the appearance of pink discharge you have an unplanned menstruation, then most likely this is a menstrual cycle failure.

If the pink discharge has a foul odor, you are experiencing nagging pain lower abdomen and your body temperature is elevated, then you may have endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus).

Pink discharge may be a symptom or more serious illnesses: such as ovarian rupture, . With these diseases, pink discharge is often accompanied by very severe abdominal pain.

If pink discharge does not fit the description of normal discharge, then you need to see a gynecologist. The gynecologist will examine the cervix, take a smear on the flora and, possibly, prescribe. All these tests will help determine the cause of pink discharge and prescribe treatment.

I have brown or black discharge: what is it and what should I do?

Dark colored discharge (brown or black) is bloody - that is, it contains blood. This issue is addressed on our website.

Olga Smirnova (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

The appearance of vaginal mucus with an unpleasant aroma - common symptom gynecological disease. Therefore, the appearance of discharge with an odor in women should serve as a reason to visit a gynecologist. But, since the concept of “unpleasant sexual secretion” is different for each person, before making an appointment with a doctor, it is worth finding out which aromas are considered normal and which are considered a sign of pathology.

Definition of the norm and deviations from it

Vaginal discharge- the main product of the glands, as well as a collection of dead cells skin and cervical fluid secreted by the cervix. The nature of mucus is determined by the organs that produce it, as well as by sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Vaginal secretions and microflora are closely related. They are individual, and therefore each representative of the fairer sex has its own, special smell. It is almost elusive, but it is there.

Normally, vaginal mucus should be light, slightly cloudy or transparent, free of impurities and aroma, moderate in volume, and not accompanied by discomfort and pain. During different phases of the menstrual cycle, the characteristics of the discharge change. For example, after menstruation and during ovulation, they are thicker in consistency, have a sour smell, and also a yellowish tint.

If white, yellow, green, curdled, rotten meat, fish, onions or milk appear, then we are talking about pathologies and gynecological diseases.

Why does the symptom appear?

Vaginal discharge with an odor most often appears as a result of the addition of pathogenic microbes, which, entering the normal microflora of the intimate area, release the products of their vital activity - a specific fragrance. Infections, fungi and viruses that provoke gynecological diseases develop inflammatory processes, which determines their symptoms. Each disease has its own, but a common symptom is secretion with aroma.

Sometimes the causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor in women are associated with disruption of the immune system, glandular system, metabolism, hormonal imbalance, stress, disruption of the vaginal microflora, taking antibiotics and contraceptives. These violations explain the unpleasant aroma of mucus in a girl who has not yet had an intimate life, therefore the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is excluded.

Unpleasant smell discharge may appear during menopause, when estrogen levels are low.

Discharge with odor in female gynecological diseases

Each ailment can be identified by the specific aroma and associated symptoms.

Fishy smell

Garlic or onion


The disease is sexually transmitted, and can also occur as a result of an imbalance in the bacterial balance in the vaginal environment under the influence of emotional shocks, weak immunity and antibiotics. Thrush can be accompanied by moderate to strong discharge with a rather unpleasant odor of sour milk and slight grains.

A slight sourish odor is often normal sign specific day of the menstrual cycle: ovulation or after menstruation.

Iron flavor

With cervical ectopia, bloody mucous or watery secretion with such a fragrance is often indicated during or after sexual intercourse. Sometimes my lower abdomen hurts. If such signs are detected, immediately visit a gynecologist to exclude the development of tumors and oncology.

Ammonia and acetone

Trichomoniasis is an infectious venereal disease characterized by the production of foamy liquid. Its symptoms include itching, as well as pain during intimate contact and urination. Leucorrhoea thawed with vinegar is a consequence of irregular hygiene.

During pregnancy

It should be taken into account that at the beginning of pregnancy, dramatic changes begin in the reproductive system, including hormonal ones. Hormones themselves can change the color of the secretion and its aroma. And also protective function the body at this stage is reduced in order to preserve the fetus and prevent its rejection immune system. On early stages During the gestation period, the body is easily attacked by pathogenic microorganisms and latent chronic diseases often worsen.

If a woman has a delay and her vaginal secretions smell unpleasant, then not only pregnancy is suspected, but also possible gynecological pathologies.

Specifically, sometimes it is given as a result of the body’s struggle with a foreign body.

How to get rid of a symptom

How to treat discharge with an unpleasant odor in women? Therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. The choice of drugs depends on the nature of the pathology and the stage of the disease.

  1. For infectious diseases, only medical intervention helps, sometimes even with the use of antibiotics. This is preceded by the collection of material (smear) for microscopic analysis.
  2. You can get rid of minor inflammatory processes or thrush with the help of suppositories, creams, and tablets.
  3. Some pathologies can be treated non-medically. If the bloody smell is due to the presence of cervical erosion, then it is “cauterized.”
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures eliminate many ailments of the genital area. Doctors recommend douching: they prescribe solutions containing antiseptics and antimicrobials. But such procedures are prohibited for adnexitis, parametritis and pregnancy.
  5. You can use folk medicinal products. Women use tampons soaked in herbal decoctions and take baths with medicinal mixtures.

Required condition effective treatment, is sexual abstinence.


  1. Don't stick to crash diets.
  2. Maintain regular hygiene intimate places. Wash yourself more often, especially during the hot season.
  3. Panty liners are acceptable, but must be changed frequently (every two hours) to prevent harmful bacteria from growing on the surface.
  4. Buy only high-quality care products intimate area— without dyes and flavors. Pay attention to the presence of a note about maintaining ph balance.
  5. Use protection if you do not have a regular partner.
  6. Wear natural underwear in a comfortable style, at least at home.

Smelly vaginal discharge is a common phenomenon that is often discussed on forums. There you can find reviews from women about this problem and answers from competent specialists. This symptom is typical for many ailments, but each has its own recovery tactics. Therefore, at the first pathological signs of secretion and feelings of discomfort, do not self-medicate, but consult with your doctor.

Olga Smirnova (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Vaginal discharge in women is a consequence of certain processes in the body. Mucus from the cervical canal performs important functions reproductive system. And based on the state of the secreted fluid, a disorder can be diagnosed. early stage development.

What kind of discharge in women is considered normal?

There is no clear picture of what a healthy woman's discharge should be like. However, doctors claim that the norm of discharge in women has the following relative characteristics:

  1. Volume. A few milliliters per day, but not more than 5 ml. You can determine it by looking at your panty liner, on which the stain should not exceed 1 or 1.5 cm in diameter.
  2. Consistency. . Quite thick, but without lumps. Watery ones are allowed only during a certain period of the cycle, during pregnancy and with strong excitement.
  3. Structure. Homogeneous without lumps, large clots or flakes. Minor compactions up to 4 mm are allowed.
  4. Aroma. due to the environment of the vagina, but more often the odor is completely absent.

To assess your condition, you need to study what color the discharge should be:

  • transparent;
  • white;
  • beige;
  • yellow.

The importance of the secret and its composition

Many women try to get rid of any vaginal discharge, considering it unnatural and pathological. But cervical fluid or mucus plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system and maintenance women's health.

Normal vaginal secretion has the following composition:

  1. Cellular and fluid components. The uterine mucosa is constantly renewed, old cells die off, join the vaginal fluid and come out. Plasma and lymph transudate may be present.
  2. Mucus cervical canal. The cervix contains special glands that produce secretion, thereby protecting the reproductive system from penetration and further proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Bacteria and fungi of the vaginal flora. Sexual microflora contains not only beneficial lactobacilli, but also conditionally harmful microorganisms in small quantities. In a healthy girl, these pathogens die and come out along with vaginal secretions.
  4. Leukocytes. Based on their content, one can diagnose the presence inflammatory process. The norm limit is 10 pcs. in the smear, but minor deviations are allowed.

Female secretions have many functions:

  • self-cleaning of the vagina;
  • maintaining healthy microflora;
  • fight against harmful bacteria, rods, fungi;
  • natural hydration during sexual intercourse;
  • removal of dead cells;
  • protection of the fetus during pregnancy.

The most important purpose of vaginal secretion remains the early warning of a woman about unfavorable processes in the reproductive system.

What affects vaginal secretion

Ovulation. The fertile period is characterized by the release of a large amount of fluid, which easily stretches between the fingers, resembling snot or the white of a chicken egg. The mucus may be white, transparent, or beige in color. Sometimes an admixture of blood appears, which indicates a favorable moment of conception.

Second phase of the cycle. Vaginal secretion becomes much smaller, sometimes it disappears completely. The liquid has a creamy or jelly-like consistency.

A few days before menstruation, spotting is allowed, which signals the approach of monthly bleeding.

The nature of normal discharge in women (photo above) varies according to the time of the cycle, but this is not the rule for every case. Sometimes they continue to be produced in large quantities and remain liquid without discomfort, which indicates a hormonal surge or lack of progesterone.

Reasons for minor deviations

It is important to find out what discharge is considered normal from the vagina under certain conditions. The nature of secretion can be changed without the presence of diseases of the reproductive system:

  • pregnancy;
  • premenopause;
  • menopause;
  • recent birth of a child;
  • lactation period;
  • taking birth control pills;
  • treatment with certain drugs.

Depending on the specific reason, the consistency, quantity and color of natural discharge in women changes, but not for long. You should consult a doctor if the vaginal fluid has an unpleasant odor or there are other symptoms such as itching, burning, severe pain.

How to determine the disease

The most common cause of pathological discharge in women is a violation of the vaginal microbiocenosis. Changes in the normal functioning of the vaginal microflora are caused by non-compliance with genital hygiene or excessive douching with water or special solutions.

Problems with vaginal self-cleaning also arise against the background of:

It is advisable to study the nature of discharge in girls in terms of color and smell, since these two signs will help you understand what is happening in the body and whether there is a reason to contact a gynecologist and have a test. necessary tests.


Even colorless vaginal mucus may indicate certain disorders:
Inflammation of the endometrium or appendages. The amount of cervical fluid with an unpleasant odor increases against the background of endometritis and andexitis. In advanced cases, the mucus contains blood clots.

Dysbiosis. The disease is accompanied by redness of the external genitalia, abundant watery fluid from the vagina,.


The type of vaginal discharge in women plays a significant role in studying the current state of the reproductive system. Knowing the characteristics of normal vaginal secretions, you can promptly identify the disease at an early stage and, with the help of a doctor, select treatment.

Vaginal discharge in women is one of the most common reasons for visiting a gynecologist. Of course, it is normal for women to have discharge every day, but not all of them are normal, some are symptoms various diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. So, which discharges in women require treatment, and which are normal and natural.

Physiological discharge

Any gynecologist will confirm that normal discharge in women is not abundant, the color is transparent, maybe mixed with white, and the underwear has a yellow tint. Moreover, vaginal discharge does not cause any discomfort, such as itching, and also does not have a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The secretion of leucorrhoea in women increases significantly at the time of sexual arousal, as well as during and after sexual intercourse. In addition, profuse leucorrhoea is observed in women reproductive age in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This is related to ovulation. Complaints of abundant mucous discharge in women occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. This does not mean at all that the embryo is in danger; soon the amount of discharge returns to normal. Such changes are associated with changes in hormonal levels.

Changes in vaginal microflora

Thousands of microorganisms live in the vagina of every woman, which constitute the “microflora”. Among them are opportunistic microorganisms that begin to multiply under certain conditions, thereby leading to disease. In this case, we are talking about the 2 most common diseases that are not sexually transmitted and are not venereal - candidiasis and gardnerellosis.

Discharge in women is white, profuse, similar to cottage cheese with a sour odor and accompanied by severe itching most often caused by an opportunistic pathogen - fungi of the genus Candida. In addition to the discharge, the woman notices swelling of the vulva and redness of the labia. Treatment is carried out only if these symptoms are present and the smear result is poor. There are a number of drugs that are quite effective in combating thrush, which is what people call candidiasis. But it must be taken into account that white discharge in women may appear periodically when favorable conditions arise for the proliferation of the pathogen that causes candidiasis. But more on that below.

Another disease with similar symptoms, but only with it, grayish discharge appears in women with the smell of rotten fish. The disease is called gardnerellosis. The causative agent is gardnerella. Its frequency is approximately equal to candidiasis, and is also diagnosed using a smear on the flora. Less often, green discharge appears in women, frightening in its unusualness.

When diagnosing both candidiasis and gardnerellosis, it is recommended to undergo full examination for all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, and especially for hidden infections. Since it is with them that the vaginal microflora most often changes pathologically. Treatment of gardnerellosis at the initial stage is aimed at eliminating pathogenic flora, the second stage is creating a normal environment in the vagina.

Both diseases described above have risk factors, the conditions under which they most often develop.

1. Taking antibiotics.

2. Rare sex without the use of barrier contraception, as well as frequent changes of sexual partners.

3. Use of hormonal contraception.

4. Douching, especially with chlorine-containing solutions (usually used as a prevention of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, it should be noted that this prevention is rather weak).

5. Use of spermicides containing 9-nonoxynol as contraception.

6. Use of lubricants containing 9-nonoxynol.

It should be noted that men can also develop candidiasis and gardnerellosis. And in this case, abundant, thick, transparent discharge in women, grayish or white cheesy, appears in their partners, usually at the same time. But if the partner has all the signs of the disease, but the man does not, he does not need to be treated.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Most infections are characterized by vaginal discharge of one kind or another. We will look at 2 of them, which are quite common.

1. Trichomoniasis. This disease, which often leads to female infertility, is characterized by yellow discharge in women, pain during urination and sexual intercourse, and inflammation of the external genital organs. In men, the symptoms are the same, and they are quite similar to the signs of prostatitis. Treatment if the pathogen (Trichomonas vaginalis) is detected in a smear. Moreover, treatment does not consist in using drugs locally, they are absolutely ineffective, but in taking anti-trichomonas drugs internally.

2. Gonorrhea. One of the most ancient diseases. Its causative agent is gonococcus. Men have clear symptoms, but women usually only have yellow or white discharge, which many women do not take seriously, considering it a manifestation of candidiasis. Another symptom is painful urination, which is mistaken for cystitis. But this disease is very dangerous, it affects not only genitourinary system, but also joints, skin, liver, heart and others internal organs. Gonorrhea is also diagnosed by laboratory methods.

Menstrual disorders and gynecological diseases

1. Cervical erosion. This fairly common pathology can cause mild intermenstrual bleeding. They do not occur on their own, but due to some mechanical effect on the cervix, for example, as a result of sexual intercourse.

2. Hormonal contraception. Quite popular now birth control pills have many side effects in the first cycles of taking them. A common side effect is brown discharge in women outside of menstruation. This “daub” does not pose a health hazard. If this side effect is present, the doctor may recommend other birth control pills, change the type of contraception, or simply wait 2-4 months until side effects will not disappear on their own, since in this situation they are temporary.

3. Age-related disorders of the menstrual cycle. Delays in menstruation, too long intervals between them or, on the contrary, too short, intermenstrual discharge in women is often brown during the first 1-2 years after the very first menstruation. And vice versa, with the extinction of menstrual function, that is, with the onset of menopause. However, even if you fit into one of these two categories, you should not hope that everything will work out on its own. It is quite possible that the reason is not at all due to age and natural hormonal changes in the body, but to a disease, and not necessarily gynecological. In case of serious menstrual irregularities, it is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist.

Bloody, brown discharge during pregnancy

They are one of the most dangerous symptoms, which cannot be ignored at all stages of pregnancy. Possible reasons are described below.

1. Hormonal changes. Surely, you have heard from experienced women that menstruation can occur during pregnancy. This phenomenon is very rare, but does occur in some expectant mothers. Moreover, spotting appears only in certain weeks, with the same regularity as menstruation. It is precisely because of this rare feature of the female body that in areas where it was bad with medical care, pregnancy was sometimes determined based on symptoms such as a visual enlargement of the uterus (abdomen), movements of the baby and a vertical stripe (pigmentation) on the abdomen, appearing only at mid-term.

2. Ectopic pregnancy. In the early stages, you need to think about this diagnosis if brown or spotting. If the test is positive but you have discharge, see your doctor. During an early examination, the doctor is unlikely to be able to determine where the fertilized egg is developing - in the uterus or not. But on an ultrasound everything becomes clear. If hCG is above 1000 mU/ml, the gestational age is more than 4 weeks (from the first day of the last menstrual cycle), but there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, there is reason to suspect ectopic pregnancy. Another one of her distinctive feature is a slow rise in hCG.

3. Frozen pregnancy. It is less dangerous than ectopic, but still requires prompt diagnosis. One of the main signs of a frozen woman is, again, spotting, which intensifies when a miscarriage begins. When frozen, the fetal heartbeat is not detected on ultrasound, hCG stops growing, and its concentration in the blood and urine decreases.

4. Threatened or incipient miscarriage. Scanty brown discharge may be a sign of a hematoma formed as a result of detachment. This condition does not require treatment. If you notice scarlet blood on your underwear and the discharge is quite profuse, you need urgent hospitalization. This is the only way to save a pregnancy. Miscarriage cannot be avoided if the cervix has already dilated and there is a large detachment of the chorion or placenta.

This is what different types of vaginal discharge mean. And that's not all of them possible reasons. Don't forget to visit your gynecologist regularly (at least once a year).

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