Some men mistakenly believe that a couple of glasses of beer every evening will not harm their health, but will only improve the quality of their sleep. In fact, this is amateurish reasoning, since excessive consumption of this intoxicating drink negatively affects the functioning of all internal organs and body systems. That is why it is so important to know about the dangers of beer in order to protect your health in a timely manner.

General information about the problem

For a person, beer can become the most favorite drink, and he drinks it 7 times a week, and in unlimited daily portions. The consequences may be irreversible, since this intoxicating drink primarily affects the composition of the blood and disrupts hormonal balance. Female hormones begin to dominate in the male body, which is why men should not drink beer. As for blood, the harm of beer is obvious: there is a risk of increased cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

For many men, the benefits of beer for the body are enormous, while there is no harm to health at all. If increasing body weight and acquiring femininity is not a strong argument against this alcoholic drink, this topic should be given special attention, telling in detail why you should not drink beer.

Beer and female hormones

Despite its natural composition - hops and malt, beer is harmful to the body, in particular to the once stable hormonal levels. The herbal formula of the drink contains special substances xanthohumols, which provoke intensive production female hormones body. For a man, the consequences are not the most favorable, since the body acquires an effeminate silhouette, muscle mass decreases, and mammary glands, the timbre of the voice is disrupted, a “beer belly” appears, and the hair on the body is no longer pleasing with its intensity.

However, these are only external troubles associated with beer consumption and a sharp decrease in testosterone. If we talk about internal health problems, libido noticeably decreases, and the once healthy man feels impotent. So the argument that beer is good for a man’s health can be seriously questioned. If you do not stop drinking this alcoholic drink, the problem will only get worse, and the consequences for the male body will be irreversible.

A “beer belly” appears

Beer and liver

The beneficial properties of beer fade into the background when it comes to the liver as a “filter” of the human body. The composition of this intoxicating drink includes not only hops and malt, but also ethanol, which slows down systemic blood flow and increases concentration toxic substances blood. As a result of this interaction, the liver deteriorates its function, which provokes general or partial intoxication of the male body.

Toxins cause large-scale death of the liver parenchyma, part of which can no longer be quickly restored. Therefore, excessive consumption of beer is harmful to your health, causing cirrhosis of the liver, toxic or alcoholic hepatitis, liver failure and coma, and other chronic anomalies. If such interaction is stopped in a timely manner, the benefits will be obvious, since the liver will be able to fully restore its natural functions.

Beer and cardiovascular disease

Frequent consumption of this intoxicating drink harms the heart, which is why it is harmful to drink. Most diagnoses tend to be chronic, and when they worsen, the consequences are the most unexpected, fatal for men's health. To understand the essence of the problem, it is necessary to understand in detail what is happening to the body and why beer is harmful.

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Upon receipt, the intoxicating drink instantly overcomes the systemic blood flow and spreads throughout internal organs, systems. Daily beer consumption increases blood cholesterol levels, disrupts the elasticity of vascular walls and intracranial pressure, and contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques with subsequent exacerbation of atherosclerosis. So the harm of beer is obvious. If daily doses are not limited in a timely manner, there is a high probability that the body drinking man will soon remind you of itself with an acute attack.

To understand why beer is harmful to the male body, it is necessary to discuss the diseases that can arise from its regular consumption several times a week. These are atherosclerosis, heart failure, varicose veins, vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension. On this topic, it is necessary to additionally consult with a certified cardiologist and clarify the data of extremely disappointing statistics - the consequences are shocking.

Beer and kidneys

The harm of beer affects the functioning of the urinary system, which leads to chronic diseases without a chance of final recovery. Everyone knows that this alcoholic drink can be drunk 1-2 times a week in strictly limited quantities. IN otherwise, there is a possibility that very soon the kidneys will no longer cope with their usual work. This is explained by the fact that hops and malt have persistent diuretic properties, as a result of which a large amount of fluid accumulates in the human body.

Such an abnormal process leads to impaired functioning of the urinary system, since the kidneys, working at an accelerated pace, are not able to process the required amount of fluid and remove it along with urine. But drinking beer in limited quantities is less dangerous, and even has its own benefits. You can get rid of it in no time harmful substances, stabilize blood pressure.

Beer and diabetes

To the question of whether drinking is harmful, there is one answer. Which? This intoxicating drink contains ethanol, and this chemical compound, in turn, has irreversible consequences for the male and female body. Such a violation of generally accepted rules leads to an exacerbation of one of the forms of diabetes mellitus, which, as we know, are no longer subject to final recovery.

In such clinical picture There are pros and cons of the intoxicating drink, but doctors in any case try to once again insure the sick person against an extremely unwanted spike in sugar. Which rule is the most relevant and least dangerous for the health of a diabetic? So, there are the following agreements:

    1. If the patient is sick diabetes mellitus of the first type, then he can refuse all alcoholic drinks, and beer is no exception. Otherwise, the consequences for the body are fatal, since high sugar in the blood can stay at the maximum level for up to 12 hours without the possibility of positive dynamics.

  1. It is less dangerous for type 2 diabetics to drink a small portion of beer, since this intoxicating drink is not compared with other alcohol. This has its disadvantages, for example, daily dose should not exceed 300 ml, which is not enough for some patients. There are also advantages: the benefits are obvious - in this way you can lower blood sugar.

This once again proves that any changes in diet and daily lifestyle can be implemented, but in order to avoid health problems, you must first consult with your doctor. Then the benefits of beer will be obvious.

Beer and poor digestion

The benefits of this intoxicating drink are very questionable, since if you abuse this drink, you can develop chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Everything is simple to explain: the intoxicating drink contains carbon dioxide, which, when it enters the digestive organs, causes flatulence, increased gas formation, bloating and obvious signs of dyspepsia. You may not understand for a long time what causes such changes in your general well-being, but the fact remains a fact. The health problem is not global, but it brings the patient little joy and a feeling of acute discomfort.

Beer and the nervous system

Many men are sure that drinking beer is beneficial because it relaxes the nervous system and removes stress from everyday life. This is partly the benefit of alcohol, but it is also worth noting its well-reasoned harm. The fact is that the proportion of ethyl alcohol slows down a man’s reflex activity, and the cerebral cortex receives a vague “guide to action.” Therefore relaxation nervous system With systematic abuse of hops, it can be safely called pathological and dangerous to health.

It remains only to add that the benefits of beer raise doubts in the world modern medicine, but no one denies its harm to health. Therefore, it is important to limit the consumption of intoxicating drinks and clearly know the permissible amount. Otherwise, the visit to the attending physician will be unscheduled.

In ancient times it was believed that drinking beer improved appetite, accelerated growth and physical development, and improves health. Doctors medieval Europe It was even attributed to exhaustion, kidney and bladder diseases, asthma and insomnia, as well as skin problems.
Today's beer differs in composition, taste, color, and effect on the body from the product that people once brewed and drank.

What are the benefits of drinking beer?

Beer is high in potassium and low in sodium. Beer can be consumed in moderation by those who suffer from hypertension and are forced to limit themselves in salt.

Beer contains a lot of vitamins B1 and B2. Drinking 1 liter of beer will provide 40-60% of the daily requirement for thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2).
Beer is rich in ascorbic acid - it is added to prevent oxidation processes.
Citric acid, which is part of beer, stimulates the formation of urine and thereby prevents the appearance of kidney stones, so in this case drinking beer is beneficial.

Phenolic compounds of beer are the most valuable components of this drink. They prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize lipid metabolism and protect against heart attacks and strokes, but if you drink beer in moderation.
Carbon dioxide contained in beer stimulates gastric secretion and blood flow to muscles, liver, lungs and kidneys. In addition, it does not allow you to drink beer in one gulp and this prevents you from quickly getting drunk.
Hop extractives have a calming effect and have bactericidal properties when drinking beer.

What is the harm in drinking beer?

Excessive consumption of beer puts a strain on the venous system and the heart. The heart sags, becomes flabby, and has difficulty coping with its functions. And since everything in the body is interconnected, other organs begin to suffer.
After drinking a couple of glasses of beer, a substance is released in the body that suppresses the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. As a result, female hormones are more actively produced. Plus, plant analogues of female hormones - phytoestrogens - enter the body from hops. If this continues for many years, the man’s pelvis becomes wider, the mammary glands enlarge, i.e. the man's physique acquires feminine body features.

Drinking beer stimulates your appetite and makes you eat more than you need.

What dose of beer is considered safe?

1 liter per day of normal strength (3-5%) gives about 40 g of ethanol alcohol into the blood. This is the limit of alcohol that should be consumed per day. But it is better to limit yourself to drinking 0.5 liters of beer per day.

Constant stress, fatigue and nervous tension have become constant companions in the lives of modern people. Therefore, many people get rid of the emotional and psychological burden accumulated during the day by regularly drinking beer.

A low-alcohol drink not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also relaxes, elevating the mood, while the person does not even notice how “addicted” to the malt product. Over time, a daily glass of beer grows into a whole bottle, and then into two at once; after a while, the body begins to persistently demand its two liters of alcoholic drink every day.

According to medical research, addiction to beer occurs three to four times faster than to vodka. At the same time, the main danger in beer alcoholism is the refusal of patients to admit their addiction, since they do not suffer from a severe hangover and regularly attend work.

Beer addicts assure their loved ones that they are absolutely adequate and capable of controlling their behavior. However, the first symptoms of beer alcoholism indicate the opposite:

  • The appearance of characteristic fat deposits in the waist area (beer belly).
  • Hand shaking (tremor).
  • Memory impairment.
  • Problems with potency.
  • Inability to sleep peacefully at night or relax in company without beer.

How to avoid beer addiction

Any alcoholism, both beer and vodka, is best prevented in a timely manner than treated in the future. Already from school, it is necessary to hold conversations with the younger generation on the topic of alcoholism, explain to them what alcohol dependence is, what it leads to and what its consequences are for the body and social life person.

It is necessary to form a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages in adolescents as early as possible; parents should also remember that they are an example for their children, including in relation to alcohol.

To avoid dependence on beer, it is necessary to pay special attention to personal prevention of beer alcoholism, which consists of the following:

  • Formation in a person of an adequate perception of himself as an integral personality, observation from the outside of his actions.
  • Limit all contacts with alcoholics.
  • Development of willpower and social qualities.
  • Awareness of the unacceptability of drinking alcoholic beverages, which negatively affect the psyche and replace sober judgments with thoughts deformed by alcohol.

Regular excessive consumption of beer over time causes irreparable harm to all systems and internal organs of a person:

  • From the cardiovascular system: significant increase in the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, ischemic disease, strokes and heart attacks.
  • From the liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • From the outside gastrointestinal tract : gastritis, heartburn, peptic ulcer, increased gas formation in the intestines.
  • From the side of the brain: deterioration of memory and attention, impaired coordination of movements, dementia, gradual death of brain cells, problems with speech.

Women who drink beer at the end of the day have the following problems:

  • Dark hairs appear above the lip.
  • The voice grows rough.
  • There is morning swelling of the face.
  • Excess weight appears.
  • There is a risk of developing gynecological diseases, including infertility.

Constant consumption of beer large quantities The character of a person itself changes; increased aggression, anger, stupidity, laziness and deceit gradually come to the fore.

Doctors say that the safe daily dose of beer is 0.33 liters.

However, you also need to be very careful with this portion, since as the body gets used to a low-alcohol drink, it may require an increase in the norm, which can lead to beer alcoholism, from which only a qualified narcologist can save the patient.

If the patient realizes his dependence on beer and sets himself the task of quitting drinking, then the problem is almost half solved, since the main thing is desire.

There are quite a few ways to quit drinking beer, among them the following are the most effective:

  • Awareness of the problem and danger of beer alcoholism.
  • Drawing up a detailed action plan.
  • Habit replacement.
  • Cash reward.
  • Limiting use.

Awareness of the problem and danger of beer alcoholism

First, you need to understand all the harm of regular beer consumption for the body, since in such a case it is illogical and wrong to continue to live as before. A person dependent on alcohol needs to “look into his future”:

  • People with beer addiction do not have a stable and happy future; their family is falling apart, as regular disputes and conflicts occur due to the fault of alcohol and due to the addicted person’s lack of ability to fully control himself.
  • Alcohol addicts are not interested personal growth and development, over time they lose their jobs, their position in society, and give up their interests and hobbies.
  • They don’t want to communicate with patients; even their closest friends and acquaintances refuse them.

As for women, a huge incentive and motivation for them to stop drinking is their suffering family and children, since the maternal instinct usually awakens in every woman.

One has only to talk to her in a calm atmosphere, paint a picture of her current life, show how her child is suffering, and the woman will understand that she has chosen the wrong path. If a woman does not have a husband and children, then it is worth thinking about why this happened; most likely the reason lies in the abuse of beer.

Drawing up a detailed action plan

Very few people can immediately give up the addiction of drinking beer, since it is quite difficult to give up a habitual and constant addiction on your own.

To completely stop drinking beer, you need to gradually reduce the total dose of the drink you drink, and it is advisable to set specific deadlines for yourself. The ideal period to free yourself from beer addiction is four to six months.

It is important that the chosen period of time is not too long, since in this case the dependent person will know that he has a lot of time and there is no point in rushing. If the period is short, then the person will understand that during such a period it is almost impossible to stop drinking beer every day.

It is very important to follow the planned schedule, comply with the norm and monitor deadlines.

Habit Replacement

The main reason for beer alcoholism is that the addicted person is comfortable in the current situation - every day after a busy day at work he sits down in front of the TV with a bottle of his favorite drink and he is already accustomed to such a routine.

In such a situation, it is quite difficult to give up the daily “ritual” and stop drinking, so you should fill the gap with some other activity. For example, instead of drinking beer, a person can crack seeds, bite nuts, eat fruit, or do any other useful activity - he can learn a new hobby (drawing, embroidery, sewing, clay modeling), or play sports outside the home.

There are a large number of ways to relax and unwind after a hard day at work, which will be an excellent alternative to beer:

  • Visiting a sauna or steam bath.
  • Taking a therapeutic course of massage.
  • Active recreation and tourism.
  • Visit to the swimming pool.

Such activities will gradually become a habit and will finally drive out the addiction to beer from life.

Cash reward

Another great and easy way to motivate a person to quit drinking beer is through money savings. To do this, you need to purchase a weighty and attractive piggy bank, which an alcohol-dependent person will fill daily with the amount that he usually spent on his favorite drink.

After a month, you can open the piggy bank and count the accumulated funds. A person will be shocked by the amount that was saved, which was previously spent on beer. Once the piggy bank is full, you can collect cash savings and reward yourself for willpower:

  • Buy a sports trainer.
  • Buy a subscription to the pool, gym.
  • Buy a fashionable outfit or any other thing you like.

Limiting use

There is another easy method to get rid of a bad beer habit - allow yourself to drink beer only on a red day of the calendar, which should only include holidays, and not every weekend. In this case, the main goal is to observe the measure.

Following this method, a person does not completely give up the drink he loves and does not put a strict seal of prohibition on himself, which he always wants to break.

It is also necessary to take into account the opinion of drug addiction specialists, who claim that people with alcohol addiction have significantly disorganized metabolism in the brain - in such circumstances, the body will react to alcohol with a breakdown and struggle with bad habit it will be necessary to start from the very beginning.

Usually at the bottom of beer advertisements there is an inscription (sometimes almost imperceptible) - “excessive beer consumption is harmful to your health.” But everyone perceives the meaning of the word “excessive” in their own way. In addition, there is a widespread belief that this drink is healthy and cannot be addictive, because it is low-alcohol.

The benefits of beer are justified by the use of barley, which contains many useful elements, for its production. However, frequent consumption of beer harms various organs and systems of the body.

The effects of beer on individual organs

The foamy drink has the strongest negative effect on the heart. Daily consumption of beer leads to an increase in its size, and blood circulation worsens. Doctors call this change “bovine heart syndrome,” which can lead to heart failure and coronary disease hearts.

Cobalt is used as a foam stabilizer in beer production. In people who abuse beer, its content in the body can exceed the norm by 10 times. It is cobalt that causes cardiac dysfunction. Along with carbon dioxide, it also has a destructive effect on the functioning of the esophagus and stomach.

The harmful effects of beer on the stomach are also due to its fermentation properties. Constantly irritating the mucous membrane of the organ, it provokes abundant secretion of gastric juice. As a result, this function is suppressed, and the work digestive tract becomes inferior. There is a risk of developing chronic gastritis.

Frequent consumption of beer can also affect the condition of the liver. Its harm is comparable to the effects of stronger alcoholic beverages. Medical experts say that in 80% of beer-dependent people, weekly consumption of 10 liters of beer leads to liver diseases, including such severe ones as cirrhosis. Working to neutralize the effect of beer on the body, the liver performs its other functions worse.

Everyone who drinks it in large quantities has experienced the effects of this drink on the kidneys. After using it, the desire to release bladder occurs very quickly. Under the influence of beer, the normal acid-base balance in the body is disrupted, and to restore it, the kidneys begin to work much more intensely.

Increased urination occurs (polyuria), which indicates that drinking beer is harmful to the kidneys. With such loads, there is a risk of hemorrhage in the kidneys. Frequent consumption of the drink also puts a strain on the pancreas, and a decrease in its functionality leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

Harm of beer for male and female bodies

What are the dangers of beer addiction for men? Hops used in brewing technology contain the hormone phytoestrogen, which is an analogue of the female reproductive organ progesterone. Phytoestrogen suppresses the synthesis of the male hormone testosterone. In this case, a hormonal imbalance occurs and the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted.

This may affect appearance men. Exposure to phytoestrogen may result in the following symptoms:

  • body hair loss;
  • decreased muscle mass;
  • increased body fat (beer belly);
  • raising the timbre of the voice;
  • decreased sexual activity.

In the future, fatal personal changes may occur:

  • fading of emotions;
  • changes in motor functions;
  • weakening of memory and absent-mindedness.

In addition to the listed facts of impact on health, it can lead to a narrowing of horizons, lack of personal interests and degradation.

The effect of drunk beer on potency is ambiguous and depends on individual characteristics libido. But usually a small amount of drink liberates a man. Its excessive use leads to sexual weakness.

Weakening the reproduction of testosterone (androgen deficiency) also affects the possibility of conception in men.

The influence of hops on female body has been known for a long time. Many women experienced bleeding outside the menstrual cycle while collecting hops. Increased sexual desire with high levels of female sex hormones causes a desire for dominance and brings disharmony into marital relationships. Excessive production of phytoestrogen disrupts menstrual cycle, prevents normal operation reproductive system, can lead to infertility.

Myths about the benefits of beer

Beer fans claim that beer is a traditional drink that has been consumed since ancient times. Indeed, this drink has been drunk since time immemorial and its creators are unknown. But the process of its production was fundamentally different from the modern one.

Over time, brewing technology has undergone significant changes. And now beer has a completely different composition, color and affects human physiology differently. If this drink was once used to treat certain ailments, then in terms of gross production and use modern technologies count on healing properties there is no product.

Undoubtedly, the presence of some useful substances and elements in beer can positively affect the functioning of individual organs or systems of the body. But systematic use will negate the positive impact.

The raw material for beer production is malt. When it is processed, mineral compounds are formed in the drink - ions of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc., which in certain cases can provide health benefits. But potassium ions have the highest concentration, which leads to increased urination, removal of chlorine and sodium by the kidneys and demineralization of the body. Therefore, when drinking beer, you crave salty foods.

The undeniable presence in malt is large quantities vitamin B, but during the production of the drink its concentration decreases significantly. Claims about the harmlessness of beer are based on the low alcohol content in it. But considering its impact as a separate group from other alcoholic beverages is stupid. Any dose of ethyl alcohol with a systematic effect on the body will eventually affect health. It is necessary to use common sense so as not to take seriously stereotypes and myths about medicinal properties beer and don't trust publicity stunts.

The problem of beer alcoholism and its causes

Many people don’t think about why they are drawn to this drink and what the consequences of drinking it in large quantities are. Availability and beautiful advertising make it an attribute of a “good company.” But such a problem as beer alcoholism is becoming more and more common. According to doctors, it differs from vodka addiction by being 4 times more addictive. Due to the pleasant taste and saturation with carbon dioxide, the body does not react so aggressively to its presence.

The previously mentioned component of brewing technology, hops, is flora"relative" of hemp. Hybrids are obtained by crossing these plants. It also contains small quantities of narcotic substances, and ethanol can be classified into this category of substances. Therefore, addiction to beer develops quickly and almost imperceptibly. According to narcologists, addiction can form even from non-alcoholic beer, and from brands with a high strength, beer alcoholism can cause symptoms of drug withdrawal.

Hops extract has a bitter taste due to the psychoactive substances it contains. They have a hallucinogenic, hypnotic and sedative effect on humans. The latter, coupled with the effect of intoxication, leads to the development of beer alcoholism.

An addicted person can no longer imagine proper rest and relaxation without drinking beer. The body's biochemical processes are adjusted to its presence. In addition, the consequences of excessive beer consumption do not cause concern for both the drinker and his loved ones. This is the insidiousness of beer alcoholism.

Relatively recently, substances such as cadaverine and histamine were discovered in beer. Cadaverine belongs to the group of cadaveric poisons. Their concentration in the drink is low, but when destroyed in the intestines, they increase headache in a state of hangover.

Until recently, researchers were not closely interested in the effects of beer on the human body. But with the spread of such a phenomenon as beer alcoholism, more attention began to be paid to the harmful effects of the drink. Now we can definitely say that beer in any quantity is harmful to the human body.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

Scientists studying the problem of alcoholism quite rightly consider it unlawful to divide alcoholic products according to the degree of their harmful effects on the body, since none of them are harmless.

Contrary to this attitude, beer producers, when advertising their product, strive to increase the influx of customers by the fact that beer is not alcoholic, but a low-alcohol, supposedly harmless and almost healthy “drink.” And this despite the fact that recent years The alcohol content of beer reaches 14% in some varieties(i.e., it corresponds in alcohol content to wines), whereas during the USSR, the strength of beer, depending on the type, ranged from 1.5-6%, and more often - from 2.8% in Zhigulevskoye to 3.5% in Moskovskoye. Not many people know that a bottle of light beer is equivalent to 50-60 grams of vodka. Four bottles during the day - 200-240 g of vodka, almost half a bottle. The situation is even worse with energy cocktails. Here, to the same amount of alcohol, caffeine is added in the amount of four cups of strong coffee per can.

Beer alcoholism

The existence of beer alcoholism has been known for a long time. And although in the eyes of the average person it is less dangerous than wine and vodka, its consequences are destructive. In the 19th century, the British, fighting alcoholism, decided to replace strong alcoholic beverages with beer. But SOON the “beer law” had to be abolished, since its introduction only worsened drunkenness. The first Reich Chancellor of Germany, Bismarck, who knew firsthand about harmful consequences drinking beer, gave the following definition of beer alcoholism: "Beer makes you lazy, stupid and powerless"(The term “powerless” meant impotence).

Effects of beer on the heart

The most destructive and harmful consequence of excessive beer consumption is a bad heart or, as the German doctor Professor Bohlinger called it, a Bavarian heart. "beer" or "bull" heart. It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart, thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, reduction of mitochondria, etc. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a stabilizer of beer foam. The content of this toxic element in beer in the heart muscle of beer drinkers exceeds permissible norm 10 times. In addition, cobalt causes inflammatory processes in the esophagus and stomach.

There are other factors that disrupt the functioning of the heart during beer alcoholism. These are, first of all, large portions of beer consumed per day by its lovers, as well as the saturation of beer with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, beer quickly fills the blood vessels. This leads to varicose veins veins and expansion of the borders of the heart. This is how the “beer heart” syndrome or the “nylon stocking” syndrome occurs, when the heart greatly increases in size, sags, becomes flabby and does not pump blood well.

Beer and hormones

Beer contains a number of toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals that cause changes in the endocrine system. Thus, in the body of men, with the systematic consumption of beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Beer contains phytoestrogens - an analogue of the female sex hormone, which leads to the gradual feminization of the male population. Men who drink beer begin to deposit female-type fat- on the hips and sides - the mammary glands grow (gynecomastia), the pelvis becomes wider. Beer weakens interest in the other sex. Fifteen to twenty years of beer experience - and impotence is guaranteed. Women who drink beer have an increased risk of developing cancer, infertility, and if they are a nursing mother, the child may experience epileptic convulsions. Also, women's voices become rougher and so-called "beer mustaches" appear.

Effects of beer on the brain

Based on studies conducted in 1985 in paid clinics in Canada by comparing beer drinkers with consumers of other alcoholic products, it was found that the diagnosis of “palpable liver” is most often diagnosed in people who regularly drink beer.

Studies conducted in many countries indicate that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from drinking beer than from strong alcoholic products. Although, ethyl alcohol itself is addictive, regardless of the “container” - beer, wine, vodka - who receives a fair dose of alcohol every day with beer, is psychologically protected, does not feel threatened and is not going to fight it. This will happen until a person sees himself in deep beer addiction. If he does not “improve his health” with a bottle or two of beer in the morning, his mental and physical well-being worsens, loss of strength and other symptoms appear.

Harm of beer for human body very extensive. Death of brain cells, which, dying, enter the blood, are filtered by the kidneys and come out with urine(video), spinal cord dysfunction, myocardial dystrophy, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, neuropathy, damage to the visual and auditory analyzers. A correlation has also been proven between daily beer consumption and increased blood pressure. One of the severe complications of beer alcoholism is lactic acidosis and hyponatremia. Patients with beer alcoholism end up in hospitals in an extremely serious, neglected condition, most often with severe dementia and a decrease in personal assessment. These are the main consequences of beer alcoholism.

Beer is a legal drug

According to modern research, beer is the first legal drug, paving the way for other, more powerful illegal drugs. It is the consumption of beer that is the root cause of the crippled destinies of millions of our compatriots. Narcologists say that alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs, and beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. This explains the end of beer bacchanalia with fights, murders, rapes and robberies.

Employee of the Department of Biomedical Fundamentals of Human Life, Krasnoyarsk State University pedagogical university S. Anikin in his article “Beer is not milk” gives a number of examples confirming the above. An analogy to the data he cited about the disastrous consequences of beer drinking for society, especially for the younger generation, are the May 2002 events on Moscow’s Manezhnaya Square, when football fans excited by beer staged “large-scale demonstrative beatings” of not only compatriots, but also citizens of other countries. A graduate of one of the Moscow schools was beaten to death, who accidentally found himself in a crowd of drunken teenagers and young people, smashing cars and store windows, brutally beating people who came to hand...

All these events confirmed: aggression is caused by alcohol and idleness.

Growth in beer consumption in Russia

Judging by the level of beer produced and sold in the trade, Russia is currently among the countries whose population occupies a “leading” position in the consumption of this product, which is still considered low-alcohol and even “non-alcoholic.” And this is despite the fact that the chief medical officer of Russia, G. Onishchenko, on behalf of all medicine, published an article in the Teacher's Newspaper about the harmful effects of beer consumption. According to research conducted by the Department of Biomedical Fundamentals of Safe Vitality of Krasnoyarsk state university, out of four thousand people surveyed between the ages of 7 and 20, among first-graders were 48% who drank alcoholic beverages, which is 12 times higher than the figures 10-12 years ago. As stated by G. Onishchenko, the growth in beer consumption in the country is “due to teenagers and women of childbearing age”.

Beer advertising is silent about the dangers

Such a multiple jump in beer consumption is not surprising, given the persistently imposed beer advertising, varied in the way it is presented, to gullible Russians who had no previous experience of resisting it. Consider the colorfully designed huge billboards in cities and on highways, advertising the extreme “healthiness” of beer, and the murderous daily annoying advertising of beer on television, for a long time moved from beer advertising to promoting a beer lifestyle.

How can you ignore the television advertising message related to beer: “There are things worth living for!”?

According to some “experts,” beer is healthier than milk. Some media recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers use it for better lactation, and children for sweeter, deeper sleep.

It is not customary to talk about toxic compounds and the dangers of beer

But not a single media outlet reported that In terms of harm to the body, beer can only be compared with moonshine, because During the process of alcoholic fermentation, both beer and moonshine retain in full the much more toxic compounds accompanying alcohol (fermentation by-products.) These are aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol, ethers, the content of which in beer is tens and hundreds of times higher than their permissible concentration level in vodka obtained from highly purified alcohol.

Beer alcoholism leads to generational degradation

First of all, on the average person who believes everyone beautiful fairy tales about an affordable “drink” for him. As for the beautiful pictures of beer on billboards and short advertising “vaudevilles” on TV, they are, first of all, addressed to young people. We can say that a war is now being waged against the younger generation with the help of cheap low-alcohol drinks, prices reduced to the maximum level fresh water and equal to the price of a school lunch. It is not difficult to guess what a modern teenager will choose on the street simply because he wants to drink - water or beer. As a result, before the eyes of their parents, sober children turn into drinking youth, and drinking youth into drunken parents. Isn't it clear that beer subculture is the beginning of drug culture leading to the degradation of generations, and ultimately to the death of the entire people.

The myth about the domestic beer producer

How can we explain the lack of understanding of this terrible prospect on the part of Russian legislators? It is generally accepted that beer production and trade replenishes the state budget. Based on this, the beer consumer is true patriot Russia, helping domestic producers.

In 2004, there were about 300 breweries in the Russian Federation. Their absolute number belongs to foreign capital. For example, income from Nevsky beer goes to Denmark, Holster beer to Germany, Miller to America, Stary Melnik to Turkey, Tolstyak to Belgium, Bochkarev to Spain, " Golden Barrel" - to South Africa. Profits from the beer of the Baltika concern, as well as from the beer of OA Pikra, go to Scandinavia. Hence, beer fans support not domestic, but foreign producers. Foreign tycoons have found fertile soil in Russia, which released a monopoly on alcohol in the 90s, but we will have to pay for their business with our future.

So it’s time for Russians to free themselves from illusions and remember the instructions of the tsarist general A. Nechvolodov a hundred years ago: "The path of Russia from ruin to prosperity is the path of a sober Russia". It is necessary that deputies at all levels soberly consider the alcohol situation in the country as a whole and adopt a law on state anti-alcohol policy, and in particular, recognize beer as the alcoholic product that it actually is.

True patriots of Russia appeal to all adults and children with a request: raise your children to be teetotalers!

Prepared from materials: “Features of beer alcoholism.” Z. Korobkina.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.