1C Entrepreneur 8 -

This is a ready-made solution for accounting and reporting by individual entrepreneurs. The program allows you to keep a book of income and expenses and business transactions of individual entrepreneurs who are payers of income tax individuals(NDFL). The program complies with the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses and business transactions for individual entrepreneurs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, Chapters 23 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For entrepreneurs who are payers of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (UTII), it is possible to maintain separate records of business transactions by types of activities subject to personal income tax and UTII.

As a gift 1 hour of specialist work: *

-y installation of the program;

-z loading the address and bank classifier;

-P preparing the program for the start of work (assistance in entering initial data).


Gift certificate for
500 rubles! **

( issued upon purchase of the basic version with delivery/installation )


Unlimited telephone advice line and updating the program via the Internet
"310 rubles!!!
“Money saved is money earned.”
Henry Ford



We are among the 10 largest franchisees of the 1C company in Moscow!
We have served more than 7,000 clients and have more than 500 letters of gratitude!

* Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road, and installation as a gift (counting the 1st free standard hour of specialist work).
** The gift certificate is valid for 3 (three) months from the date of issue. A gift certificate can be used as payment or additional payment for the entire range of basic versions of 1C software products and for the entire range of services provided by 1C:Franchisee.ST-Center.

New feature- preparing and sending reports to the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund directly from the program (without installing additional software)!

Program "1C:Entrepreneur 8" is a combination of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and an application solution - a specialized delivery of the program, which is pre-configured for keeping records and preparing reports for individual entrepreneurs paying personal income tax. The settings concern accounting policies, as well as the appearance of the program menu and screen forms.

It is assumed that the program will be used by one user and will not need to be adapted to individual characteristics entrepreneur.

In a programme "1C:Entrepreneur 8" the possibility of sharing with application solutions and also created on the platform is provided "1C:Enterprise 8".

Transition to a simplified taxation system or education legal entity

In a programme "1C:Entrepreneur 8" All features of the usual program delivery are retained.

In case of transition to a simplified taxation system ( simplified tax system) you will not need to purchase the program, or. It is enough to change a special setting - and you can keep full records of the entrepreneur according to simplified tax system.

If you form a legal entity, you will also not need to purchase another program. Changing a special setting allows you to switch to full-fledged accounting for organizations (legal entities) using the general tax system or simplified tax system.

Features of "1C:Entrepreneur 8" for users of "1C:Accounting 8"

If you previously purchased the program or, then purchase the program "1C:Entrepreneur 8" no need. To get all the functionality of the program "1C:Entrepreneur 8" registered users of these programs just need to update the configuration to version 1.6.10 or higher. After the update, the program can be switched to a special mode that hides unused individual entrepreneurs menu items and screen form elements.

Cost: 300 rubles

Clients often ask us questions: “What to choose for an individual entrepreneur?”, “Which software product is suitable for simplification?”, “How to automate production?” etc. In the article we will figure out which 1C software products will help best solve these issues.

Wholesale and retail trade

If you need to automate your trading activities, it doesn’t matter whether you are an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. Consider the list of such software products:

  • includes purchasing management, inventory management, warehouse operations, a CRM block, a full sales analysis based on charts and reports, the ability to connect any retail equipment, setting up discounts, promotions and much more. But since this is a basic version, only one user can work in it, which is quite a rare case for this software product. But if you are an individual entrepreneur, calmly start with this version of 1C.
  • - a full-fledged version of the wholesale and retail program, which allows an unlimited number of users to work in the program - cashiers, merchandisers, sales managers, managers, etc. Each user can configure their own access rights. Both the basic and Professional versions support data exchange with any version of 1C: Accounting. Suitable for LLC.
  • - a set of software products, including 1C: Accounting, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management and 1C: Trade Management. Suitable for medium-sized companies that need to manage Accounting, calculation wages and sales management accounting. By purchasing this kit, you save money compared to purchasing each program separately. A good option for an LLC with a staff of 5 or more people.
  • - if the company is engaged exclusively in retail trade, then it is worth considering this software product. The functionality is close to 1C: Trade Management, but there are no blocks associated with wholesale sales, thereby simplifying the user experience and not distracting with unnecessary functionality. Suitable for both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.


If your organization is engaged in production and sales, then it also does not matter whether you are an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. The size of your company and the complexity of production are important.

  • - a universal software product for small and medium-sized organizations, including the ability to submit reports for individual entrepreneurs, calculate employee salaries, automate simple production, wholesale and retail sales, complete management analytics and reports, the ability to connect commercial equipment and much more. Often the 1C: Managing Our Company program is chosen by individual entrepreneurs, but LLCs also purchase it.
  • - software product for medium and large companies, includes full-fledged software products: 1C: Accounting, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management, but unlike 1C: Set of application solutions for 5 users, work is carried out not in three separate databases, but in one common one, which allows you to reduce the complexity of accounting, and there is also a production unit similar to 1C: Managing our company. Accounting for state defense orders has also been implemented.
  • - the flagship software product of the 1C company, intended for large manufacturing companies and, unlike the two previous programs, automates complex production. The product has budgeting and IFRS blocks, in addition to standard accounting, payroll and wholesale and retail. If we compare it with European analogues, then our development costs several times less, and further implementation, configuration and maintenance are tens of times more profitable.

Let's compare all the listed 1C programs for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in the table:

Accounting and regulated accounting in 1C

Wholesale and retail trade


Small business

Program 1C:Entrepreneur 8– a special delivery of the basic version of 1C: Accounting 8, a ready-made solution for accounting and reporting, intended for individual entrepreneurs (IP). The program is already configured for maintaining records and submitting reports for individual entrepreneurs paying personal income tax.

  • record keeping
  • drawing up reports
  • maintaining a book of income and expenses (KUDIR)
  • all features of the basic version of 1C:Accounting 8 are preserved
  • support for the simplified tax system, UTII, patent and general tax systems
  • built-in optional service the best option taxation

Expand full description

1C:Entrepreneur differs from the basic version of 1C:Accounting 8 in that it is already configured for accounting and reporting for individual entrepreneurs paying personal income tax. The 1C:Entrepreneur program is suitable for individual entrepreneurs on OSNO, USN, UTII and Patent. In 1C:Entrepreneur 8, an accounting policy has been configured, as well as appearance program menu and screen forms.

User-friendly interface

In 1C:Entrepreneur it is simple and convenient to work for a non-specialist in the field accounting, while it retains all the capabilities of 1C: Accounting 8, and the user can organize his work in the way that is convenient for him. The interface contains convenient reports for making decisions: on money, debts, goods, income, expenses, etc.

Customizable functionality

A division of user roles is provided: the entrepreneur sees his functionality (works in his own interface), and the accountant sees his own. For example, an entrepreneur uses the program in any mode for his daily work, and entrusts accounting functions, preparation and submission of reports to an accountant - full-time or visiting.

Using additional services

You can additionally connect services to the program: for exchange directly with banks (including Sberbank) or with the connection of a client-bank; assessing the risks of a tax audit, checking and filling out the details of counterparties using TIN/KPP in the Federal Tax Service database. Or enable automatic database archiving.

An individual entrepreneur can independently keep records in the program and submit reports via the Internet. You can send reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and other regulatory authorities directly from the program using the 1C-Reporting service. The built-in service will check and send the prepared reports in 2 clicks. Tax calculations and reporting are carried out in strict accordance with current legislation.

The program is suitable for both beginning entrepreneurs and experienced business owners and managers. Save time on accounting and reporting in favor of things that bring real profit and pleasure from work!

Published 07/27/2015 14:21 Views: 31579

In previous articles on accounting policy settings, we looked at settings for a legal entity when different systems taxation. I don’t want to offend anyone by leaving them unattended, so in this article we will look at how setting up an accounting policy for an individual entrepreneur will look like.

So, having chosen a different type of organization, we notice the addition of buttons in the “Accounting Policies” section relating to taxation systems. Since an individual entrepreneur, in addition to the general and simplified tax system, can be on both a patent and UTII tax system.

If an individual entrepreneur applies the DOS, then the “Income and Expenses of Individual Entrepreneur” tab appears.

Here you need to determine the main type of activity, choosing from the directory of the same name.

In parallel, you can create the necessary view from this form, indicating the nature of the activity and the list of nomenclature groups. The data from this directory is needed when creating the “Book of Entrepreneur’s Income and Expenses”

If an entrepreneur carries out several types of activities, then in the position “The book of income and expenses is maintained for several types of activities”, you must check the box. Then the hyperlink “All types of activities” becomes active, follow it and fill out the directory.

Below, using the “Income Accounting” button, you can configure when advances will be included in income.

You can choose to either include it at the time of sale, that is, income recognition occurs in the period when the sale occurs. Or only in the period of actual receipt, in this case, if the entrepreneur conducts several types of activities, it is required to indicate the type of activity for which this type of inclusion occurs.

And the last thing we set up on this tab is expense accounting.

In the window that opens by clicking the button, we see a list of events in which material expenses are recognized. Additionally, you can check the condition “Receipt of income from sales”, in which case we also select the period for recognizing material expenses.

Filling out the “VAT”, “Inventory” and “Costs” tabs is similar to filling out the accounting policy for organizations on the OSN, which is discussed in the article Setting up accounting policies in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 for organizations on the OSN. The only thing is that the method of assessing inventories can only be “FIFO”.

On the “Patents and UTII” tab, check the boxes to see if there is a combination with the patent taxation system or with UTII, and if so, then select the base for distributing expenses by type of activity.

When you check the box in the “Entrepreneur applies a patent taxation system,” the “Patents” hyperlink is activated and you can create patents using the button.

Next bookmark " Insurance premiums", on it we see the funds to which the entrepreneur must pay contributions - these are the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. We mark the FSS checkbox if the entrepreneur voluntarily entered into legal relations under compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.

This applies to an individual entrepreneur using the OSN, if the taxation system is simplified, then the setup will look like this.

We can note that the “STS” tab corresponds to the “STS” tab when setting up accounting policies for organizations, as well as the “Inventory” and “Costs” tabs, so if necessary, refer to the article Setting up accounting policies in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 for organizations on the simplified tax system. When the taxation system changed, a method for distributing expenses appeared on the “Patents and UTII” tab and the choice of the base for distributing expenses by type of activity changed.

When you select a patent taxation system, the “Patents” tab appears, which is necessary to fill out the directory of the same name.

If we select only UTII, then three main tabs remain, the filling of which was discussed above.

"1C: Accounting 8" has actually become the industrial standard for accounting solutions in Russia and neighboring countries. Most balance sheets tax returns and reports that are accepted by the regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation are compiled in "1C: Accounting 8".

The 1C company is working to make its programs more convenient and understandable for all categories of users. In 2015, a qualitatively new interface “1C: Accounting 8” was developed, aimed at entrepreneurs and managers who do not have knowledge of accounting.

The product "1C:Entrepreneur 2015" is a new special delivery of the basic version of "1C:Accounting 8", in which this interface is installed as the main one.

The program "1C:Entrepreneur 2015" is simple and convenient to work with for a non-specialist in the field of accounting, while it retains all the capabilities of "1C:Accounting 8", and the user can organize his work in a way that is convenient and beneficial for him:

  • The entrepreneur independently maintains records and submits reports:
    • via the Internet in the cloud service "1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet" https://p2015.1cfresh.com ;
    • in a program installed on your computer (currently a boxed version, a little later also an electronic delivery);
  • joint work of an entrepreneur and an accountant, while the entrepreneur sees his functionality (works in his own interface), and the accountant sees his:
    • the entrepreneur uses the application in the cloud service "1C:BukhService" for his daily tasks (issues and pays invoices, analyzes sales, controls debts, etc.), and part of the accounting work, for example, preparation, verification, submission of reports and interaction with supervisors authorities transfers it to professionals of the 1C:BukhService network - on special preferential terms;
    • the entrepreneur uses the program in any mode for his daily work, and entrusts accounting functions, preparation and submission of reports to an accountant - full-time or visiting.

Features of the program "1C:Entrepreneur 2015"

  • support for simplified taxation system, UTII, patent taxation system and general taxation system;
  • built-in service for choosing the best taxation option;
  • tax calculations and reporting in strict accordance with current legislation;
  • built-in service "1C-Reporting" for preparing, checking and sending reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat, etc.;
  • simple execution of typical operations: issuing and monitoring the payment of invoices, selling goods, changing prices, payment, warehouse accounting, etc.;
  • exchange with banks directly (including Sberbank) or with client-bank connection;
  • preparation of invoices, invoices, acts, payment slips, contracts, etc., printing them, sending and receiving by e-mail, storing all documents in a single database;
  • convenient reports for making decisions: on money, debts, goods, income, expenses, etc.;
  • calculation of salaries and contributions - for yourself and for your employees;
  • built-in services: assessing tax audit risks, checking and filling out details of counterparties using INN/KPP in the Federal Tax Service database, loading exchange rates.

The program "1C:Entrepreneur 2015" retains all the functionality of "1C:Accounting 8". To switch to the mode of operation familiar to an accountant, just change the program interface settings.

Thus, “1C:Entrepreneur 2015” is well suited for both novice entrepreneurs and experienced business owners and managers for whom it is important to reduce the time and money spent on routine accounting and reporting in favor of things that bring real profit and pleasure from work.

"1C:Entrepreneur 2015" - in the "cloud" service "1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet"

To get started, you need to register on the page https://p2015.1cfresh.com.

During the first 30 calendar days after registration, using the service is free.

To continue work, you must, within 30 days from the date of registration, select a service organization (partner-franchisee of the 1C company) and conclude an agreement with it. List of service organizations.

The cost of using the application is from 1044 rubles. per month (for two users, TECHNO tariff). Full information about tariffs and conditions is available here.

Advantages of using 1C:Entrepreneur 2015 in a cloud service:

  • to work in the application you only need Internet access (no need to install anything on your computer), you can work remotely at any time from anywhere in the world;
  • reporting can be submitted from any computer at any time. Since the electronic signature key is stored in a cloud service, you do not need to keep the media with the electronic key with you;
  • automatic updating of the application and reporting forms;
  • payment for the service is made in regular small payments; there is no need to immediately buy a boxed version of the program;
  • the service ensures data security at the level of world leaders:
    • reliable data storage in a secure data center;
    • secure data transfer protocol;
    • regular data backup;
    • control and registration of all transactions.

"1C:Entrepreneur 2015" - boxed version for one computer

The product "1C:Entrepreneur 2015" (article 4601546119094) is intended for use on one computer.

The delivery package includes a distribution kit on a CD, the book "1C: Entrepreneur 2015. Quick Guide", a License Agreement and a registration form, an envelope with a PIN code for obtaining a software license and a postal envelope for sending the registration form. This product is subject to software licensing with the program tied to a specific computer.

Features of this product:

  • Only one user can work with one infobase at a time;
  • accounting for several companies in one information base is not supported; at the same time, it is possible to maintain records of several organizations in separate information databases on one computer;
  • Changing the configuration by the user is not supported, only the standard configuration can be used and its updates can be installed;
  • work in the "client-server" version is not supported;
  • work in web client mode is not supported;
  • The operation of distributed infobases is not supported.

Registered users receive product updates via the Internet at no additional cost and have the right to the services of the 1C company consultation line by phone and e-mail. The procedure for registering a software product is specified in the accompanying documentation.

The 1C-Reporting service is intended for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and other regulatory authorities. To connect it, you should contact the 1C franchisee partners. The annual cost of the 1C-Reporting service, including the provision of an electronic signature, is from 3,900 rubles. up to 5,900 rub. per year depending on the region.

Users of 1C:Entrepreneur 2015, like all other solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform, also have the opportunity to expand the functionality of their program and reduce the cost of doing business through the use of 1C services that are part of professional information technology support (1C:ITS PROF):

  • the 1C-EDO service (1C-Takskom) supports the exchange of legally significant documents (invoices, acts, etc.) with suppliers, buyers and other counterparties in electronic form directly from 1C programs;
  • The 1C:ITS information system contains materials on taxation and reporting for entrepreneurs, as well as a large amount of professional information, the quality of which is guaranteed by 1C methodologists and experts.

Detailed information about these and other 1C services, as well as cost calculations for 1C:ITS, are available on the information technology support portal. The 1C:ITS agreement is concluded with the 1C franchisee partner on a paid basis.

You can purchase product 4601546119094 "1C:Entrepreneur 2015":

  • in the sales department of the company "1C" (Moscow, Seleznevskaya str., 21).

"1C:Entrepreneur 2015" + "1C:BukhService"

When using the 1C:Entrepreneur 2015 program in a cloud service for daily work, you can delegate the tasks of maintaining regulated records and submitting reports to professionals in the 1C:BukhService network.

"1C:BukhService" is a set of accounting services for the network of partners "1C:BukhService" and "cloud" services "1C". Accounting services are provided according to uniform standards developed by the 1C company: business registration services, consultations on taxation and accounting, express audit of the current state of accounting, full accounting and submission of reports via the Internet, tax calculations, personnel records, payroll calculations and a wide range of list of additional services.

Advantages of accounting with "1C:BukhService":

  • quality guarantee – financial responsibility of 1C partners for the quality of services;
  • data safety is guaranteed by a set of reliable technologies and operating rules;
  • order and discipline: the principles of service provision are described by standards and automated. You can transfer to professionals only that part of the work that the entrepreneur considers necessary, with the ability to flexibly change this distribution;
  • client’s personal account – a tool for managing the accountant’s activities (for exchanging documents, tracking connected services and important dates);
  • saving money (up to 50% compared to traditional accounting methods) - pay only for real services, no need to hire a full-time accountant or purchase software;
  • if an entrepreneur wants to keep records on his own in the future, all his data can be easily uploaded to his personal “1C: Entrepreneur 2015”;
  • transparent payment system: the cost of service is proportional to the number of accounting documents.

To connect to the 1C:BukhService service, you must contact the following address: [email protected] or directly to the selected company - to a partner of the 1C:BukhService network.

Within 30 days the program "1C:Entrepreneur 2015" and services accounting services free. To continue work after this period, you must enter into an agreement with the selected company in the 1C:BukhService network.