Option No. 2353837

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. There is no need to write units of measurement. The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters. By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

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Write down the word missing in the table.


Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Behavior model, prestige, social status , image, insignia, authority.


Below are a number of political parties. All of them, with the exception of two, are formed along political and ideological lines.

1) communist

2) liberal

3) opposition

4) social democratic

5) personnel

6) monarchical

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.


Choose the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social institutions are considered by science as historically established, stable forms of organizing the joint activities of people.

2) Since society is a dynamic system, some social institutions may disappear, while others may appear.

3) Social institutions represent certain stages in the historical development of mankind.

4) Social institutions are certain stereotypes of human behavior.

5) Social institutions are created by people uniting for joint activities and communication.


Establish a correspondence between the types of social control and specific examples illustrating them.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



Biologist Petrov studies the role of poisonous mushrooms in the life of the forest. Select from the list below the empirical research methods used by Petrov. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) He put forward a hypothesis about the protective functions of poisonous mushrooms in relation to certain plant species.

2) I established in the laboratory the chemical composition of several types of poisonous mushrooms in the Moscow region.

3) Made a model of the development of mycelium in various natural conditions.

4) Prepared a list of basic literature on the problem being studied.

5) Prepared an illustrated atlas describing the most common types of poisonous mushrooms.

6) Using video recording, I recorded the distribution area of ​​the main types of poisonous mushrooms in the Moscow region.


Choose the correct statements about inflation and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Inflation manifests itself in a decrease in the purchasing power of money.

2) Distinguish between microinflation and hyperinflation.

3) Rising prices for resources generate supply inflation.

4) One of the reasons for inflation is increased competition between producers.

5) The consequences of inflation include an increase in real wages of workers.


Establish a correspondence between the functions and levels of the banking system: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



The owner of a hairdressing salon paid interest on a loan taken from a bank. What additional fixed costs does he have to bear in the short run? Select fixed costs from the list below and write down the numbers. in ascending order, under which they are indicated.

1) rental payments

2) the cost of purchasing hair dryers

3) piecework wages for hairdressers

4) utility bills

5) expenses for purchasing hair care products

6) payment of insurance premiums


The graph shows the situation in the hairdressing services market: supply line S moved to a new position S 1 (R- price of the product, Q- quantity of goods). Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) expansion of the network of hairdressing salons

2) new fashion trends in hairstyles

3) reduction of taxes on small businesses

4) use of new hair care products

5) change in income tax rate


Select the correct judgments about deviant behavior and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Deviant behavior is measured only against the cultural norms of a particular social group.

2) An individual’s deviant behavior indicates a complete or partial failure of his socialization.

3) Criminal activity does not relate to deviant behavior.

4) The concept of deviant behavior can only be applied to the behavior of an individual, but not an organization.

5) Some causes of deviant behavior are biopsychic in nature.


A survey was conducted among residents of the city of T., during which respondents were asked to answer the question: “How long have you been regularly using any library?” The survey results as a percentage of the number of respondents are presented in the diagram.

What conclusions can be drawn based on the data obtained? Write it down

the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) More than half of the students surveyed have been using any library for less than three years.

2) The share of pensioners who have been using the library for more than three years is the largest among all categories of respondents.

3) A third of schoolchildren have regularly used the library over the past three years.

4) Working people have the greatest experience of regularly using the library.

5) The share of pensioners who use the library from one to three years is less than the share of pensioners who do not use the library at all or use it for less than a year.

6) The proportion of schoolchildren using the library is less than the proportion of students using the library.


Choose the correct judgments about the forms of government and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Only multinational countries have a federal government structure.

2) In a unitary state there is no territorial division of the country.

3) In a federal state, the subject of the federation has part of the sovereignty.

4) Unitary states usually have a unicameral parliament.

5) In unitary states, authoritarian regimes are established more often than in federal ones.


Establish a correspondence between the authority and its powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Find in the list below the provisions that characterize a parliamentary republic. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) formation of the government by parliament

2) direct popular election of the president

3) the president does not have the right to dissolve parliament

4) the government's responsibility to parliament

5) vesting the president with representative powers


Which of the following refers to the socio-economic rights of man and citizen enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) right to health care

2) the right to vote and be elected

3) right to social security by age

4) guarantees of judicial protection

5) the right to choose the language of communication


Establish a correspondence between the types of legal liability and branches of law: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Citizen A. married citizen S. Since the child’s father died in a car accident, citizen S. decided to adopt her six-year-old son. To which authority should citizen S. apply for adoption?

1) to the passport office

3) to the city (district) administration


Read the text below, each position indicated by a specific letter.

(A) B Tretyakov Gallery An exhibition of masterpieces “Holy Rus'” took place. (B) Visitors could see historical evidence dating from the 10th to the 19th centuries. (B) Among them are ancient icons, jewelry, paintings and sewing. (D) In ​​terms of the uniqueness of the exhibits presented, the last exhibition is unprecedented.

Determine which provisions of the text are

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments 

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.



Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The formation of _________ (A) labor may be accompanied by conflicts between employers and employees. The main method of protecting the interests of _____________(B) is the creation of trade unions that negotiate on behalf of all the people within them.

Trade unions usually try to achieve better conditions and higher ___________(B) for their members, as well as increases in their wages. This makes work more pleasant and profitable for union members, but at the same time it reduces ________ (G) employment and leads to an increase in the price of goods for buyers if the amount of profit in the price of the goods does not decrease.

Wages should not fall below the minimum level, the calculation basis of which is _________(D). Minimum wages _____________ (E) authorities are established and changed.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.



Indicate two approaches to understanding the essence of law described in the text.

N.I. Matuzov

Which of these approaches, from the author’s point of view, is correct? Give any three arguments with the help of which the author shows the inconsistency of the other approach. Based on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept “law”.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

[There is the following understanding of the essence of law]: law is not laws adopted by democratically elected institutions and expressing the sovereign will of the people, but general (abstract) principles of humanism, morality, and justice. But such vague, amorphous ideas about law distance us from the desired legal order and the tasks of strengthening it, because these principles, ideas (“unwritten law”), despite their undoubtedly high value, still cannot on their own, without the necessary formalization , serve as criteria for what is legal and illegal, legal and illegal, and therefore are unable to ensure stability and organization in society. Disappears regulatory framework rights, its regulatory role is undermined.

In this case, space opens up for... arbitrariness, since freedom, democracy, morality are understood by different political subjects, including those in power, in different ways... And why are laws (normal, humane, created in compliance with all generally accepted procedures) not can express the above ideals? A difficult question also arises: who and how should determine whether this or that law is “legal” or “illegal”? Where are the criteria? Who are the judges?

Of course, the categories of law and law do not coincide. Law is one of the forms of expression of law... their identification is unacceptable. But excessive opposition of these two concepts does not lead to the achievement of positive goals. This gives rise to legal nihilism...

N.I. Matuzov

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Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

[There is the following understanding of the essence of law]: law is not laws adopted by democratically elected institutions and expressing the sovereign will of the people, but general (abstract) principles of humanism, morality, and justice. But such vague, amorphous ideas about law distance us from the desired legal order and the tasks of strengthening it, because these principles, ideas (“unwritten law”), despite their undoubtedly high value, still cannot on their own, without the necessary formalization , serve as criteria for what is legal and illegal, legal and illegal, and therefore are unable to ensure stability and organization in society. The normative basis of law disappears and its regulatory role is undermined.

In this case, space opens up for... arbitrariness, since freedom, democracy, morality are understood by different political subjects, including those in power, in different ways... And why are laws (normal, humane, created in compliance with all generally accepted procedures) not can express the above ideals? A difficult question also arises: who and how should determine whether this or that law is “legal” or “illegal”? Where are the criteria? Who are the judges?

Of course, the categories of law and law do not coincide. Law is one of the forms of expression of law... their identification is unacceptable. But excessive opposition of these two concepts does not lead to the achievement of positive goals. This gives rise to legal nihilism...

N.I. Matuzov

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In this case, space opens up for... arbitrariness, since freedom, democracy, morality are understood by different political subjects, including those in power, in different ways... And why are laws (normal, humane, created in compliance with all generally accepted procedures) not can express the above ideals? A difficult question also arises: who and how should determine whether this or that law is “legal” or “illegal”? Where are the criteria? Who are the judges?

Of course, the categories of law and law do not coincide. Law is one of the forms of expression of law... their identification is unacceptable. But excessive opposition of these two concepts does not lead to the achievement of positive goals. This gives rise to legal nihilism...

N.I. Matuzov

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Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
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Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Formulate at your own discretion one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions).

To illustrate the main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, provide at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including including books read, movies watched), from various educational subjects.

Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm/be clearly connected with the designated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion. The contents of the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy.“You can only expand your knowledge when you look your ignorance straight in the eye.” (K.D. Ushinsky)

29.2 Economics.“Questions: what? How? and for whom? production would not be a problem if resources were not limited.” (P. Samuelson)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology“In the course of socialization, the individual acts as the subject and object of this process.” (N. Melnikova)

29.4 Political science.“Democracy is always a crossroads... the system open doors roads diverging into unknown directions.” (P.I. Novgorodtsev)

29.5 Jurisprudence.“Freedom consists in being dependent only on laws.” (Voltaire)

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Complete testing, check answers, see solutions.

1 group

“Social institutions provide boundaries and forms of joint activity of people in different areas and differ from each other by their ___________ (A). the main social institutions are ____________ (B), family, science, education, religion, business. ___________ (B) should not be identified with specific organizations, social groups or communities. For example, the institution ___________ (D) does not mean a specific company. At the same time, the implementation of the functions of social institutions presupposes organized forms of___________ (D) people. Without social institutions, no modern society can exist: institutions create the conditions in which human life takes place, and life gives rise to and changes social institutions. The development of social institutions continues during the course of __________ (E) society.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

List of terms:private business, state, subsystem, functions, social institution, object, evolution, social needs, joint activity.

  1. The characteristics of a social institution include the presence of a system of norms, traditions, and customs that regulate this or that activity.
  2. Social institutions are one of the forms of implementation cognitive activity people.
  3. Social institutions operate in the social sphere of society and are absent in other spheres.
  4. The formation of social institutions is associated with historically established forms of joint activity of people.
  5. Social institutions as a special social phenomenon are formed during the transition from traditional to industrial society.
  1. Choose the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
  1. A partner-type family presupposes the division and strict assignment of their responsibilities to family members.
  2. In a multigenerational family, grandparents, brothers, sisters and their families live together under one roof.
  3. Children's opinions are taken into account when making family decisions in a traditional family.
  4. The prestigious function of the family is expressed in the organization of family leisure.
  5. Family is small social group, based on kinship, marriage or adoption.

2nd group

  1. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

Characterizing society as _____________ (A) involves studying its internal structure. Its main elements are _____________ (B) social life and social institutions. There are economic, social,

Political and spiritual spheres. All of them are closely interconnected, as they support the necessary _____________ (B) of society. _______________ (D) in each of the spheres they solve important social problems. They provide production and distribution various types ____________ (D), as well as management of joint ____________ (E) people.

List of terms:integrity, system, society. Social benefits, sphere, production, culture, social institutions, activities.

  1. Choose the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
  1. The institutions of society always depend on the will and desires of people.
  2. The institution of society is a set of norms and institutions regulating a particular sphere of social relations.
  3. The institutions of society act as the pillars of social order.
  4. The evolution of social institutions leads to the fact that modern society is characterized by monotony and simplification of the system of institutions.
  5. The fundamental function of the institutions of society is to satisfy the urgent vital needs of society.
  1. Choose the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
  1. A family is considered to be any group of people who share common interests.
  2. A family of a democratic (partnership) type is characterized by a fair division of household responsibilities.
  3. A family of the traditional (patriarchal) type is characterized by the economic dependence of the woman on the man.
  4. A nuclear family consists of parents (parent) and children.
  5. The emergence of partner-type families is primarily due to the reduction in the number of working women.
1. Are the following judgments about the role of politics in the life of society correct? A. power distribution of basic social values ​​is carried out

B. all elements of social life are united to realize the common goals and interests of society

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

2. K distinctive features political power not relevant

1) legality in the use of force and other means of power within the country

2) variety of resources for exercising power

3) polycentricity

4) publicity

3. Are the following statements true?

A. On its territory, the state maintains its sovereign power and has the right to defend it against external invasion by other states and private individuals.

B. State power legally stands above the power of other institutions and parties located on the territory of a given state.

1) only A is correct

3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

4. Are the following statements true?

A. The essence of political pluralism is a plurality of opinions, views, positions, reflecting the diversity of interests of various groups of society, competition of ideas

B. Concentration of the functions of management and control of society in one person or a narrow social stratum.

1) only A is correct

3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Help urgently! 1. Are the following judgments about a person true? A. Man is a natural, biological fact.

B. Man is a product of social and cultural evolution.

1. Only A is true. 2. Only B is true. 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

2. Human needs generated by society include the need:

1. In work activity 2. In normal heat exchange

3. In maintaining health 4. In physical activity

3 Unlike nature, society

1. Develops naturally 2. Has the ability to develop thanks to human consciousness

3. Subject to change 4. Does not develop at all

4 Are the following statements true:

A. The concept of “society” covers all forms and methods of interaction between people.

B. The concept of “society” can be used to designate the stage of human development.

1) Only A is true 3) Both judgments are correct

2) Only B is true 4) Both judgments are incorrect

5 Modern post-industrial society is characterized by a leading role

1 mining industry

2 manufacturing industry

3 agriculture

4 information and information technologies

Are the following statements about global problems true?

A. Global problems include the problem of supplying the population with clean water.
B. Global problems threaten the existence of all humanity, their solution is possible with the combined efforts of the entire world community.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

It is typical for a traditional society
1) the dominance of law and law in society
2) rationalization of people's thinking
3) high social mobility
4) rigid, hierarchical structure of society

Distinguishes man from animal
1) adaptation to living conditions
2) the ability to transform the surrounding reality 3) the use of natural objects
4) submission to instincts
Are the following statements about deviant behavior correct?
A. Behavior of a person or group of people in society that does not correspond to established social norms.
B. Crime is one of the forms of deviant (deviant) behavior.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect
An administrative offense is:
1) malicious hooliganism
2) absenteeism for a valid reason
3) violation of the terms of the copyright agreement
4) violation of traffic rules

Are the following judgments about cognition correct?
Cognition is an active reflection or reproduction of reality
in the human mind, that is, the process of acquiring and developing knowledge, determined primarily by practice.
B. This method is widely used in social cognition scientific research like an experiment.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect
Social sciences include:
1) astronomy
2) biophysics
3) philosophy
4) linguistics
One of the functions of the state in a market economy is
1) protection of the economic interests of the producer and consumer
2) resource distribution
3) determination of the legal form of the enterprise
4) ensuring full employment
Citizen A. after the divorce continues to visit his parents
meetings at his daughter's school. This is an example: 1) the application of social sanctions
2) fulfilling a social role
3) manifestations of social mobility
4) compliance with social norms

1.Are the following judgments about the main spheres of society’s life true: a) the main spheres of society’s life are quite autonomous and at the same time inextricably

related b) changes in one area of ​​society’s life do not affect other areas and society as a whole

2. Are the judgments about the formational approach to the analysis of social development correct: a) The formational approach allows us to see what was common in the historical development of different peoples.

b) The formational approach places man and his activities at the center of research.

3. Are the following judgments about the essence of the concept “civilization” true:

a) Civilization is the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism

b) Civilization is a state of society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, and law.

Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world true?

A. Science allows us to predict the consequences of achievements and discoveries. modern society.
B. Science, unlike other forms of spiritual culture, attracts society's attention to social and moral problems.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

1. Social qualities of a person include 1) eye shape and color 2) racial characteristics 3) memory, reaction speed 4) value orientations. 2. Inherent only

About a person, the way of interaction with the world around him, during which he consciously changes the world and himself, is called 1) activity 3) activity 2) observation 4) interest. 3. Ninth-grader Roman loves chemistry. He studies a lot, successfully participates in competitions and olympiads, and takes prizes. What qualities of Roman were manifested in this situation? 1) abilities 3) needs 2) temperamental characteristics 4) inclinations. 4. Are the following judgments about human freedom correct? A. Freedom presupposes the ability to determine goals, choose a model of behavior, means and methods of activity.B. Freedom to express one’s thoughts, feelings, and values ​​is an important condition for creativity. 1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect. 5. Only knowledge that 1) has practical significance can be considered true 2) has a theoretical justification 3) corresponds to the subject of knowledge 4) is supported by authoritative opinion. 6. What distinguishes religion from other forms (areas) of spiritual culture? 1) explanation of the essence of natural and social phenomena 2) assessment of people’s actions from the point of view of good and evil 3 ) usage artistic images 4) appeal to supernatural forces. 7. Are the following judgments about knowledge correct? A. Rational cognition allows us to identify the essential properties and functions of the object of cognition.B. The functioning of the senses is a necessary objective prerequisite for cognition. 1) only A is true 3) both judgments are correct 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect. 8. The social subsystem of society includes 1) people’s relationships regarding power 2) the interaction of society and nature 3) relationships between people in the process of material production 4) interactions between people in small groups and groups among themselves.9. Using such criteria as the development of science and technology, it is possible to show the progressive nature of 1) the abolition of the death penalty for crimes 2) success in the development of means of communication and communication 3) the smoothing of social inequality in society 4) the development of the rule of law.10. Are the following judgments about social institutions correct?A. A social institution is a historically established form of organization of people that regulates their activities.B. Social institutions are designed to satisfy certain fundamental human needs. 1) only A is true 3) both judgments are correct 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

1) family 2) school 3) healthcare 4) church

the characteristics of which social institution are given below: “Its task is to ensure national security and protection from external threats”?
1) family 2) school 3) state 4) church

later, is it more complex than what occurs earlier? Could it be that the complex is created later precisely because it is more complex? But then can you say that the state is more complex than production? Or are these social institutions of equal complexity? Then why did one take millions of years to form, and the other - thousands of years?