Treatment of diseases of the central nervous system- enough difficult task. Methods used in pediatric practice must not only be safe, but also not cause pain in children. One of them is micropolarization of the brain.

What it is?

The brain is a real computer that organizes and plans the work of all organs. The functioning of this organ is quite complex. This is due to the variety of different functions that it performs. The brain should be affected using the most gentle method possible. This can be achieved by using micropolarization.

This method has proven itself well in pediatric neurology. Therapeutic effect various pathologies brain is carried out using direct electric current. It is quite small and does not exceed 1 mA in intensity. This effect is quite comparable to the natural tension in brain cells (neurons). This makes it possible to safely use this method in the youngest patients.

Transcranial micropolarization is a unique method of treating the brain in children.

Several scientists at once worked on the creation of this technique. different countries peace. It took more than a hundred years to develop this method. Our country can rightfully be proud that the first procedure for micropolarization of the brain was carried out at the Psychoneurological Institute named after. Bekhterev.

It should be noted that the method has not found widespread application. This is due to several reasons: the occurrence in some cases of technical errors during the procedure, the wide range of values ​​obtained, and the lack of clear and recognized standardization of results. According to statistics, micropolarization of the brain is performed more often in children than in adults. There are certain indications and contraindications for such treatment.

How is it carried out?

Micropolarization of the brain does not cause any pain in the child. This largely explains why the method is quite applicable in children's practice. Even the most Small child tolerates such procedures well. Usually, they try to calm down overly emotional children a little before conducting the study. The presence of the mother next to the child during the procedure helps to somewhat reduce the increased anxiety and excessive emotionality in the child.

The course of treatment is compiled individually and depends on the initial underlying disease, as well as the age of the baby. Micropolarization can be carried out both in preventive and in medicinal purposes. Typically the course duration is 10-12 sessions. The duration of one procedure is, as a rule, from ½ to an hour. In some cases, experts recommend repeating the course of treatment after 6-8 months.

The main goal of therapy is to activate brain neurons and optimize the functioning of the central nervous system.

The action of a current of a certain frequency leads to the fact that brain cells begin to work more intensely and more productively. There is also an improvement in interneuronal interaction. This leads to improvement general work brain.

A course of treatment is usually prescribed neurologist, speech therapist or child psychotherapist. Before prescribing micropolarization of the brain, all necessary tests and research establishing a complete and accurate diagnosis or pathological condition. Electroencephalography of the brain or EEG is usually prescribed. This method allows you to identify the presence of a pathological process in nerve tissue. EEG is also carried out during the course of micropolarization: in the middle and at the end of the treatment.

Before carrying out the procedure, you should definitely talk to your child. It is necessary to explain to the baby that he will need to sit quietly for a certain time, without making active movements. In the conversation, you should definitely emphasize that he will not experience any pain or discomfort.

Emphasize that you will be nearby during the entire procedure and nothing bad will happen.

Some capricious people flatly refuse to carry out similar treatment. In this case, try to turn treatment into a game. Tell them that during these procedures your baby will become a real superhero! This technique usually works well with boys. Try to divert the child's attention from treatment to active play.

To carry out treatment, a special helmet is put on the baby’s head or electrodes are attached. It is through them that low-frequency direct current will pass. All electrodes located inside the helmet are arranged in a strictly defined order. Before performing the micropolarization procedure, the doctor sets individual settings for the device for a particular child.

During treatment, you do not need to sit absolutely still. The baby may move his body or arms a little. However, all active movements are prohibited. Completing them significantly reduces achievement positive result, and inhibits the degree of impact. The effect of this treatment method is cumulative. Usually the first positive changes in the child’s condition begin in the middle of the course of therapy.

Doctors note that conducting electroencephalography of the brain in the middle of the course of treatment is very important. It helps you track the most early signs restore lost functions and notice the result.

Most patients feel better after treatment. In the absence of a positive result, a review of treatment tactics and additional methods diagnostics Perhaps “hidden” diseases or pathological conditions lead to a decrease in results.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

There are strict recommendations for prescribing the procedure. Micropolarization is, unfortunately, not a panacea for the treatment of all brain pathologies. It only helps with certain pathological conditions.

Typically, the decision about the need for such treatment is made by the attending physician. By assessing the initial condition of the child, he determines the possibility of using this type of therapy.

Typically, transcranial micropolarization is prescribed for:

  • Delay in age-related development. If the baby has signs of a severe mental disorder or physical development, then he is referred for appropriate treatment. The therapeutic course in this case may be different and depends on the initial condition of the child;
  • Congenital pathology of the central nervous system - cerebral palsy. Prescribed for various forms of this disease: hyperkinetic, spastic, cerebellar or mixed;
  • Various voice disorders. Impaired functioning of the vocal apparatus for reasons pathological conditions the central nervous system is also an indication for this procedure;
  • Signs of an epileptic condition. The method is effective when various types epilepsy, especially those occurring with a mild course or mildly expressed;

  • Hyperactivity of various origins;
  • Attention deficit disorder;
  • Severe consequences of psycho-emotional or nervous shocks that caused significant disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system in the baby;
  • Excessive aggression syndrome in childhood or adolescence. Micropolarization of the brain is most effective if mental disorders in a child are caused by functional disorders;
  • Various disorders of urine excretion (enuresis) or feces (encopresis);
  • Severe panic attacks and violations of social integration;
  • Visual and hearing impairments. Reviews from many parents indicate that micropolarization is effective for the treatment of nystagmus of various origins, strabismus, amblyopia, sensorineural hearing loss;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries. Often these pathologies are accompanied by the development of dizziness, headache, the appearance of autonomic disorders and even circulatory disorders;
  • Headache associated with severe tension;
  • Oligophrenia (dementia), occurring in a mild form.


In some clinical cases, micropolarization of the brain is impossible. It, like any other method of therapy, has individual contraindications. They are usually established by a doctor at the diagnostic stage - before the course of treatment is carried out and prescribed. If the baby has certain contraindications, then micropolarization should be abandoned.

The main restrictions for the procedure include:

  • Simultaneous with micropolarization, acupuncture, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as other electrical treatment methods are performed.
  • Use of psychotropic drugs.
  • Severe burns or traumatic injuries on the head in areas where electrodes are applied.
  • Acute period of inflammatory infectious diseases brain: meningitis, arachnoiditis, encephalitis and others. In this case, this contraindication is relative. After eliminating the cause and adverse symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection it can be carried out.
  • Congenital severe pathologies of cardio-vascular system accompanied by cardiac arrhythmias. Persistent arrhythmias are a contraindication for exposure electric shock, as this can aggravate their course.

  • The presence of metal elements inside the body. Children who have pins in their bones after various injuries cannot undergo micropolarization. Removable metal structures (braces, dental braces, etc.) are not a contraindication to the procedure, since they can be easily removed before it.
  • Pathological narrowings (stenoses) blood vessels, feeding the brain. Active exposure to electric current can lead to excessive expansion, which contributes to the occurrence of pathological rupture and intracerebral bleeding.
  • Neoplasms in the brain and various tumors. In this case, exposure to electric current can contribute to their more intensive growth or the spread of metastases.

For information about the conditions under which brain micropolarization is indicated in children, see the following video.

Micropolarization of the head and spinal cord(TCMP and MPSM) - new highly efficient healing method, which allows you to purposefully change the functional state of various parts of the central nervous system (RF Patent No. 2122443 dated 07/01/97). TCMP (TRANSCRANIAL MICROPOLARIZATION) and MPSM (SPINAL CORD MICROPOLARIZATION) successfully combine the simplicity and non-invasiveness of traditional physiotherapeutic procedures (electrosleep, various types of galvanization) with a fairly high degree of selectivity of effects characteristic of stimulation through intracerebral electrodes. The term “micropolarization” characterizes direct current parameters at the levels of physiological values ​​used for TCMP and MPSM procedures (as a rule, they are an order of magnitude smaller than those traditionally used in physiotherapy and do not exceed 1 mA for TCMP and 5 mA for MPSM). The direction of influence is achieved through the use of small areas of electrodes (100-600, located on the corresponding cortical (frontal, motor, temporal and other areas) or segmental (lumbar, thoracic and other levels) projections of the brain or spinal cord .

The choice of impact zones is determined by the nature of the pathology, treatment objectives, functional and neuroanatomical features of the cortical fields or parts of the spinal cord, their connections, as well as the nature of the functional asymmetry of the brain and spinal cord.

TCMP allows for a targeted effect not only on cortical structures located in the subelectrode space, but also through a system of corticofugal and transsynaptic connections to influence the state of deeply located structures.

MPSM allows targeted influence not only on various departments spinal cord located in the subelectrode space, but also through conduction systems to influence the state of underlying and overlying structural formations up to the structures of the brain.

Indications for TCM and MPSM: Diseases of the central nervous system, consequences of infectious and traumatic lesions of the brain and spinal cord, episyndrome, amblyopia, nystagmus, neuroses, oligophrenia, mental retardation and speech development and many others

During therapeutic sessions of micropolarization, normalization is noted muscle tone, a decrease in the severity of pathological postnotonic reflexes, hyperkinesis, an increase in the range of movements, a decrease in the severity of vicious postures (crossing of legs, flexion of the feet, flexion of the arms), support appears or improves, new motor skills are acquired (crawling, sitting, standing, walking, manual skill) etc. In addition, there is a decrease in aggressiveness, fear, improved mood, increased motivation for further treatment, increased interest in the environment, improved learning ability, improved communication, and normalized sleep. Speech itself becomes more meaningful and clear, understanding of spoken speech improves or appears, and the appearance of new sounds and words is noted.

Contraindications for TCM and MPSM: Among the obvious contraindications to the use of the method are pronounced EEG signs (in combination with clinical examination data) of intracranial hypertension; suspected brain tumors; diffuse headache (GB), intensely increasing day by day; a pronounced dependence of headache intensity on the position of the head and body; combination of headache with repeated vomiting without nausea; persistent unilateral headache; morning headaches; an increase in headache parallel to an increase in temperature; accompanying headache rise in blood pressure above 200/120 mmHg; months-long headaches with no remission that cannot be treated; meningeal signs; change in paraclinical data.

IN complex treatment children with autism spectrum disorders(RAS) employees of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health used the method for the first time in Belarus transcranial micropolarization(TCMP). It is based on the impact of low-power direct electric current on brain tissue using a certified device “ Stream-1».

More than 30 children aged 3-10 years with autism spectrum disorders. Main symptoms diseases were:

  • developmental delay,
  • lack of speech or delay in its development,
  • repetition of the same words and phrases.

In addition, children avoided physical, verbal, eye contact.

The course of treatment consisted of 10-12 sessions of transcranial micropolarization which were carried out daily. The duration of the procedure varied from 20 to 40 minutes. The area of ​​influence was selected for each patient individually based on the data of a neuropsychophysiological examination. We used 2-4 electrodes with an area of ​​2 square centimeters with hydrophilic pads, which were installed on the scalp and fixed with an elastic bandage.

Positive treatment result confirmed by psychological and speech therapy examination, EEG data, and general clinical impression.

Natalya Sergeeva, psychiatrist-narcologist, Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health:

Due to the clinical diversity of manifestations autism, the term “ autism spectrum disorder" - RAS.

In the world 40 out of 10,000 children suffer from autism spectrum disorders. In Belarus for last years this figure was only 2 cases. However, the true prevalence of these disorders in our country is difficult to determine due to the peculiarities of approaches to diagnosing autism and collecting statistical data. In 2011, 171 children diagnosed with autism were under the supervision of psychiatrists in Minsk. The overall morbidity rate in the capital in the same year was 5.4 cases per 10,000 children.

Features of autism spectrum disorders:

  • qualitative violations social behavior (lack of eye-to-eye contact, inability to develop relationships with peers and etc.);
  • quality communicative violations ( delay or complete absence of speech, inability to initiate or maintain a conversation, lack of role-play and etc.);
  • specific interests and stereotypical behavior (clapping, flapping hands/fingers, or complex full body movements and etc.);
  • symptoms are mainly up to 3 years of age.

In connection with controversial approaches to providing assistance to children with autism spectrum disorders, in recent decades there has been an active search for additional ones, incl. non-drug treatment methods of this pathology, which is transcranial micropolarization.

In complex therapy, we decided to try transcranial micropolarization, it successfully combines the simplicity and non-invasiveness of traditional physiotherapeutic procedures with a high degree of selective impact.

The method allows you to activate brain reserves and reduce manifestations of functional immaturity. An important point - absence side effects and good tolerance of transcranial micropolarization procedures.

The technique is also shown for neurological diseases (Cerebral palsy, organic lesions of the central nervous system, traumatic brain injuries, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions and etc.). Transcranial micropolarization can be used as an independent treatment method.


  • individual intolerance to electric current,
  • malignant neoplasms,
  • colds and infectious diseases,
  • heat.

Results of transcranial micropolarization reassuring. Positive dynamics were observed in children suffering from autism spectrum disorders:

  • they began to understand spoken speech better,
  • aggression and fear decreased,
  • mood improved
  • interest in the surroundings appeared.

For example, mom 3 year old N., who completed a course of transcranial micropolarization, noticed that “ moo", the son pronounces all the sounds and words, after watching the cartoon he began to actively repeat " who's there?" And " sock" In addition, N. began to be interested in pictures, his behavior became more streamlined, the boy acquired everyday skills, fell in love with sliding, and learned to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects.

Patients with speech therapy disorders(including children with autism spectrum disorders) pronounce new sounds and words after micropolarization. Speech becomes more meaningful and clear, they begin to understand the words addressed to them. In most of the treated children, communication improved and behavior became more regulated.

Studying the possibilities of transcranial micropolarization is also promising for other psychoneurological diseases, especially those that are not amenable to traditional therapy.

Prepared Elena Gordey, "MV".
Published on March 14, 2013 in the Medical Bulletin newspaper, No. 11 for 2013.

Modern therapeutic techniques make it possible to effectively eliminate diseases of almost any organs and systems of the human body. For nervous system disorders varying degrees severity and etiology, including in young children, the doctor recommends transcranial micropolarization. What is this? How is the brain micropolarization procedure performed for children? How effective is TCM? What are the indications and contraindications for the therapeutic course? Let's figure it out together.

Brain micropolarization procedure

The essence of the micropolarization method

The essence of the technique of transcranial micropolarization of the brain is that the patient’s brain is exposed to a weak direct current. Its strength does not exceed 1 mA. Thanks to the use of weak currents, micropolarization does not cause complications and does not provoke side effects. In addition, TCMP therapy is considered safe and can even be used to treat small children. Under the influence of current, the following processes occur:

  • activation of functional reserves of the brain;
  • restoration of regulation of a number of functions;
  • improving the interaction of individual brain structures and its cells;
  • change functional state neurons.

Indications for performing the CNS stimulation technique

Micropolarization of the brain in children is considered one of the most effective therapeutic techniques used for delayed speech development, motor dysfunction, and behavioral disorders.

For autism, Down syndrome, mental retardation, serious illnesses mental or genetic nature, the use of therapy in most cases is considered inappropriate. However, doctors recommend taking micropolarization courses for the possibility of a shift (even if small) in a positive direction.

The list of indications for brain micropolarization includes:

  • mental retardation of the first or mild degree;
  • asthenia;
  • tension headache;
  • traumatic brain injuries, including their consequences;
  • visual impairment;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • neuroinfectious pathologies;
  • depression;
  • panic fear;
  • encoporesis of psychogenic etiology;
  • enuresis;
  • excessive childhood aggression;
  • disorders of a neurosis-like, neurotic, psycho-emotional, psychosomatic nature;
  • hyperactivity;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • dysfunction of the speech apparatus;
  • children's cerebral paralysis various shapes and severity;
  • inhibited neuropsychic development.

How does micropolarization occur?

Subspecialists who monitor his condition can refer a small patient for transcranial micropolarization of the brain. A referral can be given by a speech therapist, psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist or physiotherapist.

Many specialists in the field of child neurology, psychiatry and speech therapy prefer transcranial micropolarization

Before a course of micropolarization of the brain, the baby will need to undergo a medical examination to exclude the presence of contraindications, as well as to record the initial state. The latter will be required to track dynamics during therapy. This way you can understand how effective the stimulation is.

Usually a course of transcranial micropolarization is prescribed, consisting of 8-12 procedures, each of which lasts no more than 50 minutes. A special cap with electrodes is placed on the child’s head; the latter are attached to the areas required for treatment with the reverse side. Therapeutic manipulations are carried out on an outpatient basis. In order to get a visible and lasting effect, it is recommended to repeat the course 12-24 weeks after the end of the first.

Parents should take into account that during the treatment the little patient should not make sudden movements or twist a lot - this can lead to displacement of the electrodes, and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

In many clinics, a computer is placed next to the equipment, on which the child can play or watch his favorite movie during treatment. If such a service is in medical institution is not provided, then parents need to take with them an interesting book or tablet computer to keep the baby occupied during therapy.

Efficacy for treating diseases

Transcranial micropolarization is considered one of the most effective methods therapy for nervous system disorders. It is safe and can be used in the treatment of diseases in patients of any age.

It is important to understand that the procedure has a different effect on different patients - for some, the therapy eliminates the physiological causes of the disease, for others it only helps to increase socialization and learning ability. Therapy is prescribed in courses, but the effect is noted after the first stimulation procedure. Of course, it is difficult to notice changes with the naked eye, but they are clearly visible on the control encephalogram.

Treatment allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. the functioning of the pelvic organs is normalized;
  2. are being restored motor functions upper and lower extremities;
  3. hearing and vision improve;
  4. mental activity increases;
  5. the functioning of the speech apparatus is normalized;
  6. impaired psychological functions are restored.

Contraindications for the procedure

Micropolarization of the brain is considered a safe procedure, however, there are categories of small patients who are not recommended to undergo it.

Micropolarization is allowed to be carried out if there is no disruption of integrity at the places where the electrodes are applied skin and excessive pigmentation

Therapy should not be administered to children with hypersensitivity to electric current, since the essence of micropolarization lies in the application of precisely this physical phenomenon. Contraindications also include:

  • stenosis of congenital etiology;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • the presence of a rash or excessive pigmentation at the sites where the electrodes are applied;
  • in case of violations of the integrity of the skin on the head;
  • any heart disease;
  • malignant tumors in the brain;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage, accompanied by fever;
  • acute inflammatory diseases.

The brain and nervous system as a whole - complex structure human body. Continuous impulses from neurons control the functioning of all organ systems, human behavior, perform unconscious functions (breathing and digestion), allow the perception of various sensations (pain, temperature, etc.) and predict actions and actions.

There are a lot of pathologies and diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), and they often prevent a person from leading a normal life. For treatment neurological diseases Doctors use a range of methods, from medications and physical therapy to surgery.The technique of micropolarization of the brain is still considered controversial, despite the positive healing effect. What is the procedure? What are the indications and contraindications?

How transcranial micropolarization works

The essence of micropolarization is to stimulate the affected neurons and restore their normal functioning using direct current of minimum frequency. The prefix “micro” denotes microcurrent, its intensity is approximately 100 μA (for comparison, in other aggressive procedures a current of 1 mA is used). “Polarization” is the electrical process of stimulating the cell membranes of the brain.

Over the course of many years of research, scientists have discovered that microcurrent of such power has a beneficial effect on brain cells, restores and corrects their functions. The minimum frequency of the current imitates the intensity of natural impulses that occur every second in the brain, which makes the procedure as safe as possible.

There are two types of micropolarization - transcranial (brain stimulation) and transvertebral (impact on different segments of the spinal cord). Transcranial micropolarization (TCMP) is used to treat children with various neurological disorders.

During the procedure, a special helmet with attached electrodes is placed on the child's head. The placement of the electrodes is highly individual and depends on the diagnosis and location of the affected area of ​​the brain. The technique allows for systemic and local (point) impact on a specific area.

Micropolarization of the brain in children helps to completely restore normal reactions of the nervous system (motor, speech, mental functions) and improves metabolic processes in cells.

During the session, the child can talk, draw, read, watch TV or do puzzles. The procedure is completely painless and lasts about 1 hour. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor (neurologist or psychologist). On average, for a positive result you need to conduct 2 courses per year, 10 sessions each.

What are the indications for the procedure?

Before starting therapy, the child undergoes a thorough medical examination. In addition, parents should mentally prepare their child for the upcoming treatment - this will relieve him of unnecessary stress, anxiety and fear.

Indications for TCMP:

The method is truly universal. It can be applied in various fields and for various diagnoses. Treatment is allowed for both children and adults.

Who is prohibited from undergoing treatment?

The nervous system is a rather fragile structure, so various interventions in its functioning must be taken seriously. There are a number of diseases for which the procedure must be abandoned.

Contraindications to TCMP:

  • malignant brain tumors (oncology);
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious and colds With high temperature(in this case you need to wait for recovery);
  • wounds or unhealed stitches on the scalp;
  • skin pigmentation, rashes, any neoplasms in the places where the electrodes will be attached;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the skull (after injuries or operations);
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the effects of electric current.

Micropolarization is a rather soft and gentle procedure. That is why, in case of severe mental or genetic disorders, it may not give the desired results. In this case, it is more advisable to use more aggressive therapy.

Severe forms of diseases are not a contraindication to treatment, but it is necessary to understand that therapy may be ineffective.

However, if other techniques are not effective, doctors use micropolarization - minimal results are better than no results at all.

Features of TCMP

TCM causes a lot of controversy and controversy. Electric shock treatment comes as a shock to many parents. Some believe that electrodes can literally “fry the brains” of a child, but this is not so, and the safety of the procedure has been fully confirmed.

To date, the technique has not found widespread use in the world. Until now, the procedure is undergoing various tests and studies, and a complete database of results is formed for each diagnosis.

As for the results of treatment of children, they are quite satisfactory:

  • after therapy there is an improvement in memory and thinking;
  • psychological and emotional disorders decrease or completely disappear, sleep normalizes;
  • children become more sociable, active, depressive views on life change to positive emotions, and interest in the world around them appears;
  • positive effect of treatment of various developmental delays - the child’s speech becomes meaningful and clear, motor activity improves (we recommend reading: how is speech delay diagnosed and treated in children 2-3 years old?).

The first results of treatment are observed much earlier than with other types of therapy.

Data for children with autism and Down syndrome are conflicting. Scientists have not yet been able to study and identify all the features and details of the functioning of the brain of such patients. In most cases, the effect of TCMP was minimal or absent. But the fact has been reliably confirmed that microcurrent did not worsen the condition of any of the patients.