We present to your attention a visual test that is used by American visual psychologists to determine a person’s personality type.

Everything is very simple, you just need to select one of the proposed pictures and read the description for it. If you consider the proposed description to be incorrect in relation to yourself or less than 70% correct, then you should take another look at the pictures, because it is quite possible that you were distracted or did not think well enough.

Picture 1
Relaxed, cheerful, cheerful

You enjoy a free life, full of spontaneity. Every day you strive to live it to the maximum and enjoy every moment. Your internal motto: “You only live once.”
You are curious and open to new things, no matter what it is. You develop most quickly when the world around you changes and you change with it. There is nothing worse for you than when you run out of energy and can no longer rush forward towards change. You are frightened by any shackles and prohibitions; you hate it when they give you advice and teach you what to do if you didn’t ask for it. You get a diverse experience anytime, anywhere, no matter what you do. You love surprises.

Picture 2
Independent, extraordinary, unconventional

You require unlimited freedom because your main need is to express yourself the way you want, in your own unique way. You approach all the challenges that life throws at you from a position of creative adaptation. You are creative both at work and during periods of doing nothing.
Your desire for freedom and independence often manifests itself in the fact that you do something contrary to the expectations of others - just so as not to swim in a channel not laid by you. You are an individualist. You value expressions of personality, whatever they may be, and never blindly follow someone else's example. Everything that comes into your hands, you meticulously check to see if it is necessary for you. You live in accordance with your own ideas about morality and the rules of life, even if it means going against the opinions of those closest to you.

Picture 3
Introspective, sensitive, thoughtful

You are more likely than others to face intense struggles, whether it be with people, the system, or yourself. You can't stand superficiality and would rather be alone than make small talk about anything. You are one of the best friends to everyone you trust. You form close relationships over many years, and it is these relationships that keep you going when the world turns against you.
To exist you need inner harmony, and very few people can give it to you; most often, only you yourself can provide yourself with a feeling of the correctness of life. You rarely get bored alone with yourself; you can be called a self-sufficient person.

Picture 4
Firmly grounded, balanced, harmonious

Your main value is naturalness and genuineness. You cannot stand anything artificial, deliberate, pretentious. You like simple lines and shapes, simple and easy communication. People feel at ease with you; you inspire people’s admiration for how firmly you stand on the ground and how soberly you look at life. People can rely on you, and you never waste your words and know how to take responsibility for your actions.
You give your loved ones a sense of security and enough space so that they do not feel tied down or abandoned. You generously give warmth and humanity. You can't stand tinsel and unbearable sparkle, adhering to the belief that not everything that catches your eye is gold. You disdain everything trendy, but you respect restrained and strict elegance in clothing and behavior.

Picture 5
Professional, pragmatic, confident

Responsibility for your life lies only with you, and you believe that this is the only way it should be. You do not rely on luck and lucky chance, but prefer to achieve success and happiness on your own. You solve all problems from a position of practicality and in a way that does not complicate what is already there. difficult life neither to yourself nor to others.
You are a realist who will not doubt the decision made, even if you hesitated for a long time between two options. It is easy for you to take on big and responsible work, because sooner or later you will do it, and everyone can be sure that a better candidate for the job will not be found. You are confident in yourself and share this confidence with others. You won't be completely satisfied if you haven't implemented your ideas exactly the way you wanted.

Picture 6
Peaceful, non-aggressive, prudent

You are easy to get along with because most of all you value peace between people, believing that the main human treasure is relationships. You make friends easily, although you leave room for independence and privacy. From time to time you need to be alone to sort out your thoughts and listen to your desires. You are not averse to thinking about the meaning of life and speculating philosophically on various topics. You enjoy loving yourself because by treating yourself with kindness and forgiveness, you learn to build trusting relationships with others. You live in peace and harmony with yourself and the world, value beauty and fidelity. While you may well spend a lot of time alone, you are not a loner. You're just whole enough not to rely on others as crutches.

Confident, reliable, analytical

Your ability to understand other people is your greatest strength. Do you like to surround yourself unique people, because from everyone you learn what you don’t know yet. Culture in its broadest sense plays a huge role in your life. You not only look for your personal style of clothing, behavior, thoughts, but also think about how much and how it relates to world culture. You are quite tolerant and are able to take something from worlds alien to you that helps you develop.

Picture 8
Dreamy, romantic, emotional

You are extremely sensitive and vulnerable. You flatly refuse to subordinate your life to rational principles and prefer to soar in the clouds because you feel good there. Your feelings are the most important thing to you. You believe that in life there must be a dream, and when it comes true, you need to find a new one.
You are not close to people who are too realistic about life. To those who try to impose their feelings on you or tell you how you feel, you refuse communication.

Picture 9
Dynamic, active, people-oriented

You know how and love to take risks and will never give up thrills (whatever they may be) in favor of complete stability and predictability. Anything that is written out in advance step by step will quickly bore you. Routine paralyzes you and deprives you of the desire to live.
You love to be at the very epicenter of events and play not the last (preferably the first) role in everything that happens. You believe your opinions are correct, but still know how to admit your mistakes. Your behavior cannot be predicted because you yourself may not know what you will do in half an hour.

Choose the one that suits you best and suits your clothing style.

Character test results by clothing

1. Eternal romantic. You idealize those around you, attributing to them positive character traits, trying not to notice evil. A sensitive and kind person, you know how to live in harmony with the world. People love and are drawn to you. After all, you will never commit actions that go against your conscience.

2. “Dressed to the nines”- this is a statement about you. Even in the most awkward situation, you try to look your best. Clothing style and character form a single whole. Your clothes completely correspond to your inner self. You also strive to idealize your life, not telling anyone about your failures.

3. Mysterious stranger. If a person’s character is often quite easy to determine by his clothes, then you are the complete opposite case. Your whole life is shrouded in mystery. No one can fully understand you, not even your closest and dearest people. You can expect anything from you, you are capable of anything, you can break any boundaries.

4. Prom Queen. You feed off the attention of others and cannot live without praise. Being the center of attention is a common thing for you; you don’t recognize anything else. You know how to convince a person to do what you want. You do not allow criticism to be directed at you. After all, you are confident in your perfection, and no one can convince you otherwise.

5. Keeper of the hearth. Family is your everything. For the sake of your loved ones, you are ready to perform selfless acts. The choose a dress test characterizes you as a very kind and open person. Selfishness in any form is not characteristic of you. Often forgetting about your desires, you devote your whole life to your family. You can help even a complete stranger without demanding anything in return.

Good morning, country. Did you know that clothes can tell us a lot about a person? It is believed that style, govo talks about character. Test p will help you determine what type of person you are.

1. Do you try to buy yourself some clothes for each season, even if it is not necessary?

2.What fabrics do you prefer?

Plain - 3 points; Printed - 2 points; You do not have a specific preference for one or the other - 0 points.

3. What style do you choose for yourself?

Classic - 0 points; Sports - 3 points; The one that is fashionable - 5 points; Fashionable - 7 points.

4. Do you have the courage to be among the first to wear the most extravagant, trendy things?

Yes - 5 points; Depending on the circumstances - 3 points; No - 0 points.

5.Do you prefer bold color combinations?

Yes - 5 points; Occasionally - 3 points; No - 1 point.

6. Do you like to wear:

Sports blouses - 3 points; English costumes - 2 points; Tailored skirts - 1 point.

7.What style of hat do you prefer?

With wide brims - 7 points; “turban” type - 4 points; Without margins - 2 points; You don't wear a hat at all - 0 points.

8. Which bags do you like best?

Sports with a belt - 4 points; Resembling a chest in shape - 3 points; “Envelopes” - 2 points; Any that are in fashion - 0 points.

9. Do you like high heels?

Yes - 3 points; No - 0 points.

10. Is there at least one thing in your wardrobe that you made with your own hands?

Yes - 3 points; No - 0 points.

11. What is your favorite loungewear?

Long skirt with a blouse or jumper - 5 points; Pants with a sweater - 3 points; You just wear out old things - 2 points.

12. What kind of jewelry do you prefer?

Beads - 7 points; Brooches - 5 points; Pendants - 3 points; Simple chains - 1 point.

13. What are your favorite fabric patterns?

Flowers - 7 points; Peas - 5 points; Stripes - 3 points; Geometric pattern - 1 point; Do you prefer smooth, non-padded materials - 0 points.


5 - 11 points: you are a prudent person, you value peace and stability, do not rush to reveal your soul, although you are always polite and friendly with others. You have a hard time making acquaintances, but if someone wins your favor, it will last for a long time. You are a good housewife and demanding of children. In your activities, you are distinguished by diligence.

12 - 22 points: your character is contradictory, without any particular reason you move from joy to sadness, from a gloomy mood to unbridled joy. You like to live in constant motion, often changing your views. What others don't always like. In your activities, you are distinguished by your speed and ingenuity, but such periods are replaced by days of apathy and inaction.

23 - 37 points: you are close to the “golden mean”, you are at ease with others, and they are at ease with you. You are friendly, have good self-control, but, if necessary, are capable of a violent reaction. You manage to gain the trust of even those who were hostile to you at first. You do a good job of fulfilling your responsibilities. Your home is a calm haven for your friends.

38 points or more: try to maintain the youth of soul that is characteristic of you at any age. You light up easily and go out just as easily. You are too impressionable and do not know how to hide your feelings. All this creates difficulties in communicating with others, which complicates life for both them and you.

Follow on

When choosing dresses for herself, a woman is guided not only by fashion trends, but also subconsciously strives to choose a thing that harmoniously combines with her inner world. If the dress is chosen correctly, they often say: “the thing was made for it.” This means that the dress completely conveys the inner state of a woman, complementing and decorating her. It’s very easy to recognize your character by clothing with the help of a dress.

How can you determine a person's character by their clothes? Below are photos of dresses in several styles. Choose the one that suits you best and suits your clothing style.

Character test results by clothing

1. Eternal romantic. You idealize those around you, attributing to them positive character traits, trying not to notice evil. A sensitive and kind person, you know how to live in harmony with the world. People love and are drawn to you. After all, you will never commit actions that go against your conscience.

2. “Dressed to the nines”- this is a statement about you. Even in the most awkward situation, you try to look your best. Clothing style and character form a single whole. Your clothes completely correspond to your inner self. You also strive to idealize your life, not telling anyone about your failures.

3. Mysterious stranger. If a person’s character is often quite easy to determine by his clothes, then you are the complete opposite case. Your whole life is shrouded in mystery. No one can fully understand you, not even your closest and dearest people. You can expect anything from you, you are capable of anything, you can break any boundaries.

4. Prom Queen. You feed off the attention of others and cannot live without praise. Being the center of attention is a common thing for you; you don’t recognize anything else. You know how to convince a person to do what you want. You do not allow criticism to be directed at you. After all, you are confident in your perfection, and no one can convince you otherwise.

5. Keeper of the hearth. Family is your everything. For the sake of your loved ones, you are ready to perform selfless acts. The choose a dress test characterizes you as a very kind and open person. Selfishness in any form is not characteristic of you. Often forgetting about your desires, you devote your whole life to your family. You can help even a complete stranger without demanding anything in return.

Well, do you agree with your result? Share this test with your friends!

Everyone has their own individual taste. Dressing style is a way to show your personality. But when choosing this or that sweater, jeans and similar clothes, people do not think specifically about how this item fits their personality. They choose clothes that they like. No more is needed. After all, it is favorite things that characterize a person’s individuality.

Eat good proverb, which says that people are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their minds. This means that you can learn a lot about a person only by thoroughly talking to him, but the first opinion is also very truthful. If you look closely at the wardrobe stranger, then you can learn interesting things about him without words. All you need is the care and knowledge presented in this article. There are 6 personality types that can be recognized by their appearance.

Perfect Charm

When you see a person dressed in carefully ironed clothes, without any stains, without protruding ends of the shirt from under the belt and with an impeccable hairstyle, you have met a perfectionist. Such people watch not only general view, but also for the smallest details in everything. They strive for ideals and expect the same from others.

Perfectionists make a lot of efforts to become similar to the image of the ideal. They are valuable workers, responsible husbands and wives, devoted friends. It is very difficult to earn the praise of such a person, but if this happens, then it is worth a lot. Perfectionists love to give advice because they want people in the world to be perfect too. Sometimes such moralizing seems to be the negative side of arrogance or pride. In fact, the intentions of perfectionists do not carry with them condemnation, but true hope for a better world.

Such people will certainly keep their promise, but if they have been betrayed, forgiveness will have to be earned through hard work. Dealing with perfectionists may seem difficult at first glance, but by getting to know them better, you can gain best friend or partner in life.


People who prefer the same tones in clothes, similarities in everyday and festive outfits, do not strive for diversity not only in fashion, but also in life. They are conservative in everything. A stable job and a reliable family are their happiness. In turn, such people are responsible and know how to set realistic goals and then achieve them. Surprises will not be the best gift for them. Conservatives don't expect undeserved attention or miracles. They rely on their own strength and must be confident in the environment they have chosen for themselves.

Communication with such people will seem moderate and monotonous. But, at the same time, they can have a huge amount of knowledge and be very fascinating people. Changes in life can frighten them, but conservatives have all the resources to overcome difficulties.


People dressed according to the latest fashion trends belong to this type. They are easily recognized by their fashionable style, which changes every day. They are used to diversity, but this does not mean that they like it. Such people crave recognition from others. The thoughts of even strangers passing by are very important to them. Fashionistas strive to stand out from the crowd. But it often happens that they themselves lose their individuality.

Following other people's opinions and public ideas about beauty, such people forget the main thing - their own uniqueness. It is difficult for them to remain themselves and communicate even with their loved ones.

Creative personality

People belonging to this type are a bright highlight of society. They are characterized by an insane variety in their choice of clothing. Today they can wear all black, and tomorrow they can walk around in rose-colored glasses, like hippies. These people are free and express their dislike for rules and boundaries everywhere. They, as a rule, adore their work, which is not the case for everyone. Creative personalities are known in the following:

  • unusual, varied clothing choices every day;
  • passion for experimentation;
  • the desire to always be aware of the latest news;
  • sociability and cheerfulness;
  • lability to changes in life.

Sometimes these people face difficulties in finding themselves. They find it difficult to attribute their identity to one culture, race or religion. They are constantly moving towards adventure.

Always sexy

This personality type is especially characteristic of women. But, in modern society, you can see quite a few men choosing to express themselves sexually through their clothing choices. Ladies who wear short skirts and high heels really look great. But, if this style is permanent and wearing low shoes is considered unacceptable, then self-doubt is hidden behind the clothes. Such people seek praise and admiration from others, but never find these things within themselves.

By appearance, this type of personality tries to earn recognition and respect. But it can be very difficult for them to have sincere conversations. They are withdrawn and have forgotten how to use their feelings to find a common language with others.

Without standing out from the crowd

People who are used to wearing gray or dull colors of clothing do not crave to be detected in a crowd. They hide deliberately and prefer to remain invisible. The style of their clothes is always the same and there is nothing special about them. These people are insecure and unsure of themselves.

Communication with such people is difficult because it is difficult for them to open up. Awkward pauses and bewilderment are inherent in a conversation with this type. But it is important to understand that behind the gray appearance there is individuality with all its diversity, you just have to find the right approach.

Thus, when meeting someone by their clothes, you can understand who you will have to deal with in the future. This knowledge will help you find a common language with strangers and get to know them better.