A baby of any age can get sick with an acute respiratory viral infection or other inflammatory disease accompanied by febrile syndrome. In such cases, it is necessary to bring down the body temperature in a timely manner so that hyperthermia does not harm the health of the crumbs.

How does the drug affect the child's body

Paracetamol is one of the oldest and well-studied antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol for children is a safe and reliable antipyretic, which also has moderate anti-inflammatory activity and analgesic properties. The drug inhibits the activity of the thermoregulation center and the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, acting mainly at the level of the central nervous system. Compared to other antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs, it has the following advantages:

  • application is possible with early age(during the first three months of life, treatment with the drug only as directed and under the supervision of a pediatrician);
  • has low toxicity;
  • does not have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • does not affect the metabolism and blood system;
  • has a variety of forms of release and is easy to use;
  • the effect of the reception manifests itself quickly enough, after 1-1.5 hours.

Despite the high safety and efficacy medicinal product, Paracetamol should be given to a child only if there are medical indications, strictly observing all the rules for admission specified in the instructions.

How to use the drug in childhood

When treating any medication, it is very important to observe the correct dosage. Exceeding the dose of the drug can lead to serious complications and too low doses have no therapeutic effect. The dose of Paracetamol for children depends not only on age, but also on the weight of the crumbs. The standard single dose of medicine for a child is 10-15 mg per 1 kg of weight. For a day, you can give the crumbs no more than 60 mg / kg of the drug, breaking this amount into 4 or 5 doses. How much paracetamol is given in the first 3 months of life, the doctor decides only after examining the child.

See also: overdose and side effects of Paracetamol

If you have any difficulties with self-calculation of the dose, then carefully study the instructions, which provide detailed information depending on the form of release of the drug. It is recommended to give Paracetamol to children at a body temperature above 38-38.5 degrees. At lower rates, the drug can be given if the baby had a history of febrile convulsions or there is a severe concomitant disease. The effect after taking will appear within 60-90 minutes, the temperature will normalize and the symptoms of general intoxication will go away.

Reception features

Paracetamol tablets should be given 1-1.5 hours after a meal, the tablet must be washed down with plenty of water. For the smallest, the medicine is available in the form of suppositories, syrup or suspension. Rectal suppositories are best used at night, as the effect of their use is slower, but longer lasting. Do not give antipyretics for more than 3 days to children under 6 years of age and more than 5 days for children over 6 years of age. Paracetamol can only be used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in combination with other drugs that will affect the cause of its occurrence.

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Anna Moschovis is a family doctor.

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» What and how to give

Paracetamol for children

A hot forehead, fever, an inflamed look, weakness and lack of appetite - the mother will immediately determine the temperature of her beloved child. And if the thermometer shows above 38.5 ° C, it must be knocked down. Most often, adults in such a situation turn to paracetamol, the most popular remedy for reducing fever. But can paracetamol be given to children? After all, the choice of medicines for babies must be approached with special care so as not to harm their fragile health.

Paracetamol for a child - yes or no?

Among pediatricians, there is a conflicting opinion about the permission of paracetamol for children. For a long time, this drug was considered absolutely safe. However, recent studies have revealed that paracetamol has side effects. When it is taken, the children's liver suffers first of all. The use of fever-lowering medication in children under two years of age sometimes results in mild form asthma. In some cases, an overdose of paracetamol can be fatal.

Despite this, the drug is recommended by WHO as the most suitable for reducing fever in children. Paracetamol is an antipyretic and analgesic, that is, its action is based on the elimination of the symptoms of the disease. And for children prone to seizures due to temperature, taking paracetamol is a must. Also, this remedy is considered the most effective in reducing fever, it acts very quickly.

How to give children paracetamol?

If you do decide to give your child paracetamol, consider:

  1. The temperature is close to the division of 39 ° C. The fact is that the temperature helps the body fight the disease. By lowering the fever, you delay recovery. This rule does not apply to infants: antipyretic should be given already at a temperature of 38 ° C.
  2. Do not use the drug for more than three days. If the temperature does not drop, consult a doctor - a bacterial infection is possible.
  3. Do not use paracetamol in the first 2 months of a baby's life.
  4. Do not give antipyretics for prevention, pain relief, or in the absence of fever.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, suppositories, syrup and suspension. Most often, paracetamol suppositories are used for infants. They are allowed from 3 months of age. Candles are used after a bowel movement. Another form of paracetamol for children - syrup - is allowed from 6 months. The required amount can be diluted with water or tea. As for paracetamol for children in tablets, it is usually not prescribed until the age of six. The tablet must be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water. The existing form of paracetamol for children - suspension - has a pleasant taste and is allowed from 3 months, but in some cases the pediatrician may prescribe from 1 month.

How much to give paracetamol to a child?

The dose of paracetamol for children depends on age and weight. At one time, about 10-15 mg of the substance is given per 1 kg of the weight of a child aged 2 months to 15 years. The daily dose of paracetamol for children usually does not exceed 60 mg per kilogram of body weight. The drug begins to act 30 minutes after ingestion, in rare cases after an hour. It is necessary to lower the temperature with paracetamol no more than 4 times a day every 6 hours. Taking the medicine at a shorter interval can lead to an overdose. Closely monitor the condition of the child after taking the antipyretic. If your baby sweats, turns pale, or vomits, call immediately. ambulance. It's most likely an overdose. If an allergy to paracetamol occurs in children, this medicine should be replaced with drugs with ibuprofen. This antipyretic is contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood, diabetes.

Reducing the temperature of adult paracetamol in children is unacceptable - it is quite difficult to calculate the required dose and break off the pill, a mistake is fraught with an overdose. But in extreme situations, you should consult a doctor by phone.

Paracetamol tablets for children with high fever

With the development of colds, the first sign in children is an increase in temperature. If at elevated temperatures pediatricians forbid giving children antipyretics, then with a thermometer reading above 39 degrees, you should definitely resort to the help of medications. One of the most effective ways fever is a medicine called paracetamol. Is it possible for children to give Paracetamol in tablets, from what age it should be used, as well as the features of dosing the drug, we will find out further.

Dosage of paracetamol tablets

Paracetamol against temperature is available in three forms: tablets, syrup and rectal suppositories. All forms of release of the drug are intended to reduce high temperatures. Paracetamol should be given to a child in certain forms of release, depending on his age.

The main advantage of the drug in the form of tablets is its low cost, especially when compared with syrups. Many parents resort to the help of medication in tablets only when the baby is 5 years old. It is at this age that the baby can swallow the pill so that it does not get stuck in the throat. Some parents are in no hurry to resort to using the drug in tablets, and give it from the age of 6.

Instructions for use indicate that children can be given the drug in the form of tablets at 2 years of age and older. However, it is important to note that at 2-3 years it is preferable to give syrup to babies, and up to 2 years it is best to use rectal suppositories. It is possible to take Paracetamol in the form of tablets for small children at a temperature, but at the same time, the tablet should initially be crushed, and then given to drink with sweetened water.

It is important to know! At high temperature Children Paracetamol can be given no more than 4 times a day. The break between subsequent doses should be 4-6 hours. The duration of therapy should not exceed 3 days.

How to give Paracetamol tablets to children depends on their age and weight. Paracetamol at a temperature for children should be calculated based on the following dosage: 10 mg of the drug is required per 1 kg of body weight of a baby. For a baby weighing 10 kg, 100 mg of the drug will be required.

Interesting to know! The drug allows you to bring down the temperature in a child about 25-30 minutes after ingestion.

Dosage of Paracetamol 200mg tablets

Is it possible to give Paracetamol to children, we have already found out. It is only worth noting that if a child of 5-6 years old cannot swallow the pill whole, it should be divided into parts or crushed into powder. Giving infants a remedy in the form of tablets is not recommended, so it is better to resort to rectal suppositories.

The drug Paracetamol 200 mg is very popular. Tablets are quickly absorbed by the body, so after 30 minutes there is a positive effect from its use. In addition, the tablets do not contain flavors and dyes that can harm the baby when taken orally. You can not only bring down the temperature with the drug, but also reduce pain symptoms with toothaches, headaches, neuralgia and osteochondrosis. How to bring down the temperature with the help of the drug in question, we will find out in more detail.

  • It is not recommended to give antipyretic tablets to children under two or three years of age. Moreover, if the doctor has prescribed the use of the drug for the baby in this form, then you can resort to such treatment.
  • Children under the age of five or six years can be given medicine in the form of tablets, but only at a dosage of 100 mg. Paracetamol to a child at this age can be given no more than 2 times a day.
  • Children under the age of 12 years are given the drug at a dosage of 200 mg. The dosage of Paracetamol depends primarily on weight, so before giving the medicine to the baby, you need to read the instructions.
  • Children older than 12 years old can be given Paracetamol at a dosage of 500 mg.

The instructions indicate that children under 12 years of age can be given tablets with a dosage of 500 mg, but the dose should be correctly calculated. It is also important to note the fact that before giving the medicine at a temperature of 38 and above, you should consult a specialist. The local or attending physician will tell you how to take, how much the drug is needed, as well as how often it can be used.

It is important to know! The baby needs to bring down the temperature if the thermometer shows a mark above 39 degrees. At the same time, an adult can begin to reduce fever if the mark exceeds a value of 39-39.5 degrees.

Is it possible for children to take medicine in tablets

Doctors say that children can drink pills if certain conditions are met.

  1. If the thermometer reading is above 38.5-39 degrees. For babies up to 3-4 years old, it is necessary to bring down the heat above 38-38.5 degrees.
  2. It is not worth rushing to bring down the heat below 38. With a thermometer reading above 38, you should initially try to apply folk method, for example, wiping with vinegar solution. If the fever continues to rise or lasts four hours or more after the parents have taken all the methods to reduce it, then this medicine can be given.
  3. Is it possible for a child to take Paracetamol, and in what dosage should it be used for high fever, toothache and weakness. It is not only possible to give, but also necessary. If the drug did not bring down the fever, but at the same time the pain during teething decreased, then it is necessary to consult a specialist or replace the medicine with Ibuprofen.

Paracetamol is an excellent tool in the fight against high fever in children of all ages. With age, the form of the drug can be changed, and the name of the drug can remain the same, but on one condition that the drug gives a positive effect.

Is drug overdose dangerous?

The instructions indicate that in case of an overdose of the drug, you should consult a doctor. We found out how to give Paracetamol to children, but why is an overdose of this drug so dangerous? In fact, Paracetamol is one of the safest antipyretic drugs. With a slight overdose, this will not affect the health of the baby, especially if the medicine is used in a single dosage.

It is important to know! Before using Paracetamol for children at a temperature in tablets, you should familiarize yourself with the dosage of the medicine, and then select it according to the weight of the baby.

Depending on the excess amount of the drug, the baby may experience side symptoms from an overdose. Excessive doses of the drug are given negative impact organs such as the kidneys and liver. Most often, with a regular overdose of the drug, liver damage develops, as well as hepatic coma.

Paracetamol overdose symptoms include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • stool problems;
  • occurrence of drowsiness.

Most dangerous sign overdose is intoxication. In this case, you must definitely contact the hospital for help. Therefore, the question of whether Paracetamol can be given to a child should be answered in such a way that the medicine is not only allowed, but also necessary if necessary. In order not to make a mistake with the dosage, you must carefully read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

Dosage of Paracetamol tablets for children at a temperature

The composition of the drug

Paracetamol in the blaster has White color, pills of flat-cylindrical shape. It is produced in two dosages. How many mg in one tablet? One unit contains 200 mg and 500 mg. The drug is released without a prescription, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. Additional composition of Paracetamol tablets:

  • potato starch;
  • lactose;
  • gelatin;
  • stearic acid.

The tablets do not dissolve in water, before giving the baby it is better to simply crush, give it to drink with plenty of water.

At what temperature is the medicine given, is it possible for children?

What helps Paracetamol? The drug is prescribed at a temperature not lower than 38 degrees, which appeared after various reasons(influenza, infection, virus, post-vaccination reaction).

Can I give paracetamol tablets to my child? Parents in the process of education are faced with diseases that cause fever. Before answering the question, let's study the effect of the drug on the children's body. The drug blocks the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is involved in the synthesis of archidonic acid, which causes an increase in temperature. Paracetamol quickly reduces the temperature, therefore it is in demand. The minimal occurrence of side effects allows you to give medication to children.

Important! From what age do they give the drug to children? IN official abstract(instruction for use) marked: the medicine is started to prescribe to children from 6 years .

However, doctors have developed their own scheme of application medication, following which the medication can be given even to newborn babies. The main thing is that the dose of Paracetamol for children in tablets should not be exceeded, especially if the patient is under two years old.

Dosage and scheme of application

Small children are prescribed Paracetamol 200 mg. When prescribing medication, doctors mainly look at the patient's weight. A single dosage of Paracetamol in tablets for children weighing 10 kg or more is ½ pill, which is released at 0.2 g.

Table: drug regimen

Consider the example of how to give medicine to children. For example, a 7-year-old child was prescribed to drink Paracetamol. This means that a single dose is approximately 200 mg, that is, 4 pills per day with a dosage of 200 mg.

How many Paracetamol tablets can I take per day? The amount is calculated based on the weight of the patient. The optimal single dose for children of two years of age is 100 mg, which means that ½ tablet is given at one time, which equals 100 mg x 4 \u003d 400 mg. A two-year-old child can be given 2 tablets per day.

How to take medicine? If the patient can swallow the pill, go ahead. If it cannot, it is necessary to crush, give the baby, quickly drink plenty of water. Very young children will have to dissolve with milk (water, juice), the medicine does not dissolve completely, grains remain. Therefore, it is better to pour the tablet into a tablespoon, add milk, give it to the baby. Repeat several times, you must drink all the contents in a spoonful of medicine.

Important! Temperatures below 38 degrees should not be brought down. The body must fight infection. How to take Paracetamol suspension, read the article.

How many tablets of paracetamol to drink at a temperature will tell the pediatrician, but be guided by table number 1, which contains the exact dosage in accordance with the age of the patient.

How quickly does an antipyretic help?

How long does the drug take to work? The effect of the drug occurs after 30 minutes. In some cases, the temperature begins to drop after an hour. Parents need to be patient. Komarovsky recommends that during this period, you can rub the child with a solution of vinegar and water, so the temperature will begin to fall faster.

How long does the active substance last? The time of action of the drug is from 4 to 6 hours. But sometimes the temperature can rise much faster, in this situation it is necessary to give the child a medication that lowers the fever with another active substance or call an ambulance for the doctor to give an intramuscular injection.

What happens if you take more pills than you should

Due to the hindsight of parents, many children find where the pills are hidden. Sometimes they even think of trying them. What happens if you drink 10 Paracetamol tablets at a time? The answer is known to all, of course, an overdose will occur. The active substance paracetamol is safe if the dosage is correctly calculated. Ten tablets is 2000 or 5000 mg of the active ingredient. Plus, keep in mind that they also contain additional substances that are unsafe for health in large quantities.

Important! The use of 10 tablets threatens toxic damage liver.

And the child may also have toxic hepatitis, which eventually turns into cirrhosis. The consequences of taking 10 tablets can be fatal for a child. As for the restoration of the liver after Paracetamol, you will have to undergo more than one course of treatment, which will include not only drugs, but also droppers, possibly even a blood transfusion.

As you can see, Paracetamol is dangerous for newborns, children school age and adolescents, if the dosage is not observed, especially when taking a large amount active substance. That is why pharmaceutical factories that produce medicines write in the instructions that the drug be stored out of the reach of children.

In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may appear: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, impaired renal function, pallor of the face, urticaria, skin rash(appears first on the cheeks), sharp pain in abdominal cavity, angioedema.

Medicine shelf life

The shelf life of Paracetamol tablets is 3 years from the date of issue. The date of manufacture must be indicated on the packaging. If you buy one plate, be sure to ask the pharmacist how much time is left before the expiration date, or better, ask them to show you the package from which they take the tablet plate. Not all pharmacies care about the health of patients, and many simply forget to look at the date of manufacture, not suspecting that they sold an expired drug to the patient.

The antipyretic drug is stored in a dry, dark room, the temperature of which should not be below 15 and above 25 degrees.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies in Russia

For the drug Paracetamol, the price in Russia may differ, depending on the place of purchase, the manufacturer and the dosage of the active substance. The cost of an antipyretic agent 500 mg No. 10, the manufacturer of which is Pharmstandard-Leksredstva JSC, is 6 rubles. Tablets 200 mg No. 10 cost from 2 to 6.20 rubles. Again, it all depends on the pharmacy and the manufacturer.

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A high temperature causes discomfort for absolutely everyone: malaise, aching muscles and joints, headaches. The child suffers all these symptoms much harder. He can't take long when his head hurts. This is the main reason for knowing how to reduce the temperature and reduce the suffering of the baby. Doctors give advice on the use of paracetamol as a cold medicine.

How much paracetamol can you give a child?

Children's Paracetamol for colds has several dosage forms:

  • candles;
  • pills;
  • syrup.

Absolutely all of them are similar in their effect on the body. But tablets are considered the cheapest analogue medicinal product.

If the child has a fever, then the suspension should be taken several times a day. But it is important to observe the correct interval between taking the medicine, it should not be less than 6 hours. Thus, it turns out that in a day you can bring down the temperature no more than 4 times.

The rate of medication used is calculated taking into account the weight of the child. For 1 kg of weight, 10 mg of a cold remedy falls. For example, if a child weighs 10 kg, then he should be given 100 mg of the drug. This is half the medicine. The temperature begins to decrease half an hour after taking the pill. During this time, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of a small patient.

Paracetamol tablets 200g

The drug "Paracetamol" at a dosage of 200 mg has recently become quite common. Its main property is the ability to be instantly absorbed into the blood and thereby lower the temperature. It is widely used not only against colds, but also as a drug for toothache, and it is also taken for neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

The rate of taking the medicine is determined by the age of the person. Children under the age of 3 years are not recommended to give such a drug. It is better to replace it with a similar drug, only in the form of a syrup. If it is not possible to purchase a liquid remedy, then you can dissolve the fourth part of the tablet in water and give the baby a drink. You can lower the temperature of babies in this way only once a day.

A child from 3 to 6 years old can already be given half a tablet. Between taking the drug, you should observe a clear period of time - 6 hours. It is advisable, if possible, not to give "Paracetamol" more than 2 times a day. Children in the age group from 6 to 12 years can already be given one tablet 4 times a day.

For adult patients, experts are allowed to take pills already 6 times a day every 4 hours.

Can a child be treated with paracetamol tablets?

Many mothers are wondering if it is possible to give Paracetamol tablets to a child. Doctors are sure that it is possible, but some recommendations should be followed:

  1. This medicine can be used to reduce body temperature, which exceeds 38 degrees.
  2. You don't need to take medication right away. You can try some traditional medicine.
  3. If the temperature does not decrease within 3-4 hours, then medicine should be given to the child.
  4. If a child, in addition to a high temperature, has a toothache or general malaise, then you can not wait these 4 hours, but give the drug immediately.

Paracetamol is a lifesaver for mothers whose children are sick. But we should not forget that he, like any drug, has its limitations:

  1. It is important to carefully study what is included in the preparation and find out if the baby is allergic to one or another component.
  2. Do not give paracetamol tablets to babies under 3 months old. It is better to replace it with a liquid syrup with antipyretic action.
  3. It is forbidden to give paracetamol to those children who suffer from disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. It is forbidden to use this drug for those who have diseases of the kidneys or rectum.

It is important to understand that in case of uncertainty in the correct choice of the drug, it would be better to consult with the doctors. Do not experiment on your child.

can i drink paracetamol breastfeeding

Danger of overdose

Any doctor will say with confidence that even a very slight overdose of drugs can have a negative effect on the human body. Now, if a baby is given a whole instead of the norm in a quarter of a tablet, then there is a possibility that the kidneys will be damaged, up to hepatic coma. Naturally, there are not dangerous symptoms overdose. For example, nausea, dizziness or vomiting. Less commonly, there may be pain in the abdomen in the navel, and there is also a violation of the stool.

A very common occurrence after taking the drug is drowsiness. This sign indicates that the body is fighting the disease, so all its forces are directed to this process.

The most dangerous consequence of an overdose of the drug is considered acute intoxication organism. This is the case when it is strictly forbidden to deal with the consequences of improper medication at home. You need to contact the experts immediately.

In addition to these main consequences of an overdose, there are several other less dangerous ones. adverse reactions body to receive the drug:

  1. Allergic reaction such as skin rash, itching or hives.
  2. There may be swelling and a decrease in the number of urges to go to the toilet.
  3. Slight dizziness, as well as unpleasant pain in the occipital region of the head. These symptoms are a signal to go to the clinic.
  4. Colic in the kidneys.
  5. Low blood pressure.
  6. Nephritis.

When the child has taken the medicine, he must be under constant supervision. This is necessary in order to control the body's reaction to the drug.

Tablets or syrup?

In the pharmacy, pharmacists provide a choice of "Paracetamol" in several dosage forms. Tablets are in great demand. Their most significant advantage is that they contain the substance in its natural form. But tablets are not entirely convenient to use for children under the age of 4 years. In order for the child to drink the medicine, the tablet must be crushed and dissolved in water.

It is for this reason that babies are recommended to buy syrup. It is tasty and does not cause difficulties when taken by a baby. The big disadvantage of this drug is that it contains a lot of additional chemicals, which reduces its effectiveness compared to the drug in a hard shell.

You can also buy candles that are inserted into the anus. The medicine immediately enters the intestines and has its effect on the body.

Compatibility with other medicines

Usually, when the temperature rises, other signs of a cold begin to appear. This is a cough, discharge from the nose, redness of the throat. This suggests that paracetamol alone is indispensable here. You should immediately find out if it can be combined with other drugs. This is important because paracetamol contains caffeine, the dose of which may increase when interacting with other drugs.

It goes well with paracetamol only No-shpa. Analgin can be drunk half an hour after taking paracetamol. It would be better if it was an injection.

Never give Paracetamol and Ibufen at the same time. They are anti-inflammatory drugs. Nurofen can be given as a pain reliever, 2 hours after paracetamol.

If the baby is allergic, then you can give Suprastin along with Paracetamol.

Paracetamol Benefits

What are the advantages of Paracetamol over other medicines? There are several of them:

  • lowers the temperature
  • removes inflammatory processes;
  • practically no side effects;
  • goes well with other medicines.

There is also another fairly weighty argument in favor of this drug. This is that it costs much less than other similar drugs. Paracetamol can be given to children.

Video: in what doses should antipyretics be given to children

Is it possible to treat children under one year old with paracetamol?

Paracetamol is a popular potent drug that is listed by the World Health Organization as one of the safest for children. For a long time, it was he who was recommended as the most effective antipyretic for infants under one year old. Today, the myth of the absolute safety of this drug has been debunked.

How does it work?

Paracetamol blocks the enzyme that is involved in the synthesis of acid (arachidonic), and its concentration in the body is manifested by fever. This drug does not have an antiviral effect (like ibuprofen). It should not be given to a child for prevention, used as a treatment for influenza or acute respiratory infections. Paracetamol can be used in cases where an infant has convulsions against a background of elevated temperature: the drug acts as quickly as possible - this is its advantage.

Paracetamol relieves pain. It affects the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for pain. After taking it, an improvement in the patient's condition is observed: the temperature quickly begins to decrease, the pain subsides. It can be given to a child in rare emergency cases, it is not suitable for long-term treatment.

About the dangerous effect on the child's body

At the stage of metabolism, paracetamol in the liver is transformed into toxic substances. They have a pronounced toxic effect on the baby's liver and his entire body. For this reason, it should only be given to a child in very rare cases. Prolonged use of this drug can cause liver dysfunction, affect the baby's kidneys in a negative way.

Recent studies by scientists have confirmed the effect of this drug on the brain. The studies were carried out on mice. In animals, paracetamol caused hyperactivity, worsened behavioral conditions, and impaired memory function.

The myth of the absolute safety of this drug was debunked. Instead, pediatricians are increasingly recommending ibuprofen-based formulations to children, especially those under one year of age. It has a longer antipyretic effect, has an antiviral effect, is less toxic, but is more difficult to perceive by the stomach (it cannot be given to a child on an empty stomach).


Paracetamol is available in tablets (more suitable for adults and children over 6 years old), syrup, suspension, there are suppositories for babies. The dosage of the drug for children is 15 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. The daily dose of the drug cannot exceed 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The action of the drug begins 30 minutes after taking it and stops after a maximum of 4 hours.

Important! Regardless of whether paracetamol is used in tablets, syrup, or suppositories are given to the child, the interval between doses cannot be less than 6 hours. If the temperature of the baby has risen during this time above 38.5 C, you can give ibuprofen. These drugs may be used to alternate between each other.

Signs of an overdose may include:

  • vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps (12-24 hours after ingestion)
  • liver dysfunction (within 48 hours)

If the drug does not begin to act, and the baby is covered with sweat, the breathing rhythm worsens, weakness and swelling appear, it is necessary to induce vomiting in him and immediately seek help from a medical institution.

An allergy to paracetamol can manifest itself in the form of skin rashes, itching and peeling of the skin. A strong overdose is fraught with the development of liver failure, and in the early stages - fainting and a sharp deterioration in the baby's condition.

Caution when treating a breast

For babies up to two months, this drug is contraindicated. It can be given to older children in case of urgent need (the dosage should not be exceeded). For infants, the suspension can be diluted in milk or an adapted mixture.

Do not offer this medicine to children with diabetes, diseases of the liver, kidneys and blood, with metabolic disorders.

Candles are better for babies. They are absorbed faster, so the effect comes faster. One ampoule contains 100 mg of the active substance, so small children can put part of it.

The suppository is gently inserted into the anus, it has a smooth gel-like texture, its insertion is usually not difficult. For a baby, the procedure is not painful, but unpleasant, so he can resist. When the candle is inserted, it is necessary to hold the baby's buttocks for a few seconds so that it does not fall out. Pediatricians recommend using this form of medication for children under three years of age.

Such candles must be stored in the refrigerator (up to 15C). They can be given to children after a preventive vaccination, in case of an increase in body temperature. As an antipyretic, you can give no longer than three days, an analgesic - five days.

It is more effective to put candles from the temperature after the baby has a bowel movement. Candles are more gentle remedies, so they can be placed in infants. If a child has paracetamol in the form of syrup or tablets provokes pain in the abdomen, discomfort (intolerance), you can use rectal suppositories as an effective alternative to these forms of therapeutic agent.

Analogue candles: cefekon, children's panadol, efferalgan

Paracetamol syrups often contain additional flavors: fruit, berry. Their children are more willing to agree to drink. These syrups contain an increased concentration of sugar, so you should not abuse them. The advantage of this form of the drug is that it does not provoke vomiting attacks, as is often the case with tablets and powders. It is convenient to adjust the dose of syrup with a special measuring cap or spoon with graduation, which are included with the bottle.

The shelf life of paracetamol-based medicines is two years. They cannot be used after this period. Store medicines away from sunlight at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer. You need to drink them with plenty of purified water; sweet juices and tea are not suitable for this purpose.

Paracetamol may be present in a child's first aid kit. It is necessary for children in emergency cases, when it is necessary to bring down the temperature or block the pain syndrome quickly. It is not suitable for the treatment of influenza or acute respiratory infections: the drug does not have an antiviral effect and can only be used in combination with other drugs (based on ibuprofen).

Last night, a runny nose began and by morning the temperature rose to 37.9. The doctor came and said that our teeth were being cut from above.
Diagnosis: SARS. Dentition? Accordingly, she wrote:

1 Drink
2 Viburkol
3 Nazivin against snot or adr-fur. drops
4 Oscilococcinum
5 Lower the temperature with paracetamol suppositories.
6 Candles 125mg paracetamol

Not applicable: 2.4. Drops chose nazivin.
Candles help very slowly - in an hour; by tonight the temperature had already risen to 39 and the candle was able to bring it down to 38.5 in an hour. Drinks water badly, but on breastfeeding. What volume of liquid is consumed cannot be tracked. To date, I have vomited twice, but I do not observe signs of dehydration.

The question is, is it possible to use Nurofen suppositories if paracetamol did not help, if so, how soon? Is it possible to combine them?

We are 12 months old, weight 9.6 kg, boy.

Read the FAQ about SARS.
A temperature drop to 38.5 is normal. Calculate the dose of paracetamol according to the weight of the child - a single dose should be 10-15 mg / kg.

The dose of paracetamol is insufficient. For your weight, an effective dose will be 150 mg (efferalgan suppositories).
It is considered effective to lower the temperature by a degree for 1-1.5 hours. The temperature will not drop to normal.
Paracetamol and Nurofen should not be combined. Either one drug or the other.

Is it possible to use syrup then? Or is it not as effective as candles? I read the FAQ, I don’t expect the child to have 36.6, I’m just worried about such a slow action of paracetamol. Now, at re t=38.7, is it necessary to reduce it if it does not bother him much (talking, laughing)?

Good evening, dear doctors.
As I wrote, on the 18th, there was t, on the 19th, wheezing began, our doctor came, said that we needed to call an ambulance and go to the hospital, which we did. They stayed in the hospital for 4 days.
Diagnosis: SARS, nasopharyngitis, moderate form. Complications: laryngotracheitis, stenosis of the larynx of 1-2 degrees, accompanying E Coli 0.6? Salmonella gr E.

Clinical Analysis blood
Hb 115
Er 4.4
Lec 10.4
Pal 1
Segm 72
Lim 24
Mon 3
ESR 27!

Urinalysis 22.10
Epit 2-3-4
Lake 0-1-2
Phosph salts 4

Sowing from the pharynx, nose for flora - pathogenic flora was not detected.

Treatment: IM cefotaxime 300 mg * 3 times a day
inhalations with dexamethasone, naphthyzinum, saline solution, mineral water, ambrohexal orally, nazivin nasally.
In the hospital there was vomiting after coughing up mucus, the doctor said it was normal.

Now, we are recovering at home with cefotaxime injections - 2 injections are left, on Monday we retake blood. I do inhalations every four hours, alternating min water with saline. I don't give Ambrohexal.
No temperature. She was 39 when she arrived at the hospital, she was knocked down by an injection, she did not rise again.

What worries me is that today there was vomiting twice, the first time the doctor came, she looked at her throat (half an hour before that, she had breakfast) - said the norm, because. snot on the larynx and they are annoying. And now, without much apparent reason, gave a piece of bread crumbs, he vomited, maybe he choked, but I didn’t hear him cough before that. Also had diarrhea. Could all this be a side effect of the antibiotic?
Is the child sufficiently examined? Because antibiotics treat elevated ESR.

half an hour ago there was vomiting again 🙁 after a while the child drank water, sucked on his chest, now he is sleeping (in the evening the child ate porridge, tried to put him to bed at 11, it didn’t work out, he was very active, gave breast, he vomited) called the control room, They said that most likely the sputum irritates and causes vomiting, is this possible? Called the doctor tomorrow.

You know, naomy, I only get swear when I read about this treatment. (
Read about the treatment of SARS and false croup in the FAQ please.

Dr.Nathalie thanks for responding, I read the FAQ, just when a child is choking, you act according to the doctor's recommendations, especially since there is no way to consult with the RMS in the hospital. I remembered for sure that ARVI and croup are not treated with antibiotics, but the doctor categorically stated to me that she prescribed them only because the blood is bad. ac:

bad blood.
This -
Clinical blood test
Hb 115
Er 4.4
Lec 10.4
Pal 1
Segm 72
Lim 24
Mon 3
ESR 27. viral infection, and not severe.

This -
viral infection, and not severe.

Well, what can I do ((((tomorrow is the last injection, I can not do it at most (((Three doctors unanimously told me what I needed and today the doctor came, said that what tests we have are terrible, I quote: you have blood bacterial truth, she also said that it was our atopic dermatitis and E. coli with salmonella that brought us to a false croup 😀

It's a pity for the little one, butt is like a colander (((

What about vomiting? Or through the Internet such case cannot be consulted?

You can't finish it.
most likely sputum irritates and causes vomiting, is it possible?
Such an option is quite possible. Although, as an option, a viral intestinal infection can also be considered - read about it in the FAQ.

Temperature in children

One of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatrician is a high temperature, it is also hyperthermia. In itself, it is not a disease, temperature is a symptom that occurs with many, most often infectious diseases. You should know that hyperthermia is a natural protective reaction of the body and helps the child fight the disease.

How to measure and what to count elevated temperature? elevated temperature modern medicine considers axillary temperature (measured in the armpit) above 37.5 C or rectal (measured in the rectum) temperature above 38.0 C. It is best to measure it with an ordinary mercury thermometer (electronic thermometers are often wrong by half a degree or more) for 5- 10 minutes* (less measurement time may affect accuracy). Do not forget to hold the child's hand, children tend to drop thermometers.

When should the temperature be reduced? In children older than 3 months, with satisfactory health, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in excess of 38.5 C. In children with febrile seizures history of children with severe cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as children under 3 months old, the criterion for reduction is a temperature above 38.0 C. At a temperature below the indicated figures, it should not be reduced.

When is it necessary to call a doctor? This issue should be considered in detail. (You can read about the differences between ambulance and pediatric ambulance here).

Immediate Seeking a doctor (call an ambulance) requires the following symptoms:
- there are signs of dehydration (sunken eyes, reduced number of urination or dry diapers, sunken fontanel in children under one year old, no tears when crying, dry mucous membranes in the mouth, dry tongue, severe drowsiness or arousal (more than usual), the appearance of an unpleasant specific odor from the mouth);
- occurrence of convulsions;
- the presence of a purple rash or bruising that appears on the eyes;
- changes in the state of consciousness - apathy, drowsiness, lack of response to attempts to wake the child;
- strong headache, uncontrollable by analgesics and antipyretics;
- incessant vomiting (more than 3-4 times);
- uncontrolled diarrhea (more than 3-4 times).

Urgent Seeing a doctor (calling a pediatric ambulance) requires the following:
- the age of the child is up to 1 year;
- inefficiency of antipyretic therapy;
- the possibility of dehydration (the above symptoms are not present, but you assume that the child does not consume enough fluid due to refusal to drink or vomiting);
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- rash;
- deterioration of the child's condition or the appearance of new symptoms.

How to lower the temperature yourself? Proceed according to the algorithm:
1. The child needs to be undressed, because. clothing prevents the evaporation of moisture from the body and self-cooling. With the appearance of chills, coldness of the hands and feet, complaints of cold, you can cover the child with a blanket.
2. Wipe baby with water room temperature(no water from the refrigerator, no vinegar, etc.!). Wiping (not rubbing, but wiping!) is necessary on the back, chest, abdomen and areas of large vessels (inguinal and axillary areas, popliteal and elbow folds); no need to wipe the arms below the elbows and legs below the knees. After rubbing, it is necessary to let the child dry (when moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin, the body cools).

If the child is shivering or has cold, pale skin, rubdown should be discarded.3. If items 1 and 2 are ineffective, give an antipyretic.

First line drug in children is paracetamol. it doesn't matter in what form - suspension, syrup, suppositories, etc. Give the child 15 milligrams per kilogram of weight, but not more than 500 mg (this is a single dose, daily - 60 mg / kg). Paracetamol can be given no more than once every 6 hours (thus, no more than 4 times a day).
Important: the medicine needs time to act, do not wait for the effect before 30-40 minutes after giving the medicine! During this period, you can continue to wipe, drink, etc.
Second line drug is ibuprofen(Nurofen, Ibufen). If the temperature rises in the period less than 6 hours after giving paracetamol or its ineffectiveness, give the child 10 milligrams of ibuprofen per kilogram of weight, but not more than 400 mg (this is also a single dose, daily 30 mg / kg). Ibuprofen can be given no more than once every 8 hours (no more than 3 times a day).
Alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen is effective, as often the temperature rises again before paracetamol can be given again. You can start with ibuprofen, then give paracetamol, it doesn't matter. If you have given both and the temperature still does not decrease, you can give analgin in candles (this is important) - 10 milligrams per kilogram of weight. Analgin should be given no more than 3 times a day.

The first lek-in (for example, ibuprofen) - we wait 30 minutes - we measure it, if t has not fallen below 38.5 and there is no clear downward trend, we give the second lek-in (once we gave ibuprofen, now we give paracetamol) - we wait 30 minutes - we measure, if it has not decreased again and there is no downward trend, we give analgin and call a doctor.

If antipyretic therapy is ineffective, call a children's ambulance. Never give aspirin to children!

Note: in no case should you strive for the doctor to come and give an injection. The doctor, of course, will come and give an injection, but you must understand that there is nothing good in an extra hole in a child's body. This is an extra risk of complications and an extra reason for a child to be afraid of doctors. Injection shown only with the ineffectiveness of oral (i.e., given by mouth) antipyretic therapy.

What else to do with the temperature?
1. Give your baby extra water. At high temperatures, fluid loss increases, so the amount of fluid consumed should be more than usual. Juices, compotes, water, everything that the child likes, the only thing is that it is undesirable to give tea.
2. If the child is over 1 year old, no need to insist on eating. Decreased appetite is physiological, the child does not feel well. Even if he does not eat all day, nothing bad will happen. However, refusal to eat in a child under 1 year old is a reason to call a children's ambulance.
3. Monitor the child's condition. When any anxiety symptoms reread the paragraph When should I call a doctor? and act accordingly.

An example of the calculation of antipyretic therapy:

The child weighs 18 kg.

Paracetamol: 15mg/kg * 18kg = 270mg.
If you have 2.4% syrup, this means that 1 ml contains 24 mg of paracetamol. We make a simple proportion:

1 ml - 24 mg
x ml - 270 mg x = 270/24 11 ml.

Ibuprofen: 10mg/kg * 18kg = 180mg.

If you have syrup, it is 100mg/5ml, so 1ml contains 20mg of ibuprofen.

1 ml - 20 mg
x ml - 180 mg x = 180/20 = 9 ml. With ibuprofen, it's simple - divide the weight by 2, we get the dose of syrup in ml.

If you have candles, look at the dosage! If you need to give 180 mg of ibuprofen, and you have 120 mg suppositories, you should give one and a half suppositories, they are easily divided into parts with a knife.

Please, if you want to do a good deed, promote this post for yourself.

Thank you for attention. Substantive additions will be welcomed.

*According to a 2004 study. mercury thermometer readings stabilize at the 8th minute.


2664 look.

How long does paracetamol take to work depends on dosage form drug. Paracetamol in effervescent tablets and suspensions most quickly begins to act. The remaining dosage forms also act quickly, as they are intended for emergency use - to eliminate high body temperature or pain.

Dosage forms of paracetamol

Paracetamol is an antipyretic and analgesic with a mild anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  • tablets for oral administration of 500 mg and 200 mg;
  • effervescent tablets of 500 mg (Efferalgan) and 330 mg (Paracetamol - S-Hemofarm);
  • 2.4% suspension for oral administration - a teaspoon contains 120 mg of the active ingredient;
  • rectal suppositories - 1 suppository contains 100 mg of paracetamol.

Tablets for oral administration

Paracetamol tablets are prescribed mainly to adult patients as an analgesic and antipyretic. How long does it take for paracetamol oral tablets to work? When taken orally, the effect of the drug (antipyretic and analgesic) occurs after 30-40 minutes. If you take paracetamol on an empty stomach, the action will come earlier. The absorption of tablets can be affected by various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Adults, including adolescents from 12 years of age: appoint 0.5-1 g 1-2 hours after a meal with plenty of liquid. The maximum daily dose is up to 4 g (8 tablets of 500 mg) per day. How often can you take paracetamol? The break between doses should be at least 4 hours. In case of impaired liver or kidney function, as well as in elderly patients, the daily dose should be reduced, and the interval between doses increased.

Oral tablets can be prescribed for children from 3 years of age. The daily dose from 3 to 6 years (with a weight of 15 to 22 kg) - 1 g, up to 9 years (23-30 kg) - 1.5 g, up to 12 years (up to 40 kg) - 2 g. 4 times a day; the interval between each dose is at least 4 hours.

Effervescent tablets

Effervescent tablets (efferalgan, paracetamol-C-chemopharm and others) are also mainly intended for adults. Efferalgan (in 1 tablet 500 mg of paracetamol) is approved for use from the age of 15, and Paracetamol - C - Hemofarm (in 1 tablet 330 mg of paracetamol and 200 mg of vitamin C) - from 6 years.

Effervescent tablets should be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk - paracetamol works better this way. How long does it take for paracetamol effervescent tablets to work? The therapeutic effect after taking effervescent tablets occurs earlier than after the usual ones - after 20-30 minutes.

Paracetamol-C-chemopharm for adults and adolescents from 15 years of age is prescribed 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 4 g (12 effervescent tablets). For children 6-9 years old, the drug is prescribed half a tablet 1-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. Children 9-12 years old can take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The interval between doses should be at least 4 hours. The maximum duration of treatment for children is 3 days, for adults - 5 days. In case of renal or hepatic insufficiency, the daily dose is reduced by reducing the single dose or frequency of administration.

Suspension for oral administration

2.4% oral suspension is intended for the treatment of children of any age. The drug has antipyretic and analgesic properties, its effect occurs as quickly as the effect of effervescent tablets - after 20-30 minutes. About how often you can drink Paracetamol to a child, it is better to consult a doctor.

Recommended doses for children: single doses at the age of 6-12 years - 250-500 mg, 1-5 years - 120-250 mg, from 3 months to 1 year - 60-120 mg, up to 3 months - 10 mg / kg of body weight child. How often can paracetamol suspension be taken according to general recommendations? Like all other dosage forms of this drug, it is taken at least 4 hours apart. In total, no more than four single doses can be given to a child per day. The course of treatment should not be more than three days.

Rectal suppositories

Cefekon-D rectal suppositories are available in dosages of 50, 100 and 250 mg, they are prescribed for children from 3 months to 12 years old at the rate of 10-12 mg per kg of weight. Before the introduction of the candle, the child is recommended to make a cleansing enema. Maximum daily dose of paracetamol Paracetamol - effective for moderate pain should not exceed 60 mg/kg of body weight. The action of the drug begins 30 minutes after the introduction of the suppository into the anus. It is not recommended to use candles for more than three days in a row. For children under one year old, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

Paracetamol is popular pharmacological drug, which has antipyretic and other medicinal abilities. A wide spectrum of action, convenient pharmacological form, low price make the drug popular among all segments of the population. Many people ask what Paracetamol helps with. With unique pharmacological properties, this drug fights many health problems. To find out when and how to give the remedy to children, adults, it is worth knowing the mechanisms of its action, the ways of excretion, indications and contraindications for use.

Pharmacological action of the drug

To understand how Paracetamol works, you need to study its pharmacological principles of work. The drug is well absorbed by the mucosa digestive system. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood after administration is reached after 40 minutes.

The drug, when ingested, inhibits the production of prostaglandins. These substances are produced during inflammatory processes of any nature, provoke the appearance of fever and pain. Most often, this condition is caused by a cold. The medicine easily affects neurons, therefore it effectively removes pain. In combination with anti-inflammatory abilities, the drug has a wide range of uses.

Indications for the use of Paracetamol

Doctors prescribe pills as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The child is recommended children's paracetamol for teething, inflammation in oral cavity. The use of the drug is possible in different pharmacological forms: oral tablets and capsules in a special shell, soluble effervescent, syrup and suspension, suppositories (children's paracetamol), injection solution. Everywhere the same composition only differs in content active substance. You can take the remedy when:

  • rise in temperature;
  • pain in the teeth and gums;
  • monthly;
  • headache;
  • pimples and acne;
  • hangover.

Paracetamol for fever

The tablet effectively and quickly reduces the temperature. Any doctor will say that bringing down the fever below 37.5 is not recommended. This is a symptom of the inflammatory process, the reaction of the struggle of the natural forces of immunity against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. But if an adult easily tolerates such a condition, then pain and malaise bring a lot of trouble to the child and his parents. That's why I want to help him. The substance is in the form of suppositories, syrup, tablets.

If the temperature in the baby is from 3 months, then pediatricians recommend using suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg before or after meals. Reception - 4 times at even intervals per day. At the age of 3 months to a year, suppositories with a dosage of 100 mg or children's syrup are used. In this form faster remedy brings down the heat. At the age of 1 to 6 years, the dose is 200 mg at a time, 6-12 years - a single dose of up to 500 mg. Temperature readings are periodically taken between doses of paracetamol. In the absence of fever, you should immediately stop giving the medicine, as it does not have sufficient anti-inflammatory, antiviral abilities.

For fever, adults take the drug to relieve fever and pain no more than 5 times a day. A single maximum is 500 mg of the active substance in the form of a syrup, injections. A combination of aspirin and paracetamol is popular. But you should not get involved in such a tool. Aspirin has a negative effect on the upper alimentary canal, so there are often stomach problems after taking it.

For toothache

Paracetamol is able to relieve pain in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, gums and periodontium. Adults take: 1 tablet with a dosage of 0.5-1 gram no more than 5 times a day. Babies from 3 years old with teething and fever during this period are given paracetamol in the form of a suppository or a special syrup with a single dose of not more than 100 mg. The medicine will not cure the teeth and the pain will go away only for a couple of hours, so you should visit the dentist's office to solve the problem.

For pain during menstruation

Menstruation in many women is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort. To relieve spasm during menstruation, doctors recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Paracetamol is one of the most popular among them. If the sensations are very strong, then increase the dose. Do not take more than 8 tablets per day. In this case, an overdose occurs with all the consequences.

Paracetamol for headaches

Headache, migraine recede before paracetamol. To alleviate the condition, adults take up to 500 mg of the active substance in the form of tablets at a time. If daily dosage exceeds 4 grams of the drug, then side effects, poisoning and deterioration in health will quickly appear. In order for this not to happen, it is worth reading the recipe in detail.

The tool can effectively quench the pain of the head of a different nature and strength, but not more than 4 days in a row. Then the prostaglandins will get used to taking the drug and the analgesic effect will not come.

For pimples and acne

A tablet of paracetamol, when applied externally, will quickly remove acne, acne. To do this, it is enough to grind the preparation, add water and prepare a gruel. Apply this remedy to the affected area for 5 minutes. During this period, it will remove redness and inflammation from the pimple. You need to do 4 such procedures per day. The medicine helps to remove acne in a few days.

Paracetamol can relieve pain, head spasm, relieve the general state of weakness after drinking alcohol. It does not have a negative effect on the stomach (unlike aspirin), so it will not cause nausea or heartburn. A single dose is up to 500 mg of the drug, the daily rate should not exceed 4 grams.

How long does it take for paracetamol to help?

Paracetamol quickly enters the bloodstream, being absorbed by the upper section digestive tract. The maximum concentration after administration occurs after 40 minutes. Children bring down the temperature with candles. Such a pharmacological form, metabolic features child's body and the properties of the blood supply of the mucous membrane of the anus contribute to the entry into the blood of the drug after 10 minutes.

Is it possible to drink paracetamol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Colds, fever early dates pregnancy is corrected by paracetamol. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions for use, do not exceed the daily rate of 4 g of the drug and not more than 4 days in a row. It is not advisable to drink paracetamol for pregnant women in the third trimester. In the later stages of pregnancy, doctors prescribe analogues that do not adversely affect the fetus and mother's kidneys.

Paracetamol with hv can be taken. Due to the rapid excretion from the body (already an hour after application), it does not accumulate in milk. To protect the baby from the effects of the medicine on the body, you should not breastfeed him for an hour after taking the medicine. The norm for relieving pain or fever in a young mother is 1 tablet.

How to take: dosage for adults and children

Adults use paracetamol in tablets, syrup, suppositories. In any pharmacological form, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 4 grams, a single dose - 1.5 g. The instruction recommends that adults take medicine for fever and pain:

  • Pills. 1-2 tablets (200, 250, 300, 500 mg dosage) after meals The maximum number of doses per day is 4 times;
  • Rectal suppositories. The maximum rate is 1.5 g of the active agent. Single dose - 1 candle. The maximum amount of the drug per day is 4 times;
  • Syrup. 50 ml 4 times a day at regular intervals.

The intake of the drug by children depends on their age and weight. For treatment use:

  • Pills. At the age of 3 to 6 years - the daily norm of the drug is not more than 2 grams. Reception - 1-2 tablets at a time with a dosage of 120-200 ml;
  • Syrup. No more than 4 doses per day. Age and dosage: from 3 months to 1 year - 2.5-5 ml; 1-6 years - 5-10 ml, from 6 to 12 years - 10-20 ml;
  • Candles. Up to 3 years - 15 mg per kilogram, 3-6 years - up to 60 mg per 1 kg; 6-12 years - up to 2 grams per day.


Taking paracetamol does not always bring relief, because there are contraindications to its use. This popular drug cannot be used to relieve pain or fever in:

  1. The age of the patient is up to 1 month;
  2. During the period of bearing a baby or breastfeeding (lactation);
  3. With any ailments of the liver;
  4. kidney problems;
  5. Allergy to the active substance.

If there is at least one contraindication, the doctor selects other painkillers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Side effects

The action of the drug in violation of the instructions, the dosage provokes side effects. An overdose can cause:

  • rashes, redness, "urticaria". Allergy to the drug most often has such external manifestations;
  • stomach ache. The stomach reacts this way to incorrect intake or overdose;
  • drowsiness, want to sleep. The cause of the condition is low blood pressure;
  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • a sharp drop in the level of glucose, hemoglobin in the blood.

In case of violation of the dosage or improper intake, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The cost of the drug

Many are interested in: how much Paracetamol costs in a pharmacy. The price depends on the pharmacological form of the drug, dosage, packaging, which network the pharmacy belongs to. The cost is:

  • Pills. Packing of 10 pieces with a dosage of 200 mg - from 4 to 6 rubles, 10 pieces with a dosage of 500 mg - from 9 to 12 rubles;
  • Candles with a dosage of 500 mg 10 pieces - 40-60 rubles;
  • Syrup 100 ml - 60-80 rubles;
  • Suspension with strawberry flavor for children 10 ml - 70-90 rubles.

Analogues of Paracetamol

There are analogues containing paracetamol and additional active ingredients, or having other medicinal substances. Only a doctor is engaged in the selection of analogues of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory nature or painkillers. Such a decision is made in the presence of contraindications, allergic reactions and other serious reasons. These drugs to relieve pain, inflammation and fever include:

  1. Panadol. The active cocktail consists of paracetamol and caffeine. Used to relieve fever pain different strength and character. Available in the form of oral tablets. Adults and children over 12 years old take 1-2 tablets with a dosage of 500-1000 mg up to 4 times a day. The norm per day is no more than 4 grams of the drug.
  2. Baralgetas. The active components of analgin, pitophenone remove inflammation, fever in children and adults. Pharmaceutical form - tablets. The daily dose is not more than 6 pieces, the duration of administration is not more than 5 days. Dosage: adults - 1-3 tablets at a time up to 3 times a day; children: 6-8 years old - half a capsule, 9-12 years old - ¾, 12-15 years old - 1 capsule no more than 2 times per knock.
  3. Nimid. A drug based on nimesulide . Fights fever, pain and inflammation. As an analogue of paracetamol, it is used in the form of pharmacological forms of tablets, granules and suspensions. Take: adults and children over 12 years old - 100 mg 2 times a day, kids under 12 years old - 1.5 mg per 1 kg of weight, the norm is divided into two doses.

Many people take paracetamol without adhering to certain recommendations from experts, but there are also more vigilant individuals who are interested in questions about how long paracetamol works or how long it takes to completely eliminate from the body.

The best option in eliminating the pathology is to consult a highly qualified specialist, because self-medication does not positive result and can provoke an aggravation of the situation or the development of another problem. Paracetamol does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only temporarily improves the condition, since it has a pronounced analgesic effect, antipyretic and slight anti-inflammatory.

Antipyretic and analgesic effects last no more than 3-4 hours.

Candles with paracetamol act more slowly, but are prolonged in time. In this form, Paracetamol brings down the temperature an hour after setting the suppository, but it can last all night, which is considered an advantage over other forms. This interpretation of the drug reduces the negative impact on the gastric mucosa and liver, which may undergo pathological changes. Many pediatricians recommend using candles for children at night, which will prevent a jump in temperature and not disturb the child's sleep.

Many people who use paracetamol know how quickly the medicine can work. The instructions for use note the following conditions and symptoms in which it is advisable to start taking this drug, namely:

See also: Instructions for the use of Paracetamol tablets with dosage

Paracetamol in tablets acts very quickly, but with a sufficient amount of liquid to drink and if it is not drunk on a full stomach. The best option is 1-2 hours after eating, which will allow the substance to be absorbed normally and will not harm the mucous membrane.

It should be noted that this type of antipyretic can not always bring down the high temperature. Then doctors recommend using an additional antipyretic agent. The question immediately arises of how long it takes to repeat another type of antipyretic. Another drug should be taken immediately if after 30-40 minutes the high temperature has not begun to decrease.

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Paracetamol is one of the most popular drugs in our country. At a low cost, it has wide range actions. This medicine is often used both for the treatment of colds in adults and in pediatrics. It is prescribed for high temperature early stages acute respiratory viral infections to alleviate the patient's condition. Paracetamol is included in the international list of medicines necessary for a person by doctors all over the world. It has properties not only antipyretic, but also acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Paracetamol has an effect on the human brain, namely on its pain and thermoregulatory centers. It stops cyclooxygenases (enzymes that cause fever) in the central nervous system and has practically no effect. negative impact on the gastric mucosa. Also, the drug has a very weak anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is not used for pain with severe inflammation.

Paracetamol is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of pain syndrome of various origins of mild to moderate intensity:

  • headache;
  • toothache;
  • neuralgia;
  • back and joint pain;
  • menstrual pain.

This medicine is produced in the form of tablets, suspensions, syrups, and also in the form of suppositories.

Correct reception of means:

  1. Tablets should be taken orally with plenty of water (at least 100 mm). If you drink a tablet with warm milk, it will work faster. Do not take the drug with tea and coffee. These two drinks contain a large number of caffeine, therefore, a violation of the metabolism of the drug in the body is possible. Paracetamol should be taken 1-2 hours after a meal in order for the drug to be more effective. If the medicine is taken immediately after a meal, its absorption into the bloodstream slows down, respectively, its effect on the body slows down. If paracetamol is used before meals, it can lead to problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Paracetamol begins to act in time after about 15-30 minutes, the maximum effect is achieved after 2 hours. In some cases, the effect may not occur for two hours or more. This is due to severe spasms or a small amount of fluid. Recall that Paracetamol should be taken with plenty of water - only then it will act quickly enough. If taken without drinking, it may not work. Its dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. Completely excreted from the body 6 hours after the last dose of the drug.
  2. Paracetamol syrup in appearance is a yellow viscous liquid, sweet with a tart taste and fruity odor. In this form, the medicine is prescribed to children from several months to 6 years, since it is difficult for babies to swallow a pill. After taking the medication, the active ingredients are absorbed by 90%, which leads to a quick result and the child soon feels relief. The effect of the drug occurs within 30-40 minutes. The drug is completely eliminated one day after its last use.
  3. The main difference between a suspension and a syrup is the absence of alcohol and a lower sugar content. The drug is a pinkish viscous liquid with a pleasant, fruity aroma. The active ingredient here is Paracetamol. Excipients are glycerin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, liquid sorbitol, xanthan gum, citric acid. The suspension or syrup must first be shaken, then poured into a measuring spoon and swallowed with plenty of water.
  4. Candles. In the form of a suppository from white to white with cream or white with a yellowish tinge, solid torpedo shape. The main substance here is Paracetamol, and the auxiliary substance is a solid fatty base. Main advantages: no dyes, longer effect compared to syrups and suspensions, applied rectally.

Paracetamol does not bring down the fever at subfebrile constant temperature caused by prolonged chronic viruses in the body.

When using this drug, you need to know about contraindications, namely:

  • if you suffer from alcoholism;
  • should not be given to children under 6 years of age;
  • have kidney or liver problems;
  • characteristic of a blood disorder.

With frequent use of Paracetamol, you may not improve, but, on the contrary, worsen your condition, since excessive use of this drug leads to problems with the liver and kidneys. Over time, you will notice that this medicine no longer helps. After that, you will most likely decide to switch to a more potent medicine and thereby harm your body even more.

Instructions for use:

Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug NSAID groups(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), non-narcotic analgesic. Listed by the World Health Organization as one of the most important medicines.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the drug is paracetamol, a derivative of phenacetin. The mechanism of action of Paracetamol is based on the inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins - chemical compounds formed during inflammation and responsible for its symptoms in the form of a rise in temperature and the appearance of pain. Paracetamol has an analgesic effect by acting on the neurons of the central nervous system. It has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

When it enters the body, the drug is absorbed into the blood, from there it spreads to all tissues of the body. Destruction occurs in the liver, with the formation of intermediate metabolic products - metabolites, some of which (paraaminophenol) are toxic. This fact limits the use of Paracetamol in diseases of the liver and blood. In the future, metabolites pass through the renal filters and are excreted in the urine, and therefore, with impaired renal function, the use of Paracetamol is also undesirable.

When administered orally, paracetamol reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 20-30 minutes after ingestion, after an hour and a half, the peak of the drug's action occurs.

Release form

Paracetamol is available in the following forms:

  • Tablets for oral administration, with the content of the active substance 200 and 500 mg;
  • Film-coated tablets for oral use (capsules), 500 mg paracetamol each;
  • Effervescent tablets for solution preparation, 500 mg of active ingredient in one tablet;
  • Solution for infusion, 15 mg in 1 ml solution, 5 ml ampoules;
  • Syrup for children, 200 mg of paracetamol in 5 ml of solution;
  • Suspension for children, 120mg in 5ml solution;
  • Rectal suppositories with a dosage of the active substance from 50 mg (for children) to 1000 mg.

Paracetamol is one of the most famous and widely used drugs in the world, the same active substance is produced by different pharmaceutical companies under different trademarks: Abesanil, AkamolTeva, Actazol, Alvedon, Acetophen, Algotoropil, Aminodol, Aminophen, Amphenol, Apagan, Apamid, Apanol, Acelifen, Acemol, Acetalgin, Acetaminophen, Acetaminophen, Biocetamol, Bindard, Valadol, Valorin, Valgesic, Vinadol, Volpan, Dapirex, Datril, Daphalgan, Dexamol, Deminophen, Dimindol, Dolamin, Dolanex, Dolipram, Ifimol, Kalpol, Meksalen, Metamol, Minoset, Mialgin, Napamol, Naprinol, Nasprin, Nizacetol, Nepa, Opradol, Panadol, Panadol solubl, Panadol Junior, Paramol, Pacimol, Piremol, Pyrinazine, Rolocin, Tylenol, Tempramol, Tylenol, Tylemin, Tralgon, Ushamol, Febridol, Febrinil, Febrinol, Febricet, Fendon, Hemcetafen, Celifen, Cetadol, Cetanil, Efferalgan, Efferoglan, Erocetamol.

Indications for the use of Paracetamol

The indication for Paracetamol is body temperature elevated to subfebrile and febrile values ​​(37 - 39 ° C) at various diseases infectious and inflammatory origin. IN pediatric practice indications for paracetamol are gum pain and fever caused by teething.

According to the instructions, Paracetamol is effective as a means to relieve pain of various origins: headache, myalgia, arthralgia, algomenorrhea, sciatica, sciatica, neuralgia, toothache and wandering pains of unclear etiology.

Attention! When using this drug to relieve acute pain it can significantly reduce symptoms, in connection with which it will change clinical picture disease and can be difficult to diagnose.

Application instruction of Paracetamol

A single dosage of Paracetamol according to the instructions is from 500 to 1000 mg for adults and children over 12 years old, the daily dosage for this group should not exceed 4 g (4000 mg) of the drug substance.

The dose of the drug for childhood calculated individually, depending on the weight of the child, on the basis of an average of 125-250 mg of the active substance at a time, regardless of the dosage form. Regardless of the form of the medicinal product, the daily dose must be divided into 3-4 doses, with a time interval between them of at least 4 hours.

According to the instructions, Paracetamol should not be used for more than 3 days without medical supervision. If during this time the symptoms of the disease have not reversed, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of further use of the drug and its dosage.

Side effects

Paracetamol is one of the most safe drugs, side effects which are extremely rare. However, they are described in the medical literature, and are usually associated with increased individual sensitivity or with the presence of a hidden comorbidity.

TO side effects associated with the use of paracetamol include:

  • On the part of the digestive system - the development of liver dysfunctions, the appearance of signs of dyspepsia;
  • On the part of the blood - anemia, methemoglobinemia, deterioration of the blood picture (thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, etc.);
  • From the side of cardio-vascular system- changes in cardiac conduction (intracardiac blockade);
  • From the side of the immune system allergic reactions of varying intensity, more often of a delayed type, less often of an immediate type (anaphylactic shock);
  • On the part of the urinary organs - the development of interstitial nephritis, polyuria and other disorders of renal function.

A number of experts claim that there is data on the development bronchial asthma in a significant number of children taking Paracetamol (41%). Despite the fact that this point of view causes controversy in scientific circles, Paracetamol should not be used in children's practice without serious evidence, and moreover, it should not be abused.

This remedy is prescribed with caution in combination with other drugs, and only under medical supervision, since a toxic effect from their interaction can be observed. The combined use of Paracetamol and alcohol is prohibited.

During pregnancy

It is believed that Paracetamol during pregnancy can be prescribed when the risk associated with its use is justified by its high efficiency and extreme necessity. It should be borne in mind that a number of studies confirm the toxic effect on the fetus when using Paracetamol during pregnancy. So, cases of the development of cryptorchidism in boys whose mothers used it while pregnant are associated with this drug.

Thus, the appointment according to indications of Paracetamol during pregnancy should occur exclusively with the participation of a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Paracetamol is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • A history of individual sensitivity to it or other NSAIDs;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • kidney pathology;
  • Diseases associated with deterioration of the blood picture;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C for 2 years. Keep away from children!

To eliminate the pathology the best option there will be a consultation with a highly qualified specialist, since self-treatment will only aggravate the situation, and possibly lead to the appearance of others pathological conditions. Paracetamol does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only has a symptomatic effect, possessing antipyretic, analgesic, slight anti-inflammatory effects.

Description of the drug

Paracetamol (Paracetamol) in tablets begins to act in the body after 15-25 minutes after falling into gastrointestinal tract. After taking Paracetamol, patients have a fairly pronounced antipyretic effect, a small or moderate analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effect. There are various forms of drug release, which are easy to use and most in demand among people of different age categories

In pharmacies, you can buy paracetamol in the following form:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • candles;
  • syrups;
  • suspensions.
Each medication option has its own benefits for treating adults and children aged 3 months to 16 years. The high degree of safety of the drug is characterized by the rapid excretion of the active substance from the body and the lack of ability to accumulate in tissues. internal organs. Paracetamol begins to act after 30 minutes, and after 4.5-5 hours, its complete elimination is noted. The main burden associated with the excretion of this chemical, 97% falls on the kidneys.

Antipyretic and analgesic effects last no more than 3-4 hours .

Candles with paracetamol act more slowly, but are prolonged in time. In this form, Paracetamol brings down the temperature an hour after setting the suppository, but it can last all night, which is considered an advantage over other forms. Such drug release form reduces the negative impact on the gastric mucosa and liver, which may undergo pathological changes. Many pediatricians recommend using candles for children at night, which will prevent a jump in temperature and not disturb the child's sleep.

In what situations can you take paracetamol?

Many people who use Paracetamol know how quickly the medicine can work. The instructions for use note the following conditions and symptoms in which it is advisable to start taking this drug, namely.