Main symptoms:

  • Babbling instead of words
  • Violation in the construction of words
  • Impaired mental functioning
  • Impaired concentration
  • Incorrect pronunciation of sounds
  • Irrational use of prepositions and cases
  • Inability to recognize similar sounds
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Lack of interest in learning new things
  • Lack of understanding of the difference between numbers
  • Logical presentation disorder
  • Difficulty putting words together into phrases
  • Difficulty constructing sentences

General speech underdevelopment is a whole complex of symptoms in which all aspects and aspects of the speech system are disrupted, without any exception. This means that disorders will be observed both from the lexical, phonetic and grammatical sides.

This pathology is polyetiological, the formation of which is influenced by a large number of predisposing factors associated with the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Symptoms of the disease will vary depending on the severity. There are four levels of speech underdevelopment in total. In order to determine the severity of the disease, the patient must undergo speech therapy examination.

Treatment is based on conservative methods and involves the work of a speech therapist with the child and parents at home.

The International Classification of Diseases divides this disorder into several ailments, which is why they have several meanings. OHP has a code according to ICD-10 – F80-F89.


General underdevelopment of speech in children up to school age is a fairly common disease, occurring in 40% of all representatives of this age category.

Several factors can lead to such a disorder:

  • intrauterine, which leads to damage to the central nervous system;
  • conflict of Rh factors in the blood of mother and fetus;
  • fetal asphyxia during birth - this condition is characterized by a lack of oxygen and can lead to suffocation or apparent death;
  • the child receiving injuries directly during labor;
  • Pregnant woman's addiction to bad habits;
  • unfavorable working or living conditions for female representatives during pregnancy.

Such circumstances lead to the fact that the child, even during intrauterine development, experiences disturbances in the formation of organs and systems, in particular the central nervous system. Such processes may lead to the emergence wide range functional pathologies, including speech disorders.

In addition, such a disorder can develop after the baby is born. This can be facilitated by:

  • frequent acute diseases of various etiologies;
  • the presence of any chronic illnesses;
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries.

It is worth noting that OHP can occur with the following ailments:

  • rhinolalia;

In addition, the formation of speech abilities is affected by insufficient attention or lack of emotional contact between the baby and his parents.


There are four degrees of speech underdevelopment:

  • OHP level 1 – characterized by a complete absence of coherent speech. In the medical field, this condition is called “speechless children.” Babies communicate using simplified speech or babble, and also actively gesture;
  • OHP level 2 – initial development is observed general speech, but the vocabulary remains poor, and the child makes a large number of mistakes while pronouncing words. In such cases, the maximum that a child can do is utter a simple sentence that will consist of no more than three words;
  • underdevelopment of speech at level 3 – differs in that children can form sentences, but the semantic and sound load is not sufficiently developed;
  • OHP level 4 is the mildest stage of the disease. This is explained by the fact that the child speaks quite well, his speech is practically no different from his peers. However, disturbances are observed during pronunciation and construction of long phrases.

In addition, clinicians distinguish several groups of this disease:

  • uncomplicated ONR - diagnosed in patients with minor pathology of brain activity;
  • complicated OHP – observed in the presence of any neurological or psychiatric disorder;
  • general underdevelopment of speech and delayed speech development - diagnosed in children by pathologies of those parts of the brain that are responsible for speech.


Characteristics of children with general underdevelopment speech will differ depending on the severity of the disorder inherent in the patient.

However, despite this, such children begin to utter their first words relatively late - at three or four years old. The speech is practically incomprehensible to others and is incorrectly formatted. This becomes the reason that the child’s verbal activity begins to be impaired, and sometimes the following may be observed:

  • memory impairment;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • lack of interest in learning new things;
  • loss of attention.

In patients with the first level of OHP, the following manifestations are observed:

  • instead of words there is babbling, which is complemented by a large number of gestures and rich facial expressions;
  • communication is carried out in sentences consisting of one word, the meaning of which is quite difficult to understand;
  • limited vocabulary;
  • violation in the construction of words;
  • disorder in the pronunciation of sounds;
  • the child cannot distinguish sounds.

Speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree is characterized by the following disorders:

  • reproduction of phrases consisting of no more than three words is observed;
  • vocabulary very poor compared to the number of words used by the child’s peers;
  • children are unable to understand the meanings large quantity words;
  • lack of understanding of the difference between numbers;
  • irrational use of prepositions and cases;
  • sounds are pronounced with multiple distortions;
  • phonemic perception is insufficiently formed;
  • the child’s unpreparedness for sound analysis of speech addressed to him.

Third level OHP parameters:

  • the presence of conscious phrasal speech, but it is based on simple sentences;
  • difficulty constructing complex phrases;
  • an increased stock of words used compared to children with second-degree SLD;
  • making mistakes using prepositions and agreement various parts speeches;
  • minor deviations in pronunciation and phonemic awareness.

Description of the clinical picture of general speech underdevelopment of the fourth level:

  • the presence of specific difficulties with sound pronunciation and repetition of words with a large number of syllables;
  • the level of phonetic understanding is reduced;
  • making mistakes during word formation;
  • wide vocabulary;
  • disorder of logical presentation - minor details come to the fore.


This disorder is identified through communication between a speech therapist and the child.

The definition of pathology and its severity consists of:

  • determining the capabilities of oral speech - to clarify the level of formation of various aspects of the language system. Such a diagnostic event begins with the study of coherent speech. The doctor assesses the patient’s ability to compose a story from a drawing, retell what he heard or read, as well as to compose an independent a short story. In addition, the level of grammar and vocabulary is taken into account;
  • assessing the sound aspect of speech - based on how the child pronounces certain sounds, on the syllable structure and sound content of the words that the patient pronounces. Phonetic perception and sound analysis are not left without attention.

In addition, it may be necessary to conduct diagnostic methods for assessing auditory-verbal memory and other mental processes.

During diagnosis, not only does the severity of ODD become clear, but such a disease is also differentiated from RRD.


Since each degree of general underdevelopment of speech formation is divided into several stages, then, accordingly, the therapy will also differ.

Directions for correcting general speech underdevelopment in preschool children:

  • Level 1 illness – activation of independent speech and development of processes of understanding what is said to the child. In addition, attention is paid to thinking and memory. The training of such patients does not set itself the goal of achieving normal phonetic speech, but the grammatical part is taken into account;
  • OHP of the second level - work is carried out not only on the development of speech, but also on the understanding of what is spoken. Therapy is aimed at improving sound pronunciation, forming meaningful phrases and clarifying grammatical and lexical subtleties;
  • Stage 3 disease – conscious coherent speech is corrected, aspects related to grammar and vocabulary are improved, the pronunciation of sounds and phonetic understanding are mastered;
  • OHP level 4 – therapy is aimed at correcting age-related speech for subsequent problem-free learning in educational institutions.

Therapy for children with to varying degrees the severity of such a violation is carried out in various conditions:

  • ONR levels 1 and 2 - in specially designated schools;
  • ONR level 3 – in general education institutions with the condition of correctional education;
  • mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech – in secondary schools.


Ignoring the signs of such an illness can lead to the following consequences:

  • complete lack of speech;
  • emotional isolation of a child who notices that he is different from his peers;
  • further difficulties in education, work and other social areas that will be observed in adults with untreated ODD.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid the development of such a disease, it is necessary:

  • women during pregnancy should give up bad habits and pay special attention to their health;
  • parents of children to promptly treat infectious diseases;
  • devote as much time as possible to children, do not ignore them, and also engage in their development and upbringing.

Since correctional work aimed at overcoming ODD takes quite a long time and is a labor-intensive process, it is best if it starts as early as possible - when the child turns three years old. Only in this case can a favorable prognosis be achieved.

Recently, you can increasingly hear from parents of children that they are concerned about the child’s speech development. Someone thinks that the baby speaks little, his vocabulary is insufficient and does not correspond to age standards; others believe that he speaks a lot, but the sound pronunciation is unclear and indistinct. Some people don’t like the pace of a preschooler’s speech, but there are also parents who note the absolute lack of speech in their little child. Whether it is worth starting to worry and whether the conversational level of a preschool child corresponds to age standards can only be correctly determined by specialists in pediatric speech pathologies.

Reasons for the attenuation of speech progress in young children

The baby grows up and begins to speak his first simple words. This makes parents very happy, they are proud of such successes and willingly demonstrate the little man’s skills to all relatives. A little time passes, the child masters upright posture, and mothers are already rushing to specialists, demanding consultation with a speech therapist. The main problem, in their opinion, is that the baby suddenly stopped speaking, his speech no longer develops. This opinion is erroneous; child psychologists and speech therapists explain the reason for such a visible delay by the fact that the development of children of early and early preschool age is undulating. With the emergence of new skills, such as upright walking, conscious manipulation of objects, the appearance of fading of those already acquired is created. In fact, the child’s speech continues to actively develop, accumulating a passive vocabulary and contributing to the development of intellectual functions. The task of parents at this stage is to continue active communicative influence on the child, read more, tell short fairy tales, and memorize short poems. Over time, the child’s speech activity will resume, and he will accumulate communication skills at a record pace.

Characteristics of speech problems of a preschooler

What should cause concern is the so-called comprehensive diagnosis, which is often done by the age of three. Experts identify a number of specific disorders that indicate serious problems at a preschooler. The first and most common is considered to be a delayed onset of speech in general: the first elementary words appear in the dictionary by three to four years, sometimes even by five. Experts identify the obvious highlighting of agrammatisms in the child’s reasoning and the imperfection of the structure of statements as the second manifestation of violations. The third thing that can and should alert adults is the inability to express their thoughts while correctly understanding the message addressed to them. And the last, fourth sign may be lack of understanding and incomprehensibility colloquial speech preschooler. The presence of such pathologies makes it possible to assume a general underdevelopment of speech in the baby, but the final diagnosis can only be established

Features of development in children with speech pathologies

It is difficult to determine existing deviations in the development of a child without the participation of a speech therapist or child psychologist, since parents who do not have special education risk making mistakes in their assumptions. The communication skills of a preschooler with complex speech pathologies are much less developed than those of children whose speech develops normally, or those who have level 3 OHP. The characteristics of disorders in such children are very multifaceted: there are pathologies such as distortion of pronunciation, violation of the structure of syllables (almost always in the direction of its reduction). The speech development of a child with general underdevelopment of level 3 is noticeably higher. These preschoolers have noticeably developed developed phrasal speech, but at the same time, elements of underdevelopment are clearly expressed. Communication in such children is difficult due to misunderstanding by those around them. They speak freely only in the company of those people who can specify and explain what they say. Today, level 2-3 OSDs are considered the most common speech pathologies of modern children. For a number of reasons, the officially recorded number of such pathologies is growing every year.

Specifics of speech of children with special needs development

Experts do not recommend independently diagnosing the lag in the development of the communicative function. Despite the presence of general signs, each baby has its own individual specificity and cause of the disorder. Delayed speech development in a preschool child is a complex disorder, as every speech therapist will confirm. Level 3 OHP is characterized by visible failures in the communication system: violations of vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics. At the same time, the baby is actively trying to use sentences varying degrees difficulties: complex, complex, simple common. The component itself may be preserved, but is often disrupted due to the omission or rearrangement of structural components. Two- or three-syllable words begin to appear in the preschooler’s vocabulary, which the child likes to use, he uses them with pleasure, and diligently pronounces them. The grammatical structure of speech is clearly incomplete, and errors may be inconsistent. A preschooler can pronounce the same phrase or sentence either incorrectly or correctly the next time. Lexical imperfections are also easily recorded, despite the visible quantitative growth of vocabulary. The baby does not make it difficult for himself to pronounce difficult words. For example, instead of saying “cyclist,” the child will say “uncle is riding.” It is not uncommon in the speech of such a preschooler to replace the name of a whole object with words denoting its individual parts, and vice versa, depending on what is easier to pronounce. If he finds it difficult to say a complex word, he can also replace it with the name of the species, and vice versa: instead of “sparrow” the baby will say “bird”, instead of “trees” he can say “Christmas tree”. Often in their speech, children with level 3 OHP allow mutual substitution of signs, for example: tall, wide - this is “big”, short - “small”.

Features of the level of development of coherent speech

Children's specialists pay special attention to the development of coherent speech in preschool children, both monologue and dialogic. IN elementary school Teachers are increasingly faced with the problem of schoolchildren’s inability to coherently construct their answer and formulate their own statement. Often, parents, too carried away by the struggle for the purity of sound pronunciation, miss such an essential aspect as the formation of the ability to coherent narration. And only after visiting a speech therapist do they begin to understand the importance of such an omission. The coherent statements of a child with developmental delay are distinguished by their specific originality. It is quite difficult for a child to construct complex and detailed phrases. The storyline of the story is constantly interrupted due to the loss of essential semantic elements. Independent speech activity is noticeably reduced; the baby often finds it difficult to translate words from a passive vocabulary to an active one. It is difficult for a child with level 3 ODD to find words to describe his favorite toys; he usually limits himself to meager definitions and short phrases.

Features of phonemic perception

The speech development of preschoolers with disorders of communicative functions is characterized by insufficiency and imperfection: such children perform the exercise of selecting an image with a given sound in its name with outside help, or cannot do it at all. It is difficult for them to differentiate vowel sounds in different positions in words. Any manipulations with phonemes are difficult. The games “Catch the sound”, “Catch the syllable”, “Catch the word” do not arouse interest in children, since it is quite difficult for them to follow the rules, they are constantly late and lag behind other child players who are developing normally. Simple differentiation between “vowel and consonant” can also cause difficulties, so the child also tries to avoid games aimed at strengthening this skill.

Correction of speech pathologies

After examining the baby by a pediatric speech therapist, the specialist can diagnose “ONP, level 3.” The characteristics of the totality of symptoms clearly make it clear the correct direction of correctional and rehabilitation interventions aimed at eliminating speech development disorders. The diplomat also plans - and should - to correct the situation. children's speech therapist. First of all, correctional treatment is aimed at understanding and understanding speech, eliminating violations of vocabulary and grammar. Equal importance is attached to correct sound pronunciation, structuring sentences and coherent statements. When working with preschoolers who have general speech underdevelopment at level 3, attention is also paid to developing the ability to independently construct phrasal statements used in an expanded function. Experts recommend setting aside sufficient time to prepare for improving writing and reading skills after fixing some dynamics of correction speech problems.

Psychological problems of children with speech underdevelopment

Correction of speech deficiencies in preschool children is, as a rule, complex. In addition to speech therapy, the child also needs the help of a child psychologist. Due to complex speech disorders The baby often also has problems with It is difficult for him to concentrate on a task, as well as to maintain attention for a long time on the same object. The performance of such children is significantly reduced, they quickly get tired of educational activities. The psychologist’s task is to organize psychological support for the child during the period of speech therapy correction. First of all, attention should be paid to increasing the level of motivation of preschoolers diagnosed with level 3 ODD to speech therapy classes and training. It will also be important to organize corrective psychological interventions aimed at developing the ability to concentrate attention, hold it for the required amount of time, and expand its volume. Experts recommend, taking into account the psychological characteristics of children with complex speech disorders, that classes be conducted with several children, dividing one group into two or three subgroups. A psychologist can also plan individual lessons with preschoolers with speech problems, and it is also possible to combine them into subgroups. You should also pay attention to the child’s level of self-esteem: low self-esteem will hinder rapid performance due to lack of faith in one’s own success and unwillingness to help oneself. That is why children's specialists recommend carrying out a comprehensive correction of speech deficiencies in a specially organized children's institution called the Child Development Center.

Direction of complex corrective action

As a result of the implementation of systematic psychological and pedagogical work aimed at stimulating the child’s speech centers, the development of the cognitive and volitional spheres, the level of mental and communicative development of the preschooler should show positive dynamics. First of all, this should be noticeable in the improvement of the ability to correctly perceive speech addressed to him in accordance with existing age standards. It is necessary to achieve from the child the maximum correctness of the sound design of words and the transmission of their structure. The improvement and development of active communication occurs through the formation of the ability to use sentences of varying complexity and combine phrases into a coherent monologue. The simplest retelling skills, as a rule, are also subject to improvement and correction. OHP (3 is distinguished by the inability to retell a text heard, even if it is small in volume. The task of teachers at the correction stage is to teach this skill and consolidate success. Normally developing preschoolers willingly engage in verbal interaction with each other in the form of dialogue. The formation of the child’s communicative speech with developmental delay is characterized by imperfection, therefore, he must also learn to develop the ability to maintain a conversation in the course of correctional work carried out with him. Pedagogical influence, as a rule, also involves the formation of the ability to formulate independent statements, using correctly coordinating words in sentences.

Organization of comprehensive corrective action

The pedagogical approach to correcting the speech deficiencies of a modern preschooler is a rather complicated process and requires special and structural implementation, especially for children who have been diagnosed with level 3 ODD. Corrective work is most effectively carried out in specialized preschool institutions, taking into account the planned interaction of all specialized children's specialists and qualified teachers. The regime of a child’s stay in such an institution is distinguished by its gentle organization and correctional focus. In addition to speech underdevelopment of various levels, the diagnosis of “dysarthria” is also encountered. Level 3 OHP is often a related problem. Teachers working with such students build correctional therapy taking into account pathology, making it more structured and comprehensive. The diagnosis of dysarthria can be made by a pediatric neurologist, who takes into account the conclusion of the speech therapist. The most common is the so-called erased form of the pathology, which can be corrected a little easier and faster if drug treatment is also added to the corrective effect. The medications themselves and the dosage are prescribed by a pediatric neurologist or psychiatrist. Institutions that carry out targeted specialized correction of deficiencies in the communicative function of children, as a rule, have the status of “Child Development Center”. The focus of the center can be different: from corrective influence on children in order to improve the child’s speech to correcting deficiencies in intellectual function. Specialists working in such institutions draw up special programs and correctional routes for pupils, which vary somewhat in complexity and duration of classes, depending on the level of violation. It is most common in children with OHP level 3. The characteristics of a child with such a deviation take into account all aspects of disorders, both speech and psychological.

When faced with the problem of a speech disorder in their child, parents should not despair. A diagnosis from a speech therapist or even a pediatric neurologist is not a death sentence, but simply a signal to action. The causes of communicative deviations from the norm are various, including genetic and neurological, and their nature can only be determined with the help of a special examination conducted by appropriate specialists. Strictly following the recommendations, as a rule, is the key to success in the fight for the purity and correctness of speech in a child. You should also not stand up and argue with preschool teachers who begin to suspect that the child has a pathology called OHP (level 3). Characteristics and descriptions of the child’s speaking disorders, compiled by the teachers of the child care institution, will help specialists quickly understand the degree and nature of the pathology. In turn, this will help to quickly and efficiently organize and correct the existing deviation. The success of correcting communication deficiencies often depends on understanding the depth of the problem and the degree of responsibility for eliminating it by the parents themselves. In close cooperation with correctional specialists and teachers, with strict implementation of all recommendations and tasks, you can count on success and saving your child from such troubles. The process of correction and rehabilitation, as a rule, is quite long and painstaking; it can take more than one month or year.

It is necessary to be patient and concentrate efforts as much as possible on organizing joint assistance for a child with level 3-4 OPD. You should also not ignore taking medications recommended by doctors, since in cases where the disorder is neurological in nature, complex corrective and drug therapy will actively help eliminate the abnormalities. This, in turn, will significantly simplify and speed up the process of getting rid of speech therapy problems.

For the first time, a theoretical basis for general speech underdevelopment of level III was formulated as a result of multidimensional research various forms speech pathology in children of preschool and school age, carried out by R. E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology (N. A. Nikashina, G. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova, G. I. Zharenkov and others) in 50 - 60s of XX century.

A detailed study of children with general speech underdevelopment of level III revealed extreme heterogeneity of the described group in terms of the degree of manifestation of the speech defect. Professor R.E. Levina, studying the most severe speech disorders, identified and described in detail a category of children who have insufficient development of all language structures. In children of this group, pronunciation and distinction of sounds are more or less impaired, the system of morphemes is not fully mastered, and consequently, inflection and word formation skills are poorly acquired, vocabulary lags behind the norm in both quantitative and qualitative indicators; speech suffers. This systemic disorder is called “general speech underdevelopment.”

An uncomplicated variant of speech underdevelopment, when there are no clear indications of damage to the central nervous system. Underdevelopment of all components of speech in children is accompanied by “minor neurological dysfunctions,” such as insufficient regulation of muscle tone, imprecision of motor differentiation, and others; children exhibit some emotional immaturity, poor regulation of voluntary activity, and so on.

A complicated variant of general speech underdevelopment of level III, when the speech defect itself is combined with a number of neurological and psychopathological syndromes, such as high cranial pressure syndrome, cerebroasenic and neurosis-like syndromes, movement disorder syndromes and others. Children in this group have extremely low performance, impaired individual species gnosis and praxis, pronounced motor clumsiness, and so on.

Severe and persistent speech underdevelopment caused by organic damage to the speech areas of the cerebral cortex. As a rule, this group consists of children with motor alalia

Professor R.E. Levina identified three levels:

1st level of speech development, characterized in the literature as “lack of commonly used speech.” Quite often, when describing the speech capabilities of children at this level, the name “speechless children” is used, which cannot be taken literally, since such a child uses a number of verbal means in independent communication. These can be individual sounds and some of their combinations - sound complexes and onomatopoeia, snatches of babbling words ("tina", "sina" - "machine"). Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the speech of children at level 1 is difficult to understand for others and has a strict situational attachment.

The 2nd level of speech development is defined in the literature as “The beginnings of common speech.” Distinctive feature is the appearance in the speech of children of two, three, and sometimes even four-word phrases. By combining words in a phrase and a phrase, the same child can both correctly use the methods of coordination and control, and violate them.

Such errors, along with attempts to use diminutive forms, indicate initial stage mastering the morphemic system of the language. Simple prepositions and their babbling variants sometimes appear in children’s independent speech. In a number of cases, by omitting a preposition in a phrase, the child incorrectly changes the members of the sentence according to grammatical categories. However, some simple and complex prepositions still cause difficulties in understanding, differentiation and use.

Along with word-formation errors, difficulties are observed in the formation of generalizing and abstract concepts, a system of synonyms and antonyms. The polysemous use of words and their semantic substitutions are still encountered.

The speech of children with level 2 often seems incomprehensible due to gross violations of sound pronunciation and the syllabic structure of words. Thus, the pronunciation and discrimination of a large number of phonemes may suffer - up to 16 - 20. When reproducing words of 2-3 or more syllables, children violate their sequence, rearrange them, omit or, conversely, add syllables, distorting their sound.

Children with the 2nd level of speech development receive speech therapy help from the age of 3-4 in special groups with a training period of 3 years.

The 3rd level of speech development is characterized by extensive phrasal speech with elements of underdevelopment of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. Typical for this level is the use of simple common sentences, as well as some types of complex sentences. At the same time, their structure may be disrupted, for example, due to the absence of main or minor members of the sentence. At this level, children gain access to word-formation operations. The study of this category of children shows that there really is a positive dynamic in mastering the system of morphemes and methods of manipulating them. A child with general speech underdevelopment of level III understands and can independently form new words according to some of the most common word-formation models. Along with this, the child finds it difficult to choose the correct productive base ("pot for a flower" - "potty", etc.), uses inadequate affixal elements (instead of "washer" - "washer"). Very often, a child’s attempts to carry out word-formation transformations lead to a violation of the sound-syllabic organization of the derived word (instead of “drew” - “sayaval”). Typical for this level is an inaccurate understanding and use of general concepts, words with abstract and abstract meaning, as well as words with figurative meaning. Vocabulary may seem sufficient in everyday life, but a detailed examination may reveal children’s ignorance of such body parts as the elbow, bridge of the nose, and nostrils.

Along with a noticeable improvement in sound pronunciation, there is insufficient differentiation of sounds by ear: children have difficulty completing tasks to identify the first and last sound in a word, select pictures whose names contain a given sound, etc.

Speech development, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, master the articulatory apparatus, correctly construct a sentence, etc., is one of the pressing problems facing a preschool institution. It is clear from the statistical data and the experience of the kindergarten shows: many children need the help of a speech therapist, and the majority of older preschoolers do not speak sound culture and cannot speak clearly. And correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school, the key to successful literacy and reading: written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech.

Scientific research by a number of psychologists has shown that preschool childhood is especially sensitive to speech acquisition. Consequently, the linguistic education of a child should begin early and in the first years of life should be carried out exclusively in the native language.

The most important condition for full mental development is the timely and correct acquisition of speech by the child. Without well-developed speech, there is no real communication, no true success in learning.

Speech development is purposeful and consistent pedagogical work. Speech is the main means and form of self-expression and communication of children; it serves as a way to regulate their behavior.

One of the tasks for speech development is enriching, consolidating and activating the vocabulary. It is known that the dictionary includes two concepts - these are active and passive dictionaries. The teacher's task is to activate passive vocabulary.

A.M. Borodich and V.I. Yanshin give the following definitions of the concepts of active and passive vocabulary:

Active vocabulary is words that the speaker not only understands, but also uses. The child’s active vocabulary includes commonly used vocabulary, but in some cases - a number of specific words, the everyday use of which is explained by the child’s living conditions.

Passive vocabulary is words that the speaker understands, but does not use himself. The passive vocabulary is much larger than the active one; this includes words whose meaning a person can guess from the context. If an adult’s passive vocabulary most often includes special terms, dialectisms, archaisms, then a child’s vocabulary includes some words of common vocabulary that are more complex in content.

Translating words from a passive vocabulary into an active one is a special pedagogical task that is implemented in the methodology of speech development. This science is relatively young.

Czech teacher Jan Amos Komensky paid much attention to the development of children's speech. In his work “The Mother's School, or the caring education of youth in the first six years,” he devotes an entire chapter to the development of speech. Recommendations for speech formation Ya.A. Komensky gives based on the developmental characteristics of children during the first 6 years. Until the age of 3, he pays the main attention to correct pronunciation; at the age of 4.5 and 6 - enriching speech, naming what the child sees in words. As a means of speech development Ya.A. Comenius suggests using poetry, jokes, fictional stories, and tales about animals.

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi put forward 3 main tasks in language teaching:

Teaching sound, or a means of developing speech organs;

Teaching a word, or a means of familiarizing with objects;

Learning speech, or a means of learning to express oneself clearly about objects.

The basis of learning is the principle of clarity. Learning words denoting specific and generic concepts is based on the perception of first objects, then pictures.

In the first half of the twentieth century, the German teacher Friedrich Froebel became widely known. He believed that a child’s language develops from early childhood, and the prerequisite for its development is the richness of the child’s inner life. F. Frebel saw the task of education as enriching the content of a child’s life. It is important that the child looks at everything well, and the teacher gives him the necessary vocabulary. The word should denote not only the objects themselves, but also their properties and qualities. F. Frebel closely associated the development of speech with observation and play.

Maria Montessori's method has become widespread throughout the world. She put forward the following tasks, which she considered basic: education of muscles, feelings and development of language. The latter includes exercises in nomenclature, correction of speech defects, and literacy training.

Regarding issues of speech development in domestic pedagogy, it should be noted the contribution made by K.D. Ushinsky. He proved the need for preparatory education before school, the accumulation of children's knowledge about the objects around them, the improvement of sensory culture, the development of speech based on the development of knowledge and thinking. K.D. Ushinsky developed and founded a system of teaching the native language, which has three goals:

Development of the gift of speech;

Assimilation of language forms developed both by the people and fiction;

Mastering the grammar or logic of a language.

The methodology for developing the speech of preschool children began to take shape relatively recently - in the 20-30s. of our century. There has been great interest in the study of children's speech. At the first congresses on preschool education, the task of comprehensive education of children in close connection with life and modernity was put forward. The development of the ability to navigate the environment was closely connected with the enrichment of the content of speech. Attention was drawn to the need to develop speech based on familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding life. The principles for selecting content and effective ways to develop speech were determined.

The activities of E.I. had a huge influence on the content and methods of work on speech development. Tikheeva. The theoretical basis of the system she developed is the following:

The development of speech is carried out in unity with mental development;

Children's speech develops in a social environment, in the process of communicating with adults and peers;

Speech develops in activity and primarily in play and work;

Management of speech development should cover all periods of a child’s life.

E.I. Tikheyeva paid a lot of attention to enriching the content of speech. Her works present a system of working with words. The stock of children's concepts and vocabulary in Tikheyeva's system are reinforced in classes without illustrative material, in vocabulary exercises.

E.A. Flerina emphasized the role of observations and sensory experience in the development of speech, and revealed the most important pattern of using direct perception, the teacher’s words and the active speech of children. She pays attention to the correct semantic use of words and replenishment of the vocabulary, the development of speech structure, clear pronunciation, and the use of fiction as a method of speech development.

The research of the staff of the laboratory for the development of children's speech, which was carried out under the leadership of F.A., had a great influence. Sokhina. Particular attention was paid to the development of the semantics of children's speech, the formation of language generalizations, and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.

At the same time, research was carried out on various aspects of children’s speech development in the departments of pedagogical universities under the leadership of M.M. Konina and A.M. Borodich, V.I. Loginova.

V.I. Loginova clarified the methodology for enriching the vocabulary based on familiarizing children with objects, their signs and qualities, the materials from which they are made, and showed the influence of the system of knowledge about objects on mental and speech development. She considered the development of children's vocabulary in connection with children's mastery of concepts.

Psychological and pedagogical studies of children's speech are carried out in three directions:

1. Structural - questions of the formation of different structural levels of the language system are studied: phonetic, lexical and grammatical;

2. Functional - the problem of developing language skills and communicative function is studied;

3. Cognitive - the problem of forming elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech is explored.

The studies of V.V. are devoted to the study of the characteristics of vocabulary acquisition by children. Gerbova, A.P. Ivanenko, N.P. Ivanova, Yu.S. Lyakhovskaya, E.M. Strunina and others.

So, research results have changed approaches to teaching content and methods. Speech tasks themselves are separated from familiarization with the environment, children’s knowledge about the elements of linguistic reality, linguistic communication, which ensures the child’s linguistic development, is isolated.

In order to work in this direction, it is necessary to study and know the features of children's speech development, as well as vocabulary acquisition. We will try to do this in the next paragraph.

The system of work on the formation of vocabulary for children with general speech underdevelopment (III level) is based on the following principles:

An activity-based approach that determines the content and structure of training taking into account leading activities;

Systematicity, which allows the development of speech as a complex functional system, the structural components of which are in close interaction;

Development of a sense of language, which consists in the fact that with repeated speech reproduction and the use of similar forms in one’s own statements, analogies are formed in the child at a subconscious level, and then he learns linguistic patterns;

Corrections and compensations that require flexible compliance of correctional pedagogical technologies and an individually differentiated approach to the nature of speech disorders in children;

General didactic (visuality and accessibility of the material, gradual transition from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, individual approach).

R.I. Lalaeva and N.V. Serebryakova offer their methods for developing vocabulary in preschoolers with ODD.

When carrying out speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary, it is necessary to take into account modern linguistic and psycholinguistic ideas about the word, the structure of the meaning of the word, the patterns of vocabulary formation in ontogenesis, and the characteristics of vocabulary in preschool children with speech pathology. Taking these factors into account, vocabulary formation is carried out in the following areas:

Expanding the volume of the vocabulary in parallel with the expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality, the formation of cognitive activity;

Clarification of the meanings of words;

Formation of the semantic structure of a word in the unity of basic

Its components;

Organization of semantic fields, lexical system;

Activation of the dictionary, improvement of word search processes, translation of a word from a passive to an active dictionary.

Considering the close connection between the development of vocabulary and word formation, this technique also includes tasks for inflection, the purpose of which is to clarify the structure of the meaning of a word, master the meaning of morphemes, a system of grammatical meanings, and consolidate connections between words.

1.2 Patterns of development of the vocabulary of older preschoolers in ontogenesis

Preschool age is a period of active mastery of all structures of the native language, a unique time for the formation and development of the lexicon.

The speech of a preschooler is formed and develops from several sides: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, which act in close unity, at the same time, each of them has its own meaning, affecting the development of speech utterance. When forming a vocabulary, the semantic component comes to the fore, since only a child’s understanding of the meaning of a word (in a system of synonymous, antonymic, polysemantic relations) can lead to a conscious choice of words and phrases and their precise use in speech (A.A. Leontiev).

Under favorable social conditions and proper upbringing, the child’s life experience is enriched, his activities are improved, and communication with the outside world and people develops. All this leads to the active growth of the lexicon, which increases very quickly (E.A. Arkin, A.N. Gvozdev, T.N. Naumova, E.Yu. Protasova, V.K. Kharchenko, V. Stern, K. Kezop ).

The study of the characteristics of vocabulary acquisition by children with normal speech development is devoted to studies that examine the issues of vocabulary development from the point of view of accuracy of use (M.M. Alekseeva, V.V. Gerbova, N.P. Ivanova, V.I. Loginova, Yu S. Lakhovskaya, A. A. Smaga, E. M. Strunina, E. I. Tikheeva, V. I. Yashina).

The first meaningful words appear in children by the end of the first year of life (10-12 words); at the end of the second year of life, the lexical composition is 300-400 words; by three years - 1500 words; by four - 1900; at five years - up to 2000 - 2500, at six seven years - up to 3500 - 4000 words.

The lexicon is growing both quantitatively and qualitatively. Thus, children aged three to four years, knowing a sufficient number of words, correctly name objects and phenomena, designate the qualities of objects and actions, and freely form words with diminutive suffixes. By the age of four, correct sound pronunciation, the intonation side of speech, as well as the ability to express a question, request, or exclamation with intonation are formed. By this point, the child has accumulated a certain vocabulary, which contains all parts of speech. The predominant place in the vocabulary used by children is occupied by verbs and nouns that denote objects and objects of the immediate environment; they begin to use adjectives and pronouns.

Many researchers note the special sensitivity of children of the fifth year of life to the sound, semantic and grammatical side of the word during this period; in their opinion, the formation of monologue speech occurs (N.A. Gvozdev, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, etc. ). A child of the fifth year of life expands the scope of his communication; he is already able to tell not only directly perceived circumstances, but also what was perceived and said earlier. At the same time, the speech of fifth-year children retains the features of the previous stage of development: when telling stories, they often use demonstrative pronouns this one, there.

Preschool children at the age of five or six can already form adjectives from nouns, various parts of speech from one root (runner - run - running, singer - sing - singing, blue - turn blue - blue), as well as nouns from adjectives.

Five-year-old preschoolers improve the elements of the sound side of a word necessary for the formation of a statement: pace, diction, voice strength and intonation expressiveness. In the statements of children of this age, various words appear that express the state and experience, and coherent speech begins to develop (V.V. Gerbova, G.M. Lyamina).

Analyzing the vocabulary of the spoken language of six- to seven-year-old children, it can be noted that they basically complete the formation of the core vocabulary. At the same time, “semantic” and partially grammatical development remains far from complete (A.V. Zakharova).

Clarification of the semantic content of words by older preschool age is gaining momentum. In speech, along with the use of words with a general meaning, words with an abstract meaning (joy, sadness, courage) are used. At first, preschoolers do not consciously use metaphors in their speech, but at an older age, conscious cases of metaphor use are observed. They develop a great interest in the word and its meaning (V.K. Kharchenko). The vocabulary of an older preschooler is actively enriched by words invented by them. At this age, word creation is one of the important features of children's speech.

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that senior preschool age is the end of the period of spontaneous acquisition of the native language. By this time, the child, on the one hand, has already mastered an extensive vocabulary, the entire complex system of grammar and coherent speech to such an extent that the acquired language becomes truly native to him (A.N. Gvozdev). On the other hand, the semantic and partially grammatical development of the child’s speech remains far from complete.

1.3 General underdevelopment of speech and its causes

The psychological and pedagogical approach to the analysis of speech disorders is a priority direction in domestic speech therapy. Within the framework of this direction, the development of language in children with speech disorders is analyzed. Conducted in the 60s. (R.E. Levin and co-workers) linguistic analysis of speech disorders in children suffering from in different forms speech pathology, made it possible to distinguish general speech underdevelopment and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. .

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is characterized by a violation of the formation in children of all components of the speech system: phonetic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical.

Children with OSD have a pathological course of speech development. The main signs of ODD in preschool age are a late onset of speech development, a slow pace of speech development, a limited vocabulary that does not correspond to age, a violation of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, a violation of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception. At the same time, children have preserved hearing and a satisfactory understanding of spoken language accessible for a certain age. The speech of children with SLD may be at different levels of development. Based on correctional tasks, R.E. Levina used a systematic approach to the analysis of speech disorders and conventionally designated three levels of OHP, each characterized by specific difficulties in speech development.

First level - the lowest. Children do not know commonly used means of communication. In their speech, children use babbling words and onomatopoeia, as well as a small number of nouns and verbs that are significantly distorted in terms of sound (“kuka” - doll). With the same babbling word or sound combination, a child can designate several different concepts and replace them with the names of actions and names of objects (“bi-bi” - car, plane, go).

Children's statements can be accompanied by active gestures and facial expressions. Speech is dominated by sentences of one or two words. There are no grammatical connections in these sentences. Children's speech can only be understood in specific situations of communication with loved ones. Children's understanding of speech is limited to a certain extent. The sound aspect of speech is severely impaired. The number of defective sounds exceeds the number of correctly pronounced ones. Correctly pronounced sounds are unstable and can be distorted and replaced in speech. The pronunciation of consonant sounds is more impaired; vowels may remain relatively preserved. Phonemic perception is grossly impaired. Children may confuse words that sound similar but have different meanings (milk - hammer). Until the age of three, these children are practically speechless. Spontaneous development of full speech is not possible for them. Overcoming speech underdevelopment requires systematic work with a speech therapist. Children with the first level of speech development should be educated in a special preschool institution. Compensation for speech defects is limited, so such children subsequently need long-term education in special schools for children with severe speech impairments.

General speech underdevelopment level 3– these are moderate deviations in the formation of various aspects of speech, relating mainly to complex lexical and grammatical units. It is characterized by the presence of an extended phrase, but the speech is agrammatic, sound pronunciation is poorly differentiated, phonemic processes lag behind the norm. The level of speech development is established using speech therapy diagnostics. Correction of underdevelopment of speech functions involves further work on coherent speech, mastering lexical and grammatical categories, and improving the phonetic aspect of speech.


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General information

The identification of four levels of speech development is caused by the need to unite children with speech pathology into groups to organize special correctional education, taking into account the severity of the speech defect. Level 3 OHP in domestic speech therapy is defined as the presence of a detailed phrasal utterance with specific lexical-grammatical (LG) and phonetic-phonemic (FF) errors. This is a higher stage of speech development compared to OHP levels 1 and 2. However, everything language means are not yet sufficiently formalized to be considered consistent with the norm, and therefore require further improvement. This disorder of speech skills can be diagnosed in preschoolers, starting from 4-5 years of age, and in primary schoolchildren.


Factors causing insufficient speech development can be biological and social. The former can affect a child at different periods of development - from prenatal to early preschool age. The second group of factors influences children’s speech after birth.

  • Biological. This group includes mild, mild lesions of the central nervous system in a child that disrupt the regulation of speech motor skills, auditory perception, and HMF. Their direct causes may be bad habits of the expectant mother, toxicosis of pregnancy, birth injuries of newborns, perinatal encephalopathy, TBI, diseases suffered by the child in early age etc. The speech therapy diagnosis for such children may be dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, stuttering, and in the presence of clefts of the hard and soft palate - open rhinolalia.
  • Social. They include the child’s dysfunctional family and speech environment. Experienced stress, lack of emotional contacts between children and parents, conflict situations in the family, pedagogical neglect and hospitalism syndrome inhibit the development of speech and adversely affect mental development. Another possible cause of OHP in a child is a deficit in verbal communication (for example, in the presence of deaf-mute parents), a multilingual environment, or incorrect speech of adults. An increase in the level of speech development from 1-2 to 3 can occur as a result of targeted speech therapy training.


The mechanism of unformed speech activity in OHP is closely related to the primary speech defect. The etiological substrate can be organic damage to the speech centers or cranial nerves, pathology of the peripheral speech organs, and functional immaturity of the central nervous system. At the same time, in children with the third level of OHP of various origins, common typical signs are observed that indicate the systemic nature of speech impairment: elements of PH underdevelopment, errors in sound pronunciation, distortion of the syllabic structure of words with complex sounds, difficulties in sound analysis and synthesis. It should be emphasized that with general underdevelopment of speech, all these deficiencies arise against the background of intact biological hearing and intelligence.

Symptoms of OHP level 3

The main new development of this stage is the appearance of an expanded phrase. Speech is dominated by simple common sentences of 3-4 words, complex sentences are practically absent. The structure of the phrase and its grammatical design may be disrupted: children skip minor parts of the sentence and make many ungrammatical statements. Typical errors are in the formation of the plural, changing words by gender, persons and cases, agreement of nouns with adjectives and numerals. When retelling, the sequence of presentation is disrupted, plot elements are omitted, and the content is impoverished.

Speech comprehension in a child with level 3 ODD is close to age norm. Difficulties arise when perceiving logical-grammatical structures that reflect spatial, temporal, cause-and-effect relationships. It is not always possible to accurately understand the meaning of complex prepositions, prefixes, and suffixes. At first glance, the volume of the dictionary is close to the norm; when composing a statement, children use all parts of speech. However, the examination reveals insufficient knowledge of parts of objects, failure to distinguish the lexical meanings of many words (for example, a child cannot explain the difference between a stream and a river). Word formation skills have not been developed - children find it difficult to form diminutive forms of nouns, possessive adjectives, and prefixed verbs.

The sound design of speech is much better than with level 2 OHP. However, all types of phonetic defects remain: replacement of articulatory complex sounds with simpler ones, defects in voicing and softening, distortions (sigmatism, lambdacism, rhotacism). The reproduction of words with complex syllabic composition suffers: syllables are reduced and rearranged. The formation of phonemic processes lags behind: the child experiences difficulty identifying the first and last sound in a word, and when selecting cards for a given sound.


Gaps in the development of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics have their long-term consequences in the form of specific disorders of learning skills. Schoolchildren may suffer from memorizing verbal material. They cannot concentrate on one task for a long time or, conversely, quickly switch to another type of activity. Due to insufficient hand motor skills, which often accompanies OHP, illegible handwriting is formed. Children have difficulties in mastering reading, writing and educational material in general - as a result, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyslexia, and poor academic performance occur. With level 3 ODD, children are embarrassed by their speech defect, which causes isolation, complexes, and communicative maladjustment.


The examination of a child with level 3 OHP consists of three diagnostic blocks. The first block is medical, includes clarification of the neurological status, establishing the causes of speech problems with the help of consultations with pediatric specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, maxillofacial surgeon, etc.) and the results of instrumental studies (x-rays of the facial skull, MRI of the brain, EEG). The second block – neuropsychological – falls within the competence of a child psychologist and involves assessing the development of mental functions, cognitive processes, personality, general and fine motor skills. The third block is pedagogical, carried out by a speech therapist-defectologist and includes an examination of the following aspects of speech:

  • Lexico-grammatical. The child’s vocabulary is studied (subject, verbal, features, possessive pronouns, adverbs). The ability to select antonyms and synonyms for words, knowledge of parts of the whole, and level of generalization are assessed. When checking the level of grammar development, primary attention is paid to the ability to construct common simple and complex phrases, to coordinate the members of a sentence in number, gender and case.
  • Phonetic. The nature of sound pronunciation is specified in isolation, in syllables, words and phrases. Types of pronunciation disorders are identified: substitutions, unstable and undifferentiated use, distortions and confusions. Most children have a violation of 3-4 or more groups of sounds.
  • Phonemic. The reflected repetition of pairs or rows of syllables, the discrimination of oppositional phonemes, and the ability to distinguish the first and last sounds in words are tested. For this purpose, verbal, picture and game didactic material is used.
  • Syllable structure. The child’s ability to reproduce words with a complex sound-syllable structure is determined. Defects in sound filling, elision, rearrangement, anticipation, interaction, and contamination are identified.
  • Connected speech. It is studied on the basis of retelling a familiar text and composing a story based on pictures. At the same time, the completeness, logical sequence of presentation, and the ability to convey the main idea and content are assessed.

Level 3 OHP correction

To carry out correctional work, compensatory speech therapy groups are organized in preschool educational institutions, where children are enrolled for two years of study. Classes are held daily in individual, subgroup or group format. As part of the third level OHP correction, the following tasks are solved:

  • Mastering the grammatical norms of the language. The child is taught to competently construct a simple, common phrase based on the speech therapist’s question and diagram, and to use complex and complex sentences in speech. Attention is paid to the correct agreement of words in gender, case and number forms.
  • Vocabulary enrichment. It is carried out in the process of studying various lexical topics. Expanding the vocabulary is achieved by mastering general concepts, signs, actions, parts and wholes of objects, synonyms and antonyms. Attention is paid to word formation using suffixes and prefixes, and to the study of the meaning of prepositions that reflect the spatial arrangement of objects.
  • Improving phrasal speech. Speech development involves developing the ability to answer questions in detail, compose stories using illustrations, retell texts, and describe events. First, a question-and-answer technique and a story outline are used, then the child plans his own story.
  • Development of pronunciation skills. Includes clarification of articulatory patterns, sound production and automation of difficult phonemes. Much attention is paid to the auditory differentiation of mixed sounds. When working on phonemic perception, the child is taught to distinguish between hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants.
  • Preparing for literacy. Propaedeutic work is carried out with the goal of subsequent successful development of reading and writing skills. For this, the child is taught sound and syllabic analysis (the ability to isolate given sounds and syllables, stressed vowels) and synthesis (come up with words with the desired sound), convert direct and reverse syllables into each other. At this stage, they try to correlate the image of a sound (phoneme) with the image of a letter (grapheme).

Prognosis and prevention

Children with level 3 speech development are educated in regular secondary schools, but may experience significant learning difficulties, and therefore must continue to study at school speech therapy. Properly organized speech mode, regular classes with a speech therapist and strict implementation of all his recommendations will help the child achieve clear and correct speech. Prevent lag in speech development prevention of perinatal and early postnatal lesions of the central nervous system, a favorable speech environment and the family environment in which the child grows up helps. For timely detection of speech defects, it is necessary to visit a speech therapist at the age of 2.5-3 years.