Today's notes about what mistakes young people make when choosing a profession.

So what not to do...

1. Attitude to the choice of profession as a permanent one.
In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations, positions as a person's qualifications grow. At the same time, the one who has successfully completed the initial stages achieves the greatest success. Analyze the situation on the labor market. Please note that every year new professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your skills, master related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of a profession now, in the 11th grade, will fatally determine your entire fate. Changing the choice, mastering a new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. The first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first education of an art critic will help a lawyer in his second education to understand the complex issues of inheritance of antique values ​​...

2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession.
With regard to the profession, prejudice manifests itself in the fact that certain professions and occupations important for society are considered unworthy obscene (for example: scavenger).An economist or psychologist is no more useful to society than a chemist or a locksmith. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will own (if you will) a "fashionable", but not enjoyable specialty. Or, what good, you will be unsuitable for the performance of basic work functions ...

3. The choice of profession under the influence of comrades (for the company, so as not to be left behind).
We choose a profession according to our "taste" and "size" in the same way as clothes and shoes. Group feeling, peer orientation are very positive features of children of your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in society, the formation of the image of "I" and self-esteem. Therefore, look back at others, COMPARE (yourself with friends), and not blindly repeating. Try to see how you differ from your comrades - and how you are similar. This will help you understand that if Vasya goes to work as a firefighter (and he is a risky person), you may not like this profession (you are very careful and reasonable).

4. Transfer of attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession.
When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the features of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or dislike the person who is engaged in this type of activity. The charm of a teacher is especially dangerous (if you admire the sincerity of a physicist, this does not mean that you like physics in itself, outside the "set"). In addition, guys often make a mistake, trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist. Athletes are not all like that.

5. Fascination only with the external or some private side of the profession.
Behind the ease with which the actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work. And journalists do not always appear on television - more often they shovel a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before they prepare a 10-minute report, which, moreover, will be voiced by another (an announcer on television).

6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or a poor distinction between these concepts.
There is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions that require the ability to speak a language - an interpreter, a guide, an international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, one must take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject. To do this, it is best not just to study professiograms or dictionaries of professions. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies on the labor exchange (they usually indicate what kind of education is required for a particular vacancy). For example, a person with a linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, translator, editor, and assistant secretary. Moreover, keep in mind that there are more professions than school subjects. You can become a lawyer, marketer, apparatchik. Professions can usually be associated with several school subjects (usually correspond to university entrance exams for admission to this specialty). For example, a future economist at school may like both mathematics and geography at the same time.

7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production.
In all professions, and above all in workers, complex and interesting equipment is being introduced, and the culture of work is being raised. (A computer is being introduced in absolutely all areas of activity - up to animal husbandry).

8. Inability / unwillingness to understand one's personal qualities (inclinations, abilities).
Professional consultants, parents, teachers, comrades will help you to understand yourself. Psychological tests, as well as articles and publications on the topic of popular psychology, can also be useful. However, keep in mind that there are many non-professionals among them, so be critical of both test results and what is written in psychological books. The purpose of popular tests is to activate the activity of self-knowledge (introspection, introspection), and not to give you a ready answer to the question of who to be or stick a label about what you are.

9. Ignorance / underestimation of their physical characteristics, shortcomings, essential when choosing a profession.
There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because. they can worsen your health condition. There are few such professions and they mainly include those in which a long-term stress of certain physiological systems is required. Computer scientists strain their eyes a lot, and pilots strain their hearts ...

10. Ignorance of the main actions, operations and their order in solving, thinking over the problem when choosing a profession.
When you solve a math problem, you perform certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession. I hope that knowing and understanding these mistakes will help you avoid them when choosing your future profession.

Anna Sukhikh

How to find yourself and who to become? This question torments every conscious person at some point, in most cases it is asked by high school students and their parents. Of course, you need to approach the choice of a profession seriously and thoroughly, but do not forget that there is a long life ahead, during which you can acquire more than one specialty and even radically change the type of activity.

And yet, I would like to note that the choice of the first profession is important and the approach to this action should be appropriate. What needs to be done in order to choose the right educational institution, faculty, specialty, we roughly imagine. Our self-determination occurs in early childhood, when we assume different professional roles. It ends in adolescence and is accompanied by the development of certain conditions conducive to decision making. Such conditions create a kind of formula for the future profession and they can be conditionally designated as “I can”, “I want” and “I must”.

Here, "want"- these are our inclinations and interests (passion for objects, phenomena, events, various activities).

"Can"- human abilities, his state of health (mathematical, creative, etc.).

And important "necessary"- for example, a young man wants to become a gondolier and he has everything for this: excellent health, eloquence, a good memory and a pleasant voice. There is one problem, in our country they do not drive gondolas, and, accordingly, our fictional hero will not find a use for the profession he has received.

Can be distinguished a few common mistakes when choosing a future profession, knowledge of which will help you find a job that satisfies you as much as possible.

TOP 10 mistakes when choosing a profession

  1. Orientation only to the outer side of the profession. It is necessary to learn more deeply the course of the work process, everyday life, possible difficulties.
  2. Transferring one's attitude to a person, a representative of any profession, to the profession itself. Negative or positive character traits, human behavior are not always integral components of a particular profession.
  3. Equating subjects with professions. The world of the latter is much larger and does not always correspond to school subjects.
  4. The desire to follow the lead of the majority and get a profession “for the company”.
  5. Neglect of one's personal qualities, abilities, inclinations, desires, level of knowledge and training.
  6. Neglect of the assessment of their physical capabilities, the level of stress, contraindications.
  7. Confusion in the concepts of "profession", "position" and "specialty".
  8. Attitude to the future specialty, as to the only one in life. In any field of activity, over time, there is a change of positions, places, the acquisition of related specialties, and all this as the professionalism and qualifications of a person grow.
  9. The pursuit of prestigious professions. Study not fashion, but the labor market.
  10. Orientation immediately to the profession of the highest qualification.

We have introduced you to the most common mistakes in choosing a profession. Now each of you can assess your situation and make the right decision.

No need to be scared if in these mistakes you saw your approach to finding a future job. A conscious choice will be made only if it is motivated: a person really assesses his capabilities and is well acquainted with the type of activity.

In this regard, I would like to note that there are five types of professions and several groups of motives.

Occupation types

  1. "Man - sign system" (translator, accountant, economist, programmer, surveyor, architect and others).
  2. "Man - nature" (ecologist, veterinarian, arborist, geologist and others).
  3. "Man is man" (teacher, doctor, lawyer, investigator, psychologist and others).
  4. "Man - an artistic image" (make-up artist, designer, sculptor, artist and others).
  5. "Man - Technician" (engineer, mechanic, locksmith, electrician and others).

Possible motives for choosing a profession

  1. Prestigious (achieving a position in society, the possibility of rapid career growth).
  2. aesthetic (craving for beauty, harmony and beauty).
  3. Moral (direction to a useful result for people, helping them).
  4. Social (search for one's place in society according to interests and opportunities).
  5. cognitive (desire to acquire special knowledge, interest in the essence of the work process).
  6. material (search for a high paying job).
  7. Creative (desire to be unique).
  8. Utility (ease of admission to an educational institution, proximity to home, etc.).

You need to take your future very seriously, then the present will be the same approach. Already at the very beginning of your career, you can think carefully: who will i be? What will I do and what do I want to achieve? Having thought through all these issues well, you can safely count on a successful outcome of the case and the acquisition of a profession that will mark the beginning of joyful working days.

I would also like to note that at the end of last year, the Ministry of Education and Science made recommendations for universities - don't accept triplets into their ranks. The quality of preparation of applicants should be improved, and graduates with triples in the certificate may not keep up with the curriculum. Studies have been carried out and it has been found that most of the three students enter agricultural universities, excellent students are in a hurry to become doctors, and students with good grades apply to engineering and technical universities. Do not be afraid of future difficulties in mastering the curriculum of the university; if necessary, you can seek help and.

Typical mistakes when choosing a profession.

Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. Choosing the right profession means finding your place in life. To make this decision, it is important to have reliable information about your inclinations and abilities necessary for professional activity, existing professions and specialties, about educational institutions and about the demand for various professions in the labor market.

Of the many professions, it is necessary to choose one, and even such that the soul lies in it, it is quite difficult. Of course, no one is immune from mistakes, but I want the probability of a miss to be as small as possible.

All mistakes made when choosing a profession can be divided into points:

  1. Attitude towards the choice of a profession as a permanent one (i.e. “for the rest of your life”).

In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations, positions as the qualifications of the specialty grow. At the same time, the one who has successfully completed the initial stages achieves the greatest success.

Analyzing the current situation in the labor market, we can say that every year new professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your skills, master related professions. Changing the choice, mastering a new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. The first profession, even if you then change your mind and find something more attractive, come in handy in unexpected situations.

For example, a psychologist, having acquired additional knowledge in the field of management and labor office work, can build his career in the field of personnel management. Also, an economist in foreign economic activity inevitably faces legal issues, therefore, he is often forced to receive a legal education, which may allow him to change his field of activity. Recently, in the manufacturing and industrial sectors, managers and marketers with basic technical education are required.

Scientific and technological progress requires the possession of new information technologies and means of communication, and this applies not only to middle and senior managers, but also to working professions, because production becomes high-tech.

To date, educational services for adults have become widespread: various professional courses from masons to currency traders, second higher education and professional retraining, higher education based on secondary vocational training, advanced training courses and courses in foreign languages, rhetoric, and so on. In addition, there are state programs for the retraining of specialists, for example, military personnel transferred to the reserve, or unemployed citizens, etc.

2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession.

With regard to the profession, prejudices are manifested in the fact that some important professions for society, occupations are considered unworthy, indecent. Everyone wants to work beautifully, but who will do the “dirty, ugly” work?

High earnings and social status in society are the main criteria by which a conclusion is made whether the profession is prestigious or not. Career magazine often features articles on career building based on examples of individual successful individuals, from which it follows that a really good education is a solid foundation for building a career, but this is only the beginning of a long journey. Talk to your parents, acquaintances, many studied at institutes, what are their classmates doing now? Who has been successful and how? All received the same profession, however, salaries and social status and even areas of activity are different.

The prestige of the profession largely depends on the mood in society, on the ideals and principles among young people, and, as you know, they change. The easiest way to trace this is in the history of our country.In the 60s, the profession of a geologist, for example, or a design engineer was very popular and prestigious among young people.. What happened to these professions during the years of "stagnation"? Playing chess in the workplace, boring uninteresting work, low wages - all these were attributes of the engineering profession.As a result, technical universities have problems with recruitment, and those who graduate from a technical university do not go to work in their specialty.Today, production is being revived, many intermediary firms working in the industry need young energetic specialists with a technical education, which are very few. The limited supply makes these specialists very in demand, and therefore well paid. Thus, the prestige of a profession also depends on the state of the labor market.

Of course, there are professions that are called “for all time”, which are always prestigious, but these are mainly creative professions: actors, musicians, artists, etc. However, is it prestigious to be an actor without roles, or a musician without listeners?

3. The choice of profession under the direct or indirect influence of comrades (i.e. "For the company").

Most often, this mistake occurs when the choice of profession is carried out only on the basis of interests and inclinations. As you know, friends, first of all, are united by common interests and hobbies. Therefore, choosing the same profession with a friend for teenagers is considered absolutely natural. It also happens because of the fear of independent choice, the fear of making a mistake. Often, simply because of laziness, for example, a friend and his parents found out everything, chose an educational institution, everyone weighed why they should do something else. Many high school students perceive admission to a university as a certain stage of fun (student) to which it is better to go with a friend. Strange as it may seem, many people don’t care where they go to study, they used to go to school together, now we’ll go to a vocational school or a technical school together. Of course, this is not correct. Firstly, each person is an individual and has his own unique set of abilities and inclinations.Example: Vasya goes to the fireman (and he is a risky and fearless person), and Kolya, following him (very cautious and reasonable by nature), as a result, Vasya will still be a firefighter, but Kolya is unlikely.Secondly, each family has its own opportunities that you may not know about.

4. Transfer of attitude towards a person - a representative of a particular profession - to the profession itself.

When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the features of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or dislike the person who is engaged in this type of activity. The charm of the teacher is especially important(if you admire the sincerity of a physicist, this does not mean that you like to do physics) . In addition, one should not strive to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist.

5. Fascination only with the external or some private side of the profession.

Psychologically, we tend to pay attention to the most attractive features of this or that activity for us.. And we do not think about many other aspects at all. As a result, the image of even a well-known profession is significantly distorted. Indeed, behind the ease with which the actor creates an image on stage, there is intense everyday work. And journalists do not always appear on TV programs - more often they sort through a lot of information, archives, talk to dozens of people - before they prepare a 10-minute report.

Very clearly examples of such a series of illusions are found by applicants from pedagogical universities. Many people are brought here by their passion for their favorite science (mathematics, interest in history, etc.), but the actual work of a teacher, a teacher, attracts little.

Let's take the design profession as an example. The work of a designer is associated, first of all, with creativity, with a free schedule, big money, communication with interesting and wealthy people, as well as fame and social life. However, this profession also has unattractive sides. First of all, it is painstaking and hard work, often associated with physical exertion. Work on a certain project can last several weeks, or even months without days off. In addition, we must not forget that the designer works for the customer, therefore, he must take into account the wishes of the client and his vision of the result of the work, which do not always coincide with the creative idea of ​​the designer himself. But the main difficulty in this profession is employment. Even the largest firms work "from order to order" and this break can be quite large. The competition in this market is already high. As in any creative profession, the recognition of a designer as a professional may come already at the institute, or it may never come. Unfortunately, this does not even depend on the ability and measure of talent.

6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or a poor distinction between these concepts.

First of all, when choosing a profession, one must take into account what real occupations and professions are behind it.There is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions that require the ability to speak a language - an interpreter, a guide, an international telephone operator, etc. And a person with a linguistic education can work as a teacher, translator, editor, and secretary-referent.

It is important to know that there are more professions than school subjects.

7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production.

At present, complex and interesting equipment is being introduced into all professions, and above all into workers, and the culture of work is being raised. And the computer is being introduced into all spheres of activity - up to animal husbandry.

8. Inability to understand, lack of habit to understand one's personal qualities.

Professional consultants, parents, teachers, friends can help you understand yourself. Psychological tests can also be useful, but the purpose of the tests is to activate the activity of self-knowledge (i.e. self-observation, introspection), do not expect a ready-made answer from the test.

9. Ignorance or underestimation of their physical features, shortcomings, essential when choosing a profession.

The price of this mistake is very high - it is health. Many adolescents with health problems do not correlate them with their choice of profession. They choose an educational institution, pass exams, but do not pass a medical examination, for health reasons. And at this stage, parents begin to connect, look for all sorts of ways for the child to be in the chosen educational institution. But the fact is that medical contraindications did not appear by chance, since there are professions in which a long-term stress of certain physiological systems is required.(For example: computer scientists and tailors strain their eyes a lot, and pilots strain their hearts).Therefore, not the ratio of professional activity and health can lead to the most serious consequences.

10. Ignorance of the main actions, operations and their order in solving, thinking over the problem when choosing a profession.

The main thing here is for the teenager to get creative and develop his own plan for himself - a list of actions necessary for choosing a profession. This may include: analysis of offers in the education market, analysis of demand in the labor market, an objective assessment of one's abilities, inclinations and knowledge. An important assistant in this can be: career guidance lessons, which should teach you the basics of choosing the right profession and technologies for choosing an educational institution.

Many schools have their own psychological services where specialists can provide the necessary consultations, if there are none, then the schools have information about specialized district and city organizations where you will be assisted in professional self-determination. Many teenagers do not even know where to start choosing the appropriate profession, and often tend to shift the responsibility to others, such as parents or teachers.

When a profession is chosen, an equally important question inevitably arises, where to get it. The market of educational services is extremely unstable, educational institutions appear and close, state educational standards change, the names of specialties and qualifications change. It's almost impossible to figure this out on your own. Very often, applicants and parents do not even know what to ask at the Open Day or at the Admissions Committee. The selection of an educational institution must be carried out very carefully. A random choice of an educational institution can lead to the most unexpected consequences: you may not receive a state-recognized diploma, or another specialty will be written in this diploma, the university may simply close, it may turn out that the practice will not be organized, and in this case, where will the practical skills come from etc.

1. Independent professional orientation /Under total Ed. V.D. Rozhkov. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Forteks", 2002. - 136 p. From 55-56

2. Organization of career guidance in educational institutions.Part 2. Bryansk, 1999, pp. 13-16

When choosing a future profession, many students make a number of mistakes. To prevent this from happening, below is the online edition " " gives the main mistakes that are made when choosing a profession.

1. The prestige of the profession. Most often, students choose their future specialty based on the level of prestige. Most often they are lawyers, economists, financiers. Although there are other professions that are necessary and there is a demand for them in the labor market, for example, an ecologist, an engineer, etc. You should not assume that professions that are not “fashionable” are less important and in demand.

2. Influence of surrounding people. Friends are the ones who influence the choice of profession. Everyone goes to this specialty, so I will go. But don't compare yourself to them. You choose clothes according to your taste, not the taste of your friends. The same applies to the future specialty.

3. Children choose a profession because their idol does it. For example, a schoolgirl is fascinated by a teacher of mathematics and chooses a specialty only because of him, although mathematics may be weak. The boys have athletes in their idols, which also influences the choice of a future profession.

4. Choosing a profession because of the passion for only one side of it. For example, an actor performs on stage in front of a large audience who adores him, but this work is very hard and takes a lot of time. In this case, children see only one side - popularity, stage and money. And the fact that it requires a lot of work - they do not see.

5. Attachment to a particular school subject. A student chooses a future specialty because of love for one subject. But it is worth knowing that professions most often include knowledge of several school subjects at once.

6. Outdated information about a particular specialty. The world does not stand still, new technologies are being introduced in industries that make the profession more prestigious and modern.

7. Unwillingness to understand their abilities. Parents, teachers or psychological tests for professional orientation can help to understand their abilities.

8. Underestimation of their physical abilities. There are professions that require a healthy body, they include all military professions. But students do not always understand this.

9. When choosing a profession, a student does not have complete information about it. He does not know what the representatives of the chosen profession do and what duties they perform.

10. The choice of profession is based on the desire to study in a particular place. A student wants to study in a particular city, at a particular university, and it doesn’t matter to him what specialties there are and whether he can “pull” according to his knowledge.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 14"

Project work on the course "Your professional career" on the topic:

"Typical mistakes when choosing a profession"

Zalyubovskaya Daria,

8th grade student


Koshubaro Olga Nikolaevna

Noyabrsk, 2017

Project name: "Typical mistakes when choosing a profession"

Project leader: Koshubaro Olga Nikolaevna.

Subject: Your professional career.

Academic disciplines: Economics, technology.

Project type: informational

Target project: to study the mistakes that can be made when choosing a profession

Tasks project:

    Learn what a profession is

    Consider what mistakes exist when choosing a profession

    Consider the technology of choosing a profession

Annotation: At the moment, the project is relevant, since in most cases school graduates make mistakes in choosing a profession

The age for which the project is designed is from 13 and up

Introduction . Each new generation of school graduates, not wanting to learn from the mistakes of those who have passed this difficult path before them, steadily continues to step on the same rake when choosing an ideal profession for themselves. In this article, we will present the most common mistakes made by schoolchildren, applicants, and adults too, trying to find the answer to the age-old questions “Who to be?”, “What profession to choose?” and "Where to study?".

As a rule, all the mistakes listed below in choosing a profession do not depend on the age group, but there are also unique options that, for example, can only be made by school graduates, for example, go to school with friends or in defiance of parents. At the end of the article are useful tips that are designed to help prevent most mistakes, representing a small roadmap with a description of step-by-step actions to achieve the goal.

What are the mistakes in choosing a profession

    Ignorance of the world of professions

One of the most basic and common mistakes in choosing a profession, from which many others follow. Many schoolchildren, approaching graduation classes and the need to take unified state exams (USE and GIA), have little idea of ​​what professions there are and what is happening in the labor market at the present time. The situation is aggravated by the need to urgently decide on the set of exams required for admission to universities and continuing education in a particular specialty.

For a more successful choice and initial acquaintance with professions that are interesting and suitable for you, you can recommendgo through and get acquainted in detail with the rich world of offered specialties. For even more precisechoice, it is necessary to use the services of qualified psychologists - professional consultants. In every city and almost every educational institution there are relevant services and specialists. Public employment services can also help in resolving this issue.

    Orientation to the prestige of the profession

A bright representative of mistakes in choosing a profession. Very often, when choosing a future career path, young people are guided solely by the prestige of a particular profession. As a result, a huge number of freshly graduates find themselves on the labor market, who go to work like hard labor, dreaming of Friday and a career change. Usually, lawyers, financiers, marketers, bankers, show business and other similar fall into the category of prestigious professions. Undoubtedly, these are good professions, but they are far from suitable for everyone and you should not choose based solely on prestige. At a minimum, there are still the same important concepts as demand in the labor market, interest in the profession, physical and mental predispositions to a particular professional field.

    Choice under peer pressure

Usually, the role of those around them is played by parents who sincerely and wholeheartedly want to place their beloved child in the best, in their opinion, field of activity. Unfortunately, very often the interests, talents, abilities and aspirations of the child himself are not considered, which leads to quarrels in families or the need to retrain and change profession later.

It is even worse when parents try to realize their unfulfilled dreams of youth in a child. In such cases, the child needs to be able to defend his point of view, protecting his interests. It is difficult to study against your will, and it is even more difficult to work.

    Follow in the footsteps of your idol

A common mistake in choosing a profession for schoolchildren, when falling in love or other passion for another person (a favorite teacher, actor, singer, etc.) can predetermine the desired profession or field of activity. However, in fact, interest in a person and interest in a profession correspond even less than nothing, and disappointment can occur during training.

If possible, then you should talk to your idol, ask him about the job and its requirements, consult whether it is worth choosing the same profession and where it is better to go to study. As a program, at least it is necessary to learn as much as possible about the profession, perhaps it will not be as interesting as it seemed from afar. Of course, at the same time, it is necessary to sensibly assess your capabilities, interests and aspirations, and it is also advisable to pass several career guidance tests and talk with a competent psychologist-professional consultant.

    Go study "for the company"

In cases where an interesting profession was not found, and it is urgent to decide on exams and admission to a university, school graduates choose USE options for passing and universities for entering a company with school friends. Sometimes this option turns out to be not bad, since it is easier and more fun to study in an already established pleasant company, and there, perhaps, you will like the profession.

Alas, much more often it turns out quite differently: with interest and success, school friends absorbing new knowledge get ahead and get new acquaintances with whom you can discuss what you heard at a lecture, organize a joint project or arrange an experiment while a childhood friend, not possessing corresponding talents, lags behind without the opportunity to participate in joint activities.

In fact, this situation is a departure from personal responsibility and shifting it to others. But people around cannot bear full responsibility for such a difficult choice of each person as the choice of a profession. It turns out a lottery, in which you can get lucky, but much more often the ticket turns out to be without winning.

Such mistakes in choosing a profession are made due to the insufficient work of both school psychologists and teachers, who did not provide the required level of career guidance classes, and parents, who let the process of determining the student's profession take its course and did not actively participate in it.

    Desire to study only in a certain place

The desire to study at a certain college or university is commendable in itself, as it speaks of the interest shown and the collection of information carried out. Another thing is that in the educational institution you like, there may simply not be a suitable and interesting training program. The problem is somewhat smoothed out by federal universities, which cover a wide range of professions in the humanities and technical areas, and also have an excellent material and technical base for education. But even they cannot teach many narrow specialties, which, as a rule, are taught by separate educational institutions: doctors, teachers, lawyers and many other specialties will be inaccessible with this approach.

Think about whether an old, beautiful building or the presence of a swimming pool for students is worth going to study in an uninteresting or far from the desired specialty.

7. Outdated or incorrect information about the profession

The world of professions does not stand still and is constantly changing. Some professions are fading away, others are just emerging. With the development of science and the emergence of new methods, almost all professions available on the modern labor market are subject to constant change.

Therefore, in the process of determining it is necessary to know well what this or that profession is at the present time. Our or you can independently find on the Internet requirements for specialists, a description of the work process, or go to job fairs and open days at enterprises of interest. Thus, possible mistakes in choosing a profession due to ignorance of the current state of affairs will be minimized.

    Considering only the visible side of the profession

Many people like to dream about the career of a famous actor, singer or presenter. Indeed, at first glance, representatives of such professions easily collect full halls and receive large fees, but at the same time, few imagine the real state of affairs and a huge amount of behind-the-scenes work, whether it's endless rehearsals, traveling around the country or training to keep fit. Let's not forget about forced publicity, which not everyone will like.

Before finally choosing the preferred field of activity, it is necessary to study it in as much detail as possible from all sides.

    Lack of desire to understand yourself

A fundamental mistake in choosing a profession, when for one reason or another a person refuses to understand himself, to highlight his strengths and weaknesses. One of these reasons may be avoiding responsibility for the choice made and shifting it to others. Another reason may be general self-doubt and severely low self-esteem. In any case, the result of the choice is likely to be unsatisfactory, made without regard to objective reality, and the work will not bring joy and satisfaction.

Help in choosing a profession in this case can come from well-known people, such as parents, other close relatives, friends, colleagues. But a much better choice would be to pass psychological career guidance tests followed by a comprehensive consultation with an experienced psychologist - professional consultant, together with whom it will be possible to highlight the most pronounced and important personality traits and choose a profession based on them.

    Misjudgment of one's abilities

An incorrect assessment of one's strengths and weaknesses can lead to an erroneous choice of profession and, as a result, dissatisfaction with the labor process and a decrease in the quality of life. If you are hesitant to communicate with other people and prefer books to communication, then it is hardly worth choosing the profession of a journalist or teacher.

Mistakes in choosing a profession also occur with low or high self-esteem, which makes it difficult to adequately identify those who have talents and abilities for a particular type of activity. As in other cases, help to decideproblemor in writing, as well as a mandatory conversation with a professional consultant.

    Attachment to favorite school subject

There are many more professions than school subjects, moreover, many specialties cover many areas in their activities and it is very difficult to correlate them with a specific subject.

For example, even if the most favorite language at school was a foreign language, the choice of a profession is not limited to just a translator. There are many more options: from a guide and translator to a diplomat and an intermediary between a domestic company and foreign enterprises.

Decide what you wanttype of activity and choose a specific specialty will help services such aswhich contains the most popular professions in Russia with a detailed description and examples of activities. Also, before the final choice, it is worth studying in detail the labor market and the offered vacancies, which indicate certain requirements and education for each of the vacancies.

    Ignorance of the prospects and requirements of the labor market

The right choice of profession, among other things, depends on the labor market of the region of residence and the prospects for its development. When choosing a professional path, it is definitely necessary to analyze newspapers and websites with vacancies, job descriptions and analytical materials about the expected changes in the labor market in the next 5-10 years.

After the analysis, it may turn out that the chosen profession after a few years will lose its popularity or prestige, and it will be difficult to find a job in the specialty. It is also worth considering the fact that very often non-prestigious workers and technical specialties are paid much better and are more in demand than the next young economist with no experience in an oversaturated labor market.

Thus, by analyzing the labor market in the region of residence, one can avoid the mistake of choosing a profession and make a better choice, taking into account one's aspirations, desires and capabilities.

13 . Ignoring one's own abilities and interests

Very often, when choosing a profession, people deliberately dismiss the significance of their interests and abilities, highlighting only the level of wages or the ephemeral prestige of the profession. However, few are able to reach the heights with such a choice - it is tritely unpleasant and difficult to invest in work that is unpleasant and causes rejection. And in the absence of a noticeable outlet in his free time, such a person will be constantly unhappy, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of life.

A simple solution to such a mistake in choosing a profession is to choose just such a specialty that you like and will be interested in doing for most of your life.

14. Continue family traditions against your will

A very good and right thing to do when a child follows in the footsteps of his parents. He has at his disposal rich experience, best practices and first-hand secrets of the profession, and the support and advice of close and understanding people at the first steps is absolutely invaluable, useful and timely. It is from such families that talented doctors, engineers, actors, scientists come out.

But in a barrel of honey there may be a weighty fly in the ointment, which will cross out all the advantages of this approach. Such a spoon will be the desire of the child to follow in the footsteps of his parents and continue the family dynasty. Someone will break down under pressure and accept the imposed rules of the game, someone will fight for the right to go their own way. The main thing is that the family does not perceive such behavior as a betrayal and does not start putting sticks in the wheels on the way to the dream profession. Such actions will only lead to conflicts and a possible break in relations.

15 . Treat the profession as the only possible

Any field of activity is subject to constant change, and as experience, qualifications and career advancement grow, so will occupations with the area of ​​responsibility. Naturally, the most successful person will be the one who has passed the initial stages perfectly.

In addition to the profession itself, familiarize yourself with career prospects and the state of the labor market in advance. Be ready for constant professional development, development of related and similar professions, or even a radical change in the direction of activity. All this will turn you into a valuable specialist who will always be in demand and successful.

Thus, one should not think that the initial choice of a profession is the only chance that will determine the entire future fate. At any time, it will be possible to retrain for another profession or a related specialty, and the mistakes made earlier in choosing a profession will help you make the right decision.

15. Underestimating your physical features and capabilities

In some professions, it is necessary to assess your physical capabilities and characteristics as sensibly as possible. Military service, special forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, service in law enforcement agencies require excellent physical fitness. Aviation requires perfect vision and quick thinking. For creative professions, taste and relevant skills are required.

Some professions can be mastered with the proper attitude and constant efforts on the way to the intended goal, while others may be closed forever. In this case, you can master close or relatively related professions. For example, if you didn’t manage to become a civil aviation pilot, then you can try to become an aircraft maintenance mechanic, a dispatcher, or even a steward.

An incorrect assessment of one's physical capabilities may lead to the need to subsequently obtain another specialty, which will result in a loss of time and finances.

16. Focus only on salary

It is a bad practice when choosing a profession to focus only on the size of the future salary. Firstly, the salary indicated in the vacancies corresponds to specialists with experience and you still need to grow up to it. Secondly, it will be difficult morally and physically to study for an unloved or difficult to master specialty. Thirdly, working solely for the sake of money, without receiving absolutely no satisfaction from work, leads to rapid emotional burnout with unpredictable consequences.

17 . Choosing a profession in spite of or in spite of someone

Very often, young people choose a profession in defiance of the statements of their parents or other significant people such as “Yes, do you find it difficult which programmer you are?”, “You can’t connect two words, but you want to become a journalist!”, “Yes, you won’t become a good specialist, you can’t do anything!”. Sometimes such statements are true, sometimes they are said in a fit of emotion in order to hurt a person.

A choice made to prove to others that they were wrong is a bad choice, since it is not the people who gave unpleasant comments who will have to work in an unloved or too difficult job.

18. Study just for the sake of a college degree

Among all the mistakes in choosing a profession, this one applies mainly to Russia. We have a situation in which the presence of higher education is a necessary requirement for many vacancies, even if objectively it is not needed. Sometimes it comes to absurd situations when a diploma of higher education is required for cleaning service employees or other professions that require only applied experience and education.

Another aggravating factor is the threat of military service for guys, the only chance to delay which is admission to a higher educational institution and, by hook or by crook, study there until the age of 27. As a result, the output is well-trained specialists with a bias in scientific activity and existing dissertations, but who do not see themselves and do not plan to work in this area.

Career choice technology

Summing up all the above typical mistakes in choosing a profession, we can say that choosing a profession is a very difficult and responsible step, which should be approached as responsibly and seriously as possible.

You can derive a few simple rules and tips that will help you avoid most of the mistakes:

    Understand yourself: your abilities, talents, interests, physical capabilities.

    Determine your strengths and weaknesses in relation to future work.

    Pass career guidance tests on the Internet or in paper form and get a detailed consultation from an experienced psychologist-professional consultant.

    To get acquainted with the diverse world of professions, pay special attention to those that suit the results of the first three tips.

    To confirm the correctness of the choice, get acquainted with specialists from the selected areas and find out subtleties and features of the profession that are invisible at first glance.

    Based on the above, choose the most interesting educational institution for higher education and find out the required set of USE for admission.

    Prepare well in the chosen subjects and pass the unified state exams for the best possible result.

    Enter the chosen university and, after studying, become an excellent specialist who enjoys work and moves up the career ladder.

Conclusion: Choosing a profession is a very difficult and serious matter, so you should take it very seriously. The most important thing is to know about mistakes and avoid them