A woman’s well-being during her period is directly related to her diet during these days. The diet should include foods enriched with vitamins and microelements. Also, food should not cause bloating or increased gas formation, because such factors aggravate general condition. To avoid this, you need to know that you cannot eat during menstruation.

During menstruation, the following may appear: discomfort: weakness, bloating, problems with digestive function, cramps. The manifestation of these symptoms is associated not only with changes in hormonal levels, but also with the reaction to the foods consumed. Therefore, doctors recommend following a diet during menstruation.

An excess of fatty, heavy, smoked foods contributes, that is, the symptom that appears intensifies. Sweets, which enter a woman’s body in large quantities, have a similar effect. Under the influence of sugar, the fermentation process in the intestines is activated, and the resulting gases begin to distend the abdominal area, causing increased menstrual pain.

During menstruation, progesterone is actively produced, resulting in an increase in blood pressure. If these days you eat food that has the same effect, the woman will feel a general malaise due to increased PMS and other uncomfortable sensations that appear.

Also, some foods can cause increased pain and excessive discharge. The impact can be associated not only directly with menstruation, but also with the emotional mood of a woman, since some food increases irritability and excitability.

To avoid this, you need to know how to eat during your period. A diet during menstruation will help improve your own well-being by easing discomfort.

What foods are best to avoid during menstruation?

The discomfort that occurs during menstruation can increase if a woman does not eat properly. To prevent this from happening, you must refuse:

  • from fatty foods. During menstruation, flatulence is often observed in the intestines, the stomach becomes bloated, and such foods in the diet aggravate these problems, causing increased pain in the abdominal area, deterioration in general well-being (during menstruation, it is necessary to completely eliminate sour cream, full-fat milk, butter, pork);
  • spicy dishes. Their use causes a rush of blood to the organs and tissues of the pelvis, which provokes increased menstrual flow and pain, increased duration of menstruation;
  • salty foods. They cause thirst as well as consumption increased amount salt promotes fluid retention in tissues, which causes a feeling of fullness, increased headaches, and worsening general health;
  • sweets. The entry of increased amounts of sugar into the blood increases appetite, causes bloating, fermentation in the intestines, headache, increases the intensity of discomfort in the abdominal area, worsens the general condition of hair and skin;
  • foods that increase gas formation and cause bloating. These include legumes, white bread, cabbage, flour and yeast products;
  • alcohol products. Such drinks dilate blood vessels, resulting in increased bleeding;
  • coffee. Caffeine consumption leads to brain excitability, irritability, headaches, and increased blood pressure, which significantly worsens a woman’s well-being during menstruation.

A diet for PMS, based on the exclusion of these foods, allows you to combat the unpleasant sensations that arise during menstruation.

What not to eat from prepared food

A special group of prohibited foods is represented by semi-finished products and various canned foods. They contain an increased amount of salt, which contributes to fluid retention in the body and increased pain in the lower abdomen.

You should also avoid fried foods. The fact is that such food helps to increase the level of estrogen, which is why uterine contractions become sharp and contribute to the appearance of severe pain.

Chips, crackers, and French fries can aggravate the overall well-being of the body. Any fast food contains large number salt and fat, which negatively affects the nature of PMS and digestion.

Diet during menstruation

To reduce the intensity of PMS, as well as to prevent a deterioration in overall well-being, a woman must follow the rules healthy eating. The first step is to increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables you consume. Such products are rich in vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant effects.

The best fruits and berries to give preference to are:

  • currants;
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • plums;
  • seasonal products.

During this period, any vegetables are allowed, except those that cause increased gas formation. The best option for a diet during menstruation is red cabbage, as it has an analgesic effect and has a positive effect on the body's fertility.

To cope with nagging pain which occurs due to fluid retention in the body, must be observed drinking regime. During menstruation, you should increase the amount you consume. clean water. At severe pain It is recommended to drink a decoction of yarrow, lemon balm, chamomile or tansy.

If a girl complains of iron, the diet should contain foods fortified with iron. The fact is that during menstruation the body may experience a deficiency of this substance, which negatively affects overall well-being. To replenish it, you need to eat apples, shellfish, buckwheat, and seaweed.

Drinking drinks such as:

  • a decoction of peppermint and shepherd's purse;
  • raspberry and peppermint tea.

Nutrition during heavy periods should be balanced. Fried, fatty, smoked, and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. Among meat products, it is better to give preference to beef; you should also consume low-fat varieties of poultry and fish.

Since during menstruation women show an increased interest in sweets, many representatives of the fairer sex have problems with the appearance of extra pounds. To compensate for this need of the body, harmful carbohydrates should be replaced with dried fruits. It is best to eat raisins, dried apricots, walnuts. Such products allow you to keep your figure in shape and enrich the body with useful substances, in particular iron.

Compliance with the principles correct intake eating during menstruation helps normalize menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge, and also minimize PMS. The listed healthy products have a beneficial effect on a woman’s nervous system, smooth out the emotional background, suppressing irritability.

This trouble happens to most of the fair sex every month. Just yesterday you were cheerful, welcoming and friendly. And today, instead of a charming nymph, Mr. Hyde in a skirt looked out of the mirror.

Baba Yaga syndrome
Nothing special has happened, you just have premenstrual syndrome (PMS) again. This problem affects 30–40% of women aged 19 to 45 years. Those at risk are primarily those between 25 and 35. The main symptoms of PMS - depression, irritability and drowsiness - are associated with nervous tension. And its first sign is sudden mood swings. At this time, some people begin to feel panicked for no reason, others cannot concentrate on anything, the more susceptible simply cry quietly or, conversely, break dishes in anger...

Physical symptoms at this time include headaches, swelling, pain in muscles, joints and chest, tachycardia, lethargy and apathy, weight gain, general weakness and an increased need for sweets... However, there are also sufferers who find everything these symptoms immediately.

To prepare the body for upcoming hormonal changes and cope with them without others noticing, without turning their life into hell, you can think through a rational diet in advance. Then the physical and emotional disorders that inevitably accompany PMS can be easily overcome. Proper nutrition during this period is a great way to take control of the situation. After all, it is much better to at least try to manage the “bad” days than to simply forget about them.

Food for the moth
Already a week before the inevitable transformation into a monster, you begin to feel a loss of strength. Don't despair - there are a few tricks to minimize energy waste. First of all, it is necessary to stabilize the fluid content in the body, prevent sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels and maintain normal amount cholesterol.

First, make it a habit to drink as much as possible. more water– at least 2.5 liters per day. This will help maintain the body's water balance. It's also good to eat plenty of hydrating vegetables and fruits, such as lettuce, fennel, celery, tomatoes and citrus fruits, melons and watermelon, and drink more freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of coffee and tea. Caffeine is now your main enemy: it retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling. When it comes to herbal teas, they are not only a great alternative to coffee. Peppermint tea, for example, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, preventing intestinal disorders that are not uncommon during this period.

If your stomach is particularly sensitive to the changes occurring in the body affected by PMS, use only natural laxatives - prunes, figs and dried apricots - and refuse raw vegetables, which will be difficult for him to digest. It is better to steam, boil or grill them.

Another unpleasant symptom of PMS is an increase in body volume (the moth has turned into a “dead head” butterfly) and, even worse, weight, sometimes up to 1–3 kg. You can also cope with this grief if you start actively consuming bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contained in some dairy products, for example, in various bio-yogurts. It is also good to eat more fish, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Including it in your diet not only improves your mood, but sometimes relieves pain. Omega-3 – fatty acids contained in salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, herring and mackerel, neutralize inflammatory processes, occurring in the body, and, in addition, help restore heart rhythm.

PMS is also scary because you want chocolate all the time. This won't pose too much of a problem as long as you eat good quality chocolate with a high cocoa bean content in reasonable quantities. It’s better to take it little by little, and only after eating, then the sugar will be absorbed more slowly. Otherwise, a sharp rise in blood glucose levels will be replaced by an equally sharp decline and you will feel a loss of strength. But simple carbohydrates and sugars that quickly increase insulin levels (they are found in cakes, cookies, ice cream, jams and syrups) are best avoided altogether. Insulin signals the kidneys to retain more sodium, causing fluid to accumulate in the body. It also promotes the storage of fats in adipose tissue, which leads to weight gain. Finally, high insulin levels produce more “bad” prostaglandins, which increase pain and inflammation, increase blood pressure, and cause discomfort.

According to American scientists, overweight women primarily suffer from PMS - they are more likely to eat foods high in sugar and starch. Women who have gained or lost more than 10 kg of weight and, oddly enough, are constantly on diets are also at risk of developing PMS.

Alexandra Mikheeva


Teriyaki tuna with ginger
(2 servings)

What you need:
2 tuna steaks
1 tbsp. l. olive oil a few coriander seeds, fresh lime and green salad
For the marinade:
1 tbsp. l. soy sauce
1 tbsp. l. sake
1 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 tbsp. l. finely chopped ginger
pinch of dry red chili

What to do:
Mix all ingredients for marinade. Place the tuna steaks in a bowl with the marinade, turn several times so that the marinade completely covers the fish. Cover with cling film and leave to marinate at room temperature for 2 hours.
Heat a non-stick frying pan over high heat. Pour olive oil and fry the steaks for 2 minutes. on each side if you like your fish well done, or 1 minute if you want it to remain pink in the middle. Be careful: when the fish hits the hot frying pan, the marinade will splatter in all directions. There is no need to add a lot of salt - coriander, ginger and lime already enhance the taste. Serve with coriander seeds, lime slices and a fresh green salad.

Mood swings, increased fatigue, swelling, breast tenderness, acne, headaches or pelvic pain, as well as thirst, increased appetite, changes in taste, depression and aggression are not a complete list of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. According to statistics provided by American sociologists, about 40% of US women are susceptible to it. Meanwhile, Russian sociologists claim that almost 90% of women aged 13 to 50 encounter the concept of PMS in one way or another. Moreover, 10% of them have particularly severe symptoms. Simply put, 10 out of 100 representatives of the fair sex experience real physical or mental pain. Moreover, on average, for 70 days a year. This is taking into account that their duration does not exceed 5-6 days. In fact, different women it ranges from 3 to 14 days.

But the most surprising thing is that most of them do not fight this condition in any way, mistakenly considering it natural. But doctors say that you can easily get rid of many PMS symptoms by simply adjusting your diet.

PMS: causes and mechanisms of development

PMS is a set of mental, emotional and hormonal disorders that occur on the eve of menstruation and subside with its onset. The reasons for their appearance have not yet been established by science. Most scientists are inclined to believe that it’s all about hormones.

During this period, the level of prostaglandins in the body sharply increases, the amount of which determines the intensity of contraction of the uterine muscles and, as a consequence, strength pain. In addition, this condition is characterized by an increase in appetite, the appearance of headaches and dizziness, and disturbances in work gastrointestinal tract, as well as high fatigue.

In addition to prostaglandins, fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can also influence, which lead to mood swings, irritability and anxiety. Along with this, during this period the level of aldosterone may increase, which leads to weight gain, swelling and tenderness in the mammary glands and nausea. In turn, fluctuations in androgen levels are characterized by tearfulness, depression or insomnia.

According to Dr. A. Mandal, MD, “During this period, the body may experience fluctuations in serotonin levels, which also lead to mood swings and may be mistaken for PMS.”

In addition to the above factors, PMS is influenced by:

  1. 1 malnutrition;
  2. 2 frequent stress;
  3. 3 lack of regular physical activity;
  4. 4 heredity;
  5. 5 and even chronic inflammatory processes that occur in the body. After all, in fact, prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that are produced by the body in response to tissue damage or inflammation. At the same time, high levels of prostaglandins can cause heavy bleeding, pain and fatigue - the same symptoms of diseases similar to the symptoms of PMS.

Nutrition and PMS

Did you know that:

  • Vitamin B deficiency causes PMS symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, swelling, breast tenderness, and depression. Vitamin B is found in grains, nuts, red meat and green leafy vegetables.
  • Magnesium deficiency causes dizziness and headaches, pain in the pelvic area, as well as acne, depression and... cravings for chocolate, sweets and starchy foods. Magnesium is found in nuts, seafood, bananas, dairy products, grains and green vegetables.
  • Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 causes fluctuations in prostaglandin levels. These substances are found in fish, nuts and vegetable oils.
  • A deficiency of carbohydrates, minerals and fiber causes a decrease in serotonin and estrogen levels and leads to PMS symptoms such as irritability and nervousness. These substances are found in bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and legumes.
  • Isoflavone deficiency causes fluctuations in estrogen levels in the body and, as a result, the appearance of severe symptoms PMS. Isoflavones are found in soy products, such as tofu, soy milk, etc.
  • Zinc deficiency is the cause of PMS acne. Zinc is found in seafood, beef, nuts and seeds.

Top 20 foods for PMS

Green leafy vegetables. For example, cabbage, spinach, arugula, etc. They are a source of magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins E and B, which together help get rid of PMS symptoms.

Avocado. It is a source of fiber, potassium and vitamin B6. Its consumption helps balance hormonal levels, reduce blood sugar and swelling, improve digestion, and also get rid of irritability, depression and depression.

Dark chocolate (80% cocoa or more). It is a source of magnesium and theobromine, which expands blood vessels, improves blood circulation and, as a result, relieves headaches. And also a natural aphrodisiac, which is able to increase the level of serotonin in the body and, thereby, make a woman relaxed, calm and happy!

Broccoli. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, fiber and B vitamins, which help balance hormonal background.

Goat milk and goat kefir. It is a source of protein, calcium, potassium, as well as tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin and improves mood. Goat's milk differs from cow's milk in that it contains more useful substances, which improve the general condition of the body and digestion. Interestingly, according to recent research, "women who regularly drink goat's or cow's milk suffer from PMS symptoms less often than women who drink it occasionally."

Brown rice It contains B vitamins, magnesium, selenium and manganese, which, when combined with calcium, suppress PMS symptoms. And also a huge amount of tryptophan, which helps improve digestion.

Salmon. Source of protein, B vitamins and vitamin D, as well as selenium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. It normalizes blood sugar levels and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Raw pumpkin seeds. They contain magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. You can replace them with sunflower seeds. These products help get rid of breast tenderness, as well as irritability and depression.

Bananas. They are indispensable for PMS, as they are a source of carbohydrates, vitamin B6, manganese, potassium and tryptophan. This product is especially valuable because it reduces swelling and bloating during PMS.

Asparagus. It has folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin C, which have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is a natural diuretic that gently removes remaining fluid from the body.

Wheat germ. It is a source of B vitamins, zinc and magnesium, which helps prevent mood swings and bloating. They can be added to porridge, muesli, baked goods, soups or salads.

Pearl barley. It contains vitamins A, E, B, PP, D, as well as potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, copper, iron and other useful trace elements. It differs from other cereals in its low glycemic index, which contributes to its faster absorption by the body and, as a result, more quick deliverance from PMS symptoms. Barley porridge helps, first of all, to cope with mood swings, drowsiness and high fatigue. You can replace pearl barley with oatmeal.

Sesame seeds. The product is extremely rich in vitamin B, calcium, magnesium and zinc. You can eat it on its own or as part of other dishes.

Blueberries or blackberries. In addition to a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, they also contain antioxidants that alleviate PMS symptoms.

Turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Ginger. It fights inflammation and helps normalize blood sugar levels.

A natural antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Green tea, in particular, chamomile tea. It has antioxidant and sedative properties. It also allows you to get rid of irritability and anxiety and relieve muscle spasms.

Yogurt. A study conducted at the University of Massachusetts found that women who had adequate calcium in their diet (from at least 3 cups of yogurt) were much less likely to suffer from PMS symptoms than others.

Pineapple. Among other things, it contains manganese and calcium, which can help get rid of PMS symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, fatigue and depression.

How else can you relieve PMS symptoms and even get rid of them?

  1. 1 Lead a correct lifestyle. Obesity, bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular exercise are the main factors that trigger the appearance of PMS symptoms. By the way, it is alcohol that increases the sensitivity of the mammary glands and is often the cause of mood swings.
  2. 2 Limit the consumption of excessively salty and fatty foods during the onset of PMS symptoms. This is explained by the fact that it provokes the appearance of edema and bloating, thereby only aggravating the situation.
  3. 3 Avoid drinks containing caffeine. Since caffeine causes increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and irritability.
  4. 4 Limit your consumption of sweets. Glucose, which is contained in sweets and cakes, leads to an increase in blood sugar levels and becomes the cause of a woman’s irritability during this period.
  5. 5 And finally, sincerely enjoy life. Scientists have proven that irritability, dissatisfaction with oneself and stress also lead to PMS.

Facts that are interesting to know about PMS

  • Our ancestors did not suffer from PMS, as they were constantly in a state of pregnancy or breastfeeding. The term PMS was first described in 1931.
  • Identical twins tend to experience PMS symptoms at the same time.
  • Scientists know about 150 symptoms of PMS.
  • The risk of PMS increases with age.
  • Constant feeling hunger during PMS is considered normal. To prevent it from becoming a reason for recruiting excess weight, you can drink plenty of fluids. This will create a feeling of satiety and fullness in the stomach.
  • Residents of megacities, as a rule, suffer from PMS much more often than residents of rural areas.
  • PMS most often occurs in women whose activities involve mental work.
  • Women make the most thoughtless purchases during PMS.
  • Scientists have identified several forms of PMS. One of the most unusual is considered atypical. It is manifested by an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, the appearance of stomatitis, gingivitis, attacks of bronchial asthma, vomiting and even the so-called menstrual migraine (migraine that occurs during menstruation).
  • According to statistics, thin, irritable women who are overly concerned about their health are more likely to suffer from PMS than others.
  • A woman becomes more active sexually during PMS.

Almost every woman has experienced premenstrual symptoms or premenstrual tension syndrome at least once. Swelling, extra pounds, unruly hair, terrible mood. They say that Latin American men have a custom, a week before the onset of their wife’s period, to get into a boat and sail out to sea, so as not to fall under the hot hand of their wife. But nutritionists have noticed that this condition can be corrected with a certain set of products, and natural female disasters can be avoided.

PMS occurs 10-14 days before menstruation and disappears with its onset. The balance of hormones affects both state and mood. If there is more estrogen in the body, the woman becomes irritable and demonstrates aggression. If progesterone predominates, on the contrary, you will feel tired, lethargic and drowsy. The release of certain hormones is determined, among other things, by nutrition. It can either alleviate or aggravate the condition caused by hormonal imbalance. AiF publishes nutritional recommendations during premenstrual syndrome.

There are few, but often, switch to fractional meals.

Drink more water- minimum 8 glasses. It is better to drink water before meals, including snacks. This way you can avoid overeating and restore the water balance disturbed by hormones.

Avoid salt. Fluid retention causes swelling and weight gain. Moreover, not only the limbs swell, but also some areas of the brain. This absent-mindedness manifests itself. Forgetfulness, headache.

At this time, it is better to give up semi-finished products and already finished products, to which more salt was added: sausage, bread, chips. Supplement your diet with fresh vegetables.

Don't boost yourself with caffeine. During this period, these drinks, due to hormonal imbalance, instead of invigorating, will provide a state of lethargy for the whole day.

Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol these days will only increase headaches and anxiety. In addition, researchers have proven that PMS time production of the enzyme that breaks down ethanol. This means that you can miscalculate the dose of drink and get drunk quickly.

Don't indulge in sweets. During this period, you are tempted to improve your condition with chocolate and buns, but there is a risk of gaining extra pounds in a matter of days, and not only due to swelling. During PMS, it is not fast carbohydrates that will be beneficial, but fresh vegetables, cereals, and whole grain breads.

Need to cheer up:

Lean on legumes rich in B vitamins, liver, greens, soy products, bananas. These vitamins normalize all types of metabolism and work nervous system; will reduce fatigue, smooth out mood swings, and help cope with blues and tearfulness.

Include spinach, zucchini, seeds and nuts in your menu. They contain a lot of magnesium, which is also necessary to alleviate PMS. In addition, magnesium extinguishes excessive cravings for sweets.

Need to calm down:

Prepare a decoction of lingonberry leaves or fruits: a tablespoon per glass of water. Boil for 15 minutes, strain and add water to the broth to the volume of a glass. Take 100 ml. 2-3 times a day. This mild diuretic will relieve swelling.

A decoction of turnips is also suitable for these purposes: for 1 glass of water, 2 tablespoons of crushed product. Boil for 15 minutes, strain and add water to the broth to the volume of a glass. Take a quarter glass 4 times a day.

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Experts count about 150 symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Irritability, mood swings, forgetfulness, uncontrollable appetite and painful sensations in the various parts bodies are the most common ones. To one degree or another, 75% of women experience these symptoms, and their constant struggle with the state of “when you are not you” forces scientists to look for sometimes unobvious ways to solve the problem.

website I decided to take a closer look at the research on how nutrition can affect the severity of PMS. We have compiled a list of “magic” products that can reduce unpleasant symptoms to a minimum. And since this period can last from 3 to 14 days, you should pay attention to individual characteristics and, perhaps, consume these products not only during PMS, but also on an ongoing basis.

1. Leafy greens and broccoli

These products contain indoles - organic compounds, one of important properties which is maintaining the balance of hormones. Thus, if you eat broccoli and leafy greens more often, your overall health will improve, and the painful and unpleasant sensations associated with PMS will decrease.

2. Yogurt

The symptoms of PMS are most pronounced when there is a deficiency of calcium in the body. Studies have shown that women who consume foods rich in it suffer from PMS 30–50% less often. So, several servings of yogurt a day reduce fatigue, relieve depression and even swelling. It is important to choose a low-fat and natural product, the shelf life of which ideally does not exceed 7 days.

3. Cashew

Cashew nuts are rich in zinc. The latter, according to some studies, is able to affect the symptoms of the premenstrual period. Normally, zinc maintains hormone balance, reduces inflammation, has a positive effect on overall health and eliminates weakness.

4. Bananas

Bananas contain the amino acid L-tryptophan. It helps you relax and get a good night's sleep, improves your mood and fights depressive states. In addition, its normal content in the body helps control appetite, including allowing you to give up unhealthy foods without stress.

5. Oatmeal

An excellent source of healthy fiber, which is well absorbed. It not only improves digestion and gives energy, but also normalizes the level of the hormone estrogen. Consequently, it helps to reduce pain and swelling of the breast, get rid of headaches, and sudden mood swings.

6. Pineapple

Pineapples contain large amounts of manganese. Its use reduces irritability and prevents mood swings. In addition, pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can relieve menstrual cramps.

7. Potatoes

It’s interesting, but to improve your mood and become less irritable, you can eat potatoes more often. The main thing is to choose the right way to prepare it, for example baking, in order to preserve beneficial properties. Starchy carbohydrates improve brain function and activate the production of serotonin, the so-called joy hormone.