Baking recipes with pumpkin are simple and have unsurpassed results. Whatever you bake: cakes, muffins, cookies or pies - the dish will turn out fragrant and tender. This article offers recipes for original desserts.

Sometimes the desire to eat delicious homemade cakes is much stronger than the desire to adhere to strict diets. In this case, come to the rescue simple recipe for Lenten pumpkin cookies. This delicious dish does not contain eggs, milk, butter or margarine. It easily fits into any diet and fasting days.

It is worth noting that these cookies are distinguished by a pleasant crispy golden crust and have a tender soft center. The cookies have a sweet pumpkin flavor complemented by the spice of cinnamon, vanilla and the freshness of ginger. Instead of flour, oatmeal acts as a binding component; they are good for health, giving you a feeling of fullness and a boost of energy for a long time.

The secret to the splendor of such lean cookies is the addition of baking powder. If you avoid this component, you can easily replace it baking soda, slaked with any table vinegar.

The cookie recipe given in this article allows you to get about twenty balls delicious baked goods. To bake such a delicious and aromatic dessert it will take you no more than forty minutes.

You will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 200 g
  • Oatmeal – 75 gr
  • Sugar – 80 gr(you can also omit them at all or add a sweetener instead)
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml
  • Flour – 150 gr(you must use only high-quality coarse and premium flour)
  • Baking powder - soda slaked with vinegar)
  • Salt


  • Before you get to the baking stage itself, you should prepare pumpkin pulp. It is quite hard when soft, so it should be heat treated
  • Cut the pumpkin into pieces and boil in a minimum amount of water on the stove. You can also bake this is the amount of pumpkin in the microwave, simply turning on the heating mode for about ten minutes (it may take longer if your microwave has low power)
  • Soft pumpkin is necessary puree using a blender. If you don’t have this kitchen appliance, just grind the pumpkin through a sieve
  • Pumpkin puree is essential cool down before kneading the dough
  • While the puree is cooling, you should start preparing oatmeal. To do this, they are poured into a dry hot frying pan and actively fried for ten minutes. This treatment will dry them out and brown them a little. The main thing is to constantly stir them so that the flakes don’t burn.
  • Now follows add dried flakes to puree and mix everything thoroughly, it’s best to beat it with a blender
  • Next, add the rest of the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder. salt and sugar. Mix everything again with a blender to a uniform mass.
  • Into the dough oil is added and the mixture is ready to form cookies

From the finished dough you can make balls, bars or flat cookies of any shape. Also, if possible, use a meat grinder with shaped cookie cutters.

passing the dough through a meat grinder

Cottage cheese and pumpkin cookies, recipe

Fans of cottage cheese baking should take note of the recipe for cottage cheese cookies with pumpkin. This delicacy will appeal to both adults and children. In addition, it is very healthy and nutritious. Cooking will not take much time, and the result will definitely please you.

You will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 200 g
  • Cottage cheese - 100 gr
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Egg- (you only need one)
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g
  • Flour - 400 gr
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Vanillin


  • Before kneading the dough, cook the pumpkin: The flesh should be cooked and soft. Grind it through a sieve or beat thoroughly with a blender
  • One beat the egg thoroughly with a mixer by adding a pinch salt. You will get a stable lush foam, gradually mix into this foam sugar
  • Add to the egg mixture cottage cheese, carefully ground through a sieve. Stir and stir into the dough pumpkin puree
  • Gradually add to the dough sifted flour, vanillin and baking powder
  • Grease a baking sheet or place cookies on parchment paper

Place the cookies on parchment paper and bake them all twenty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. To decorate cookies you will need powdered sugar, which you will use to crush the finished baked goods. Remove the cookies from the sheet only when the baked goods have cooled completely.

cottage cheese pumpkin cookies

Cheese cookies with pumpkin and onion

The ingredients for such cookies are quite simple and every housewife can find them. This pastry goes well with tea and even beer. The dough is based on processed cheese, which “holds” well as a binding component and gives the dish a pleasant creamy aroma.

You will need:

  • Egg -2 pcs
  • Processed cheese - 1 pc.(you can use any cheese according to your preference, but Druzhba is best suited due to its fat content and dense structure)
  • Butter - 100 g(this is half a standard pack. Use high fat oil)
  • Mayonnaise - 20 g(about two large spoons of good quality full-fat mayonnaise are needed)
  • Pumpkin - 200 g pulp(the pulp should be prepared in advance: bake until soft or boil, then turn into puree)
  • Onion - 2 pcs.(two medium-sized onions are chopped and fried until golden brown in vegetable oil)
  • Flour - one glass(add flour only sifted and gradually)
  • Baking powder - one sachet(for fluffiness of baked goods)
  • Sugar - For sweetness, you can add one small spoon, but this is not at all necessary. Focus on your taste
  • Salt - add to taste
  • Pumpkin seeds - add to taste

cheese-pumpkin cookies with fried onions


  • Fry onion in oil until golden brown. Set aside to drain oil
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater
  • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until it forms a stable foam. Then add sugar
  • Add to egg mixture pumpkin puree and mix thoroughly
  • Gradually add the following ingredients: processed cheese, flour, onion, baking powder, butter(in a soft state) and mayonnaise
  • The dough is kneaded and rolled out in a one-centimeter layer. After this, cookie cutters are cut out and laid out on a sheet. Cookies should be baked no more than 25 minutes at low temperature ( 180 degrees- perfect)

You can put it on the raw dough as a decoration and addition. pumpkin seeds which will add aroma and taste to the dish.

Lenten Pumpkin Muffins: Recipe

You can please yourself during the period of strict fasting with a delicious pumpkin muffin recipe that does not contain prohibited ingredients and does not require too long preparation. As always, the basis of the cupcake will be pumpkin puree made from the pulp of the fruit.

You will need:

  • Flour - 200 gr
  • Baking soda or baking powder(soda should be quenched)
  • Vanilla or vanilla sugar
  • Water - 60 ml
  • Oil - 50 ml of any herbal
  • Sugar -
  • Orange - All you need is the zest of one orange
  • Pumpkin – 200 gr pulp in the form of puree

pumpkin lenten text


  • Pumpkin should be cooked
  • sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly
  • Pour in baking powder vanilla
  • Peel the orange and stir into the dough zest one orange
  • Gradually add sifted flour
  • oil
  • 180 degrees

You should check the readiness of the cake with a wooden stick; after you pierce the baked goods, the stick should remain dry.

Lenten pumpkin chocolate cake

You can also diversify your menu during Lent with a chocolate dessert. To do this, you may need a recipe for a lean cocoa cake.

You will need:

  • Flour - 200 gr(highest grade and preferably coarsely ground)
  • Baking soda or baking powder(soda should be quenched)
  • Cocoa – 20 g(this is two full large tablespoons)
  • Vanilla or vanilla sugar For flavor you should add just one sachet to the dough
  • Water - 60 ml
  • Oil - 50 ml of any vegetable (it is only needed to lubricate the mold)
  • Sugar - adjust as desired (half a glass or more)
  • Orange or lemon - All you need is the zest of one fruit
  • Pumpkin – 200 gr pulp in the form of puree

pumpkin cupcake with cocoa


  • Pumpkin should be cooked in the usual way and make a puree from the pulp
  • The remaining ingredients should be gradually added to the puree, starting with sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly
  • Pour in baking powder, add a little salt (a pinch), vanilla
  • Gradually add cocoa and mix the mixture thoroughly
  • Peel an orange or lemon and stir into the dough zest one fruit
  • Gradually add sifted flour, mix the dough thoroughly, knead it
  • The baking pan should be carefully oil to prevent the cake from sticking to the wall
  • Preheat the oven and place the pan with the dough in it. Bake the cake for no longer than thirty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees
  • Decorate the finished cupcake with powder, chocolate or cocoa to taste

The finished cake can be decorated with cocoa powder, powdered sugar or pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin cake in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances, in particular a multicooker, will allow you to quickly prepare a delicious cupcake at home. Cooking it in a slow cooker is very easy and very fast.

You will need:

  • Eggs - 2 pieces chicken (it is advisable to choose homemade ones for a rich taste)
  • Flour - one glass (this is approximately 200-220 g)
  • Oil - 100 grams of the fattest butter
  • Pumpkin - 200 grams of pulp puree, prepared in the usual way
  • Sugar - glass (this is approximately 200-220 g, you can adjust the sweetness of the cake to taste)
  • Vanilla for baking aroma
  • Cinnamon and vanilla(optional)
  • Baking powder(can be replaced with soda)

how to make pumpkin muffin in a slow cooker?


  • Pulp pumpkins process into puree and place in a bowl for kneading dough
  • Add to puree sugar and vanillin
  • The dough is thoroughly mixed and added to it baking powder
  • The eggs are divided into yolks and whites, whites are beaten separately with a pinch of salt until stable foam
  • Squirrels should be added to pumpkin puree and mixed thoroughly
  • After this are added yolks, cinnamon and any other additives as desired ( poppy seeds, raisins)
  • The last stage is adding flour gradually, necessarily sifted
  • The flour is thoroughly mixed and poured into a pre-greased fat shape
  • The cake is baked at the usual temperature in a multicooker in the “baking” mode 40 minutes

The finished pie should not be taken out immediately; let it cool and only then serve it on a plate.

Pumpkin cupcake with kefir, how to cook

You will need:

  • Flour - 1.5 cups (sifted and high quality)
  • Kefir - 0.5 liters (choose high-fat kefir)
  • Egg - 1 pc (prefer homemade eggs)
  • Sugar - 125 g (that's half a glass)
  • Flour - 1.5 cups (sifted)
  • Pumpkin - 200 g (cooked pumpkin puree)
  • Baking powder(bag)
  • pumpkin seeds(decoration)

kefir-pumpkin cake


  • Prepare pumpkin puree for preparing dough
  • Egg beat the whites into a foam with salt
  • Add the whipped whites to the puree and only then yolks
  • Pour into the mixture sugar, vanillin, baking powder and other additives to taste
  • Pour into the mixture kefir and mix thoroughly
  • Mix gradually flour in parts and knead the dough
  • Pour the dough into the prepared form that will be greased

Bake the cake for 40 minutes at an oven temperature of 180 degrees. Check doneness with a wooden stick.

Cottage cheese pumpkin cake, preparation

You will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 200 g(pre-peeled, boiled or baked in the microwave until soft)
  • Cottage cheese – 200 gr(use cottage cheese of any fat content, both homemade and store-bought, to taste)
  • Sugar - 100 gr(adjust the sweetness of your baked goods yourself, add less or more sugar)
  • Egg— 2 pieces (preferably homemade)
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g(use the one that tastes best to you)
  • Flour - 400 gr(choose coarse flour and always the highest grade. If you notice that the structure of the dough is too liquid, you can add a little more flour)
  • Baking powder- one sachet (for a little fluffiness of baked goods)
  • Salt- it will give the cookies a pleasant shade, use a small pinch
  • Vanillin- one sachet for flavor, you can also use vanilla sugar

pumpkin cheesecake


  • Add the separately beaten whites to the pumpkin puree and only then the yolks.
  • Mix the pumpkin mass thoroughly with sugar and additives: vanillin (possibly cinnamon or nutmeg to taste)
  • Add baking powder and carefully ground cottage cheese through a sieve to the dough.
  • After this, you should gradually add sifted flour in small portions

If you are afraid that the dough has turned out too steep, add vegetable oil of your choice to it. Bake the cake in a pan that has been greased around the edges for no more than half an hour. The temperature should be 180 degrees.

Diet pumpkin muffins

In diet muffins, the binding component instead of flour is oatmeal. They can be ground into flour with a coffee grinder, or they can be left whole.

You will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 200 g(peeled and seeds removed)
  • Oatmeal – 100 gr(in flakes, you can use muesli)
  • Sweetener to taste
  • Egg
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml(use any: flaxseed, olive or regular sunflower)
  • Baking powder - one heaped teaspoon (replaced with the same amount if desired) soda slaked with vinegar)
  • Salt to taste, minimum quantity
  • pumpkin seeds for taste and decoration

diet pumpkin cookies


  • Cooked pumpkin pulp puree
  • Add oatmeal to the puree and give it stand for 20 minutes
  • Add sweetener, dissolved in water (minimal amount of water)
  • Pour in vanilla or cinnamon optional
  • Add yolk and separately whipped white with a pinch of salt
  • If the mixture is too liquid, add spoon of starch(or cocoa)
  • Form the dough into balls and bake the cookies on a parchment sheet for 20 minutes.
  • The oven temperature should not exceed 160 degrees

Carrot and pumpkin cake recipe

This recipe allows you to use fresh pumpkin to add to the dough. This ingredient will add aroma and piquant taste to the dough.

You will need:

  • Pumpkin - 100 g (fresh, finely grated pulp)
  • Carrot - 100 g (fresh, finely grated)
  • Egg -
  • Oil -
  • Baking powder(one packet, or soda)
  • Flour - 250 g (look at the dough, if it’s too liquid, add another 50 g)
  • Sugar -

carrot pumpkin pie cupcake


  • Grate the pulp Grate pumpkins and carrots, do not drain juice
  • Add
  • Mix the mixture with sugar, vanilla and baking powder
  • oil
  • flour
  • Pour in the mass into shape and put it in the oven

Baking time - 40 minutes. Temperature - 180 degrees. Cake cream - whipped condensed milk with butter or your choice.

Cake with pumpkin and apples

This cake crust recipe is very original and delicious. It's not difficult to prepare.

You will need:

  • Pumpkin - 100 g (soft pumpkin puree)
  • Apple - 100 g (fresh apple puree)
  • Egg - 2 pcs (beat the whites separately from the yolk)
  • Oil - 100 g butter, high fat content
  • Baking powder(one packet, or soda)
  • Flour - 300 g (look at the dough, if it’s too liquid, add another 50 g)
  • Sugar - glass (adjust sweetness to taste)

pumpkin apple pie crust


  • Pumpkin pulp grind into puree, add apple puree to it
  • Add whipped whites, add yolks
  • Mix the mixture with sugar, vanilla and baking powder
  • Add melted mixture to mixture oil
  • Gradually add to the dough flour in small portions, mixing into a thicker
  • Pour in the mass into shape and put it in the oven

Standard baking time is 40 minutes. Oven temperature - 180 degrees.

Muffins with pumpkin and cottage cheese

You will need:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 200 g
  • Cottage cheese - 100 gr(grind through a sieve)
  • Egg - 2 pcs(add the whites separately, beaten, grind the yolks with sugar)
  • Sugar - 175 g (grind with yolks)
  • Baking powder(standard bag)
  • Flour - 300 gr(sieve, add in small portions)
  • Oil - any 100 g

Knead the dough and pour into paper muffin tins. The dough should reach the middle of the mold. Bake for 25 minutes, temperature - 180.

Video: “Pumpkin Muffins”

Prepare the ingredients.

Wash the pumpkin, cut in half, remove the core with seeds and peel off the rough skin.
Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and make a puree from it.

Advice. Pumpkin puree can be prepared in different ways:

1. Bake the pumpkin in the microwave: place the pumpkin cubes in a bowl, pour in a little water (literally a couple of tablespoons, so as not to dry out the pumpkin during cooking). Bake for about 15 minutes at maximum power until the pumpkin is soft.
Place the finished pumpkin on a sieve and allow the liquid to drain. Next, the pumpkin can be rubbed through a sieve, mashed with a fork or crushed in a blender into a puree.

2. Bake the pumpkin in the oven: place the sliced ​​pumpkin on a greased baking sheet and bake for about 30-40 minutes, until soft. Mash the finished pumpkin with a fork or grind in a blender.

3. Boil in a saucepan: place the pumpkin cut into small cubes in a saucepan, add a small amount of water (so that the water covers the bottom of the pan by 1 cm), cover with a lid and cook over low heat until soft, about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Place the finished pumpkin on a sieve, let the water drain and rub through the sieve, mash with a fork or grind in a blender.

Transfer the pumpkin puree to a deep bowl.

Add orange zest (optional) and ground spices (1/4 tsp each cardamom, ginger, nutmeg and 0.5 tsp cinnamon). Mix.

Add sugar (white and brown) to the pumpkin puree. Mix the mass.

Pour in vegetable oil and stir until smooth.

Add the eggs (you can lightly whisk them in a separate bowl with a whisk or fork).

And mix.

Add baking powder to the flour and sift.
Add flour with baking powder to the dough.

And mix well.

Advice. It is better to add flour, focusing on the consistency of the dough. If you used baked pumpkin to prepare pumpkin puree, it will have less moisture than boiled or microwaved pumpkin - the amount of flour may depend on this nuance.
The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream. If you scoop the dough with a spoon and put it back into the bowl, the mound of dough will remain on the surface for some time and will not spread. When the mound spreads, it will leave a noticeable relief on the surface of the dough, which will also smooth out over time. Those. The dough should not be too liquid, but it should not be too thick either.

Chop the walnuts coarsely with a knife and add to the dough.

Mix the dough and place it in a greased and floured pan, filling it half or 3/4 full.

Step-by-step recipes for an unusual pumpkin cake with raisins, nuts, apples, carrots and cottage cheese on flour and semolina in the oven and slow cooker

2018-04-24 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

6 gr.

11 gr.


30 gr.

240 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Pumpkin Cake Recipe

You don't often see pumpkin in various cupcake recipes. However, this fruit is able to decorate the classic taste of a dessert familiar from childhood. Moreover, it can be added both boiled and raw. And we will tell you about all this and much more in a selection of options for making pumpkin muffins.


  • 395 grams of fresh pumpkin;
  • 375 grams of flour;
  • three eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 115 grams of butter;
  • water for boiling pumpkin.

Step-by-step pumpkin cake recipe

Peel the pumpkin piece from the hard skin. Cut into medium cubes. Pour into a saucepan.

Pour in enough water to cover the pumpkin by a couple of fingers. Place the dishes on the burner. The fire is big.

While this ingredient is boiling, beat fine white sugar with cold chicken eggs.

Having received a viscous, relatively fluffy mixture, sift the wheat flour inside. Add cinnamon and baking powder.

In addition, add butter brought to a liquid consistency. Mix and turn on the oven.

Carefully drain the liquid from under the finished pumpkin. Grind with an immersion blender.

Fold the puree into the pumpkin cake batter. Mix one last time.

Pour the resulting mass into a mold that is best greased with oil. Place in a hot oven.

Bake the dessert for approximately 40-44 minutes at a temperature set at 180 degrees. Decorate with powder or cream after cooling for a while.

Pumpkin, like apples, “loves” cinnamon more. However, if you do not welcome this spice, replace it with vanilla. In case you do not want to boil the pumpkin, we strongly advise you to grate it as finely as possible. Otherwise, large raw pieces will not have time to bake, which will ruin the delicate structure of the cake.

Option 2: Quick recipe for pumpkin cake in a slow cooker

For this quick recipe, we're going to use raw pumpkin so we don't have to waste time boiling it. Therefore, there is a chance that it will not bake. But you don’t have to worry about this, because we suggest transferring the cooking process to a slow cooker, thanks to which the vegetable will be well baked with a 100% guarantee.


  • 255 grams of pumpkin;
  • two eggs;
  • a third of a glass of sugar;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • 64 grams of butter;
  • two thirds of a glass of flour;
  • baking powder for cake.

How to quickly make pumpkin cake

Cut the skin off a piece of pumpkin. Wash. Immediately grate or grind as finely as possible in a blender.

In the bowl of a food processor, beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy.

Continuing the process, add sifted flour, cinnamon and a couple of tablespoons of baking powder.

While the mixture is kneading, heat the butter until liquid. Pour into the dough.

At the end, add pumpkin shavings. Stir one last time.

Pour the sticky dough into the bowl and snap the lid on. By the way, it is important to coat the inner surface of the bowl with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Cook the pumpkin cake in the slow cooker for the time planned by the program. After 40 minutes, turn off the machine. After cooling the dessert, take it out and serve with any cream.

There are different types of pumpkins. Some are suitable for porridges, others for stuffing. We need juicy, ripe pulp that will give enough juice to make the cake especially tender and soft.

Option 3: Pumpkin Raisin Cake

Raisins are an almost obligatory ingredient for classic muffins. So why don't we add these spicy berries to our version too?


  • a third of a glass of raisins;
  • 569 grams of pumpkin;
  • 105 grams of flour;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • cinnamon if desired;
  • three fresh eggs;
  • baking powder;
  • butter in the cake (70 g) and in the mold (10 g).

How to cook

Sift the flour into a dry container. Add baking powder. Add vanilla. Mix with a spatula.

In a separate bowl, beat sugar and eggs until fluffy and strong. Pour sweet mixture into dry ingredients.

Mix everything well until completely uniform. Add liquid butter, which is better to heat in a water bath.

Now grind the pumpkin, previously boiled until soft, in a blender. And also drain the cloudy water from the raisins, steamed in boiling water an hour before starting to prepare the dough.

Add pumpkin and raisins to a bowl and gently mix all ingredients.

Transfer the mixture into a mold (preferably rectangular) and bake at 180 degrees. The pumpkin cake will be ready in 40-42 minutes.

The color and variety of raisins is not so important. The main thing is that there are no seeds in it. And one more thing. Before steaming dried fruits, be sure to wash the berries by placing them in a sieve. Don’t forget that the surface of the raisins comes into contact with a lot of things before purchasing, so precautions will not be superfluous.

Option 4: Butternut Squash Cake

Another ingredient, besides raisins, that is perfect for our baking is nuts. By the way, the more types you collect in one recipe, the tastier the cupcake will be.


  • a third of a glass of peanuts;
  • a third of a glass of walnuts;
  • a third of a glass of hazelnuts;
  • two three glasses of flour;
  • 265 grams of pumpkin;
  • baking powder for cake;
  • three eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a stick of butter (butter) for the cake;
  • butter (butter) for the mold.

Step by step recipe

Peel all types of nuts (from shells and husks, respectively). Grind in a blender until medium crumbs.

Break the cold eggs into a container, where they beat with sugar until they have a stable structure.

Add (preferably sift) flour there. Add baking powder (no more than a packet).

Pound the boiled pumpkin with a masher and drain the boiling water. Heat the butter.

Add vegetable puree and liquid butter to the dough. Stir. Set the oven to 180 degrees.

At the very end, add nut crumbs to the future pumpkin cupcake. Place the mixture into the mold. Place in the oven immediately.

Bake this exceptionally healthy dessert for approximately 40-45 minutes. Take it out an hour after turning off the stove. Garnish to taste and serve with tea or milk.

It is very important to carefully examine the nuts for the presence of partitions and shell fragments, even if you bought them already shelled. Otherwise, when tasting the cake, you can harm yourself with hard pieces, which, of course, is unacceptable.

Option 5: Pumpkin muffin with carrots and apples

Pumpkin, carrots and apple - how else can we make an ordinary cupcake healthy and juicy? Try to include all the indicated products and make sure that it’s not only the unhealthy ones that are tasty!


  • large apple;
  • medium carrot;
  • 195 grams of pumpkin;
  • 99 grams of butter;
  • 99 grams of sugar;
  • two thirds of a glass of flour;
  • baking powder in dough;
  • cinnamon if desired;
  • three eggs (chicken).

How to cook

Peel the pumpkin, carrots and apple. Wash all fruits. Cut out the core of the latter. Leave to dry on a towel.

Beat the sugar in a dry container with the chilled eggs. Add cinnamon, sifted flour and baking powder to the resulting mixture.

Now quickly chop the pumpkin, apple and carrots on the fine side of the grater. Pour the resulting shavings into the dough.

Pour the future cake into a non-stick pan. Place in a hot oven.

Cook the dessert at 180 degrees for 43-44 minutes. After checking with a skewer or toothpick for even baking, turn off the stove and let the pumpkin cake cool.

Since both pumpkin and carrots are quite sweet, and we also use sugar, the apple variety should be sour. This will smooth out the cloying and provide a piquant sourness. If you are categorically against too sweet desserts, reduce the amount of sugar.

Option 6: Pumpkin cupcake with semolina and cottage cheese

Don't use flour? Take semolina. Do you like milky shades in baked goods? Then add cottage cheese. What will happen in the end? Very tasty and incredibly tender!


  • half a glass of fine semolina;
  • 555 grams of pumpkin;
  • three eggs;
  • 290 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 109 grams of sugar;
  • water for boiling pumpkin;
  • baking powder/vanilla in dough;
  • 100 grams of butter.

Step by step recipe

Pour water over the peeled and diced pumpkin in a suitable saucepan. Cook over high heat for a quarter of an hour.

Then turn off the stove and grind the soft vegetable pieces with a blender (immersion). After this, add fine semolina.

Cover the dish with a lid to let the cereal sit and swell for a while.

After half an hour, beat the eggs with sugar using a mixer. Add baking powder and vanilla there.

Also add fatty cottage cheese, which is better to wipe, or disassemble into small pieces with your hands.

Pour in the liquid butter and mix the ingredients well. Then add the mixture of semolina and pumpkin puree.

Place the pumpkin cake batter into the pan. Align. Transfer to the oven.

Bake this incredible pie for about 44-46 minutes at a temperature set at 180 degrees.

The best cream, which will decorate and perfectly suit the taste characteristics of the cupcake, can be considered sour cream whipped with powdered sugar. And be sure to try this dessert with berry jam or chocolate sauce.

Bored of pumpkin pies? Pumpkin cupcake is a baked product with a sunny color and great benefits.

It has a lot of variations. Pumpkin muffins can be topped with a variety of foods, adding magical flavors and delighting your family with new desserts every day.

Pumpkin cake - general cooking principles

Boiled pumpkin for the cake can be used, usually in the form of puree. But there are recipes with raw vegetables. In this case, it is usually rubbed with shavings. In any embodiment, the product is mixed with the rest of the dough ingredients.

What are the cupcakes used for:


Sometimes oatmeal, sour cream, and semolina are added to the dough. To improve taste and variety, add raisins and other dried fruits, nuts and seeds, candied fruits and fresh fruits. Zest, cinnamon, and vanilla are added for flavor. Pumpkin muffins are baked immediately after kneading the dough in the oven or in a slow cooker. Readiness is determined with a stick.

Pumpkin cupcake with white chocolate (in a slow cooker)

The recipe for an incredibly simple but delicious pumpkin cupcake. White chocolate adds special features to the recipe, but similarly, you can take a dark or milk bar. Dough with vegetable oil.


80 ml water;

350 g pumpkin;

50 g white chocolate;

350 g millet flour;

180 g sugar;

100 ml r. oils;

1.5 tsp. ripper.


1. For the cupcake you will need pumpkin puree. We will also cook it in a slow cooker. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it in a bowl, pour in the prescription water (80 ml), and close it. Let it simmer for half an hour.

2. Puree the finished vegetable along with the juice and cool. Wash the multicooker cup and grease it with oil.

3. Beat eggs and granulated sugar, pour in vegetable oil, add cooled pumpkin puree and a pinch of salt. Mix everything thoroughly. For aroma, it is allowed to add cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla in any quantities.

4. Pour a mixture of wheat flour and baking powder into the dough, stir.

5. Add white chocolate, which needs to be chopped into pieces with a knife. Each one is about the size of a raisin.

6. Pour the cake batter into the prepared multicooker cup.

7. Level the top with a spatula, close, and cook on baking mode for 60 minutes.

8. Take out the cake, decorate it to your liking, you can pour the second part of the melted chocolate, which was not used in the dough.

Pumpkin cupcake with apples

This pumpkin muffin recipe is convenient because you can prepare one large product or portioned muffins. Use sour apples, they will dilute the sweet taste of the dough.


150 g sugar;

0.5 cups pumpkin puree;

3 apples;

120 ml oil;

1 tbsp. l. ripper;

80 ml milk;

Flour 2 tbsp.;

2 tablespoons almond flakes


1. Pumpkin puree can be prepared according to any of the recipes. Be sure to cool. If the mass turns out to be liquid, let the juice settle and carefully drain off any excess.

2. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy, add milk and vegetable oil, and a small pinch of salt. Everything is carefully mixed.

3. Add pumpkin puree, add ripper and flour. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

4. The apples are peeled, the pulp is cut into cubes and added to the dough. The mass needs to be stirred again.

5. Divide the batter into muffin tins. Fill them no more than 2/3 full.

6. Or pour the batter into one large pan.

7. Sprinkle almond leaves on top.

8. Bake at 180 degrees. Small muffins will need about half an hour. Baking a large item can take up to an hour, depending on its height.

Greek Butternut Pumpkin Cake

An easy-to-make cake option with a wonderful walnut aroma. However, you don’t need very many of them. You can replace some of it with peanuts, hazelnuts or shelled seeds, the taste will be even richer.


300 g flour;

Approximately 500 g pumpkin;

100 g nuts;

300 g sugar;

100 ml oil;

Eggs 2 pcs.;

Small lemon;

2 tsp. ripper;

0.2 tsp. nutmeg.


1. Cooking pumpkin. You can cut it up, put it in a pan, add 0.5 cups of water, and boil it on the stove. Or put it in a microwave-safe bowl, also add a little liquid, and cook at maximum power until soft.

2. Drain the liquid from the pumpkin, grind the pulp with a blender or simply grind it well. For the test you will need 250 grams.

3. Remove the zest from the lemon and chop it too. Squeeze the juice out of half. We don't need the second part of the citrus.

4. Mix flour with zest, add nutmeg and ripper.

5. Add chopped nuts. As mentioned in the recipe, you can use several types. Set the aromatic mixture aside.

6. Beat eggs and sugar, add cooled puree, pour in vegetable oil, stir.

7. Add the flour mixture with nuts and spices to the main mass, stir.

8. Pour the mixed mixture into a cake pan or any other container, for example, into a greased frying pan.

9. Bake the cake until dry, about an hour. Set at 180 degrees.

Pumpkin cupcake with dried fruits “Fairytale”

Another recipe with walnuts, but other dried fruits are also added to this pumpkin cupcake: raisins, dried apricots, prunes. You can take some candied fruits, but the total amount should not exceed the specified amount in the list of ingredients.


50 g raisins;

50 g nuts;

A glass of flour;

4 spoons with a mountain of pumpkin puree;

50 g prunes;

Eggs 2 pieces;

50 g dried apricots;

1 tsp. ripper;

1 tsp. oils grows;

1 tsp. honey;

5 spoons of sour cream;

80 g sugar.


1. All dried fruits are washed, cut in any way, nuts are also crushed. There is no need to fry the kernels in advance.

2. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar and a teaspoon of honey. It will give the dough a pleasant aroma and softness. Everything must be thoroughly stirred so that the grains dissolve.

3. Now sour cream is added to the dough. It is advisable to use a fatty product of 20% or higher.

4. Next, add pumpkin puree and mix well again.

5. Now you can pour in flour, dried fruits, baking powder.

6. The dough is thoroughly mixed and transferred to a greased form.

7. Place the cake to bake at 190 degrees. The approximate time is 45-50 minutes, but it depends on the height of the dough layer and the diameter of the mold.

Pumpkin cake with semolina

A kind of manna is prepared with raw pumpkin. This further simplifies the recipe and does not require cooking and cooling the puree, as was the case in previous recipes.


A glass of semolina;

A glass of kefir;

300 g pumpkin;

100 g softened butter;

2 tsp. ripper;

A glass of sugar;

2 spoons of powder;

50 g raisins;

A glass of flour;


1. It is advisable to remove kefir, like butter, from the refrigerator in advance. You can take yogurt.

2. Mix the cereal with kefir, leave to swell for about thirty minutes.

3. Also pour warm water over the raisins and let them sit too. Then squeeze and dry the grapes.

4. During this time, grate the peeled pumpkin pulp and sprinkle with lemon juice. You can add a little zest, but it's not necessary.

5. Mix the flour together with the steamed raisins, add the ripper.

6. Beat eggs and sugar, mix with semolina. Add grated pumpkin and flour.

7. Season the dough with softened butter. If it has not yet softened, you can melt it, but not to a hot state.

8. Place the thoroughly mixed dough into any mold.

9. Bake the pumpkin cake for 45 minutes. Cooking temperature in the oven is 180. This cake can also be cooked in a multicooker; it will take an hour in the baking mode.

Pumpkin muffin with oatmeal and candied fruits

Another very healthy but easy to make raw pumpkin muffin recipe. Any candied fruit can be used. Replace with dried fruit if necessary.


150 g pumpkin;

150 g flour;

80 g oatmeal;

100 g sugar;

100 g candied fruits (raisins);

50 g sour cream;

50 g vegetable oil;

1 tsp. soda;

Lemon or vinegar;

Cinnamon, nutmeg.


1. Oatmeal should be mixed with flour, candied fruits (or washed raisins), add a pinch of nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

2. In another bowl, mix eggs with sour cream and butter, add sugar. All this needs to be beaten well with a whisk. You can also use a mixer.

3. Pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture, stir, and leave for the flakes to swell. For about thirty minutes.

4. Quench baking soda with diluted lemon or table vinegar. Pour into the dough.

5. Finely grate the pumpkin and stir.

6. By this time, the oven should have already warmed up to 180 degrees.

7. Pour the dough into the mold.

8. You can sprinkle special crumbs on top. To prepare, mix a spoonful of flour, flakes, sugar and grind with a piece of butter.

9. Bake the cake until done, about 55 minutes. Cool before serving.

To make the pumpkin muffin taste more interesting, you can replace some of the grated vegetable with an apple. Or add a little chopped fruit to the vegetable puree.

Raisins or candied fruits are often added to muffins. But no less interesting baked goods are made with dried cranberries, cherries, lingonberries and other sour berries.

In almost any recipe, you can replace pumpkin puree with carrot or any other puree. The result will be similar baked goods, but with a completely different taste and aroma.

Butter and vegetable oil can be substituted for each other in cake batter. Baking made with creamy products turns out tastier and more aromatic. With vegetable oil, muffins are more tender, softer, and do not go stale for a long time.

To prevent the muffins from going stale for a long time, you can replace some of the flour with starch or ground nuts.

Thanks to the pleasant taste of this autumn vegetable, it has been used as a main ingredient in many dishes, including baked goods. You can put both raw and pre-baked pulp of the product into the dough.

How to make pumpkin cake

If you want to bake an original product with a sweet aroma, then know that there are very simple recipes. For example, a pumpkin muffin: to make it, you just need to grate the peeled pulp of the vegetable, combine it with the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe, add flour, pour the resulting aromatic mass into molds and bring everything to readiness.

In a slow cooker

The delicacy that can be made thanks to this miracle technique turns out incredibly tasty. A pumpkin muffin in a Panasonic multicooker with a large bowl capacity of 4.5 liters is prepared for 65 minutes on the “Baking” mode. With other models, the baking principle is practically the same, but for a 2.5-liter multicooker, the baking time will increase by about 20-40 minutes.

In the oven

You can bake desserts in a gas or electric oven. A large pumpkin muffin in the oven can be cooked from 40 minutes to 1 hour at the optimal temperature. Electrical equipment is also placed at 180 degrees (for an hour), but it has an advantage: it heats the product from below and from above at the same time. If you want the pumpkin pulp to remain moist, bake the muffins at 160 degrees for 1.5 hours.

Pumpkin Cake Recipe

Thanks to the fact that almost every housewife experiments with recipes, many ways of preparing one dish have been created, but with the addition of different ingredients. Consider all the options or choose one pumpkin muffin recipe and prepare this kind of delicacy at your leisure, improving the taste with lemon zest, dried fruits, cinnamon, etc.


  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 328 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.

Do you want to know how to prepare an excellent delicacy that will not cause much harm to your parameters? Pumpkin muffins with cottage cheese are the perfect example of a deliciously tasty and at the same time cleansing dessert. You can reduce the final calorie content of your dish by using low-fat cottage cheese and reducing the recommended amount of sugar. Make an original delicacy with a delicate consistency.


  • oil (vegetable) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • semolina – 150 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • pumpkin – 400 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet;
  • cottage cheese – 400 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the bowl with the grated pumpkin pulp on the fire to simmer.
  2. Break eggs with sugar into cottage cheese, mix, add semolina.
  3. Combine the cooled pumpkin puree mass with sweet eggs. Make a dough whose consistency will resemble that of pancakes. If the mixture is thick, it is recommended to add more semolina. Set the dishes aside to allow the cereal to swell.
  4. Grease the inside of a silicone muffin pan and fill it with dough.
  5. Place the pumpkin cheesecakes in the oven for 25 minutes.
  6. You can decorate or top the finished treat with your favorite jam.


  • Time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 324 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Don't miss this quick trick that will help you bake a delicious chocolate dish. Delicate, delicious chocolate pumpkin cupcake can be made using both white and milk chocolate. The delicacy has a special delicate consistency due to the fact that the dough for it is prepared with vegetable oil. Hurry up and treat your household to this cupcake.


  • chocolate (white) – 50 g;
  • flour – 350 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • pumpkin – 350 g;
  • water – 80 ml;
  • sugar – 180 g;
  • oil (vegetable) – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare pumpkin puree in a slow cooker: chop the pulp without peeling, place the pieces in a bowl, add 80 ml of water, leave to simmer with the lid closed.
  2. Turn the softened pieces (along with the resulting juice) into puree, transfer to a bowl, and set aside so that the vegetable puree cools. Wash the bowl immediately and lubricate it.
  3. Add sugar to the broken eggs and beat the ingredients thoroughly. Pour in the oil, add pumpkin puree, salt, and mix well. You can also add a pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon or vanilla for more flavor.
  4. Combine flour with baking powder, pour dry mixture into dough. Chop the chocolate into very small pieces and send them to the stock.
  5. Fill the multicooker bowl with dough and smooth the surface of the future dessert with a spatula.
  6. Cook, closing the lid, on the “Baking” mode for an hour.
  7. The finished product can be poured with melted chocolate.

On kefir

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 321 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The proposed option is the fastest way to prepare beautiful, delicious cupcakes for your household. Pumpkin cake with kefir will be appreciated by housewives who prefer to prepare baked goods that are not too greasy, because this recipe involves preparing the delicacy without oil. You can decorate the cupcakes as you wish: fried nuts, seeds.


  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • pumpkin puree – 0.5 tbsp;
  • kefir – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • seeds, nuts - to taste;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • flour – 1.25 tbsp;
  • baking powder – 8 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour sugar into a bowl and break the egg there. Turn the components into foam using a mixer: the required consistency will be obtained after 10 minutes of whipping.
  2. Heat the kefir, pour it into the sweet eggs, stir everything well.
  3. Prepare pumpkin puree: boil pieces of pulp in a slow cooker, setting it to “Steam” or bake for half an hour in the oven, then mash them with a fork or use a blender to chop.
  4. Add pumpkin puree to the dough, add flour, baking powder from the bag, mix. You can add a little cinnamon or cardamom for flavor.
  5. Divide the batter into the molds and sprinkle the cupcakes with seeds if desired.
  6. Cook for 25 minutes, setting the oven to 180 degrees.


  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 292 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

To prepare such a delicacy, choose a fleshy, bright vegetable. Lenten pumpkin muffins are made from vegetable puree, and it does not matter what kind of pumpkin it is made from - boiled or baked. A delicious dietary dish without eggs has an excellent aroma, because according to the recipe, you also need to add grated orange zest to the dough. Try the dessert not only during Lent, you won’t regret it.


  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • oil (vegetable) – 50 ml;
  • vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 0.75 tbsp;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • zest from one orange;
  • pumpkin – 200 g;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the peeled pumpkin, bake in the oven or microwave until it softens.
  2. Mix flour, both types of sugar, soda.
  3. Place the vegetable pulp in a blender, fill it with water, and make a puree. Pour in vinegar and oil.
  4. Combine the pumpkin-butter mixture with the dry ingredients and mix everything with a spoon until smooth.
  5. Divide the dough in half, then pour cocoa into one half, and grated zest from one citrus into the other.
  6. Grease the mold or cover the bottom with parchment, lay out the chocolate layer, followed by the light dough, level the surface.
  7. Bake the fragrant cake at 180 degrees, and after 30 minutes check the readiness with a stick.


  • Time: 3 hours 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 248 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If you want to bake a cupcake, but don't know what to put in it to make it as healthy as possible, then consider this recipe. The product with oatmeal, dried apricots and pumpkin pulp is distinguished not only by its beneficial cleansing effects for the body, but also by its excellent taste.


  • baking powder – 2 tsp;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter (drain) – 50 g;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • raisins, dried apricots – 50 g each;
  • pumpkin – 600 g;
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • flour – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • oil (vegetable) – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the pumpkin pulp through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice over the oatmeal.
  2. Prepare the base: combine eggs with sugar, beat with a mixer. Without stopping the action, send the bulk ingredients and vegetable oil here.
  3. Combine the sweet butter mixture with the swollen oatmeal, stir everything together until all products are combined into a single mass.
  4. Finely chop the washed dried apricots with raisins and add to the dough.
  5. Pour the cake mixture into the prepared pan and cover the container with foil.
  6. Bake the product at 180 degrees. Remove after 40 minutes.


  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 298 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you love the combination of carrots and pumpkin, then try making this delicious dish. The recipe below is the fastest way to make a spiced pumpkin and carrot cake that is not only attractive to look at, but also very moist and delicious. Find out how to bake an original delicacy with raisins, dried apricots, marmalade from dough, which is mixed with sour cream.


  • water – 75 ml;
  • flour – 220 g;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • dried apricots – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • raisins – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • pumpkin – 100 g;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • vinegar – 0.5 tsp;
  • marmalade – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oil (vegetable) – 9 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots (large) – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled vegetables into small pieces, grind them into puree, and place them in a food processor.
  2. Transfer the pureed mixture to another container and break the eggs into it.
  3. Pour sour cream, butter, water and sugar into the ingredients. Add soda there, but douse it before doing so.
  4. Measure out the flour, pour it into a dry glass, and pour it into the dough gradually. The consistency of the pumpkin cake mix should resemble sour cream, not too liquid, but not too thick.
  5. Add finely chopped raisins, marmalade, dried apricots to the dough. You can replace the products with those more suitable to your taste, but do not increase the amount recommended by chefs in the recipe.
  6. Pour the thick mixture into silicone molds, but do not fill them to the top.
  7. Pumpkin muffins bake for about 40 minutes. It is better to make the oven temperature optimal.

With nuts

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 354 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The beauty of muffins is that to prepare them you can use most of all kinds of additional ingredients: dried fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables, chocolate, etc. The pumpkin and nut muffin is worth a lot - a delicate airy consistency with an excellent aroma and unsurpassed taste. The dough is made with honey, which creates the perfect combination with pumpkin and nuts.


  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • pumpkin puree – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • dried prunes – 50 g;
  • walnuts – 20 pcs.;
  • dried apricots – 50 g;
  • oil (plant) – 3 ml;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • honey – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs and sugar in a prepared bowl until bubbles form on the surface. Add 1 spoon of the selected honey to the mixture, mix everything without stopping until the honey dissolves.
  2. Add more sour cream to the egg-honey mixture and mix the ingredients with a whisk.
  3. Place the pumpkin puree into the bowl and beat with a whisk.
  4. Mix flour with baking powder, add dry ingredients into the batter until the mixture becomes viscous and thick.
  5. Cut dried fruits, except raisins, into small cubes; nut kernels can be chopped either finely or coarsely - as you wish. Pour ingredients into baking dough.
  6. Place the mixture with nuts and honey in a suitable form, leaving a space from the edge of the container (about a finger thick). Place in the oven turned on at 200 degrees.
  7. Poke the surface with a stick to see if the cake is ready.

Pumpkin orange

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 367 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you want to make a fragrant and delicious dessert, then try a delicate pumpkin muffin with orange fondant. Having done everything step by step according to the recipe, you will get a dish that has a pleasant taste - people of any age will enjoy the delicacy. You can bake charming pastries for a children's party by arranging the cupcakes in portions and brushing each of them with a delicious topping.


  • cloves – 0.25 tsp;
  • pumpkin – 425 g;
  • ginger – 1.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • brown sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • oil (vegetable) – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder – 2 tsp;
  • soda – 0.25 tsp;
  • orange zest – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • orange zest – 0.25 tsp;
  • orange juice – 4 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Throw the grated pumpkin, ginger, cinnamon, cloves into the pan, cook for 8 minutes until it becomes a puree. Remove from oven. Pour a glass of brown sugar into it, pour in the butter, and then slowly add the eggs.
  2. Place flour and baking soda in another bowl. Salt the ingredients and add baking powder. Mix everything together, then place it into the mixture you made earlier.
  3. Divide the dough into mini baking pans (this mixture makes enough for 36 pieces).
  4. Bake the products for 10 minutes. Only when the cupcakes are golden, remove them from the oven.
  5. Let sit for a while and then remove the cupcakes from the oven to cool.
  6. Combine everything for fudge, apply it to warm products.

With cranberries

  • Time: 1 hour 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 354 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Have you tried baking with pecans and cranberries? For example, such a delicious, beautiful dish as in the photo will not take long to bake, and as a result, on the table in front of you will be a most tender, delicious, glazed cupcake filled with roasted nuts. Check out this step-by-step recipe for Pumpkin Cranberry Pecan Cake and try making it for your family immediately.


  • sugar – 300 g;
  • pecan nut – 1 tbsp.;
  • powdered sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh cranberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • tangerine juice – 20 ml;
  • cloves – 0.5 tsp;
  • chicken egg whites – 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon – 2 tsp;
  • brown sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • pumpkin puree – 400 g;
  • salt – 0.25 tsp;
  • light rum – 20 ml;
  • nutmeg – 1 tsp;
  • butter (drain) – 110 g;
  • ginger – 1 tsp;
  • vanilla extract – 2 tsp;
  • applesauce – 120 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 450 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a dry base for the dough: combine the flour with the rest of the bulk products, knead everything.
  2. Mix pumpkin and apple puree into one mass; if desired, you can replace part of the apple with banana - this will make the taste even better.
  3. Beat the softened butter with a whisk, mixing with vanilla and sugar. Mix the ingredients for 5 minutes, then pour in the egg whites without slowing down the beat. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous fluffy consistency.
  4. Alternately add flour to the butter mixture, then fruit and vegetable puree. Without ceasing to knead, add the mixtures in the same sequence until they are finished, but the last layer should be a layer of flour.
  5. Add washed berries and fried nuts, chopped into large pieces, into the preparation.
  6. After quickly mixing the dough, transfer it to a greased pan. Bake for an hour at 170 degrees.
  7. Prepare the glaze: dissolve brown sugar in a small bowl, pour rum and juice over it. Remove the dish from the heat, pour in the powder, leave and let it cool.
  8. Cool the finished product a little, pour glaze over it.


  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 346 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

In the autumn-winter period, many try to pamper their family with cupcakes, the dough for which is made with the addition of seasonal vegetables. In winter, you can always buy sweet pumpkin and, for example, apples, and a recipe with a photo will help you quickly figure out what to cook with them. You can also add a banana to the pumpkin and apple cupcake, because almost everyone loves pumpkin and banana baked goods.


  • flour – 300 g;
  • cinnamon – 1.5 tsp;
  • ginger – 0.75 tsp;
  • nutmeg – 0.75 tsp;
  • cloves – 0.25 tsp;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • grated pumpkin – 250 g;
  • oil (vegetable) – 125 ml;
  • apple – 250 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • flour (for sprinkling) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • oil (drain) – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease 18 muffin tins or use baking paper.
  2. Sift the flour into a large bowl, add sugar, spicy aromatic seasonings, soda, and salt.
  3. In another container, combine eggs, pumpkin, oil. Add pumpkin mixture to flour, stirring to combine. Place the grated apples and banana here.
  4. After mixing the ingredients into a single mass, distribute the resulting dough into the molds.
  5. Prepare a topping of chopped butter, cinnamon, and flour. Mix the mixture of ingredients until coarse crumbs form, which you can then sprinkle on the cupcakes.
  6. Bake for 40 minutes - the products should have a golden crust.

Pumpkin cupcakes - the secrets of delicious baking

The information will be useful to those housewives who want to master a new recipe. This is a pumpkin cupcake. Check out these tips on how to make this delicacy perfect:

  1. Pumpkin muffins will taste even more interesting if you replace some of the pumpkin puree with grated apple. You can also simply add pieces of fruit to vegetable puree.
  2. Often, pumpkin muffins are prepared with candied fruits, raisins or dried fruits, but baked goods with the addition of cranberries, lingonberries, and cherries are very tasty.
  3. Almost any recipe can be improved by making a cupcake not with pumpkin puree, but, for example, with carrot puree. The dessert will turn out similar to pumpkin, but will have an incomparable aroma and taste.
  4. The dough can be made with vegetable oil or butter. In the first option, it will smell more pleasant, and in the second, the cupcake will turn out tender and will not go stale in a few days. It is worth noting that by replacing some of the flour with ground nuts or starch, you will also ensure that the cake will be fresh and soft for a long time.
  5. Do not open the door of the appliance in which you are cooking until the product is baked: its height depends on this. If you open it ahead of time, the treat will fall off.

Learn how to make other recipes.
