- This is a neurological disorder, which is characterized by constant involuntary motion movements of the eyelids. The phenomenon arises against the will of the person, sometimes it can be suppressed, but not long. In medical practice, such a condition is called hyperkinesis. By itself, nervous tick is not dangerous, but his appearance can talk about serious problems in the nervous system and the wrong work in the body.




Why does an eye twitch?

Nervous tick Can cause different reasons:

  • Insufficient sleep.The recommended sleep time for an adult is 8-9 hours a day. The lack of sleep can provoke the myocamia of the century (pulling the eye).
  • Anxiety, excitement, emotional shocks and protracted stress.In severe times, the muscles of his body are tense. The same applies to the muscles of the century. Excited neurons send a false signal to the brain, as a result, a person twitches the eyelid over the eye or under it. The myocamia of the century in this case can be fixed with massage, walks in the fresh air and the calm location of the Spirit.
  • Lack of magnesium and calcium, avitaminosis.Electrolyte imbalance can lead to involuntary eye enclosure.
  • Overvoltage of the eyes. Usually arises due to a long work on a computer, watching movies on a TV, as well as long-term use of a smartphone.
  • Age crises.Often, nervous tick is found in children and adolescents, as they have a more unstable psyche.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption.In the body of each person, caffeine is metabolized individually, its overdose can provoke the myocamia of the century.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse.Everything bad habits cause overexcitation nervous systemwhich causes an involuntary abbreviation of the eye muscles.
  • The side effect of drugs.It is necessary to explore the instructions well before the admission of any drug.
  • The exacerbation of conjunctivitis, blufaritis and other eye diseases. Nervous tick usually passes as cure from the disease.
  • Syndrome "dry eye" and dry keratitis.The process of moisturizing the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe chicken liquid is disturbed and the appearance of false pulses of neurons occurs.
  • Histamine isolate during allergic reactions. In addition to the fucking eyes, there is an edema, tearing and severe itching.
  • Weakening of immunity as a result of experienced infectious diseases or operations.
  • Chronic tonsillitis.Inflammation of the throat provokes the frequent smoothing of saliva, which spices the muscles of the eye.
  • Defeat of vessels in the brain.The most terrible reason, the violation may be a brain departments responsible for the reduction and relaxation of the muscles of the body.
  • Nistagma.This is a disease in which eyeballs are moving involuntarily.
  • Defeat facial nerve.The second name is facial hemispan.
  • Organic damage to the nervous system.
  • Injuries, tumors, encephalitis.

IMPORTANT! If the muscle spasm is repeated quite often and has a duration of several minutes to several hours or days, it is necessary to undergo a survey. The specialist will appoint a therapeutic treatment, and the unpleasant symptom will pass.


You can find out the following symptoms:

  • excessive blinking eyes;
  • meaningless lifting eye up and instant lowering;
  • involuntary muscle spasms of the Lower and upper century;
  • fatigue and stress in the eyes;
  • dryness and burning;
  • strong photosensitivity.


When the nervous tick repeats all the time, the patient needs the help of a doctor - an oculist, a neurologist, sometimes a psychologist and an endocrinologist. The diagnosis of "nervous tick" is made based on the definition of muscle spasm. However, in most cases, the nervous muscle sticking is a symptom of other diseases. To find out what is the main problem, doctors prescribe a survey:

  • blood test with the definition of trace elements;
  • analysis of urine;
  • brain encephalography;
  • cT scan;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • inspection of the eye dna.


Nervous tick is a pathological condition, but it does not always need serious treatment. If the nervous spasm does not interfere with human life, then medical therapy Do not resort to, limited to folk methods, walks in the fresh air and massage.

IMPORTANT! In the presence of serious symptoms, it is important to react, because effective treatment It is achieved in the first 4 months since the beginning of the disease.


Admitting medical preparations, the doctor puts the goal not to cure from ticks, but to reduce their number. The thing is that side effects From such drugs, quite serious, reception of funds can harm the body. For treatment use:

  1. Anticonvulsant drugs.Eliminate the convulsions of the mimic muscles.
  2. Sedatives.Weaken stress voltage, save from insomnia, remove increased fatigue.
  3. Tranquilizers.Suppress fear, anxiety, irritation.
  4. Antidepressants.Eliminate the alarm, anxiety.
  5. Means aimed at treating the main disease, the symptom of which is nervous tick.

Most often appoint the following drugs:

  • Phenibut;
  • Clonazepam;
  • Metoclopramide;
  • Risperidone;
  • Baclofen;
  • Sulpirid;
  • Guangfacin;
  • Haloperidol.

Folk Methods

Folk remedies are the simplest and most affordable methods of treatment in medicine that can reduce tension and stress, as well as weaken the frequency and amplitude of the nervous tick:

  • herbal infusions;
  • herbal soothing teas: with chamomile, mint, melissa;
  • soothing decoctions;
  • tincture (for example, hawthorn);
  • herbal eye compresses with chamomile decoction, wormwood, geranium.

Folk remedies also have a lot of contraindications, so you need a doctor consultation before using them.

Igloreflexotherapy reduces the excitability of the nervous system and reduces the frequency of hyperkinosis. Old Chinese treatment is based on the effects of needles in certain zones of body muscles. The acupuncture "wakes up" the vital energies that are concentrated in certain zones of the human body.


For the treatment of hyperkinase, a relaxing massage is prescribed, which helps the muscles reduce the readiness for ticose action. This, in turn, reduces the amplitude and frequency of nerve spasms.

For the treatment of nervous teak eyes spend a massage of the head and neck, removing tension, overwork and chronic fatigue. During the session, the blood supply to muscles is improved, and the excitability of the CNS decreases. Typically, treatment implies 10 massage procedures.


The ophthalmologist can assign special exercises that help to relax the muscles of the eyes and remove the tension:

  • frequent blink and sharp gritting until tears appear;
  • rotational movements in a circle;
  • movement to the right and left, up-down;
  • palming is a vacation for eyes, with closed eyelids.

Prevention of the disease

The disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, each patient should remember the methods that preserve the health of its nervous system.


  1. Sleep should be full. Well, if it lasts 8 or 9 hours.
  2. Go to sleep is best until 22 in the evening.
  3. Before bedtime, you need to take a hot relaxing bath or shower.
  4. If there are problems with a dream - you can drink tea with mint or chamomile in the evening. In more complex cases - contact the doctor.


  1. Reduce drinking drinks that adversely affect the CNS - coffee, tea, alcohol.
  2. Food must be balanced and include the necessary substances, trace elements and minerals. In the diet, there must be multicolored vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, eggs, fermented and dairy products.
  3. Before bedtime, it is not recommended to use a lot of protein - cottage cheese, meat, eggs and so on.
  4. Limit salt consumption, sugar, sharp dishes.
  5. Include more magnesium and calcium in the diet, which is beneficial affecting muscular excitability. With a lack of substances - take vitamins and dietial supplies with an increased content of these substances.


Relaxation will allow you to relax all the muscles of the body, including on the face. Also, relaxation suppresses stress, anxiety and soothes the nervous system. For relaxation it is necessary:

  1. Take a comfortable position (lying, sitting, half a liter).
  2. Close your eyes, omit low jaw And pronounce the long sound "s".
  3. It can be imagined that the voltage rolls out of the face like rain drops, takes full fatigue and nerve spasms with you. It is necessary to think about the relaxation of every muscle of the face, especially focus on the centuries.
  4. Relaxation time is at least five minutes daily. It is better to use the technique several times a day.

Almost all essential oils Can take the voltage and reduce the frequency of nervous teak eyes. You can take a bath with several drops of oil, or drop on the pillow before bedtime - inhalation means will help with nervousness. Oil lavender, geranium, fragrant cinnamon fit well.

Features in children

Children's hyperkinesis has some features:

  1. The interval of unmanaged movements is no more than 3 seconds.
  2. The attack of the nervous tick from the child can continue from 3 to 10 minutes.
  3. The gap between the attacks of the nervous tick in children and adolescents has different duration. In some hyperkinesis occurs daily, others - after an extreme nervous situation.
  4. Nervous muscle spasms are intensified in a state of fatigue or stress.
  5. With a comfortable environment, when there is no excitement and anxiety, the intensity of hyperkinosis decreases.

During pregnancy

Nervous teak eye during pregnancy can provoke.

May appear by various reasonsStarting from stress, ending with serious diseases, which is why treatment must be appointed after the diagnosis.
As you know, a large number of nerve endings are on the face. So everyone observed twitching eye muscles. If this happens involuntarily and constantly - this is the symptoms of nervous tick.

Nervous Tick Eyes - Causes and Treatment

The problem is not paying enough attention, as it does not cause pain and in some cases disappears on their own. If twitching small muscles Repeats quite often, it is worth seeking help from a specialist. There is a risk of a serious disease.

In the structure muscular Systemsthere are anatomical feature - weak muscles are in the orbit zone. Their involuntary abbreviations give a signal: additional examination is required for disrupting the work of the CNS. Since it is not recommended to treat this pathology independently, you should consult a doctor.

Therapy is divided into several subparagraphs: the detection of the problem, visit the doctor, diagnosis, the purpose of a number of common soothing procedures, uses psychotherapy, drug treatment.

Depending on the individual symptoms of each patient, the above methods are combined with each other. The treatment time is also determined individually.

Factors of human pathology

Statistics calculate that in childhood, a nervous tick on the soil of CNS disorders is an extremely common disease.

Any age, more often in the risk group there are babes from 3 to 10 years. At the heart of the disease - neurological deviations that arise against the background of stress or strong fright.

Recommended at home to instill with children love for reading, passive soothing entertainment. Distract your attention to monotonous work. It is necessary to give preference to interesting gears with a calm plot that will not cause fright in a child.

If the symptoms of the nervous tick begins to manifest adolescence If there are similar deviations in childhood, parents must talk with the child, try to reduce the level of stress in his life and teach work on the concentration of attention. But it is not necessary to crush and criticize for non-compliance with these rules.

It is necessary to approach the problem as a competent psychologist. Predict possible consequences His words and actions, adjust the behavior so as not to inflict a teenager even greater psychological harm.

In such a situation, a visit to the psychologist will benefit. Teenager need to be properly prepared for a visit. In no case in any case, the child should not have the thoughts that he is considered mentally ill.

It is important to remember that the psyche of children has not yet formed. They are extremely violent to incorrect life situations.

Perhaps adults do not think so, but children sometimes experience great stress. Parents should help their children get rid of him. Example - First Visit kindergarten.

As an unusual atmosphere, an involuntary twitching of the eyelid may appear. Most often, children do not notice this and practically do not complain about the first symptoms.

Younger generation transfers nerve tick as well as adults. The painful sensations of the cut do not cause, the child involuntarily blinks with one eye. Most often, parents notice how the muscles on the face are involuntarily reduced.

Treatment of children is easier than an adult. Recovery promotes a relaxing atmosphere in the family, the loyal attitude of friends and acquaintances, the readiness of the parents to help cope with the stressful situation.

Do not forget about visiting a doctor, he will appoint a survey. According to its results, treatment is determined if this is required. Nervous tick is based on the failure of the NA operation, incorrect treatment may lead to a deterioration in the situation.

Nervous Tick of the left eye in adults

The symptoms of the nervous tick of the left eye is identical to other reasons for involuntary nerve contractions of all muscles. Manifestations are associated with overwork and long-term eye load.

A left and right eye can be twisted, it depends on how hard the muscle is intense and can it cope with strong loads. Frequent stresses are negatively reflected at the work of the CNS, lead to a failure in its system.

How to treat nervous teak eyes in adults? To reduce eye load, it is necessary to observe the visual regime. Bright and color screens with long-term operation give a strong load not only to the eyes, but also on the nervous system as a whole.

It is necessary to carry out gymnastics for the eyes. Be sure to interrupt the view. Frequent breaks will contribute to the rest of the eyes, which will reduce the harmful effect.

Quickly get rid of stress without drugs

Non-proof drugs are popular. They will help to relax and remove the stress of the bath with the sea salt. It is recommended to add the smell of "geran" or "lavender". Compresses from honey or laurel sheets will help with eye fatigue.

Mode, once again mode

Be sure to quickly lead the day schedule. It is suitable for how to walk in the fresh air, preferably hiking. Shooting eyes - the cause of sleep may be a lack of sleep.

Quality and number of hours of sleep is the most important factor affecting the nervous system. The average daily rate is 8 hours. Communication and changing classes will contribute to the removal of voltage and improve well-being.

Tablets for therapy

Divided into three groups:

  • antipsychoticii neuroleptics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • common sedatives.

In the first two cases, the drug is carried out only after consulting the attending physician and prescribing a course of treatment. Let us dwell on the general soothing action medicines.

Valerian - Soothing, if the eye twitch

Valerian extract is considered the most popular, many people begin to be treated with this solution. Apply as well as tablets.

Soothing means based on it:

  • Perrsen;
  • Novopalsit;
  • Glycine.

These drugs are often used with strong and emotional stresses. They are released without a recipe.

Acupuncture and massage will help the body

As a soothing remedy, you can use acupuncture and massage sessions, various physiotherapy. Actions are deployed to get rid of stress, improving the overall condition of the body.

Often blinks eyes during pregnancy

This condition can be observed in pregnant women. Therapy for them is elected responsible for the period of tooling the child and childbirth.

Pregnant women prefer non-drug drugs so as not to harm the fetus, especially in the first three months of pregnancy - there is a formation of all vital organs in the kid.

It is allowed to use drugs on vegetable components - Valerian or Persene. Allowed acupuncture or relaxing massage.

Calm the nervous system can simple ways. First of all, a healthy dream, it is important to go around and wake up at the same time. Walking outdoors are required.

Do not abuse stimulants (coffee, tea). It is better to limit their consumption at all. Must require a diet - only balanced food is needed into its diet, which is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Eat more dairy products to maintain the level of calcium, which is necessary for a woman and the fetus. Such an element as magnesium is important at nervous tick, it stabilizes the work of the CNS. Magnesium is rich in walnuts.

The period of beating and childbirth is a huge stress for the female organism. In no case should you neglect the appointments of the doctor! Observing them, a pregnant woman can minimize a failure in the work of the nervous system and do not harm the baby.

Necessary diagnostics of pathology

The first in the list is a visit to the neurologist's doctor. At the reception, the doctor collects history, hears the patient's complaints, conducts a thorough inspection and in the presence of individual features It can send for inspections of the pathologies of nervous ticks.

First of all it is:

  1. Delivery of blood from Vienna.
  2. Computed tomography, it helps to assess the condition of the brain and skull, eliminate the presence of formations in it.
  3. It is recommended to pass a psychiatrist consultation.

When identifying pathologies, only after properly conducted diagnostics can begin treatment.

How to treat the illegal ways

Most often, people resort to these ways, as they act gentle on the body.

Soothes and prevents the appearance of the symptoms of nervous tick. Taking the shepherd from herbs:

  1. chamomile;
  2. geranium;
  3. mint.

Another method is a lot of honey.

Honey is dissolved in warm water, heavily impregnate with gauze and impose on closed eyelids. Stand up to 30 minutes.
In children's practice, the use of various herbs is recommended in the same sequence as in an adult, only time should be reduced to 10 minutes.

Power change and lifestyle

It is important to determine the root cause of the occurrence of illness. If the disease is a symptom of another disease, the treatment of the main disease will help to cope with the nervous tick.

With low-quality nutrition in the body may not have enough useful trace elements, which leads to disorders of the CNS.

First of all, it is a deficiency of magnesium and calcium. Not only medications They will help to fill their loss, the receipt of elements in the body provides food.

Nervous tick can be a sign of the pancreas failure. In its improper work, the production of glycine - sedative component is reduced.

In case of violations associated with the disadvantage of trace elements, it is necessary proper nutrition, enter into your diet the following products: bananas, buckwheat and oatmeal, dairy products, legumes, as well as fresh berries. These are the main calcium and magnesium suppliers. Magnesium improves the work of the nervous system and acts soothing on the whole organism.

First aid with nervous eye teach

Quite often, twitching eyes suggests that the body needs rest. Incoming abbreviations of the eye muscles may appear with long-term work at the computer, when reading books in a poorly lit room or simply from strong fatigue.

To quickly eliminate nervous teak eyes recommended:

  1. Close your eyes and try to relax within 10 - 15 minutes.
  2. Moisten cotton swabs with warm water and attach to the eye area by 5 - 10 minutes.
  3. It is possible to try to open your eyes widestly as much as possible, after which it is greatly closed for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 2 - 3 times.
  4. Quickly blink with both eyes within 10 - 15 seconds, after which it is closed to 1 - 2 minutes and try to relax.
  5. Slightly pressing the middle of the above-handing arc over the twirling eye. In this case, the mechanical stimulation of the branch occurs trigeny nervecoming out in this place from the skull cavity and the innervating skin of the upper eyelid.

Sleep - solution problem

  1. Wake up and depart to sleep at the same time. This contributes to the normalization of the biological rhythms of the body, facilitates the processes of falling asleep and awakening, contributes to a more complete restoration of the functions of the body during sleep.
  2. Observe the desired sleep duration. An adult man needs at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day, and it is desirable that the dream is continuous. This contributes to the normalization of the structure and depth of sleep, ensuring the most complete restoration of the central nervous system. Frequent night awakening breaks the structure of sleep, resulting in the morning, instead of the expected tide of cheerfulness and strength, a person can feel tired and "broken", even if she slept in a total of more than 8 to 9 hours.
  3. Create satisfactory conditions for sleep at night. Before bedtime, it is recommended to disable all sources of light and sound indoors (light bulbs, TV, computer). This makes it easier to fall asleep, warns night awakening and provides normal depth and structure of sleep.
  4. Do not use psychostimulating drinks (tea, coffee) before bedtime. These drinks cause activation of various parts of the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep, disrupting the integrity, depth and structure of sleep. As a result, a person can lie in bed for a long time, being unable to fall asleep. This leads to a lack of sleep, an increase in the nervous voltage and irritability, which can adversely affect the course of nervous ticks.
  5. Do not use protein food before bedtime. Proteins (meat, eggs, cottage cheese) have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. The use of these products immediately before bedtime, in addition to the negative effect on the gastrointestinal system, can adversely affect the flow process and the structure of sleep.
  6. Do not engage in active mental activities before bedtime. For 1 - 2 hours before bedtime, it is not recommended to watch TV shows, work at a computer, scientific and computational activities. Posseably affect the structure of sleep evening walks in the fresh air, venting the room before bedtime, meditation.

Complications of the disease

With untimely treatment and access to the doctor, there may be unpleasant consequences in the form of complications. This is primarily manifested in constant contractions of certain muscle groups. Usually such complications can be observed for about a year, while the patient will torment various kinds of nervous ticks. With this complication, the nerve tick is also called turret syndrome.

Also complications can be expressed in violation of adaptation in society. This is especially true for children and adolescents. This manifests itself in the fact that a child with a nervous tick can cause ridicule, permanent mockery from peers, which cannot but lead to loss of self-confidence, decrease in self-esteem and other adverse effects for the patient.

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Nervous teak eye is an involuntary reduction (twitching) of small mimic muscles around the eye. Medical name This state is blefarospasm. Some people face such a problem once in life, others suffer years. This is a very common problem. modern man Due to the high level of intensity of life, staying in a state of high voltage. It is much more often occasionally occurring in children than adults. Sometimes nervous teak eyes passes independently, without use medicines (and it happens quite often). But it happens that blefarospasm repeats repeatedly, it becomes almost a daily satellite of life, to get rid of which without the help of the doctor does not seem possible. And then the person goes to the neuropathologist.

Nervous teak eye can be a functional disorder, in this case it does not have a morphological basis, and may be a symptom of organic brain damage, the first call of some disease of the central nervous system. Therefore, it is impossible to close the eyes to a similar condition, it is necessary to reveal the possible causes of teak, it is better to consult with a specialist, which competently prescribes the patient necessary treatment.

The reasons

Various emotional disorders in the child contribute to the occurrence of blefarospasm.

Blephalospaz itself itself is a manifestation of violation of nervous regulation processes, on which the contractile activities of the eye muscles depends. That is, the eye itself is healthy at this condition, and the problem is in the nervous system. Among possible causes This state can be allocated as follows:

  1. Disorders of the emotional sphere (neurosis, fright, overvoltage, increased mental load, etc.): Perhaps the most common cause of the development of nervous teak eyes. In fact, any stress factor can cause the development of blephaline.
  2. Organic brain diseases: Nervous teak eye can be one of the symptoms of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, brainwater disorder ,. It can also become a consequence of a cranial injury or a transferred brain infection (, encephalitis).
  3. Microelements imbalance: This is a content in the body of magnesium and calcium. Their deficiency can provoke twitching in various muscle groups, including in the eye.
  4. Hereditary predisposition: Tick Toystt may debut from the development of blephaline.
  5. Long use of some medicines (neuroleptics, psychostimulants).
  6. Banal fatigue and overwork the muscles of the eye (in persons who are working for a long-term computer engaged in embroidery, jewelers, etc.).
  7. A very rarely cause can be a glitter invasion (more characteristic of children).


The main manifestation of teak is a suddenly emerging periodic reduction of the outdoor eye muscle. Reduction is an involuntary, practically non-controlled, i.e. It can not be suppressed by the effort of will. The degree of abbreviation can be different: from barely noticeable for the surrounding light shuddering age until a complete closure of the eye slot. The amplitude of the nervous teak eye is also individual.

Blufarospasm usually occurs during or immediately after emotional overvoltage and stops as soon as a person calms down. The more "fixation" at the very sensation of twists, the more the person is trying to influence the muscle spasm to the effort of will, the nervous teak of the eye is carried out more painfully (in moral terms). In itself, the cutting of the muscles does not bring pain sensations. During sleep, TIC does not arise.

For some people, the nervous teak eye becomes a cause of closure: a visual defect attracts attention unfamiliar people On the street and in transport, delivers a lot of inconvenience. This leads to the aggravation of neurotic, which, in turn, can increase the manifestations of blephaline.

Features in children

Children have less stable psyche compared to adults. They react more violently even on minor stressful effects. In the preschool period and the period of puberty, these features appear particularly clearly. Therefore, it is in these age groups that the nervous teak eye is observed more often. The first visit to the kindergarten and parting with Mom, the 1st of September for the first grader, conflicts in the family, the hormonal restructuring of the body, is all the most frequent causes of the development of blephaline in children. Among children's neurologists is even used by the phrase "Tick of First Classic".
Small children usually do not notice the development of eye twirings, the first to react others. Then the defect begins to be recognized by the child himself. The rest of the manifestation of blephaline is the same as in adults.

Under a nervous tick, the disease of the nervous system of a person, characterized by fast and unexpectedly arising abbreviations of certain muscle groups, which occur besides the will of the person. Many people faced such a phenomenon as the Tick of the Upper Age, and it often happens suddenly and brings a lot of inconvenience for a person. What is the reason for such a phenomenon? Is it dangerous for a person? What should be done to avoid nervous ticks in the future? We have to find detailed answers to all these questions.

Tick \u200b\u200bof the upper or lower eyelid delivers a lot of inconvenience for a person

In medicine, there is even a formal name of such a phenomenon - it is hyperkines, when a person has involuntary movements in different groups of muscles, and it can not only twitch, but also the lower eyelid, lip, etc.

In most cases, the situation occurs unexpectedly when a person does not even think about it. Often you can meet such a tick in stressful situations, overwork, when a person threatens a real danger.

Tick \u200b\u200beye is muscular spasmod The age, as a result of which involuntary twigs occur. This very condition does not represent hazards for the life and human health, but it is important to find out the main cause of the symptoms, after which to proceed to its treatment.

Causes of phenomena

There are several factors provoking the occurrence of nervous tick. One of the mains is the nervous stress and emotional exhaustion of the body, which appears as a result of human mental activity, overvoltage, lack of rest, lack of sleep, long-term passion for computer, etc.

At the same time there are additional reasons for tick of the upper eyelid:

  • Eye diseases, including conjunctivitis, retina damage, blepharitis, etc.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Long monitoring of fast moving objects or transport.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Harmful habits (alcohol abuse, strong coffee, smoking).
  • Continuous wearing glasses.

It is important to correctly establish the cause of this phenomenon to be able to get rid of it in the shortest possible time. As a rule, with such states do not fall into the hospital, but it is required homemade treatmentconsisting of special gymnastics, relaxation methods and other methods that will be described below.

Nervous tension - one of frequent reasonswhy the bottom or top of the eyelid twisters, eyes, lips, etc.


When the upper or lower eyelid twitches, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to it - it will confirm anyone who has ever encountered a similar phenomenon. To begin with, it is possible to undertake elementary, but at the same time very effective preventive measures to eliminate symptoms:

  1. We give a full-fledged holiday more time. Tick \u200b\u200bof the lower or upper century often begins when a person works a lot, sleeps little and almost never rests. In this case, it makes sense to take leave at work or at least make a few weekend days during which not to engage in routine work, but to give yourself a rest.
  2. Refuse alcoholic beverages and coffee. This does not mean that now you can never drink alcoholic beverages or coffee, but you should refrain from their use on a certain period of time.
  3. Pass the preventive course With the use of soothing folk remedies: Valerian tincture, chamomile decoction, dyeing.

If the eyelid twitches too often, and there is no possibility to do anything about it, try to minimize stressful situations, because in most cases they are attributed to the emergence of various nervous ticks.

Many people wonder what to do in that situation when work is associated with a long-term finding at the computer and simply impossible to break away from the screen throughout the day. The situation is quite complicated, but solved. First of all, it should be given to the eyes of peace, sometimes it is enough to 10-15 minutes for the eyes of rested and not overvolt. There is also a special gymnastics for the eyes, which can be performed both at home and in the workplace.

In the life of a person should be both walking in the fresh air, and relaxing in nature, which favorably affects the nervous system. Thus, it is an excellent prevention of all diseases of the human nervous system, thanks to which many problems can be avoided.

As prevention, you should also use healthy food, useful for eyes and vision. It is carrots, blueberries, onions, garlic, broccoli, cottage cheese, spinach, etc. All these products have a positive effect on sight, help relieve fatigue and prevent the nervous ticks of the lower and upper eyelids.

More time you need to rest, it is worth abandoning alcohol and strong coffee

Features of treatment

As mentioned above, people rarely seek medical care with a similar problem. If twitching does not stop for a long time, only then the person appeals to the doctor, also many parents lead their children to the doctor if nervous ticks are noticed at an early age.

In such cases, psychotherapy is effective, which can be carried out in the form of the game, and is intended to restore the normal emotional state of the child. The main task of the doctor is to distract the baby from the problem so that his muscles relax, and the symptoms of the nervous tick have arrogantly passed.

If the tick of the upper century is associated with the presence of an infection in the body or impaired in the brain, then potent drugs can be appointed: neuroleptics, nootropics, sedatives. Such medicines are appointed exclusively by medical workers after a thorough inspection and examination.

In allergic reactions, antihistamine pills are recommended that do not drain the mucous eye and do not cause further development eye teak. Carefully read the instructions for use in order not to encounter negative side effects.

Special gymnastics

To get rid of ticks, a special gymnastics has been developed, consisting of several types of exercises:

  • When twitching the century, it is often necessary to quickly frody through your eyes.
  • Close your eyes for a minute, then open, repeat the exercise after a minute.
  • Rotate with pupils by directing them to different points (down, up, etc.).
  • View the window, focusing your view on the long point.
  • It is firmly closed, to remain in this position for a few seconds, the eyelids should be tense.

All these exercises will be useful not just to get rid of ticks, but also when the eye is fattening. It is recommended to perform them 1-2 times a day.

It is necessary to perform a special eye gym

Folk ways

No less effective are and folk Methods fighting involuntary muscle cuts, be it tick lips, eyes, eyelids, etc.

  1. Relaxation with aromatherapy. Such a procedure involves inhalation of lavender oils, fragrant cinnamon, lavender and other medicinal herbs, during her man relaxes, his muscles relax, the patient's emotional and mental state is restored.
  2. Relaxing baths. It is well helped to cope with stress and other daily problems.
  3. Cold compresses that are placed directly on the cutting muscles. The compress must be on the body site for no more than 10 minutes, always remain cold.
  4. Easy massage with fingertips. Masseage circular movementsBut do not overdo it in order not to damage the gentle retina. You can purchase a special massage cream, safe for human eye.
  5. Around the eye you can spend several times a cube of ice, repeat the procedure in a minute.

Specialists in the field of medicine always repeat the fact that such manifestations are best prevented than to deal with full-fledged treatment. In other words, it is much easier to take appropriate prevention measures at the very beginning of the occurrence of a phenomenon, than to deal with the obvious manifestations of the disease of the nervous system.

Now you know what the reasons for the nervous tick of the upper eyelid are, and what treatment should be carried out in these circumstances. Nervous ticks themselves do not lead to deterioration of health, but they may be signs of an approaching serious nervous disorder, therefore should not be ignored by the person.

Be healthy, and let this unpleasant phenomenon never distorts you!

Which is manifested by fast, suddenly emerging and frequently repetitive contractions of certain muscle groups, which occur in addition to the will of the person. Muscular cuts with nervous tics resemble ordinary arbitrary movements, although in fact a person does not control their appearance and cannot hold back them.

In case of nervous tick, a person emerges an irresistible desire to make a certain movement or publish some sound. Attempts to suppress this desire for the effort of will only increase psycho-emotional stress. By making a teachous movement, a person feels a short psychological relief, after which the need to make this movement again.

According to various data, 0.1 - 1% of the adult population of the Earth suffers. Most often, this disease occurs among residents of large cities with a population of more than 1 million people. Men are 1.5 - 2 times more often than women. Nervous tick in an adult, as a rule, speaks of serious impairment of the nervous system and in the overwhelming majority requires a specialized medical care.

Interesting Facts

  • Usually, the nerve tick begins in childhood. The first appearance of teak after 18 years is less common and is often due to other diseases.
  • Most often, nerve tick affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe facial muscles. Muscles of the hands, legs or torso are striking.
  • Nervous tick can be like a motor ( blinking with hand twitching), so and vocal ( approval, hiss, up to pronouncing individual words).
  • Externally nervous tick is indistinguishable from ordinary arbitrary movement. The disease issues only inappropriateness and frequent repeatability of teak movements.
  • The frequency of nervous tick among the urban population is higher than in rural areas, which is associated with the tense rhythm of life in the city.
  • Nervous TIK can manifest themselves different in character - from single muscle contractions ( simple Tik) to certain gestures ( complex Tik).
  • Alexander Macedonian, Mikhail Kutuzov, Napoleon, Mozart and other outstanding personality suffered from nervous tick.

Music innervation

With nervous tick, various mechanisms of regulation of reduction of skeletal muscles are disturbed ( muscles reduced by the consciousness of man). Certain knowledge of the anatomy-physiological features of the nervous and muscle systems will help to better understand the causes and mechanisms for the occurrence of nervous ticks.


The brain is a totality of nerve cells ( neurons) controlling the activities of the entire body. Each cerebral zone is responsible for a certain function of the body - for vision, hearing, feelings, and so on. Arbitrary movements are also monitored by certain areas of the brain.

The zones of the brain responsible for arbitrary movements are:

  • pyramid system;
  • extrapyramid system.
Pyramid system
The pyramid system is a certain group of nerve cells ( motor neurons), located in a presenter overhang of the bark of the frontal lobe of the brain. In the nervous cells of the pyramid system, motor pulses are formed, which control fine, targeted movements.

Extrapyramidal system
This system is a combination of nerve cells located in the bore of a frontal share and in subcortical structures. The main chemical mediator ( transmission substance nervous impulse Between neurons) Extrapyramid system is dopamine. Recent years have established a link between the appearance of nerve ticks and an increased sensitivity of extrapyramine structures to the dopamine.

The neurons of the extrapyramidal system are closely related to each other, as well as with the neurons of the pyramid system, which allows them to function as a common whole.

Extrapyramidal system controls:

  • coordination of movements;
  • maintaining muscle tone and body position;
  • stereotypical movements;
  • mimic manifestations of emotions ( laughter, cry, anger).
Thus, the extrapyramidal system is responsible for performing movements that do not require attention control. When a person laughs or angry, the mimic muscles are automatically reduced in a certain way, expressing its emotional state - these processes are controlled by an extrapyramine system.

Nerves innervating face muscles

Nervous cells of a precentral winding brain have a long process ( akson). Axons, leaving the brain, are combined into groups and form nerves innervating certain muscles. The function of motor nerve fibers is the conduct of a nervous pulse from the brain to the muscles.

The most often nervous tick is localized in the field of mimic muscles, so the nerves innervating muscles are described below.

Mimic muscles are innervated:

  • facial nerve ( nervus Facialis.);
  • tripher nerve ( nervus trigeminus);
  • oveloval nerve ( nervus oculomotorius.).
Facial nerve innervates:
  • lob's muscles;
  • muscles wrinkling eyebrows;
  • circular muscles eye;
  • zylovy muscles;
  • pepper muscles;
  • ear muscles;
  • circular Muscle Mouth;
  • lip muscles;
  • muscle laughter ( there is not all people);
  • subcutaneous neck muscle.
Triple nerve innervates:
  • chewing muscles;
  • temporal muscles.
Overall nerve innervates Muscle lifting upper eyelid.

Nervous muscular synaps

Nervous impulse can not directly move from the nerve to the muscle. To do this, in the contact zone of the nerve end with muscle fiber there is a special complex that provides the transfer of a nervous pulse and called synaps.

Under the action of the nervous pulse from the nervous fiber is released by acetylcholine mediator ( chemical substance that is an intermediary in the transmission of the nerve pulse from the nerve to the muscle). The mediator has a certain chemical structure and connects with specific sites ( receptors) Muscular cage.
In the interaction of acetylcholine with the receptor, the nerve pulse to the muscle is transmitted.

The structure of skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle is an elastic, elastic fabric that is capable of decreasing ( shorten) Influenced by a nervous impulse.

Each muscle consists of a variety of muscle fibers. Muscular fiber is a highly specialized muscle cell ( myocyt) having a long furma and almost completely filled in parallel with the filamental structures ( myofibrils), ensuring muscle contraction. Between myofibrils there is a special tank network ( sarpoplasmatic network), containing a large amount of calcium required to reduce the muscles.

Myofibrillas is an alternation of sarcomerers - protein complexes, which are the main contractile unit of the muscle. Sarcomer consists of proteins - actin and miseos, as well as troponin and tropomyosis.

Aktin and Miosin have the shape of the threads located in parallel to each other. On the surface of myosin, there are special mosic bridges, through which contact with Mosin and Aktin's contact is carried out. In a relaxed state of this contact, protein complexes of troponin and tropomyosine are prevented.

Muscular abbreviation mechanism

Nervous impulse formed in the brain is carried out by motor nerve fibers. Having reached the level of synapse, the pulse stimulates the release of acetylcholine mediator, which interacts with specific receptors on the surface of muscle cells, ensuring the transmission of the nerve pulse to the muscle.

Nervous impulse quickly spreads deep into muscle fibers and activates the sarcoplasmic network, as a result of which a large amount of calcium is distinguished from it. Calcium is associated with troponin and frees active centers on actin threads. Myosine bridges are joined by the liberated filaments of actin and change their position, providing mutual rapprochement of actin threads. As a result, the length of the sarcomer decreases and the muscle is reduced.

The muscular reduction process described above requires a significant amount of energy that is used to change the position of myosine bridges. The source of energy in myocyt is ATP ( adenosine trifosphate), synthesized in mitochondria ( special intracellular structures located between myofibrils in large quantities ). ATP with magnesium ions provides a process of rapprochement of actin yarns.

Causes of nervous tick

The immediate cause of the nervous tick is the violation of the functioning of the extrapyramid system. As a result, its activity increases and excessive, uncontrolled formation of nerve impulses occurs, which according to the previously described mechanisms causes quick, uncontrolled reductions in certain muscles.

Depending on the duration of the disease, nervous ticks are:

  • Transitual - Lower form of disease duration up to 1 year.
  • Chronic - duration of more than 1 year.
Depending on the reason that caused a violation of the functions of the nervous system, distinguish:
  • primary nervous tick;
  • secondary nervous tick.

Causes of primary nervous tick

Primary nervous tick ( synonym - idiopathic - arising from unidentified reasons) Develops against the background of the normal state of the central nervous system of the person and are the only manifestation of the violation of its function. Other disorders of the nervous system ( increased fatigue, irritability) may be a consequence of nervous tick.

A genetic predisposition to nervous ticks with an autosomal-dominant type of inheritance, transmitted from generation to generation from a patient of a parent with a probability of 50%. If both parents are sick, then the likelihood of the birth of a child with a predisposition to nervous teak ranges from 75% to 100%.

People of choleric temperament are predisposed to the emergence of primary nervous ticks. They are characterized by quick-tempered, emotionality, pronounced manifestations of feelings. In such people, the central nervous system is particularly sensitive to the influence of external factors, which contributes to the occurrence of nervous ticks.

The appearance of primary nervous ticks may precede:

  • overwork;
  • nutritional disorders;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • abuse of psychostimulants.
Under stress it is understood as a pronounced emotional experience of any life situation ( acute stress) either a long-lasting person in unfavorable ( tense, annoying) atmosphere ( chronic stress). At the same time, all compensatory reserves are activated in the human body, aimed at overcoming the stressful situation. There is an increase in the activity of a plurality of brain zones, which can lead to an excessive appearance of pulses in the neurons of the extrapyramine system and the appearance of nervous tick.

Long-term work in adverse, tense conditions, violation of labor and recreation, chronic lack of sleep - all this leads to a violation of the functions of the CNS ( central nervous system). The nervous system begins to work on wear, while activation occurs, and then the depletion of the organism reserves. As a result, various malfunctions may appear in the work of the nervous system, manifestation, nervousness or the occurrence of nervous tick.

As mentioned above, muscular abbreviation requires the energy of ATP and the presence of a sufficient number of calcium and magnesium ions. Insufficient intake of calcium with food can lead to hypocalcemia ( reducing the concentration of calcium in the blood), in which the excitability of muscle and nerve cells is sharply increasing, which can manifest itself with muscle twitching and convulsions.

Alcohol abuse
Alcohol, falling into the human body, has an exciting effect on the neurons of the central nervous system, at the same time reducing braking processes in the cerebral cortex and disturbing the functioning of the entire nervous system of the body. In addition, alcohol causes the elimination of the emotional state of a person, causing an excessive emotional reaction to any incentive. As a result, any psycho-emotional shock can lead to even greater enhancement of brain activity with the involvement of an extrapyramid system and the appearance of nerve ticks.

Abuse of psychostimulators
Psychostimulants ( coffee, Strong Tea, Energy Drinks) Increase the activity of the cerebral cortex with the possible involvement of neurons of the extrapyramid system. This can directly lead to the occurrence of nervous ticks, and also increases the sensitivity of the extrapyramidal system to psycho-emotional overloads and stress.

The use of psychostimulants leads to the activation of the body's energy reserves, resulting in all systems ( including nervous system) Work in high load mode. If the reception of psychostimulating drinks continues for a long time, the reserves of the body are depleted, which can manifest itself to various neurological disorders, including nervous ticks.

Causes of secondary nervous ticks

Secondary ticks are symptoms of the defeat of the central nervous system by other diseases. Important a distinctive feature Secondary ticks, in addition to the ticose movements themselves, is the presence of prior symptoms of the underlying disease.

It should not also forget that any disease is a kind of stress from a psychological point of view, leads to the depletion of the organism reserves and overwork, which can contribute to the occurrence of nervous ticks through the mechanisms described earlier.

The occurrence of secondary nervous tick may be due to:

  • head injury;
  • brain tumors;
  • infectious brain lesions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal system;
  • mental illness;
  • some medicines;
  • drug use;
  • neuralgia trigeminal nerve.
Head injury
The brain injury may be accompanied by brain damage ( traumatic object, bones of the skull, as a result of hemorrhage). If neurons of the extrapiramid system are damaged, the focus of increased activity can be formed in them, which will manifest itself with nervous tics.

Brain tumors
Tumors, increasing, can squeeze the neighboring structures of the brain, including the zones of an extrapyramidal system. Being a peculiar stimulus for neurons, the tumor can create a focus of increased activity in an extrapyramidal system, which will lead to the appearance of nerve ticks. In addition, the tumor can comprehend blood vessels The brain, resulting in disruption of nutrition and the function of nerve cells.

Infectious brain lesions
In case of pathological bacteria ( streptococca, Meningokokoka) or viruses ( herpes Virus, Cytomegalovirus) into brain fabric, an infectious infection process can develop in it ( encephalitis). Infectious agents cause the brain vessels and neurons of various brain structures, including subcortex zones of an extrapyramidal system, which causes the appearance of nervous ticks.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal system
Inflammatory diseases Stomach and intestines ( gastritis, Duodenit), as well as gliste diseases ( helmintoses) They can lead to disorders of digestion and suction from the intestine of nutrients, including calcium. Developing as a result of this hypocalcemia ( reducing calcium content in blood) manifests involuntary muscle contractions ( most often fingers) or even cramps.

Mental diseases
In some mental illness ( schizophrenia, epilepsy) Organic and functional changes occur in various brain zones. With prolonged course of such diseases, the concentration of attention, arbitrary movements, emotional reactions violate. If the centers of an extrapyramid system are involved in the pathological process, excess pulses can be formed in them, which will manifest itself with nervous tics.

Use of medicines
Some medicines ( psychostimulators, anticonvulsant drugs) can lead to nervous ticks.

The mechanism of action of psychostimulating medicines is similar to the action of energy drinks, but is stronger.

Some anticonvulsant preparations ( for example, Levodopopia) are predecessors of dopamine ( mediator Extrapyramid System Brain). The use of these drugs can lead to a significant increase in dopamine content in the brain and increased sensitivity to it by extrapyramidal centers, which can manifest itself to the occurrence of nervous ticks.

Drug use
Vegetable and synthetic drugs are special psychostimulating substances that increase the activity of the entire nervous system and leading to the occurrence of nervous ticks. In addition, narcotic drugs have a destructive effect on the neurons of the brain, violating their structure and functions.

Neuralgia trigeminal nerve
Triple nerve spends pain sensitivity from the skin of the face. The neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve is characterized by a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity, resulting in any, even the slight touch causes the attack of the strongest pain. At the peak of a painful attack, twitching the muscles of the face, having a reflex character.

Diagnosis of nervous tick

Nervous tick, which appeared in an adult, testifies to the presence of violations in the work of the central nervous system. In a little exception ( miscellated primary nervous ticks) This disease requires a qualified medical care for a neuropathologist.

On the visit of the patient's neuropathologist expects:

  • survey and assessment of the state of the nervous system;
  • laboratory research;
  • instrumental research;
  • consultations of other specialists.

Poll and assessment of the state of the nervous system

The first thing is waiting for the patient at the reception at the neuropathologist - this is a detailed survey of its illness.

When polling, the neuropathologist clarifies:

  • time and circumstances of the occurrence of nervous tick;
  • the duration of the existence of a nervous tick;
  • transferred or existing diseases;
  • attempts to treat nervous tick and its effectiveness;
  • family members or the closest relatives suffer from the nervous tick.
The following is a comprehensive examination of the patient's nervous system, a sensitive and motor functions, Muscle tone and severity of reflexes are determined.

A visit to the doctor can definitely affect the psycho-emotional state of a person, as a result of which the manifestations of nervous ticks can decrease or disappear for a while. In such cases, the doctor may ask to demonstrate exactly which movements are inconvenient to a person.

Usually, the diagnosis of nervous ticks does not cause difficulties and the diagnosis is made on the basis of a survey and examination of the human nervous system. However, additional diagnostic measures may be needed to establish the cause of the disease and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

Laboratory research

Laboratory studies helps to identify disorders of the inner environment of the body and suspect some diseases.

For general analysis Blood in the morning on an empty stomach takes 1 - 2 millilita capillary blood ( as a rule, from a nameless finger).

With nervous tick, the neuropathologist may assign:

  • computer tomography of bones of the skull;
  • magnetic resonance imaging brain;
  • electroencephalography ( EEG);
  • electromiography.
CT scan
This is a research method appointed with secondary nervous ticks, the appearance of which is associated with the cranial trauma. This method allows to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the bones of the skull and determine the presence and localization of fractures, intracranial hemorrhages. In addition, computed tomography can be useful for the diagnosis of bone tumors, which can compress the substance of the brain, causing the occurrence of nervous ticks.

Magnetic resonance imaging
This is a more accurate method of diagnosing lesions of the brain substance. It is prescribed if the brain tumors is suspected, brain vessels, injury and various systemic diseases. Also, the brain changes can be determined using MRI (mental illness ( in schizophrenia).

This is a simple and secure assessment method. functional state Various brain areas by studying its electrical activity. EEG also allows you to determine the reaction of various brain zones on the action of certain stimuli, which can help establish the cause of nervous tick.

12 hours before the study, it is not recommended to use coffee, tea and other psychostimulating substances. The EEG procedure is safe and painless. The patient is sitting in a comfortable chair and closes his eyes. Special electrodes are installed on the head of the head, which read the electrical activity of the brain.

During the execution of the patient's EEG, may ask for certain actions ( open and close your eyes, shrouded hard or reproduce tickle movement) and determine the changes in activity in different zones of the brain.

This is a method for registering the electrical potentials of the skeletal muscle, designed to study the functional state of the muscles and nerves alone and in the process of muscle contraction.

The essence of the method is as follows. Special electrodes ( corger or needle-intramuscular) Install in the area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle under study. Needle electrodes are entered directly into the muscle under study. Electrodes are connected to a special apparatus - an electromyographic, which makes the register of electrical potentials in the muscle. Further, a person is asked to make any movement of the muscle under study and register changes in activity during muscle contraction. In addition, the rate of nerve pulse on the nerves innervating the test muscle is investigated.

With the help of electromyography, it is possible to identify the increased excitability of muscle fibers and various violations at the level of the pulse on the nerve fibers, which may cause the occurrence of nervous tick.

Consultation of other specialists

If a neuropathologist in the diagnostic process establishes that the occurrence of nervous tick is due to another disease or pathological condition, it can send a patient to a consultation to another doctor who specializes in the necessary area.

To diagnose nervous tick, you may need to consult the following specialists:

  • Traumatologist - If the occurrence of nervous tick preceded the head injury.
  • Psychiatra - If a mental illness is suspected.
  • Oncologist - When suspected a brain tumor.
  • Narcologist - If there are suspicions that the occurrence of nervous tick is due to the reception of any medicines, narcotic drugs or chronic alcohol consumption.
  • Infectiousness - with suspected infection of the brain or glitstic diseases.

First aid for nervous tick

There are certain exercises and recommendations that allow you to temporarily eliminate or reduce the manifestations of ticose movements.

Such is treated like

If you have involuntary reductions of any muscles ( mimic, muscles of hands or feet), try hard to strain the affected muscle for a few seconds. This may, for a while, eliminate the symptom of the disease - muscular twitching, but will not affect the cause of the disease, so soon the ticose movements will appear again.

This technique is contraindicated at nervous tick due to neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the influence of irritating factors as much as possible, avoiding any touch to the area of \u200b\u200bteak.

First aid with nervous eye teach

Quite often, twitching eyes suggests that the body needs rest. Incoming abbreviations of the eye muscles may appear with long-term work at the computer, when reading books in a poorly lit room or simply from strong fatigue.

To quickly eliminate nervous teak eyes recommended:

  • Close your eyes and try to relax within 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Moisten cotton swabs with warm water and attach to the eye area by 5 to 10 minutes.
  • It is possible to try to open your eyes widestly as much as possible, after which it is greatly closed for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 2 - 3 times.
  • Quickly blink with both eyes within 10 - 15 seconds, after which it is closed to 1 - 2 minutes and try to relax.
  • Slightly pressing the middle of the above-handing arc over the twirling eye. At the same time, there is a mechanical stimulation of the branch of the trigeminal nerve coming out in this place from the skull cavity and the innervating skin of the upper eyelid.

Treatment of nervous ticks

The appearance of nerve ticks in adulthood testifies to serious disorders of the nervous system, so the issue of their treatment should be considered very seriously.

It should be done to make an appointment to the neuropathologist, since Nerval Tick can only be a manifestation of another, more serious and dangerous disease.

With nervous ticks apply:

  • medication treatment;
  • non-drug treatment;
  • alternative treatment methods.

Medical treatment of nervous ticks

The main task of drug therapy with nervous ticks is the elimination of disease manifestations. For this purpose, drugs affecting the central nervous system and the psycho-emotional state of the patient are used.

With primary nervous ticks, preference should be given to sedatives and only with their ineffectiveness to move towards other groups of drugs.

Secondary nervous ticks are often not treated with reassuring agents. In such cases, it is recommended to begin with antipsychotic and anti-tesry drugs used in complex therapy, along with the treatment of the underlying disease, which caused the appearance of nervous tick.

Medicines used for the treatment of nervous ticks

Group of drugs Name of the drug Effects Mode of application
Soothing drugs Valerian tincture
  • soothing effect;
  • facilitates the process of falling asleep.
Inside, half an hour before meals, 20 - 30 drops diluted in half a glass of boiled water. Take 3 - 4 times a day.
Motherwort tincture
  • soothing effect;
  • slying effect;
  • anticonvulsant effect.
Inside, 30 minutes before meals, 40 drops of tincture. Take 3 times a day.
New Passitis
  • soothing effect;
  • eliminates a sense of anxiety;
  • facilitates the process of falling asleep.
Take inside, 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon ( 5 ml) three times per day.
Antipsychotics (neuroleptics) Tioridazin
  • eliminates a sense of tension and anxiety;
  • make it difficult to carry out nerve impulses in an extrapyramidal system, eliminating nervous ticks;
  • soothing effect.
Inside, after meals, 50 - 150 mg three times a day ( the dosage is established by a doctor depending on the severity of nervous ticks). Course of treatment 3 - 4 weeks.
Supporting therapy 75 - 150 mg once before bedtime.
  • more than thiuridazine, inhibits the activities of an extrapyramidal system;
  • moderate sedative effect.
Take inside, after eating, drinking with a full glass of water or milk. Initial dose of 5 mg 3 times a day. Course of treatment 2 - 3 months.
Tranquilizers (Anxiolitics) Penazepam
  • eliminates emotional stress;
  • eliminates a sense of anxiety;
  • inhibits motor activity ( through the impact on the CNS);
  • soothing effect;
  • slying effect.
Take inside, after eating. In the morning and at lunch in 1 mg, in the evening before bed - 2 mg. It is not recommended to take to the phenazepam more than 2 weeks, as a drug dependence may develop. Cancel the drug should be gradually.
Calcium preparations Calcium gluconate Fills the lack of calcium in the body. Inside, 30 minutes before meals 2 - 3 grams of crushed drug. Squeeze with a glass of milk. Take 3 times a day.

Non-drug treatment of nervous ticks

As well as medical treatment Nervous Tikov It is also necessary to pay attention to activities aimed at strengthening the body as a whole. Non-drug treatment should be used in both primary and secondary nervous ticks, as it contributes to the normalization of psycho-emotional state and restoring the disturbed functions of the central nervous system.

Non-drug treatment of nervous tick includes:

  • compliance with the regime of labor and recreation;
  • full Son.;
  • balanced diet;
  • psychotherapy.
Compliance with labor and recreation
The appearance of a nervous tick is one of the signals that the central nervous system needs to be rest. The first thing to be done if a nervous tick developed is to reconsider the day of the day, if possible, exclude some activities and more time to pay rest.

It has been proven that permanent overwork at work, the lack of proper recreation for a long time leads to the depletion of functional reserves of the body and improving the sensitivity of the nervous system to various stimuli.

  • wake up and depart to sleep at the same time;
  • engage exercise in the morning and during the day;
  • observe labor regime ( eight-hour working day);
  • respect recreation regime ( 2 weekends per week, mandatory vacation for a year);
  • avoid overwork at work, work at night;
  • it is carried out every day in the fresh air at least 1 hour per day;
  • reduce the time of work at the computer;
  • limit or temporarily eliminate TV viewing.
Full Son.
It has been scientifically proven that the lack of sleep for 2 to 3 days increases the sensitivity of the nervous system to various stress factors, reduces the adaptive reactions of the body, leads to irritability and aggressiveness. Long-term lack of sleep leads to even greater disorders of the function of the central nervous system and the entire body as a whole, which can be manifested by the strengthening of nerve ticks.
  • Wake up and depart to sleep at the same time. This contributes to the normalization of the biological rhythms of the body, facilitates the processes of falling asleep and awakening, contributes to a more complete restoration of the functions of the body during sleep.
  • Observe the desired sleep duration. An adult man needs at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day, and it is desirable that the dream is continuous. This contributes to the normalization of the structure and depth of sleep, ensuring the most complete restoration of the central nervous system. Frequent night awakening breaks the structure of sleep, resulting in the morning, instead of the expected tide of cheerfulness and strength, a person can feel tired and "broken", even if she slept in a total of more than 8 to 9 hours.
  • Create satisfactory conditions for sleep at night. Before bedtime, it is recommended to disable all sources of light and sound in the room ( light bulbs, TV, computer). This makes it easier to fall asleep, warns night awakening and provides normal depth and structure of sleep.
  • Do not use psychostimulating drinks ( tea coffee) before bedtime. These drinks cause activation of various parts of the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep, disrupting the integrity, depth and structure of sleep. As a result, a person can lie in bed for a long time, being unable to fall asleep. This leads to a lack of sleep, an increase in the nervous voltage and irritability, which can adversely affect the course of nervous ticks.
  • Do not use protein food before bedtime. Proteins ( meat, eggs, cottage cheese) Provide stimulating effect on the central nervous system. The use of these products immediately before bedtime, in addition to the negative effect on the gastrointestinal system, can adversely affect the flow process and the structure of sleep.
  • Do not engage in active mental activities before bedtime.For 1 - 2 hours before bedtime, it is not recommended to watch TV shows, work at a computer, scientific and computational activities. Posseably affect the structure of sleep evening walks in the fresh air, venting the room before bedtime, meditation.
Balanced diet
A full-fledged rational food includes a reception of high quality and quantitatively balanced foods ( containing 1300 mg Sesame 780 mg Melted cheese 300 mg Almond 250 mg Beans. 200 mg
The daily need for magnesium is:
  • in men - 400 milligram per day;
  • in women - 300 milligrams in the knock;
  • in women during pregnancy - up to 600 mg per day.

Food rich in magnesium

Product Magnesium content in 100 grams of product
Rice bran 780 mg
Seeds of Seung 500 mg
Wheat bran 450 mg
Almond 240 mg
Buckwheat grain 200 mg
Walnut 158 mg
Beans. 100 mg

Under psychotherapy means the method of therapeutic effect on the human body through his psyche. Psychotherapy is shown in all types of primary nervous ticks, as well as as part of complex therapy in secondary nervous ticks.

Psychotherapy is carried out by a psychotherapist. In the process of treatment, the doctor helps a person to deal with the reasons for the occurrence of a stress situation or emotional tension, find ways to solve internal conflicts. In addition, the psychotherapist can teach patients with self-control methods, proper behavior in stress.

After passing the course of psychotherapy, there is a significant decrease in psycho-emotional tension, the sleep is normalized, the manifestations of nerve ticks are reduced or completely disappeared.

Alternative methods for the treatment of nervous ticks

Certain treatment methods can have a favorable effect with nervous ticks by exposure to different levels of neuromuscular system.

TO alternative methods Treatment of nervous ticks include:

  • relaxing massage;
  • acupuncture ( acupuncture);
  • electroscone;
  • injections of botulinumoxin A.
Relaxing massage
Today there are many varieties of massage ( relaxing, vacuum, thai and so on), having favorably affecting the human body. The most effective in terms of influence on the nervous system is considered a relaxing massage.

With nervous ticks caused by overwork and chronic fatigue, the most effective is considered a relaxing massage of the back, arms and legs, the scalp.

Relaxing massage provides the following effects:

  • eliminates fatigue;
  • has a relaxing and soothing effect;
  • reduces the excitability of the nervous system;
  • eliminates increased muscle tone;
  • improves muscle blood supply.
Usually a favorable effect of a relaxing massage is observed after the first sessions, but for the maximum effect it is recommended to pass a two-week course.

The relaxing massage of the facial area is contraindicated, especially with the neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, since the mechanical irritation of the zones of increased sensitivity will be accompanied by strong pain and the strengthening of nervous ticks.

Acupuncture - the method of ancient Chinese medicine, which consists in the effects of needles on special points in the human body ( points of Life Energy Concentration) responsible for the functioning of certain systems and organs.

By acupuncture, you can achieve:

  • reduce the severity of ticose movements;
  • reducing nervous I. muscular tension;
  • reducing the excitability of the nervous system;
  • improving the blood supply to the brain;
  • elimination of psycho-emotional voltage.
Acupuncture is not recommended to be used in particularly impressionable and emotional people, as this can cause them a psychological trauma and lead to the strengthening of nervous ticks.

Electroson is widely used in the treatment of states associated with the increased activity of the central nervous system. The method is safe, harmless and inexpensive, which makes it available for almost any person.

The essence of the method is to carry out weak low-frequency pulses through the head of the brain, which increases the braking processes in it and causes sleep offensive.

The electrose procedure is performed in a specially equipped office. The patient is offered to remove the upper clothes, lie on the couch in a convenient position, cover the blanket and try to relax, that is, the situation is created, as close as possible to the natural sleep.

A special mask with electrodes, through which the electric current will be supplied to the patient's eyes. The frequency and the current is selected individually for each patient and usually does not exceed 120 hertz and 1 - 2 milliamperes, respectively.

After the electric current is supplied, the patient usually falls asleep for 5 to 15 minutes. The whole procedure lasts from 60 to 90 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 - 14 sessions.

After passing the course of electrospa, it is:

  • normalization of psycho-emotional state;
  • normalization of natural sleep;
  • reducing the excitability of the nervous system;
  • reducing the severity of nervous ticks.
Electroson is contraindicated in neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve, as it can provoke the occurrence of pain attachment and an increase in nervous tick.

Injection of botulinumoxin A.
Botoululovkin is the strongest organic poase produced by anaerobic bacteria - clostridia ( Clostridium Botulinum).

In therapeutic purposes, botulinum-oxin type A. intramuscular administration botulinople penetrate the end motor NeuronParticipating in the formation of neuromuscular synapse, and blocks the release of the acetylcholine mediator, which makes it impossible muscular contraction and leads to muscle relaxation in the injection zone. Thus, the nerve impulses formed at nervous tick in the estrapyramidic zone of the brain cannot reach skeletal muscles, and the manifestations of the nervous tick are completely eliminated.

After blocking the transmission of the nervous pulse from the end of the motor neuron, new processes are beginning to form, which reach muscle fibers and innervate them again, which leads to the restoration of neuromuscular conductivity on average after 4 - 6 months after the injection of botulinumoxin A.

The dose and the place of introduction of botulinum or is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the manifestations of nervous tick and muscles involved.

Prevention of nervous tick repetitions

With timely and qualified medical care, the nerve tick can be cured. After treatment, certain rules should be followed to prevent recurrence ( re-exacerbation) Diseases. At the same time, it should be limited or eliminating factors that can trigger the repetition of the nervous tick.
Recommended Not recommended
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • learning self-control methods ( yoga, meditation);
  • news healthy image life;
  • do sport;
  • observe the regime of labor and rest;
  • hurt;
  • eat right;
  • carry out in the fresh air at least 1 hour every day;
  • timilely treat diseases affecting the nervous system.
  • long and exhausting work;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • drug use;
  • abuse of coffee, tea, energy drinks;
  • long work at the computer;
  • long-term TV viewing.