Years of the Boar, Pig:

1911,1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995, 2007,2019,2031

In the Eastern tradition, the Boar is initially a greedy and dirty animal, which, after taming, brings benefits and becomes a symbol of fertility, male strength and well-being. The Pig, of course, in itself is not very clean, so astrologers advise a person born this year to avoid dirt, because it poses a threat to them.

The boar is correct, helpful, and delicate. He has a gentle character and is famous for his peacefulness. He has a subtle, kind soul. He is scrupulous to the extreme. You can safely do business with him, because he will not deceive his partners. The Pig is born under the sign of honesty. Usually he believes what he hears, so his gullibility is often abused by not very conscientious people. But, being naive, he himself will never deceive. If he lies a little, it is only for the purpose of protection.

He accepts his failures calmly. Tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Despite the fact that those born under this sign always act in accordance with generally accepted norms of behavior, they are tolerant of the behavior of others and forgive people for their mistakes.

The boar is disgusted by hypocrisy and hypocrisy; he is a knight, a champion of justice. The Pig is simple-minded and recognizes only straight paths in life. Divides the world into white and black, into truth and lies, which is why he often suffers.

Helpless against hypocrisy, he becomes confused, trying to justify himself. He is so impartial that he will endlessly doubt whether he is acting honestly and correctly.

Outwardly, the Pig is peaceful and calm, but if you hurt him, he will go straight ahead. And he will either destroy his enemy or die. His inner strength is great, nothing can resist it. In most cases, Pigs are healthy physically and spiritually.

Therefore, if the Pig has an enemy, then he should know that the Pig cannot be intimidated by threats - they will only double his energy and determination.

Pigs find it difficult to get along with other people, but they are loyal to their few friends to the end. This is a cheerful comrade and the most devoted friend, always ready to lend a helping hand.

A certain turning inward, absorption in one’s personal interests, neglect of the interests of society, egocentrism, subtle mockery of morality, irony and self-irony, aesthetics - all this is also present in the sign of the Pig. However, the Pig, less than all other signs, claims its special significance and proximity to the higher spheres.

He rarely speaks, but when he dares, he says everything at once, and nothing can stop him before he exhausts the topic.

He has a reputation as a knowledgeable, erudite person, but in reality he is an amateur. If you check his knowledge, you will notice that it is fragmentary. The boar is always a materialist. The main thing for Pig is the summation of accumulated knowledge, its revaluation, and systematization.

Observation, contemplation, natural optimism, and desire to change places make Pig an avid traveler. He also willingly and easily starts new things and gets excited about any new project. But, having unwinded them, he quickly begins to get bored and loses interest in the matter.

He is characterized by sensuality and a penchant for epicureanism. His character is aristocratic and bohemian. At the same time, Boars are very unpretentious and undemanding to living conditions: they feel comfortable both in a shack and in a dugout.

Under their complacent appearance, Boars hide will and even authority. They are not afraid of difficult problems and take on a lot. If they do something, they put all their energy into it. And they fulfill the intended tasks and goals.

The Pig understands perfectly well that prosperity can only be achieved through tireless work. And he always knows what he wants, and since he only wants what is possible, he gets it in full. If he believes that there is a goal to strive for, then he achieves what he wants with enviable persistence. However, before making a decision, he will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, and it may seem that he is hesitant and does not know what he wants.

The Pig is a hardworking and responsible worker and is highly respected for his reliability and integrity. Having tried many jobs, he remains where people really need him.

He will always provide himself with a living wage. Thanks to his peaceful, balanced character, the Pig is liked by others, and they willingly help him achieve material well-being. Despite the fact that those born under this sign part with money very easily, they have good financial acumen and an amazing ability to quickly recover from setbacks.

Pig is usually described as a competent and reserved person. Nevertheless, his path in life is very thorny and complicated; enormous willpower and independence of character help him overcome all adversity.

The Pig almost never asks for help, considering this a sign of weakness. But he himself is a very kind and sympathetic person, and many take advantage of this. Capable of selfless and ardent love in relation not only to relatives, but also to the opposite sex.

Male boar. Characteristic

The Pig man has a chivalrous character and a kind, open soul. He captivates those around him with his innate tact, gentleness, erudition, and ability to get along.

Three signs - Horse, Ox and Boar - have a unique type of temperament and draw energy not from the mysterious depths of the Cosmos, but from the simplest and most ordinary phenomena of nature. The sun rose - good, set below the horizon - even better.

Boars are not aggressive, but no one will be able to intimidate them and send them running. They endlessly trust others, but at the same time they are quite strict and rarely compromise.

This is a cheerful, cheerful person, although rather silent. He is not fussy about food and does not require any special food delights. In everyday life he is simple and does not strive for special comfort. He doesn’t care whether the house is clean or completely in disarray. Even if the house has not been cleaned for a month, things are scattered in the corners, everything is covered with dust - Pigs do not pay attention to this, it is not important to them. They simply don’t see the dirt around them.

No matter what happens, Pig will always find what he needs for living wage. He has good taste, so he can succeed in areas where fantasy and imagination are required. Can successfully engage in literary creativity, applied arts, and trade. He will have both work and money, and for this he will not spend much effort. Throughout his life he will be helped, and thanks to this help he will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Having married, he will consider it a matter of honor to ensure prosperity for the family.

None of those around him have any idea about Pig’s experiences related to problems in his personal life. He carefully hides his problems from prying eyes and never resorts to outside help to resolve family disagreements. Pigs rarely leave their family, even if there is no love and understanding in it.

Although the Pig is very efficient, he knows how to relax and have fun and does not spare money on entertainment. Pig has few real friends; he is faithful to them all his life and is ready to make any sacrifice for their sake.

Female boar. Characteristic

Pig men have a realistic type of thinking, while women of this sign have a so-called mystical type of thinking.

They love to give gifts and organize small holidays.

These are good housewives. The Pig woman values ​​her home. For her, home is her quiet haven, where she can create harmony, warmth and comfort.

In an argument, she prefers to give in or pretend to change her mind.

When solving life problems, the Pig Woman prefers empirical methods: taste, touch, check and double-check everything.

She has a rather lively character, and she could quickly flare up if she did not hate quarrels and arguments.

Pigs are kind and attentive to loved ones and acquaintances, although their family affairs do not always go smoothly. They strive to eliminate all conflicts and avoid long-term disagreements. No matter how difficult the problems confront them, they never give up, although they act under the influence of a momentary impulse.

The Pig woman is not inclined to litigiousness, and will be ready to make concessions just to avoid excesses. And she is right: being impulsive and honest, she always loses in the fight with a less scrupulous person.

Most Pigs tend to have a family and children. For the sake of preserving the family, they are ready to adapt, make compromises, and spare no effort or energy for their loved ones. They are even capable of self-sacrifice, but sometimes they perceive their marriage partner as property. They have large stock good nature and patience, it is difficult to piss them off.

The children idolize her. If she loves her husband, she will not argue with him. She is ready to make any concessions in order to avoid a quarrel. She is sociable and cheerful, does not like loneliness. A home and a large family are vital to her.

Varieties of Boar

Metal Boar (1911,1971, 2031)

Water Pig (1923, 1983, 2043)

Wooden Boar (1935, 1995, 2055)

Fire Boar (1947, 2007, 2067)

Earth Boar (1959, 2019)

Born in the year of the Pig

Mark Bernes, John Rockefeller, Mikhail Kalinin, Ronald Reagan, Konstantin Chernenko, Heydar Aliyev, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Wilhelm Canaris, Maurice Ravel, Genghis Khan, Otto Bismarck, Vladimir Vernadsky, Alexander Deineka, Mstislav Keldysh, Samuil Marshak, Anatoly Lunacharsky, John Reed, Thomas Mann, Fyodor Tyutchev, Prosper Merimee, Ernest Hemingway.

Boar. Pig- the last sign of the eastern calendar. Boar (Pig) – sociable, reliable, unhurried, compassionate, trusting.

Years of birth of the Boar, Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:
02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960 (element earth, color yellow)
01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972 (element metal, color white)
02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984 (element water, color black)
01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996 (element wood, color blue)
02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008 (element fire, color red)
02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020 (element earth, color yellow)

The Pig has a knightly character. She is gallant, helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can calmly trust her - she will never betray you or deceive you. But it is not difficult to deceive the Pig herself - she is so naive and gullible. She seems defenseless, but in reality she is not that weak.
The Pig has few friends, but she keeps them throughout her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is very attentive to those she loves. Women of this sign love to give gifts and organize small holidays. They are excellent housewives.
If the Pig sympathizes with someone, he will always make concessions, will not object or argue, even if he is sure that he is right. She does not like litigation because she knows that due to her honesty and impulsiveness, she will lose to someone who is less scrupulous.
A pig can choose any profession, as he will prove himself to be a conscientious and hardworking worker everywhere. Thanks to his sensitivity, he can achieve success in some forms of art, such as poetry and literature.
As for the material side, the Pig will always be provided with what it needs for a living wage. She will have a job and money, and for this she will not have to expend much effort. In addition, throughout her life she will receive assistance, thanks to which she will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Popular wisdom says: “Food is always delivered to a pig with a second thought, so that it becomes fat and can be eaten on New Year’s holidays.” This is why the Pig needs to be careful and not trust anyone - they can take advantage of her at any moment.
The same situation arises in the Pig in his personal life. She will often be loved, but no less often she will be fooled. She faces many experiences and disappointments. The Pig woman will be a good mother.
The Pig calmly accepts his failures, and the shortcomings of others with great patience. Pig - good player, but at the same time he behaves impartially and never reveals a spirit of competition. She always wants to be sure that she is right and is ready to endlessly ask herself questions about how honestly and loyally she acts in a given case.
The pig is unusually sincere - to such an extent that it is capable of disarming its opponents. Lies only in extreme cases and only for self-defense. True, she does this very ineptly: there is not a penny of cunning in her. The pig is helpless against hypocrisy and does not know how to justify itself. She always believes what she is told, while she herself always tries to provide evidence for her statements.
The pig is very cheerful in society, and often even a little dissolute. At first it is difficult for her to decide to speak, but when this happens, it is difficult to stop her - she will not remain silent until she has exhausted the topic. Like the Monkey, the Pig is drawn to knowledge. Reads a lot, but indiscriminately. She looks like a knowledgeable person, but in reality this is not entirely true. If you check her knowledge, you will notice that it is not as significant as it seems.
The pig is prone to epicureanism, but under its complacent appearance it hides will and even authority. She performs any task with all the strength she is capable of. This inner strength is so great that no one can resist it. Before making any decision, the Pig weighs the pros and cons for a long time - so long that it may seem as if she is not too decisive. But once the Pig makes a decision, nothing can stop him. And she hesitates simply to avoid complications.
The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. But in the second, problems may arise in married life. Moreover, no one will guess about her experiences. The pig is so modest and timid that he never resorts to outside help, but looks for a way out of any situation. The last stage of her life can be called happy and comfortable. But in many ways, the fate of the Pig depends on this circumstance: if she was born long before the Chinese New Year, she will avoid trouble, but the closer her birth date is to the holiday, the greater her chances of being “eaten.”

Boar, Pig and zodiac sign.

Aries: A pig's head, but a heart of gold.
Taurus Charming pig.
Gemini: Crazy Pig, will go far if the piglets are not eaten.
Cancer: Pig in gingerbread. Let him be careful not to eat her.
Leo: Higher Pig. The pork is clean.
Virgo: The Pig is a piggy bank and will never lose its bearings.
Libra: Double Pig, large reserves for a rainy day, will roll around like cheese in butter.
Scorpio: Severe Pig.
Sagittarius: Logical Pig.
Capricorn: Too strict for a Pig.
Aquarius: Balanced Pig, will achieve success.
Pisces: Pig - perfection, a real Pig.

The sign of the Pig represents the feminine principle of yin, the fourth triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of water.

The sign of the Pig embodies concern for the well-being of the family, the education of children, and strives for a comfortable life. The pig represents kindness and mercy. Strong intuition, sensitivity and the gift of empathy help representatives of this sign achieve success in their careers and surround themselves with interesting people. Patience, perseverance in life's troubles, and a calm character help this sign in partnerships. The Pig knows a lot about good things, needs interesting interlocutors and attracts tempters into his life like a magnet. The main problem of this sign is self-doubt. The Pig is a real fatalist, loves to dramatize and withdraw into depression. At these moments, she needs the support and emotional participation of friends in her problems.

Too untraditional in relationships, likes to experiment and diversify love relationship. She herself is also changeable in her moods, everything depends on the moral and material investments on the part of her partner. The pig cannot endure poverty, but in abundance it flourishes, becomes prettier in appearance and invariably becomes kinder. If the Pig has a bad character, it means she was in the wrong circle and did not work hard enough.

Positive qualities of the sign

Men are real gallant knights, women are noble, sensitive ladies, representatives of this sign have good taste, understand art, and know how to appreciate beauty. Hardworking, thoughtful, open to new things. Trust makes for a good environment, but can make the Pig a target for a liar. A passionate sign that understands love and raising children.

Negative qualities of the sign

When it comes to income, she can be scrupulous and too materialistic in partnerships. Often falls into dependent relationships, cannot overcome infantilism and abandon naivety. Self-indulgent, does not use intuition to unravel deception or manipulation. Fatalism blocks opportunities and stifles inspiration.

In the year of the Pig you should enjoy the joys of life, look for a way to express yourself in a new way. A favorable period for increasing income, starting a business, and increasing material well-being. Intellectually developed people will be more successful than others. The Year of the Pig is good for the entire zodiac, differing only in the degree of positivity. A successful year for the Pig, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Monkey. Neutral for Ox, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Dog.

Celebrities of this sign

Cleopatra, Dalai Lama, Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Francoise Sagan, Carl Gustav Jung, Fyodor Tyutchev, Marc Chagall, Chiang Kai-shek, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Ralph Waldo Emerson, German Titov, Ernest Hemingway, Aleister Crowley, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Elton John, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock. Actors: Arkady Raikin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov Alain Delon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Winona Ryder, Ewan McGregor, Charlotte Ginsbourg, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Mila Kunis, Svetlana Khodchenkova .

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Pig

The expression “if you fall in love, you won’t stop loving” refers to representatives of the element of fire of this sign. No matter what, the Fire Pig will always win, will be able to overcome opposing circumstances and will find something to be happy about in difficult moments of life. She is least dependent on the vicissitudes of fate, knows how to find benefit everywhere, an optimist with a bright temperament. This sign is not inclined to deeply analyze situations, but intuitively chooses the best.

Yellow Earth Pig

This combination of sign and element often promotes laziness and inertia. Passivity is dangerous for the Earth Pig, as excellent opportunities are not realized. Meanwhile, the Pig of the earth element is an excellent housekeeper who cares about the continuation of traditions, is capable of anything for the sake of a loved one, a peace-loving and good sign. The desire to avoid conflict often puts the Earth Pig in an ambivalent position, which leads to dependence and manipulation. The most distrustful of the elements of this sign, the Earth Pig will require guarantees in their personal life.

White Metal Pig

This combination carries mystery and richness. inner world. The most selfless among the elements of her sign, she is ready for self-sacrifice. The Metal Pig always lives a rich spiritual life, is not inclined towards materialism, although he provides for himself well. Success and career come easier to her than others. She is more demanding of living conditions, loves luxury and comfort, knows how to earn money, and values ​​her achievements. She expresses her feelings very emotionally, is integral and purposeful.

Black (blue) Water Pig

This combination of qualities makes the representative of the sign vulnerable to manipulators. The Water Pig is kind and trusting, her own emotions and feelings are most important, she is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love. If the environment is hostile, then the Water Pig knows how to mask its feelings, keeps secrets, avoids scandals and showdowns. He often makes mistakes and chooses a partner that is not suitable for his level of development. Needs protection. Usually has bright appearance and pleasant manners. Very sexy, independent, cannot stand life in captivity.

Green Wooden Pig

Nata Karlin

A person born in the year of the Pig (Boar) kind, sympathetic, compassionate. He can peacefully resolve any conflict situation, stop disagreements, restore peace and justice only by the power of words and his authority. He is balanced, patient and silent, but this does not mean that he is spineless.

The pig is hardworking and determined, if she plans to get rich, she will definitely succeed and the set goal with perseverance and perseverance. If she has taken on certain obligations, then if she fulfills everything in full, she will definitely bring the matter to its logical conclusion. She takes every word she says, especially those given as a promise, extremely seriously.

The Pig Man is a workaholic, but with the same zeal with which he works, he also knows how to relax

He has great sense of humor, however, sometimes he goes beyond the boundaries of what is permitted and can be rudely rude. But it's all due to lack innate feeling tact. He definitely doesn't want to offend.

Pig people, as a rule, gourmets who love to eat delicious food, and they cook excellently themselves. They adore company, but only those who are close to them in spirit. In general, they have quite big circle communication and, as a rule, do not choose friends in accordance with social status, preferring to communicate with everyone.

A person born in the year of the Pig (Boar) who loves to eat delicious food

In front of strangers in a business setting, the Pig man loses all his eloquence and cannot connect even two words. However, in the company of like-minded people, having eaten and drunk well, it is quite can gather a large audience around itself and entertain her with interesting and funny stories.

Nothing in this world is given to the Pig Man for nothing. He is well aware of this fact and develops in his character resistance to the blows of fate, perseverance and determination. Thanks to all these qualities, coupled with hard work, The Pig will definitely achieve success in this life. The first years of a career for a person of this sign are a series of disappointments and trials. But it is in this way that he finds himself in this world and sooner or later realizes that it is best for him to work in a team.

In his youth Pig for a long time chooses a life partner, making mistakes and breaking up

The ideal for her is a person you can trust and cry to. The one with whom it is calm and reliable. Having truly fallen in love, the Pig will do everything to ensure that peace, prosperity and prosperity reign in the house.

What is the year of birth of the Pig (Boar)?

When the year of the Pig (Boar) comes, the last cycle of the eastern horoscope comes. Once upon a time, Buddha called animals to him and the first 12 who arrived at his call received power over the entire calendar year. So, the last of all to arrive was the Pig.

Pig (Boar) comes 12th in the annual cycle of the eastern horoscope

In addition, in the East they believe that everything in the world consists of 5 matters:

  • land;
  • water;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • fire.

Therefore, each subsequent year of the animal is endowed with the characteristics of a certain element.

Pig (Boar)Year of birthCharacteristics
Metal1911, 1971 Ambition, energy, dedication, trustfulness, excellent sense of humor, friendliness, sociability
Water1923, 1983 Friendliness, gentleness, generosity, gullibility, hard work, heightened sense of duty
Wooden1935, 1955 Straightforwardness, energy, enterprise, optimism, activity
Fiery1947, 2007 Enthusiasm, susceptibility to momentary desires, luck, attentiveness
Zemlyannaya1899, 1959 Kindness, generosity, organizational skills, active social position, tendency to abuse alcohol

Next year 2019 is the year of the Fire Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of a Pig man according to the Chinese horoscope

The Pig guy, according to astrologers, considered the most decent and honest among men of all signs of the eastern horoscope. He is a conservative, a defender of justice, and those who do wrong, from a moral point of view, are “punished” without delay. He has a kind and easygoing heart that quickly forgives all insults and pain, as soon as a person apologizes.

Kind and fair Pig guy

His big problem is that he just doesn't want to see the bad in people, idealizing them and sometimes even ascribing non-existent qualities. Naive and gullible to the extreme, he is very often disappointed in people. The Pig man avoids conflict situations in every possible way, trying to please and give in, just not to get into a fight. Many are misled by this position, and they consider him weak-willed. This conclusion is not entirely correct, because it is not worth bringing a Pig man to the limit of patience.

A man of this sign loves company and being the center of attention. However, only in the company of familiar people. In an unfamiliar group, he becomes a pale shadow of his companion.

It’s always calm and comfortable to be around him, because any cataclysms and problems for him are just a trifle that can be corrected and survived

The Pig man carefully thinks through and weighs every decision he makes. However self-doubt does not allow him to take the initiative, believing that other people will complete his task much better. However, he understands many issues much better than those around him, although he will never show it.

A man of this sign often achieves the desired level of well-being in life, however, this is given to him by really hard and hard work. He has a peaceful and conflict-free disposition, which allows him to get along in any team. He very quickly becomes the favorite of his superiors and colleagues; absolutely everyone turns to him for help and advice.

Wealthy Pig Man

In the position of chief it is fair and reliable leader who is demanding of himself and his employees. However, all demands are justified and fair. He does not disdain any kind of work and can carry out any complex task together with ordinary employees.

For the Pig man, it is not so much his career that is important, but strong and friendly family. He will never lie, dissemble or be cunning; you can rely on him in any situation. His reserves of tenderness, warmth and understanding for his family are truly inexhaustible. He will value trust and sincerity in the woman he loves. He needs a reliable, calm and housewife. Career women and eccentric ladies are unlikely to attract him.

Characteristics of the Pig woman according to the eastern calendar

The Pig Girl has an easy-going and calm disposition, she good-natured, loyal and loved by everyone. Her attentiveness, affectionate treatment of others, goodwill, touching and charm amaze everyone. A girl of this sign knows how to be friends and knows how to do it. Once you trust her, you can become a friend for the rest of your life.

The Pig woman is conservative, optimistic and absolutely confident that all people in the world, without exception, are very good

Quite often, this delusion leads her to unpleasant situations, but even this cannot dissuade her from the ideality of this world. . She's not afraid of any problems and obstacles in your path, overcoming them systematically and consistently.

However, the peacefulness and infantilism of the Pig woman are instantly replaced by terrible aggression as soon as she realizes that her children and loved ones are in danger. As soon as the offender admits his mistake, he immediately becomes forgiven. The Pig Woman is used to helping everyone who needs it, but will never ask for a piece of bread for herself, even if she is very hungry.

Good-natured and touching Pig girl

In love and family, the Pig woman is not used to expressing her feelings and emotions. She is more likely closed off and used to keeping everything to herself. But when she is absolutely confident in her partner’s love, she becomes different – ​​relaxed, open and trusting. She tends to idealize her partner, so she very often experiences love failures until she meets a man who is able to understand her subtle and vulnerable soul.

For the Pig woman her home is a place where she can hide from all sorrows and the adversities of the world, therefore she attaches particular importance to the creation of comfort and a warm atmosphere. To feel absolute happiness, she needs a piece of land where she can work and grow whatever her heart desires.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Pig (Boar)

The Pig Man will do everything to ensure that peace and tranquility reign in the family. He will never quarrel and sort things out if understanding can be achieved peacefully. Life next to a loved one will become a real holiday for him.

Ideal in love for a Pig man, a Rat woman

The Pig-Rat tandem has little in common; their relationship will always be on the verge of a foul. They understand each other at a glance only in bed. In love, the Ox is suitable for the Pig like no other . Both are quiet and calm, they will live their lives side by side, helping and supporting each other in everything.

Much in common with the aggressive and imposing Tiger. Both are strong and active, they will give a lot to each other in a relationship. Tiger instructs Pig and teaches him to live according to the laws of society, moving away from the illusory world. With a Cat (Rabbit) this marriage will be truly ideal. Two people passionate about family and comfort will always have something to talk about and take care of.

Relationships with the Dragon will spiritually enrich the Pig, but there can be no talk of mutual passion here

As a rule , the Dragon conqueror will receive his sacrifice and will lose all interest in her. And the Pig in love will suffer for a long time due to unfulfilled hopes.

The cunning Snake will definitely try to take advantage of the good nature and gullibility of the Pig. Therefore, the latter should stay away from such a partner. Good match with Horse. However, in this case, the latter’s selfishness will play a decisive role in the breakup.

Very high compatibility in love with a Sheep. Both adore wealth and are very similar emotionally and spiritually. The Monkey can count on the forgiving and wise Pig to turn a blind eye to her quirks.

The Pig will not notice the sarcastic remarks and barbs of the Rooster, seeing exclusively nobility in a partner. One of the strongest and most durable alliances is possible with a Dog.

Pig woman and Dog man love each other

In a Pig-Pig couple, relationships can develop in business terms and friendship. In a married couple, a number of everyday issues arise that cause constant disputes.

Compatibility table of the Pig (Boar) with other signs of the eastern horoscope:



Moderate compatibilityNot compatible
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
OxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
DragonRooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
MonkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat

Which zodiac sign corresponds to the Year of the Pig?

Pig (Boar) corresponds to the zodiac sign Scorpio according to the Western horoscope. A person born in a combination of these signs is a rather attractive person. He loves to be the center of attention, communicate and meet the most different people. The most important thing is that Scorpio-Pig does not know what human complexes are.

This person is always absolutely confident in his abilities and the correctness of his actions.

Lucky stones-amulets - agate, rock crystal, topaz.

Silver brooch with rock crystal and cubic zirconia, Alcor(price on the link)

Children born in the year of the Pig

The Pig Child is very kind, honest, fair, tolerant and calm. He's a little naive, but that's just an appearance. In fact, he carefully looks at everything that happens around him and draws his own conclusions. From an early age, children of this sign are accustomed to giving more than taking. Later in life they are also guided by this principle.

The mind of a child born in the year of the Pig is always open to new and interesting things.

He can adapt well to changing conditions thanks to his self-confidence and determination. Many subjects are difficult for him at school, but with perseverance and desire he can move mountains.

If you have a Pig child growing up in your family, be prepared to constantly console and persuade. Child of this sign tend to complain constantly for any ups and downs of life.

Calm and balanced Pig child

To be pitied, he might even make trouble for yourself and tell you a heart-warming story. Therefore, it is necessary to let him understand from an early age that he should not be upset over trifles; there are more serious situations for tears and worries.

Celebrities-Pigs according to the eastern horoscope

Among people born in the year of the Pig (Boar) there are many who have achieved truly global recognition. Of the famous men born in the year of the Pig, we can mention:

  • Steven Spielberg
  • Woody Allen
  • Hector Berlioz,
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.

Larisa Guzeeva is a famous woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar)

Famous Pig women include:

  • Glenn Close
  • Emma Thompson
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Larisa Guzeeva,
  • Eva Brown,
  • Zara, etc.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that people born in the year of the Pig (Boar) have much more positive than negative qualities. These are some of those whose merits so prevail over their character flaws that you can simply turn a blind eye to the latter.

24 April 2018, 16:07