Libra has a keen sense of justice; their word is always on the side of the weak. Life is successful when the bowls find a point of balance, otherwise there is a swing from one extreme to the other.

Selecting a stone by decade

People who fall in different decades are favored by different planets and are suited to certain stones.

1st decade. Planet Venus patronizes those born on September 24th. to 02.10. Representatives of the 1st decade are distinguished by their gentleness and goodwill. They lack strength of character in achieving their goals. Stones that will give confidence: amethyst, lapis lazuli, quartz, moonstone, diamond.

2nd decade. The planet Saturn patronizes those born from 03.10. to 13.10. People of the 2nd decade spend a lot of energy for the benefit of others, forgetting about their own needs. Stones that will help renew your strength: emerald, topaz, tourmaline, opal.

3rd decade. The planet Jupiter patronizes those born on 10/14. to 23.10. People of this period are creative, life-oriented and optimistic about the gifts of fate. Favored stones: tourmaline, aquamarine, diamond, topaz, sapphire.

Gems for Libra

A correctly selected stone for Libra can help people of this sign achieve various goals. For some, to improve their health, and for others to find balance.

Diamond. This stone can give Libra confidence and help in making the right independent decision. The owner of a diamond takes on its hardness. It also gives success in business. Protects from the evil eye, protects from curses and damage.

Aquamarine. Gives peace of mind, according to Tibetan monks, has healing properties and protects against negative energy. Helps Libra negotiate successfully, persuading the opponent to his point of view.

Lapis lazuli. Libra, as talented but modest natures, gives confidence and pushes them to take active action. Gives good luck in love and strengthens friendship. Facilitates the course of inflammatory processes, helps in the treatment of burns.

Tourmaline. Helps Libra cope with throwing from one extreme to another, balances the cups, giving harmony. A pink stone brings good luck in love, a green stone helps you relax, and a blue stone calms your nerves.

Opal. Improves the functioning of the immune system. Gives energy and lifts spirits. A good talisman for Libra, which will give you good luck in love affairs, will help you make the right decision and calm down.

Sapphire. Protects from enemies and their curses. Helps cope with anger and find harmony.

The most suitable stones for Libra are white, green and blue. It is best to wear them as various pendants. If these are beads, then with an even number of stones of the same size. The decorations should be beautiful, just like Libra themselves.

People born under the zodiac sign Libra have a remarkable property - they are able to come to an agreement with any opponent and convince him of the correctness of their ideas. They are excellent diplomats and lawyers; peacekeeping or negotiations at all levels are much easier for them than for representatives of other zodiac signs. In disputes, as a rule, Libra also wins; their argumentation wins respect and convinces the audience.

For Libra, it is important to occupy an important place in the lives of others

Among the values ​​of these people, one of the main places is occupied by the need to realize their own importance for others. This desire is so strong that it shows its negative side: Libra strives to be good and useful to everyone, and this leads to frequent insincerity, since they have to adapt to any audience or specific person.

Libras are prone to sudden mood swings

Representatives of this sign are very impulsive and have a tendency to sudden mood swings, which is a consequence of the instability of personality traits. It is very difficult for them to make serious decisions, since Libra constantly finds arguments in favor of one option or another. They do not like to take responsibility for any business, but they carry out assignments conscientiously.

Libras are extremely sociable, often the “life of the party”

Communication with friendly and sweet Libra is usually pleasant for others. In addition, these people are intellectuals, they have knowledge of various directions and strive to use it, both in life and in communication. Libra, living up to the name and symbol of their sign, strives to achieve balance in everything and find harmony in life.

Stones for the zodiac sign Libra, taking into account the date of birth

For Libras born in the first decade (September 24 - October 2), Venus is the patron. The character of these people is dominated by goodwill and tenderness; they are such soft natures that sometimes they cannot stand up for themselves. Talismans made from diamond, quartz, jasper, rock crystal, etc. will help to add firmness and strength of character to representatives of the first decade of this zodiac sign.

People born in the second decade (October 3rd - October 13th) are influenced by Saturn. These are real workers who give all their strength for their family or society. At the same time, they are very modest and do not demand honors, fame or money for their work. Representatives of the second decade of Libra will be helped by talisman stones with strong energy to add strength and time to take care of themselves. This is amethyst, zircon, or tourmaline.

Those born in the third decade (October 14 - October 23) are under the protection of Jupiter. These are subtle natures who know how to appreciate the blessings of life. Beautiful gemstones are suitable for them as talismans - sapphire, emerald, diamond, topaz, tourmaline, and ruby.

Talisman stones for Libra

Diamond harmonizes best with Libra

One of the most significant minerals for representatives of this sign is diamond. This stone, with its transparency and purity, is in harmony with the personality traits of this zodiac sign, and the hardness of the diamond will give these people the strength of character they so lack to eliminate hesitation when making decisions. Diamond is a wonderful talisman for Libra, protecting them from any possible negativity. Diamond will also help in independent activities and determine the right direction in achieving the goal.

Aquamarine greatly helps Libra in doing business

Aquamarine is no less significant for this sign. This is an excellent talisman stone for Libra businessmen and diplomats, that is, people who, by their nature of activity, often conduct significant negotiations. Aquamarine will help convince the audience of your opinion and prevent possible conflicts. Jewelry with this talisman stone brings harmony to the mood and inner state of people, setting them up for effective activities and achieving their goals.

Lapis lazuli will attract good luck to Libra

Lapis lazuli will help you overcome Libra's inherent unpretentiousness and modesty. With its help, they can gain perseverance and luck and achieve significant heights in their chosen business. Jewelry with this talisman stone brings happiness and a positive attitude, helping to strengthen love and friendships. Lapis lazuli is especially useful for women, as it will help them get ready for relaxation after a long day of work.

Tourmaline will help Libra in making the right decisions

Tourmaline is useful for Libra because it helps eliminate hesitation and duality, giving integrity to the owner’s personality. The stone will also help you make the right decisions, regardless of your psychological state. A talisman with tourmaline brings harmony to internal energy flows and increases the calm and balance of its owners.

Opal will add decisiveness to Libra

Opal is useful for Libra with pronounced indecisiveness in character. With the help of Opal, these people will gain confidence in themselves and in the decisions they make. If a representative of the sign has periods of apathy and laziness (especially women), then it is the talisman with the opal that will bring good spirits and an active position towards life at such moments.

Gold pendant with the image of the zodiac sign Libra

This zodiac sign has many useful talismans. The symbolic image of the sign of Libra enhances the positive qualities of the individual and protects against the excessive influence of the surrounding world. In love affairs, Libra will be helped by talisman stones made in the shape of a heart, Cupid or a frog. Jewelry with symbols of Ancient Greece or Japan will help in career and business matters.

Among jewelry with talisman stones that benefit the Libra zodiac sign, it is better to prefer a pendant, medallion or pendant. If you would like to have beads or a bracelet, then opt for jewelry with stones of the same size, and the number of stones in the jewelry should be even. It is better to choose amethyst in a silver frame or in combination with other minerals and gold. Silver jewelry should have blue, green or white stones. If you wear several pieces of jewelry, make sure there is balance: the stones should be similar in energy and size.

Charms for Libra

Beryl will strengthen the family and help Libra make new friends

If Libra needs to strengthen family and friendship ties, then beryl will be a good assistant in this regard. The amulet will help you find and maintain inner harmony and balance, which is very important for this sign.

Opal will protect you from failures

Opal will be a powerful and useful amulet. The mineral will help Libra in any business they begin and protect them from failure or failure. Opal, as a talisman, can be used in any form: just a stone (no matter, with or without processing), jewelry with opal, figurines, figurines made of opal, or household items. The stone itself, jewelry or objects made from it must be purchased independently (or can be inherited); opal is not recommended as a gift.

Jewelry with opal will attract the opposite sex

Lonely Libras are especially good at having opal jewelry. The stone will help create relationships with the opposite sex and create a good family. Opal will also develop logic and help you make the right informed decisions.

Turquoise is the best talisman for an expectant mother

For pregnant Libra women, it is suitable as a talisman stone. The mineral protects both mother and unborn baby. During pregnancy, it is also good to wear lapis lazuli, which stabilizes the psyche and prepares for motherhood.

Coral will keep you young

It is considered one of the best talisman stones for Libra women. He will take care of preserving a woman’s youth for many years and preserve the beauty of her skin. Coral also imparts rationality to thinking and helps create your own views on a given situation. The stone protects against damage, the evil eye or the negativity of others directed at the owner.

For Libra men, a talisman with zircon is good. For male businessmen, the stone will give credibility to arguments and make speech bright and eloquent. Zircon will be able to attract money into business and contribute to the conclusion of profitable contracts. Zircon in a ring will help you quickly make the right decisions.

The representative of this zodiac sign is a soft and sensitive person, often unable to say “no”. Beryl will help to cope with excessive softness that interferes with business and increase strength of character. Opal is useful for flighty Libra men; it will help you weigh your actions more seriously. A talisman with tourmaline helps to meet your future wife and create a happy family.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Air Sign

Late autumn has come into its own; the colors of fading foliage and the blue rainy sky for Libra determine harmony with the stone. That is, yellow, red, brown, purple, blue - these are exactly the tones that should prevail in the color scheme in amulets and amulets for this Air sign. The off-season does not force them into strict limits, but, on the contrary, provides a wide range of talisman stones for the owners to choose from, because not a single mineral can harm these people.

Libra Stone

For Libra, beryl is a talisman. Helps this nervous, changeable sign find harmony with himself, which he strives for throughout his life. In addition, with it the meaning of life is seen more clearly, it gives the owner peace of mind and balance. Improves family relationships. Provides peace in relationships for spouses. Beryl protects the house from various evil spirits and is a powerful amulet against magic and dark forces. Protects its owner from slander and slander. It is a conductor between the owner and cosmic energy, as well as the world of the unknown. Attracts material wealth and good luck.

Scales. Talisman stone

For Libra it is amethyst. He has always been considered a strong talisman. This variety of quartz endows a person with wisdom and prudence. Bestows courage and strength, courage and invincibility. Amethyst protects against bad fate.

Zodiac sign Libra. Constellation Stone

Sociable, affectionate and gentle, striving for harmony and freedom, Libra belongs to the element of Air, which gives them lightness and changeability. The sign is drawn to beauty, loves everything beautiful, from clothing to interior design and objects of art. Carefree Libra is recommended to wear opals and lapis lazuli. The first one is endowed with many magical properties; it gives its owner good luck and wealth. Stone of loyalty and devotion. Helps only people with pure thoughts and noble motives. Lapis lazuli gives Libra restraint, as well as loyalty and devotion in both love and friendship.

Libra Gems

Passed on by inheritance or donated by a person who deserves your trust, minerals bring to their new owner the properties that nature endowed them with. The Libra stone should bring him closer to moderation and the golden mean in everything. For people born in the first decade of the corresponding period, sapphire, beryl, green jasper, pearls, and selenite are suitable. It is preferable for the second decade to wear tiger eye, beryl, opal, and diamond. For the third decade, astrologers recommend corals and jasper, as well as opal and tiger's eye.

Stone of Libra. Sapphire

Yellow, orange and pink colors of the mineral are most preferred for the zodiac constellation of September-October. Sapphire grants power over society. Cloudy, defective stones with cracks and chips should be avoided. This amulet protects against slander and slander. As a talisman, it calls for prudence of the owner.

Stone of Libra. Rhinestone

By wearing the mineral for a long time, life improves. In addition, this crystal is a conductor to the invisible world. Amulet from the evil eye and damage.

Stone of Libra. Jasper

This chalcedony gives energy, relieves stress and fatigue. Protects your family and friends. Protects the house and cleanses it from evil spirits.

Airy Libras are often subject to mental fluctuations and cannot make the right decision and decide on their goals. Libra's zodiac sign stones will help them find stability. Opal will give women self-confidence and help them make the right choice. Coral will help Libra decide on their life goals and will contribute to their achievement.

To make the effect of the amulet more pronounced, carry it with you at all times.

Libra Women's Birthstones: Opal and Coral

Since ancient times, opal has been considered a precious stone. Minerologists describe it as a hydrohelium of silicon dioxide, which shimmers with an iridescent glow, comes in various colors and shades: blue, milky, green, red, yellow, etc.

Opal is an extraordinary stone; it takes its exceptional colors and their iridescent play from water. That is why he is so afraid of dryness and heat, as opal quickly dies from them and loses its charm. One has only to put it in clean water, and after a short time it can be reborn again. Chemists say that one third of it consists of water.

According to the horoscope, this is the stone of Libra, who have an indecisive character. Thanks to the opal, its owner gains self-confidence and firmness in his decisions. A talisman with an opal can give an active life position and good spirits during periods of laziness and apathy, which Libra often experiences. This mineral replaces a negative attitude with a positive one and gives fortitude. Thanks to this, its bearer can direct his activity, strength and talents into a peaceful and good cause. If its owner is noble and has been able to overcome the desire for wealth and selfishness, the talisman guarantees success in all endeavors.

Opal, the birthstone of Libra women according to the horoscope, will help her in relationships with the opposite sex and create a strong family. It promotes making the right decisions and develops logic, which helps in personal life and restores mutual understanding between lovers. It is also called the stone of fidelity and hope.

For friendly and sociable Libra, this crystal can serve well; it helps to make acquaintances with the right people and establish good relationships with them. Each person has his own character and temperament, everyone needs to find his own approach, an opal amulet helps to find a common language even with people who are stingy with emotions and reserved. It will be especially useful to individuals who hold high positions and are involved in management activities.

Opal is a stone for Libra, as they are fighters for nobility and justice. The gem is able to regulate mood swings, which can develop into melancholy. This talisman helps you formulate a goal and develop a plan to achieve it; it helps you make decisions quickly.

If the stone matches the energy of its owner, it can become an excellent antidepressant that drives away negative thoughts, sharpens the mind and protects against destructive energy. Owners of opal develop logical thinking and the ability to make the right decisions.

Thanks to this amulet, intellectual potential is heightened, which helps get rid of anxiety and negative thoughts. The talisman will be especially useful for those who often fall into a melancholic state and have a tendency to commit suicide.

Medicinal properties

The ancient Romans knew many medicinal properties of this mineral. It was used as a remedy for problems with the nervous system, poor sleep, depression and nervousness, which have a very negative impact on the health of representatives of the Libra sign. In the modern world, lithotherapists still use this mineral and water infused with this stone to treat the effects of stress and damaged nerves.

It has a beneficial effect on the formation of the immune system. Opal can be called a shield that protects its owner from infectious and colds and facilitates their course. Rare and expensive black opal will help cope with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and even restore vision.

Magic properties

Opal has the strongest magical properties. He brings the prophetic gift. Owners of this stone are credited with the ability to influence the minds of other people through telepathy. It is believed that it can protect its owner from theft, fire, preserve health and life during epidemics, and protect from the influence of dark spells.

In European countries, opal is considered an assistant to gifted and talented people, which may well include those born under the sign of Libra. In the east, opal is popular as an amulet that brings love and happiness.

The black mineral should be handled with particular care, because it is directly associated with magic and supernatural abilities of a person. If a person does not have such abilities, then opal can cause great harm. Therefore, it is recommended to set it with gold, this enhances the positive impact of the stone.

White opal helps to find inner peace and find harmony with the outside world.

This mineral can be a powerful amulet that will help in any endeavor and protect against failures and failures. Opal is purchased before important events in order to protect yourself from embarrassment and show yourself brilliantly.

Items, jewelry, and the stone itself must be purchased independently, except in cases where the opal was received as an inheritance. Giving and receiving it as a gift is very undesirable. If the opal was given as a gift, then it can cause hostile feelings towards the one who gave it, and become a cause of enmity or discord.

Libra Second Stone: Coral

Coral is considered a stone for Libra, although in fact it is not a stone. Corals are marine animals that live in colonies, leaving skeletons that form coral reefs and sometimes entire islands. They come in soft pink, red, white, black, and blue.

In many countries, coral is believed to be a symbol of immortality and happiness. In Europe it is considered a symbol of modesty, and in Rus' it is a prophetic stone. There were many beliefs about this stone, one of which says that coral was found in the brains of dragons. The stone affects metabolism, digestion and body temperature. It is considered a powerful helper in getting rid of envy and anger.

Those born under the sign of Libra try to understand the surrounding reality, discover something unknown, which pulls them on a journey and does not allow them to sit still. On a long journey you need to take an amulet with you, which will protect you from dangers along the way and help you return. Coral can become such an amulet for Libra. Since ancient times, sailors have taken with them coral amulets, which protected them from storms, fires, floods and other natural disasters.

Medicinal properties

Healers in many countries use coral as an excellent means of increasing tone and relieving fatigue, for diseases of the spine and joints, as well as for fractures. Thanks to the healing properties of coral, its owner can cope with the most complex diseases.

Coral has the strongest effect on children, women and the elderly. If Libra needs to remain calm in business or difficult situations, coral can help him. It maintains the balance of the nervous system, helps to overcome stressful situations more easily, and develops intuition.

Coral is endowed with the ability to improve blood circulation. It facilitates the healing of wounds and ulcers, including internal ones. Corals strengthen memory, heal the heart, improve hearing and vision. If you wear them around your neck, they relieve tics and nervous breakdowns in various stressful situations.

Which stone is suitable for Libra? The color of the coral should be chosen based on the effect you want to achieve:

  • Pink coral calms the nervous system and fights insomnia. It has a calming effect on young children and helps get rid of dental problems. It helps old people strengthen and maintain their sanity over the years and not suffer from diseases that come with age. Serves as a preventative against arthritis.
  • Red coral improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood circulation;
  • For throat diseases, it is recommended to wear coral beads, which can be of any color;
  • Massage with any untreated coral helps with attacks of sharp headaches;
  • The birthstone for Libra women is white coral, and for men it is red.

A talisman made of white coral preserves female beauty and youth for many years, improves well-being, regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces menopausal symptoms, smoothes the skin and gives it a natural healthy color. Coral also has an impact on rational thinking and helps formulate your own opinion about any situation. A talisman with this stone gives the Libra woman the love of the people around her, liberates her, and helps improve her family life.

Magic properties

In Europe it was considered a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that it gave longevity. The Indians still wear coral beads with the belief that they protect a person from fever, which is sent by evil spirits.

Libras often feel the strong effects of bad energy and the evil eye, and I consider coral an excellent means of protection. All negative energy directed at the owner of this amulet is reflected in the opposite direction, that is, at the one who is the original source. In family relationships, coral brings mutual understanding and makes them more peaceful, which is very important for Libra. This amulet helps home owners keep their homes safe during natural disasters. When traveling, it promotes a successful journey.

Mineralogy experts do not recommend wearing this talisman all the time, as it gives its owner a penchant for adventure, obstinacy, quarrelsomeness and capriciousness. Coral may lose its attractiveness after being worn for quite a long time, as it may turn pale or dull due to contact with the skin. It is recommended to wear coral products when the Moon is in its waxing phase, to clean it during the full moon, and to remove it and not wear it before the new moon.

Libras are recommended to have a bush or sprig of red coral at home; this will not only serve as decoration for their home, but will also cleanse it energetically. For travelers and romantics, a coral talisman is simply necessary, because it protects against adversity and obstacles along the way.

It's rare that a woman is cold to jewelry.

However, not everyone knows that precious and semi-precious stones have special energy, help in achieving various goals, and protect against negative events.

Many stones and minerals are related to certain zodiac signs and, if you wear a talisman that matches your constellation, it will bring good luck.

Stones suitable for a Libra woman

The date of birth greatly influences the character and future fate of a person. The Libra girl (born from September 24 to October 23) is charming, extraordinary, seductive, thanks to the patron of the sign - Venus.

Libras love sophisticated jewelry, at the same time chic, but simple, and often doubt their choice. An effective talisman made from the right stone can give its owner the missing skills, smooth out its characteristic mood swings and activity.

The most suitable stones for Libra women:

  • Diamond. Will give Libra firmness and determination.
  • Tourmaline. It will open your soul and show your feelings. Will give inspiration and bring bold plans to life.
  • Lapis lazuli. It will dispel doubts, suppress aggression, and contribute to the acquisition of new acquaintances.
  • Amethyst. Awakens intuition, increases intellectual abilities, heals nerves, while enhancing the effect of other stones
  • Rhodonite. Strengthens the spirit, awakens talents.
  • Malachite. It will bring spiritual harmony, spiritual beauty, and develop memory. Legends say that malachite can prolong youth.
  • Coral. Favorable for intuition, it will help you make the right decision, and protects you from the influence and envy of others.

These minerals are the most powerful amulets for the sign of Libra. To decide which of them will bring happiness, hold the stone in your hands, trust your inner feelings, then you will not be mistaken with your choice.

Astrologers recommend stones of greenish, blue, and white shades for Libra. Blue emphasizes belonging to the element of Air and bestows insight. Light shades of green and lemon awaken creativity and encourage communication. Greens impart positive energy.

Talismans by month of birth

Libra's personality varies greatly depending on the month of birth. Therefore, their mascots should serve different purposes. Libra born in September, it is recommended to wear jewelry with the following stones (in addition to those listed earlier):

  • Emerald. Protects the health of the owner, helps maintain her appearance, and imparts wisdom.
  • Alexandrite. It will balance and enhance the imagination.
  • cat's eye. Shows femininity and attracts the opposite sex.

Women born in October First of all, you should pay attention to:

  • Beryl. Balances the scales, strengthens relationships with friends.
  • Aquamarine. Suitable for business meetings. It will soften rough edges, reduce conflicts to a minimum, and give you a great mood.
  • Tourmaline. It has healing properties, directs thoughts in the right direction, gives independence and harmonizes Libra.

Charms by date of birth

By buying stones according to your zodiac sign and month of birth, you will receive a strong and large-scale magical effect. In turn, a mineral selected by date of birth is ideal for solving specific problems.

24.09 aquamarine
25.09 alexandrite
26.09 malachite
27.09 amethyst
28.09 sapphire
29.09 pomegranate
30.09 citrine
1.10 pomegranate
2.10 agate
3.10 nephritis
4.10 citrine
5.10 amethyst
7.10 agate
8.10 lapis lazuli
9.10 topaz
10.10 turquoise
11.10 rhinestone
13.10 beryl
15.10 rhinestone
16.10 pomegranate
17.10 beryl
18.10 amethyst
19.10 amethyst
21.10 chrysoberyl
22.10 sapphire
23.10 topaz

Regardless of date of birth, It is highly undesirable for Libra to wear onyx and serpentine. Be careful with bright red stones.

Amulets to attract wealth

Libras are absolutely not vain; they often need help in achieving material well-being. Lapis lazuli and topaz– are great for this. They will endow with wisdom and intelligence, provide for the owner recognition and wealth, stimulate aspirations and bring good luck.

A diamond can be a good accomplice in money matters, as it gives the owner energy, courage and fortitude.

Another mineral with which you will not know poverty is turquoise. She will protect you on important trips related to finances.

Stones that attract love

Lonely Libras who want meet your soulmate Jewelry with opal is suitable. It protects from misfortunes and supports nascent feelings. Remember, you cannot wear an opal if it was given to you as a gift. This mineral is purchased independently and is not worn every day.

Amulets in the form help to settle matters of the heart heart, butterfly, flower or cupid.

Married Libra women should take a closer look at pearls. He will cope with pride, maintain loyalty and warmth at home.

The noble beauty of natural minerals is disconcerting. It is not necessary to have unlimited faith in the power of amulets; it is enough to wear jewelry with pleasure. Probably, beautiful stones will not solve your problems, but they can definitely add self-confidence to the owner.