The herb stevia has long been famous for its healing properties. A plant from the Asteraceae family came to us from South America. Since ancient times, it was used by the Mayan Indians, calling the herb “honey”. There was a legend among the Mayans. According to her, Stevia is a girl who gave her life for her people. In gratitude for such a noble deed, the gods decided to give people a sweet herb that has unique healing powers. Nowadays, stevia is highly valued by nutritionists and is the only natural sugar substitute.

But that's not all. Research has proven that the use amazing plant improves digestive processes, normalizes metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels and has other beneficial properties for the organs and systems of the body.

What are the benefits of the herb stevia, and can it cause harm? Who benefits from using a sugar substitute and are there any contraindications? Let's find out the details.

At first glance, stevia seems like an inconspicuous herb. At the same time, it is more than 30 times sweeter than sugar! Growing a plant is not so easy; it requires loose soil, high humidity, and good lighting.

The herb has long been used in the treatment of all “illnesses” by the natives of South America. The recipe for making a healing drink was brought to Europe at the end of the 18th century. And he immediately attracted the attention of the British Consul, who noted not only the incredible sweetness of the product, but also the fact that it helped get rid of many diseases.

During the Soviet era, many clinical trials stevia. As a result, it was introduced into the regular diet of political figures Soviet Union, secret service workers, astronauts as a general strengthening and health remedy.

Composition, calorie content

The benefits of stevia are invaluable due to the high content of important macro and microelements. The plant contains:

  • plant lipids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins of the whole group;
  • polysaccharides;
  • fiber;
  • glucosides;
  • routine;
  • pectin;
  • stevisiodes;
  • minerals.

Calorie content of 100 grams is only 18 kcal.

The green plant contains steviosides, unique substances that no other product contains. They are the ones that give the grass incredible sweetness and are among the substances responsible for hormonal background in the human body (phytosteroids). However, consuming a sugar substitute does not cause obesity. On the contrary, it helps in the fight against excess weight.

The effect of stevia on the body

  1. Nutritionists and doctors recommend including this unique plant in the diet as a preventative against obesity, as well as for anyone who wants to lose weight (regular consumption helps to lose 7-10 kg per month without following strict diets).
  2. Stevia has been proven to help treat inflammatory diseases, relieves swelling, eliminates pain in joints and muscles.
  3. Thanks to the high content of macro and microelements, the body's defenses are increased and the immune system is strengthened.
  4. Metabolism improves.
  5. The product normalizes digestive, lipid, metabolic processes, restores the disturbed balance intestinal microflora for dysbacteriosis, bacterial and infectious intestinal diseases.
  6. Positively affects the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  7. The development of bone diseases is prevented.
  8. An effective preventative against the development of cancer.
  9. It has long been used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases (plant tea helps with pneumonia, chronic cough, bronchitis).
  10. Regular consumption normalizes cholesterol levels, pH and blood sugar levels.
  11. The heart muscle and blood vessels are strengthened.
  12. Helps with caries and periodontal disease. In countries where the plant is regularly used, there are practically no problems with teeth and they are incredibly white.
  13. Blood pressure is normalized.
  14. The craving for smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is weakened.
  15. A contraceptive that helps prevent pregnancy.
  16. An excellent diuretic.
  17. Protects the gastric mucosa.
  18. Strengthens nails, makes hair and skin healthy.
  19. The activity of the thyroid gland is activated.
  20. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, wound-healing properties.
  21. Relieves fatigue, indicated for increased mental or physical stress.

Interesting fact! The plant is very economical in consumption. It is enough to use one leaf to completely sweeten a glass of tea.

Use in cooking

Stevia has similar uses to sugar. It is used in the preparation of confectionery, sugar, sauces, and creams.

The grass can withstand high temperatures without losing its beneficial properties. The sweet taste is more pronounced in cold water than in hot water. Therefore, the plant is popular in the preparation of cocktails, cold drinks, and jellies.

The herb goes well with many fruits: mangoes, oranges, papaya, pineapple, apples, bananas and so on. A vegetable sweetener is added when preparing liqueurs. It does not lose properties when dried or frozen.

Where can I buy

Stevia is sold in online stores, pharmacies, health and nutrition stores. healthy eating.

Release form: tinctures, powder, tablets, dried leaves.

Preparations based on stevia

There are many companies, both domestic and foreign, that produce dietary supplements based on this plant sweetener. Here are just a few well-known manufacturers:

  • Altera Holding;
  • iHerb;
  • NOW Foods;
  • Artemisia;
  • Leovit.

Table of popular dietary supplements:

Possible harm

The herb stevia does not cause harm. The only limitation is individual intolerance per plant.

The safe dosage for using the product is 40 grams per day.

Benefits for diabetes

Diabetics can safely use stevia as a sugar substitute. The product will not cause any harm and will not increase insulin levels. On the contrary, it will regulate blood glucose levels.

Unlike industrial sweeteners, grass can be used for years. However, it does not cause side effects.

The benefits of stevia for weight loss

There is also special tea for weight loss on sale. The drug is taken half an hour before meals.

The unique properties of the herb greatly dull the appetite, which prevents you from overeating. It is enough to drink two tea bags per day (morning and evening) or drink 1 glass of a drink that can be prepared at home from a dried plant. The taste of the drink is improved by mint, rose hips, green tea, Sudanese rose.

Tablets are also taken half an hour before meals, two to three times a day. Dosage – 1-2 pieces. The tablets can be taken plain or dissolved in drinks (tea, jelly, coffee, compote, juice).

Concentrated syrup is added to drinks - one drop twice a day.

Stevia is great for helping you get rid of extra pounds. All more people prefer this wonderful product, which reduces the calorie content of sweet dishes by 30%.

Video about the role of stevia for weight loss:

How to make tincture at home

To prepare, you will need one glass of water and one tablespoon of dry stevia leaves.

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. Herbs are added to boiling water.
  3. Boil for five minutes on low heat.
  4. Pour into a thermos while hot.
  5. Leave to brew for 12 hours.
  6. The drink is filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  7. Store in a clean glass jar in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of the healing drink is one week.

Use in cosmetology

Stevia can be successfully grown on a windowsill. The plant will become an indispensable assistant in hair and skin care.

The herbal mask is suitable for all skin types, smooths out wrinkles, gets rid of age spots and acne. For dry skin, it is recommended to add when preparing a mask egg yolk, for fatty – egg white.

By rinsing your hair with herbal decoctions, you can improve your hair health. They will become gorgeous - thick, shiny. The plant also helps with hair loss and split ends.


Constant use of the herb stevia allows you not to deny yourself sweets if you are obese, diabetes mellitus. The grass helps you look younger and not get sick. This is an ideal natural cosmetics and irreplaceable natural medicine. A gift from Mother Nature, available to everyone.

Stevia is a sweetener of natural origin that is used in health food and dietary products. Stevia is a perennial herbaceous plant. In 1931, French chemists isolated an extract from stevia - stevioside. It is this that gives the plant its sweetness, being almost 300 times sweeter than sugar.

Myths and stereotypes

The Guarani Indians have used stevia since ancient times and called it “honey grass” for its sweet taste. The herb was used as a cure for many diseases. Does this mean it is safe? Rather, on the contrary - like any medicinal plant stevia has contraindications and side effects from overuse.

In the USA, the use of stevia was banned until 1995, when it was recognized as possible for its use as a dietary supplement. At the same time, stevia could not be used as a sweetener in the production food products. Nevertheless, this marked the beginning of the widespread use of the plant. Marketers have provided stevia with beautiful legends, and unsubstantiated rumors about its healing properties have appeared in the press.

Paradoxically, artificial food additives (including sweeteners), before entering the market, undergo thorough checks, numerous examinations and tests. But this does not apply to products that are considered traditionally used. They are a priori recognized as safe and beneficial, although this is often far from the case. The simplest example is potatoes, which have been eaten throughout the world for a long time. But nevertheless, green potatoes can lead to serious problems with health. Returning to stevia, we can say that, in fact, a product whose safety has not been proven could be freely purchased at almost every step.

Today stevia is very popular, like all products, surrounded by an aura of naturalness. There is a stereotype that natural means healthy and safe. But, if a product or substance is of natural origin, this does not mean that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities without harm to health. This also applies to stevia. It is not for nothing that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the United States) classifies stevia as a product of uncertain safety.

It is important to understand that the word “stevia” refers to different products. It can be either an herb or stevioside, a substance that is produced from this plant. The safety of the latter was proven not so long ago. Only in 2008 was the permissible daily dose stevioside and it has been approved for use as food additives and sweetener. The products we purchase contain stevioside, and not the plant itself shown on the package.

Stevioside does not have healing properties. It is just a sweetener, that is, it gives food a sweet taste. Stevioside is quite safe and effective, as are other sweeteners, such as sucralose, aspartame and cyclamate. The English-language resource recommends using a highly purified product and consuming it in moderation. The permissible daily dose of stevioside is up to 2 mg/kg body weight per day.

Stevia is available in the form of tablets, syrups and concentrates. You can also purchase dried leaves of the plant. The sweetener is presented on the market under the names: “Stevia”, Stevia, “Honey Sweetness”, SweetLeaf, Enliten, PureVia, Rebiana, Steviacane, Stevia Extract In The Raw.

Use of stevia depending on the form of release:

Release form Application Presence of aftertaste
Dry stevia leaves Adding to tea, coffee and other drinks. Use in conservation Eat
Powders (stevioside concentrates) Cooking hot dishes Weakly expressed
Pills Adding to hot drinks Weakly expressed
Syrups Use in cold dishes, adding to drinks Eat

Stevia in food

Most products containing stevia can be found on the shelves of specialty departments and health food stores. Stevia contains:

  • herbal tea
  • chocolate bars, candy bars, candies
  • marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, kozinaki
  • ice cream
  • gingerbread, cookies and waffles
  • pastries, cakes
  • bakery products
  • jam, confiture, marmalade
  • lollipops and chewing gums
  • carbonated soft drinks
  • condensed milk
  • yoghurts
  • sauces
  • pickled vegetables

Advantages and disadvantages of stevia

The benefits of stevia include:

  • zero glycemic index
  • zero calorie
  • beneficial effect on the oral cavity
  • Can be used for preparing hot dishes

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • a specific taste that many may find unpleasant
  • high price
  • possible allergic reactions
  • lower blood pressure
  • drop in blood sugar

Also, this sweetener should be used with caution in combination with certain medicines. In this case, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Harm of products with stevia

When choosing products with stevia, you need to pay attention to the composition indicated on the labels. Since stevia is expensive, manufacturers often use other sweeteners or fillers along with it, such as molasses (maltodextrin), which is a by-product of the production of sugar and starch. In terms of glycemic index and calorie content, molasses is close to sugar.

Products containing this substance mislead consumers. Buyers think they are getting a healthy and natural product, but what they are getting is chemically produced maltodextrin sweetened with a small amount of stevia. Such products are dangerous for diabetics and completely useless for people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

Instructions for use of stevia

Stevia is widely used both in the food industry and in home cooking. Below we will take a closer look at some of the ways to use this sugar substitute.

Stevia in home cooking

As an alternative to sugar, stevia can be used in any dish that does not require the ability to caramelize. The table below will help you determine the required amount of stevia in recipes:

To prepare the infusion, you need to take:

  1. dry stevia leaves - 100 g
  2. water - 1.5 l

The crushed leaves are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 24 hours, after which the resulting liquid must be drained. Then the leaves are filled with the remaining water and left again for a day. Both infusions must be combined and filtered through several layers of gauze.

To obtain syrup, the infusion is evaporated in a water bath until a drop of liquid placed on a dry surface begins to solidify.

Canning food for the winter with stevia

Stevia is a natural preservative and therefore suitable for use in winter preparations. Plant leaves, infusion or syrup, and powder are suitable for canning.

To prepare compote, the raw materials are sorted and washed in advance, and placed in jars. Stevia is dissolved in water, brought to a boil and the hot liquid is poured over berries or fruits. After this, the jars are sterilized for the specified time.

Approximate proportions for preparing stevia compote:

Fruits and berries in the amount of 1 liter jar Stevia infusion, g Water, ml Sterilization time, minutes
Apples 1 250 10
Pears 1 250 10
Apricots 1 250 10
Raspberry 50 250 10
Strawberry 5 250 10
Cherry 2 250 10
Rhubarb 6 500 25

Instead of infusion, you can put 5-10 stevia leaves in compotes for the specified amount of ingredients. If you are preparing food for the winter with stevia for the first time, it is worth preparing a small amount of preparations in order to further adjust the sweetness to your taste.

Stevia or fructose?

Both stevia and fructose are popular natural sugar substitutes. IN natural form fructose is found in berries, fruits and honey.

Properties Stevia Fructose
Sweetness factor 300 1,7
Calorie content per 100 g 0 400
Glycemic index 0 50
Heat treatment possible possible
Negative effect on teeth No Yes

As can be seen from the table, the characteristics of sweeteners vary greatly. Let's take a closer look at the properties of these sugar substitutes.

Features of stevia:

  • high sweetness factor
  • does not affect blood glucose levels;lkj
  • contains no calories
  • does not destroy tooth enamel
  • has a specific taste

Features of fructose:

  • contains a lot of calories
  • a long list of contraindications and side effects
  • increases blood sugar levels
  • negatively affects teeth, although less than sugar
  • less sweet but more pleasant taste

Although stevia holds the leading position, fructose remains one of the most popular sugar substitutes in the diet industry. When choosing between these two sugar substitutes, you should give preference to stevia.

Stevia or sorbitol

Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol obtained from plant materials. This sweetener is naturally present in fruits such as pears and apples. The sorbitol content in rowan berries is high. In addition, sorbitol is produced daily by the human body during the metabolic process.

A comparison of the properties of two sugar substitutes can be seen in the table below:

Properties Stevia Sorbitol
Sweetness factor 300 0,6
Calorie content per 100 g 0 260
Glycemic index 0 4
Heat treatment possible possible
Negative effect on teeth No No

Features of stevia:

  • high sweetness factor
  • zero calorie content
  • zero glycemic index

Features of sorbitol:

  • higher glycemic index
  • lower degree of sweetness
  • strong laxative effect

Sorbitol is widely used in industry as a food additive and sweetener. Stevia is used in specialized products intended for healthy eating and products for diabetics. After studying the properties of these sweeteners, we can conclude that as an alternative to sugar, sorbitol is outdated and less effective.

The flora is rich and diverse. The simplest and most accessible plants often hide greatest number useful substances that are constantly required by humans. Nowadays society prefers to be treated with chemicals and not waste time studying and collecting medicinal plants. But did you know that many of the expensive medicines purchased are based on natural raw materials?

Most often, traditional medicine uses chamomile, sage, oak bark, lemon balm, mint, calendula. And here's another one useful plant which is widely used alternative medicine, not everyone heard.

We are talking about a natural sweetener - stevia (or honey grass), which is not only rich in stevioside, but also helps prevent a number of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

People who control their weight and people with diabetes should be familiar with stevia, because this low-calorie and naturally sweet herb can improve the taste of tea, coffee, desserts or baked goods. And the composition of stevia deservedly allows it to be called one of the most valuable medicinal plants.

This easy-to-grow plant originates from Central and South America, where stevia was used by indigenous people for food purposes and for making decoctions. The benefits and harms of stevia were discovered to Europeans only at the beginning of the last century.

Stevia is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family and has more than 500 varieties. In the wild, the plant can reach half a meter in height, but cultivated varieties of stevia grow much taller. Stevia has small leaves, and the herb blooms with small white flowers.

Stevia grows best in the fresh air; it loves sun and plenty of watering. Growing it in your garden will not be difficult, and stevia seeds can be bought at any specialty store.

For industrial purposes, stevia is grown in Crimea and the Krasnodar region. It is in demand in the food industry and cosmetology, but most often stevia is used for medical purposes. The high content of natural steviosides, which are several hundred times sweeter than regular sugar, allows you to go on a diet without giving up sweets. And even improve your health, because stevia has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, improves digestion and appetite, and helps with hypertension and diabetes. Stevia wraps and masks based on it tighten pores, cleanse and disinfect the skin, and accelerate wound healing.

In traditional medicine, stevia is sold in the form of tablets, sugar-like powder, liquid syrup (stevia extract), and dried leaves. But fresh stevia leaves grown at home are most valued. Their natural sweetness allows you to improve the taste of salads, desserts, drinks and even baked goods or jam, because steviol glycosides retain all their benefits and are not destroyed even at temperatures up to 180°.

Composition and benefits of stevia

Stevia belongs to the class of the lowest-calorie products, because 100 g of this herb contains only 18 calories! According to this indicator, it left behind even fresh cabbage with its 23-28 kcal.

By including stevia in your diet, you can not only diversify it, but also speed up the breakdown of fats. So those losing weight should definitely take note of this plant.

The benefits of stevia are associated with its unique composition. It contains many vitamins (riboflavin, C, B6, K, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid) and minerals (fluorine, selenium, calcium, chromium, manganese, aluminum, phosphorus, cobalt), polysaccharides, glycosides, fiber, tannins, vegetable fats, arachidonic acid, flavonoids, essential oils (camphor oil, limonene), pectin, amino acids and beneficial bitters.

What are the benefits of stevia:

Stevia becomes a real salvation for people with diabetes and who cannot imagine life without sweets. Many manufacturers add it to diabetic products - chocolate, cookies, yoghurts. The natural sweetness of stevia does not harm diabetics; their bodies respond well to this sweetener.

This medicinal plant has almost no prohibitions on consumption. Regarding
fresh plant, then the only contraindication can be individual intolerance to stevia. If an allergy occurs, its consumption should be stopped. At the beginning of the reception, other negative reactions in the form of indigestion, bloating, stomach or intestinal disorders, dizziness, muscle pain. This is why you should consult your doctor before adding stevia to your diet.

You should not overuse stevia and add it to all dishes without exception, because reactions to an excess of sweet foods, even with such a natural sweetener, can also be the most unpredictable.

Do not forget that stevia leads to a decrease in sugar, so while taking it you need to constantly check its amount in the blood.

People with hypotension should also consume stevia carefully to avoid further decrease in blood pressure.

If you purchase stevia at the pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder, then make sure that they do not contain methanol and ethanol, which are usually used to reduce the sweetness of the resulting stevia extract. Their toxic effects can harm the body.

Stevia is a perennial herb that has a rich, sweet flavor in its leaves. This property allows the plant to be used instead of sugar by adding the leaves to dishes and drinks.

The plant is industrially produced, which is very popular among patients with diabetes.

What is stevia used for?

The main use of honey herb is to add it to dishes and drinks as a sweetener.

This is most justified for those who want to lose weight and, if necessary, control the amount of carbohydrates entering the body.

Consumption helps remove excess fluid from the body, which reduces swelling and reduces weight.

The plant is often used in medicinal purposes. Its use is useful in case of giving up nicotine addiction, when trying to replace the craving for a cigarette by eating candy.

The plant is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems.

The healing infusion showed itself well:

  1. Add 20 g of crushed herb leaves to 250 ml of water and simmer for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling over low heat. Leave to settle for a day. If you use a thermos, the settling time is about 9 hours.
  2. Filter and pour 100 ml of boiled water into the remaining mixture. After 6 hours of settling in a thermos, filter and combine both infusions. Add the infusion to drinks and cooked dishes. The tincture can be stored for no longer than a week.

To reduce appetite, just drink a tablespoon of infusion before meals.

To lose weight, you can make tea and drink it before breakfast and dinner. Boil 200 ml of water, add 20 g of raw materials and leave for 5 minutes.

An infusion of leaves is used to rinse hair. This strengthens hair follicles, reduces hair loss and eliminates dandruff.

You can wipe your face with it pure form or after freezing, to dry oily skin and remove acne.

Crushed herb steamed with boiling water works well to tighten enlarged pores, eliminate irritation and wrinkles, and improve skin tone if used as a mask. The procedures need to be carried out once a week for two months.

Benefits and harms

The popularity of this sweetener among diabetics and overweight people is explained by the low calorie content of the plant. Only 18 kcal is contained in 100 g of fresh leaves, and the extract contains zero calories.

In addition, stevia contains no proteins or fats, and contains 0.1 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product. Thus, replacing sugar with honey grass, in combination with dietary nutrition, will help you gradually get rid of extra pounds.

The plant does not harm health and has virtually no contraindications, except for individual susceptibility to the components of the plant.

But beneficial properties honey herbs are widely known and successfully used in both folk and traditional medicine:

  • cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, strengthens vascular walls and heart muscle;
  • improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure;
  • stimulates brain activity and increases physical endurance, providing the body with energy;
  • suppresses the development of bacteria and improves tissue regeneration;
  • normalizes stomach acidity;
  • stimulates insulin synthesis, which helps reduce blood sugar levels;
  • restores metabolic processes;
  • promotes the removal of toxic substances and waste;
  • improves the functionality of the pancreas and liver;
  • suppresses pathogens viral infections, has an antiseptic effect;
  • thins mucus and promotes its removal;
  • increases the body's defenses and resistance to viral and colds;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • prevents and treats oral diseases, strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the formation of tartar;
  • inhibits the aging of the body;
  • has antimicrobial, antifungal and antiallergenic effects;
  • relieves irritation and promotes rapid healing of skin lesions.

It is believed that the plant slows down the growth of cancer tumors, promotes skin rejuvenation and protects teeth from destruction. In addition, honey herb can have a beneficial effect on male sexual function, eliminating problems with potency.

The use of preparations from the plant helps overcome cravings for sweets, reduce appetite and normalize metabolic processes, which can be used for effective fight with extra pounds.

Video from Dr. Malysheva about sweetener:

Instructions for use

How to use stevia? Honey grass can be used in its natural form. Its leaves are added to dishes and drinks fresh or pre-dried.

In addition, the plant can be used in the following forms:

  • water decoction of leaves;
  • herbal tea made from crushed plant leaves;
  • plant extract in the form of syrup;
  • concentrated preparation in tablet form;
  • dry extract in the form of white powder.

Considering that fresh leaves are 30 times sweeter than regular sugar, and the concentrated extract is more than three hundred times sweeter, the use of plant preparations different forms requires differences in dosage.

Table of comparative dosages:

Sugar Leaves Syrup Powder
1 tsp. Quarter teaspoon 2-5 drops At the tip of a knife
1 tbsp. l. Three quarters of a teaspoon 0.8 teaspoon On the tip of a spoon
1 glass Tablespoon 1 teaspoon Half a teaspoon

To use honey herb preparations in the process of preparing baked goods or other dishes, it will be more convenient to use the plant in the form of powder or syrup.

To add to drinks, it is better to use the extract in tablet form.

Fresh or dried leaves of the plant are more suitable for canning.

The herb does not change its properties under the influence high temperatures, therefore it is excellent as a sweetener for preparing hot dishes and baking.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used to treat the following pathologies:

  1. Diseases caused by disorders metabolic processes. The ability of honey herb to have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and naturally lowering the concentration of sugar in blood plasma makes it possible to successfully use it in complex therapy of diabetes mellitus.
  2. Pathologies digestive system. Stevia helps alleviate gastritis, improve liver functionality, and restore intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis.
  3. Diseases cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of stevioside helps cleanse the vascular walls of cholesterol plaques and eliminate vascular spasms. This can be used to treat hypertension and atherosclerosis, strengthen the heart muscle and prevent the development of cardiac ischemia.
  4. The plant actively fights viruses and suppresses the development of bacteria, stimulates the removal of sputum. Therefore, it is advisable to use it for the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system caused by viruses and colds.
  5. The plant is also used as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent for joint pathologies, stomach ulcers, and skin lesions. Stevia decoction is used to treat acne, boils, burns and wounds.
  6. It is believed that the plant suppresses the growth of tumors and prevents the appearance of new tumors.

Stevia is used to strengthen the body's defenses and saturate it with vitamins; the herb is used to rejuvenate and improve skin tone, to strengthen hair follicles and to treat oral diseases.

Video review of the characteristics of sugar and stevia:

Contraindications and side effects

The plant has virtually no contraindications, but some categories of people should use it with caution and after consultation with a doctor:

  • nursing women;
  • pregnant women;
  • small children;
  • people with chronic hypotension;
  • persons suffering from diseases of the digestive and urinary system;
  • people with nervous disorders;
  • persons during the rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • patients with endocrine and hormonal disorders.

You should not use stevia preparations in combination with dairy products in order to prevent indigestion.

The plant should be used with caution by people taking vitamin complexes and those who consume large amounts of plant-based vitamin foods, otherwise there is a high probability of developing pathologies associated with excess vitamins.

Chemical composition

The components of stevia include the following beneficial substances:

  • arachidonic, chlorogenic, formic, hebberellic, caffeic and linolenic acid;
  • flavonoids and carotene;
  • ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • vitamins A and PP;
  • essential oils;
  • dulcoside and rebaudioside;
  • stevioside and inulin;
  • tannins and pectins;
  • minerals (selenium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, potassium, silicon, magnesium).

What can be replaced?

What to do if you are allergic to stevia? You can replace it with another sweetener, such as fructose.

Just keep in mind that fructose is rich in carbohydrates and can cause an increase in blood sugar. Therefore, fructose should be used with caution, especially for patients with diabetes.

There are many options for sweeteners, both natural and synthetic. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself.

If the need to use a sweetener is caused by a disease of the endocrine system, then you should consult your doctor before choosing sugar substitutes.

Adults and children need a certain dose of sweets, because sugar is necessary for the full development and functioning of body systems. There are many sugar-containing products, but not all of them are healthy. Those with a sweet tooth run the risk of increasing their volume and acquiring a whole bunch of diseases. In general, everyone loves sweets, but they also want to have a good figure and good health. Are these things really incompatible? Compatible if you include the natural sweetener stevia in the menu instead of the usual sugar.

Stevia – sugar substitute plant origin, and not the only one of its kind. But if you study the properties, then it can be called a leader among all similar products. If anyone thinks that we are talking about an overseas miracle plant, then they are deeply mistaken. An ordinary herb of the chrysanthemum genus looks like a small bush. It was originally cultivated in Paraguay and Brazil, but very quickly spread throughout the globe. Today, about three hundred varieties and species of this plant are known. I wonder what the benefits and harms of stevia are, is it worth replacing a product beloved by many with it?

Her homeland is South America. The Indians who inhabited the named area were the first to discover honey grass. They started adding it to mate to make the drink sweeter. It is called by different names in different parts of the world: Paraguayan sweet grass, Erva Doce, Ka'a-yupe, honey leaf. The Guarani Indians used the green leaves of stevia as a sweetener and for medicinal purposes.

Europeans learned about the plant in the 16th century, and the Spaniards were the first. Over time, the discovery attracted the interest of scientists, although this did not happen very soon.

It was only in 1887 that Dr. Bertoni first described the properties of the stevia plant in a book about the flora of Paraguay. By 1908, it began to be cultivated in different countries Oh. In 1931, French scientists identified steviosides and rebaudiosides (substances that make stevia sweet). During the Second World War, the question was raised about replacing the usual sugar with it, which was sorely in short supply. The first one dates back to 1955 scientific work, dedicated to stevia, which addressed issues of its structure and benefits. In 1970-1971, when the use of artificial sweeteners was banned in Japan, stevia began to be produced in large quantities. Since 2008, it has been an officially approved food additive in the United States.

Today, stevia is used as a natural sweetener in foods.

Such rapid popularization of the product should not leave even a shadow of doubt about its exceptional properties. However, before you start using stevia instead of sugar in your home, it wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at it.

Composition of stevia and its beneficial properties for human health

The composition contains various useful substances, such as amino acids, vitamins, pectins, essential oils. It contains glycosides that do not harm the human body and are a source of unnecessary calories. They often talk about Stevia tea: the benefits and harms of which are determined by the properties of the plant itself. The drink contains substances that take part in the structure of hormones. Due to the absence of carbohydrates, the grass can be used in the diet of diabetics.

Stevia sugar also contains a large amount of antioxidants such as rutin, quercetin, and also contains minerals (potassium, magnesium, chromium, copper, selenium, phosphorus). As for vitamins, the most abundant vitamins found in stevia were B vitamins, as well as A, C and E.

How and to whom is stevia useful?

The main feature that honey has is that it does not fill the body with empty carbohydrates. And this is exactly what regular sugar does. In addition, it is a source of useful substances and microelements. Stevia is also medicinal herb, as it has a beneficial effect on systems and organs. It occupies a special place in the diet of hypertensive patients and diabetics.

Nature has endowed the plant with truly unique properties:

Despite all the positive aspects, you should not introduce it into your diet thoughtlessly. We need to think more about the benefits and harms of the honey herb stevia, and study the contraindications.

By the way, due to its low calorie content, it is popular among people watching their figure. The benefit in the fight against extra pounds lies in the ability to dull the feeling of hunger. Even an infusion of herbs will help you look great: constant use helps remove waste, get rid of toxins and improve the functioning of the body. Chicory with stevia has proven itself well: the drink is not only healthy, but also tasty.

Harm of stevia to the human body

Scientists from different countries have conducted a number of studies that prove that proper use of the herb will not harm your health.

Such rules must be studied and followed, and you should start with what are the benefits and harms of the herb stevia; warnings for use are of particular interest. People who are prone to allergic reactions. You must carefully monitor your well-being while taking the plant and adhere to the following rules:

To avoid harm to yourself or your loved ones, you should obtain medical advice before starting to take the product. If you have any other questions, then in a conversation with your doctor you can raise the topic of Stevia tablets: benefits and harms, features of their use. Most likely, he will give useful recommendations taking into account the patient's health condition.

How to replace sugar for a child?

Almost all children are crazy about sweets, and this is not without reason, because sugar causes addiction, which can be compared to a drug addiction. Although children are told about caries, they themselves experience acute toothache, but you can’t refuse the treat. Artificial sugar substitutes are even more harmful. And parents, in search of an alternative, should pay attention to the sweetener Stevia: the benefits and harms of which have been proven by scientists.