The appearance of stones in the organs of the genitourinary system is a common occurrence. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment should begin. Diet for urolithiasis occupies one of the main places in therapy. Proper nutrition can quickly dissolve stones and prevent their reappearance. The list of permitted ingredients can be compiled by the attending physician, depending on the type of stones formed. Self-medication can complicate the course of the disease and cause side effects.

Nutrition for urolithiasis requires adherence to the rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of stones the body is predisposed to. The doctor does this using laboratory research. Once determined, foods that cause salt accumulation should be eliminated or minimized of this type in the body. An important step in the treatment or prevention of urolithiasis is the drinking regime. An adult should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. If desired, this value can be increased. Drinking plenty of fluids helps remove sand and small stones from the kidneys. With the help of a nutritionist, you should determine suitable foods that can change the reaction of urine to prevent the deposition of salts in the organs of the genitourinary system.

What foods can you eat?

Watermelon is very useful for urolithiasis; it can remove sand and small stones from the kidneys.

Doctors identify products whose introduction into the daily diet has a beneficial effect on the organs of the genitourinary system. The list of components for urolithiasis that will be beneficial includes:

  • fruits and berries, including watermelon, currants, cherries, quinces, oranges, plums, cranberries, apricots and blackberries;
  • vegetables, especially cabbage, potatoes and pumpkin;
  • dried fruits, namely dried apricots and raisins;
  • bread products made from wholemeal flour;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • cereals and porridges based on them;
  • garlic in the form of a decoction;

Eating the above helps prevent and cure the disease in men and women. Diet is especially important for people after stone removal. It is this category that is prone to the recurrence of urolithiasis in the bladder and kidneys. Preference should be given to boiled, steamed, stewed or baked dishes, since the benefits of such foods are greater than those of fried foods.

What should you not do if you have urolithiasis?

Eating frequently fried meat can cause stones to form.

There are a number of products, the use of which provokes the formation of stones and harms the entire genitourinary system. To prevent urolithiasis, you should limit the consumption of dairy products, onions, fresh garlic, fried meat and fish, legumes, chocolate and strong coffee and tea. Tomatoes contribute to the appearance of oxalate stones, so they should be eaten with caution. Salted fish, smoked meats, parsley, canned food, marinades and spices, sorrel, spinach, mustard and horseradish are strictly prohibited during illness and to prevent relapse. Harmful drinks include alcoholic and carbonated drinks. The reason for the ban is the high content of oxalic acid in these components, which provokes the appearance of insoluble stones and harms the organs of the genitourinary system.

Features of nutritional treatment depending on the type of stones

The diagnosis of urolithiasis consists of three subtypes, each of which characterizes the type of stones formed. Thus, urate, oxalate and phosphate stones are distinguished. The type of doctor is determined based on the results of laboratory tests. It is impossible to independently understand what type of stones are in the kidneys or bladder. Depending on the diagnosis, dietary nutrition is prescribed. The list of ingredients for each type of urolithiasis is different. Thus, products allowed for urates are strictly prohibited for oxalate stones. Thus, starting a diet without consulting a doctor is dangerous to your health.

Nutrition for urolithiasis

Foods high in vitamin C help prevent urolithiasis.

Urate stones form in the kidneys when there is an increased concentration of uric acid. Doctors say that the presence of a small amount of stones of this type in the body is considered normal. However, their increased quantity poses a threat to human health. To prevent urolithiasis it is necessary proper nutrition, which constitutes the food that makes urine pH alkaline. The list of healthy ingredients includes: dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk drinks), fruits, cereals (especially wheat and buckwheat), as well as foods high in vitamin C. Prohibited ingredients include fatty ingredients, canned food and alcohol. Drinking fluids is important for the treatment and prevention of urate stones in the kidneys and bladder. So, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. On hot days, this amount increases depending on the body's needs.

Nutrition for oxalates

Oxalate stones are formed as a result of the activity of oxalic acid. Leads to an increase in the concentration of the substance overuse vitamin C in food and general poor nutrition. The diet for oxalate stones is aimed at great content drinking in the diet and fractional meals. The diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys begins with a single meal combined with freshly squeezed juices. Foods containing oxalic acid should be excluded from the diet and salt intake should be minimized. The patient's food should contain B vitamins, as well as vegetables and fruits. In addition, preparations based on medicinal plants are considered effective.

Nutrition for phosphate stones

Poor nutrition may lead to the formation of new stones.

Phosphate stones are formed when increased content calcium and magnesium salts in the body. A diet for urolithiasis involves excluding dairy, as well as some vegetables and fruits. You can eat all types of grains and legumes, high protein foods, sour berries, and green vegetables. If there are stones in gallbladder You should not consume alcoholic beverages, sweets and baked goods, as well as fatty foods and all types of seasonings and marinades. If there are oxalates in the urine, you need to increase the volume of fluid consumed to 3 liters.

For oxalate stones, nutrition is as follows:

  • For breakfast, a serving of low-fat cottage cheese with a glass of tea with milk and a slice of bread and butter is suitable;
  • second breakfast consists of porridge based oatmeal with lingonberry juice as a drink;
  • for lunch you should prepare soup based on vegetable broth with the addition of a spoonful of sour cream, a small piece of bread and homemade compote of permitted berries;
  • the afternoon snack will consist of pasta casserole with the addition of low-fat cottage cheese and fruit jelly;
  • For dinner you should serve boiled or baked beef with mashed potatoes and carrots, and take still mineral water as a drink;
  • Before bed, a savory bun with a glass of cranberry or lingonberry juice is allowed.

All pathologies of the urinary system occur with certain features that require special approach to, as well as additional: special nutrition, exercise therapy, physiotherapy. A special diet while fighting the disease is very important, because the metabolism of nutrient absorption and breakdown passes through the renal system. Diet for diseases, such as: in patients, is necessary for recovery. Eating according to the rules of dos and don'ts prevents the formation of new stone formations.

The causes of the pathology are improper lifestyle (bad habits, stress, poor daily routine), inflammatory diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis), impaired metabolism and the individual tendency of the body to form stones.

Urolithiasis (UCD) occurs due to an increase in salt concentration in the urine, which accumulates and degenerates into stone formations. This pathology is common in many people, can exist hidden for a long time, can be acute, chronic, can lead to complicated reactions and is characterized by repetition of processes. All patients with urolithiasis have a tendency for the body to form various stones.

Diagnostic tests determine what type of stones the patient has: phosphate, urate, oxalate, or mixed. In accordance with the type, the choice of diet prescribed by the doctor is made.

Proper nutrition for urolithiasis is important and significant - the combination of products affects the educational functional ability of the renal organs, due to the composition of microelements, which are the chemical components of food.

The diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys includes a combination of permitted food products and a mandatory drinking regime. Such measures prevent the occurrence of stone inclusions, change the composition of urine and remove sediment from the kidneys.

Basics of diet for pathology

The principles that a patient should rely on for diet therapy according to the ICD are:

  1. Drinking regimen: It is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of purified liquid if you have urolithiasis. It is allowed to take mineral water and rosehip drinks. Tea, compote, juice should be drunk as usual. They do not apply to this item. Your doctor will tell you which mineral water to drink.
  2. Fractional meals. It is necessary to divide the time for eating up to 5 times a day. You need to eat in small portions.
  3. Balance and energy value of products. The presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet is necessary. Kilocalories should not exceed 2000 units per day. The table should be varied.
  4. Taking into account concomitant diseases (especially the stomach and intestines). If the patient, in addition to urolithiasis, has pathologies digestive tract, then the diet should be adjusted by a urologist, gastroenterologist and nutritionist.
  5. Saturation with vitamins. The required amount of vitamins in the weekly menu must be present in the patient’s diet.

IMPORTANT! Special food for kidney stone disease It helps especially well with urates and helps eliminate them. Oxalates, phosphorus and calcium formations cannot be dissolved; here, diets for urolithiasis can only prevent the formation of fresh stones. Changes in diet do not have any effect on the amino acid stone, since it relates to genetic pathologies.

Schematic examples of nutrition for ICD

Nutrition for urates

Such stones are a consequence of impaired purine metabolism (excess uric acid), which causes high acidity of urine. The diet for this type of stones should be aimed at alkalinizing the urine and reducing the consumption of foods that can cause purine disturbances. The emphasis is on dairy-vegetable nutrition. In addition, alkaline mineral water for urolithiasis, cranberry and carrot juices are recommended here. It is allowed to drink tea and a small amount of coffee. Strictly prohibited: alcohol for urolithiasis, in the form of red wine and beer.

Allowed Prohibited Sample menu for 1 day
Cereals - buckwheat, millet, barley All types of sausages, canned food, smoked marinades 1 breakfast:
100 g carrot, oatmeal and apple pudding, 150 g vegetable salad with vegetable oil, tea + milk
Dairy products, cheeses without pepper Brynza and other salty cheeses 2nd breakfast: savory bun, rosehip drink
Eggs, lean meat, fish Brains, heart, liver and lungs Lunch: A serving of vegetable soup with noodles, bread, 150 g of potatoes, compote
The entire nightshade family, as well as beets Fatty fish and meat Afternoon snack: 2 apples
Bread, pasta Jellied meats (jellied meat, aspic), mushrooms Dinner: 200 g lazy cabbage rolls, any vegetables, mineral water
Seeds and nuts All legumes 2nd dinner: berry jelly
Soups with milk and vegetable broth Fat broths Decoctions from: cornflower flowers, dandelion roots.
Jam, dried fruits, honey, Chocolate
Fruits, berries (apples, pears, cherries, watermelons) All types of fats
Any greens Cauliflower, sorrel

As can be seen from the table, the table at ICD is varied, everyone can choose the dishes that he likes. Some women like to fast and unload. Diet for urolithiasis Illness in women with urates allows unloading up to 2 times a week: vegetables, kefir, any fruit. Fasting is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to an acetone crisis.

The diet for urolithiasis in men is the same as for the opposite sex. Men love beer very much, but they should know that urolithiasis and beer are incompatible things.

IMPORTANT! Is it possible to eat tomatoes if you have urolithiasis and urate stones? – Yes, tomatoes are not prohibited, but you should limit yourself in taking ketchup and adjika.

Nutrition for oxalate formations

Oxalates are formed due to excessive intake of oxalic acid and ascorbic acid from food; with a lack of calcium and B vitamins.

In case of urolithiasis, the diet of patients with such stones should also include a certain table that affects renal metabolism.

Allowed Prohibited Limited consumption Approximate diet for 1 day
Cereals, cereals By-products Tomatoes, carrots, asparagus Breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese, bread and butter, tea + milk
Bran bread Broths, all spices Chicken meat, beef 2 breakfast: 150 g buckwheat porridge with milk, berry
lingonberry juice
Dairy products (in 1
half a day)
Smoked, salted,
pickled products
Any currant, gooseberry Lunch: 250 ml vegetarian soup, bread, pear compote
Low-fat fish Jellied meat, dishes with
All citrus fruits Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, coffee and chicory drink
Potatoes, pumpkin, legumes, eggplants Greens, sorrel, beets Sweets Dinner: piece of beef, jacket potato, mineral
Nuts, prunes Chocolate, cocoa Sour apples 2nd dinner: not rich
bun, fermented baked milk
Pear, sweet apples, grapes, apricots, watermelons Figs Young greens
Phyto-infusions from: birch leaves, madder Vitamin C as food
additive and dishes containing it
Salt (you can replace it
quality soy sauce)

The table shows that the table for patients with oxolates is varied and provides a choice according to preferences. Patients are allowed fasting days with grapes. For urolithiasis, mineral water is recommended up to 2 liters. All types of teas and coffee are allowed to be drunk only with milk.

IMPORTANT! Answering the question: can a patient with oxolate stones drink beer during urolithiasis, it is worth noting that beer in limited quantities is not prohibited, but since it is classified as an alcoholic product, you need to think about what is more important - short-term pleasure or positive result therapy. Beer and urolithiasis are not entirely compatible things. Only non-alcoholic beer is allowed in small quantities as a source of B vitamins.

For phosphate stones, the same products are allowed and prohibited as for oxolate stones. The table is the same. The prohibitions can be extended to all vegetables and canned goods with them, fruits, egg yolks, ice cream, alcohol and coffee. Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks will be especially useful here.

A dietary course for patients with urolithiasis should be aimed at improving the patient’s condition and helping to stop recurrences of the disease. Nutritional therapy is especially useful after stone removal operations. Patients should adhere to the rules for taking the products indicated in the tables above. This will serve as a preventive measure to prevent the formation of fresh stones.

Doctors regard diet for urolithiasis as the most important part complex treatment a disease that allows you to stop the formation of stones, partially dissolve already formed stones, and also prevent episodes of exacerbation of pathology. Change bad habits in nutrition allows patients to minimize the consumption of products that have harmful influence on the kidneys and promoting the deposition of salts in them. This allows the body to establish normal metabolism, get rid of toxins and normalize adequate urine passage. So, what can patients with urolithiasis eat, and what foods should they avoid?

The main reasons for the formation of kidney stones

ICD is one of the ailments that are characterized by polyetiology, that is, they can occur against the background of a variety of disorders on the part of the patient’s body. Among the main reasons for the appearance of stones, modern scientists identify:

  • genetic tendency to stone formation and congenital defects of the renal pelvis;
  • inflammatory processes in the renal structures and bladder of an acute or chronic nature;
  • improper diet;
  • violations by metabolic processes caused by endocrine diseases and certain ailments of the digestive tract;
  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • transferred surgical interventions on the urinary organs;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • bad quality drinking water;
  • tumors in the pelvic cavity, which cause the development of congestion;
  • hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and menopause in women;
  • bad habits.

Interestingly, the disease is diagnosed several times more often in men than in women.

Types of stones

The classification of stones is based on their chemical composition. According to it, the following types of kidney stones are distinguished:

  • oxalate stones or stones consisting of salts of oxalic acid (so-called oxalates), ammonia compounds and calcium;
  • phosphate stones formed from phosphates and calcium as a result of a violation of their filtration against the background chronic inflammation;
  • urate stones are low-density compounds that form from uric acid in people suffering from gout or working in hot climates;
  • struvite stones formed under the influence of pathogenic microflora;
  • protein stones, which contain organic protein complexes;
  • cystine stones, which are the result of a rare disorder of cystine utilization;
  • cholesterol formations that appear in complex forms of atherosclerosis;
  • Mixed stones.

Speaking about a stone formed from oxalates, it would not be superfluous to mention its strength. This kind of stones is almost impossible to dissolve with medication, so at present the only reliable method of eliminating them is surgical removal. Oxalate formations are the most commonly diagnosed type of urolithiasis that doctors have to deal with on a daily basis.

Along with oxalate stones, quite often their urate and phosphate relatives are detected in patients. These stones have a softer structure, so they dissolve well with the help of special preparations and do not require surgical correction.

General principles of dietary nutrition for ICD

It is possible to remove small stones up to 0.5 cm in size, as well as prevent the formation of new stones not only with the help of competent therapy, but also with special therapeutic nutrition. Among the leading principles of the diet for urolithiasis are:

  • exclusion from the diet of components that contribute to the formation of stones;
  • giving up alcohol, smoking and salt;
  • control over the consumption of the required amount of fluid;
  • avoiding overeating and eating small meals.

The diet for stones in the ureter, renal pelvis and urinary collecting bladder should be balanced and have the necessary energy potential. In the process of drawing up such a diet, one should take into account the presence of genetic metabolic disorders in a person, diseases of the organ elements of the digestive system, which affect the absorption of nutrients, in particular vitamins and microelements. With a stone large sizes It is necessary to exclude products with a diuretic effect from the daily menu. IN otherwise can provoke an attack renal colic.

Table 1. Different foods in the diet for urolithiasis

Permitted and recommended products Foods that should be limited Prohibited
vegetables, namely potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, cucumbers;
wholemeal bread and pasta;
berries, fruit drinks, oranges, apples, dried fruits;
porridge, especially buckwheat and oatmeal;
meat and fish of dietary grades.
tomatoes, carrots, berries and fruits rich in vitamin C;
strong tea and coffee;
chicken broth;
sweets, candies;
fried fish;
dairy products;
fresh garlic.
greens containing oxalic acid, namely spinach, rhubarb and sorrel, celery, parsley;
jellies and jellies;
smoked meats, marinades;
canned food;
fatty broths;
semi-finished products;
chocolate and cocoa;
fatty meats.

The attending physician should tell the patient in more detail about what can and cannot be eaten, based on the results of the examinations received, information about the type of stones, data on the severity of the disease and the risks of complications.

Diet for struvite stones

With struvite stones, you are allowed to eat almost everything except citrus fruits, which is directly related to natural products, but in moderate portions, adhering to a certain diet.

The diet must be balanced, without completely excluding animal products.

Diet for oxalate stones

If in urinary system oxalates have formed, it is necessary to immediately exclude foods enriched with oxalic acid from the diet, in particular spinach, greens, nuts, figs and dishes prepared with the addition of gelatin. In addition, you should not include foods containing a lot of ascorbic acid in your daily menu. Potatoes, black currants, tomatoes and dairy products are allowed in minimal quantities.

The diet for urolithiasis, when oxalates are detected in the kidneys, should be enriched with foods containing large amounts of magnesium. It is this microelement, which is included in most cereals, that helps remove stones from oxalic acid and perfectly prevents the formation of new stones. The most useful for this variant of ICD development are considered to be pears, bananas, pumpkins, grapes, as well as sweet plums and apricots.

General diet rules

Not a single diet in the world is able to effectively combat oxalates without these tips:

  • You need to eat in moderate portions, excluding overeating.
  • It is advisable to eat food at the same hours, at least 5 medium portions per day.
  • Before eating, food should be heated to medium level.

    You should not eat anything too cold or hot.

  • One day during the week must be a fasting day, consisting of cereals, fruits and vegetables.

  • The patient's menu should not include salty, smoked, spicy or sour foods.
  • You should not over-salt your food; use salt only to add a slight flavor.
  • If you have oxalate in your kidneys, you should not drink alcohol.
  • In the absence of renal contraindications, the diet for kidney stones should be provided with a sufficient amount of fluid intake of at least 2–2.5 liters.

It is necessary to move as much as possible without overworking yourself physically. Main goal dietary nutrition not dissolving stones, but preventing their further appearance.

Sample patient menu

Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of coffee with milk and a piece of bread with bran, spread with a thin layer of butter;

Second breakfast – oatmeal or buckwheat porridge and berry juice;

Lunch – vegetable soup with a slice of rye bread, steamed fish, dried fruit compote;

Afternoon snack – casserole of vegetables and pasta, weak tea;

Dinner – pumpkin puree with boiled beef, a glass of still mineral water;

Before bed – lingonberry jelly.

Nutritional features for phosphate stones

The formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys is promoted by the alkaline environment of urine, so nutrition for this type of urolithiasis should be aimed at reducing high pH levels.

In this case, you should limit yourself from eating the following dishes:

  • Rybnykh.
  • Any dairy and fermented milk products.
  • When creating a menu for urolithiasis, there is no need to prepare dishes using hot and spicy seasonings.
  • During kidney stones, the diet includes not eating smoked meats, pickles and spicy foods.
  • Salads based on vegetables.
  • Alcohol and chocolate drinks.

  • Dairy-free porridge with butter.
  • Bread and other baked goods.
  • Lean meat.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • In moderation, during a diet for kidney stones, you can drink tea, coffee drinks with the addition of a small amount of honey or sugar.
  • But it is advisable that in order not to provoke a further exacerbation of kidney stones, the diet should include pumpkin porridge, vegetable oils, compotes and fruit jelly.

And also to achieve best effect It is recommended to use special herbal teas sold in pharmacies to dissolve kidney stones. But before you find out which herbs you can drink, you need to get advice from your doctor.

With phosphate stones in the kidneys, therapeutic nutrition can provoke the development of vitamin deficiency, as it recommends limiting the consumption of most fruits and vegetables. That is why it is necessary to take into account the risks of a deficiency of these valuable substances and take care of additional sources of their intake into the body.

Sample menu

Breakfast - oatmeal and apple compote;

Second breakfast - rich pastries and a glass of rosehip infusion;

Lunch – vegetable soup, rice with mushrooms, weak tea;

Afternoon snack – steamed chicken or turkey cutlet, apple and glass of jelly;

Dinner – boiled beef, pumpkin puree and a glass of still water;

Before bed – weak tea with some bread.

If during the diagnostic process, when determining the stones, it turned out that their character is urate in nature, then it is not advisable to eat the following products when treating the kidneys:

  • Liquid bases for dishes made from mushrooms or fatty meats. By-products such as kidneys, liver and brains. An exception is also various smoking and pickling.
  • Forbidden greens are sorrel with spinach.
  • Strong coffee, tea, alcohol.
  • Soybeans, legumes, nuts.

The following remain permitted:

  • Root vegetables: beets, carrots, rhubarb.
  • Any fruits and berries without sour taste.
  • Diet treatment for urate stones also involves drinking at least 3000 ml per day.
  • Salt no more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  • From dairy products only with low fat content.

The diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys, which is accompanied by an accumulation of purine breakdown products, is of a vegetable-dairy nature. Similar option therapeutic nutrition has two main goals: reducing the consumption of protein-containing foods and alkalinizing urine.

Example menu

Breakfast–vegetable salad, yogurt with apples;

Lunch– a bun and a glass of tea with milk;

Dinner– vegetable or noodle soup, mashed potatoes, berry juice;

Afternoon snack– fruits or vegetables, pudding with berries;

Dinner– risotto with vegetables, still mineral water;

Before bed- a decoction of medicinal herbs.

A diet for kidney stones can be an excellent tool in treatment - or it can be completely useless. This depends on the type of metabolic disorder that led to stone formation, and, therefore, on the chemical composition of the stone.

What are the general dietary guidelines for treating kidney stones?

  • One, but very important: drinking enough water. Ideally, 2-2.5 liters daily, preference is given to clean non-mineral water, juices and fruit drinks are allowed, but not tea, coffee, cocoa, beer or wine. The process of stone formation begins with an increased concentration of ions in the urine; accordingly, the more water is filtered with urine, the lower this concentration will be.
  • A diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys must be balanced in composition and have sufficient energy value - after all, you will have to stick to it for many years.

If there are any diseases gastrointestinal tract, this must certainly be taken into account: exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis, intestinal dysbiosis inevitably leads to impaired absorption of vitamins and microelements, and ultimately contributes to stone formation.

In what cases is the diet effective?

  • Amino acid stones - cysteine ​​and xanthine - are formed against the background of genetic abnormalities; they cannot be corrected by diet, but there is hope to get rid of urate stones by following certain recommendations.
  • You should not rely on the dissolution of existing oxalates or phosphorus-calcium stones and calcium carbonates, but a diet is necessary to prevent the formation of new stones.
  • Magnesium salts of phosphoric acid (struvite) are most often formed not due to metabolic disorders, but against the background of a urinary tract infection. But even in this case, some dietary recommendations will not be superfluous.

So, to choose a diet for urolithiasis, you need to know the chemical composition of the stone.


Formed when there is excess content in the urine final product purine metabolism - uric acid.

  • Purines are found in large quantities in meat, especially young animals (chicken, veal), offal, their concentration is high in jellies and rich broths. Excess purines in mushrooms and legumes. The diet allows you to eat boiled meat or fish no more than 3 times a week.
  • Alcoholic drinks, especially beer and red wine, sharply reduce the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. The content of these products in the diet should be reduced.
  • Vegetables, grains and dairy products contain few purines. That is, with urate nephrolithiasis, it is advisable to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet. Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants; buckwheat, millet, barley and pasta; nuts and seeds; milk and fermented milk products, cottage cheese and mild cheeses; eggs, any berries and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  • Uric acid crystallizes in an acidic environment, so in case of uric acid diathesis, the urine must be alkalized. Alkaline ones are suitable for this. mineral waters(Borjomi, Jermuk, Obukhovskaya), lemon juice and citrate mixtures (blemaren).
  • As herbal medicine, you can use decoctions of clover, blackcurrant leaves, cornflower flowers, burdock and dandelion roots.


Excess oxalates can form with increased consumption of foods containing oxalic acid or vitamin C, which is metabolized in the body before it, as well as with increased absorption of oxalic acid, which is associated with a deficiency of calcium and vitamin B6.

  • Therefore, first of all, foods rich in oxalic acid are excluded from the diet: lettuce, spinach, beets, celery, parsley, tea and coffee, chocolate and cocoa, jelly and jellies.
  • Limit carrots, tomatoes, green beans, chicken and beef.
  • Potatoes and cabbage, pumpkin, peas, pears, apricots, bananas and watermelons, all cereals, dairy products are allowed, preferably in the first half of the day.
  • Vitamin C should not be taken as a dietary supplement; foods containing ascorbic acid acts as a preservative. Limit foods containing a lot of vitamin C: citrus fruits, currants, rose hips, sour apples.
  • You need foods rich in vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium (potatoes, nuts, whole grains).
  • The effect of alkaline drinking is small, but herbal medicine - half-palm, madder, birch leaves and violet roots - are highly recommended.


Calcium salts of phosphoric acid (apatites) are formed against the background of disturbances in phosphorus-calcium metabolism (hypervitaminosis D, excess parathyroid hormone, renal tubular acidosis), therefore for this type of urolithiasis it is important to reduce calcium excretion by the kidneys.

The condition for the formation of magnesium compounds (struvite) is a urinary tract infection, so good immunity is needed to prevent them. But both of them crystallize in an alkaline environment, so one of the main goals of the diet for phosphaturia is acidification of urine.

  • Vegetables and fruits are sharply reduced in the diet, except for pumpkin, beans, peas, asparagus and Brussels sprouts(they have little calcium and alkalizing components), and sour berries - cranberries, currants, lingonberries.
  • Limit milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), which have an alkalizing effect and are rich in calcium.
  • Avoid foods that increase the secretion of gastric juice and, therefore, lead to the loss of acid radicals: alcohol, coffee, spices and spicy snacks, carbonated drinks.
  • Excess table salt increases calcium excretion, so if apatite is present, salty foods are also undesirable.
  • You can eat meat and fish, pasta and bread, cereals and soups, creamy and vegetable oil. You should especially not neglect butter, which, along with liver and egg yolk, rich in vitamin A. Retinol has been found to help prevent infection and reduce stone formation.
  • Against the background of a constantly followed diet, you need to periodically arrange “calcium” days - eat cottage cheese, cheese, nuts - this will prevent the unpleasant consequences of hypocalcemia and will not lead to the growth of stones.
  • As with any variant of urolithiasis, with phosphaturia you need to drink a lot, and it is better to choose sour drinks - fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, juice from sour varieties of apples and grapes, mineral waters such as Arzni, Dolomitnaya, Truskavetskaya, Sairme.
  • You can also pay attention to herbal teas, especially using herbs that increase the solubility of phosphates: burdock root, madder, elecampane, bearberry, lovage, centaury.

Thus, dietary recommendations are possible if the nature of the stone is established; in all other cases, there is no need to act at random. It is enough to drink more - ordinary fresh water or neutral mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk, herbal decoctions with a diuretic, but without a pronounced alkalizing or acidifying effect, eat food rich in vitamins A and B, and have bowel movements more often bladder and move more.

At various diseases appointed different diet. This book will tell you about how to eat when you have urolithiasis. Depending on the type of stones and the course of the disease, a special course of treatment is prescribed. Given in the book folk recipes and a properly selected diet will help alleviate the course of the disease and avoid relapses. Since there are three main types of stones: urates, oxalates and phosphates, the diet for each type should contain a different set of products. The book suggests culinary recipes and diets for each type of disease. Bon appetit and be healthy!

From the series: Soulful cooking

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by liters company.

Principles of nutrition for urolithiasis

Diets are made taking into account the characteristics of metabolism, the chemical composition of stones and the reaction of urine.

General principles diet therapy:

1) restriction of nutrients from which sediment or stones are formed in the urinary tract;

2) changing the urine reaction (urine pH) to the acidic or alkaline side due to the nature of nutrition to prevent precipitation and better dissolution of salt sediment;

3) copious fluid intake to remove salt sediment from the urinary tract.

In diets, mainly for uraturia and phosphaturia, certain food groups are limited or increased. This makes it difficult to meet the body's needs for all nutrients, and the resulting monotony of the urine reaction can contribute to the formation of salts of a different composition.

A diet for urolithiasis is prescribed to provide gentle nutrition for the kidneys and helps eliminate various metabolic products from the body. Compliance with the diet involves excluding from the diet foods that contain purines and oxalic acid, limiting salt intake, increasing the amount of free liquid (if there are no contraindications) and alkalizing foods (vegetables and fruits, dairy products). In addition, the diet reduces the consumption of proteins and fats. Be sure to boil meat, fish and poultry, cook food and keep the food at normal temperature. When cooked, half of the purines contained remain in the broth, so broths should not be consumed as food. After boiling, poultry, fish and meat can be used in the preparation of a variety of dishes (fried, stewed, baked), chopped products. Meat and fish can be combined in approximately equal quantities. It is recommended to include dishes from these foods no more than 2-3 times a week. A portion of meat should not exceed 150 g, fish - 17 g. Diet - 5 times a day. Instead of an afternoon snack, a rosehip decoction is recommended.

Chemical composition of a therapeutic diet

– 70 g of proteins, 50% of which are of animal origin and mainly dairy;

– 80 g of fats, 30% of which are vegetable;

– 350–400 g of carbohydrates, of which 80 g is sugar;

– 8–10 g salt;

– 1.5–2 liters or more of liquid.

The energy value of this diet is 2400–2600 calories.

Meat, poultry, fish are interchangeable. Milk - 0.5 l, meat - 120 g, unsalted cheese - 30 g, one egg, 6 slices of bread, half a cup of cereal, 1 serving of potatoes, 3 or more servings of vegetables, fruits and juices (optional), sugar or jam less than 4 teaspoons, oil - less than 2 teaspoons, optional weak tea, coffee.


Consumption of pastry products is limited.


Vegetarian soups are allowed: borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable soups, soups with cereals, cold soups, milk fruit soups.

Soups made with meat, fish and mushroom broths, with the addition of sorrel, spinach and legumes, are prohibited.

Meat, poultry, fish

The therapeutic diet allows the consumption of low-fat types and varieties. A maximum of 3 times a week you can eat 150 g of boiled meat or 160–170 g of boiled fish. Boiled meat, poultry, and fish can be used to prepare stewed, fried, baked dishes, as well as dishes made from cutlet mass. A combination of meat and fish is allowed in equal quantities.

Kidneys, liver, brains, tongue, meat of young birds and animals, sausages, smoked products, salted fish, canned fish and meat, and caviar are not allowed to be eaten.

Dairy products

You can consume milk, fermented milk drinks, sour cream, cottage cheese and curd dishes, cheese.

Salty cheeses are prohibited.


You are allowed to eat one egg per day, prepared in any way. It is better to eat chicken or quail eggs.


You can eat any food in moderation.

Consumption of legumes is prohibited.

Mushrooms, fresh legumes, spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, cauliflower, purslane The amount of salted and pickled vegetables is limited.


Salty snacks, smoked foods, canned food, and fish roe are prohibited.

Fruits, sweet

Recommended increased amount fruits and berries, fresh and prepared in any way. The consumption of dried fruits, milk creams and jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, non-chocolate sweets, jam, honey, meringues is allowed.

Eating chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries, and lingonberries is not allowed.

Sauces and spices

Sauces based on vegetable broth are allowed, tomato sauce, sour cream, milk sauces. It is allowed to use citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf, dill, parsley.

Sauces made with meat, fish or mushroom broth are prohibited. The use of pepper, mustard, and horseradish is not allowed.


You can drink tea with lemon, with added milk, weak coffee with milk, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, water with juices, kvass. Decoctions of rose hips, wheat bran and dried fruits are useful.

Cocoa, strong tea and coffee are prohibited.

Menu examples


Breakfast: cottage cheese, bread and butter, vinaigrette (sour cream dressing), tea with milk.

Dinner: scrambled eggs, buckwheat porridge, juices.

Afternoon snack: soup (vegetarian) with fried roots with sour cream, fried potatoes, sauerkraut, meat cooked in breadcrumbs, compote.

Dinner: vegetable cutlets, cottage cheese, pasta casserole, jelly.

For the night: milk with bun.

Drink on an empty stomach rosehip decoction (100 ml) or heated alkaline mineral water.

First breakfast: oatmeal with milk (liquid) 150 g, milk 200 g.

Lunch: grape juice (200 ml).

Dinner: pureed vegetable soup (150 ml), milk jelly (180 ml).

Afternoon snack: a glass of carrot juice.

Dinner: rice porridge with milk (liquid) 150 g, fruit compote (180 g).

In the evening: a glass of kefir.

For the night: a cup of unsweetened tea diluted with milk.

First breakfast: vegetable salad with butter, soft-boiled egg, apple-carrot wheat pudding, tea.

Lunch: rosehip infusion.

Dinner: milk soup with noodles, potato cutlets, jelly.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice, tea with baked cheesecakes.

Before bed: decoction of wheat bran.

First breakfast: weak coffee, apple and beet salad with sour cream.

Lunch: fresh fruits, scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Dinner: vegetable stew with boiled beef, okroshka, tea with lemon.

Afternoon snack: berry compote.

Dinner: salad with fresh potato vegetables, cabbage casserole with sour cream sauce, tea with milk.

For the night: boil wheat bran, strain. Drink half a glass.

First breakfast: rosehip infusion, beetroot salad with prunes.

Lunch: weak coffee, soft-boiled egg.

Dinner: macaroni and cheese, oat milk soup, carrot cutlets sprinkled with sour cream, tea (lemon is not prohibited).

Afternoon snack: a glass of fruit juice.

Dinner: prunes baked in the oven with cottage cheese, dumplings with cottage cheese, rosehip infusion.

For the night: kefir.


First breakfast: vinaigrette with butter, oatmeal milk porridge, coffee with milk.

Lunch: berry compote, omelette with apples.

Dinner: beef stroganoff (boiled), beetroot soup, stewed cabbage, fruit jelly.

Afternoon snack: fruits (fresh).

Dinner: cottage cheese pancakes, beets stuffed with rice and apples, rosehip infusion.

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The given introductory fragment of the book 100 recipes for urolithiasis. Tasty, healthy, soulful, healing (Irina Vecherskaya, 2014) provided by our book partner -