In medicine, thrush is known as vaginal candidiasis with a characteristic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina. Inflammatory process provoked by yeast fungi from the Candida family. The main causes of thrush are:

Often women try to solve the problem of candidiasis on their own.

Many patients seek medical care in the case when self-medication leads to complications of the disease or when thrush has already developed into a chronic form.

Initially, the clinical picture of developing thrush may be asymptomatic or have mild signs of the disease. As the disease progresses unpleasant symptoms only intensify and significantly affect the patient’s quality of life.

What signs indicate the disease?

Precursors of thrush never fully manifest themselves in women, as does the onset of the disease itself.

In almost 80% of cases, a woman notices symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, when it has a pronounced localization and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Thrush is difficult to diagnose only visually or based on interviewing the patient. Seeing a doctor is necessary because with the help of laboratory and instrumental research methods it is possible to differentiate vaginal candidiasis from various sexually transmitted infections, pathological development pregnancy, other fungal infection of the genital mucosa.

The first signs of thrush have the following features:

With the onset of menstruation in women, thrush disappears, since the fungus of the genus Candida is not able to spread in an alkaline environment (this is exactly what the microflora becomes when menstrual flow). The temporary absence of thrush or elimination of its symptoms with self-treatment does not guarantee that the disease will not recur.

The chronic form of thrush is more serious problem, as it almost always occurs with severe complications.

The pathological process of fungal infection involves genitourinary system, intestines, adjacent and nearby soft fabrics, organs. Often, vaginal candidiasis is a complication of sluggish chlamydia in women, gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis and other diseases.

Symptoms of the disease during pregnancy

The gestational period in women is often accompanied by various infectious diseases as a result of a reduced immune response of the body, disorders hormonal levels and microflora of mucous tissues.

More than 75% of all pregnant women are direct carriers of Candida fungus.

The symptoms of thrush during gestation differ little from the symptoms of the disease in a woman’s normal state and look like this:

Almost all symptoms of thrush during pregnancy are identical to those in women who are not pregnant. The severity and intensity of symptoms proportionally depends on the stage of development of thrush and the nature of its course. There are three main stages:

Self-treatment of thrush will be ineffective in all cases. Folk remedies and magic potions can lead to the progression of candidiasis to a chronic form.

Like every disease, candidiasis has its own course, which begins with incubation period and continues for as long as effective treatment will not lead to complete relief from the disease or to the fatal outcome of the patient if the course of therapy does not produce results. To track how the disease develops, the main stages of thrush are determined.

The initial stage of thrush is detected immediately after the incubation period. There are still practically no symptoms of the disease, but sometimes unpleasant itching is annoying. This candida turns from an opportunistic microorganism into a harmful resident of the microflora. In the future, its reproduction will proceed very quickly, because favorable conditions have been created in the body for the growth of the fungus. Thrush at an early stage is diagnosed only after a smear test. At this time, the disease is most easily treated. If you consult a doctor at the first stage of thrush and start taking the recommended drug immediately, you can get rid of the disease in a few days.

In the absence of treatment or when fighting the fungus with ineffective drugs, after the first stage a deep or chronic thrush which is typical mainly for women. The disease can develop into this form if the body is very weak. Observed overgrowth candida and fungus from the surface of the mucous membranes spreads to internal organs. With this course of the disease, disappearance is possible external symptoms, but memory deterioration, depression, and a depressed state appear due to fungal poisoning of the body. Diagnosing candidiasis in the chronic stage of thrush in women can be very difficult. The course of treatment will also be difficult, because the fungus has gone inside the body and local therapy no longer helps.

The advanced stage of thrush is considered the most severe and unpredictable in terms of consequences. It is especially dangerous for women. Due to fungal infection reproductive system Adhesions may appear that will lead to infertility. If pregnancy does occur, it is terminated or labor begins much earlier than expected. Advanced candidiasis leads to infection of the baby and the development of numerous pathologies. In the presence of systemic candidiasis, both men and women, the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland is disrupted. The condition becomes extremely serious when the infection spreads through the blood throughout the body. Fungal colonies occupy most organs, resulting in death. Cases are quite rare, more common among newborns.

Thrush manifests itself nearby characteristic symptoms, the very name of the disease directly points to one of them. Depending on the condition of the body, the signs of thrush in women may be unclear, similar to other infections of the female genital organs. Therefore, in order to take adequate measures in a timely manner and begin treatment, you should consult a doctor and undergo laboratory tests as soon as a feeling of discomfort in the intimate area appears.

Characteristic first signs of thrush in women

The onset of the disease usually occurs without violent manifestations, and only very attentive women can notice mild discomfort upon contact with the external genitalia. As the colony of Candida fungi grows, the first signs become more pronounced.

  1. . The waste products of fungi that have settled on the mucous membrane chemically irritate the receptors, and patients experience severe itching and burning in the vulva and vagina. Unpleasant sensations are permanent and intensify at night, after long walks, during sexual intercourse and hygiene procedures.
  2. Swelling and congestion of the external genitalia. The labia, clitoris, and vaginal mucosa become bright red and bluish in color, and the local temperature rises. Sometimes these phenomena occur in inguinal folds and on the skin of the inner thighs.
  3. Hypersensitivity and painful sensations. The entire intimate area of ​​a woman, including adjacent skin, become painful when exposed to liquid, especially urine, or touched.
  4. Discharge. It is their color and smell that give thrush its name. Characteristic is a white discharge reminiscent of curdled milk. Sometimes they have a grayish or yellowish tint. The smell is also associated with sour dairy products. Frequent washing, application cosmetics not only do they not eliminate discharge, but often provoke its intensification.

How do symptoms differ in subsequent stages of thrush development?

If the first signs, swelling, itching, hypersensitivity in the perineum, unpleasant and profuse discharge, simply cause trouble, then at the advanced stage all symptoms intensify many times, becoming the dominant sensation. Because of them, the rhythm of a woman’s life is completely disrupted. Nonspecific signs are added: mild excitability, frequent insomnia, the following may appear:

  • rash, ulcers and cracks on the skin and mucous membranes in the groin area, which are formed when fungal plaque separates;
  • dysuric phenomena - frequent and painful urination - when fungi penetrate into the urethra;
  • changes in the nature of the discharge - color, smell, intensity - when other infections occur;
  • deforming scars on the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina; in girls, cicatricial adhesions of the walls may even occur, mutilating the genitals;
  • drawing and cutting pain in the internal genital area;
  • an increase in general body temperature and an increase in the size of the inguinal lymph nodes.

In addition, with severe candidiasis, fungi penetrate under the mucous membrane, into the connective tissue, where it is difficult to fight them with local means. In extremely severe cases, the fungal colony attacks blood vessels and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream, affecting internal organs.

The transition of thrush in a woman to a chronic recurrent form

This variant of the development of the disease may occur if the disease

  • not treated;
  • treated incorrectly (often by self-medication);
  • were not brought to recovery (the final laboratory analysis smear on);
  • were treated with a drug to which Candida fungi had developed resistance.

The transition of thrush to a chronic recurrent form is noted when its duration exceeds two months. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant slight itching in the vagina, intensifying in the period before menstruation and almost disappearing after it;
  • the presence of areas of atrophy of the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina, scars at the site of erosions on the skin in the groin area, local thickening and increased skin pattern at the site of scratching;
  • curdled vaginal discharge is inconsistent, bothers mainly during exacerbations, and is not as abundant as in the acute form;

The activation of the process is caused by factors that provoke thrush - decreased immunity, taking antibiotics, hormonal fluctuations and others.

Knowing what signs of thrush in women is a necessity. Not so much in order to identify it in yourself, but in order to consult a doctor in time for a reliable diagnosis and adequate treatment. Then it will be possible to get rid of the disease initial stage, to prevent the development of severe forms and its transition to a chronic condition.

Amazingly, a disease such as thrush occurs in every third woman. There are plenty of reasons for this; this very unpleasant disease can even occur due to severe stress, swimming in the pool. It is very difficult to protect yourself from thrush, but if the first symptoms appear, then you need to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment not only for you, but also for your sexual partner; this insidious disease can affect both women and men.

Before treating any disease, you need to be sure that the diagnosis is correct. As you know, the symptoms of thrush are vaginal discharge curd consistency, itching in the vaginal area and discomfort during sexual intercourse. But some of these signs also indicate other sexual diseases, so before you start self-medication, you need to be thoroughly examined so as not to harm your own body. Remember, if you are not sure of the correct diagnosis, do not undertake treatment for the disease!

On early stages Thrush can be cured by restoring the vaginal ecosystem. It’s not for nothing that thrush has a scientific name – vaginal dysbiosis; this disease almost completely destroys the vaginal microflora. To get rid of thrush in its early stages, you need to restore the vaginal epithelium and microflora. For this, doctors prescribe the simultaneous use of estriol and lactobacilli; their combination is the only way to restore the natural protection of the vagina.

As for the later stages of thrush, they certainly require the use of antibiotics. Only after treatment with antibiotic drugs, which the doctor prescribes individually, can one begin to restore the vaginal microflora. At the same time, we should not forget that both partners must undergo treatment, otherwise there will be no effect. It is almost impossible to independently determine at what stage the disease is, so a visit to the doctor in this case is mandatory. Remember, if you develop thrush, you may be at risk of further infertility, problems with future pregnancy and childbirth, and the occurrence of more serious, life-threatening diseases.

Types of drugs for the treatment of thrush

Today there are a lot of drugs for the treatment of thrush. They can be used either separately or exclusively in combination with other drugs, providing the effect of complex treatment.

In general, there are four groups medicines that eliminate vaginal dysbiosis:

  1. antifungal tablets for oral administration:
  2. antifungal suppositories, vaginal tablets and topical creams that require insertion into the vagina;
  3. antimicrobial suppositories and local tablets;
  4. combination drugs for the treatment of thrush by inserting them into the vagina.

The most popular drugs that have the highest effect are antifungal drugs local impact. Due to their high efficiency, fast action and absolute safety for female body they are highly popular.

How to get rid of the early stage of thrush at home

There are several simple, harmless and at the same time effective ways, which will allow you to get rid of vaginal dysbiosis at its earliest stages:

  1. Maintaining intimate hygiene is a sure way to success in the fight against thrush. Due to the fact that for this disease a damp and warm environment is the best environment for development, you need to wear underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics and ensure that it is always dry and clean.
  2. It is necessary to avoid taking bubble baths and using pads with fragrances.
  3. It is very important to exclude sweets, flour and alcoholic and carbonated drinks from your diet as much as possible. At the same time, you simply need to include live yoghurts with probiotics and bio-kefir in your daily diet.
  4. In the early stages, douching with a weak solution of soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 500 ml of boiled water can help.

How can men deal with thrush?

Thrush in men, of course, is much less common than in women. If it is treated in the early stages of development, the treatment process will take no more than a week. But if you delay a visit to a dermatologist or urologist, treatment will undoubtedly be more complex, painful and lengthy. Men should get rid of thrush strictly on the advice of a doctor. As a rule, in such cases, it is prescribed to apply a special antifungal ointment to the affected area twice a day. This is quite enough to eliminate this problem. The only inconvenience is that during the treatment partners will have to temporarily give up the delights of intimate life.

Recently, the role of mycoses as pathogens of infection in various human systems and organs has increased significantly. First of all, this concerns diseases of the reproductive system. Female candidiasis (thrush) is a fairly common modern urogenital infection.

The process of infection, as well as clinical manifestations, are largely related to the form or stage of development of the disease. In this case, the following forms of thrush are distinguished:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic;
  • Carriage.

The first signs of the development of candidiasis, at first glance, are not distinguishable. Symptoms of the first stage of the disease are somewhat erased or completely absent. But, if you look closely, you can still find signs.

Particular attention should be paid to whether the vaginal discharge has changed. Even with a slight increase in their number and acquiring a whitish color, you should submit a smear for analysis immediately.

The very first signs of female thrush appear in the form of cystitis, since the urethra is susceptible to fungal infection in the first place. This process leads to increased urination, pain and burning during and after it. Then an unpleasant sour odor occurs, as well as an increase in vaginal discharge.

Clinical picture

Development clinical picture Acute thrush occurs over 3–5 days. In this case, there is a slow increase in symptoms. On the third day, unbearable itching of the labia begins, swelling and hyperemia appear. Vaginal discharge is thick and profuse, like a cheesy mass. We are talking about the mycelium of the Candida fungus. This stage of the disease is the most contagious to others.

The acute form of thrush usually lasts no more than 2 months. In the absence of adequate therapy during this period, the disease becomes chronic.

Chronic candidiasis is characterized by periodic signs of the disease. Most often, this happens on the eve of the start of menstruation. Symptoms last throughout the entire period of menstruation, passing after its end in an independent mode. However, exacerbations are not observed during every menstrual cycle, and during the period of ovulation. It is during this period that the symptoms of thrush manifest themselves in full, accompanied by swelling of the legs, eyelids, and excess weight from stagnant fluid.

Candidiasis is an erased form of thrush. In this case, there are no complaints or symptoms, and the diagnosis is made based on the results of microbiological studies of vaginal discharge.