You can go to college if:

  • you have basic general or secondary general education;
  • you are over 14 years old (there is no upper age limit).

2. How to choose a college?

A categorized list of state colleges with current links to their websites can be found on the page of the Moscow Department of Education and Science on.

3. How to apply for a budget?

An application for admission to study at a college on a budgetary basis can only be submitted online through the official website of the Mayor of Moscow website during the period:

  • from June 20 to August 15 of the current year;
  • from June 20 to August 10 for specialties (professions) that require certain applicants creativity, physical and (or) psychological qualities.

To do this you need to have your own account on the site.

You can also contact the college admissions office, where they will provide you with comprehensive information about the college and the programs being implemented and, if necessary, provide Internet access for registration and submitting an electronic application through the website.

To fill out the application you will need:

  • identity document (with a mark of registration at the place of residence/stay in Moscow);
  • a document confirming the presence of basic general or secondary general education;
    • having the status of a winner and prize-winner in olympiads and other intellectual or creative competitions in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 17, 2015 N 1239 “On approval of the Rules for identifying children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, accompanying and monitoring their further development”;
">individual achievements - if available.

4. How is the budget credited?

Once your electronic application has been reviewed, your personal account A notification will be sent to the website and by email with information about whether you are recommended for enrollment or not.

  • original or copy of a document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • original document of education and (or) document of education and qualifications;
  • four photographs 3x4 cm;
  • medical certificate (required only for some specialties);
  • copy of the agreement on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy with presentation of its original - if available;
  • original or photocopy of documents confirming the results When admitting students to educational programs, educational organizations take into account the following individual achievements:
  • the applicant has the status of winner and prize-winner of the championship in professional skills among disabled people and persons with disabilities “Abilimpix”;
  • the applicant has the status of winner and prize-winner of the championship of professional skills held by the union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)” or the international organization “WorldSkills International”.
">individual achievements - if available.

Some majors require additional tests to be accepted into college. The list of such specialties is posted on the page of the Moscow Department of Education and Science on.

The final decision on your admission will be made after reviewing the original documents and based on the results of entrance tests (if any).

If the number of accepted applications exceeds the number of budget places, the educational organization decides who to enroll based on the average score of the certificate or in specialized subjects. All other things being equal, the availability of an agreement on targeted training and documents confirming personal achievements is also taken into account.

Information about the results of entrance examinations, admission (refusal of admission), lists of those admitted are posted on the official website of the college and on the information stand admissions committee educational organization.

In the case where a student is expelled on his own initiative before completing the secondary educational program vocational education, he has the right to reinstatement to study in this organization within five years after expulsion from it, subject to availability of places and maintaining the same conditions of study, but not earlier than the end of the academic year (semester) in which the student was expelled.

If a student was expelled at the initiative of an educational organization, the procedure and conditions for reinstatement are determined by the local normative act this organization.

An approximate list of required documents:

  • personal statement;
  • original identification document of the applicant;
  • original or copy of a document on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications;
  • academic certificate;
  • a copy of the grade book;
  • 4 photographs 3x4 cm.

Since the new procedure for admission to colleges and technical schools came into force in Russia, the requirements of secondary vocational education organizations for applicants have been simplified. This does not mean that admission is now automatic. What points should applicants consider?

Step by step instructions

1. Clarify the profile of your future alma mater

The new simplified admission procedure does not apply to those who enter military educational institutions or colleges, technical schools and schools whose programs study information constituting state secrets. The admission procedure remains quite complicated even if certain creative abilities are required for admission (for example, to music or art schools).

2. Don’t reduce the quality of school work

Try to close the gaps in knowledge before the end of the 9th or 11th grade, without hoping that schools or technical schools will become tutors for you. Having learned that there are no exams for the bulk of applicants for student places, many relax: admission is guaranteed anyway. In reality, there is a risk of not getting admitted, because the number of budget places is determined taking into account admission on a competitive basis. If there is competition for a place, both certificates and Unified State Examination results can be compared. The likelihood of not passing the competition is minimized if the college or technical school is not popular and has a shortage of students. Anyone who did not qualify for a budget-funded place in the competition can be enrolled in a place with payment of tuition fees.

3. Follow the deadlines of the recruitment campaign

First, he will set an example of punctuality educational institution. Your turn to demonstrate healthy pedantry will come at the height of summer.

  • publish admission rules;
  • set out the procedure for admission under contracts for paid places;
  • publish a list of specialties in accordance with the license to carry out educational activities, indicating possible forms of education - full-time, part-time (evening), part-time or external studies;
  • clarify for each specialty the educational base for admission (grades 9 or 11), whether entrance exams are taken; if so, which ones and in what form;
  • inform whether it is possible to submit documents electronically;
  • Explain how to become a student to someone whose health options are limited.

The next significant date is June 1. No later than this date it will become clear how many places are allocated for admission in each specialty. The total number of places is indicated according to different forms training (with notes on the number of places for targeted admission on a budget and for study for a fee). By this time, the school has prepared rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations.

Next you act. Documents can be submitted to colleges, schools and technical schools from June 20 to August 25. If there are still free places at the educational institution after the end of the main enrollment period, it is possible to extend admission until December 25. Enrollment in this case ends by December 31st.

Be careful: applications for specialties requiring certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities are accepted only until August 1.

In the summer, people submit documents day after day, so the admissions committee notifies every day at the stand in the college corridor and on its website how the situation is changing: how many applications have been submitted for all specialties and forms of study. At this time, special telephone lines operate in technical schools and colleges. By calling to the indicated numbers phone numbers, you can ask questions about admission.

4. Write an application for admission

It will become the document on the basis of which you will be enrolled in a college, technical school or school.

Remember: the new education law declared secondary vocational education publicly available. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 15, 2009 No. 4 and earlier documents that provided for admission to colleges based on the results of entrance exams have become invalid.

The application can be written after finishing 9th or 11th grade. It is submitted to the admissions committee, headed by the college director. This does not mean that he can be disturbed on any issue. The most active person in the “reception” is its executive secretary.

In colleges, technical schools or schools that enroll students after exams, there are also examination and appeal commissions.

5. Find out the requirements of a particular educational institution

The new order does not mean complete uniformity of requirements, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the charter of the selected college. The regulations on the activities of the selection committee need to be studied for another reason: it is approved not by the Ministry of Education and Science, but by the director of the college, technical school or college.

The rules for admitting students who have graduated from schools outside of Russia are posted separately on the educational institution’s website.

If a college, school or technical school doubts the accuracy of the documents submitted to the admissions committee, the necessary verification is carried out outside educational institution– in the competent official bodies.

6. Find out if targeted therapy is possible for you

Targeted admission is convenient for those who are worried about future employment in advance. Those whose studies are willing to pay for their studies can apply for this form of admission:

  • future employers;
  • founder of an educational organization;
  • local government bodies (if there is a clear shortage of specialists in the relevant field in the area).

You can submit applications for targeted places in the full-time department of the technical school only until August 15. And if you have to take exams, your application will be accepted only until July 20.

7. Watch your health

One of the main unspoken requirements not even for an applicant, but for a future professional is mentioned during admissions campaign not always: this is a good state of health. It is needed not only by future military personnel, who are meticulously checked by the medical commission. All children should take care of their health, regardless of its initial condition and character future profession. Specialties of secondary vocational education very often involve energetic work. Even if you are going to study to be an artist, who seems to sit in front of an easel all day long, like an office clerk in front of a computer, you will need a decent uniform. After all, in fact, the amplitude of the painter’s movements corresponds to the physical nature of the work. The same is true for sales workers, nurses, librarians and many other professions.

8. Find out what your abilities are.

Success in entrance exams is not a ticket to the profession. It is not so much the admissions committee as the realities of life that place certain demands on those wishing to master a certain specialty. Do you have developed spatial thinking? Is the eye gauge accurate? Does motor or tactile, long-term or short-term memory predominate? Can you think pragmatically? What are your organizational skills? How do you think: in words or pictures? Are you interested in people? There are a lot of similar questions that can be asked. And a significant part of them (which one depends on the chosen specialty) will indeed be relevant to both future studies and future work.

According to the standards of secondary vocational education, all college graduates, along with special knowledge and skills, are required to have general competencies.

Every young person planning to study at a technical school or college must:

  • understand the essence and social significance of your profession;
  • be able to organize your own activities;
  • choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks and cope with non-standard tasks;
  • know how to search for information;
  • use computer capabilities in your work;
  • independently plan professional and personal development, engage in self-education;
  • navigate the changing technologies;
  • use knowledge foreign language in the profession.

And that's not all. Of course, they will teach you a lot in college, but they are unlikely to start from scratch. So the requirements for applicants to secondary vocational institutions are dictated by life itself, and not by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Education is an important component of a successful future modern man. Today, employers give preference to those applicants for a particular position who have a document confirming completion of a training course in the relevant specialty.

The Russian educational system includes several levels. After 9th grade, students have a choice - to continue their education at school or go to college.

This is an institution where you can receive specialized secondary education in a narrow focus. After this, students enter higher education institutions or begin professional activities.

Preparing for college has many steps. The key one is preparing a package of documents. Only if it is compiled correctly and completely does one have a chance to be enrolled in the specialty of interest.

So, the package of documents that must be prepared for admission to college includes the following components:

  1. Original and copy of an identity document - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Original certificate received at the end of nine grades.
  3. Certificate of passing exams (OGE).
  4. Photos of the established sample. Requires 6 photographs measuring 3x4.
  5. Medical certificate of the established form. You need to take care of this document in advance. You will need to undergo a series of examinations from different doctors. The process may take several days or weeks. To speed it up, you can go to a private clinic, but in this case you will have to spend more funds.
  6. A copy of the medical policy.
  7. An application filled out in accordance with the sample, which can be found either on the official Internet portal of the educational institution, or taken by visiting it in person. As a rule, the document requires you to indicate personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, series and number of passport, information about the education received, the desired form of future education (full-time, part-time), the direction of training, the presence or absence of a need for a dormitory).

This is the basic documentation that an applicant must provide to the college admissions office.

If this is provided for in the admission rules and the student has educational achievements, you can draw up a portfolio consisting of diplomas, diplomas and certificates indicating victories at various Olympiads and competitions.

This will increase the chances of admission and move the applicant’s name several places up in the overall ranking.

Where to find more information

Remember that any information must be systematically double-checked on the college website or clarified in person with the admissions committee.

Requirements change every year, and the slightest mistake when submitting documents can result in denial of admission. Current data, as a rule, is guaranteed to appear shortly before the start of the admissions committee, in the spring.

Additional papers

Some institutions may require additional documents. For example, a certificate from your place of work. Also many educational organizations provide benefits to disabled people and orphans. The status must be confirmed by special papers that are issued by the relevant authorities.

The process of preparing documents must begin in advance. It is important to ensure that the completed application is correct and in accordance with the established template and that all copies are available.

If the applicant strictly follows the compiled list and pays attention to entering information into the appropriate forms, the submission of documents will proceed quickly and smoothly.

The enrollment status is usually published on the official website of the educational institution. The data is regularly updated, so it is very easy to monitor it online.

Choose your subjects carefully during high school.

  • Choose subjects that will require your effort and challenge you, but not in a way that makes studying seem impossible. Don't let others dissuade you from doing activities that will stimulate your brain, but remember that too many advanced subjects and studying them in depth can only harm you rather than help you. You don't want to get an ulcer at such a young age!
  • Study advanced subjects. But not 7, but one or two per year, which will show the admissions committee that you are serious about your education, and they will pay attention to you. Besides, successful completion advanced exams can help you earn college credits and sometimes save money on tuition.
  • If you don't think you can handle the pressure, request time to prepare if your school allows it. Having a little extra time during the school day to simply relax, catch up on classes, or spend time with friends will go a long way toward keeping you sane and on track with your goals. NOTE: Some colleges may not like this. After all, most often they are looking for students who are involved in the schedule and extracurricular activities, and do it well.
  • Find out your school's requirements at the very beginning! This way, you can take classes that interest you and delve deeper into the topics you plan to study in college and beyond.

Pay attention to your GPA. You don't need to get a 4.0 to get into a great school, but remember that sometimes your overall GPA for all four years high school taken into account on initial stage selection process at colleges that receive huge numbers of applications. High scores will give you more choice between them, as well as better financial support.

  • Prepare for exams. Find out which study techniques are most effective for you and use them.
  • Do your homework.
  • Be careful during class and take good notes.
  • Get a good letter of recommendation. Choose the teachers you ask for this carefully - pay attention to how well you did in his or her class, whether you think you liked the teacher or the subject itself, and how much effort you put into it.

    Get involved. Use your additional knowledge to help others. Volunteer in places that interest you, become a mentor for other students, and spread your knowledge.

    Show more leadership skills by talking to faculty and staff. Show your respect to them. Also, talk to students at your school often. Nominate yourself for leadership positions in extracurricular activities.

    Instead of participating in all the activities, you can choose only a few that interest you and continue to work hard. The college will be pleasantly surprised by your activity and dedication.

    Focus your attention. Find out what interests you and try to decide what kind of job you would like to have in the future. Once you have identified your subject of interest, dive into it! Choose more subjects in this field, get an internship, find a job, become a volunteer - your possibilities are endless!

    Take part in competitions. Even if you don't win, the time and effort you put into preparing will only benefit you. And if you win, then the words “Won first place in the ___ competition” will set you apart from the crowd.

    Write a resume. Consider all your achievements so you don't forget about them when filling out the application.

    Prepare for the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) or ACT (American College Test). Most colleges count both tests. If you want to get into a good college, high SAT/ACT scores can give you an advantage! While these grades alone will not influence your admissions decision, a strong test score will not hurt. Take them seriously!

    When choosing a college, do your research. Choose different colleges to apply to and analyze your chances, look at your average test scores and overall academic average. Choose a couple of suitable colleges, large number target and a few colleges as a fallback. If you only target Ivy League universities, you will significantly reduce your chances of getting accepted, since they are the most selective in the country.

    Yesterday's schoolchildren can exercise their right to enter a secondary specialized educational institution in both 9th and 11th grades. At the same time, applicants consider the absence of the need to take additional specialized exams to be an important advantage of studying at a college compared to a university. Unified State Exam format, the opportunity to master a profession in a shorter period of time, as well as greater accessibility of training.

    Usually, for admission to a college, a document about the basic general or complete general education- school certificate. Few colleges establish an additional internal exam - this mainly applies to creative majors. The college at Synergy University, like most colleges, accepts applicants on the basis of a document confirming successful completion of the school program.

    Admission to college without the Unified State Exam

    Despite the fact that the competition among potential college students is based on the average score of the school certificate, the candidate will still have to pass mandatory exams. At the end of the 9th grade, schoolchildren take the OGE - 4 exams in basic disciplines, among which two are compulsory - Russian language and mathematics, and the other two school subjects are chosen by the student independently. After 11th grade, those entering college can get by with two compulsory exams - also in Russian and mathematics.

    However, most often colleges do not require exam results in specialized subjects, so the Unified State Examination, like the Unified State Examination, is only a necessary stage of completion schooling and hardly affect the likelihood of entering a college. In addition, those entering the college at Synergy University provide themselves with the opportunity to further enroll in the program higher education on preferential terms, and also without the Unified State Exam - subject to choosing a specialized specialty.

    Distance learning in college

    A significant portion of young people entering college expect to simultaneously acquire practical skills and independently provide for their current needs. The realization of these goals is facilitated by early employment in accordance with the chosen field of study. In order to successfully implement the strategy of combining study and work, college students enroll in part-time or evening courses. However there are more modern way gain professional knowledge without feeling the need to look for a loyal employer, without leaving your hometown and without changing your previous habits, without the inconvenience associated with the coincidence of work and study schedules. By enrolling in the Synergy University College for distance learning, students have the opportunity to build their own life scenario, independently manage their time and resources, and study according to an individual schedule.

    Synergy University College offers 10 current areas of professional training, a convenient training schedule, the prospect of early employment, affordable tuition fees and a state diploma.